EonffnvIUe Town Council, et -its regalar monthly meeting M Moday eeg, dealt with a lettr ftrah theBowmanville Itatepayers' Association. It ask- ed if it was the intention o! Council t. continue f0 allocate one mili for the Industrial Com-, mission, despite the year-to- ycar imcreasc i the value of thejmIIi., l 159 onc mill pro. duces $7,283 in fax re*,enue. No Couneil Ca Anawcr ]Reeve W. David Higgon, as Chairman of the Industrial Cormmssion, presented his re- pl:y t. Council. He observed that thceBafepayers' Associa- tion had asked a question t.hat zio council can answer, as it is beyond the powers of any coun- cil to commait ifs successors, and he suggested that the question be reubniitted to the 1060 ~~~t~noiJaf ifs inaughiral meeting Replies next January.- Hope. Fer Further Help Cetinulng, Reeve H.iggon Sald "I hope that future coun- cil will not çnly continue tu budget -one miii, but that they. wlll seek ways and means of providing furfler help so fIat theie ndustrial commission wilU be able té compete more suc- cessfully for new industries and help the industries we already have.' Cos $1 Per Person "'Thc annual per capita cosf of' our' industriel program. is only one dollar, and I cen t1iink of nothiing else that cosfs us so little and yet holdas s great a promise of ultimate reward". Presents Detalled Report Because of "'irresponsible and ill-considered, public stafemçnts and questions during' recent t. imontha", -Rewve Higgon tIen preseiited a detailed report that revicwed thc industriai devel- o'pment. program and tIe growth and economlc status o! Bowmanville in relation to rzearby communities and tIe -province as a whole. He stafcd that a copy o! thc report would be given' thc Ratepayers' Asso- ciatiôn for leisurely study by its members andl that other i-. terested citizens may see a copy at any time by calling at the office o! the industriel commis- sion. Hlighlights of!*thc Commis iion's report include: 1111 Consldered Statementa "'It is fer frôm our intention to suggest that there should noft be public debate o! important issues, and an active interest in the many policies and prob- 1çmis tiret concerri thc town's H Fne Catch, But Not -a- Fish Jack Brown of Maple Grove Dairy went back to Brighton Bay last week to see*,If he could nab a large pike similar to the one his fishing, partner, Buid Virtue, pulled in the week before. We've had no report on, his angling success, but this hue awk was shot down and landed in the water near his boat. Alan Brown and Bobbie Ellis are holding it for our camera man. Oi3s -,aad £Pieces. LIBERTY BOWL OPENS - Bowmanvillc's new bowl-' ing academy, Liberty Bowl Ltd., on fhe Base Line, will open for business on Saturday aftcrnoon. As we go to press, George Elliott, the manager, is most optimistic that this deadline cari be met, although he would be much happier if the weather would clear. Otherwise, it will take a large quantity of gravel to cover the mud that eventually will be a parking lot. On Sunday, the Kinsmen Bowling Club will fake over the alîcys from i to 6 p,m. for the town's first Sunday bowling experinient. Memberships are available from any member of the Kinsmen' Club. t t t t t RAIN SPOILS SPORTS - While the heavy rains of the past few days may have been wondcrful for some things, they cerfainly upsef plans in the spore' field. 'The publice chool and high school field days sched- uled for Wednesday had to be cancelled as well as the juvenile bail gaine which was to have been held in Napance. Both field days will now take place on Friday of this week and the Ontario semi-final bal gaine will be held Saturday affernoon. t t t t t PUMPKINS LITTER TOWN - Many driveways and lawns have been liftered fhis week with pun-pkins, evidentally tossed. from moving cars by some play- fui souls indulging in a pre-Hallowe'en prank. There's a law againsf if which local police will be happy ta enforce. Much better to save those pumpkins for pies where they will do some good. t t t t t POETIC DOG CATCHER - We heartily recommend a poen by our local dog catcher which appears on fhe ediforial page this week. Hie appea-rs to have a sense of humor as well as a flair for poetry. We fear some of his humor must have been lost wvhen he found fIat someone lad let lis own dog loose and it lad been killed. In our book, that is a mighty dirfy trick. The dog catcher is merely carrying eut lis duties when le tries to pick up wandering pups and certainly doesn't deserve such reat ment. tt t t t OBEYIN TH TE LAW - During the recent liquor vote, one couple whose naines werc on the vobers' 1sf, declined te vote because they knew they would be breaking fIe law. TIey wère flot Canadian citizens. Our corm-endation to blese folks for obeying flhc law. t t t t t A BIG CHANGE - Lander Hardware have carpenters worlking hard tryirig to put their iiew locationi, the former bowling alley, in shape as seanas possible. On Wednesday, the barricades were put up ini front of fhe store and work will begin imniediately on the new front. They hope fo make thc move well before vthe Christmas business season begins. t - t t t t NO CHANGE IN VOTE - Returning Officer Robert Reynolds said on Wedncsday that officiai figures for the liquor vote remain undhanged and ne recount will be held. The figures lu lest week's Statesman for the dining-room vote said thc wets had lost by 46. ÈActually, the correct figure was 37 votes. 'Tt t t. t t FOGGYIREPORTING - Art Hooper, the genial pro- priefor of Hooper's Jewellery and Gift Shop and a prominent Kinsman, was assigned the club dufy cf report ing det ails cf club meetings to TIc Stabesman this year. On Wednesday, we contacted hlm fo learn what had happened, but there was lit»e le could tell u&. He was onie of tIe members who had been h»notized and didn't remember much abou tfIe Post Office Hours -for Thanksgiving Bowmanville Post Office heurs for Thanksgiving Day, October 12th, will bc as Ïollows: The Box Lobby will be oPen front 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Stamps, General Dcliv- ery wickets and Registre- flan wiIl be open front 8:30 a.m. until 10:30 ar. There wlll b. ne service for Money Orders, Savings Bank, etc. There will be ne rural mail delivery. Tue only Street Letter Box collection wili be at 2.00 p.m. Mail wlll b. rccelved and despatched as usual. Hypnotist Tells How to Better YourGolf Game tMiuray Larmer, presidenf o! fIeBownanule Kinsmen Club welcomed the guests who were present at the dinner meeting of the club held al the Flying Dutehiman Motor Hotel on Tues- day eveaing. The special speaker, Harry Ross, Oshawa, a talented hyp- notist, gave a fascinating ad- dress. He cxplaincd what hyp- nosis is and pointed out that if is a power for good when used witli proper safeguards. A hisfory of hypnosis was given by Mn. Ross. He aira ouf- lined flic dcvelopmenf o!f thc use o! hypnosis in surgery and dentistry. Mn. Rosasf old flic Kinsmen fIat le- worked close- ly with doctors in Oshawa, and spoke o!fIe benef ifs hypnotic freafmenf lad given selectcd patients. As an example le told o! a case ln whidh a young woman had an abnormal fean of dhld birfh. This fear lad been completely nelieved by hypnosis unden flic direction o! hcr docton, and she is now fthe happy mother o! reverai dhld- ren, thc speaker sfated. MnI. Boss also gave an I- stance when hyrnotism lad lclped a golfer. He said e tel- low player had been playingl 19 aven par. Mn. Ross explein- cd thet through hypnosjs le lad rcmoved fIe mans nervous tensions and other golf prob- lems with tIc resuit fIat lis game is aow only 3 above par. An- infenesfîng expeniment was performed by Mn. Ross wifî six Kinsaien as volunfeers. THREE BAD CHEQUES Chie! o! Police Bernard R. Kltney reportcd Wedncsday a!