- Y PAE E ¶~f~NAlAT 'r'rLAwWWAVWY THi'm LODA Pufs Forward New Approach To Municipal and Industrial Relations A new approach to munici-1 ject di:*scussed will ble "What* pal and industrial relations is Industry Expects of a Com- being put forward by the Lake munity". Guest speaker on this Ontario Development Associa- subject will lie Mr. W. H. Ev- tion with headquar4ters ini Pet- ans, President of The Canjad- erborough. ian Manufacturer's Association. The Association is launehing P ollowing Mr. Evans' speech a an "Industrial and Municipal uanel discussion on this suli- Relations Conference" sohedul- ject wil be conducted. Chair- ed to be held at the Empress man o! this panel is Mr. E. L. Hotel, Peterborough, on Wed-' Lifflejohn, Assistant to Presi- nesday, October 28. It is hoped i dent, Visking Company, Lind- that the conference will create say, and members of the paed1 a fuller understanding and co- are:- Mr. T. Qakes, General operation between the two Manager, Williams & Williams grOups of industrial and muni- (Eastern) Ltd., Trenton. cipal officiais in their daily Mr. John W. Miller, P. Eng., problems, as well as result in President, Miller, Naism i t h mnutual benefits and assist eachi Limite4, Prof essional Consult- other ini carrying out commun- ing Engineers, Profess i o na 1 ity work and building up the Consulting Engineers, Toronto. total economy of the Region. Mr. F. Pope, General Super- The program will start in intendent, Westclox Cana da the afternoon at 1:30 with the Ltd., Peterbcorough. official opening. The f irst suli- Mr. L. T. Sylvester, Chairman o! the Board, Mathews Convey- er Co. Ltd, Port Hope. Mr. Bryan Fines, Personnel Manager, Rata Shoe Co. ofE Canada Ltd., Batawa, Ont. t The reverse o! this subjet -,wiil lie covered by another speaker and panel discussion on, What a Communiity Ex-t pects of Industry". The speakeri wil l e Reeve Read Budge oft P or J.e ad. Burne Twofh Commrc. Alderman H. L. Garner, City t A DUIRO PUMP of Peterborough.c Means Better Living 11i Mr. H. K. Long, Past Presi-P dent, The Port Hope Board o! (UR DURO Water Sys- Trade. ~Jtem gives us fresh, pure Mr. E. T. Banting, ?ast Pre- il water when and where we sicent, L.O.D.A., and Bowman- t need it ... adds to our con- ville Chamber o! Commerce. t Yenience and comfort of daily Mayor Lloyd Burrows, Town p if . of Lindsay. il DURO Pumnps are avafl- The meeting will adjourn at P able in ail sizes to meet ini- 5:30 and reassemble at 6:00 8 dividual needs. Sec your p.m. at which time there wil 'e Pluznber or DURO dealer lie the Conference dinner and for full information or write a special speaker who will liee for FREE folder, uRunuing announced later. 0 Water, the. Farm Necessjty". It Is expected that some 300D officiais wiil be present who I are leaders in industries and in c municipalities throughout the f Lake Ontario Development Re- e giOn. This region embraces the I counities of Petenborough, Hal-T iburton, Victoria, Durham, Nor- r thurnberlanid, Hastings, Princet Ed'ward, an dLennox and Ad- dington.ti The Association was organiz- G ed four years ago to promote ttlhe economy of the Lake On- s tario Region through assistance ti to existing industry, expansion se of new industry andi the tour-W ist. business, as weill.as gny ri other program which would fo P MP & OFEN R~reSult in more benefits t l LONDON . CANADA AR ERIC W BELP THE BLIND um F ]l SE VC . .. HELP THEMSELVES DEAD, OLD and CRIPPLED BLITZ CAMPAIGN FARM STOCK MONDY, CT.19 - 7 to 8 p.m. Removed Free of Charge MONDAY OCT.Immediate 24-Hr. Service J ACK DROUGHi ASK YOUR OPERATOR FOR ar 4- PLUBIG nd EAIN Lnîit 66550 ci Divisian Street South No Toil Charge th ÏMA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE1 Nick Peconi- Peterborough CI th] fo an KEEP OUT n COL Lc FL E XIB L E n clo sre SO O MAEBTE.LAS OGE t W RS Ban ek O T OE M ANSSATSF*ILSN OUARpit155p P rmree!a rree! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vior Oil SERVICE STATION Under New Management - Don Juard, Prop. Assisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowmanvile "We Specialize i Personal Service" CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Slamp Day Every Tuesday - Corne Out and Se Our Display of Gifts - Complete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price Po st Office Auction Shows Great Need for Care in Packing Right At 10:00 a.m., Tuesday. Octo- ber 2Oth, the auctioneers gavel, wielded by Postmaster Gencral William Hamilton, will toîl the opening o! the Annual Post 0f- fice Auction Sale of untieliver- able articles. Mr. Hamilton will self Uic first parcel - a caok book and assonted clothing-be- fore turning thc gavel over ta a pr"ofessional auctioneer. The sale will be helti this ycan in the auction rooms o! Fraser Bras. (Canada) Ltd., 901 st. James Street West, Montreal. The merchandise offereti is varieti and is new in most cases. As in the past years, everything, from pipe-wrenches to, girdles andi from. jcwellery to foot-warmers, wlll lic solti to the highest bitider. Proceeds o! the sale are useti ta provîde storage for the next harvest of undelivereti parcels which, due to carelessness on the Part o! mailers, is expected to, pile up in Uic Unticlivereti Mail office at Ottawa. In annauncing the sale, Mn. Hamilton pointeti out that dur- ing Uic year entiing March 3lst, 1958, over 51,000 Poorly or in- sufficiently atidresseti paraces founti their way to the Unde- liverable Mail Office. He noteti that this figure does not in- clude the tens o! thousantis o! poorly addressed parcels which were delivereti aften consitier- able research. The Postmaster General ssid trhat an important function o!, the sale was the education o! the public in the importance o! properly addressing anti pack- .ng o! parcels, includin-g the placing o! a return address in- side as well as outside the par- cels they mail. The same cane should blicex- ercised in the preparation o! other mail matter, he noted. )uning the same period, there wvere some 14,000,000 letters, csrds, and other items of mail mhich could not lie telivereti for reasons o! being insuffici- ently addressed. Fount in this mail, was $49,361.92 in cash. The Post Office succeeded in returning a large percentage o! the money to the senders. Tile balance -o! $16,128.23 was urneti over to the Receiver General o! Canada. The Postmaster General tresses the fact that the suc- ion sale woulti not lie neces- *ary if the mailers of parceis voulýd remember a few simple rules when pnepaning parcels for mailing: PACK IT RIGHT using strong 'orrugated material, heavy wrapping Paper anti stout cord. ADDRESS IT COR'RECTLY ELIZABETH VILLE On Tuesday, Mrs. MeAllister nd Mrs. Thickson, attended the -H club leadership trainiing rlasses held at Orono. About alf a dozen clubs hîad leaders Lere. The unit is The Supper lub. Miss Lilicrop and Mrs. mith o! Peterborough lead rie classes. Nutrition value of Cods andi table manners were rviewed. On Wedinesday tes iscuits were ma-de andi sup- er dishes explaineti, Leaders and assistants were guests of rie Dep.artment of Agriculture 0r dinner at "The Acres". Mrs. Knox andi Mrs. Thick- >n attended the opening of the iew wing of he Golden Plougfh odge on Wedariesday after- mon. The welcome address vas given by our Warden, Mr. B. Rickard,. The