?.- ~' PAGE TOUTEI TEE CANADIAN STATMAN. EOWMANV!LLE. OUTARTfl Over 300 Attend Opening Meeting 0f Bowman ville Home & School Club More ttan 300 attended the opening meeting of the season held by the Bowmanvile Home and School Association at the Lions Coxmunity Centre on Thursday evening, October lst.ý An enjoyable program et sengsl was presented by "The Sweet Adelines Ladies Barber Shop Choir under the direction of Stewart Tutton, Oshawa. M-ns. Charles Burdett, the treasurer, pnesented wedding gifts on behaif et the associa-1 tion te tive teachers who weîe, m'arried during the summer.1 The recipient.s wene M-ns. Yvenne Collins, M-ns. Myra Hopps, Mrs. Joan Covenly, Mis. Margaret Harris, and Mrs. Glor- ia Gray. Two most lnteresting letters were read by the coresponding secretary, Mis. A. Samelis. They were from pupils et last yean's Grade 8 classes thanking the Homne and School Associa- j tien for sending them te To- trente for a day. The president, M-ns. 1Ralph Ames, announced that at an executive meeting of the asso- ciation it had been decided to drop the Parent-Te for a year. It wasi eci that Home and E Mothers be appoin. comiflg year. It w~ their efforts were for the tremendous the meeting. The4 the Grade Mother sohool are: Central D. Marsden, Vine Sehool, Mrs. J. Hen, Street School, Mrs and Lord Elgin Sci Gibson. Many whe att meeting purchasec ships. It was expIail to an increase at th level the tee is no Mrs. Ames, the pr the parents that th gation imposed by is a desire te, wonk ation with the teaài schools te be ot tru, the children who a tomorrow's leaders. A. M. Thompsor ing principal eftht. ville Public Schooli the parents. He toi ence et the progress Police Chief Reports Busy Month for Stc Thene were 56 major inves- tigations and occurrences and 111 miner, it was shown in the Bowmanville Police Dopant- ment Report fer September submitted at the meeting of Bowmanville Town Council on Menday evening by Police Chie! Bernard R. Kitney. There wene 12 arnests. Park- lng meter violations were 31, and the anieunt paid in fines was $26. The report showed nioter vehicle mileage as 3,682 miles. Police Chiet Kitney's repent te th* JudicSM Section of *The Do)minion Bureau of Stat!fnics, Ottawa, showed that fivo pen- sons wene tingen printed o cnimninal records, and threefo othen purposes. Pive wene pho- I I.- tognaphed for cimij and three photogr taken for othen pui It was reponted th son in the aiea is n one is net accounte< mnal Code offenses w~ ing and entering .2 assault causing aci haim, 3. Crnminal Code Ni cIe offenses reper Faiing te stop at tl accident 2; driving pained 1-, driving wli ified 1. There wene under t4 .Highway exclud&tg parking. One motor vehiclo in the aiea and recc motor vehicle wasj whene and recevereci No Seconds or Rejec Strictly "Ai" Name Brai 210 M 3i n Asphait Iltiaglq Brown Tweed or Brown Blend o15 per squatie other stocked colors $6A per sq GIS. Fîr Ply 1/489 11.8c fi. 3/4 gr 28 c fi. ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOQI Complete $28.65 Mahogany Plywood 13.3c per fo Tapestry White Ceiling Tile 9.7c Just some samples cf our low cash prices ail first quality lumber, plywoods and build materials. 3Yards to serve yot Ample Parking for Cars and Truc CASHWM1 LUMBER NAIN YARD 4th UINE EAST ? 