- tennoon fIat a cal l h& been ne- ccived tram the Ontario Pro- vincial Pýlicce t Cobourg. They lad pickqd up a man and woman who conJIssed f0 passing iworfî- less cheques - fIree o! themn in Bowrnianville 1"at Saturday. Ratepayers proentr end Probable future statua. What wc do condcmn and deplore are fil-considered actions and saaements o! mndi- viduals and organizations fIat wilfuly dlstort the trutir or act on the besis o! rumour snd gos- aip witîout..firotf making a sin- cere attemp t. learu the truc facto, " aaid 'the report. TowIS 118Growing RaPldly "Contrary t. a recent charge, Bowmanvilic is growlng rapid- IY. Ont aria la Canada's Most ra- pldlY growing prdvince, but in the 58 years Mince the turri o! tIe century a.nd lu thie lest eight years as w'ell, Bowmanville'e growth rate exceeds that o! Uic province as :a whole. Coming dloser t. home, Bowmanville has grown -,more rapidly fh-an any nearby ~town except Whit- by. Sirice 1P,9,its population has Increasn4 by 31 percent. ~be Durham County's Great Family Journal 1 TOTLT1! 1lùs 9l2nl DCTWEAT TT T Z fVKrIN IITnny.-r as, a. Works Vutlclse Former Mayu *TIc report rcplied te the Iiews report attributed to for- mer Mayor Little in a nearby daily that "Council should be askcd why if made a grant to .tIe indu!#trial commission ini tIc firat place". Council minutes reveal that 'on Jenuary 3rd, 195 r. Little introduccd fhe motion tIat established coun- cil's industriel comiittee. On March 7th or the same yeer, ho seconded the motion fIat creaf- ed today'a industriel commis- sion and tIen lntroduced the motion that. the town provide suitable office accommodation. Not once during fIe years 1955- 6-7, while still a member of council, did he oppose the allo- cation of one mili for the use o! fIe commission. "Bowmenville's business as- (Continued on page seven) Dept. lb was annoi.mced at tihe meetin~g o! Bowmaniville Town Gouncil held on Mondiay everi- ing in the Council Chambner that subsidies for two winter work projects, the Liberty Street Sewer and the Vanstone Park clearance, have beer' re- ceived. The cheque for the Liberty Street Sewer project- amounit- ed to $5,711.55 which repre- sents the federal govennment's share ini the amount $3,807.70, and t he provincial 'goveru- ment's share of the subsidy as $1,903.85. nhe amount of the subsidies received for the Vanstone Park work was $6,523.58. The feder- al government's share of this amount w'as $4,349.05, and the! provincai governanent's $2,174.J A Young black terrier, "But- tons", belonglng to Jas Archie Hoskin, assistant Dog Control OFfic;, was kifled ln an acci- dent on Friday. The nine months old dog had been Ieft bled by MWr. Hoskin ln front of his home, 93- Liberty Street Northl. Obviously some person unfastened the coller on "But- tons" because lb was found on thc back porch fastened around a two by four. The dog running free dashed out into the street directly lu front of a car driven by Enos Ringer, wîo lad no chanoe bo avoid lifting if. "«Buttons"l was killed instantly. This was the second time wlthin two weeks.that unknown NEMI1 M %W VL1 =ob , or Persons, have let Mr. 8si' dog loose. The first tinie wus about a fortaight ago. 'Then Mr. Hoskins had fastened thc dog's Chain t. the clothes line so lb oould run back and forth. Somnebody out fIe clotles lic. '«Buttons" wau run- nlng about witl 1er cham 'draglgwe he was caugît byanihbor who bled her up, an odM Hoskin o!f te Incient hen he returned home. A $100 reward has been of- fered by Mr. Hoskin for infor- mat ion leading t. fIe arrest and conviction of anyone re- sponsAble for burning his dog loose last Fnlday. Resýiqns Plans ,to Join -Engineering Firm Club 15 -Raises $2417 From Year's Pro jects i.The firat meeting of Club l5.)'of a Rorean orpdxan, helplng for the 1959-60 season was held local needy children and dona- at the home of Mrs. Geo. White, tions to TB Seals, Easter Seals, the retiring president. Mrs. Cancer, Drive, Salvation Army, White took the chair and called Recreation. Dept.