TRURSDAY. OCT. l5tb, 1955~~jrà%xj IN AADA TTMNlOMAVLE.OTIn m Cartwright High School Holds FieId Day., Oct. 8 Cartwright H-igh School held Laughlln: Bonnie1 their Annuel Field Day on Edna Shemlilt. Thursday, Oct. 8th with t.he fol- Standing Broad lowing resuits: via Lawrence, Bc Junior Girls joy, Donna McLaui 75 yadds-are ake Running Broad yard dash-LaureDonnaMc.,nie Mountjoy, Syli Bouln.onjyDnaM Verna H.arris. Lauglin J op, Step and0 Three legged race - Laurel Mackie, Sylvia La Mackie and Sylvia Lawrence;1 nie Mountjoy. Verna Harris and Donna Mc- High Jurnp-La Donna MeLaugj ~' I Lawrence. IDiscus Throw-1 le, Donna McLau ,~4 Lawrence. Softball Throw- rence, Laurel M. Ra-ris. Bail Throw and rel Mackie and rence; Lorraine Da - ~ ice Sadier; Bonn Q eand Linde Vennin, Junior Girls Cha rel Mackie 33 poir i up-Sylvia Lawrer 1Bonnie Mountjoy. lintermediate -75 yard dash-E vu« r mwt-%IVAtm joy, Dianne Whe As soC&AUU7mC.Mackle. AWS V~5J'WtAioei Three legged Ra Mackie and Jfine1 ne Wheeler and G: Standing Broad ______________________ ne Wheeler, Beth S Mountjoy. Running Broad Co ne w-heeier, Glei L'J~KVE~COJ Bobbie Mackie. ___________________ Hop, Step and Ji IA.388 BOWANVII Wheeler, Glenda M __________________Mountjoy. NECCHI ULTRA& for '59 " NEW! Buflt-in automatic threader e INGENIOUS 1 Instant automatic buttonholes " FABULOUS! Over 200,000 embroidery design *e PRACTICAL! Automatic darning and imendini 2,800 Dealersi North America Lifetime Guarantea Bondf PTices tart ut $1 09.00 "You can buy a Necchi for as littie as $2.00 per week" NECCHI SEWING MACHINES (CANADA) Li, HIGGON ELECTI LIMITED 38 King St. E. Bowmanville Mountjoy and Higli Jump-Dianne Wheeler, IElaine Mountjey, Bobbie Mac- 1 Jump-Syl- kie. onnie Mount- Discus Throw-Carol Kozub, ighlin. Shirley Prosser, Edna Shemllt. Jump-Bon,- Softbail Thiow - Shrley via Lawrence, Prosser, Carol Kozub, June Jump-Laurel We-riy. wience, Bon- Bail Throw and Catoh-Elaine Mountjoy and Edna Shemllt;, urel Mlackie' Dianne Wheeler and Glenda hlin, Sylvia Wilson; Bobbie Mackie and' June Werry. Laurel Mack- Intermediate Girls' Champion ghlin, Sylvia -Duanne Wheeler. 29 points. Runners-up - Elaine Mount- -Sylvia Law- joy 15 pointa, Glenda Wilson 12 [acke, ernapoits. Senior Girls 1Catch-Lau- 100 yard dash-Frances Stan- Sylvia Law- lland, Gloria Sadleî, bMargaret ayes and Jani- Hooey. ie Mountjoy Thîce legged Race - Gloria 9. .' Sadier and Aileen Van Camp; ampion-Lau- Fiances Staniland and Shirley rts; Runners- Dean; Margaret Hooey and He- ice 27 Points, len McLeod. 14 points. Standing Bioad Jump-Fran- e Girls ces Staniland, Gloria Sadlei, laine Mount- Aileen Van Camp. eler, Bobbie Running Broad Jump-Fran- ces Staniland, Sylvia Kozub, ce - Bobbie Gloria Sadler. Weriy; Dian- Hop, Step and Jump-Fran- Lenda Wilson ces Staniland, Doris Griffin, Jump-~Dian: Gloria Sadîci. Strong, Elainie High Junip -Frances Stani- land, Aileen Van Camp, Helen Jump-Dian- McLeod. !nda Wilson, Discus Throw-Sylvia Kozub, Gloria Sadler, Aileen Van ump-Dianne Camp. Vison, EMaine Seftbafl Throw--Gloria Sad- ler, Sylvia Kozub, Doris Grif- -fin. Ball Thîow and Catch--Glor- la Sadler and Sylvia Kozub; Fiances Staniland and Shirley Dean; Aileen Van Camp and- Maîlene Lyon. Senior Girls Champion - Frances Staniland 31 pointa.1 Runnera-up---Gloria Sadler 26 points. Sylvia Kozub 16 points. Junior Boys 100 yard dasis-Brian Stani- land, Idso Wieisma, Carl Gil- bank. 220 yard dasis-Brian Stanlland, Idso Wiersma, Carl Gilbank. 