4 miles East of BRAMPT9 1 mile South of No. 7 Highway Phone: Brampton GLendalo 1-381 ALSO AT n of -5-3: TURI Ail 5 ~Ite met tab or,,~ TUI lu,. Nicher Count Lord Elgin School and the dit aIse appiev- ticulties that must be taced un- School Grade tiiscmlto.leitote îted for the tliscmlto.H nrdc 'as telt that ed the tour principals, Tom Sresponsible Turier, Central Schooel; A. A. s turnout at Merkley, Vincent Massey; chairm-an of Merle Slute, Ontario Street rs f or eac-mScheol,' and Miss Manjorie Sceeol, Mis. Couch, Lord Elgin Echool. The ent Massey prnmcipals then introduced the idry: Ontario members of their teaching s.A. Lucas; staffs. ýiolI, Mis. N. During the lunch, which was prepared and seived by the ex-l tended the d member- ned that due àeprvncaNew Chévrol ie only obl- Has Many Fi meinbershmp in co-oper- OSHAWA, ONT., Sept. 29- hers and the The Chevrolet Convain, a coin- ie benefit to pack, six-passengen sedan, af ter ail are which offers a hoist of features new in North Amenican-made1 i, supervis- automobiles, will go on display ie Bowman- at Chevrolet dealers across s, weloomed Canada on Friday, Oct. 2. d the audi- Details were released today1 eto the new by General Motors et Canada,i Limited. In addition te the Cervair, the dealers will offen a new conventional size 1960 passen- ger line, details ta be released If '1 aTh. Corvair is the product nal ecodsof a nine-year research and de- ina rcorsvelopment pregnam aimned at raphs were desigiiing a compact car which ,rposes. is low in initial cost, econemni- htoe per- cal ta operate, roomy, easy ta nissing, and handie and provides North c for. Crîm- Amnenican standards et comfort, vre: Break- convenience, safety an-d per- 2, theft 13, formance. Special features in- 'tua" boduly clude: Power train at the rear et thes lotor Vehi- car. hed scee:o A light-weig-ht six-cylinderr he im- f pancake" engine which uses ag ille disqual- ýonsiderabIe amnount et aluni- 24 offenses inm Traffic Act fourdependent suspension ot al forwheels including a '«swing" was solenrear axIe. r Wased sOnen Unitized body construction.a >vre. ne A virtually flat passengera stolen else- compartment floor. une 1hene. Luggage compartment nec the hood. t Optional folding rean seat-a back te provide more luggage b space.a Low center et gravity. F .ts ~Long cord tires. f Airy superstructure, iAirplane-type gasolîne heater. fl O that gives almost instant pas- 1c -senger compartment warmntm. Ameng the many advantages are:M 1. The rear engine prevides C S a fone-and-aft balance in weight Ic that is not practical in a front- ir es powered car on a short wheel- a base. 'Traction, braking -and steering thereby benefit. t 2. The usual driveline tunnel e, ieliminated by coupling the s transmission te the engine at fj the rear.' This permits a vin- in tually fiat passenger cornpart- c1 ment floor and modish profile in without sacrifice in headroom. - 3. Comprehensive design and use ot light-weight aluminum 65 has resulted in an engine of su- quare perion efficiency. The engine is 40 per cent lighter than others et similar honsepower and gets frein 25 te 40 per oent more miles on a gallon et gasoliine than a regular six-cylinder on- gine. 4. Weight savings are mani- test throughout. Ain-coolîng eliminates the need for a radia- RS ton and water-system accesson- ies. (No anti-freeze is necessary and boiling is not a problem.) 5. Unîtized body construction offens a 30 per cent gain in ton- sional rigidity and a saving et lot approximnately 60 per cent et the weight of a separate tramne. S 6. Suspension systems were t. designeci to take maximum ad- vantage o! weight distribution. 