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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1959, p. 11

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~Gordon Àgnew, Ediioi Council Approves Debentures: For Two Durham High Scý'7âoIs NEWCASTLE - The Newcas- tle village council at its Oc- lober meeting on Tuesday even- ing gave farmal approval for thie building of High Schools in Darlington and Millbrook and approvad the resalution asking1 tbh United Counties council ta ivjth'e necessary debentures 1cr - e maney ta build these scboals. If the majority of the cou.ncils in the area apprava, the Durhanm District High School Board plans ta build a 500 pupil schoal in Da'lingtoni and a 150 pupil sehool in Mill- brook. -onsiderable discussion taok place when Albert Pearce re- quested council ta close the right-of-way known as Baldwin Street running through bis pro- perty. Mr. Pearca said ha had decided ta seil some lots off his farm and alraady had two buy- e-s but an having the praperty surveyed , found that ona cf tbe lots was 'situated on the right- o'-way. He planned ta make a sub-division but the situation of the rigbt-af-way ma(ai i FOUR CAN BE CR0 WDED Tes, in a smali apartment, a family of four can ha crowd- ed. That's why this family decided ta build a home cf their own. And this father has already made ane wisa decision. He has toldi his Sun 1,f, agent that hce wants to take out a Sun Life Mortgage Protection Policy. In that way, the house will really belong ta his family if ho should die pramaturely. Tour home s one of pour Most important possessions. Let me help you sale guard it for pour family. Banner Passani Representative IlA 3-3258 53 flrown St. Bowmanvile SUN LIVE 0F CANADA [TH]e FUR.NACE WITH A 0-Y7EAR.WARRANTY FAIBANKS- MORSE GOULD HEATING Phone 4331 Newcastle Budget Ternis Available st *only 5c/0Interest possible and he wanted the road trol Board was' received advis- moved to another part of the ing council that on its request property or closed. As the vil- a vote would bc taken on the lage solicitor was flot at the establishmnent of a Liciuor store. meeting the members were flot As coiinc-ilors were flot inter- sure whether the allowance ested in 'hzviiig a vote taken, could be losed. After discus- but rather staied they would sing the matter at some length, not give thcir consent to the first and second readings wer.e esztablishrn.ent of a store with- given a by-law to close the road out a vote. ro action was taken allowance and councillors would on the IctUer. Imrnediately af- get legal advice before the by- tcrm-arcl a lcel-r xas read from law came up for third and final tle \.C.T.U. st-ongiýy opposing reading. any further liquor outiets in the A letter from the Liquor Con- village nc.v or at anytime. 7' ewcas!2,. So ciaI and' 6kerso ual MrUs. Geo. Smith and M-. Hall on Octoba,ýr 7th witb the Farrow spant Saturday with followînjig nin, the prizes: Mrs. Jas. Stone, Oshawa. Eridge, 11,1. il«ay Brown; Euchre, Mr'. Ralph spent the weekend IVrs. . V in. L- ea-d 500, Mr. with bis parents, Mr'. and MsLs. Welhingýýcn i Faicow. A very en- Murray, Foxhoro.j joyable ecning uas spent in .We wish to join with bis veryI playing ca-ds and refreshments many friands in the village :n were seix cd at th(- close by expressing aur congratulations members of the Branch. ta Mr. H. T. Manes, wvho will be Mr. andi Mrs. Tom Lawria Jr., clebrating bis 9lst birthday of Port Elg,,in wcce holiday tomorrow, October 1th. Mr. weckund vîshors \vvLh Mr. and Manes is enjoying fairly good MVrs. Staniecy Brown and faim- haalth for a man of bis years. ily. Mr-. and Mrs. Alfred Garrod Mr. and MrS. Chas. Manning and daughtar Jackic accompan- of ArthýU-irarU MIs. Jean Wright iad by Mr. John Cunningham of Lýin'xo, s. c ot Saturday spent the weekend in Ottawa evenir ,. iý j, 11. îýh Mr'. andl visiting with Mr. and Ms-s. Mcs. P. Taîccilyn. Thos. Brereton and family. Mr. and Ms.Bill Barchard Mrs. Verna Farsyth and son and fa-nily andthis Alice 'Fissc Ronnie of Toronto, spent the were iic lvilgucsts with holiday weekend visiting with! Mr. anci ms.Chris 1Barchard Mr-. and Mrs. Chas. Gilkes and' and fam-ilx-. family.r. a îd Mis. C. R. Carveth Mr-. and Mrs. Stanley Allin acopacing ýMr-. Gardon Car- and famîly and Ms-. Jimmie Bas.