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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1959, p. 9

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9pVbeb> -0 F -' -0-- 0 - ,,- - ?HUSDY, CT Sb, 95 - -------.-- .. C~S~ V~ .JJI ZKEI PUEi I2T i9WADMM -1'A"U AWWiUM % ii T.Vf%1I'A Bd Darcy, Thiursday. Local Man's Brother Webayniht i ter l a umer Acs hty Mi. and Mis. A. B. asn Drowns in White Lake Stratford, spent three days with Dr. and Mis. McAthur and Lealie Hughes, 50, brother of woman 300 feet frorn shore. Ardis. Morvan Hughes of Bowman- Police dîagged ail weekend Mi. and Mis. Edwin LeNou- Sville was drowned ini White for the body which had flot, ry, Hamilton, spent a few days SLake, 20 miles north of Na- been located on Monday. White i with Rev. and Mrs. Romeril. panee, last Thursday. Lake is vemy deep with solt1 Miss Sandra Tennyson, Tor- A sister, Lea Hughes, 45, was mire bottom onto, spent the weekend with rescued afteî she had clung to Acco0rding ta Morvan Hughes,] Miss' Lorraine Dayes. their capsized boat for more this is the second death by IMrs. Fred Dayes spent Mon- than three houis. drowning in his family. A bra- deiy with her cousin, Mms Ed. Morvan Hughes said his bro- ther, Kenneth, was drowned 35 aiOW Oshawa. <lier had a cottage on White yeaîs ago when he fell through Mrs Mabel Crawford, Osh- Lake and, apparently, were out the ice at Beaver lake i the~ pn w ek ii boating when their craft spîang same district. Another brother, asettO wes wt a leak and began ta sink. Both Fred was killed during the first Mis. Normnan Taylor. were good swimmers. It is be- wai. Two other biothers, Herb Mis. Albert Wright, Mrs.I lieVed that they delibeîately of Kingston and Lau of Tam- Fred Tiewin, Mr. and Mis. Os- upset the boat to give theni worth, sister Lela also of Tam- mond Wright, Mi. and Mis. something ta hang on ta, and Woith and the victini's notheî, Carl Wright, Mi. and 'Mis. that possibly Leslie was dag- M~rs. Nellie Hughes, also of Percy VanCamp -and Miss Ail-i ged down when the motor fell Tamworth, are survivois. een, Mi. and Mis. Merrili VanJ off. Camp, Mi. and Mrs. Keith Van1 Residents aiang the shore Camp, Mr. and Mis. Dalton heard Leas Hughes' cries, but ]B L CKSTOCK 1 Dorreil, Mr. and is. Jirn >tt*-ttnio orsvea Marlow were among the guests .JiURff when ane of them told a (Intended for last week) Iatd thei, Msdding 0fEthe rec IeMrice station owrxer, Harry Mi. and Mis. C. P. Hnrand Mco usinrMis lanin Nogr- Easterbrook that someone was San Marino, California; HMyr. and m. Me CurayLshawain m cafing for help froni the lake. Mis. Russel Pollock, Mxbig; an'tmnr CurhOhaao Re took his outboard motor, Mis. Ira Argue and Mr.bRidgel a~y faund a boat and located the1 Spinks, Oshawa, visited Mirs. iMr' and Mrs. Carl Wright, Mrs. Dalton Dorreil, Nancy, -'Leanne, Heather and Janis, Mr.E LRfld Mis. Jim Marlow and An- DOWNNVILE HIH SCOGLne, M r. and Mrs. Percy Van BOM A VIL E ]IGI SqajuOOLCamp joined with a large nuni- er of relatives at the home of Mi. and Mis. Ronald Ogden, REGISTRATIONS 'Harmony Rd., Oshawa, on for Sna afternoon in honour of the 55th wedding anniversamy of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hl Adul Eduatio _EvnineClases mes. Heartiest congratulationst 'Mr. and Mis. Holmes. Tuesday, Oct. 61h and Wednesday, Oct. 71h Il'Mm. and Mis. Perey VanCamp cailed on Mi. and Mis. Wesley from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Hoskin, Harmony, Sundjay ev-j The foIlowing classes will be held provided the anin.EretL mr pn registration is sufficient - minimum registration for the weekend in Rochester andJ any class is fifteen - Fee $5.00 per class. attended