* and Lions on Treasurer Mrs. D. Gilhooly Club. for a financial report., Election of officers for the Mrs. Gilhooly reported that. coming year was held, the new during the past season Club 1 dfficers being: President, Mrs. netted the stun of $2,417.00, this 0~. E. Mann; Secretary, Mrs. P. amount. bemng, realized frorn- Passmore; Treasurer, Mrs. L. such successful projects as a Parker Jr.;* Social Con., Mrs. stay-at-home bridge,. polio Geo. Webster, Press Con., Mrs. drive and spring fashion show. Ralph MeIntyre. A cheque in the amount o! The new president Mrs. Man $1,959.50 was forwarded to the then took the chair and plans Canadian F9undation for Polio- were made for the first Senior myelitis, bepg 'the proceeds of eUens' meeting . b be beld- the Pa]b# Caxnpaignf., Othier -Tûesday, Oct. 13 at the -ioôns funds are used towards s pon- Centre. A tentative date of soring the Senior Citizens Club, IThursday, -Nov. 5th was set for contributing towards the careI a Stay-at-Home Bridge. 50%o of Ail Blindness Could Be Prevented Speaker TelIls Lions> Joe E. Caruk, Toronto, per:. sonnel director of the Ontarlo Division of the Canadian Na- tional Institiute for the Blind, gave an înteresting address at the dinner meeting of the Bow- manville Lions Club held at the Lions Conimuxiity Centre on Monklay evening. Mr. Caruk spoke on "R41ehabilitation, Re- creation,. Residenoe Care, end Research". The meqnbers cf -the Bow- manville Branch o!f te West Durham Adviso>ry Coinmiftee to the CNIB were guests at the dinner meeting. Present were' Miss, Isabel Davis, Mrs. J. E. Hobbs, hlîss Dora Purdon, Miss Lena Taylor, Mxs. flon Haw- thorne, Mrs. D. W. Armistead, Miss Ada Dadson, Mrs. C:-Tre- win, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeVice, Roy Turner, Don Williams, and Bob Padden,4 field secretary, Petenibo.rough.,. The birthlays of the follow- ing memnbers of the Lions Club were oelebrated Walter Rundie Dave Preston Ernie Bradley, and George Webster. Glen Ratepayers Submit Their Proposais IMartyn wes fthc winner of flic first prize in fie speciael draw. Ross Stevens won thc second prnize. Harold, (Bud) Moses, the affendant-e dhairman, present- cd perfect attendance pins as follows: Stuart James 2f0 ycars; Nornman Allin 10 years; Jeck Dunn end Bil Burk one year. Glen Lader, the president, enniounced fIat fthc Lionettes lad given fie Lions Club a large coffee uni and thrne standing asiibrays. Mr. Landen expnessed the appreciation o! thfe members. for fis generous glff. Thc winners o!f1the hockey dlnaw werc John Monrison and Len Higgins for Saturday, Oct- aber lt. Donate $100 to CNIB TIc preuideuf f urned the chair'- over ta Boy Turner chir- man o!fIe Sighf Conserva- tion Commitfee, wlho wclcomed the' members o!f the Bowman- ville Branch o! thc West Dur- ham Advisory Commit tee to the CNIB. Mr. Turner also an- nounced a donation of $100 tram the Bown-menville Lions (Continued on page seven) B & PTag Day For UNICEF ,Thc executive, meeting o!flice Dlnlngton Ratepayers Associe-M a N tl40 tinSafurdla.y rght rèsulted min~ N a dccisioii t. answer a sfa*fe- Tcane a a o N ment by Council fIat, d"Nohlg CETheld by lea B orNIl contpr tiv las omermcr- 'Business and Professienal Worr- tepyes ef olyseen Cl en's Club on Frldey cvening and Af h lx CÜclme all day Saturday was a marked f lic 2of e oundi meeting success. Mms. Noreen Laird, the a b foe eomedfoswl general convenor for fthc event, bepresent cd, some o! whicOl 'stated on Wcdnesday blet the lave previously been made. returris t. date emount to $383.- If Counci l as fIe autloritY 74. More contributions arc ycf t. make an3t ameidments et ail, to be received, >end fIe pro- they *'also lave fIe power t. cceds from fthe tags sold ln meke some of those thaf the Newcast le lave nef ycet beeri majonity o!fIe people want compiled. and need. Those who book part An tIc Foflowing are the recommnen- successfui UNICEF Tag Day dations o! Uich Ratepayers' As- wenc: Mrs. M. Bagnell, Miss sociationi: Ada Dadson, Miss Helen De- Call for tenders for ualarlcd vitt, Mrs. Victoria -Frank, Miss Township officiais. Velna Gay, Mns. Mary Gili, Resident qualifications for Mrs. Reifa Hobbs, Mrs. Norel futu.re officiais. Hornick, Miss Apla Hodglns, Discontinue planning board Mrs. Noreeri Laird, Miss