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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1959, p. 8

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w z- ~~1 .7w~~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMLANVILE. ONTAUJO q',jry'~av~ A ~ .. **J flCA.'fl. ,, OCT. 15th, 1950 the makin's. That's why Nedi. can't stop ta show you the desk. a r IIt's i the panloun, you go e1 fiif you like it." Maw had neyer Dr i g o Il even stopped to ask me my ~ ~ i (jJ naine, just assumed I must be > f Voldistance about the desk. $ '400 La IIn the dusk of a heavily u - tained noom the desk looked. Darlington Township Couneil exactly as 1 had hoPed it at the meeting heid in the woauld The glass in the cuP- o~i al Hampton, on board doors was old and bubbly, Thursday, October lat, gave BY OROIIYBARERthe interior pigeon-holed and: two readings to a By-law ta SY DROTY BAKERsmelling of wood amoke, &as 11 provide for the issue of deben- Is her anthig mre an-phoe wre a kep e ~ very aid wooden pleces smell tures ta naise the township's Is tereanyhin moe tn- phoe wre a kep e cin-if they are authentic. Even its share of the building costs of tilizing than the smell of a. pany. Fat, sieek cattie grazed stundy legs were graceful and'the addition ta Memorial Hos-' freshly bakéd pumpkin pie 1 next ta the fields o! stubble would match other pieces with1 pital, Bowmanville. The By-law wa.fted on the breeze of a crisp that had flot yet been ploughed which it wouid have ta asso- will be submitted ta the On- fr11 day? For weeks I had been for sping sowing. This had ciate. I didn't quibble when the ta uiia or o p trying ta find thé time ta spend been a good year and the har- price was set, nor wonder how proMici. or o p aday in the Ontario country- vest was plentiful. I wouid transport it twet rvl aide that surrounÂs the fertile; Smewhere àlong th~e way I miles ta my home. I ws i love At the request of the Dur- ,valley o! the Schombeng River. had attracted a little mongrel with it and that was that. AUso! ham County District Himh 1 knew that if I planned weil dog who tagged along at my I was fiUled with the spirit of School Board the coundil aiso 1 could take an early train heels, or chased a chipmunk Thanksgiving for having found approved the issue of deben- north, saunter aver the coun- and then came prancing back this pnize and met two human tures for a 500 pupil High try roads lined with maple and for praise of his effort ini run- beings who StÛR mark this fes-' Sehool in Danlington and a 150 elm trees in their gay fali garb ning it ta hale. "Ah, life is tival in the saine manner as puPil High Sehool ini Milbrook. and be home again in time for good,"1 I thought as I turned their ancestors. This was moved by Deputy tea. down the farin lane, lined on When the desk arrived home Reeve Garnet Rickard, second- I had another motive as well either side with knotty aid days later, we couldn't even get In aur weekiy paner I had r'ad pines. At the end a small house it into the living romr. I neal- ta the Friendship Circle, where en Pd offering an ancient wai1- nestied in a hedge of honey-_ ized toa late that its formner the Mission Band Purpose was nut desk for sale in this area. suckle and liiac bushes, its resting place couid boast ten- nepeated. Friendship Cir c 1 e ]Being a pushover fa almost any white board and batten exter- foot walls, whereas maine were sang sung and raleauled by antique article, but especially ior dating it as having been ofniy eight feet tail. Lorraine Turner. Then came having a use for a desk where built in the middle of the last This caiamity almost felleci Stony Time- The second hait 1- coutl store the volumes o! in- century. me, especially inasmuch as we of the first chaptelr o! Boloji formation this Diary is need-, I was greetcd with the wave brake