THURSDAY, OCT. 1S~, lUS THE CANADIAIl STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO PAGE T~RTEEN First Game of Ontarlo Juvenile Final Ends in 'Central Sci, T'op FielId L ln Fine Met The Bowmanville Public Schools Interschool Field Day kield in the grounds of Vincent Massey Sehool on Friciay at- tracted wide interest. A large crowd of spectators watched the events. The honours went to Central Sohool as ils entrants Von two cham.pionships out of .,,fand the largest number orpints were also won by Cen- tral School students. Patsy Kilpatrick, Central Sehool, became Senior Girls champion with 9 pointa. David Wooner, Central School cap- tured the Boys Senior Champ- ionship with 14 points. Daisy Reader, Ontario Street School, with seven points was the win- ner of the Intermediate Girls Championship. Irwin Colwell, Vincent Massey School, achiev- ed the Boys Intermediate Chanmpionship with 8 points. Points won by the school were received as follows: Senior Girls Senior Boys Inter. Girls Inter. Boys Junior Girls Cent. Ont. S. V.M. 20 15 - 21 8 13 9 14 13 15 8 19 - 14 10 Totals------- 65 59 55 Senior Girls Events: (1) In- terschool Relay, 29.2 seconds, 1. Central School Team, Patsy Kil- patrick, Lana Morrison, Jane Oliver and Joan Crawford, 2. Ontario Street, 3. Vincent Massey. (2) Standing Broad Jump, 6 feet 7 inches, 1. Patsy Kilpatrick, Central, 2. Lena Morrison, Central, 3. Jill Kil- patrick, Ontario Street, (3) 75 Yard Dash, 9.9 seconds, 1. Patsy Kilpatrick, Central, 2. Evelyn Jones, Ontario Street, 3. Linda Huber, Ontario Street, (4) High Jump, 3 feet 11.5 inches, 1. Eve- îyn Jones, Ontario Street, 2. Joan Crawford, Central, 3. Lana Morrison, Central (5) Runnlng Bcoad Jump, 12 feet, 1. Patsy Kilpatrick, Central, 2. Evelyn Jones, Ontario Street, 3. Linda Huber, Ontario Street. (6) Soft- bail T'row, 104 feet, 1. Karen Gibner, Ontario Street, 2. Shir- FREE! TELEPHONE AID Helps Hard-of-Hetring Persons Use Telephone If you'are hard-of-hearing, Maico wants you to have this patented device for yeux telephone. It reduces back- rround noises and helps ;ou hear 'phone conversa- tion casier. Malco offers this to you FREE, with no obligation whatsoever, to dernonstrate to you that a hearlng loss can be over- corne In rnany ways. Our supply of these telephone receiver aids lu llrnited. Stop in or write for yours today. You'il flnd it a wonderful heip. MAICO Hearing Service MAICO HEARING SERVICE 850 Yont St., Totinte WA 4-2317 Send Free Telephone Aid Naine -__________ SAddresa________ CS/MV/l0/8/59 0 After trailing 5-2 in the first loaded the bases and another inning, Bowmanville Olympias free pass forced a ruin acrosls. Ipecked away with single runs After a ground bail made a in the fourth, sixt.h, seventh and force out at the plate, f irst 4ool W inseighth framee to gain a six ail sacker Ken Coverley made a standoff! 11itStrathroy,Mon-,cosly error on a smash by day afternoon ini Strathroy. The Muylaert, as all three base run- Day H onors second gan-e of the champion- ners scored, and Muylaert came ship series will be played at the across with the fifth talley on Vincent Massey Park here Sat- an infield out. urday afternoon. Singles by Coverley and Lar- ~t F r d y filled the sacks, Ross Turner ville's third tally li the fourth, ley Tomillnson, Central, 3. Joan' came through with a two run but Strathroy countered with CrawordCental.single to send the Olympias out a run in the bottom half te re- Crafor, front in the first. Stratbroy gain their three run bulge. Senior Boys Events: 1. Inter- bounced back, scoring fv Bowmanville capitalized on school Relay, 27.4 seconds, 1. times in the bottom haif on but a walk and an error in the Vincnt Msse Schol Tama sing-le base knock. A pair of sixth, and repeated again in the VinentMasey ehol Tamwalks and a single by Fadelle seventh, to score single runs Peter Tomnlinson, Irwin Colwell,--____________ Donald Martin and Brian Smith. 