corner stone vas laid by MVr. W. J. Duncan, 3 upt. 1946-1959. The key was >resented. by Mr. Smith, Con- ractor, to Mr. Bîarnett, Archi- ect, by Mr. Bsrnett to Mr. C. rohnston, Chairman of the nanagement board then to Mr. udge to Mr. Bothwell the iew Superintedent. The guest ,eaker was Honourable Louis '.Cecile, Q.C., Minister of 'ublie Welfare. Rev. M. C. Fi- îer, Newcas'tle United Church ive the dedication. Lunch was erved liy the W.A. of the Gol- [e Plough lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Walker isited over the weekend in laliburton, with Mr. Walker's rother and wife, Mr. andi Mrs. V. Walker, also another sister. Miss Sybol Sheppard andi .îss Shirley Muldoeew, Port lpe, spent the weekend et ome. Mr. andi Mrs. L. Muldrew, Ir. andi Mrs. W. Muldrew, Miss arilyn Muldrew and frienti, îhaws, were at Sunnyside. Misses Beryl andi Darlene hickson, Donna and Ruthî ercer, Alan Mercer andi Mrs. am Moore, Toronto, spent âe weekend at their respec- ,e homes. Samn Moore is hun- îg moose in Northern Ontar- On Wednesday evening the omen's Institute met at Mrs. issel Whitc's home. A goodly Lmber gathered. Mrs. T. Sow- en, Newcastle and Mrs. Hugh- sPort Hope, gave a talk on ieir trip to Switzerland, to it their son and brother Fred rho is stationeti there. The iutes were read and a Ba- iar planned for the latter rt of November. No church services wcre held st Sunday School. Several :ended Camnton anr.lversary ývices. [Mvr. and Mx's. W. Longyear, oss, and Mrs. Bnimacombe are siting in United States. They ent by train. . andi Mrs. Alan Sheppard ,eîvsiting in Maryland with iends. de Hà Si Th i tii WC Ru nul der es, the w] mil zaa par jus atti si wet giving Uic full address incelud- ing the zone number. PLACE YOUR FULL POS- TAL ADDRESS inside as wcll as on Uic outsitie o! aIl parcels. MAKE SURE SUFFICIENT POSTAGE IS AFFIXED by taking your parcels to Uic Post Office for weighing. BURKETON Winter schedule o! service commences on Suntiay, October J 8th as follows Sundiay School at 10:30 anti church worship at il m. Plans have been matie ta hold our Thankoffening Service at il a.m.. Rev. James Plant of Brighton on Sunday, Octoben 18th. Mr. W. Mitchell andi Morris and. frienti, Pointypool, visiteti Mr. and Mms. Leslie Argue anti family on Suntiay. Mr. anti Mrs. A. E. Ribey spent Th'anksgiving weekcnd with relatives in Toronto. Mr. andi Mrs. Stan Payne, Brantford, Mrs. Darcy, Black- stock; Mrs. Cecil Hyde anti Lynda, Toronto; Mr. Russel Spinks, Os'hawa, were Suntiay guests o! Mr. andi Mrs. Thomas Hoelge andi family. Mr .and Mrs. Kcnineth Lar- Mer, Peterliorough, spent tîhe weekenti with Mr. and Mrs. 1Harold L'armer. Mms. J. Winters, Oshawa, spent the weekend wiVh Mms. Greta Bailey. Mr. anti Mrs. R. J. Harvey anti !amily, Oshawa, were re- cent guests o! Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turnbull and family. Mrs. Susie Van Volkenburg, Mr. Edward Van Luden, Peter- borough visited, Mr. James Cur- ran andi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smillh. Mn. anti Mrs. Edrward Haines anti farnily, Willowdale, visited Mn. anti Mrs. Peter Gatchell andi family. Mr. anti Mrs. Samuel Grant anti baby, Oshawa, were ne- cent guests O! Mrs. B. Davey.I KEDRON Thanksgiving was the theme for the regiular morning service at Kedron. Mrs. Douglas Love was thte soioist. The minister, Rev. R. H. Love, conducteti the sacrament ofblaptism for Anne Marie Mountjoy, tiaughten af ,Mn. andi Vfls. Percy Mountjoy anti for Eldon Bruce Werry, son O! Mr-. anti Mrs. William Werry. Flowers were placeti ai the altar in loving memory of the late Mrs. Bertrandi Calveni by me-mbers of her family. The regular