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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1959, p. 19

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w - - -z-W-..... -.-.-.' - TftU RDA'I', OCT. 8Uh, 19 IMM C. KA rAAUqwln. BUWMABV!LLU. O1TARTO WAflU WTUWF~ Ccxr ds- of Thcmks '4We wish ta thank ail aur 9~red, relatives and neighbours for the lovely gifts we received. A special Ihanks toalal who helped make it such an enjoy- able evenîng. John and Beth (Proutt) Buchan. We wish ta thank aur rela- tives and friends for their flow- ers, carda and ail acta of kind- negs. A special thanks ta Mrs. Garnet Haliowell and boys, and Rev. R. C. White. Hazel and Kenneth Smith. Gladys and Wilfred Wood. 41-1* Many thanks ta Dr. Hubbard, nurses and staff o! Memoriali j~~itlMy friends ýand rela- - -e frthe lovely gifts, lw "~~crds and kindnesses done~ uMng my stay in the hospitai and et home. An especially grateful thanks ta the staff ai Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries. (Mes.> Trudy Sallows. 41-1* The family o! the late Mrs. Frank Coulter wish ta extend heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion for acts of kindness, mes- sages af sympathy and beautiful floral of!eings received fmomn relatives and friends; also special thanks ta Dr. Ferguson, nurses o! Memoial Hospital, Rev. Hausiander and Rebekah Lodge during Iheir recent bereavement. 41-1 We wish ta express aur ap- preciation ta aur fiends and relatives for the delight!ul sur- I prise party and presentation giv- en us on aur Silver Wedding Anniversary. We especiaiiy wish ta thank the members o! the cammittee in charge and ail who helpqd ta make such a pleasant evening. Dunreath and George Walton. 41-1 I wish ta express my sincere thanks ta my !amiiy, relatives, friends and neighbours wha sent cards, flowers, fruit and candy and Ihose who visited me while in hospital and since I retumned home. A special thanks ta Dr. Sylvester, the nurses and staff o! Memoial Hospital for ef- ficient services and kindness, aiso ta Morris Ambulance Serv- ice. Mrs. Matilda Smith. ROY Oldimobie DG WNAN VILE Phone NA 3-M35 For Rent 1 IIEATED room, lady or MArtet 3-5543. gent. 41-1* THREE room ini Tyrone. Phone CO 3-2645. 40-2 TWO-bedroom apartment, cent- rai location. MA 3-3394. 41-1 HOUSE in Tyrone. Apply Mrs. Hawlcey or Phone CO 3-2345. 41-1* FIVE-roomed house with hydro. Keith. Mitchell, Pontypool. 41-1* FOUR-roomed apartment, sep- arate entrance. Phone MArket 3-3927. 41-1 APARTMENT, 4 rooms and bath, heated. Phone MArket 3-557&. 41-1 SMALL house, partly furnished, suitable for two aduits. Apply 137 Queen St. 41-1* TFIRÈE-roomed apartment, cent- rally located. Phone MArket 3-3562 alter 5 p.m. 41-1 TEN-rucom farm home with modern plumbing, 10 miles from Oshawa. Clarence Avery, CO 3-2556. 41-1* FURNISHED room and garage, quiet, with home privileges. Suit business person. Telephone Orono 12012. 41-2* SHOP or office space, approx- imately 18' square, newly dec- orated, near four corners. Apply Mr. Cox, Apartment 5, 23 Temp- erance. 40-tf SIX-rocxm furnished house,' oil heat, hot water, $75. Write Ad- vertiser 986, c/o The Canadian Statesmian, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 41-1* FOUR-roomed house, with bath- room, garage and garden in Bowmanville. Available Nov. 1. Write Advertisem 988, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 41-1 Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-t1 GUARANTEED television and radio service, to all makes. Same day service. Television 41-1 Sevice C.Phone Mf JVjA3-3883J. ________49-If The family of the late Mrs. T. REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- H. Clemience wish ta extendi atures turned, toa ah mkes of Iheir heartfeit thanks and 11P- electric motors. Higgon Elec- preciatian for the many acts o! tric, 38 King East, Phone MA kîndness, messages of sympathy 3-3305. 