880 yard run-Brian Stani- land, Idso Wiersma, Carl Gil- bank. Running Broad Jump-jCarl Gilbank, Idso Werma, Brian Staniland. H10p, Step and Jump-Paul Rahm, Idso Wieîama, Brian Gray. i pole Vault-Bian Staniland, Idso Wieîsma, Carl Gilbank. High Jump - Brian Gray, Brian Staniland, Idso Wiersma. Shotput-Idso Wiersma, Lai- ry Hoskin, Brian Staniland. jDiscus-Biian Stan-iland, Idsqo IWiersma, Carl Gilbank. Football Ki<ck-Carl Gilbank, Bruan Staniland, Idso Wierama. Junior Boys Champion-Bri- an, Staniland 33 peints. Run- neîs-up - Idso Wieisma 28 pointa, Carl Gilbank 15 points. Intermediate, Boys 100 yard dasi-Ian Frayer, David Kyte, Raipis Bowers. 220 yard dasis-Raîpli Bow- ers, David Kyte, Ian Frayer. 880 yard run - Leslie Assel- stine, Ian Frayer, David Kyte. Running Broad Junp-Ralph Boweis, Ian Frayer, Leslie As- selstine. Hep, Step and JumP.-Ralph as Bowers, Les Asseistune, Peter Mante]. g Pole Vault - Ralph Bowers Peter Mantel, Stuart Hedge. High Jump - Leslie Assel- stine, Ralph Bowers, Dave Kyte. Shot Put-Les Asseletine, Ian Frayer, Norm Reneuf. Discus - Ian Frayer, Leslie MAselstine, Dave Kyte. Football Kick Nermi Renouf, Peter Mantel, Ralph Bowers tied. ,IMITED Intermediate Boys Champion -Ralpis Boweis. 26 points. Run- ners-up - Les Asselstine 22 points, Ian Frayer 20 points. Senior Boys 100 yard dash-Ardis MecAr- tI thur, John Feddemea, Alan As- selstine. 220 yard dasis-Aidis MéAr- thur, Allen Asacîstine, John MA 3-5438 Feddema. 880__yard mun-Alan Assel- t 'qle s r t: lu 1 t N t r ID 9 au a 9 ti 0 p E si D hl SI 01 h ai The Bonney's weîe closing up their cottage for another year. Frie4nds will be scrry te learn that Tom <Lanifeld la again a patienit mn Sunnybook Hospital and wish foi him the best cf everything. Mi. and Mis. Mikton Fisher cf Caesarea were Sunday din- nier guests cf Mi. and Mis. Bruce Heaslip. It is a pleaçure te see Mis. FL4her able t. go about s somon after her soj- ourn in hospital. Miss Ann Gibson, Mis. Jas. Sameils and Mi. Jus. Gibson wea'e ail pleesed. te be discher- ged from Port Ferry Hespital last week. Dr. andi Mis. Jack Maîbow and Mi. and Mrs. Johna- Spec cf Liveby spent thse weekend writih the Maibow and Thomp- son faniilies. Mi. and Mis. R. L. Ming and Paul cf Waterdown weie Tha- nksgivinig guesta cf Mi. and Mis. E. Herion, Roger and Ke-1 vin at the mnanse. We are pleaaed to report that Ernest and Evelyn Heiron of Belfast Northein Iremand re- ceived their Citizenship papers from thue Cainiadian Govera- ment Ôuring this pat week. Mi. and Mis. Robt. Rhodes, Lindsay, were Sunday visiters with Mi. and Mis. George Bowers. AU. and Mrs. Hilton Graham, Harwood; IV. and Mias. John1 Staples, Port Hope anid Mi. anid Mis. Roy. St(aples and dau- gi-iter Margy Lyn cf Toronto visited with Mr. anmd Mis. C. Gist and Mr. and Mis. R. Day- isen. Ne'stleton W.L NesKaIeton W.I. met at thse home of Mma. Malcolm Emer- son for their October meeting with splendid attendance and several visiters. Foilowing thse usuel Opendng Ode, and In- stitute Cieed tise Presidenti Mis. R. Davisen webeemed ev- eryone, especially oui- District President Mis. M. Wiseman, her mother Mis. Battle and Mis. Alciîiof Bowmanville, andi a former memaber Mua. John Hoyer now cf Hampton. Muoh business arising from tise minutes was discussed, i- cluding tise Hooked Bug ceurse te be held in Orono andi which Mua. H. Vine and Mis. G. Bow- ers will attend as Local leaders. Members are asked to auppby wooilen iags for titis proaiect. The Spode China lecture eand pictures is te be held in For- rester'a Hall and tickets fer