2. Central, 3. Ontario Street. (2) Running Bread Jump, 14 feet 7 inches, 1. Da- T ne ~ r vid Woolner, Central School, 2.T h e r n1 Dan Jones, Ontario Street, 3. Brian Smith, Vincent Massey.Mr. Jm s . Rch ds (3 5Yard Dash,9. seconds, M s a e ihrs 1. Brian Smith, Vincent Massev, 2. David Woolner, Central, 3. Dan Jones, Ontario Street. (4) Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Taggart 'visited Rev. and Mrs. Basil E. Pole Vault, 7 feet 10 inches, 1. land farnily spent the Thanks- Long. IDavid Woolner, Central, 2. John giving weekend in Buffalo, Mrs. Boughen, Newtonville, Klpatrick, Centrai, 3. Pat Mur-ý N.Y. and bier sister, Miss Ruth G-or- phy, Vincent Massey. (5) Stan- Miss Ann Best, Toronto, spenit don, spunt Thanksgiving wee'- IUn res, ad Woole, 7e3nthe weekend with ber parents, end. xw in relatives in Duncaaik. ding Br.oavd Jump. 7 feetral, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Best. 1V: -- Pearl O'Neil, ToronVo, 2. Brian Smith, Vincent Massey', Mr. E. Witherspoon, Bowman- is j)ncing a w.Jk witliMi 3. Anton Treibal, Central. (6) jvleteWiî .Seymour. High Jump, 4 feet 5 inches, 1. vle h new principal of Or- Mr and Mrs. Jima MiddIlton, !oeHigýh School. wiIl bc theM. Peter Tomlinson, Vircent Mas- 1 attended the Benson-Middleton sey, 2. David Woolner, Central, speaker at the Evening Aux.l wedding at Clareient. 3.DnJns nai tet iary th;s evcning. M. n r.Nra li 3. an one, ntaio tret. Mr. 'Grant Powers of the 0. Mrd ad eS.aNorn Aunth (7) Softball Throw, 218 feet 4 p I, stationed at Beardmore adduhe hao pn h inches, 1. Allan McMullen, Cen-!vstdhsgadohr \î' long wcekend with Mr. and tral, 2. Allan Brock, Ontario CeculîPower-.M" Mrs. E. G. Hay at their cottage, Street, 3. David Woolner, Cen- Mrs. Crawvford is tain with Severrn River. tral.1' Miss aeDvy Mrs. Cecil Powers spent Sun- Intermediate Girls Events: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and da ad Monday with Mr. and (1) Interschool Relay, 28.4, sec- children, Ottawa, spent the long Mr.RyPwrSabruh ends, 1. Ontario Street Team ekn with bis parents, Mr. ndr. m ithl and vlr. Chs. aylo an to- ntrthe long weekend With Carol Brooks, Daisy Reader,an r.C s.Tyoadt-M. and Mrs. Burns Kittmer Betty Pickard, and Patricia De- gether spent Sunday with Mr. and sons, St. Mary's and toge- boo. 2. Central, 3. Vincent Mas- and Mrs. Anderson, Milverton, ther visited Mrs. Lena Beal sey. (2) Basebali Throw, 92 feet, the parents of Mrs. Ross Tay- Smithi, formerly of Orono, in 1. Daisy Reader, Ontario Street, lor. Wtrodo udy 2. Dianne Ormiston, Vincent Mc. Carl Flintoff, Elliott Lake Mr.atefnd on Su nday. Massey, 3. Sharon Cully, Vin - visited bis mother, Mrs. 0. HMc. and DarsdAldentH, s cent Massey. (3) StandingCwnadM.oa. ited Mrs. Howard Walsh. Broad Jump, 6 feet 1.5 inches,' Mrs. T. Cottrieli, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Kramp, 1. Sharon Cully, Vincent Mas- Chas. Chantier, Huntsville, vis- Kitchener, visited Mr. and Mrs. sey, 2. Marylee Yeo, Vincent ited Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears Carlos abyM.ndMs Massey, 3. Daisy Reader, On- and family. Tambdon PowaneMrs tarie Street. (4) 50 Yard Dasb,j Mrs. Lcs Samis visited