7t andi beautiful floral a!! erings receivedi £rom neighbors, rela- REPAIRS toalal makes o! sew- tives and many friends, also in machines. Free pickup and thanking Dr. Haroldi Ferguson, deLxvery. Laverty's Bargain the nurses, Mrs. Chard and Miss Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA <,,MebeI Challis. A special thanka 3-7231. 44-tf '4;t 0the Rev. W. K. Houslander Cfor his consoling words and' REPAIRS toaU ailmkes o! re- help in their sadi bereevement frigerators, domestic and cern- o! a loving mother. 41-1 merciel; milking coolers. Hig- g o n Electmic Limited, 38 Ring W anted 1 St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf IROOM and board for three children. Phone MA 3-5884. 41-1 WANTED by single young girl, room or room and board. Phone MA 3-5071 aftem 6 p.m. 41-1* DEAD and crippled farm stock, picked Up promptly. Telephone COlfax 3-2721, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrane. 37-tf Room and Board LARGE room, gentleman. Board if desired. MArket 3-3186, 205 Ring East. 41-1* Personail CHESTEIWIELDS and odd chairs re-upholstered ta look better thati new. Go where you get the best for less. For free estimates, free pick-up and de- livery, cail Modern Upholster- Ing, RA 8-6451, Oshawa. 33-16 Lost SMALL black dog, Beagle; pure black, littie white on chest, east of PontypooL Missing since the end of August. Family pet. Re- ward. Telephone Vance Allen 211 r 2, MilIbrook. 41-1* Auction Sales- I have received instructions from Mr. A. W. Pickard, 143 King East, Bowmanviile, to seli iby publie auction on Saturday, October 17, at 1:30 p.m., an electric stove, apartment size; bedroom, living-room, dining- room and kitchen furniture, electric washer, garden tools, etc. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 41-2* The undersigned auctioneer wiil seil by public auction on Saturday, Oct. lOth at 67 Temp- erance St., Bowmanville, the household effects of Mrs. D. Greeness. Large quantity of dishes, large chest of drawers, large wardrobe, bed and dress- er, hand-carved table, 5 rock- ing chairs, kitchen table and chairs, extension table, 4 small tables, pots and pans. At this sale you wiil find a large assort- ment of antiques, dishes and furniture. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30. ClifI Peth- ick, auctioneer. 40-2 1 have received instructions from Mr. Cyril Avery, Lot 20, Concession 1, Clarke Township, one concession south and two miles east of Newcastle, to sel by public auction on Wednes- day, October 14 at 1:30 p.m.: 20 milkers and springers, l0 cows due to freshen in November and December! 18 spring calves, Hereford bull, 18 months; two brood sows with 22 pigs at foot, three bred sows, 10 Leicester breeding ewes, 1949 Chev. one- ton stake truck, farm machin- ery including a Case 17-tooth tractor cultivator on rubber. Further particulars see bis. Herd tested for Brucellosis. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. 40-2 Wanted ta Buy LARGE baby crib. Telephone MArket 3-7037. 41-1* '57 CHEV. or Pontiac for cash and '53 Chev. Hardtop. Private. 'Phone MA 3-3447. 41-1 ALL kinds of live poultry wanted. Highest prices paid.1 M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1.Phn 7 r 13 collect. 9-tf HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture, appliances, television, sewing machines, etc. Also sel and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MAU 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live poulty goose feathers, fea ther ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-ti ELIZABETH VILLE w. -Chevrolel and Corvair Cars Cheleh Tracki COUITICE Pkamas N 3-3922 41 Church services were held as usuel wit'h Sunday sehool preceeding. Rev. Wright spoke on "The Tables o!f eliowship" and the choir rendered a num- ber. Il was World Communion Sunday. Cantan annivemsary wiil be Oct. 11. Dr. Hunnisett wiil be the speaker. Garden Hill will observe Oct. lBth as their an- niversary with Rev. C. Judd as speaker. Elizabethviile w i il have their anniversary on Oct. 25 with Rev. W. Gibb. Oct. l8th is