- veth ardc faîiiily wcce in Bur- kerville were Thanksgiving lington ci Satcîv'day %ivilere they, Day guests with MVr. and Mcs. attendeil ihIe 9àdi birthday ceie- Wellington Farrow. bration afi Mc. C3rveth's aunt, Miss Ethel Todghamn and Mrs. Dr. A. C. ibe at the home G. T. Manes of Toronto xvre of Mr. and 1i\rs. Higbee. weekand guests with Mr. H. T.1j Mr. ai-id K. en Withers Manes and family. 1arndihoys of Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton spent the weekend in Bellevi'he visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Britton and family. Weekend guests at the ed Chureh parsonage included Mrs. Gladys Rogers and fam-ily and Mr. and Mrs. Don Which-> elo of Toronto; Mr. Hugh Win- sor of Oshawa and Miss Frances Wallbridge of Montreal. Miss! Wallbridge is presently on fur- lough from Angola where she is engaged in Missionary wok.* Mr.and Mrs. John McMe;nerny and son Wayne of Glen Wil- liams visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew on Tuesday. The Evening Branch of t. George's Woman's AuxKiliaryý held a Card Party in the Parish i Annual C.N, Next Mondi !NEWCASTLE - Members of the Newcastle Lions Club are jpcepacing for their annual blitz canvass of the village on Moni- day evening, October 19th foc Couples Club Hiear Address On L.O.D.A." NEWCASTLE - The Mers-y Mamriad Couplas' Club of tPeic Newcastle United Church held their regular meeting in the S unday Scbool Hall on Wednes- day evaning October 7th. The worship peiod was con- ducted by Mrs. Lena Gcahani and M-s. Esther Allin. Fi--id Graham favoured the group jwith two well-candeced piano selections. The guest speaker. Mdr. Elmer 'Banting of Bowrnanville, past prasident of the Lake Ontaria Development Association s introduced by Mr. Ali. Graharin. Mr. Banting explained the pu- posas cf the L.O.D.A. and what it is ts-ying to do for the muni- cipalities in the acea. Ms-. Bob Allun conducted a coupla of contests and a film strip was shown depicting the meaning of the '-Seetor Pllan' now being ado pted by the chu rch - The meeting xvas braught ta a close with the serving of de- liclous refrcshments by mem- bers of the cornmittee in char te. ac nd Mca. J. Goheen and girls of Bown-i3nville spent Sun- Mr- and Ms-s. Frank Glasher- day with their parents, Mr-. and gen *enjayad a long weakend Mis. Percy Tamblyn. recently witii friands in Hamil- Mr. andcI M -s.Reg. LeGresley ton. Miss Carry Glasbergen has and M-ýrs. P. F. LeGire-sley visited aecepted empicyment with a with Mc. and Mis. Balfour Le banking fis-m in Bowmanville. Gresle ' and fai-n1y in Toronta Thanksgivîng Services ware on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Corbett particularly well attended on and Mr. arrn Mrs. Joe Elwood Sundtay at Yelveirton White of Srniths Falls wcce Thanks- Church with Mr'. Sommas-ville giving Day g-uests with Mr-. and as preachar nim. M-s. P. Tiihl iln. Mr-. and Mrs. Roy Werry, Mr. and hics. Paul Sbetler Debbia and Trudy of Hull, Que. and fainilv ol Oshawa, Mr. and were callers tbiis weekend at Mcs. Stan Powell and family Malcania. and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Powell Saturdiay dinner guests of Mr-. were Stindav g-uests with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stinson were and Ms-s. ChfaDrd Flintoff and Mr. and, Mrs. A. Butler, Lloyd,1 