the thermostat ta te anid Old Hippo toid by Mns. ing, I decided that the day of a sweaty cap as the young furnace in trying ta get the Butt. Leanne Dorneli gave a would be well spent ini a tnip fariner kept right on pushing high top ta fit. But inm neyer nesume of the stary fromn the rlorth. a squeaky aid manual lawn stumped for long. I sold the last meeting. Everyone was I took the train as fa- as mower aven the hummocky top ta miv carpenter, who can cailled ta worship by the druin 'eaird wash l lewne, a she "ond Maw's i the kitchen,," do anything with wood. The an>d the words, Oh come let us The ir as ikenewwin, a hecalled, "'walk ight in." lower part is now playing af adore Hi, with John Larmer bit heavy but heady. My feet1 And that's when I smelled new raie as a serving table in. on the druin. First verse o! shu!tled in the curled brown 1te pumpkin pie. Maw was the dining-noom. sang "Mvany, Many Children" leaves that danced before me1hustling tram stave ta table Did I teste the puirpkin pie? wa leerned anîd the memory r-&~ I trudged along through the wîth first one hot pie and then No, but the sineil was nre-' verse: Even a chiid makes towi. and out into the country another. "«We're getting ready enough. Obviously Maw's re ief known by his acts. agan. Tere erefew birds on for the Thanksgiving supper at ciPe was flot a mnix but the old hme lae n hlrn the wing, only now and then the church and everybody's ga- fashioned kind that nealvPaeny a chick-a-dee chirped on a tele- "Yn eet ep scrymksoe hnflfrago Dedication o! the o!tering and whalesome harvest. w.c a eevdb rn MeLaugh.lin. Closed with sang "Father We Thjank Thee. At- !ZT~i~V~For oot esuis...BLACKSTOCK Te ~c&to9er meeting ofth TRY OUR Blackstock Women's nstitute A group o! girls met ut the was held in the Community 'IIAKE-UPIS Auo ai home o! Gloria Saddler an Fmi., Hall with Mirs. Gilbert Marlow A WOMANIS WA'1ut mai Oct. 2nd for a shower in hion- hostess anid thirty ladies pre- 0F KCERPING A M M aur o! Sandra Ferguson. The sent. After the opening exer- FR01 EONG A A/A(- programme coniienced with a cises there was a discussion BETWEN TU LCAR YVW ASH gaine followed by a reading by1 period on the business of the BETWEN UE I EThecarwas tht gvesyon Sylvia Kozub, Catharne Bailey month. Mrs. Scott will send T41a as htgie O then rendered two beautifulI subscriptions o! two magazin- tha geamngwax finish. piano solos atter another gamne es ta the Sister Women's Insti- LUBRIATIONthe presentatian o! the gifts tute in England. Prizes will be OE CATNGN was made the addmees read by given by the W.I. ta the Home OIL HANG Aileen VanCamp while Gloria Economics and Shop Womk CAR WASH Sadier pinned a lovely corsage classes o! schools. Donation o! FIK TIRES a! white beganias on the bride- canned goods will Ïbe made ta to-be, wha then opened her a needy famiiy. No action was and presenta, which were handy an- taken on bus trip ta Toronto. BATTERIES ticies for hen kitohen. The Corwention in Nov. and date bride-to-be thanked the girls Io! Nov, meeting was left to hos- who had gathered ini her hon- tess and gnoup leader. The ral t>ur, aisa, the hostess for open- caîl was aniwered by a "papen iing her home ta them. on" or 1« picture o! youn tarin Lunch followed and while the home" for the TweedsmuirE girls renewed acquaintances,; scrap book. Mrs. G. Ma.nowt Cathiaine Bailey played softly 1had charge ot the programme on the organ, aid favorites o! The motta- Pmeser-ve the Na- SERV ICE STATIO[ > the girls gathered there. 1tions treasures for future gen- Mission Bnd met in the enations- wias nesponded ta byM Sunday School rocim Tuesday IMns. Frank Stanàiand. Mns. a~' ORNER MIf after sohool, when the childnen John Raibin gave current ev- 4. a rw WA&9&uLRV 9*p.1 tived t'hey made offring ents, Elizabeth Thompson pla-c '761 boxes. Then the drum, beaten yed a medflcy o! aid sangs and ________________---___ by Bill Thompson called themn Mrs. G. Mariow gave a splend-t id paper on "nhe History o! Milk Shipping in Oartwright". A!tcr the Queen lunch was ser- ved. ...... There were ten tables of cu- chre at the party in the Parishi Hall, Thursdiay evening. Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Fred Bailey won t"Il,::: hmthe ladies prizes and Mn. J. j .~ ............ . Deinery and Mr. Osmonid Wri- c a!lnd Thanksgiving soe ner- a vc. voSh.lJohn b hChurch-hei . . . .. . . .. . sundas herty nd RBev. * i Haum Newmatn o Drnar d phrchedra excelln tmsiero, W~~ ed. nitedoh'sChurch te'E -4 .'-" ~choir of 17 voices led the sing- p ['4 uing and sang an anthein. Rev. - P. Romenil preadied a fine sem- 'y mon. Attencianice was goad at t( bath chumehes. Saturday night a party was S held at the home of Mr. and jý Mr. Roy Ferguson and Mns. i5 R E N T A Cci il set e daGswth Strattord, London, Parkhill and BI Soarboro, and wcre amang the F. friends who ceiebrated the 25th St weddlng anniversary o! Rcv. M of illwdlle ndMn. P. C. S] WATER HEATER Tanksgiving guests ofMrs. S.K. A.Mi o Rchand HilDaiwerll adfamiiy,* Whitby; Mr. Vin- tel cent Archer, Bowmanville; Mr. Hî only 7 monthly and Mns. Bert Snuùth, Toronito, ga visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbent- Archer and Mr. Dever. Dr. and Mr-s. Jack Manlow, Lindy, were wcekcnd guests o! 10 W COST OPERA lION Mand M Jnt SpeckMr Mand Mrs. Jn SManLw; Mn. Youw Gu compony dma not empioy door-todoor salesnm nor teleplion e guests o! Mr. and Mns. canvassers. For information about dealers lcensed by the Ontario Fuel Board Neil Baliey, enroute home trrn fb »0i and instail naturai Sas equipment cali or write the Sales Departnient of a trip through U.S.A. Sunday Sevening the above four and Mn. and Mms. Neil Werry and Mr. and Mrs. Jin Manlow wene (K~o zsussem'(II~ asSUPPen guests a! the Bailey's. Mr. Merlin Bailey, Montreal, and Miss Catharine Bailey, Pc- 'IYui l"b idyuco. Matuai Gus" terborough, spent the weckend "YouII away b. lad f@Uwith their mother Mns. H.1 Bafley. L 'aý n Council Rescinds1 rîd Separation Tax. cd by Councillor A. E. Thomp- son and ca.rnled unanimously. A motion by Councillor Fred G. Smnith, secanded by Council- lom Earle Trull, ta grant per- missian to the Durhamn County District High Sehoal Board ta engage architects and purchase sites fan the two new High Schools. was also carried un- animously. The Land Separation Tax o! $400 was discussed. On motion o! Councillon Thompson, sec- onded by Councillor Eanle Truil thc Land Separatian Tax o! 1956 was rcscinded. This is cf- fective lmmediateiy. WIII Check AUl Sehools A complaint was rcceived ne- ganding lack o! tire !lghting cqu.ipnint at thc Mitchell's Cor- ners Publie Sehool. The Town- ship Caunell dccided ta nequest the School Board to check ail the schools in the township with a view of eirinat-ing fine haz- ards, and providing tire extin- guishers. Dog By-Iaw Now In Force Councillor Thomoson moved that a notice be insemted in the Bowmanville and Oshawa newspapers in!orming the pub- lic that the Dog By-law is in force in the township. This was seconded by Councillor Truil, and carried. An application was ncceived from, Victor Cookson regardingr a corner lot owned by him on No. 2 Highway. This lot was designated commercial on Re- gistered Plan No. 650. but was not so dcsignated in the Zoning By-law. Mr. Cookson asked ta have the lot re-zoned tram ri- sqidential to commercial. The Planning Board had recom- mended that 'the council consi- der the ncquest favourably be-, cause there had been some mis- undemstaniding. Also the Depant- ment a! Highways had approv- cd it. The councul decided ta grant Mn. Cookson's application, and instructcd that a By-law be go prcpared. Land Separation Tax