.-~ -;~ Il. ' PAGE E M!GHT h - av nORtOffly aiRKRit 1 Being a dabbler in ails, an what is somotimes called a weekend painter, I nover miss an opportunity ta visit an art gailery. Il la a fan aif sweet torture I id ctonlmyseif i case I mighl even became con- ceited enaugi ta think I have produced a work ai art. Oniy thase who have exper- ienced the excitement ai watch- ing themr brush mauid a faint likenesa! their subject, wil undersland the thill I feit ne- cently when vicwing the collec- tion o! paintings by C.tnadian artists in the National Art Gai- lery aI Ottawa. Ta the uninitia- ted, lie mountains in a Lawren Harris iandscape migit look Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week ai Sept 21-27 inclusive: Admissions-- -----_ 62 Births-4 maie, 4 female - Discharges - _____57 Major operations -9' Minor openations- 13 Emergency treatments - 18 Visiîing hours 2:30 ta 4:30 P. m. and 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. One low premîum protects ail your possessions with the ALL-NEW PLAN For mare information, cll your Acadia Agent today I STUART R. JAMES REAL ESTATE Hewmnanville Residence MA 3-5493 ,like igloos, ho has such a Lvene, baid handiing. But w 1I saw hua "Ice House", wl had been ioaned ta tie gal] for a special showmng onv iwhile I was thene, I fainiy the radiant glaw of!telie rays an thc side ai the bu ing. Canada's Interpreters inc among them Vailey, Thor son, Jackson, Kreighofi, Ci Milne, are as individuai in ti handling af their inspiration, the artists themselves. Yet i have captured with thein pai an a fiat canvas surface, very spirit of this nation fr the Rockies ta a French Ca dian village scene. If we often wander why1 tunes are spent on acqulr such wonks af art, we sho stop for a moment and ass aur heritage. We have bg called a nation without cuItu too yaung ta have acquired artistic individuality or ba ground. The National Gallei Cunadian collection centsù bouies this, for it compares vorably with those paintings the Eurapeans' aid andn masters, awned by tic galle There has been a greatd of pubiicity during the sevenal rnonths given ta uproar aven lie proposed pi chase ai a Brueghel and a M( aco ta the tune a! $445.000.7 story is aid hait now, but certainiy stirred up a nia nest in the capital city. C Prime Minister, John Diel( baker, slaad hus ground nij in tie middle af tic angunv Ho maintained tiaI it was lime ta -be spending that ki ai the taxpayens' money an t, paintings. Alan Janvis.-the i mer directar-was just as a< mant that suci bargainse few and fan between on tic markets of the world taday, As a taunist at large, butr vertheless a Canadian dii I feel Mr. Diefenbaker w~ right. For anc thing the peci o! Canada must pay for the n( six-million-dollar gaiiery n( under construction in dow tawn Ottawa. Aften my visil the aid gailery sanie f weeks aga, I thoroughly agr witi this expenditure. TI present building has a mi Victonian, down-at-the-heei mosphere, which lu anyth:i but attractive as a settingf the paintings naw on view. F anothen thing, Ottawa in itsr rnadelling plans has a vision becoming Canada"s show wi dow. Il seems like a muoh ni< Sound investment ta me f Publie iunds ta be used ta cri i suitabie building final ai coilect additions ta ils conîci la er. Il is undoubtedly Inue liaI is becoming incneasingly diff cuit ta purchase rare pain1tiri in compelilion witi mullionair acquiring their own callection or by bidding at auctioi against aider and nichera riuseums. Thiis is a gambie Cat ada will have ta take. Afler spending two haurs1 happy contemplation of lie eo IVIGOR OIL CO, LTD. BEST QUALITY . FUEL OIL STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES For Delivery PHONE OSHAWA RA 5-1109 178 BOND ST. W. OSH[AWA OFFICIAL OPENING You and your friends are cordially invited ta attend the Officiai Opening of the NEW ADDITION ta the HOME FOR SENIOR CITIZENS i the United Counties of Northumberland and Durhamn 'Golden Plough Lodge' William