famîly. Dale, Tarmy, Carl, Diane, Sonya, Robin and Har-vey (that's al>I foiewe lfiof Woodstock. IAmong the well wishers par- tjcipating in the 79th birtMdayj celebration cf aur vanarable 'Hughie MéGill on Sunday were. ay IW h Mr. and Ms-s. Rodney Jones,, David, Ricky and Beverley ot funis oc ie 3owanvlleandToronto; Ms-. and Mss. Roy Mc- Wecst Duirh-rnl Advisocy Comn GilI an-d Arnold of Bowman- mitte c hi CacianNatona ville;, Mr. and Mm. Cliff Sny- Instîtute for the Blind. der- of To 'ronto. Trust it was a mnemorable occasion. This will be the cnly canvass MsHaodFengD al macle in the viîllage this year r.HolFemnD ad on bc!Uif cf lthe blind in this anld Lou of Hillhead, were Sun- arca andî al[ canvassers woî'k day guests of Ms-. anid Mn-s. voluntairilî. Remnem-ber when: George Heaslip. you support th"e work of the Sors-y ta report little Adelet Canad'an Xatioil Institute for iPage is back ini Pebçrbarough t theBLl,~c scaarjoct a real-ý Hospital. AU Yelverton joins, istie pic ,,arn ci il habilitation, in wishing "aur littlea blonde"ý Recrca*:oii, 'iet Cas-e a speedy racuperatian. and Resocl:ich'.ri the thousanls, Dee'pest sympathy is extend- I of blinc'ie~nn andclwernen in this ed ta Mr. Alex Wilson, sons, couîntry. John and BMan in the death oïl. The L'owwiDî.ý,ile and West loving wife and mother. Durhamn A c Committee Sympathy is also extended ta work xci c aî' uilv to assist the Ms-s. Harvey Davidson, the blinci aa'l cl people wjth Ross Davidsons and girls in the defctie v:t n tis ceaandsudden passîng of husband and& youi' c araton ill go toward fathes-, Hamvey Davidson a suc- the e .. i nvoived in this, cessful fermer cf Janetvilla. service. M y_-bers cf the Lions Cluib Yelverton's Turkey Supper will on was deemed a successful van- wil e~igtheir lime o tus-e despita a faîl off in at- Monaticn, w'ih g tIlfretyouthetendance as compared with last dontio. cn' vo sreth te ears record cmowd. Araund, Thank' n.~siit an extra wccî i :vc eneousl ta625 tickets was-a sold grossing' this cai in lhar:,kfulness tlat over $830.00 befos-e ' expenses. you âveyoursi.htOnly 2 turkeys were laft fs-cm you hve ycîr sghtthe, 29_purchased- oves- 700i lbs. Contibuting ta the smnaller S TÀB1X VILLE th urn low cost cf turkey at chain stores used as loss Mc i'I 'irGeor-e Norton, leader, 2, the departura frai Occno. a id Mis. 1. iPlum, Toc- baving entertainment following ciso. si- Sîc&~v guests at! the supper, 3, the sudden cold Mr. A,,-h'ir Mc,1avi's. waathem. Yaar-by-yaar a great- Miss 1c rtMcLeod, Win- as- proportion of oui' guests nipeg; hiesNerma Hallowellj comae fs-ai us-ban centres - Ne\vCasf1shio Beulah Hal-IToronta, Peterboroughi, Li-sdi- loxxell and Mc i,,, Colleen Falls say, Port Pers-y etc. Shartly a!- ani 1Mr. Miii-iee Hallowell! tes- 4 p.m. all four double tab- Toronto, e c ackencl visitors' les accomodatuing aves- 100 pao- wiUh Mc. and hics. Llew Hal- pla at a setting were funl and lowell.remained full tiil naarly 8.30 Mr. ansi'Vtrs. Lawrence Far- p.m. As well as providing a mow spn 1:,, holiday at Ro- tidy "bit of change" for the la- chester-, Y.dies os-ganization such co-aper- Mr. andi Mcs. Charlie HaIt, ativa entas-prise bas a powerful Toronto. at Mrs. F. StIone's. influence in mouling a coi- Mr. Howvacd Tarcow bas s-a- munity spirit whic'n we priza ttirned home from Memorial' (and fs-aqueifly boast). Ail and Hos'ait3l. 1 sufldiy fro in9 te 90 dig in, in Mi'. ari Mrs. E. Shier, Tom- whatever capaclty thay are pa-1 onto, spýnt the %v ekend at Mr. sitioned by the comn-ittee in. Lloyd HallowellVs. charge- fromn baby-sitting, te Mr. and hý'Ics. Clifford Raid dishwashing, frai cake cutting~ and Elizahe- h, visited at Ms-. E. ta patata mashing- (if you got Graham's, Third Line., a raw potato whuole yau cal Mr. and Ms. Spilehen, Tor- blame