Mrs. B. Budai, secretary of the Darllngton Ratepayens As- sociation asked the Townshiiu Cauncil if the money paid by people for Separation Tax in thc past would be nepaid te them nonw that the tax. had been nescinded. The maney collectcd fano i tax is in a special account. none of it had been spent, Reeve Ni- chohs told Mina. Budai. He point- ed out that the moncv for the tax had been collected legally, and council had nat yet con- sidered ncpayment. Mrs. Budai -also complained about the re-zollifg of Victor Cookson's corner lot an No. 2 Eighway. She predicted an lu- crease in tra!fic accidenta with thë lot rc-zoned commercial be- SALEM (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig, Miss Gerda Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Reynolds and Craig en- oyed a motor trip to Algoti- quin Park over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. M. Marchant and Su- san were Saturday evening vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Run- dle, Town. Misses Grace Blackburn, MIa-ion Buttery and Barbara Bathgate, Messrs. Don Welsh anld Bob Blackburn attended a 'oung peoples fali rally at Cen- tre Street United Church, Osh- awa last Monday. They were presented with the traphy for winning the Oshawa Presbytery Young Peopies Union basebal tournament last summer. There wlll be na church ser- service here next Sunday, Oct. 8 as it is Tyrone's Hýarvest Hame services. Sunday school wii1 be held next Sunday at 0.30 a-. Salem W.A. will hold their Dctober meeting at the home f Mrs. L. Welsh this Thurs- Jay, Oct. 15. Tyrone W.A. will be aur guests. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coilacott ind famiiy were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Chatter- ;n, Grafton. Mr. and Mrs. George God- lard, Courtice, were Sunday ipper guests with Mr. and Ërs. L. Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig, Miss ffldred, Phiiips attended the :neral of Mr. Craig's brother- n-law Mr. William Shears, wen Sound, on Saturday. Misses Grace Blackburn and lirs. Gary Kunkel spent the rhanksgiving weekend in Buf- 'lo. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, rm and Nancy, Chatham, were rhanksgiving visitors with hiis 5 PI 5T.vices TAQI HRDL irents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall. Mrs. Nettie Cole, Miss Stella lackburn, Town, Mr. and Mrs. % Blackburn and famiiy were anday visitors with Mr. and .rs. Geraid Shackleton and nrs. M. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. R. Shackleton, lampton, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon wackleton and famnily were .inday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shackleton. Messrs. Ray Twist, Glen Iackburn and Bob Cralg at- ended the Toronto Argonauts- smilton Tiger-Cats football arme in Toronto on Saturday. NONET AVAILABLE FOR NOITGAGES RALPE S. JONES Dautruter and SoicIkw siO IasSt. S. OmlmWa RA 5-3323 cause she claimed it is next ta a school. Reeve Nichais explain- ed that Mr. Cookson's plan had been approvcd by thc Depa. ment o! Highways. Joe, Hogevaorst, Bunketon, a member o! the Public Schanl Board, appnoached council ne- garding the pon conditions of the noof and walls o! the Bun- ketan Public Sehool. Repaira wouid cast between $6,000 and $7,000, he said, and added he was con cerned about Uic dan- ger o! a fine. Receve Nichols instructed the Township Cierk, Walter Run- die. to contact the Fine Mar- shall's office on this matter. Change Zonlngr By-Iaw Council discussed the require- ments o! the Zoning By-law ne»- garding agricultural land. rt was decided that a fariner sdil- ing his tarin wouid be aliowed ta keep a smail lot where 1îe couid bulld' a 900 hoot house for his netinement. It was aiso agreed that a farmen's san and daughter, warking away train home, would be ailowed to build 1,050 foot