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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1959, p. 7

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TifUBSAYOCT 81, 159 SW &~LL>m~ At ~ILLI~ D.J MUAIV A.jLI. J~JUIM PAE SVEàA R AIVUA jA AONTARIOA - 74rs. and Ms-s. Charles Den. ton are spendiing a week in Toronto visiting friends. Ms-. and Mrs. T. B. Lebeau, Cagary, Alta., spent a weei with ber sister, Mrs. M. E. Leask. 1&s. Dick Metcalf, Toronto, spent a few deys this weeli with her mether, Ms-rs. J. W. Knight. ?&-. Wm. G. James, Mentreal, Que., visited bis parents, Dr. and M& Geo. James, lasi Thursday. Mr. Egerton Hancock o! Or- ono is spending a fcw deays vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock, B.TS. Mrs. N. D. Smit, Jackman ~Road, is pending a !ew days "> Belevile ihMr. ant iMrs, bMol1d Seldon. Rev. andi MT. E. L. Beech, lAwrence and Allen, Teronto, were recen't guests o! Mr-. and Mrs. Poss Richards. Mr. and Ms-s. Ralph Ames and Jill spent lest weekend ini Torontao with Mr. andi Mss. R. B. Dutnall and David. Mr. andi Mrs. Walter B. Rey- nolds spent last weekerid with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Taylor, Bhyth, Ontario. Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Switzer andi Cindy, Willowdale, were guests ast wcekend o! Mr. andi 4Mrs. Hugh McDonald andi Kas-- Ms.andi Mrs. W. R. Ediger, Debbie and Randy, Peterbor- ougth, visited with bis mother, Mrs. W. A. Edger, on Wednes- day. Mr. and Ms-rs. Jack Woedleck, Calgas-y, Alberta, are visiting the former's brother, Mýr. and Mirs. T. Woodlock, Mlanvers Road. Mr. antiMs-s. G. Badger eni- I'oyed a long weekend at Fran-, by Cottage, Georgian Bay, as guests o! Ms-. and Mrs. F. Bell, ]Barrie. Ms-. Starney Otton, Toron- to, accompanieti by M4r. and Mrxs. Wallace Holmes visited Ms-. and Mrs. Howell Rowland, Orono, on Sund'ay. Ms-s. Samn Glanrvilleani rs John Glanville spent thec week- end in Toronto andi Oakville witih Mr. and Ms-s. Howar-d Pin- gle and, family e! Toronto. Mr. and Ms-s. Chasles Ven- ning and Linda, Blacksteck, and Mir. and Ms-rs. Isaac Lucas, Toronto, visited Mr. and Ms-s. Ors- Venniing ever the weekend. Ex-Mayors M. J. Elliott and Sld Little attendeti the epening oeremo'nies o! the Golden Pie- Ugh Lodge o! the Homne ferrfthe Aget at Cobourg on Wcdnres- clay a!ternoon. bl issces Myrna Peterson and *Linda Colwell, members o! the fl-uring class at Oshawa Geri- ex-aI Hospital, were in town last Fridlay and calicti a' thé Statesman office. A few unclaimeti prizes from the Beehive Rebckah Penny Sale still remain. These may be claimcd et Goheen's Hantiy Shop by helders cf tickets numbers,1300, 1324, 1276, 1535, 1955 and 2674. Mr. an~d Mrs. Charles Cowie o! Regina Sask. and their neph- ew Mr-. Andrew Quirie o! Smi- tters, B.C., have retur ne d home after visiting ber sister, Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, and etiher relatives and friends. Miss Darla -Marie Plmer and Miss Ann Ivan, nurses-in- training at Belleville General Hospital, Belleville, Ont., spent a few days last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Plmer, King Street East. Since last week we have eaned that Mrs. A. Norct hcutt P.M. aise attended the 44t~h An- nual1 Frienciah-ip Session o!' -Grand Chapter, Order o! the riEastern Star, heiti mcently ai the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. ,Ms-s. J. H. Fisher (rice Mar- k garet Wightman) o! Nanaimo, B.C., who is visiting ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wight- mari, Napance, was a guesi this weck o! Mrs. J. W. Jewl and Miss Mary Jeweil, Conces- sien St. Ms-. and Mms. Bob Doran, Sarnia, were guests last week to! the !ormem's sister, Mr. and Ms-s. A. Marjerrison. Last Sun,- day Ms-s. Marjerrison andi