Layman's Sunday and thaui- sands o! laymen will occupy pulpits in Canada. Womans' Missionary Society inembers and friends are in- vitedi ta attend the W.M.S. meeting at Weicome Thursday evening. Speaker Miss Frances Wallbridge of Angola. Gardien Hill W.M.S. invite al wamen and their hushends toî see "Ilil sing ?K>t Cry" the new fimi on Africa Oct. 28 at 8 Pmn. Mrs. H. Thickson took the bus trip Frlday along with the Garden Hil and Port Hope ladies to Toronto. Part of the loadl shopped The others touired the Canadian Insttte for thxe Blind. Marvelous work Is being done by tbis fine association. The large cluster of buildings are ibult and planrred ta suit the blind, every eonvensence that wiil help, is found theme with long tunnels on an incline instead of sttairs where possib- le; floors made of different ty- pes of material s0 that by the feel the persan can tell when they are in the centre of hall- unays or on ibe sides. They even have a recrea- tional room where- they put on plays and concerts. The plat- form la mmade up o! first, one- third et back o! stage canvas floor; next third is polished hamdwood and the front~ third is broadloom carpets. Thus telling the players where they are on the stage by the feel o! the floor on their feet. Another attractive feature is the Dream Garden planned and donated to the Institute by the Garden clubs o! Toronto and surround- ing districts. We saw where they print their weekly paper anid maga- zines in Braille; saw the talk- ing libmary made up o! records and reading matter. A folder was presented which explainedi braille and a verse for us ta puzzle out. Our g'uest speakerj was iblind. It was marvellous how the blind could run sew- ing machines and as well as' you or I. Their work was on display and some of the ladies purchased- brooms and leather goods. The ladies that shopped had a busy day too. We arrived home about seven. Ron Setterington, Centreton, visited with, Alun~ Merceir, Sun- day. Mr. and E. Fowler and family spent Sunday visitipg his sister and famlly, Mr. and Mrs. R. Russel, Belleville. Mm. and Mms. W. Muldrew Mm. andI Mrs. L. Muldrew, Miss Marilyn Muldrew ai-d friend spent thxe weekend at Sunny- aide. Mr. F. Wilson an-d Miss Boyd, Kendal visited et Mmr.and Mr-s. Gea. Palmer's, Seturday. Miss Ruth Mes-cer and Alan Mercer, Torono, were home for the weekend. Misa Shirley Muldrew and Miss Sybol Sheppard, Port Hope, spent tRie weekend et ,home. Sybol has a job in the Royal Biank. WESLEY VILLE Important business for Wes- icyville lest week w-as concern- ed with the fowl supper and silo filiing. The fowl supper on Wednesday evening required the spare lime of most o! the laýdies for the first part o! the week and the generous help of, several men, and ail the g-irlsr and several boys on tihe night itself. Il was a lot o! work and a lot o! fun too. 'Attendance was down from last year, but the rainy e! ter- moon might have hied something ta do with that. Messrs. H. Darke, R. Best end Leonard Oughtred took charge of ad- m.itting visitors, Mrs. A. Aus- tin, president of the W.A. acted as hostess, and Mms. Carroll Ni- chais played several numbers on the organ while people weme waitîng for tabIe,ý. There were about 200 people served. Silo filling went on as usuel and ladies aI those households had a bake-filled week for sure. Working late on Thursday evening, Harald Barrowclough heard the saund a! wild geese flying south, hard ta think o! approaching cold when the dayi had been sa werm. Sunday Sohool was againý held eerly last Sunday momning, so Ihat the churcli was cleared for the speciel service when friends irom Zion, Morrish andý Weicome jained, with Ibis con-1 gregation in observing Worid Communion. Rev. A. W. Hard- ing was assisted l5y eiders D. Wiîtney #rom Zion; F. MicCon-j neli, Morrish; K. Symnions, E.I cam ndP. Sell, arol N- Symmo ns. SelCollWei- choils and Clarence Nichoîls fmom. Wesleyville. A beautiful arrangement ai white gladioli and chrysanthemums was