St., Cobourg Wednesday, October 71, 1159 at 2:00 p.m. Signed on behalf of the Warden and Council K. SYMONS, Counties' Clerk After the Opening Ceremonies, it is hoped that everyone Wil stay to tour the bujIding. Light Refreshinents will be Served. kse-1 when rhich lery 1feit un's uid- ails, mp- -arr, thein 1, as Rints the nom ana- for- xing ouid 5055s 'cen .ure, 1an ack- .I.ys ýLnly fa- sby new 1TM CMPADIAIN STATÈSMA, BOWMANVnLE ONTAMX TRURSDAY, OCT. 1ltun~8 hibition enu ban by citizet Ottmwa, I WUa aInost reac to thtow Éway my paints % 1 returned home by train nlght. But no, thon. can ni be a sensation quite as atJ Ing as the lirili ai creating mattes' haw amnateur one'& forts nmy appear tb> the noisseur. Red Cross Equipment Damaged Recentiy, niembers Bewmanvlile Red Cros exeoutîve wen* on au Ir speotion tour et their iii savlng equiment installe early 1h!. year st severa swimmfng spots la th area. They wcre mont annayei t. fini the ring buoy damaged, signa broken ani snme of the equipmen, mlssing. The *flly oni etli intact werc lu Tyrant As they bad Invested ia ment $100 oai hem funds lI tii esgential emergenc, apparatus, it la underatand able thaI they werc un. happy about the iack ci care and 1the wilfuI dam, age. To date, they bave becr unable to iearn who wai responuibie for damaging the equipment. lery. 1 dealMO past the There will be no mare church pur. services at Zion until aur An- on. niversary service, Nov. ist, as Thej Worid Wide Communion and tit Anniveray Services at othen trels churches on the circuit take up Our the Sundays. fen- Mr. and Mis. Arthur Walker, .ght Port Hope, made several calîs ent. in the neighbaurhood iast Sun- no day. rid Mrs. Arthur Meneiiley and two Douglas spent same timo last for- week with Mr. and Mrs. C. tda- Meneilley whilst Arthur was are In Ottawa for several d'ays. art Mr. a nd Mns. Harry T raver, Y. Fenwlck, are spending the n-week with their daughter and zn- husba.xid, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. cen, Raby. pie W.A. meeting ow The Sept, meeting ai the Zion lw W. A. was held Thunsday, Sept. wn- 17, at the home of Mrs. Fred ta I Tufford. There were seven few niembers present. Meeting op- reprayer. Minutes were read by id- Mrs. Chas. Raby who acted in at- the absence of secretary Mrs. ing Doug. Whitney. for Treasurer's report was given For by Assistant Treasurer Mrs. re- Ada Gerow. Comfort Commit- of tee had nothing ta repart. Roll in- eall was answered by a dona- ore tion to the wishing well. fr It was decided ta hold the -ct bazaar Ini November instead of ind 1Otaber as finat stated. nts The October meeting will be held Thursday afternoan, Oct. t 22. A "Cleaning Bee' wiU fol- 'fi- 1 low the meeting. Rail call for 'jsOctoben-Articies for the fish res pond. We hope it will bo wel ,nresponded ta. ns A devotianal perlod given by artI Mrs. C. Inwin and othens was i-foliowed by the regular pro- Igram. Mrs. M. Irwin had charge In aif this and the history of ZMon -WA. since it wes organized, esting; alsa a reading, quite hu- morous, 'an "Ten Ways to Des- tray An Organizatian'. Print was on display' and several members took piecos home ta make up for the ba- zaan. At the. close of the meet- ing, whioh ciosed wituh the Miz- pah Benediction , a dainty luncheon was served by the hostess and assistant Mrs. A. IGerow. A pleasant social hour was enjoyed. Auguat W. A. Meeting The August W.A. meeting was heid at the home ai Mrs. Canoen Irwinl Thene were nine members present. Meeting op- ened with a hyznn fallowed by pryer. Mnutes were read by Assist- ant Secretary Mrs. N. Gerow. Mis. Ruthven gave the treasur4 er's report. Comfort Commit-' 1tee reponted mnding several gèt well cards. hThe W.A. agroed ta purchase material required by the Mis- sian Band for the coming year. At the close af business a love- ldevatianai periad was given j ty Mrs. C. Raby and others. î Rail ceal "a git for the bazaar" was very weii responded ta. A very interesting progrrn arranged by