meeting o! Keti. non Womans Association was hel in tUi Church on Wednes- day evcningr. The Devotional service was ýconducteti ly Mrs. E. Mountjoy anti Mrs .W. Wo- odward. Mrs. W. Werry, Mrs. H. Crossman anti Mrs. R. Lee assisteti by reading partions af scnipture. President Mrs. W. Woodward presideti for the business. Plans were macle for the Sector Congregat ion a Supper to lie helti Octolier 28 in thc Lower Hall. lVLrs. E. Mountjoy conducted. eanCHIN SA W PO-WER PER FORMA NCE DEPENDADILITY for ai cutting jobs " Weighs only 18 lb. " Fells treos up ta 4 ft. in diameter. " Full power ln any position. " Easy on gus and low maintenance. " Flush cut handie for ground-I.v.I cutting. " Qulck starts in any weather. Seo and try the Super ZIp et Baulch Air Cooled Notors Lakeshore Rd. Port Hope, Ont. TU 5-2760 Mlssionary Study with the use o! the W.M.S. Study Book "Af- rica Disturbed". Mm. B. Hitchen, Mrs. D. Love, and Mms. W. Snowden werc hostesses for tihe social houx w'hich concludedth te me- eting. Word has been received by frientis at Kedron o!fte ii- ness of Mrs. W. W. Cooper of Peterborough, who prssidcd at the manse on this circuit for sorne years when her husband, the late Dr. Cooper, was min- ister here. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Werry and Mir. andi Mr. H. A. Werry were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. ]Roy Werry, Montreal, Quebec, and attended Uic wctdingi Wesley United Ohurch o! their Idauglwter, Pauline, to Mr. Clif- i ford Greer, Hemmingford, aind UIch reception in Victoria Hall. Mr. and Mms. Walter Linden- field o! Stirling were Thursday overnight guests o! Mrn. and Mms. W. L. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Haroild Wcrry accompanied Mr. and Mms. Meredith Moffat o! Os'hawa on a. holiday motor trip in the Und- ted States. Among aypeci ai points o! intcrest wcre New York City, Washington, Vir- ginia Beach, Luray Caveras and Corneil Glass Plant. Mrn. andi Mr. Harvey Cross- iman were guests in Kitchener rccently at the wcddirig o! their nephcw, Gordon Pascoc, son o! Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Pascoe o! Eldati. The bride was the for- mer Miss Pauline Furtak, andi the ceremon~y was performeti in Trinity United Church, Kitch- ener. Mrs. Everson Norton, Craig and Rdney Markham, andi Miss 1Beryl Mountjoy, London, were weekenid guests at W. L. Mountjoys. Mr. and Mms. Harvey Cross- man were Sunday diuner gue- sts of! MT. and Mrs. Boyd Ayre and family, Zion.j ENFIELD Mn. anti Mrs. Elmen Lee andi family wenc wth the H. Mc- Keowns, Whitby, Suntiay. Misses Charlotte and Anna, McKenzie, Toronto; Mr. anti Mrs. J. Pearson anti family, Mr. -and Mms. Don Drake, Osh- awa; Mr. Jack Oke, Napance, were visitons at R. Okes. Mn. anti Mrs. Oharley Honey, Misses Id'a, Sandra anti Mar- ilyn, Dartfortiý visiteti at W. Bown-ans. Mn. and Mis. Herli Prcscott anti Rotigen hati tea with the R. Pamnn's, Sunday. Miss Evelyn Cunîninghem, Brantfornd, spent the wcekcnti with Mr. anti Mm. W. Pascoc. M%&. anti Mm. Arthur Gray anti Bo'bbie, Toronto, calleti on fricnds here, Saturday. Mn. anti Mr. S. Lancaster anti Dorella, Newtonville; Mns. W. Nichols anti Alfredi, Port Hope, visiteti with Mn. anti Mns. M.L Samis anti Miss Elsie Samis. Sec Comig Events for oun Thanksgiving Service. KENDAL Bert Hollanti visiteti in Linti- ssay over the weekenti anti took a trip thraugh Halibunton to sec thc autumn scenery. Mn. andi Mrs. George Clark, IToronto, were tiown fo the (weckend anti hati the lucek (?) e ta catch a marauder in thein fgarage in a tr'ap. Mr. anti Mns. Cawdell, Por't Hope wene with Mn. anti Mns. r Georgle MacDonald for the holiday