selling weîe dstributed to thse memibers. Tise Group leaders will be in charge cf tise lunch, cookies and coffee, Miss R. Puoutt in charge of thse <ber committee anîd Mis. Emerson volunteeredti t enter-tain tise Toronto speaker if necessary. The Besolutions ta be pre- sented at thse Aiea Convention recelved final reading andi vo- ting re samne left te thse discre- tien cf flue voting delegate. Discussion ai-ose r-e transporta- tion to tise Convention and six mexnbemrs would like te jein with otheis te unake u~p a bus load. The RUailCU, "'An Adventure in, Frm Life" was weli ans- weied and made a pleasant in- terlude in the long business session. Mis. Vine had tise piec- es for Vwo separete quilts te show the ladies, which were made fîem meterials kindly donateti by Mirs. Jas. Hedge. Mis. Mius aise I-ianded in thiee blocks for a quiît for wiih Mia Davison already has sale. A vote of thanks wes tentiered, to Mis. Vine for thua work. A furtiser request was made to tise appeal for Arab Refugee relief in tise Mididie East as the goal of 25,000 basic layettes pledged te the Unitarian Ser- vice Commilttee hes not been reaeised. Members are te bring used shirts, jackets or used materials me-de into diapers and nightgowns to nert meet- ing. A dheque was received from Blekstock Pair, get well carda signed te aick members andi a leaflet listing ail activ- ities in thse county for flua mnonmlh waa pessed. around. Thse Tely Milk sisip was ex- plained n exbers voted $5.00 to this cause. Canadien powdered znilk is being ship- ped frein Teronto te tise hun- gi-y in Italy, Greece, Turkey andi Egypt, fThe Institutes are ugh CARE. Tue Institutes are asked fa meet fthe ocean frei- ght frorn Toronto ta thse areas where CARE lma found thue, rnilk moot iueeded. Mis. M. A. Beacock, Agicul- I Lure and Canadien Industries- convener wau un charge cf lthe program for the day. Mis. R. rDavisoeu introduced thue guest speaker Mus. Mel Wiseman. Disfrict Prealdent who based her address on titis subject. Several details weîe brought te our attenâtion: a benk account has- been opened in thse name of West Duituex W.I. thse Dis- tiict Annual will ibe thesem time as usual, their 60,th Anni- ver-sary coming up in 1960, the A.C.W.W. meetings in Scot- land in August and the Guelphs Conference foi Public Rela- tions officers in thse spimg. Mis. Wiseman gave a splen- did talk on Cross Canada In- dustries, north, soutis, east and wes-t and made us most con- scious cf the weeltis cf resour- ces in this greet band. Thse speaker quoted fiom Mis. Mc- Phetter's famous Garden cf P's, Squash, Turnip asnd Let- tuce and elosed with the 1ev- ely pern "Whoever Makes a Garden." Mis. Beacock had prepaîed ja most intc'resting paper on thse motte, "Be pioud cof your heru- tage and have faith in the fu- tur-e She is a 6th generation cf her family in Agriculture in Cnda, for her ancestois were somne cf the first members cf teearly duurch at Adolphus- town, settling in thse vicinity in tise 170Ws. the usual diainty lundi was ser-ved by is. H. McLaugh- lin's group, w'ho thougis unable te attend due te having thrasis- er-s had clone heu part toward the succesa cf tise afternoon. IMrs. Bruce Heaslip vciced the thaniks cf the meeting te the speaker for her interesting ad- dress, te Mis. Beaeock for her fine paper, tic Mis. Emerson for- the use of her home anidite the hostesses for the social cup cf tee, sandwiches and cookies. An invitation was tender-ed te Mis. Wiseman te join. oui Lo- cal Leader short course on Hooked