son Gera]d left for a week's vaca- rtie)n in Detroit, Mich, and Sr-. mia, Ontario. Miss Diane Jacknian, Univer- sity of Tex-onte, was a week- endi guest o! Mr. and Mm-. C. *Hockin. Miss Jackn-an assisted at thec Trousseau Tee given iby Ms-s. Heckin in honous- o! ber daughtex-, Miss Dex-othy Hock- in, hast Saturday. Mr. Tom Staples of Bethanyr *accompanied Mr. Wes Davey te *the Juvenile bail gaine heme on Satu-day. Mfterwards, tbey bad supper with Mr. and Mrs. John M. James and family before re- turning te Mr. Staples' home where Ms-. Davey bas been vis- iting recently. Mrs. H. Winslovex-, Napanee, and Mrs. Earl Kimmerly, Syra- cuse, N.Y., wcre guests iast wcek of Ms-. anti Mss. Has-ry Akey. Last Satus-day they at- tcnded the wedding cf Miss Donna Akcy and Mr. Edward Fairey. Donna is Mrs. Wind- over's grandclaughter and is a niece of Mrs. Kimmerly. Last Saturday Mrs. M. Roc-i rigk mceived a wire frein ber son, Dr. J. P. Mayberry, in To- kio sayinrg "Family O.K." Until the exrival of the ceble, Mr. and MIrs. Roenigk wcre niuch *conccs-ned for their safety fol- lowing the f irst report o! the hurricane that bit Japan caus- ing great bavoc and loss o! life. Wcekcnd visitors with Mr. andi Mrs. J. Maguire, Brown Street, were their daughters, Mr. and Ms-s. Murx-y Axnott and Christine, Belleville; Miss Eleanor Maguire, R.C.A.F. Sta- tion, St. Hubert, Que., andi frienti, Don Simmens, Oshawa; and their son, Mr'. and Mrs. John Maguime and farnily, Et- obicoke. The Euchx-e held by thec Bowmanvilie Cetbolic Women's Leegue in St. Joseprh's Hall on Tuesday evening was much cri- joyeti. Mrs. Lee Goulah was the convener. The prize win- ners were Ms-s. Bll Bates, Mrs. Frank Bottreil, Ms-s. Stewart' Chisholm, andi Miss Margaret Meho'ney. A delicieusluc was serveti.1 Mr. W. S. (Bill) Robinson, son of! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson o! Guelpht, fox-merly of, 90 Ceoncessioni St. West, a greduate o! Bewimenviile Higit School, bas obtained. bis Mas- ter e! Music Degree frein the Eastman School o! Music, Ro- chester, N.Y. Mr-. Robinson is aise a graduete of the Univer- sity e! Toronto where he ob- traineci bis Bachelor of Music Degrec. At presenrt Mr. Rob- ison is living in Ottawa wbere be teaches music, Englisit and French tec High School of Commerce anti is the ergenist and choir master at Fis-st Uni- ted Chu-cit. Lest Saturday efternoon ans evening, October 3rti., Mn Clarence Hockin, 43 Queei Street, was hostess for a trou sseau tea in honour o! Se daughter Dorothiy whese me: rnage te Mx-. K. Kelly take place this Saturday. The bri de's grandq-nether Mrs. Elean<: Jackman anti the -groom': greandmoithex- Mss. Mabel Wbit ,id s- eri r- Sociali & fkersonal Phone MA 3-3303 No rman Holmes 55th Anniversary (Continued from page one) __________________________ sessment, expressed as a per- centage of total assessment, stands at 9.71 percent. This is Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Holmes of Oshawa, celebrat- higher than one and only slight- ed their 55th wedding anniversary on Sunday, September ly lower than three other near- 97. at the home of their daughter Mrs. R. Ogden. Present by towns of comparable size. for d inner to celebrate the occasion were their seven This demonstrates that the town's commercial and indus- children: Edna (Mrs. Walter Edgar), Oshawa; Leah (Mrs. trial activity is at a satisfactory Keith Bertrand), Midland; Hazel, (Mrs. Charles Webster), level and is a tribute ta the Lucknow; Ruth (Mrs. Morley Oke), Bowmanvil le; Wal- worth cf the commercial and laceOhw;CaecWnsr Hl ( s.R ad industrial establishment theOsaaCaene Wido;Hln Mr.R ad town already pessesses. Ogden), Oshawa; and their husbands and wives along "Thoe wo cnsier oy-with 14 of their 16 grandchildren. manvîlle