weekeni. Mnr. anti Mns. Black o! Cour- tice spent thc weekenti with their diaugliter, Mms. Bob You- ngman whàle Bob was ta Or- illia jutiging tiogs on the tnail iMn. ant irMs. Lamne Paltien, anti Jean visiteti Mn. and Mms. Bert Thompsan, Sunday. Allan Irwin, wrho is now liv- ing in Oshawa, was with Mn. andi Mm. Gordon Langstaff. Mn. anti Mns. Eddie Couroux, Ray anti Marie spent the long weekenti with Ray Moorc's in1 Toronto. Mn. anti Mns. John Thompson anti family anti Mrs. Luxon werc dinner guests Saturtiay cvcning with Mr. anti Mrs. Ray Hughe-s, Port Hope. Mr. Frank Stoker rTunEtJ home Fniday from Sunnybro- ok Hospital, wh'crc he was ha- ving treatmcnt for his cyes. Mn. AylWarti Little,Mak ham anti Alec Little o! Ton- onto spent the weekenti with Mrs. Neya Little. Mn. andi Mm. Cy Elscy, Mar- ilyn andi Caral anti Mns. Wm. Mercer enjoyeti a tunkey din- ner with Mn. anti Mm. George Mencen Monday evcndng. Mm. Alva Swarbrick spent Thanksgiving Day with Mn. andi Mrs. Wilfred Roughley anti sons in Oirano. Kendal annivcrsany services' anc liing helti Suiday, Oct. 18. Rcv. N. T. Holmes o! Han- mony will lie guest speakernat il, aideti by Kential choir, anti at 7:30, Rev. H. B. Neal o! Mill- brook witx Westminster church Choir frfom Oshawa. On Wed., evcning, Oct. 21, a good turkcy suppen will lie serveti by the ladies, ta ladies o! Kendall Community- thene wil lie thet usual ncqucst for lots o! pics. Mr. Cecil Glass took a badt spel Sunday andi was taken ta Memoc-ial Hospital, Sunday a!- tennoon. We h-ope he will soon be feeling better again. Mr. anti Mm. Martin Fosten andi family wene in Janvis fanr the weekend with hen parents,. Mn. anti Mm. John Awdc. Enjoying a Thanksgiving. celelination at Ken-gan - hills camp this weekend with Mn. anti Mr. Truman Garbutt wce Mn. andi Mrs. Jack Garbutt anti !amily, Mn. anti Mm. George Swanbrick andi Mn. anti Mns. Les Reidi anti family. Mn. John Patton is impnov- hIg afien his openation in Mean- orial Hospital. Pheasant bt'nting came on Saturday. Our group of Kendal 1960 CHEVROLET Again in 1960, Chevrolet will offer four series of conventional-size passenger c each individualized by trim, smartness of coachwork and equipment. Note desin' changes at the front and rear and in the low sweep of horizontal lines. A modishý grille extends full-car width. The tail lamp ensemble is mounted beneath modified wings. Profile embellishments lend distinction between the Impala, Bel Air and the Biscayne series and their associated, station wagcons. The all-new Corvair, an entry in the compact car field, and a 1960 Corvette sports car complete the 1960 Chevrolet lime. Hampton, Ont., DearSirOct. 12, 1959. I have a growing admiration of rural newspapers. As usual I arn now complaining of how things are done,-but not by The Canadian Statesman. How- ever as of ai good things, the freedom of news-agencies can be abused and mis-used. Hordes of news-casters covering visits or events, seem to me toalie an absurd waste of talent and time and money that could be profit- ably used. If this led to clearer knowledge or better living we would be patient, - but what hours we wasted i-n listening to the forecasters of the British elections and so-called 'poils' of opinion. Again I feel that ungracious- ness, bordering on rudeness, is often apparent. Did our Queen, or Mr. K. feel irked? Some- times photographers appear in church (whether unaware of, any 'ban' or any need of per- mission) to take pictures during religious ceremonies. Whether the photographer is more im- Portant than the Minister or the vows, he dem-ands more time. The old Roman motto, 'Where Wisdoma Leads' has now doubt- fui