her r .M aMr GordonPwr 7 seconds, 1. Sheila Allin, Cen- sister, Mrs. Win. Smith and Mr, John and Billy, spent Monday tral, 2. Carol Brooks, Ontario Smith, Pefferlaw. witlh Mr. andMrs.. W. Cochrane, Street, 3. Nancy Kelly, VincentI Mr. and Mrs. W. A. LongTrno Massey. (5) High Jurmp, 1. Dai-'Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wannamnak- Mrs. John Morris returnFed sy Reader, Ontario Street, 2. er, Cee Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- home on Saturday from visit- Carol Brooks, Ontario Street, 3. ton Long, Toronto. Miss Beryi ing fricnds and relatives in Gail Hobbs, Central. (6) Ruri- Boxvhey, Mr. and Mrs. B. Wool- Cobourg and Port Hope last ning Bread Jump, 12 feet 1.5 dridge and three sons, Lindsay week. inches, 1. Marylee Yeo, Vincent Mr Elgin Charles Seymour, Massey, 2. Betsy Phillhps, Cen--Mc tral. 3. Jennifer Purdy, Central. a y P to Intermediate Beys Events M r PtonC M Mite (1)IntrscoolRelay, 28.2 sec-%..-it e t onds, 1. Ontario Street Team, itm o son, Howard Edmondston, Ron n à%u ce S g Richards. 2. Central. 3. Vncent Fatal Accident E tr n e S g Massey. (2) High Jump, 4 fet ORONO- The Chamber of1 1 inch, 1. John I-ughes, Cen- ORONO- Mrs. Mary Patton, Commerce held their regular1 tral, 2. Michael Shane, Central, formeriy of Orone, was the vie- monthly meeting on Tbursday, 3. Larry Perrds, Vincent Mas- t;m of a traffie accident last evening of last week with ani sey. (3) Running Broad Jump, Wednesday evening at W'itby, attendance of twen'ty-five. Ini 14 feet 1 inch, 1. Irwin Colwell, which claimed ber life and that opening the meeting, the Pres- Vincent Massey, 2. Greg Horni- o! anether woman, a rcsident of ident, Donald Staples welcom- I od, Ontario Street, 3. Gerald Whitby. The accident occurred ed these presenit and invited Harness, Vincent Massey. (4)1 on Higbway 401 west o! the' these wbe were not members 50 Yard Dash, 7 seconds, 1. Ir-1 Henry S treet overpass at Whit- of the Chamber to becom-e win Colwell, Vincent Massey, iby. Due te paving the east lane members and that everyone 2. Greg Hornigold, Ontario in this section, the west lane was welcome to attend the Street, 3. Charles Evans, Cen- was being used for both eastI meetings. tral. (5) Softball Throw, 159 and west bound traffic and it Mr. Gordon Watson, trea- feet 5 inches, 1. Gerald Har-wsheettthacietap surnfme te meig ness, Vincent Massey, 2. Irwin wp e eta h ent that her, Chaomerthadmeatipne Colwell, Vincent Massey, 3. ee.ta h iime a tpe Don McMurter, Ontario Street. Mrs. Fayer, the other victim sent a bank balance of $1,628. (6) taning rea Jum, 6of the accident, was dcivîng There were a couple of out- (6) Stain g Brad HJump, the second car involved. She standing accounts yet to be Vetinches, MasGera2d Hoars was returningc from work in cleared up. Aise this amount Burgess, Central, 3. Lacry Per- Toronto and 'vas alone. The included close te $300.00 which ris, Vincent Massey. (7) Pele other car was driven by Mr. W. is to be turned over to the Or- Vaut, fet 1 inhes 1.Da-E. Mifflin in wvich Mrs. Patton ono Amateur Athîctic Assoc- vîd Crawford, Central, 2. John was a passenger. intion. This amount was coliec-I Hughes, Central, 3. Michael .Mr.s. Patton hadi beeni work- ted for the Athletic at the Or- Russell, Vincent Massey. ing in Whitby and at the time ono Faîl Fair where the Chamn- Junior Events: Races; Girls 8 ycars, 1. Nesta Hone,-mnan, Vincent Massey, 2. Barbara Da- boo, Ontario Street, 3. Janice Allin, Vincent Massey. Beys 8 Years, 1. Rennie Therteli, On- tarie Street, 2. Michael