taxes to be high wvîîî During the afternoon sisters and brothers of the be heartened te know that en bride and their families visited to congratulate the couple. a per capita basis they are aver-1 Guests were from Midland, Seagrave, Windsor, age. Two nearby towns have a Lucknw hseBaktk omnvl ndO aa' iower rate, but two are sub- oC seyBlcsokBomnieadOhw. stantially higher. On Saturday, September 26, many of the guests for "The per capita debt of nei- this occasion attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. ghboring towns ranges from 29 Holmes' oldest granddaughter, Miss Elaine Edgar to Mr. percent to 162 percent higher Murray Lynn. than Bowmanville which is $127.03. Cobourg's debt is ac- was need'ed for the libra!ry, tually $33 2.93 per capita. WhileW Il adhtteborWodpy our comparatively low debt fig -üteradt wtebad ol ure may have its favourable as-- tihe premium. Instructions were pects, it raises the question: "lIs I i given by coun cil that this in- it not low only because year w orkWIL suraîlce be placed accordrinigly. after year we have put off var-- ious capital projects which (Continued fromn page onie) might better have been under- motion was seeondied by Coun- I taken when interest rate s were i dlor Lloyd Prestoai, and car- COMPETITIVEPl lower and labour and material ried. costs much less than they are The Municipal Plaxindng Con- today-projects which, if un- 1 sultanits informed Týown Coun- dertaken 10 years ago, would cil by letter that copies of now be haif paid fer?" queried their report "~A North Neigh- Mr. Higgon. bourhood Studr Town of Bow- "If Bowmanville in 1958 had manville"l were ibeing forward- assumed a per capita debt at the ed. Council was asked ta study average cf the four nearby thie report and Derek Little towns, a debt which At is fully sant os fRamon offeret corne capable of carrying, it woui ul at imofee ac have spent an additional $750,- te Bowmainville next week. 000," said the Reeve. "Such antTon Council HbstuvdteSEILV UE expenditure weuld have brought ta onCuelsuyteSEU AU many things, includin.g tow'i- report and~ a meeting be called owned industrial sites fully ser- with the Planning Board and viced with roads, sanitary sew- Mr. Little on Thursday even- er, sterrn sewer, wvater and rail. ing Octeber lSVh in the Ceun- way spur ta help attract new Cil Chamber. Deputy Reeve industries." Jack Brough seconded the me- The report concluded w-th extracts froin newspaper edit- orial which stresseci that a pro- gressive community must have a streng industrial commission; that quick and spectacular ne- sults shoulti net be expected; that the commission must have the trust and confidence cf the citizens because~ it capriet open- hy discuss its problems, plans and prejects. anid that the ul- timate pey-eff justifies the ini- tial expenditure o! Urne anti money. Town Wovks es (Ccntinued frein page one) .-- "It is with regret that I meve orthat council accept Lloyd Quin- Steri's resîgriatieri," the Deputy- -'Reeve stateti. Mayor Carruthers enderscd what had been said by Deputy- IReeve Brough. "I certeinly feel that Mr. Quintori's resignation is a serieus loss te the tewn. He bas built good relations with bis staff workers, crie cf the! first essentiels is te have ce- ioperation o! personnel. His re- lations with the public are ex- jceptionally gooti, anti it is crie oftehrtest o! jobs te satis- fy the public with roads and streets in particular. lb takes a lot o! tact to have ple ant pub- lic relations, the ce-fferation o! the working force and te, get the job done, the Mayor stated. 