a funeral there Mon- No refunds at the end of the terni. day. Mr. Lainier visited Mr. and Mis. Harvey Yellowlees Commercial and famuly, Solina, Sunday. Subjects - Typing, Bookkeeping, Stenography IMr. and Mis. Richard Van- ______________Camp and Louise visited Sun- Home Economics Sewing, Foods day with Mr. and Mis- Roy * Industrial Arts Woodworking Moiiow, Hilton, and Mr. and English Basic, For Beginners Mis. Walter Rutherford, Snu- Physical Training for Ladies and Men thvilla. Mr. an'd Mis. Elmer Archer, Any Academic subject at intermediate or advanced MarilnadJiWhtb is leve wil beoffeed, rovded he dman ited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Ar- leve wil b offred prvide th deandcher, Saturday. is sufficient. Thursday night s aw the ___________________________________________ h penin'g of the card party sea- son at the Parish Hall spon- sored -by the W.A. of St. 'Jothn's Anglican Ohurch. There, were *eight tisbles of progressive euohre with the ladies, prizes going ta Mis. Geo. Fowlem and Mis. W. Archer and Mr. F. Mididleton and Mr. Bedford holding the mens' high tickets.1 The next party will be in Oct- aber. The Mission Band held thei first meeting of the season ~Ihr's te bet inheatng f aftei school with 191 senyt. Africa is the country for RED TRADEMARKED study this year. The first chap- FAMO S RE DINGter of tihe story of Boloji, an iFAMOUSREADINGAfrican boy, was tacld,, afteî wib4eh al enijoyed playing the ANT~RAC T EAfrican gamne - "Matching ANTH ACITEFeet." The "Magie Tom-Tom" was introduced with druni calls. Bach member decorated 'Fm am be «» yoDu S geftiig the Wds IUOMM a container for his woîk mat- hoed coali Remembeuthere i. economy in quly. A* eriai. A Friendship Circle was fornied and- assignments given~ §W . k o l for the next meeting. Thej STOV * UT * PEA * BRQUES ~ meeting closed with worship. MOVE NUT PEA RIQETSExplorers hold Weineî Roast NoW Blackstock United Chur c h FILL T UR CO L RIEExplorer girls opened thie fal terni with a weineî oast at the faim gmounâcs on Satuîd'ay AID S A VE afternoon, Sept. 26. Retdning leader Mis. Butt, and this years leaders Mrs. P. Romeril S PH Nand Mis. R. Vnapwr STEPHE WMOQpresent. DEAOINUSongs were led by Lynda READINGKyte, Margaret Caîn'aghan and FU ELSMis. VanCamp. A brief wom- PHONE MA 3-5410 a Hot dogs and "Smors" were Offie u C.NB. ard eaten around the fire. The af- Offic at .Ne.Yar&ternoon closed with games sug- gested- by Linda Butt, Nancy Mis.JohnScot ant hemfa- is Pl nned avingther, Mir. Campbell, are visit- ing in Toronto. Bliackstock High School for SPMRONAL CHEQUINO ACCOUNT 1959-60 is as follows: Presi- Pay il lil bycheqe o a ersnaltary Treasumer, Frances Stani- Chequing Account. A quarterly maternent land; Social Convenor, Alan will help yau keep your records straight. Asselstine; Grade 13 Rap., The low service charges are pre-paid. Lloyd Wilson; Grades 1 1 and 'Your cancelled cheques are on~ file if yon 12 Rep., Leslie Asselstine; Gra- need them. de 10 Rep., Stuart Hetige; Gra- dbe 9 Rap., Brian Staniland. Editors for the coming year 2SAVIGS ACOUNTara- Editor-in-chief, Lawrence Add ta it from every psy. As your balance de 12, Ken Hudson; Grade il, grovs, oullenjy ne pece o nincLGlanda Wilson; Grade 10, Ian1 goes, ou'l ejoynewp~5C <f ui~~. ,Frayer; Grade 9, Linda Ven- OM M aed avie etourn«ret buembmw.ning. SI..Plwnud OVIlO t eu nerea breda ~ JThe fimst school dance of the seasn wms held in the coni- THE CANADIAN munity hall on Fiday, Sep- COM MERCEtembai 25, with a fair cîowd 13ANK 0F C M E C in attendance. The President of the Students' Coundil, Ardis maeT NNM-RANOIESACROU CANADA TO swV ou McArtiiur, expresseti a special ' ecoreta - sîl the Grade 9 DOWMANVHALE BRANCH - A& U.HOOEY, Manager std.