Mrs. N. Gerow followed. Mrs. E. Ruthven en- tertained by showing picture slides taken while on thoin va- cation in Arizona iast Decein- ber and aiso many local viows ai the Rayai tour. Those wero greatly enjayed by ail and Imany thanka and much appre- ciatian was extended Mrs. Ruthven for her kindness. IThe September meeting will be held at Mis. F. Tufford's. The lunch cammittee, Mrs. A. Gerow, M.rs. T. Tufford; Pro- gramme committee, Mis. M. Ir- win, Mns. E. Caswell; Rail cal!, donation ta wishing well for bazaar. The meeting clased with prayer and dainty refreshments were served by hostess and Mrs. M. Irwin. A ploasant social time foilowed. jIntended For Laut Week Mr. and Mis. Chas. Raby spent several d3ys recently in the north cauntry visiting AI- g9onquin Park and points af in- terest in1 the Georgian Bay dis- 1 r . E e e e r i n r Two Goodyear Men Complet e 30 Years basci lved when thai lver tisfy- rno ef- can- or In- ed a&I ho nt le. 1i- la y Dn as gt Harry V.' Cryderman, Pur- chaalng Department Foreman, and Ernie Brummell, Mill Room, were honoured on the completion af 30 years' service -Wlth the Goodyear Rubber Company of Canada, Ltd., with the presentatian of 30-year pins by Charles Cattran, manager of the plant here. Mr. Cryderman is practicaily a native of Bowmanville ai- though he was born just east of the town's limits. After leaving Bowmanviile High School he took a course at the Oshawa Business College. Immediately afterwards he joined Goodyear as, a member of the staff in the Materlals Office on August 27th, 1929. Later he transierred to Ma- teniais In the Receiving Stores. He was promoted ta Manager, Receivin.g and Stores, in 1940, and still hoids this position. Mr. Cryderxnan 18 married. He bas been a member ai the Trinity United Chureh Choir for many years. He is a mern- ber of the Board af Directors of Memoriai Hospital, past chairman of the board, and is now chairman ai the Building Com.mittee. He is also a past president ai the Bowmanville Men's Canadian Club, and a member of the Lions Club. Ernie Brummell first workedl for Goodyear in 1913. He spenti a year and a haif in the Tube Department. In August 1914 on the outbreak of World War I he left ta join the Canadian Army. He served in Bermuda with the Royal Canadian Regi- ment, and on his return ta Can- ada in 1916 received a new posting. He went overseas with the 136th Battalion. Foilowing his return ta Can-1 HE 'ada ailer thc war Mr. Bruni- mcii roturned ta lihe Goodyear plant ln Bowmianville- in 1919. During the next 10 years he leit, reJOined tho staff and loit again. In August 1929 ho was engaged fan the Mill Mlxing. Ho tnansierred ta the Calenders a yean laten, and stayed on this work until 1945. In liaI year an arm accident made it noces- sary ta take a lighten job. Ho hbus beeip on the Mill Raam Test Press since February, 1946. Mi. Brummiell was bari ln Warnbonough, England. Ho is married and has one daughter. His hobby is waadworking, and ho makes fine lawn furniture and arnaments. Ho Is alsoaa keen fishenman, and la Inter- ested in television. Lawson Kirkton Receives and a few cases o! nenvaus mdi- mo.REoTOD'AN'v ment 233 of the Mill Room. Ho han worked hlmself up through the. crêwa, and far the past Soverai years h. has been a friction Calender openatar. Ho waa barri in Ailiston, Ont., and attended school in Shelbunne. Ho carne ta Bow- m-anville with his family and compleled his education here. Mr. Kinkton is married. He has twa sons, the oldest of whom works in the Pay Office at Gen- oral Matons, and the youngest is a student at Bowmanviile High Sehaol. His hobbies are hunting and flshlng. Ho is an expert canne- ist, and a talented violinist. Ho la especiaily keen about aid time music, and neyer fails ta attend the aid time music iid- diers contest held at Sheibunne each summer. gestion, the. event wau brougbt ta, a satlsfactory conclusion. Mi. and Mis. Malcolm Enmer- son were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emner- sons