04 We regret that Mr-. Quinton is eaig. We wisb him suc- Icess in the future- and wc want fhum te know Bowmnanville ap- precietes wheb he has done," 1 His Wership concluieti. Mr. Quiriton thanketi Mayor Cerruthers anti Deputy Reeve4 j Brough. He spoke c! the kirit- ncss and ce-operetion be had received from council during bis tbree yeax-s with the Werks1 Deperbment. In the last yeer he had more than 100 meetings1 with some members o! council,1 Mm. Quinten said. He offencti te go ever evcrything in the few wecks he will still be here. j"Te Deputy Reeve Broùgh's fsuggestion cf a tour o! the town with the press andi Rate- payers' Association, I would like te show what I have donc, and the preblerns stili abeati. "I wish te extenti my thenks ta ail menîbers c! the Town Councîl anti everyene taking part it municipal affairs. If my~ successor bas the saine ce-up-I eration frein ceurcil andtihec public as I have lied, he wiil be very lucky," Mr. Quinton as- serted. The motion by Deputy Reevcj Brough te accept Mr. Quintor'sI Jresignetion with regret, was L;e- condeti by Councillor Ken jNicks, and caxrieti. JGoti ties net want us to do! extxaordinarv things: He wants us ta do ordinary things extra- ordinarily wel.-Charles Gare. Ù4 ~ wbich w-as--cearricti -unai-n- imeusly. Waverly Rd. Clovericaf In refererice ta a commnm- catrion from Sis-ike andi Stnikeý informing council that al deeds in corinection with thec Waverly Road widienring have now iberri registered Mayor Carruthers poiritei eut that itl hati been gooti business for Bowmanviile ta have takeni steps at that time. There bas since been a definite committ- ment tihat the Intercfhange will go inte Weveriy Road in 1960, he stated. The following accounts wcs-e passeti for peyment: Ikatis anti Streets $3,723,28; Public Ps-o- perty $549; Police Departiment $101.57; Welfare $1,349.06; Dog Pound $819.48; FinanceCern- mittee $2,720.05; Cernet er y $179; Pire Depar'tment .$41.57. Acceunts paid prier anieunteti te $47,932.40. Approve Twe By-Laws Two By-Laws were given thrcc readings andi passedi. TheI !irst on motion of Reeve Hig- gon, seconded by Deputy-Re- eve Brough was By-Law No 1738 appointing places for7hold- inýg the next Municipal Elect- ion and otites purposes. The il second was By-Law -No. 1737 giving autherity fer thse issue o! debentures of $200,235 to finance tlhe Lod Elgin Publice Sohool. The meadings o! By- Law No. 1737 werc rnoved by Councillor Ivan Hobbs ,second- ed by Deputy-Reeve Brough.i On x-equest o! the Durham Ceunty Dîst. High Sciteel Bd. Reeve Higgon, seconded by -De- puty -Reeve Brougli, roved that Town Counicil support the debenture issue for a .500 pil High School in Das-lingten aind a 1,50 pupil Hifh School in Millbrook. Titis was carried unanimously. A resolution -% as aise pessetid authorizing the Durham Ceunty District High School Board toeregage archi- tects and purchase sites for these two Hîgh Sciiools., A report was received from Glenholme Hughes, secret.ary- treasures, o! the Bowinnville Public Libres-y Boardt statcd that $7,500 insurance coverege PACKS o like K LEE[NEX * DELSEY * *RO. TRADE MARK 2 ROLIS 35c HELPS REMOVE SMOKE AND SURFAC StAINS LKEtCS* BAEDNOY BETERSIEWRTIG A nousTOO I HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES * mee 'Poured tea, as did the k bride's great-aunt, Mrs. Evelyn Mvr. and ivrs. STyler, Maple Grove, and the trnee, Oshawa. The bride's H n r d o cousin, Merridy Hately, was i .charge o! the guest book. The bride's sister, Miss Pat Hockin, was in the trousseau room; Mrs. IJack Marshall, Osh a wa, in charge o! the wedding gifts;,....... Mrs. Elva Hocki, sister-in-law................. o! tihe bride, and the bride's cousin, Mrs. R. Black, Osh- N awa, in the shower room. As- sisting in the tea room were ,the groom's sister-in-law, Mrs. fRalph Kelly, Mrs. Glen ops lMs-s. Foster Herrington, Miss Eilcen Spicer, Miss Colleen Hutchinson, Miss Jean Canji and three e! the ibride's