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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1959, p. 11

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- .-J.~- ~,-~---w-~~- -, - - -w v-w-,- ~ THLRSDAY. OCT. Mt, 1951 TIM CANADIAN ISTATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIUO PAGE ELEVEW <1/ze/Vewccad/e Y:i'fep~~r~4e##' 1G ordon Agnew, Ediior flewcastle cSocal and 9Liersonal Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weatherilt1 winter home in Joplin Missouri. and sons Larriy and Glen of Mr-. and Mms. H. S. Britton Bethany were visitorsan rdauheJniad with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ber. n rnduhe ai n niard and Erie. Marie Grace Paterson and Mrs. Mrs. Clifford Boucher of J. D. Cunningham visited with Grafton spent last Tuesday af- Mrs. Britton's sister, Mrs. At- papon visiting with Mrs. Per- kinson in Stouffville on Sun- ,~Hare before leaving for her day. Teenagers Organize New Bowling League NEWCASTLE-At a meeting of Teenagers held an Manday evening in the Community Hall, the formation ai a teenage bowling lea.-ue wvas discussed at same length and it wvas fin- ally decided a rnixed league should be organized taking in the age graup fi-arn 14 ta 20 on Januai-y lst 1960. Officers were elected as fol- Iows for the coming bowling season: President, Gary MeCul- lough; Secietary-treasurei-, Sha- i-on Hancack and Executive members Bob Br-own and Nan- cy Stephenson. Any teenager Who will be 14 years ai age and not 20 on January lst, Who wishes ta join the league should contact any member ai the exe- cutive as soon as possible. There were sa many boys and girls under the age ai 14 ycars at the meeting that it was de- cided that a junior league shauld be formed also but that this wauld be leit aver until the season starts. Evei-ythiug is in readiness for the contractai-s ta start lay- ing the alleys and this work bas been promised for uext week and the bowling commit- tee hope ta have everythin.g in i-eadiness for bowling about Octoben 20th. Truth and Freedom WMS Meeting Theme NEWCASTLE - The flu Thank-offering- meeting of thel Women's Missionary Society of the Newcastle United Church A savintoo.,,.n con\b.\yours %WAT E R\SOFTENER\, JACK DROUJCH IPLUMBING and HEATINO Divlsicrn Street South KIA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE was held in the Sunday School room on Friday evening, Octo- ber 2nd with the President Mrs. George Allin, presiding The president opened the meeting with the reading of Psalm 100 followed by prayer. Mr. Alfred Perrin addressed the meeting with regard ta the Sector Plan being followed by the church in order ta increase interest in the work af the church. The devotional service on the therne af "Truth and Freedom" was conducted by Mrs. Rudeli and Mrs. Fathergili. Mrs. M. C. Fisher reviewed the introduc- tian of the Study Boak for the benefit of those wvho were not at the September meeting and Mrs. Hoar followed with much information as ta why Af-ica is disturbed and how these people can be hel.ped. Mrs. Kenneth Werry gave a lovely vocal solo "Thanks Be To God" with piano acampaniment played by Mrs. Otto Bragg. After the business was dis. cussed the meeting was dlsmiss- ed with the singing of one verse of the hymn "'Came, Ye Thank- fui People, Came" followed by the Mzpah Benediction repeat- ed in unison. Refreshments were served by Mrs. J. Brown and Miss Ruth Hancock for graup 1. CALLING 'ALL BOYS AND GIRLS K YB (KNOW YOUR BIBLE) CLUB Thursday, Oclober 81h (To-night) 7:0)0 p.m. - NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL LIONS ROOM 1958 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr., radio_____ 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr.-_____ 1956 FORD 4-Dr. ______ 1956 FORD 2-Dr., 6-cyl.-_ ______ 1957, FORD STATION WAGON, 6-cyL. 1956 METEOR STATION WAGON 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN______ 1953 FORD SEDAN____ 1956 FORD %-ton PICK-UP -___ 1951 FORD 2-Dr.