Ciwker, Ontario Street, 3. Sandy Br-own, Vincent Massey. Girls 9 years, 1. Geergina Mutton, Ontario Street, 2. Diane Seriver, Vin- cent Massey, 3. Beverley Fer- guson, Ontario Street. Boys 9 Years, 1. Je!! Gilhooley, Vin- cent Massey, 2. Lewis Bruce, Ontarll ie te&, 3. John Taylor, Ontario Street. ou Un Uwn the 1inesi ONE MAN BUSINESS ln Your Town No Seîîing or Solliciting Tou cau make $75.00 to $10000 per week, ln youi-ý spare thne. More If devoting full Unie. A Ieading Canadian Comipany, distributing ceast to narne brand produet will appoint sincere reliable persons to service acceunts in this area. Qualifications requlred are good references, a minimum of spare time available &Ad a cash invest- ment of $980.00. Write immediately for appointment ln Your area to: C. F. INDUSTRIES LTD. 2180 Beigrave Ave. Montreal, P.Q. TAXI Phone MA 3-5822 STEVYENS' TAXI U"Se, Sati-fying Service" AIL PASSENGERS INSURED 100 King St. L. Bow anville was believedi te have been ce- turninz from Newcastle where she bad heen visiting for the evening. Mrs. Patton was the wife o! Percy David Patton and mo- ther of! Manson o! R.R. 1, Or- ono; Roy, Kin.citon; Carmaný, Whitby aid Ross o! Oshawa. Red Cross Bud gzst$200 For Reésuscitator ORONO- Last week the Or- ono Red Cross beld an exeent tive meeting at the home of Mrs. W. E. Armstrong with a very gond atIendanci-. Mr. W. J. IticIdell v. cs pre- sent and outlined the Bloodl Donors Clinic m-hich %w.iIl bei bcld in Iiowrnt.aville on Nov-1 ember 4th. He wý,as beneful of obtà niing ttrî(-(- rupport from tbe local ies:d,'nîs aeýd a l,»o pointed out tiat rcgistra.iolî cardis w- - iableathe fl- lowiIî4g 1!aIces 'n the Township: E. R. Rziney, Dane Found, Or- ono Weckly Tmes Offi ce and Wm. Reid's at Kirby. Registra-1 tiens may aIso ho madie with1 Mc. Riddell. It is through thisi pcogcam that fi-ce plasma is1 available at bospitals and the support of the clir.ic is necess- Jary in order that the Red Cross tmav carry on w- th this weork. TÈhe Orono Red Cross cffic- ially recognize the local Red Cross Wockshop which is con- ducted by Miss H. Waddell. This gcoup of ladies assist in Red Cross work by prepaîingi matecials focrtise in the many jphases cf Red Cross work. At ipresent theY are making swabs which are used in the Blood Donor Clinics. Thie firancial budget for 1960 was set un to an amount o! over one thousand dollars. This amount is divided between the National org-anization and the local organization whe sponsor the sw'nm:ng clazses in the summer, vitarin tablets for the pu.blie school childcen in the Township of Clarke. Included in the budget this yeac is an ameunt of!1ý200.00 te, assîst with th'e purcha--e of a resuscitator Iwhich is being prmoted by the Orono Chaniber of Commerce. ber ooecateci a bootti on ttieir ,belhalf. Mc. Staples also commenîted that the promotion of MeDon- ald's Facmn at the Fair was a success. This was developed and operated by th- Orono Chamber of Commnercé. A letter asking the Chamber to agýain assist with the UNI- CEF collection on Hallowe'en night was ceceived. Mr. J. C. Tamblyn xvas appointed to look after this project again this year. Mcssrs. Charles Arm- strong and Dean West were ad- ded te the committee. The committee will have children collect -pennies inistead of can- dies on Hallowe'en night. Re- freshments will be secved the children along with judging of costumes and some games. Mc. MeGill, rcperted th at t4e Fire Protection Committee wbich was studying the pro- posai of supplying fire protec- tion toc the Township had come upon a fice