very appropriate for the day. Mrs. Carroll Nichais was organist in absence of Mira. Reeve. It is the season of church an- niversaries and after next Sun- day evening's Thanksgiving ser- vice theme will be three spe- cial services beginning with the 99th ann-iversary of Ibis chtirch on the 18th. Congratulations ta Roy Aus- tin who is representing his formi on the student coundil o! Port Hape higli achool. Mes. Harold Reeve la spend- ing Ibis week with Mr. and M4rs. Don MicCal and new grandson in Don Mills. Congra- tulations ta everyone concemn- ed. Mr. and Mes. Stan Brooking of Torry EMI1 have been visiting relatives here and renewing nany aid acquaintances. Mrs. George Hicks o! Fox- bara spent the latter part o! the week with Mr. and Mis. Richard Best and Ihey attend- ed the funeral o! a cousin on Sunday, Mes. Patton, who had ied as a result of a car acci- dent lasI week. Mis. Mary Tappin returned fromn Toronto aI the weekend and visitais with her and Mia. [d Tappin were, Mr. and Mm. D. Williamson, Mes. G. Crouch, Nisses M. Crouch, and M God- trey of Toronto-, Mie. W. Young, Aime and Judith of Port Hope. STARK VILLE IMms. Imie Todd attended the trousseau tea for Miss Dor- othy Hockin aI lier home in Bowmanville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Caswel and son Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson and family at Mr. Brian Casweil's, Sundiay. Charlie and Anbdy Murphy entertaned about 20 young friends at taieir home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savery and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark and Ted enjoyed a trip in the States during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowefl spent Saturday evening at Mr. Herb Reid's. Mm. and Mis. Harold Souch and family visited Mrs. Wan- nan, Kirby. The people of Shiloh heart- ily wxsh for a quick return ta health for our pastor's wife, Mrs. R. C. White, who is un- der doctor's came. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk have television ina Valled ini their home. Mm. and Mrs. L. Goddard, BowmanviilIe, were r ec en t guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mars. Grenville Founjtain, Coboconk. Air.and Virs. Herb Reid and Mm. and Mrs. Clifford Reid and Elizabeth were recent guests with Mrs. Gay, Oshawa. Miss Norme Hallowell, New- castie, spent Sunday at home. Miss Diane Trim spent the weekend with Miss Betty Sa- very. AMs. John Stark in Cobourg, last week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Herry Trew, Elizabethville, at Mre. Cli! ford Reid's recently. Mr. and Mms. Charlie Holt, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, Orono, visited Mrs. F. Stone. Mies. Westheuser, Mm. A. Dobson and Miss C. W. Stewart attended Teachers' Convention lasit Thursclay and Friday. LONG SAULT L Mr. and Mes. Chas. Penwer- rden and family were Saturday evening visitors o! Mr. and Mes. Earl Penwarden and family. Mrs. D. Danielson, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cern and Brenda on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Brennan, Oshawa, Dolores Marchant and Bruce Baker were Sunday a!- ternoon visitors and Mr. and Mes. G. Baker -and Anne and Mr. and Mes. S. Gable endi Bruce, were Sunday evening1 visitors o! Mes. A. J. McLag- gan andi family. Mr. and Mrs. Wotton, Black- stock, Mr. andi Mrs. H. Wallon, Purple Hxll, Mr. and Mrs. Ray IBradburn andI family, Burke- ton, Mn. andi Mms. J. Archer end famiiy, Bueketon,, were Sunday guests o! Mr. andi Mes. Bill IJohnson and femily in honor o! Mr. Johnson's birthdlay. Mr. and Mis. J. Waodley and Pal were Sunday supper guesta, Mes. Harvey ParIner and Ban- nie, Tynone, were Monday vis- itons and Mr. and Mes. Fred Brooks andi Chris, Oshawa, were Satumday visitors a m and Mes. H. Murphy and!miy Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parkinson, Don and Pat, Fenella, were IMonday visitars, Mm. Glenn Gordon, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mmr. S. Gable and