us). onto, vi.sî;ed hem mother, Ms-s. Victor Farrow. MIrs. Sid Hallowell bas in- Greatness is a twa-taced coin vited Shiah ]- cites ta meet at M andueit evSeen. umlty hem hom-' in November.MageieSe. Ms.CI'fýr, Resi ias bas- Humility is a virtue all tess fcr tie Ostaber meeting praacb, nona practice. - John of Shiloh W.A. last week, with Selden. ZOOth ANN17VERSARY FELTR Liquid SAIL DETERGENT ÀA&P» ORANGE JUICE FROZEN speciali1 - 3 Dýays OnIy - Vigorous & Winey BOKA&R COFFEE *AVE 4a ib bg 61C Aylmer VEGETABLE SOUP An. Page (AUl Varieties) - Case of 24 tins $3.n - SAVE O PORK and BEANS Reg. tin 49e-SAVE 4 22-ztin 4 5 c Reg. 4 tins 89c-SAVE 12. 5 6-otim 9 9c SAVE fh 3-bbg1081 Reg. 2 tins 27c--SAVE Sc d4 io-z tinsd4,5< Reg. tin 1 "9e-SAVE Ie 2 20-oz tins 3 1C Super-R ight Mlfeat Speecials! LAMB SALE! Short Cut Shank 'F«LANK MCUT LEGS lb 45cl'toIi0si25cIronts LAMB in a BASKET sw..t Pi*hld, 2 te 3-b End Cus BACK BACON Select Quality, Sliced BIEFLU VER ROAST, CMOPS, STEWING CUTS S.. S.ald .49e PERCH F LT- Wh.eatley Brand mb45e FISH STICKCS f , -9- ---q L--'- -6 O x ' '-' à . S ueAo'ýè' ai1 5c mb 15c i-ib pk29e Iooz Pk33 c VIGOR OIL CO, LTD. ýEST QUALITY FUEL OIL STOVE OIL AT MOST BEASONABLE PRICES For Delivery PROUE OSHAWA RA 5-1109 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWAI Ta bisA& Guaranteed Through Saturday, Oc*. it, lu&L TMMSDAT. OCT. 15th, 1959 la TFM CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOV;B&ANVILLP4 ONTARIO PAGE ZLEVKN _______________was also stated that the Bowl- 1 who based her topic on Psalm R aw S e age in C reek a busness basis the profits for During the business potion which will eventually be turn- cf the meeting, Mrs. J. H cq T ra e~ o -,o ei )r in ndthu th pojet houd r- 1 l iied over to the Comninty Hall! announced a meeting of the ceive the wholehearted support 1 tion would be held in St. Pauls NEWCASTLE--As the resuit the village building inspector. of the village council. 1 Church, Bowmanville on Octo- P ~ o f a letter received from the Geo. Meadows, building inspec- The matter of hiring a Clerk- ber 22nd when Mis. George Phone3621 N o r t h u m berland- Durhain tar, stated that Mace was build-j Treasurer - Assessor and" Tax Paul of Toronta would be the .1 Health Unit, Village Council at ing more roams to his home Collectar for the village was'gth seaber.s a atted 1pa its October meeting on Tuesday than bis building permit appli- siubhrlecusd.tthsmet a fine attendance. Mrs. Larne evening discussed at some cation called for. Mr. Mace ad- 1 ing at same length and the ap- sb Todd and Mrm. Carl Todd were length a private drain which mitted hie had built more than! plicant requesting the lowest. Mrs. R. Dickinson was &p- in charge with the Scripture runs along King Street and em- h is application called for but! salary ($3,000) was interview- gainted ta attend the first meet- lesson read iby Irs. Carl Tadd. pties onto village praperty near: said he had not knowni when; ed as ta what he cou&d affer ing of the Sector Plan beinq Mrs. Clifford Fonk gave thie Faster Creek. he started just what building the village at that salary. There, held an October l4th. Mrs. M. commentary and the business It seems this drain which was!'ha would do and had de cided was considerable discussion as C. Fisher read a uls0 f ques- was directed by lars. Jim Stark installed by property awners oni later to build more than was ta whether the positions shouldi tions presented by the General with details for the turkey jKin.g street many years ago to stated on his application. hcabined eaateths tere- inci a the hgaa rcnhf rl egr- supper Oct. 2b, o>eing finalized. !drain their cellars, is naw be- After dscussing the matter inudsprtl sa rs n h mlaaino i Mrs. Gordion Trim gave the ing used by the Queens Hotel wih i' Mc-ad ,.Me-ent. After the discussion had i men's arganizations of the tresuers rpot.Lunh asforanovrflw orits sewage dows,cocior agedM covered everv passible angle church. The questions will he served after the Mizpah bene- system. According ta the Health Meadows was right and that I itut olutgio n temater bas studiedytelds and nillth diction.1 Unit latter a test made by the Mr. Mace should have applied putiofngan unmeting anohecreared o ndtentommisshe Sunday afternaon, Rev. R. C. sanitary inspectai' proved the, for another building permit be- metnbn h etn a ecoreary of tcmiso Whit gav ashie essae 1drain ta be connected ta the 1 fore building more than the adj ournad about 12.30 a.m. efare Dec e metin M "The Christian Hope" at Sihil- sewage system of the hotel. 1 original permit statad. Council Flolng erdmefeeti nMs. eh. The church was beaatifully Raw sewage emanating from - decided Mr'. Mace should makl and the ladies enjoyed a so- deaorated with fruit, flowers, h is drain bas been a health 1 application for a furtber per- Thanks g vingcial half hour. a sheaf cf w'heat and vegetables menace for some time but couti- 1Mit to caver the completa jobg apropos for thie spirit of Tha- ,cillbas been unabla ta learu he planned and ta pay the fee .. nksgiving at this seasan f orithe source. After considerable required for a new permit. iheme oft VV.\ r ' ouxr bountiful harv e st. Mr. discussion as ta the coundcils Council endorsed a resolu- ~ 'S~ White greatiy appreciated the 1 respansibility in this matter a tion from the City cf BarrieG setting as did everyone andf resolution was passed instruct- requesting the Federal and Pro- Group M eetin commended the ladies ofthAe jing the clerk ta write to the vincial Governments ta include - flwr omite proprietor of the hotel inform- tree trimming in their subsidiz-M e tn BLD Mr. and Mrs. AIt Dobson jing himn that this drain empty- ed wînter works program ta NEWCASTLE - The South DO NO S e spenit the waekend wlth his as it does on, village pro- stimulate winter employment. socatiGo of the Unitean's As- tre O RS dzff father at Parry Sound. pe-ty must bot be used ta dump, A grant of $50 was made ta sociatn the oenfîts eo hrghe i G@ lIzhs- Mr'. and Mrs. Lamne Tadd sewaga or legal action will 'have the Nawcastle Bowling Coin- mta h oeo r.Gog ' were guests aIt the Kelly-Hock- ;ta be taken. mittee ta help tham get start- Wlo ihtev ebr in wedding at Bowmanrville,1 Mr. Frank Maca, praprietor'ed on their project. It was sta- in attendanca. ,y~j Saturday. cf the Sauth Haven Rest Home ted coundil encourages other Thaeoinalsevie a t 1 Miss Donne Soucih entartan- addressad counicil with regard1 community efforts and thîs one theme of "Thanksgiig a ed a group of yaung friands8 at ta, an argument hae had with shauld not ba an exception. It conducted by Mrs.C. othergili ber home, Friday evaning. Mr'. and Mrs. Orme Falls and farnily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn-s. Stan Falls, Tor- on!o. Misses Helen and Amy Car- son, Oshawa, spent the holiday at home. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell visîted Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Carman, Madioc, during the weekend. Mrs. W. Prouse and Charles, Osaca; Miss Noreen Prousa, Toronto, and. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis, Newtonville, were Sunday dîniner guests at Mr. Morley Robinson's. Mr .and Mrs. Clîfford Fontk spent the weakend at North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle, Nawtonvilla, wer e d in ne r guasts at Mr'. Brian Caswell's. Sunday. Miss Gwan Stark, Toront,. spent- the waekand at home. Mrs. Cloughicliff, Scarbor- oug1h bas been spending a faw days with ber daughtier, MIrs. t: Gardon Trim. I CI YELVERTflN ÇfC rdC~ to%~i 1

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