cous- « - ins, Mrs. Deug Caverly, Mrs. Ray Wiggans, Cous-ice, and Miss Diane Jacknian., Univer- sity of Toronto. The guests . ' were gracieusly received by the greeom's mether, Mrs. H. Kelly, the hostess Mrs. Heckin and the bride-to-be. "«Sigbt is everybody's busf- ness, yours, the cubs's, the Ad- visory Committee's and the comnxunity's. Glaucoma, h a s caused 10 per cent o! the blind- ness in this counrtry. It is start- ling te realize that ,two eut o! evcry 100 Canadians near their 40tih bisthdey arc victims of ibis thief of sight. "Normal vision meens 20-20 and a full fieldi o! vision. Ths-ough ocular pressure, gînu- coma victims lose this andi are reduced te tunnel vision. If care is stlll not given blindness results. Caused by Accidents Mx-. Cas-uk warned that seven per cent o! al hlindness is causeti by accidents. He advised parents te keep scissors, sharp teys and needles away from chiltiren. He also stated that strabismus (crosseti eyes) must be treated befere the age of sev- en, or blindness resuits. Child- ren de net outgrew this con- dition. The methods o! corneal graf t, and ail vcry happy with plenty Lions Club <Continued from page one) Club ta the local camnpaigu in aid of the blind which is te be opened on October 19th. The goal will be $4.000. Don Williams, chairman o! the BÔwmanvilc Branch of the West Durharm Advisory Cern- mittee te, the CNIB introduced tihe special.speaker, Mr. Caruk. He told o! his wide experience as social worker for the bene- fit o! the blind. Mr. Caruk was weil known. as the field secre- tary for this district, and dur- ing the last year was appointed diirector of personnel for the Ontrario Division of the CNIB, Mr-. Williamns stated. Care Might Have Saved Eyes Mr. Caruk cmphasizcd the fact that néarly 50 per cent of the blindness in Canada might, have been ps-eventcd through eas-ly andi preper care. Sight conservation dees not only mnean thec provision o! glasses, eye exanmtions, and services, it means aise that we Éhould know the eye, its stren- gth and weakness, Mr. Caruk asserted. Dear Editor, M~y visit ta England, leaving Montreal on August 7th and arriving at Southampton, Au-1 gust l4th., on the Cunas-tiliner, Ivernia, was a mernorable onc. I arn please t t say I enjoyeti my trip both ways. On axriving in Southampton, I teck thc train !or Horshem in Sussex and stayeti with my sister for ten days, whioh gave me the opportunity te see the country around thxe South o!. Englanti.i Meeting many old frientis, I had the piesure of seeing just how they werc living and what they thought e! the coming election on Octeber 8th. I founti mest o! thcm are -in faveur o! putting the prescrit govermnment back ini again, for everyone I came in contact with said thet they were neyer better of! then tbey are today - geod wagcs RICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICEC AND REMINDERSFOR TRIS WEEK I.D.A. Braný COD LIVER OIL CAPSUI MILK 0F MAGNESIA TA Lady Esther 698c Tube Four-Purpose Wildroot Cream Cream-Oil Reg. 1.19 89C 59C Helene Curtis - Regular and Super Soft - 79e size SPRAY NET - - - - - - 59c HINDS 'lony &CRE AM Reg-2lor 98 Lentheric - 1.95 Value TWEED HAIR SPRAY -- 89c BRJSK BALL-POINT 63 TOOTHPASTE P' PEN 10l-oz. jar ReRc,. 