Bruce, Ty- rone, were Sunday visitors o! Mer. andi Mrm Rye Gibson and Sendra. BROWN'S Home and Schoo! ineets again on Tuesday evening, Octoberi 131h. Plans wiIl be made for the annu-al Hallowe'en perty. Try to. attend! Mr. andi Mis. Sweet, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Simpson on Saturday. Mm. and Mes. Masters and Tommy, Markham, with. Me. andi Mes. R. Simpson andi fam- iy on Sunday. Congratulations ta Miss Peg- gy Simpson, who bas received word that she bas ettained hem Senior Matriculation Diploma. Peggy is now working in To- ronto and sharing an apartment. with hem grendniother, Mis. Cail. Mr. and Mes. J. Pamtridge and :Family, Orono, with Mr. and Mes. I. Wilson on Sunday. Mr. andi Mes. I. Wilson and farnily with Mm. andi Mes. Al- bert Mavin, Bowmianville, on the occasion o! Doug's ràixth birthday. Me. and Mis. M. Cambell have returned ta their home, having spent the sumimer et thein parent's homes in ColJJng- wood. The Siaiesman Soid Ai Following Stores: ]Reg. Edmnund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle 3. Brown, Newtonville Porter's Gen. Store, Newtonvife C. Pethick. Ennlsklllen T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam. Tyrane G. A. Barron, Hampton Truil's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal Eenderson'. Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Built lUL 4, Oshawa 0 4 0 - Bowmanvifle - Rlckaby's Ltd. - "Big 2019 W. J. Berry Jaek'8 Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Lovel Oke'. Smoke Shop The Flying Dutchman Wessels Store The Statesman Office Council Establishes Rule Employees of Municipality Must Live in Bowman ville On motion of Mayor Wilfred Carruthers, seconded by Reeve W. David Higgon, the Board of Works decided that the peti- tioners (seven King Street mer- chants) be advised that the Town is flot responsible for the cost of their incinerator. This information was contained in a report of the Board of Works meeting held on Tuesday, Sept.1 22nd, which was submitted by the chairman, Deputy-Reeve Jack Brough at the meeting of Town Coundil held on Monday evening. It was decided at this Board of Works meeting that ail towni employees with one exception must live ini Bowmanvilie. The Mayor and Reeve aiso maved and seconded this resolution. It was also reported that the board discussed the overcharges .amounting ta $79 made on some building permits. Councillar Ivan Habbs, seconded by Coun- cillor Keilli Lathangue, moved that the overcharges be refund- ed. This was carmied. Conditions of a buildin g on High Street and a Duke Street property were discussed. Thie board gave instructions that the owner ai the High Street pro-I tober 6th. lin Magistrate's CourtI Aýs a sequel to a breaking, en- teing and theft o' 50 worth of goods from it eWifliam's Point refreshment booth and recreation hall, thiree young To- ronto men were charged with the offence. They were repres- ented by Counsel and pleaded flot guilty. Evidence from the son of the proprietor was that he closed the premises at 10.30 p.m. on the night of August 2lst, by barming the back door with a 2" x 4". He padlocked the front door. Upon re-opening1 the premises on the 22nd, the back door was found wide open. Entry had been made by forcing the sky light. Evidence of the propri2etor' was that two of the boys hadj sought her out after they had been released fmom the County Gaol on bail and told her they were responsible and wanted to (fJeen i ~Ilews The Teen Town deance this week will be heid on Fridey, Oclober 9th at 8:30 p.m. rs will be casual and admission is 25c. for members and 50c, for non-members. New member- sbips are now being printed and will soon be on sale. At the lst meeing t was dec!