pumper which cariled 500 gallons of, water. This puimper, be 'said, could be puicha,1sed for S2000. le s.uggested that the commit- tee he given authoritv to ap- proach the Township Counci], in this matter. It is expected that the total cost to buy the machine, equip it and bouse it would cost in the neigbbour- heod of $5000.00. Mr. McGill peinted out tluat about 8017o!o the Township was now with- out fire protection. In his ce- port Mr. McGill stated that he had already approached the Orono Police Trustees. Gordon Watson and William Reid pas- sed a motion authorizing the committee te appcoach the Council and to discuss the pro- posai. with them. BACKACH E Maiy ho Warning Backache is often caused by Iazy kidney action. When kidneys gel eut of order, excesa acida and wastea feinain in dm Systen. Then backacbe, dis- turbed rest or that tired-out and heay- keaded feeling may soon foIIow. That'à the bime te take Dodd'a Kidney Pila. Dodd'a stimulat. th. kidneys t. normal action. Then you feel better-leep bel' cr-work better. Get Ddd'a. Lidû.y PlUs nov. 59 in each inning. A single by Pi- per, and a wild throw te first, following Don Bagnels strike- eut, enabled the Olympias te tic the score, in the eighth, a!- ter two were out. The locals threatened te break the game wide open In the ninth, as Grant Wright, Turner and John James singled to load the bases with none out.I Pitcher Fadelle rose te the oc- cosion, fanning Coverley, get- ting Ray Crembie te bounce into a force out at the plate, and setting Piper down on strikes. One extra inning 'was played before darkness called a haît. Fadelle claimed an impressive NIews Editor passed away at his home, 60 Cordona Ave., Toronto, on Tues- day, October 6th. Mr. Seymour is the husband o! Jean Char- lotte Grant an.d father ef Jopn (lrs. John MeGovcrn), and the latî2 R-uzh Seymour, and brother of SIôfiley, Halrold and Ettie (MIs. Gordon Suggitt). He was a former rcsident of Orono and a nephiew of Mrs. Wm. Seymnour of Orono. Service was h*eld in Toronto on Thursday, October 8th. Intermerit in family plot in Ocono Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. D. Harness with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris, Scarborough, spent the wee- end With Mc. and Mrs. S. D. Keats, Chatham. Mr. and Mis. Colin Taylor, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Miss Sadie Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoidge, Mc. and Mrs. Brown, Willoxv- dale, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Horne, W'hîtby, wece guests of Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on Sunday. Mr. and Mcs. Neil Porter vis- ited their daughter, Mcs. Jack Bah, Mr. Bail and son John, Ayl mec. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Smith and children, Willowdale, visited his.mother, Mcs. Neil Smith on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson, B3etty Ann and Larry, Water- down, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wat- son. Be sure te attend the Turkey Supper at Orono United Church. See Coming Events. ta Study is for Orono 1Donald Staples stated that the Chamber had on a number of occasions discussied the er- ection of proper signs at the enitrances to the Village. N. F. 1Porter said that they should be good respectable signs. J. C. Tamblyn approved the slogan o! "Orono, a good place to live" and said it should be incor- porated on any sign that wasI erected. Percy Lunn said there was talent available locally to conistruct and painit such a sign. A committee o! Ed. Neilson, Harvey