__ _______ 1951 METEOR 4-Dr. _______ Ail Above Used Cars Must Be Sold Make Room for 1960 Models $1750 $1595 $1495 $1275 $1895 $1550 $ 650 $ 595 $1095 $ 375 $ 375 to Car veth Motors Ford - Edsel Sales & Service NEWCASTLE PHONE 3251 Phone 3621 1 District Red Cross Society Presents Swi*m - Awards NEWCASTLE-On Saturday, Oct. 3, a fine number of math- ers and dads and chilWren gath- ered in the United Church Sun- day Sdiool ta witness the pi-es- entatian of badges and oertif j- cates ta successful participants in the recent Red Cross swim- ming classes spansored by the Newcastle Recreation Commit- tee an-d held under the auspices of the Bowmanville and Dist- rict Red Cross Society. Sam Grereton, chairman of the Recreatian Cornmittee, after a f ew welcaming words ini *which he sad that the entire committee was delighted with the resuits of their venture into these swirnming classes and paid a sincere tribute to the complete co-operation they had received fi-rn theŽ Red Cross and the Bowmanville Recrea- tion Dept., turned the rest of the evening's program over ta Mr. Bill Bagnell of Bowrnan- ville who was more familiar with the swirnming instruction. Mr. Bagneli first introduced the other people sharing the stage with him. They were Ms Wm. Rudeli, Mrs. R. F.Sovn M\&. Brenton Rickard and Mr. Don Marsden. He proceeded to. explain that Mrs. Rudeil 15' Newcastle's representative ta the Bowmanvile and District Red Cross, Mrs. Stovin was an Lions Blitz For C.N. I.B. October 19 NEWCASTLE - The new- castle Lions Club at its regular meeting on Thursday evening accepted the challenge o! the Bowmauville and West Dur- hamrr Conrni ttinor t. Ihe Cana- insti-uctor during the classes, - Mi-. Rickard is Newcastle'sre-1 presentative on the Red Cross Water Safety Programame andi Mr. Marsden is the president ai the Red Cross Society. .After a few woi-ds explain- ihig the different classes and the method o! pramating ýchildien from oue class ta another, Mr-. Bagnell set the scene for a fine film on the methads of saving lives when an accident occurs an thin !ce. Tihis film was con- side-ed of particular interest because af the approaching win- ter season. Thie next film wvas a cartoon, much ta the delight o! the yaunger members ai the audience, with Jiminy Cricket enthusiastically pointing out many important phases of wa- ter saiety. The event for which every- one had been waiting-the pi-es- entation. ai the variaus awards, followed. Each group ai child.. i-en was given a hearty round ai applause for their accam- plishments. To those whe may have failed this year, we can only say, keep ti-ying for things wiIl be easier for you next year. As the peuple arrived et the Sunday Scihool, they were hand- ed pamphlets and booklets on the rules ai Water Safety. They were kindly danated by the Red Cross and are of such a nature that each one should' be read and digested thorougia- ly.1 Mi-. Bi-ereton brought thel evening ta a close by thanking eve-ryone who had in any way helped ta make this undertak- ing a success, particularly those supplying transportation, aud i ta ahl those wha helped present this fine programme. I ENNISKILLEN dian National Institute for the Enniskillen United Church Blind tç> conduct a Blitz Can- received six new members at vass in the village on October the World-Wide Communion l9th ta i-aise funds for asist. Service an Suuday. joining by ance ta Blind persans lu the transiei- frorn ather cangrega- area. Lion Philip Williams was tians ai-e Mrs. Ross Sharp from appainted chairman o! the corn- Tyi-oie, Mi-s. Wallace Griffin mittee ta make arrangements also fi-arn Tyrone, Mr-. William for the canvass. Begley fi-arn Bowmanville, Mr-. Lio prsidntChas. Megit Bruce 'Reid fi-rn Haydon and Lsin cprsienofthel yMi-s. Walter Lagan fi-arn Hamn- waslu hare o th lielyiMon. Mrs. Bruce Reid was i-e- meeting held in the dining-roam ai the Queen's Hotel where ceived luta full mcanbersb-ip ai after a deliciaus dinner Lion the United Church by baptism Brenton Rickard led the mem- and profession af faith. bers in a lively sing sang pep- Mrs. T. M. Sleinan accompan- ping up the meeting, while the led Mr-. and mrs. M. J. Habbs wait-esses cleai-ed away thie and Joan on a trip ta Santals dirty dishes. In the absence af