Ruga if aible tic do se. Thse ladies adjourned te meet a wveek later due te, the Aiea Convention4, Nov. 1 lth et the home cf Mis. H. Vine with Mis. M. Nesbitt co-hostess, Mis. Al- len Beacock group leader and Mis. M. Emerson fthe Conven- er for the "ay on Histerical Re- searchs. TYRONE JThe October meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home o f -Mis. Harold Skinner with a splendid attendance. President Miss Grace Smith, presided for business. Mis. C. H. Mc- Quinn's group was in charge of Than-ksgiving programi and lunch, Mis. Arthur Rhm read thse scriptuîe, Mrs .David Craig gave the devotion4al, Miss Jean Phllp Rea-d a Thanksgiving reaci- inmg and Mis. John Broome the Study Book. Mr. and Mis. J. A. Reynolds, Port Hope; Mis. W. E. Lewis, Welcome, with Mi. and MIrs. R. Glaspeil. Mr. and Mis. Jim Wagg, Osh- awa; Miss Mabel Awde, Toi- onito, spent the weekend with Mr. anid Mis. Russell Wright, Sunday. Mr. and Mis. W. Jew- ell and boys, had Thanksgiving dinner at hier home. Mi. and Mis. Russell McLau- ghlin were Sunda, callers of Mr. and Mis. A. His. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bador, Osh- awa; Mis. L. D. Sykes, Hamnp- ton, with Mr. and Mis. Gor- dnBrent, Sunday. Congratulations to Mir.and Mrs. Gabriel Kovac (Helen Partnei) who were married Elatuiday in Tyrone Undted Chuîoh, reception in the Com- munity Hall. Miss Ann Moreland spent thfIe holidlay weekend wlth hier parents at Gainanoque Miss Jean Rober-tson with her la- ther and ibrother at Udiney. Mir.and Mis. H. Ph-ilp, Miss Jean Philp, Mis. R. Philp and ,ehildîen attended a fanuily ga- t hering on Sundayat the home of Hon. and Mis, W. A. Gocd- fellow, Codrington. Mi. and Mis. A. Marshal and Jimmy, Humber Bay were Monday callers of Mi. and Mrs. T. Scott. Mis. Loine Phare ls quite 111, ha'vintg suffered a stroke last week, ail trust she wîll soon be muoh improved in j halt. Otto Virtue returned home last week after spending the summer with lher relatives at Carsonville, Mich. Rev. and Mis. F. J. Jackson and John spent Monday with his parents Mi. and Mis. A. A. Jackson, London. Mi. and Mis. Cyril Philp, Margaret and Shannon, Water- loo; Mi. and Mis. R. Philp and girls, Mi. and Mis. D. Phasey and childien with Mr. and Mis. H. Philp and Jean on Monday for Thanksgiving. Harvest Home Service will be held in Tyrone United Churci on Sunday afternoon at 2 and in the evening at 7:30. Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson of Osh- awa will b? guest speaker. Special musie by choir, guest soloist, Miss Kathy Lynch,1 Bowmanville, at botih services, see Cominz Evenits.1 ventien,c better tie. research ' portunitie. Needed added, wa: by the sui Medical1 TffUIRSDAY. OcT. 15th, ion ENNISKILLEN Miss Gloria Wright, Mi. Jim Muller spent the weekend with Mi. and Mis. F. Spry, Roches- tr, N.Y. Mi. and Mis. Roy Weiiy adgirls, Hull, Que. spentth Iweekend with Mi. and Mis. F. W. Weriy. Mi. and Mis. Bull Werry, Orono, weîe Sunday visitora with Mi. and Mis. F. W. Weiry and families. Mr. andl Mis. Arthur Jackson and Stanley, Toronto, weîe Monday guests with Mr. and Mis. R. J. Ormiston. Mi. and Mus. Chiarbes Smith, Mi. Douglas Smith-, and Mi. Richard Tugwood, Toron te, were with Mi. andi Mis. John E. Griffin. Mi. and Mis. L. Cameron, Manilla, were visiters at Mr. and Mia. L. Stainton's. MT. and Mis. M. J. Hobbs were visitais et Mu. and Mis. W. G. Redman's, Lindsay. Mi. and Mis. Austin Brown- ridge, Toronto; Mis. Bell Hain- es, Lindsay, were recent din- ner guesta cf Mr. and Mia. Fred