*ml-.:present. The alimina- tion dance prizes weme won by ce Butt. The spot dance prizes N-419C weîe won by Anne Gibson and Leslie Asseistine. . dTYRONEI Miss Evelyn Pascoe, Mr. Carl1 Sargeant, Peterboro, were sup- per guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mis. H. Davey. iV. and Mis. Frank Hather- ly and family, Lakeview, Misses Betty and Joyce Hatherly and friends, Newtonville, Mr. and Mirs. Ronald Hatherly, Port Hope, were Sunday visitors of Mis. Anmie Hatherly. Mi. and Mis. A. Spicer, Mrs. H.L Hughes, Mis. H. Westaway, Mis. S. Corden, Bowmanvifle, visited with Mr. and Mis. E. A. Virtue. Mi. and Mis. E. Youngman and faily, Bethany, Mr. and I&Bs. James Meikie, Oshawâ, were Sund-ay guests of Mi. and Mis. A. Youngman and boys. Mis. R. B. Hamilton, Bow- manvilleMr. and Mis. R. Liv- ingstone: Indian 'Head, Sask., Mr. andi Mis. Herbert Atkins and family, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests- of Mi. and Mis. A. Hamilton. Mr. and Mis. 'E. A. Virtue, Mr. and Mis. D. Miller and Debbie visited Mr. and Mrs., R. Hodgson, Toronto. MIS. Annie Hatherly is now staying in Bowm.anvjlle. Several froni Tyrone attend- ed the Lacrosse game at Brook- lin Saturday evening. Club 49 met last week at the home of Mrs. W. Murphy. Plans were arranged for a turkey dinner ta be held in Novern- ber. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Parker, Newcastle. Mrs. Kari Colbary returned to hem home on Sunday with Mr. and Mirs. George Sears of Long Branch, after spending a week with them. Mr. Ted Bagley, Mimnico, also visited the Colbary home. Mr. and Mis. Eric Stainton, Jean and Cheryl Annt Stainton, Miss Phyllis Maynard, Mrs. Sid Walker and Douglas, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mis, C. Terry, Oshawa, Mrs. H. Spragg and Lynn, Hamilton, Mrs. M. Hast- ings, Mr. Ronald Mayriard, To- ronto, Mis. H. Hall, visited Mr. John Maynard, who has been oonfined ta his bed this past week. Hope you will soon be feeling much better. Quite a number in oui com- munity have either had fluo bad coIds, sanie have beejnri hospitals. A speedy iecovery ta all. Mr. and Mis. Kenliss Pearce, Toronto, Air Commodore Fer- gus Pearce, of London, England, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mis. W. Jewell. Mr. and Mis. Dave Hicks, Harmiston is visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. Woodley. Mr. and Mis. Don Real and boys, Greenbank, Mis. L. Phil- lips and Steven, Bowmianville, with Mr. and Mis, W. H. Tay- lor. Mr. and Mis. L. Phare visit- ed Mis. N.1,Collacott, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mis. A. Wood, Ted and John, visited her sister', Mr. and Mrs. H. Trivett, Weston. Mi. and Mis. Larry Dewell and Debbie, Bowmanville, vis- ited Mi. and is. 'John Broome. NONET AVAILABLE FOR NOETGAGES RALPH S. JONES ,Barrister and Solleltor 65Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 5 -32 Mir. and Mrs. A. Hoar accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. R. Glas- peil and attended CoU1ingwoodý Fair on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Laine McCoy, Brooklin, Mr. and Mis. Ros> Sharp and Kathy, Enniskillen, Mr. Don Lake, Newcastle, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mis. H. Skinner Monday, Mx. and Mrs. W. Lake, Newcastle, visit- ed their home. Mis. J. Hierod, Weston, Mrs.ý L. Flewelling, Toronto, snd Sybil Grahami, Haydon, visitad Mifs. W. Rahm this week. Mr. and Mis. Allan Thiessen and family, Mi. and Mis. Keith Robinson and Michael, Bow- nianville, Mi. and Mis. H-. Spiagg, Bill and friend, Hamil- ton, with Mi. anti Mis. H. Hall. Mis. G. Estabrook and chilti- ran, Courtice, visited Mi. and Mis. A. Knowlton. Mi. and Mis. G. Wilhis and famlly, Cannlngton, visited M. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mrs. F. Lynde, Ashburn, ls staying with her daughter, Mi. Maurice Bradley and Mr. Brad- ley. Mr. and Mrs. C. Knapp and family were Sunday callers af Mr. O. Beckett. Miss Arvilla Beckett Mis. 0. Beckett, Mr. Fred Page were supper guests of Mr. and M~rs. THANKS"0 The Community Advancement Association thanks the substantial majority of those who voted on September 30th, because this nearly 60 per cent voting uYes"~ really had the good of Bowmanville in mind. Thanks also to the many volunteers who worked so hard. Had the affirmative carried, the increased assessment of the Balmoral and the Flying Dutchman would soon have amounted to a milL In addition other business attracted to town would have given Bowman. ville more commercial and industrial assessment, thus cutting the'shar. of taxes paid by the householders. More tourists coming to Bowmanville wauld also add to a prosperous future. We feel that the majority in favour of the advancement of Bow. manville will in,1962 demonstrate its desire for Bowmanville's progress and the same privileges at home as our people cau find elsewhere. GLENHOLME HUGHES, President, Community Advancement Association. ,A car with major advances in transmission, suspension, brakes, and engines which are Buick's alone today' f A solid, substantial car - A car of superb comfort, quiet, reIiabiIity, A car you should drive soon., NEW CONFORT, OUIETMESS AND QUALfTY Doors that open wider-easier to get ini and tout. Family-size interior. Seats that arc bigher, more deeply cushioned, aud reposi- tioned ta provide more room for feet and legs. Perhaps the quietest running car in Canada due ta Buick's torque-tube drive and lis bigb use of insulation. Buick's newquality control prograrn cornes ta s peak in the 'Turbine Drive Buick '60. , AT BUICK 1 PONTIAC 166 King St. E. NEW INTEIOR DECOR AND CONMMNENCE An entirely ne'w *'Mirromaglc" instrument panel It lets the driver see speed, gas gauge, and other necessary readings at a glance in a mirror he tilts to suit his own cye level. And a new exclusive safety feature - the Twilight Sentineif-that turns headlights on sud off automaticafly as ligbt conditions requfre. AlI-new colors aud fabrics. Richcr appointmealts. too"ar extM Camu ODTSTANDIMG PERFORMANCE WITH ECONGMY 1. Buick's Exclusive Turbine Drive Trans- mnission* is jet-smooth, responds faster, more economically than ever. No gears ever shift while the car is in motion. 2. Buick's Exclusive Air-Fia Aluminum Drum Brakes-found on noq other Cana- dian car. Fin-cooled drums front and rear for faster cooling. Fast cooling means saer stopping, longer brake life. Slotted DEALERS NOW.1 AICKARE BUICK INVICTA -or the bast in livi drama, see "Gen.ral Mators Presents" weekly. Check local TV listing for time qu BUICK MOTORS - VAUXHALL Bowmanville CARS wbeels pass a current of air from under the car constantly over the brakes for added cooling efficiency. (Wheels are 15' size which gives you up ta % more tire lfe). 3. Buick's exclusive Wildcst Englues givo high efficiency with high economy. (A standard new LeSabre Englue is dicsgned to give Buick performance on reguriar grade fuel). 4 *Optional ai extra cou onauLeSabm &.Çmedffd aS Im'icia ad Electma BUICK ELECTRA «ME FINEST BUICK OF AUL end channel. LIMITED -GMC TRUCKS MA 3-3321 - 3-3322 r j *1 ROBSON Al 0 VI TEU tSDAT, OM. M 1959 THE CANADIAlq STATYmmn- unwmAmumi.,r.le- nwr,&Prn Ift a ýffl w NUM

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