Village at Bracebridge and en- the scheduled speaker mem- joyed the Cavalcade o! Calai-s bei-s ai the club jained in a to Bale, Port Carling sud Gi- lively discussion a! absenteeism, venhurst an Sunday. and means o! curbing it. One The regular C.G.I.T. meeting suggestion was made, which is was held on Tuesday evening, practiced in other clubs, that September 29. The worship was the names ai absent members ýread by Patsy Ellis and Mau- be published in the bulletin is- reen McNair. The minutes were sued priai- ta the follawiugc read and coi--ected sud the i-o]! meeting. Another suggested cal answei-ed. The election ai paying for meals lu advance officers took place, they are with part a! the amount refund- as follows: Pr-esident Doris ed if the member gave previaus Wright; Vice-President, Cheryl notice af bis inability ta attend. Rowau; Secretary, Brenda El- Anather matter receiving lis; Assistant Seci-etai-y, Donna considerable discussion was Yellowlees; Treasurer, Lois whether or nat the Directorate Ashton; Assistant tressurer, had power ta change the order Kathryn Slemon; Pianist, Lois ai projects duly passed at a Ashton. The girls wba will general meeting ai tihe club. wonk on the scrap book ai-e, Tickets were distributed at Sheila Cox, Mary Yea, and Bet- this meeting ta be sold for thie ty Wright. Oui- next meeting big $500 Chr-istmas Draw iu will be held on Oct. 14. We wbich only 1000 tickets are be- will be having a supper meet- ing sold at $1.00 each. The draw ing on Octaber 28 u ith a Hal- wil be made at the comrnunlty lowe'en party ta follow. hall on December 23rd. Recently the C.G.I.T. and their leaders held an enjoyable wiener roast and marshmallow kItost on the personage grounds. Bac MssesMaureen McNair, Carole Let'sLookBack Begley, Betty Jane Wer-y and ILet' LOOKMunie! Griffin directed the 1 games. Misses Mary Yeo and 10 YarsAgoin Nwcatle Katbryn Slemon led in a live- 10 YarsAgo n Nwcesle y sing sang around the glow- Thursday, Oct. 6, 1949 ing, campiire. Misses Lois Ash- The weatherman smiled an ton and Mary Yeo, led in the the boys and girls ai thie New- fire lighting ceremany. castle High School aunFriday Mrs. E. C. Ashton. Maple aiternoon last when their an- Gi-ove, Miss Doris Ashton, nual Field Day eveuts were Blackstock, spent the weekend i-un off as fohhows. Champ- at O. C. Ashton's. ions ai the event were, Seni-rMi-. and Mis. Lloyd Slemon, Girls-Margaret Ovens; Junior Haydou, Mis. Fred Toms, Mr-. Girls-Jean Tonms; Senior Boys and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Dareen --Jim Creamer; Junior Boys- and Donald were Sunday din- Jack Allun. Toast ta the Cham- ner guests with Mi-. and Mrs. pions at the banquet which ÏIol Austin Brownridge, Toi-auto. lowed was proposed by Miss Mnsd rsGe.Iin ee Hazel May Fisher, with each M.adMs e.Iwnwr of the champions making reply. Sunday visitai-s at Mrs. Gea. * * * A. Scott's, Oshawa. Donna Gail At a special meeting ai the and Rodey Irwin, vsited Shar- village cauncil first sud second on, Bob and Frank Scott Ke- readng as gvena bylawau-dron. thorizing the purchase ai the Ted Yeoand Keith Ellis, at- land owned by Mrs. Aluin at tended the Millei--Kilpati-ick j the corner ai Baldwin and Car- weddiug in Bowmanville on oline streets as the site for the Saturday. Newcastle Mvemaorial Ai-ena. Mr-. aud Mrs. Lloyd Hunter * * - and baby Donald, Woodbridge, A large delegation ai perman- visited Mn. and Mrs. C. Fergu- ent ratepayers fi-rn below the son. CNR presented a petition ta Mr-. G. E. Johnston, Misses ;he village council opposing the Elizabeth and Ainslie Johnstou changes sought by the summer wei-e receut visitai-s with their residents ta by-law 589. Mr. cousins, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ash- ?larry Jose who pi-esented the tan. petîtian explained that the Mesdamnes C. Avery, F. Dor- isi-mers who were beavy tax- land, E. A. Wei-ry, E. Wright payers in the area felt they atteuded a miscellaneous show- were being discrimiueted er at the home af Mi-s. Ray- against by the summer resi- mroud Bu-ma in honour ai ber dents. He believed in praper niece, Miss Helen Turner, Osha- building restrictions but they awa, on Wednesday evening. should be made ta caver aIl Mis. W. Sauderson, Colum- buildings, rather than confine bus, Miss Greta Oke, Bowman- hem ta reisidences. ville, iu company with Mis. E. * * * Wright, -Mrs. T. M. Shemaon and Thie Newcastle United Church Mis. H. Stevens attended a was planning a two Sunday trousseau tesaio Miss Helen :elebratian ai the 125th anni-J Turner, a bride-to-be at the versary af the congregation ta home of ber parents, Mr-. and be held on November 6th and Mrs. Stanley Turner. Oshawa, 13th. 