substitutes for conduct. Then there is the 'confidence' Iine,-which. tells us what most huntens had only fair success. Guests w it h Mms. Chas. Thompson anid Arthur on Sun- day were Mms. S. R. Caldiwell, VMm. Fred Foster,,Mn. ant iMrs: Milton Waller andi !amily, Port Hope, Mr, anti Mrs. Garland Cathcart, Mn. Allen Catheant, anti Mm. Earl Smith. Recent guests wîth Mn. anti Mms. Ralph Geach were Miss Betty' Finlay anti Mr. Emery, Peterborough, anti Mn. anti Mns. Bruce Brant o! Oshawa. Mr. anti Mrs. Charlie Gay, Ross anti Ronnie anti Miss Eti- Itlh Cox visiteti at Wilbur Toms at Bunketon. Miss Kathleen Geach was home for the holiday. Guests Sunday wîth Mn. anti Mrs. Geac~h and Kathleen were Mn. andi Mrs. C. Gay Ross anti Ron- nde anti Miss Edith Cox. Sorry ta learn Mrs. Davidi Low has been in hospital with a broken wrist. Canadians think,--or that "lay- spreati o! truth, the !acing o! men tion't know what they lie- 'payment days, andi those inter- lieve". This cames so close ta ested lest "too great freedo-n"l slanderous misnepresentation, and power, "breetis cantempt"l. (beyond the law) or conceit lie- I haste ta say that in ahl this, yonti excuse, that it is prapa- anti referring ta The States- ganda that does tempt disbe- man, I must echo Pilate saying, lie!. "I finti no fault in hlm." Then there is the irrespons- ible use anti mis-use o! adjec- tives, anti the piled-up exagger- atian o! faults anti excellencies. It is too close ta tiishonesty ta lie smart, or humourous or pro- fitable. It only destroys the val- idity o! what is saiti. We coulti well hean again the words a! Jesus, 'Take heeti therefore what ye hear'. We have heard much o! the exploitation a! Coloniai tiays. We have now exploitation by persuasion. This is as widely useti anti as noxious as the tra!- fîc in beatis anti knives by the Hutisons Bay Ca. Persuasion, that greater cansumption leatis ta prosperity. Persuasion, ta buy the needless or useless, or trade in the still useful. This is exploitation of the public, that goes beyonti integrîty a! ativertisement. What 'ads' we have, "Join the Air-farce anti sec the worlti", "Have fun now, pay later', I'Travel on our lux- ury liner, pay next ye.ar"l. Such are nzot only serious symptoms, with hitiden snarcs, but o! con- cern to ail interesteti hi the Fred J. Reed 0 CRYSTAL CLEAR Ony *CUTTACK, SEW or SEAL .27e *HUNDRES'OF USES Lin. Ft. INDOORS & aUOCaS,36 'wide PORC» sicOtu Wm PiWfftoI17, eNcLosvi8U VIINOOW% P ffuiNWi covias McGregor Hardware LINMED MA 3-3386 95 King St. W. Retailers may obtain supplies by calling SNITII BEV£àAIiLS Liii. 124 Church St. Phone MA 3-5530 Bowmanville We must make way for ihe 1960 models . . . So here is *your chance fo buy a Good Recondiiioned Used Car ai' a Bargain Price. 1958 CHEV. SEDAN V-8 with Power Glide transmission. 1955 CHEV. COACH 2 from which to choose. 1954 CHEV. SEDAN Gone through our shop. Lovely and clean. ROY DOWNANVILLE Chevrolet Trucks Phono MA 3-335 1954 FORD COACH Automatic transmission. 1953 MERCURY 2-DR. HARDTOP New motor recently installed, white wall tires, radio. A sharp Iooking car, 2-tone yellow and black. 1956 INTERNATIONAL 2-ton STAKE TRUCK. One owner. Had com- plete motor job. w. NICHOLS m Chevrolet and Corvair Cars COURTICE Phone MA 3-3922 M ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVEniNGS AND SUNDAYS TRIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1958 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-DR. HARDTOP V-8 with Turbo-GIi4e transmission, 2-tone paint, white wall tires, radio, back seat speaker, windshield washers, backup lights. PAGE TE% TIM CANADIAlq STATESMAS. nowwuufvfflx nwgmA«ur