5 onl Unsprurqg weight has been ne- ling duced, particularly at the rear where a swing-type axle is useci. 7. The flat engine design, Li with accessonies at easy reach, may be readily senviced. An- other asset te owners is the i cks availability et nearly 800 tran- i chised Chevrolet dealers who AW will stock parts and accessonies. latE Freshly KilIed bar EY Dressed and Delivered fo Oven Ready triE CEY thy iizes sonLB 4 9C LB. Edi r e.éh.N. Y. D., Les Mr. sist Ail Churches and Banquets ca Oc cori TOWNLINE a Pal( RKEY RANCH Gor ta1k OSHAWA1 *, no< RAndolph 5-42M3lm tmd ecutive, lirs. V. Mathewson mbade tive draws fer baskets et apples. Many parents availed theniselves et the opportuxuty te meet and talk with the teachers, and ail in ail it was a most successtul "Get Acquaint- ed Night." Due te lack ot spaoe te hold meetings in the schools there will flot be a meeting in Nov- ember. The next meeting et -the Bowmanville Home and Sehool Association will be "Fathers' Night" on December 9th. Jet Cor voir ne Features is loc-ated forward of the pas- senger compartinent, below the floor, and is protected by front suspension massive crossmem- ber, 011 capacity is 3 1/3 quarts. In appearance, the Corvair carnies a lithe, flowing look. The flat roof sli.ghtly overhangs the rear window. Hood and rear deck slope slightly down- ward. Sheet metal turns in- ward below the bumper and alonig the sides. Because the en.gine is in the 1near, no grille is necessary at the front, where embellish- ments include chrome-bordered dual headlamps and the Cor- vair emblem. The nean deck is vented for engine air intake. A screened exhaust at the rear provides an outlet. Interlons are ample for six passengers. Headroom from the passenger-depressed seat cush- ions is 38.7 inches mn front and 38.0 inches in the rear. Exten- sion of the toe-pan forward gives almost 43 inches of leg- room in the front compartinent. Importance of adfquate lug- gage space has been recognized. Compantments under the hood and behind the rean seat pro- vide more than 15.6 cubie feet of space. An optional folding rear seat-back brings the stow- age area UP to 28.9 cubic feet, about one foot less than the conventional-size Chevrolet. Sa.fety features range froin the excellent steering, braking' and directional, stability te the broad expanse of safety glass and rotany safety door latches. F'ront quarters are bulwarked for structural strength. Visibility is excellent. The wimdshield is 1,106 square ln- ches and the total glass area 3,381 square inches. The 16-inch steering wheel,l with slender spokes and re-1 cessed hub, is mounted, well be- Iow driing vision. Quick-sight instruments are hooded behind a single lens. The heavier rear end helps traction and aids centrolinù the event of a skid. The 120.8 square inches of braking sur- face ainomnts te one square inch of lining to each 20 pounds of car weight, a ratio unequaled in many langer cars. Scouts, Cubs Aake Plans :or Apple Day Representatives of the Boy Scout and Cub move- mient in Bowmanvjlle met at the home etflirs. Carl Devitt last Thursday t. niake final arrangements for the Scout Apple Day te lie leld here on Saturday, October l7th. It was decided that ail businesses would be can- vassed with apples on Fni- day evenlng, Oct. l6th, with tihe main sale taking place throughout the fol- Iowing day. ]In addition to thse mem- bers of the two local scout Troops, thse Cubs wilI ais. take part In this annual ef- fort t. ralse funds for