Partner and Je r r y Duvaîl was appointied te !n- vestigate the erection o! signs and to report back art the next regalar meeting their !indings as to location, wordiing anid construction. i nsulators Deadly Targets For Rif lemen Thoughtless marksmen were wacned today that a pot-shot t at power line insulators could mean electrocutien or j a i tecms foc themselves and elec- trical blackeuts for thousands o! others. Ontario Hydre, which finds about 1,000 insulators shattered iby bullets or stones every year, accompanied the warning with an appeal te tMe public: If you see anyone shootding at poles or transmissiontw ers, eaul the police- for your sake and bis. Power was cut off te _moret than 3,000 homes and busilles- ses in five communities north cf Toronto this week because someone damaged porcelain in- sulators on six peles soutlh o! Richmond Hill. Hydre officiais s a id the mark-sman- or some innocent passer-by- might bhave been kiled if the 27,600-volt lino had burned tbceugh the polos wooden ccess-arm and fallen te the greund. Investigations sh ow ed at least six shots wece ficed from a hig'h-powered rifle in the Toronto suburb yet nobody re- ported hearing them. *Without knowledge o! the damiage, Ontario Hydre had ne way cf guarding against the blackout when rainfal grounded the line. It took about three heurs te locate the trouble and restore service completely. The power interruption might have been much longer and more extensive if a tower on the high-voltage transmission network had been used foc tar- get tractice. Four teen-agers have been i convicted and !îned thîs yeari for shooting at insulators. 1 The penalties might well have! been more severe if they had net been juveniies, for charges are laid under Section 372 of the Criminal Code, which sta- tes that "anyone who commîts i mischief in relation te public property is guiity of an indiet- able offense and hiable te in- prisonanent for 14 years. " record o! 16 strikeouts, whiie giving up ten safeties. A lot G! credit must go te, Olympia pli- cher Larry Piper wvho had only hurled a couple o! giînos ail season. After a shaky stait, Piper held Strathroy to a sin- gie run on six hits over the next nmne frames. Bowmanville - Don BaIgnell 2h, Wiseman If, Terry Blacký 3b, Grant Wright cf, Rots Tuir- nec ss, John James cf. Ken Co- verley lb, Ray Cmor-nbie c, Lac- ry Piper p. Strathroy-Westrate r!, Ben- nett r! in 9th, Bartlioloimýcxv ;b, Fadeil p, Harnett c, MUcKay ?b, Muylaert cf, Seed lb, Tam-an- tia If. O'Bradovick ss. W. H. Carman statcd that the Orono Police Trustecs weica returning the petition ce store heurs foc a clearer dofLinition e! those stores which wouid bc a!!ected. He suggestcd that the jChamber make the dec-inî:îýon and that it tlien bc relurned to the Trustees te set up the nec- essacy by-law. The iu:e pointed eut that they nd likely held a meeting at whichl they would invite the affected store ewnecs before any ac- tion was taken. W. H. Carman intornicci the meeting o! the action whichi the Township of Clarke Cotin- cil had taken in. respect ta tiho Durham District School Acca. He said the- liad p :ts--, d a resolution te vithci :-.%v f: un the area and set uipIlicer ow-a area \vithin the Town iio.A t present a number iveîre drci lating petitions in the 1Town-" ship te support ibis nio\-e aid he asked the sunu)3or'. cf Ihie Chamber of Comnmn erce. r;Pii tions were alloted to v :r!ous memberswnho w-are ta e ,p t a -t others in specific re iu- vas foc signatut-es fg'- '-'e t- tien. Mc. Carmian sialed dihýt if it was possible they w ould li!