?HURSDAY, OCT., lStb, 1959 TEE CANADIA2< STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARJO PAGE TIY~EEN spent l sat weekend ln Kinga.. 1960 BUICK ton wlth friends on thie oc CI<ssified ion of helr 36th wdln n I Memoriam '~Mr. and Mis. Pitt, Sr. and DOWNEYIn loving niemory with Mr. jand Mis. H. Pitt and of a dear father and grandfath- famiiy. Edward E. Downey, Who .. Weekend visitors with Mr. fasaedaway October l5fh, 1958 ' ' , ~ .~. and Mrs. W. Cail included Mrs. oui Iast parting wish ./.I)~ Qwns and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. We would like to have heard, Goiinadbb agtr And breathed in your ear " Mr. and Mrs. E. Cail and fam- Our last parting word .......y and Mr. P. Cail, ail of Tor- Only those Who have lost onto. Are able to tell Mr. and Mrs. Storms and The pin.l thehear Bille, Toronto, visited with At not saying farewell.::$ Mr. and Mrs. R. Simpson last .-Sadly missed by daughter -weed Dorothy, son-in-law Jack and .G Sudavstrs ee grandehildren Ann, Edward,....... John and Mark. 42-1SisoTrt. ________Miss Helen Dennis and Joey, HOOPR-I lovng emor of.,. g'Toronto, spen't the weekend Myrtie Mildred (Lyle) Hooper with Mr .and Mis. H. Sinclair. Who passed away October l6th, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curson, Jr. 1958. and girls bad Thanksgiving Not dead la mother, but sleeping dmnner Sunday wlth Mr. and In ber Father's home above, Mrs. J. Curson, Sr. ~ ared or er sffeing ..Mr. and Mrs. Curson Si. * arded for er lovfe.ig spent Moid.ay in Toronto witb e. îeembered by husband Mr. and Mris. J. Hartwick. Orvillè, son Lyle and daughteî- In-law Elaine. 42-I MURM-In loving memory of a .*H.. o1w to Control dear friend Muîm who passed away October l6th, 1958. Rer memoîy is our keepsake, ~.Ho use C.rickets With which we'll neyer part, God bae ber in His kepng t s . .*-Crickets are exasperating. We hve er i ou beats.They snealc into youî bouse. -Aways remembered by Francis New features of Buick for 1960 by General Motors include sculptured styling, They keep you awake nights. anSela _ee _ 4_1 smoother riding qualities and more com fort for passengers. Ail 19 models have an They damage woollens, silk, SCOTT-In loving memory of adjustable instrument panel and independent heater controls for both front and rear cotton, and other fabrics. And ajerbohr ilSot who can find them? a dar roterBihScot. seats. New also is a single transverse muffler. The well-known Buick ventiports The bouse cricket is pale Peaceful be tby sleep, dear are back on the 1960 models. The Electra 225, top car in the line, bas -four on each brown and about three-quar- brosswtther, btb thy front fendeç and the o ther Buick series - Electra, Invicta and LeSabre - have three. ters of an inch long. Few hoe It amseett ra The Invicta is shown above. makers know this, because the n me. oedyudeyPest has the knack of being B iwlovl"y, eal "heard but flot seen'. As soon as In death we do the same. barked on an opening-a-nionth the weather cools down, the -Lovingly remembereti by sist-I - foodi market construction pro- cricket leaves the garden andi er Ntabroherin-aw Loyd I. ~ a a ~gram which la expecteti to in- sets up shop in your house, 42 et,1*oteainlawLlyd crease the annual wholesale wbere it m.ay remain active for WALKER-In loving memory of A ~ I IP months. With 13 new super- iu cracks and crevices. There is rny~ee l dRreusapohort~m u markets added to the group the only one generation each year. rnwa Octob 17, 1957. e anticipated retail volume will What about that Infernal chir- Twa o er aepas1a7,eoo u19ahs57.Lag or gino here ot.be approximately'$73,000,'000 a 1ruping? For sake of interest, the oer aepse n ol u rse IoLrefrmaano h hos year. . song of the cricket is produceti Since the one I loved so wellI Buck Deer This browning of the neetiles Oshawa Wholesale Limiteti by the male rubbing together Was taken from my home on A sehool bus loadeti with is quite noticeable this faîl on