scouting activities. AIl apples on sale were grown i Durham County. SOLINA The Library Board sponsor- I a variety prognain in the 'ommunity Hall on Wednes- îy night when Mfiss Mary AIl- xead et Bowmanville, showed oloured slides et the Westerni Iovinces. Musical ontertain- ent included accordien selec-1 Ins by Pat Davis, vocal solos] y M-rs. Robt. Pari and songs y a local men's group. The Women's Institute will ieet Thursday night, Octeber ,at 8:15 o'clock at the Cent- iunity Hall, prograin in charge fGîoup 5. Roll cali "An ex- ange et seecis, bulbs or lants". Mrs. Russell Gilbert et owmanvilîe will give a talk i ahon trip te the west coast. A' apen on Agriculture wiil be resented by M-ns. I. Hardy. The flowers at the ehurch !rvico on Sunctay monning eie in loving memory ot the 1e Mr. Elmer Gibson oft Green- nk, who passed suddenly vay while retunning home 'm Lindsay Pair. Solina iends extend deepest sympa- iy to Mis. Gibson (the former irna Van Nest ot Solina) ber in and daugh-ten and te Mis. Igar Prescott of Entiold, Mir. es Gibson o! Columbus and rGeorge Gibson o! Taunton, ster and brothers et the de- esed. Church service next Sunday, ctber 11, will be at- 10:30 clock. Rev. Roed wi llase nduct a baptismal service for Lrenta desiring this rite. Mvr. and M&s. C. Pascoe at- Lded the wedding et their son irdon and Miss Pauline Fuir- Si Trinity Unitedi Church., ichener, on Saturday after- >on. Mfr. and Mis. Bruce Tink vs bd )&. and Mm. 0. Cruûà., shank at Peterborough.* Mr. and Mrs. Stan Millsoni attended the wedding of Gordon Pascoe and Pauline Furtak in Kitchener on Saturday when Stan was groomnsman. Mnr. and Mrs. J. Dyer, M-r. and Mms. A. Beevor and sons, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and children. M-r. and Mrs. W. Parninder and Helen were Sunday visit- ors with Mx. and Mis. Frank Brayý, Entield. Dr. George Werry, Donald and James, Oshawa, spent Sun- day with the Werry's at Rose- landvale. Gail Baker accompanied her grandfather, M-r. E. Ormiston of Ebenezer, te Bobcaygeon to visit at Mr. G. J. Smith's. M-r. and Mrs. Tom Baker, Ronnie, Jean and James visit- ed MT. and Mis. Walter Ormis- ton and fan-uly, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and children visited M-ns. T. Flett, Columbus. M-r. and Mrs. Stan M-ison spent Sunday in Guelph, M-r. aud Mrs. M. Cari and M-r. and M-ns. Frank Westlake, family, Frankford, '\Iiss Jean Cryderman, Mr. George Bitt- ner, Mr. and Mrs. Ken McMinn and children, Mr. and M-ns. J. Leger and children, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mis. E. Cryderman's. Mi. and Mrs. Will Spry, Col- umbus, M-r. and Mis. N. Fie and Douglas, Taunton, visited Shirley Westlake spent sev- i eral days with cousins, Cathiy and Stephen Lan'J, Bowrnan-'in Gait. Orange Peko. RED ROSE. TEA BAGS 10e Off Dei Reg tin 9 CRISCO ingersoli CHEESE SPREAD Blue Package NUCOA MARGARINE jan. parker PUMPKIN PIE Powder SAIL DETERGENT Kraft Platin or Pignento VfELVEETiA ME IGeo. Collins New President Clarke Teachers The first meeting of the 1959 and 1960 Clarke Township Teachers' Association was held Monday, September 2lst at 6th line school. This year we welcome seven ville, returning home Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Land and children. Mrs. Bruce Tink, Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr., and Mrs. J. Knox, attended a training sehool in Whitby for C.G.I.T. and Ex- plorer group leaders. M-r. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees and children were Sunday visitors with M-r. and Mrs. E. ILarmer, Blacksiock. M-r. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons visited at Ken Pas- coe's and Wm3. Knox's at Brou- gham. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires visit- ed Mr. and Mis. Ray Bemis, Oshawa. The two east groups of the W.I. catered to a Dutch wed- dingr reception in the Comimun- ity Hall on Saturday afternoon. Congratulations to, Gordon Pascoe and his bride, the for- mer Pauline Furtak, who were mnarried on Saturday afternoon; in Kitchener. They wil resideï Supr-Rght Quait.yMeat Sipecialsr GRADE A OVEN-READY AU wiII have a fine selecion of young Hon., Solevs -and Toms, 4'h f 24-lb average. ADl AU Tmrkeys ore GOMERMENT GRADH> ""A" ONLY and will be available at the LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN. CS»..me, ycull save at A&P COOCED, RUADY TO SERVE, NO CENTRE SUC2ES REMOVED %n-Prin% 7 SMOKED HAMS iB-r 1Rrilib7 SAUSAGE MEAT Ai Good, Smoked Rindie., SIDE BACON LAOLIVE Reg. jar 37e-SAVE "b "-z jar 2 7« R.g. pko 37.-BSAVE 11. 32o zpk1.0 Reg. Pkg 79.-BAVE @e pkg of 6073t. U.0-SAVE AN EXTRA 2& 3-lb fi.9 5 Re. jar 55o-SAVE,4* w.z jr5S1l Re&. 2-tbm 56.-SAVE il* 4lbç&gs99e Ra eg 5-BAVE 5e .ach49< fle& o-Se-AVE 4o Glane 47-Soebo- 63e RIM. P4gI1o-41AVE Se ut&pkg55Sc SuerMarets puieonI.Thise Ad Gamieetd IWWB*fà, * otim4 i 's. new tenchers te the Clarkoe area. These members are ,%I. George atton, Mr. Jim Dry- den; .-r. Keith Hansen, Miss Beverly Holmes, Miss Jean Sheridan. Miss Barbara Ann A]ldred, and Miss Beverly An- derson. The iollowing officers were elected for the coming schooll year: President, Mr. G. Collins-, Vice-President, Mr. H. Lowes, Sec.-Treas., Miss Porter; Press Dates and places et meetings A long face shortens your list Were: Oct. 19, Brawn's School; of Friends. Nov. 16, Onono <banquet meet-1 You won't hurt a smile by ing);* Jan. 18, Newcastle; Feb. cracking one. 15, Clarke Union; Mar. 21, New. tonville: Apr. 11, Number 9;- MýfaY 16, Starkville (picnic meeting); June 10, Field Day. After the Planning efthea meetings reznarks were given by the inspector, M-r. C. jA. Holmes. The Teacher's Conventioia for Durham Inspectorate Num. ber 2. is to be held at Bnit- tainia Hotel, which is situated 16 miles south of Huntsville. IVIGOR OIL CO. LD BEST QUALITY ... FUEL OIlt STOVE OEL AT MOST REASONA.BLE PRICES For Delivery PHONE OSHAWA HA 5-1109 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA HOT SHOT PERMANENT ANTI- FRÈEZE GLYCOL GL$ 2"5 CANNED FOOD SALE Fancy Quality, New Pac& A&P TOMATO JUICE 48oztinhl1c Rug. lin 25e - SAVE 4. Bau. of 24 tins $UA4 - SAVE 48R A&P Choio. Quality-Cas. of 24 tins 13.92--SAVE &%s Reg. 2 tins 37&-8SAVE 'te CREAM STYLE CORN 3 20- oz fns49U Choice Quality-Cas. of 24 tins $8.0O-SAVE Mec Reg. 37c-SAVE 11c_ HENLEY FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 28-oz fins 1.00 Ali Varieties--Case of 24 tins $3.72-SAVE 8Ue Reg. tin 19c-SAVE 7o ANN PAGE PORK & BEANS 2 20-ez tins 318 TURKEYS Ajax Brooklir Thompson Corner o Rd. Highways No. Phones: Ajax 1450 OLiver Open Saurday ili 5 p.m. ÀANMIVESAIRY IfE4 n RES Tamty '35c BREADED SHRIMPS 2O.ozpk1 j19 "Lke Erie, Heaisad .*"Dr.amd ui&5 9c SMELTS 2 49C "B t'le i. Your Best B I FRUIT & VEGETABLE SPECIALS 1Ofo55, #rroM Creenv CurfY Leafo.iGaTrm.g Red oCook rmd SPINÂcf, ,la "THE, You ve. IS f *cLaron's Stuffed MANZAIL Betty Croceu TM CAIqADL« STATESUM. BOWXANVffJZ CMTAMO Ilvuymen A'w d%~ emaL ..- 0 liýý JW. m