2.50 LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO 1 Richard Hudnut - Reg. 2.00 EGG CREME SHAMPOO -- 1 PEPSODENT UPLASTIC TOOTHPASTE FLASHLIGHT 63e size GLEEM NAIL TOOTHPASTE plus SCISSORS Hollywood WAVE SET plus COMB-- I.DA. PRODUCTS AROMATIC CASCARA __ ____35e, l00's 1.15 I Alex. We Deliver 250's 2.29 500's 4.2n PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGregor, Your Local I.D.A Drug Store or transplant, which have e sulted in the restoration of sigh ta many handicapped people, were outlined by the speaker. Mr. Caruk explained that the supply of corneae must corne from healthy humnaj beings. He told of the Eye Bank of Canada set up by the CNIB. Divisions of this bank are op- erating in Ontario and Quebec. The clear cornea is transplant- ed frorn the donor eye into the eye of a waiting patient, he pointed out. An eye pledge is a wonderful donation because itý is a gift of sight, Mr. Caruk stated. Mr. Caruk closed with his p ersonal congratulations ta the Bowmanville Branch of the West Durham Advisory Committee of the CNIB and ta the Bowman- ville Lions Club for their front line work on behalf of- the On- tario Headquarters of the Can- adian National Institute for the Blind. A vote of thanks was moved by Ciff Samis ta Mr. Caruk for his informative and inspiring address. Bowmanville, Ont, "Allie Shrubb" p Protects Better Proteets Longer 1.29.1 98C 63c 21 FEMININE NAPKINS wlh the KimIon* Centre Tour choce of à absorbencles Super, Regular and Junior (for the Junior Mis$) Sc 55e WC NEW KOTEX Wonderform* BELT «&NW.i. MU& Drugs Phone MA 3-57921 of food at reasonable prices. 1 visited Brighton, Worthing and Guildford where 1 found ail the people in good spirits and doing well. The !armers had wonder!ul crops and doing splendidly. Frorn here I visitcd London and found the great city roaring in business with the sumsner resorts doing a great tourist business. Then my next stop was Nor- wich in Suffolk and this is a beautiful city wîth all the new buildings going up. Everywhere I went it was the same, new houses and factories going up ail over England with plenty of work for everyone. I neyer sav the Old Country looking bet- ter. I visited Déd!ordshlre andl Oxfordshire and here again people o! ail walks o! life were very happy with plenty of work. I then visited Coventry, Birmningham, Wolverhamp t o a and Manchester. Here I met many of my old friends and stayed with my friends, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murphy. The former is a boxing promoter and vice- president of the Aston Villa Football Club. Here I had the pleasure of seeing the Villa play Sunder- land, aise another match against Swansey of Wales. I had a won- derful time with my !riends ini Birminghamn. Back in 1902 and 1903 I used te run on the Astoni grrounds and ta my surprise they gave me a "welceme" ban- quet dinner, and I was driven tei Lester, Nottingham and Northamnpton. During my visit ta London I had an invitation te meet Mr. Roy Thomsen the great paper mari and TV owner, ini that he boughtout the Scottish TV and ewns the Scotchman paper in EIdinburgh. Se altogether they gave me a wonderful visit. I left Bir- mingham on September lSth for Southampton and came back on the Saxonia for Montreal, arriving Sept. 23rd, and now back in Bowmanville I can say that whoever visits the Old Country will sure be made wcl- came by ail. They are a wen- derful people-always ready ta show you around and rnake your visit a very enjoyable one. Sincerely yours, ILES 2e'.9, 757cMLONDD eg. 39c, 89e EMOULU A U N-5123 Trinity Unit ed Church Mnster-Rev, Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organst-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING SERVICE "A Drama of the Harvesi" 12:10 p.rn. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 - EVENING SERVICE ""God, and Man's Need" A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanvll, MORNING SERVICE - 1:00 a.m. -ng%às EVENIG SERVICE- 7:30 pmn Duteb SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at à p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. .very Sunday, CRB 'm DRUGý STORES 1 41wes&ý&1éoe 1 TJ:ÎURSDAY, OCI. Bth, 1959 .11H r-AmAnTATO iRnwiLaý&wmrTrilm &-%WfflA»Iro% q Reeve ReplÏes ;,.entent mari maravu 1

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