now supplies 120 affiliateti 1. the Ôuter pair of win.gs. Night- earth I children on their way to school reti pine and while the trees G A. retail food markets andi time is singing-time for hlmi With Jesus Christ to dwell. on Fritiay morning, September look unsightly for a while, the services 59 independent non- andi bis many friends. The floweîs 1 place upon bis 25th, crasheti into a big buck cniini nytmoay affiliated stores. Light sleepers and those con- grave on a Cartwright Township roati Fail Planting Begins Three supermarkets have cerneti with the welfare of They may witheî and decay in Durham County. The deer The Department of Lands and been opened since June, three their broadloomn might be in- But love for hlm who sleeps was killed instantlv anti ai- Forests began their faîl plant- more are under construction, terested lu control measures ad- beneath though the front running geai ing program for the Lindsay and on a number of other sites, vised by the Ontario Depaît- Shail neyer fade away. of the bus passed over the deer, District on October 5th, despite firm offers to lease have been ment of Agriculture, apply -Ever remembereti anti satily the bus driver was successful showery weather. In ail, bal! signed or are under negotia- eblordane as a 2% spray or as niissed .by bis loving wife Edith in keeping the big vehicle on a million seedlings will be tion, Mr. Wolfe said. a 5 % tust. Direct tbe material andi boys Allan, Douglas, Ray- the road. planted in the next three weeks. In the next 12 months new into spots near any waîm loca- inond, Gordon. 42-1* Conservation Officer Douglas, 0f these, seventy-five percent stores will be openeti in an area tion where the crickets may be K. Powell of Orono was cafled i wll be red and white pine anti from the Niagara Peninsula to biding. CRd of Thanks to the scene and dressed the1 the remainder spruce anti tam- Belleville, with five openings For outside control, try a/14% carcass. The venison was ýarack. Haîf of the seedlings in the Metropolitan Toronto cblordane spray. Put At on in- I would like to thank friends, brought in to Lindsay District will be planteti in the County aiea alone. festeti vegetation and garbage. relatives, Dr. Hubbarti, nurses Office where it will be donateti Forests while the remainder The stores are being built for and staff of Memorial Hospital to a charitable institution. will be dîvided between Glam- indepentient dealers. 'Iu some for caitis, care and acts o! kind- Durham County carnies a organ anti Methuen Townships. cases, however, the stores areDurh n nesa during my stay in bospital. fairîy heavy population o! deer Plantings will be doue maiuly operated by the Supply DepotDu h m Cnt Mis. Jack Colvifle. 42-1* and as fences are no barrier to by banti. until suitable dealers are se- We wuldliketo hankthethese animals they roam over While many factors, both lecteti. A., .I... Weommuty for trsotdur- the~ county. at will, often wan- controllable and otherwise, will Mi. Wolfe said the construc- Ar~i. CoieIIndaI commnit'fo thir upprt ur-dering out on highways where influence the survîval of these tion programi wiil be continueti ig the year anti to those wbo they create a bazard to traffie seedliugs anti no one can accur- iudefinitely-"ýas long as on- hepdwith the teani or pre- anti passengers alike. Last year, ately predict the number of tario's development pace cou-Fo nt areti lunch, thank you. a number of cars anti trucks mature trees that will develop, tinues anti there is a ueed for Solina Soccer Club. crasheti into deer on Durham we are hopeful that a harvest new anti better footi markets." Wednesday, October 14th - Of,42-1 County roads anti several o! of twenty-fîve million boarti Substantial atiditional growth Black and White Championship oithese vehicles were extensive- feet (or enough lumber to builti can also be expected from con- Show, Peterborough. We wish to thank ahiou ly damaged. 