Violet and Consultant. McFeeters, Miss Ethel McKa- Change euditors front ycar gue, Miss Helen Nelles, Miss fo yeer. Dorotîy Virfue, ?4rs. Anna Adopf building regulations in- Watson, Miss Laverne Orclard, sfead a! zoning. Miss Jeaneffe Boe, Miss Jane Increeise Council membershlp 'Deàorig, Miss Karen Cllbncr, !rom five to seven. Miss Evelyn Hughes, Miss Jane Hold fwo monthly meetings. L*nder, Miss Leslie Lader, 14'ax cellcctor and 'treasurer Miss Audrey Spicen and Miss sium uieh dlfhmuai*nt M. M11&tawmpt. ýqha.wa bThe resignation of Lloyd Quinton, Superinteudent of the Department of Works was ac- cepted with regret by Bowman- ville Town Council at the meet- ing held on Monday evening ini the Council Chamber. Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers, and Deputy- Reeve Jack Brough lauded the good work M.r. Quinton lias done for Bowmanville during. the last three years. The resig- nation is effective at the end of October. Mr. Quinton toid The States- man he wil join an engineer- ing firm with international con- nections. He expects to leave for England and Europe early in November for further train- ing. Deputy Reeve Brough stated that it was with regret that he brought up the matter. He said that one of lis first duties when be was given charge of the eoa ds and, Streets Departm»nt Was to lire àa new'foreinan.- He told of interviewing and -iuring Lloyd Quinton with Councilior Keith Lathangue. "In my opinion hils was one o! fIe best moves for Bowman- ville., The start on the road plan, maintenance, construc- tion, and obtaining subsidies with Mr. Quinton, moved step by step in the right direction." "oIt la mny unfortunafe duty tannounce that le is leaving us on November 1sf M.r. Quin- ton along with mysel! would l»ve t. suggest blet coundil, the Bowmanville Rafepayers' Asso- ciation, and thc press take a trip around Bowmanville and scé what las been accomplisîed during Uic past few years, and the plans for the future. "I hope tIc program will b. carried on. Both Lloyd and I would feel better If this tour is miade of both the. nortil and south parts o!f te town," De- puty Reeve Brough said. H. Pointed out that fhé tour would enable people to realize wlat lhs been acnIeved,nnd it- wouid b. '-An the bet lÙtbcrsf o&' Ibdl Town Couneil and thé Ratepay- ers' Association. Governments Pay Their Share 0f Win fer Works Pro jecs Amounting fo $ A letter cf thteanks was re- ceived froni thc Kibncy feily in oPPrcciaton o!flie wreath sent bY fthc Town Council. (ftayor Wilfrid Carrufiers, ex- pressed the sincene sympathy of the Town Council to, Police Chic! Bernard R. Kitney In the passing o! bis fafler recently. Approve Arena Member Councillor O. J. Presgori an- aounced that the Bowmnçvllle Raf epayers' Association lad submitted the name of Jlm Coyle to council as tIe organ- izatdon's repncsenfative on the Anenla Boardi. "I know Mn. Coyle is iniferested lu sports in general", Councillor Presson stated in moving Mr. Coylc be appointed to Uic board. TIc New Member of Arena Commission IN TIEflZ'D AI 23 Dogs,IOCats Picked Up by Dog Catcher A report en the Dot Pound front August 24th te September Seth inclusive was received by Bowman- 'ville Town Council -&at the meeting held ln the Coun. cil Chsmlýer on Mondayp evenlng. It stated that 23 dogu andi 10 cats were plcked up dur- lutg this Perlod. There wcre Il doisand 10 cats destroy- Retcentiy, fIeBowmanvii Ratepayerï -Associetion -r cÔInmendd that Jarae-s Coyle represent themn on fIe Arena Management Commission. Council accepfed fis recommendation on Monday niglit. Mr. -Coy1e la well known here as an entfbùsiastic supporter cf basebail, hockey and other athletic activities. He lsaaomnemit -mcm- ber cf Loci4 189, Rubber Workers, and lias, been 0,%- Union Brancheasur for th neat fiva ve4rs , Someone Slips Collar Dog Catcher"'s Spaniel ~uUban Head fi 7 1 VJ.LÉLilvim iLuip JJVWNLA1'4 VILýýLf;, UNTARIU, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th. 1959 -.GU 1-ageis 10e Per Cnnv 7«"IJMV.IP Ai