Toms. Mi. and Mis. Lyal Brock, Bewi-nenville, w e re Sunday visitera of Mi. andi Mis. K. Mc- GiUl's. Mu. and Mis. Bruce Ashston and family, Blackstock, were Sundey visitersaet Mr. and Mus. Harold A--Mton's. Mi. and Mrs. C. M. Focklei -and famlly, Toronto, were with Mi. andi Mis. H. Grubb. Bei. and Mis. B. M. Sey- mour, Battei's Sea, is visiting with Mi. andi Mis. A. L. Weeîn. Mr. andi Mis. Ed Cox and family spent tise weekend with Mi. andi Mis. Boy White, Fort Stewart. Misses Buby Virtue and Vi- ola Williams, Tor-onto; Misses Gail an-d Darlene Masters weîe r;- latine, Ken Hudson, LDawgcute Butt. T w eeae Running Broad Junw-Ardis1 LareceButt. MsiAt March of Dini Hop, Step and Jump-Ardls "Teoecieirhalf- atcs McAithur, John Feddema, Alan1 te s obretuvin écomplthu- itatie.s Asselstine. ini ortmacmlxh-tto.7 Pole Vault-Ardis McArthur, man being to normai livingo and ogicai out Lawrence Butt, Alan Asselstine. therefore rehabilitation must Iy affecte High Juxp-Alan Asaelstine, take into account the individual his disabi] Ardis McArthur, Lawrence as a whole. Psychosocial, voca. conclusion Butt. tional and financial problemis that "con Shot Put-KCen Hudson, Alan must be consideied as well as tien shoul Asselstine, John Feddema. medical tieatment."1 problei Discus - Ardis McArthur This statement was made by it us a Il John Feddema, Ken Hudson. Gustav Gingias, Consultant on faces evei Football Kick-Ardis MeAr- Rehabilitation to the World In the: thur, Ken Hudson, John Fed- Health Organization and Diiec. Denis WIl ema. toi of the Montreal Rehabilita- the fiscal Senior Boys' Champion-Aîr- tion Institute at the Annual 1959 the1 dis McArtihur 38 points. Run-t Meeting of the Ontario Maich $470,519.0( ners-up - Alan Asselstine 22i of Dimes held Monday, Sep- and rehal peints, KCen Hudson and John tember 28th at the Westbuiy disabled ] Feddema (tied) 12 points. Hotel ini Toronto. this mone - Mis. Nelson E. Osborne -andI assistance' Mis. Ralph Ames were the de!- maining o Nesi1e1on Station egate trom Bowrnanville. intec, Thanksgiving Holiday vis,_ emphasized the need for volun- giants to tor with Mr.air. Jas ~tary associations to fill t~he gaps habilitatio lef t by Government rehabiita- wa, KingE Harris weîe Mir. Fran±k Maaa, tion pîogîams. "It iS Up te these sor and P( Dr. and Mis. Geo. Williams of voluntaiy organizations," hli apy clas Kalaniazoe, Midi., anid Miss said, "to act as laboratories un 1IArthur,1 Dorothy Harris, Toronto. launching innovations in îehab- Toronto, ( Mis. Wesley Campbell re- ilitation procedures.'l He added free pol turned te Galt with the Dr. that the nurse, especially, should throughou Bonney family for a holiday. be made familiai with the education Present ies Meet and aimas of rehabil- Thle patient's paycholI- iook can be encimous- ;d by her attitude ta lity and his future. In n, Dr. Gingras said asideiably more atten- id be given to the of chronic disease, for health pîoblem, which iryone."1 Pieuldent's report, W. ruitaker stated that in 1year ended April 30, Mardi cf Dimes spent M in the tîeatment ibilitation cf Ontario's persons. Two-thirds of ey was spent in direct ate patients. The re- >ne-thiid was paid out eation cf new facilities iitation which included help establali new re- on institutes at Otta- ston, Hamilton, Wind- oit Arthur; wateî the- mses at Ottawa, Port Brockville, Hamilton, Galt, Paris, Brantford; Dlo vaccine clinics ut the province, public Lconcerning polio pie- clinical research into !atment techniques and into empîcoyment