2500 average sizeti homes) will tinueti membersbip increase lu Tusaincoe lt,80 frientsisni Tyrone for the lovely TusaOtbr1t,80 presents anti social evening 1'Evergreens"ý-Not RealIy iesult fiom these faîl plantings. the I.G.A. voluutary gioup. p.m.-Durharn County Farmers' tentiereti ou our bebaîf on leav- Ever-y year at this time, the TriPle Fawns Observed Union, Ana Meeting in Ty- ing the community. Department o! Landis anti For- Forest rangera J. Hewitt and rone Hall. Lady Presideut o! Mi. andi Mis. John Hilîs. ests receives enquiries from in- A. Taylor o! Minden recently BROWNSJ~j Ontario Mis. Meari Hopkins la 42-1* dividuals concerneti with the sighted four deer at the side the guest speaker, also Mi. Hen- condition of their "everg'reens". of highway No. 35, just noîth Bîowns H. & S. Club met on ry Nakes of Peteiboro wil We wish to thank ail oui The common complaint is that o! Norlanti. On dloser observa- Tuestiay, October l3th. An el- speak. Poutypool orchestra will rientis, relatives, ueighbours, many o! the neetiles have turn- tion, they realizeti it was a doe ection o! officers was belti anti be in attentiance. Everyone wel- IA staff, Beebive Rebekah 1eti brown anti are falling off, anti three fawns. th. lwigwl ol fiecorne. Lotige for gifta, flowers anti giving the tree a most unheal- While a doe bearing triplet for the coming terni: Presitient October 2lst, 8:00 p.m.-So- caîtis receiveti on the occasion thy appearance. fawns is not extîemelyrare, it - Mis. Jas. Cui'son; Vice-Pre- lina Women's Institute Bazaar o! oui 25th wetiting anniver- There is no neeti for concern, is neveitheleas u n c o ni mi o n sidents- 1, Mis R. Simpson, will be belt inl the Solina Hall. gary. They were ail veiy much as in most cases this la simpy enough to be wortby o! men- 2, Mrs. W. Beninett, 3, Mrs. H. Many new attractions andi appreciateti. a fiqimal proceas. Contraiy t' ion. In gooti deer range, lesa Sinclair, 4, Mis. R. Powell; Sec- lunch. George andi Elsie Richards. genelThl belief, "eveigreens" are than 5% o! the adult doe pop- eay Ms .Ci;Tes- FiaOtbr2r-ne 42-1 not îeally eveigreen in that ulation bear triplets, about 60% eay r. .C.o ras rdy cobr2r-ne each fail the thîce (sometimes bave twina while the remaining urer- Mis. T. Wilson; Corr. Club Competitions, Ontario othank ahi oui frientis foui) ya lineiestr 59era igefw.O Sec'y- Mis. W. Farrow; Corr.AgcutalCleGeph 1 wish otinessonya l ede un3%baasigefw.O tors- Miss Jean Perrin, Mr. W. giutrlCleGeph for their kinns hw us brown and die, giving the tree poor overbrowsed range, the Mre.Tusa,-Nvme 6h during my stay in bospital. a "dying" appearance. Iu the maority of does yielti only a Mor0ey. ThuiDuy, . N omber 26t Special thanks to Dr. Austin, the spring, new green neeciles wull single fawn or noue at all. Pul aweenaefrwihliAadNgtu the ano- nuises anti staff o! Memorial ulHloee atwihirA rdNg nteOoo Hospital, Mi. Don Morris, also will be helti this year on, Fri- Town Hall, Orono. the doctors, nurses anti staff o! a vnn.Otbr 3 h. StraNvme 8h Horpntaor.ik CideW § n e n o p e e The balance o! the evening was 10:30 a.m. - Durhami County Toroto.spent playing euchre anti pri- Holstein Club Annual Meeting. Mrs Si Crnih.zes weîe won by the following Friday, Decemnber 4th-An 42-11 For W inter Fuir, Program - Mis. R. Simpson andMm nual Banquet, Durhamn Countyl B. enne-tt-Mr. T. WilsnntiHotndClb at Rest Homne. Phone Orono finest hoises f rom Canada, thbe a non- competitive display o!fNE OPA 1771. 40-4 Unitedi States, Mexico, Argen- hoga. NE TOPA - Th Souh Hven estHome1 tina anti Brazil competing lu Amon*g inteiesting highlights W e o r er Tiene S cmoud a n ast thbe International Juni p i n g o! the 1959 Royal will be aunhnyu r er able for up or beti patients. Competitions. Another feature outstanding flower show, a Anti you've lost the way, ]Phone Newcastle 4441. 