houses. Consider Fire Dept. Aspects of a By-law ta catab- liah a Volunteer Fine Depant- ment were considcred. The By- law wlll provide for a Fire Chie!, Deputy-Fire Chie!, two captains and nat less than 10 firenien. It wili be given tinst and second neading at the next coundil meeting. MANVERS STATION. BiUly Bradley, son o! Mm. and Mra. Morris Bradley was rush- cd ta Civie Hospital in Peter- borough on Mondiay witih sev- eme pains, remained there a few days under observation then rcturned home. Miss Madeline Bogg and Ver- na Porter took a motor trip down thnough Penrsylvania,. crassing thc bonder at the Ivy Lee Bridge and returndng by Bu!ffala. Mr. and Mima. Eaml Argue at- tended the wedding at Grace United Church, Peterborough, o! Miss Marion Eleanior John- stan o! Sterling to John Clarke, Petemborough, on Saturda.y a!- temnoon. Mira. Argue's parents Mm. ami Mrs. S. Fainhairnine- tured home witih thein for a few days. Mr. Jack Rupert spent sev- Mon... eral days i Civie Hospital, Incoine Tax Depantinent as a Peterborough for x-nays and, departinent manager and heid treatinenta, returning home on that position until netîrenient Thursday. in 1946. Shortly a! ter, he inov- Mn. Russell Fisher ha leaving cd ta Bowmanvilc whcre he on Oct. l9th for Cleveland with nesidcd until a few ycars ago. a load o! Christinas trees and i He vas a member o! Jerusa- wlll reinain there ta deliver lecm Lodge. A.F. & A.M., No. 3 1, trees around the city until Bowinanvillc and received his Christmas. 50-year jewel here several Thanksgiving visitons withycars ago. Mn. and Mrs. Jo'hnston He leaves two brothers, Wal.- were, Mr. and Mrs. John Muir ter H. o! Toronto and John of and Mrs. Watson, orangeville; WhitbY, a sister Esther (Mzs. Mr. and Mina. Fak Clark, John Thompson o! Regina, Guelph; Mr. Allan Johnston, Sask., and twa sons, George A. Hamilton and David and Han- o! Toronto and Donald E. o! dy MacLeod, Ancaster. .i Lachine. Mrs. MeClellan,> the Mina. M. Baskenville and Miss :former. Louise Andrew, prede- Leatha Montnoy, Toronto, with ceased hum. thc W. N. Porters. 9___________ Mr. and Prs. Percy AdainsFNEQALTI and Susan, Taronto, with Mn. INEI EIT and Mrs. Frank Derusha. MONUMENTS AND) OF STAFFORD Stafford Bras. ,Monumental Works 318 Dundas St E.. Whitb, Phone WhltbY Mohawk 8-3552 OBITUÂRY GEORGE B. MOCLELLAN George B. McClellan, 83, of Glencairn Avenue, Toronto, died Monday at his home and! will be buried here today. Mr. McClellan was born and. educated in Bowmanville. He! started a long banking career in the Standard Bank in Bow- manville andl later was man- ager of various Northern Crown Banks, since taken over by the Royal Bank of Canada. In 1921 he joined the Federal Ta make bath your home and wardrahe sparkle CALL Cliffcrest Cie an ers 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-7061 PICK-UP ANlD ELI VERT il LORNE MQUARRIE, rp Oct. 7 Io8 pm 19 PAGE LPIGET HELP THE BLIND HELP -THEMSELVES When you support the work of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, you support a realistic program cof Rehabilitation, Recreation, Residential Care and Research. CNIB's 4R Program now serves more than 22,000 blind men, women and children in Canada. In addition 60,000 victims of defective sight received timely treatment through an efficient Sight Conservation Service. The Bowmanville West Durham Advisory Committee is canducting ils ANNUAL BLITZ cAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS DGWNANVILLE - COUITICE - GRONO - NEWCASTLE GIVE GENEROUSLY AND GIVE NOW. If the volun.teer CNIB canvasser misses you, donate by mail, send fo Mr. James Bell, Treasurer, Bowmanville - West 'Durham Advisory Commiiiee, Bank of Monireal, Bowman- ville, Ontario. The Canadian National Institute For The Blind il 1~~ '1;' "um.qn,&,%

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