-e te have the petitions crn' Menîdy evenin.g so thri-. îi,ýy ceuld be presented to Cou neil on Tuesday. Il was pointed out tht't ha capitol cost cf constcucting a sehool in Clarke Township would cost no more than iithe portion which Clacke s now suppocting and would be suno- porting thcough the ar-oa for ether municipalities. It is ex- pected that the Township wil set up a committee on Tuesday te further study the m ove andj te formulate steps te withcliaw. Gordon Watson showed mev- Ing pictuces cf the Colt Derby and Orono Fair. These pictures were taken by Dr. H. J. Ta- gart, Jerry Duvail and Gordon Watson. Tie Shower neia ville, entertained at a presen- tation in the Oreno Odd Fel- lews' Hall on Thursday, Oct. 8. F or M iss Alldred Some 60 nigibeurs adfini Orono-The C.G.I.T. present- step-up end tables, a matching ed Doreen with a crystal pitcher cofee table and an iroriing and glasses te match on Sept. board. A mock wedding, put on 28. by Mrs. S. Barrabaîl, Mrs. H. At a evningdiner prtyBest, Mrs. D. Tennant and Mrs. on Oct. 1 the girls of the Pro- J orseadohrgms ducton ontol ept o!themade up the evening's enter- G.M. pcesented her with a t.ainment. Lunch was served. lovely electrie dlock. On Saturday evening, Oct. A miscelianeous shower was 10, a miscellaneous sh-ower was held at the home of Mcrs. LAi- held fer Doreen Alldred at the dî-ed, Newcastle, on Oct. 3rd. home o! Mc. and Mrs. H. R. Many relatives attended andiBest. About 40 o! the bride-to- the bride received many love-1 be's friends presented hec with ]y gifts. Lunch was secvcd byj many useful gifts. Several t he co-hostesses, Mrs. R. All- Igames were played and lunch dred and Mrs. Charles Aildred, j as served by the co-hostesses,' both o! Newcastle. Norah Wood and Anne Best. You'II thoroughly enjoy our famous Southern Fried Chicken Dinner served in dlean, modern surroundings S P EC1A L FOR SUNDAYf Southern Fried Chicken -Snack with Corn Fritter- Chocolate Sundae-. for Dessert m 85C 119l11 Souihern Fried Chicken To take out or eat in_____________ 99C (9lympia (Restaurani King St. E.-owmanvile Lowest Cost SAFE !"POLÀRâ" Brand .49 Gai. IQUÀAPR - .69 Equal onti-freeze proccion oa the best knovvr bronds selling cil rnuch hic,,lir prices. Permanent $ofe and quords the colnq sysfem against Irust and corrosion. Save saielyl <C~~THIERMOSTATS ~ji Fr fa-ter engin. warm-up ond qulcker limot from ~ ~ your car healer, instili a High-temp.rature Thormo. ~ stat. Orgina-equiprnent-quality Blows or High- to i A NTI-FREEZ - '9'"TER- Accurately tests 9U types of anti-freeze .............. - 55 0l E AT E R hr - Havy duty. per foot .... Wdiam. 17 W'dlia,*17 "udsm. 19 R IDIATER iI Z Extra service. eut to iength or moulded. As low as. . .52 GAS-FLDOV,ý!- Mixes with gas to prevent mator sputter and gai Une freeuing .19 RAI). FLR2 - movûs rust and seale safely from elagged radiators---------...-.. ......... .3 9 RAD. s,Iàs leaks permnanently, prevents antl-freete lona................. .39 F AN BcýLT5- trec'nts cnglne overheatlng; new-car quality. Mont cars-............ .92 to 1.75 WATER PUMýj? E""CI-ANGE-Save up ta 407. on remanufactured units. Au 10w as..9 I GNITION7 SPRAYe- Kecps. your power dry, seals aut mosture 6-oz. bomb ............ - .89 H #Y'"*CKEY SUPPLIES We now have a full range of GLOVES, PADS 'ancd STICKS, SKATES Feature values in complete selection for Boys and Girls 'CODODIRD TIRE) 160 CHUICH ST. Bowmanville m1 n THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVVBRANMJJý ONTARIO tce PAGE THMTEM THU MAT, OCT. 1804 IM