29-t! will ibe the spectacular new photographie competit îo , a Andi the day is dreary, ____________________ride o! the famous Royal Can- childfren's miniature Royal, a Wby flot kucel to pray. ~ adian Mounteti Police, large tiisplay o! tropical fisb, ri~~~ ~ ~ A total o! 118 judges froni boise shoe pitching competi-Whnteoaiseay -thîee differeut countries will tions anti "sales o! the stars", Ate the cloa s e ay, TOUR be iniattendauce to select pri- cattle and sheep. Atte youhnse flotta dy YOROshawa Wholesale Hus Wby flot kneel to pray. NEWSAER When you've fought the battIe Big ncre se i Pro itsAnd there's notbing ieft to say, From a thousand his corne the cattie, PACKS - A 74.9 per cent gain in the i la due to continuing improve- Wby not kneel to pray. net profit for thbe firat bal! o! ments in opeiating efficiency, We h orei ilhd 1959 is reporteti in an interini according to Ray D. Wolfe, We h orei iihd statement releaseti by Oshawaf Presitient anti General bMa- Andi the cloutis have cleared away, auWholesale Limiteti, the I.G.A. Iger. And the fears are ail diminished, Suppy Depot for Central On- Sali2s during this perioti of Wby flot kneel to pray. POW ER . ielatively light expansionin Afteî tax, net profit for 28 creaseti 5.42 per cent to $23,- P W R1 weeks ending August 8, 1959, 614,750. Net earniugs before de- When you've kept the Faith, la $210,448 comparet i wth preciation anti income taxes And Peace is yours aiway, $120,349 for the coirespondin.g were $472.150 as compared with Heeti the voice that sayeth, period ini 1958. This is equal toi $288,522 for the same periot W'hy flot kneei to pray. 42 cents per share as against' last vear, an increase o! 63.6 -By Marion Taylor Ford, 24 cents per share for thbe sameiper cent. perioti last year. The bnerease I The Company ha now em- 690 Cosburn Ave.. Toronto 6 A MacDuff 'Ottawa Report The Battie of the Pass OTTAWA - Once again a major battie on the controversiai Crow's Nest Pass rates on western export grain la sbaping up as the Royal Commission on railways setties down to its year-loug task of removing or alleviatiug inequities ln the freight rates structure. Every time a Royal Commission or some other inquiry is iaunched into freight rates in this country the Crow's Nest pops into the picture anti sparks begin to fiy. Western Canadians always view with alarm any suggestion that the statutory grain rates may corne. under scrutiny. They waut no tampeîing with those rates. 'Phis has not been the view of the Canadian Pacific Railway and lately the Canadian National Railways bas ecboed the protests of the CPR with a faintly heard "me too". Consequently when Prime Minister Diefenbaker set up the latest Royal Com- mission to study freigbt rates, under the chairmanship of Hon, C. P. McTague of Toronto, the experts predicted that it would not be long before it crashed into the Crowe's Nest Pass. They made these predictions despite assurances voiced by the Prime Minister that the Crow's Nest Pass rates were to stand unchangeti by the Commission's inquiry. When Hon. Howard Green, as acting prime minister, first announced the en- quiry late last year, he assured the west- ern farmers that such a réview would not mean that they would have to pay more freight on the shipment of grain for ex- port. Mr. Diefenbaker when he announc- ed the formation of the Royal Commission confirmed this stand. 1 He said he wished to make it clear beyond question that the Crow's Nest Pass rates are part of a bargain that was matie between the railways anti the goverument on the one hand and the settiers who went west on the other baud. "We intend in so far as tbis goveru- ment is concerneti to sec to it that that contract shahl not be broken," Mr. Dief- enbaker declareti. Untier the Crow's Nest Pass agreem eut, by statute the rates ou grain anti flour anti certain relateti commodities moving from ail points on ail uines of raiiway west of Fort William to Fort William or Port Arthur, or froni prairie points to the Pacific Coast for export, are on a level which is three cents per hundreti pountis