op- as for disabled persons. [corrective suîgery he as supplied without fee ,igeon members cf the Advisory Board. weekend viaitors with Mr. and Mis. Ralpis Virtue's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fergu- son and fam-ily, Maple Grove; Mr'. a.nd Mis. Donald Lee and fazmily, Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. Fred Bayes, Jlm and Lorraine Blackster with Mi. and Mis. Walter Ferguson. Misa Clara Page, Mi. and Mrs. Ed Coombsa and family, Toronto; Mi. and Mis. Ross Page and family, Hamapton, jwere with Mis. E. Page. Miss Jean Edwards, Mr. Bull Kay, Toronmto, were weekend guests of Mi. and Mra. Ross Mi. and Mis. Lorne Lamb were weekend visitors at Mi. and Mis. Alex Thurston's, Fenelon Falls. MT. Ber-t Norman and Sheila, Bowmanville, weîe Monda y visitora at Ed Cox. Mi. and Mis. Harvey McGill, Joe and Garth, Enniskillen; Mi. Eveiett Stiutt, Biketon, witiu Mi. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue's. Mr. and Mis. M. J. Hobbs, were guestsa at a banquet given by Mitchell's Corner's Home and School Association. Mr. and Mis. Walteî Fergu- son, in company with Mi. and Mis. Fred Bayes of Black- stock, motoied through Hali- burton and other points. Miss Heather Grif fin spent the weekend with her grandmoloh- er, Mis. N. Collacùtt, Bownan- ville. Mr. and Mis. R. J. Ormiston were Sunday visitors with Mi. and Mis. Ross Ashton, Haydon. Mi. and Mis. Earl Trewin, Doreen andi Donald, Mi. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon cf Haydon, with Mr. and Mis. F. Toms. Mi. and Mis. A. Telfer and family, Toronto, were weekend visitors cf Mi. and Mis. A. L. Wearnms. Mr. and Mis. T. P. Bell and family, Tor-onito, were callers. Miss Nancy Wood, Guelphs, and Mi. S. R. Pethick, visited with Mi. and Mis. Floyd Pe- thick, Toronto. 'Veiy pleased te report Mis. S. R. Pethick is ou-t cf hospital and is at her son's home iesting before coming home. Mi. and. Mis. Lawrence Oli- ver, Peterborough, were visit- ors with Mi. and Mis. L. Lamb. Mi. and Mis. Wallace Grif- fin and Dale, witli Mis. N. Col- lacutt, Bowmanville, Sund'ay. Mr. and Mis. Ross Lee, Brian REAL ESTATE nowmanvillo Residence MA 3-5493 Uta O.K.. we have a * 'ohon busiesoffiei. obdo e9 *~ATI SFA CTI 0Nl E flB First Mortgages arrangei yHome Planning Blue Pi Budget Plan for Home c Accurate Estimates gvr E Competitive prices -with U AE1A NT EE D d rint Service Improvements Dn àfree delivery LUMBE nu s&-* m d osas"4 etpl e t eesufv udt.g SHEPPARD YGILL LUMBER goEVERYTHING FOR BUILDERS"1 96 King si. E. Bowmanville MAks! 3-5715 SMITH BEVEIRAGES Score Every Time For Flavour And Refrosh ment TAKE HOME A CARTON TODAY Mode and Dottl.d by.. sMnTH BEVERAGCES LTD., BOWMANVI LLE Lee, Kedroin; Mise Lynn Par- M~W, Port Credit; Mr. F=ak Lee, Oshawva; Mr. J. A. Werry, Mr. and Mis. Harold Ashton, Clare and Douglas, were with Mr. and Mms. Allan Werry. Mr. J. A. Werry enjoyed the comnPanY of Rev. and Mis. R. M. Seymour for Thanksglving dinner. Miss Elenor Leigh'ton, Bow- manville; Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Toronto; Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Seymour, Batters Se&; Mi. Ron Clemens, Hampton; Miss Carol Wrighit, were Sun- day dinner guests at Mr. and Mia. E. A. Werry's. Exclusive "mortgage paymnent protection" with the PLAN For more Information, cal your Acadia Agent todayl HELP THE BLIND ... HELP THEMSELVES BLITZ CAMPAIGN MONDAY, OCT. 19 - 7 to 8 pi.. STUART 1. JAMES INSURANCE StIL E Office TM CMAMM STATMMM. BOWUUUMU..M ONTAPJO- PAGE NM