and girls ini Peterborough. Mn. and Mis. Dan Harker, Fred and Betty af Midland were weekend visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Grant Campbell; also Mn. and Mis. Dolson and family ai Stoufiville, Sunday evening for supper. Mr. Wllton Creed la present- lY visiting at Malcolm Emer- sns for a iew days. BETHANY Mns. Clarence Rowan, who bas been visiting for the pastj three weeks with hon daughtor BOWMANVILLE COUIITICE ObtYU.d lb PIeass0-Po0w*r*d b PlsMOM -andl what a Pleasure to DrivEw 0.1104 Te mako bof h your home and wadroho sparkle Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. E. BOWM1ANiVILE PHONE NA 3-7061 for PICK-UP AND DELI VERT LORNE MeQUAP*RIElg Prop. INSURANCE King St. E. Office MA 3-SP81 'r à GENERAL MOTORS VALUE IIERES& NOTHING UIC! A NEW CAR ... MAKI YOURS A ROCKET ENGINE OLD& lmO SUPER a HOLIDAY 8PORTrsEDAai 1Ma OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC a HOUiDAY SCENICOupg NOWI ROCKET "600y ON REUAR GASI 7 ý Now ... more miles per dollari Every dollar-savIng Dynomle 88 has, es standard .quipa.nt, the new Regulor Rocket engin. --for Racket "Go« on Iowe'- Cait regular go$.w The 1960 Oldsmobiles are here-as new as oew can be! Every beautiful lime and every outsanding new feature is included for your satisfaction and to bring you the finest the medium-prace clans bas to ofler! Oldsmobile's new and radiant styllng in designed to saaisfy your sense of good taste. New Quadri-lanced Ride is certain to be the mnts comfortable and sadusfy. ing ride you've ever tried. It brings new amoothans, stability, safety and silence to every 1960 Olds! Theres a new balance of power ... widi two Rocket engines for '601 Tbree established series to choose frorni Seventeen new modela ... inciuding two new 3-seat Fiestas! Corne in and sce the Mighty Satisfying 1960 Oldsmo. biles ... quality built, quality soid and quality smriced for your lasting satisfaction. ROY w. NICHOLS . . , t- - -,-- - - ... --- , , . Lawson Kirktan, Milii Roam, was made the recipient of a diamond 25 year pin in recog- nition oa! us completion ai 25 years cantinuous service with the Goodyear Rubier Working Company af Canada, Ltd. The Plant Manager Charles Cattrin, made the presentation. Mn. Kirkton's foreman, Alian Moi- faIt, on behaif ai thc company prcsenled him with a $100 cheque. Ail ai Mr. Kinkton's 25 years service has been on the Caler.- dors. He started at the plant here in June 1934 iii Dopant- -.Mmmmý ý mmm»mý.- ý 1 and son-in-law, Mr. and Mr@. Harvey Siater at Finnie, Saskp netunned home on Saturday. Mis. John Whito 'pont lhe weekend in Peterborough wltlh Mn. and Mis. H. Bthwell. With Mns. Richard Fallas for the weekend were Mn. and Mr. Cocil Hughes, Toronto, and Mrs. William Pair, Fairmount. Rev. Barry Dunbar, Waterloo. was the guest minister at 1he.% United Chunch service on Sun. V day monn*g Thomas Currie, North Bay spent the weekend with Mi. an« Mrs. Ross Carn. Dennis Challice, Rosemant and Edwin Challice, Brougham. were home for the woekend with their malien, Mrz. Richard ODLEÎDS mOI(D L IFORF Chailice. 25 e N 1 Mr. and Mrs. Christophen Sheffield and famiiy and Mrs. Henry Sheffield, Oshawa, visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jack- son Thursday evcning. Mrs. Henry Sheffield is visiting fan a few days. Mn. and Mns. Frank Malcolmi visited thc Malcolm Emersons Satunday evening. Ross and Murray Beatty and fionds, Ottawa, spent part of weekend at Victor Malcolm's. Congratulations ta Miss Anna Samelîs who has been presented with a dipioma as a qualified hain dresser. We are happy to sec Lawrence Malcolm back ta churci aiter a long iliness. Hope ta see Gwen out soan. The Mothe-Daughter Ban- que,t, comprising mothons and daugh.tens of tic Girl Guide and Brownie arganizations held on Friday evening was cansidcred a success, especiaily as the fali- ens wcne entrusted with tic scrving o! tie meal. Beyond a few minon bronches a! cliquette Year Pin ,no R E TCD D BOWMANVILLE