lower than the level prevailing in 1897. As these rates are fixeti statute, tbey are beyond the juristiiction of the Board of Transport to control. The big question as far as the west was concerneti was whether the latest Royal Commission would bring the Crow's Nest Pass rates within the scope of its enquiry in the light of the pletige giveni by the Prime Minister. When the Commission openeti its preliminary hear- iugs lu Ottawa to speli out its ternis of reference, the questions came to a beati. Immediateiy the CPR called for a wide enquiry into the much-disputed statutory grain rates. Spokesmen for the prairie governments argueti the export grain rates were outside the scope of tbe Commission. The fight was -on, even bef oie the Royal Commission bati got arounti to formaiiy launcbing its bearings. The Canadian National Railways agreed with the CPR that the enquiry should cover the Crow's Nest Pass rates. "Not so," western provincial representatives empbatically tieclareti. Chairman MeTague found biniseif in the middtle of the disputants. When one Alberta spokesman pointeti out that the Prime Minister hati given bis word that the Crow's Nest Pass rates would flot be changeti, Mr. McTague observeti empbat- icaiiy that the Commission was operating under an Order-in-Council, flot untier something said iu parliament. Later be ruleti - declaring it was the unanimous decision of the Commission - that the Royal Commission will investi- gate the Crow s Nest Pass rates. It will be part of the general enquiry into rail problems. The decision was matie over the vigorous protests of prairie goveru.- ments anti grain growers on the one side anti the two major railways on the other. The CPR tolti the Commission that it wiii bave a "specific solution" to pro.- pose for the problem of the Crow's Nest Pass rates. The proposai will not resuit in cbanging existing rates as they are paid by farmers, saiti the raiiways spokesman. It would appear that the CPR bas lu mind the payment of a subsitiy by the federal government to the railways lu lieu of ailowing a bike in the statutory grain rates. The western representatives will argue vebemently tiuring the bearings that the Crow's Nest Pass rates on grain anti flour'are not unprofitabie, anti fever bave ,been unprofitable to the railways. The railways wili maintain that hati the rates been aliowed to go up in uine with other rate increases their revenues wouid bave been boosteti by many millions of dollars. The CPR wiil point out that if the post-war freight rate increases bad been applieti to expoît grain the CPR's revenues would bave been $235,000,000 more than they were between 1948 and 1958. The western spokesmen will also contenti that the Commission must con- sitier the lanti anti other grants to the CPR matie as part of the Crow's Nest Pass agreement The lines are drawn and the battle la about to begin again, a battie that bas been fought out more than once, each tume in the past witb the Crow's Nest Pass rates being left untoucheti anti untouch- able. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS You'II Have More Fun ,This Winter WithA RECREATION Roit EVERYONE WILL ENJOY THE EXTRA LIVING SPACE FOR A LIFETIME Tbat wasted space lu your basement can be inex- pensively anti easily con- vertet i nto a cosy recrea. tion rooni, bedroom, den or playroom. Staît now anti bave is ready for the cooler weather. Do Tt Yourself or Have Our Home Improvement Division Look After the Complete Job for You. BUDGET TEINS AVAILAILE WITH No Down Payment ... Up To 3 Years To Pay OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTDI 9 Telephoues To Serve Yeu Downtown Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH-BA 8-1817 BO WMAN VILLE-MA 3-2130 Main Office and Showroom COURTICF,-RBA 8-1611 AJAX-ZEnith 2-9600 0 DOWNTOWN OFFIC OPEN FEIAYT TILL 9-.00 l'IL -- -- -,Mll. -71 9-IWI-j TRUPMAY, "., 15tb. 1959 - -TH£ CANADUS STATESMAN. B017MANVIMZ ONTARM PAM rnpTm