'on Saturday eveniug. * * Sar-y ta report MT-. Chlaude The Newcastle Lions Club Smith 15 in Bowmanville Hospi-: vas planning s Hard Times tal undergoing treatments. Dance ta ho heldi on Octaber Mis. S. R. Pethick is stili in 4th with the proceeds ta go ta St. Michael's Hospital, Toron- he Annual Hahlowe'en partyi ta, improviug nicehy. ai- childi-en. Mis. A. L. Wearu and Susan, -I (Cfflobi ats vffiutmed aeaomaare n ne, uaeed,-pu-iet u For Oshawa & Whitby Districts Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 Dundas St. W., Whitby Sth. Interment waa ln Bow- mnanville Cemnetery. Pallbearers were six nepli- ews, Howe Martyn, Toronto; Jack Riekard, Port Caiborne; Gai-net Riekard, Bawmanvile; Brenton Riekard, Newcastle; Gordon Ashton, Guelph, and Austin Turner, Newcastle. T0(19owl96OFor&s Fiiist Fords ofaLfotne A Wonderrul New World of Style-Heres practical styling that's elegant toa! Three beantifully-different rooflines ... new sloping hoods that let you see mare of the road ahead . .. a new design that gives yoti high style withaut the high prices. Bodies are longer, wider and roomier this year-and casier ta, get in a.nd out of, with wide.openig doors and forward. swept windshield pillars Ford's WVide-Set wheels gire you a liefty grip mb every road . a a car thiat mnoves, corners add rides lilce no other Fard you've ever driven. Sayinpi include up to 4,000 miles between cil changes, an-d mufflers with up to twice the- ordinary lifoe. With a choice of V-8's or economical Six, yau cam Le sure that, without a doubt, thie 1960 Fords are truly the Fineat lords of a Lifetimel Se «FORD STARTJME" Tuesdays m~ CBC Tetev<im For Newcastle & Bowmanville Districts Carveth Motors NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO -1 1 SIX or V-8 Seo your FORD-EDSEL-MONARCH dealerl were with Mi-. and Mms. T. P. Bell, Toronto. M.r. and Mýrs. John 'E. Gi-if- fin and famiiy visited Mrs. Geo. Squibb, Churchill, and called an Mr-. and Mrs. A. Gow, Bar- rie. Mrs. E. Bennett returnadi hme iss NancyWooraGuelph, ome ith NahcyfordaGvisit. was home for the weekend. Mr- and Mrs. Ralph Virtue were*with Misses Ruby Vu-tue and Viola Williamns, Toi-onto. Mrs. W. E. Sanderson, Colum- bus, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wrigýht. Watch Coming Events for suprNov. 4th and get youri tickets. Mr-. and Ma-s. Gordon Yeo ivisited Mrs. Joyce Sellick, Osh- awa Hospital, who is improv- ing nicely; alsa visited Mi-. Clar- ence Wooclley at Bawmanville Hospital. Both patients coming home soon. Miss Agnes Lamb, Lindsay, spent the weekend with Mi-. and Mrs. Loi-ne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Ora- Jeffery, Port Perry, were Saturday evening visitors at Arthur Brunt's. Mr-. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and Betty Jane, Mi-. and Mrs. Aflan Wei-ry attended the wedding of Miss Paulie Werry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Werry, Montreal, on Saturday at Wes- ley United Church. Mi-. and Mrs. Robert Preston, Mr-. Stewart Preston, Maple Gi-ove, Mr-. and Mrs. Gordon Anderson and Arlene, Oshawa, were visitai-s of Mi-. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Aldread and Maxine, Mr. O. Beckett and Arvella, Tyrone, were with Mr-. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett's. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett, Wayne and Marie were with Mi-. and Mrs. John Beckett, Scug-og Island. Oshawa Presbytery Woman's Association is being held in St. Paul's United Chui-ch, Bow- manville. Would like ta see a good turnout fi-r Enniskillen., Mr-. and Mrs. Norman Wright, Mrs. E. Wright visited Misses Efia and Annie Wright, Osh- awa. Mrs. W. Bowrnan and Mrs. John Siemon called on Mrs. R. B. Green, Brighton, recently. Two casual golf acquaint- ances were walking towai-d the green when they sighted two wamen coming over a hill. "I say," remarked one of the men, "'here cornes my wiie and sorne aid hag she's picked up somewhere." "A-dhere cornes mine with anaother," retorted the other icily. PAGE ELZ7M OBITUAR . REV. C. 13. JEFFERY A reti-ed United Church min- ister living at Parkview avenue, iWillawdale, Rev. Chai-les Blake Jeffery, 85, died Tuesday. Barni-n Darlingtan Town- fship, Durham County, Mi-. Jef- fery received his early edu.ja- tion at Bowmanvile and Da- visville schools. He graduated fi-rn Victoria College in 1902 and was ordained into the Me- thadist ministry at Metropoli- t an Church, Toi-anto. D>uring his pastoral career, hie served mission fields. in Muskoka and Algoma, later at Methodist cihurches in Dalton, Chatsworth and Sault Ste. Ma- rie. He served the United IChurcia of Canada at Markham and Fairbank. Mi-. Jefiery had been living lin reti-ement for the past 151 years. He was a member af Wil- lowdale United Church. Duriug bis lifetime he took keen inter- est lu bis summer cottage at Bala aud the Bala United Churoh. His wife, the former Lillian Robson af Thornbui-y, died five years ago. He leaves a daugh- ter, Mi-s. Grant Linton of De- van, England; and a son, Flow- ard Jeffery, af Bowmanville. The funeral service was held at the Kane Funeral Home, To- ronto, Friday, Oct 2. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery.I Palîbearers were Messrs. R. Foster, R. Mclntyre, W. Pascoc, W. Staples, al ai Bowmanville, and G. Watson, Toronta. OBITUARY MRS. TROS. H. CLEMENCE Following an illness of anly a week, the death occur-ed o! Thomas H. Clemence at hier late residence, 95 Queen Street, Bowmanvil]e, on Mon- day, September 28, 1959. The Ideceased was in her 84th year. Bai-n at Meadow Lai-k Farm, in the Township oi Darlington, whei-e her nephew Mi-. Gai-net Rickard now resides, the de- ceased was Ada Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of the late Mr-. and Mi-s. James G. Rickard. The deceased attended Shaw's public school and on December 11, 1895, she maried the late Thamas H. Clemence wha pi-e- deceased bher six years ago. Priai- ta moving ta Bowrnan- ville, the late Mis. Clemence resided at Fairview Farm, R. R. 4, Bowmanville,in Shawls com- munity for over fifty years. The deceased was a member af Trinity United Church, Bow- mnanville, the Winaan's Associa- tion and was a lufe member o! the Women's Missionary Socie- ty. Lef t ta mourn her passing are a son Ewart of Oshawa, and three daughters, Lillian (Mrs. Ai-chi-e Glenney), Newcastle, Marjjaie, at home, and Phyllis (Mýrs. Bruce'Ross), Gaît. An- other son, Dr. Carl Clemence, Toronto, predeceased her in 1957. Also surviving are thi-ee grandchildren; twa brothers, Dr. Howard Rickard ai Part Col- bai-ne aud Rev. Roy Rickard of Belleville; and a sister, Mable (Mrs. H. G. Martyn), Stratfard. A brother, Walter Rîckard, and a sister, Florence, predeceased her several years ago. The many beautiful fioa -a! ferings fi-rn relatives, friends and organizations attested ta the love, affection and esteem in which the late Mrs. Clem- ence was held. Rev. W. K. Houslander offi- ciated at the funeral service helà in the Moi-ris Funeral Cha- pel on Wednesday, September Free!1 Freel BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor Oiu SERVICE STATION Under New Management - Don Juard, Prop. Assisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowmanvill. "We Specialize i Personal Service» CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Siamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and Seo Our Display of Gi.fts - Comploe Lubrication at a Reasonabi. Frics ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE WIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITT AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDATS é 1

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