Ïded th-nt admissionprices vould be rais- ' cd ta 3cC. i and 60C. respectiveiy; Ibis ta take effeCt when the new executive is elected. The elections will be coming up shortiy and there is moom for seven new members on the executive along with the seven second yeam members and the past-president. make restitution. They made restitution o! $25.00. The third lad was arrested by Toronto Police and broughtl back to Bowmanville and gave police a statement. The thmee lads claimed that thcy were apprentice electri- cians. They had been on a drunk over this particular weekend and if they were Coli- victed, they would flot be grant- ed licenses as journeymen elec- tricians and would not be ac- ceptable to the union. Their counsel subrnitted that they were boys Zèf 18 and 19 and of "tender yeams". Charge against one was dis- missed. Magistrate Baxter re- gîstered convictions against the other two. Charges of having a concealed weapon, flot a re- volver or pistol, were dismiss- ed. Said the Magistrate: «I must find you guilty as charged. You were bailed out by your par- ents. You went home and then you went fmom Toronto to WiI- liam's Point aftem you-had con- sulted your parents and tied to make restitution.. You will perty be informed that unies. the building is made safe and the weeds cut, the town will be obliged to have this done and will charge the cost against the property. The Board of Works decided to inform. the Fire Marshal's Department and the Board of Health regarding the Duke Street property and request that representativeu visit and check it. The meeting was informed that the board hearing regard. ing the Mill Lane water-main would be held on Tuesday, oc. be remanded out of custady for two weeks for a pre-sentence jreport." For trespassing on the prem. ises o! the Long Bog Club pro- siged a anfece, a locl mo pigeda an esaea loch ma was fined $5.00 and costs o! 1$3.00. A camplainant in an assault charge Ihat took place in a local factory did nat appear. The. charge wvas dismissed. A man was convicted o!feuai- ing ta remain at the scene o! an accident. Accident was at Church and Division Streets. He was appmehended a short time laten haîf a mile west o! the junction o! 401 and Na. 2 highways by the O.P.P. He was fined $50.00 and costs o! $17.20 or 10 days. He aiso pleaded guiity ta having liquor In a place other than a residence. He was !ined $10.00 and costs o! $3.00 or 3 days additional. A charge o! impaired driving was adjourned for Iwa weeks as there wasn't enough lime to heam the case. Court was ad- journed at 5:10 p.m. Tmaffic Clinie was postponed for one week until 7:30 p.m. an the night ai Oct. 131h due- ta illness o! bath instructors. Nights for October.wil be Oc- tober l3th and 201h, et 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attention Bowlers i Km smen Club of Bowmanville Sponsors SUNDAY BOWLING Bowling from 1 p.m. ta 6 p.m. for members only Memberships available from any Kinsmau - 50e Starling Sunday, Oci. 11 LJBERTY BOWL LJNITED til They're New!1 They're Diff erent! If you were unable to attend the showing of our 1960 models lasi week . . . we invite you fo drop in fo aur showroom anytime . . . look the new models over. . . lhen ask our salesmen for a demonstration . . . You have choice of 1960, OLDSMOBILE "The Most Satisfying Car You Have Ever Known" 1960 CHEVROLET "The Beautiful Boomy Car - With Elegance and Economy» 1960 CORVAIR uThe Sensational, Compact, Economy Car» NICHOLS THINK 0F ALL THE MONEY YOU SAVE! Whether you want plain nails or luxurious oak for floors and panels, we supply ail the building materials and lumber you need at low prices! When you're planning to remodel the interior of your home, take our advice. Buy your lumber and building materials now. Corne in todayl Let us show you how much money you can. save. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Downtown Oshawa, Main Office and Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. S. - RA 8-1617 COURTICE-RA 8-1611 0 9 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU * BOWMANVILLEý-MA 3-2130 AJAX-ZEnIth 2-96» DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.K WHAT YOU WANT - WHEN YOU WANT I? i -9 PAGE lqnqETEM

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