LX1LJI~OjJZ~ I * LFL. i. SOU!, 1W T~! eANAnTAI< MTATK~MAN flOWMAMVTT IX flG9'AWTfl cost houslng for lower-mncome borwers under the Act. :CMHC'Mokes Housing Loans Tesor are imiatons for house quaifyin fordirect- Corortio lans udrthezel circumstances are #as follows, Wbere ender Not ctivebeing shown in brackets: 2- WOlPUl7 mçtSg 1OOsf under 55,000 population, the to builders offering houses for 09ronhs,90 sq. gt.; -berom bng- U3U~lUt4P. ha >at OHUS* Corporation makes, bans to sale in any area regardless 0f low, 1,050 sq. ft., (1,200 sq. ft.); ln~ ~tS.sat . bàî COfr' home-owner applicants on the population, are subject to lim- 3-bedroom 1½/-store'y house, 1,- obp u m - hou !,g *.Luuie terms and conditions as itations concerning lhe sire of 100 sq. ft., (1,250 sq. ft.); 3-bed- *itovD 181141NHA bans made by approved the house and the "extras' that room duplex, 1,100 sq. ft., (1,. 8" .OS C tP'5 m'4 ndr Corporation loans to may be included. The purpose 250 sq. ft.); 3-bedroom two- I~. ~ lben ~ homne-owner applicants in mor ftee iiain L odrc storey house, 1,150 sq. ft., (1,_ - kai .bv.CntalMOt heavily populated areas, and Corporation funds into low- 300 sq. ft.)3; 4-bedroom house,I e 1,300 sq. ft., (1,460 sq. fi.). 1a house is $12,800. In the base to the nearest office of Central These houses m.ay not have of a home-owner duplex or Mortgage and Housing Corpor- the foilowing items in the plans home - owner semi - detached ation. Any person who could and specifications: a glass parti- bouse the Joan may be as high qualify for en NHA boan tion around the bath, an extra as $15,300 and $22,100, respect- through an approved lender bathroom, extra bathroom rou- ively. The interest rate is six and intends te occupy the homne ghing-in, more than one fire- per.cent per annum, calculated is eligible for a direct Corpora- place, garage or carport with semi-annually and repayment tion loan. But an applicant must more than one stail, automatic la mide by convenient monthlY have been refused an NHA boan combined sink and dish-washer, instalments, usually cver a per- by lenders normally expected built-in refrigerator, built-in iod of 25 years but net exceed- to make loans in the area. Let- freezer and automatic garbage ing 30 yeaîs. The monthly pay- ters from two lenders, stating disposai unit, ment covers principal, înterest that they are unable to make The financial terms of direct and one-twelfth of the estim- an insured loan, are required .Corporation loans are the same ated annual taxes. in areas over 5,000 population. as boans made by approved Application for a direct Cor- and one letter in smaller cern- lenders. The maximum Joan for poration loan should be made munities. ýwhkid adiriste~t*e Act,. but vÇMÇ_. la siso- erpowered to. imke loam Sdirect to -applilents bwe they are rot being made. ., approved landers. At Îhe jpresent trne, ln areas NÂPE GOVE !Editos Note: W. were 1ln- formied ont Wedneedy that NMs L. C. Snowden who wes repor4ed Mfin Ibis columzIlast week appreclated the many caUs aof symupatlryfrom ber friends. However, site aise cIa- intg that our correspondent er- red because tIbugh, she had a persistent tough, sxe really wamnt 111 eûough te stop work- hIg around lire bouse. Mis. Snowdn p1so pessed along her pet remedy for the cough, geose oil, turpeirtine and on- Ions lnt liberal quantities. She suggests tiret If and wben you stay home both'for your bene- ftanrd ln ordier te retain your friends. Sun.day guesta wlth r M. and Mrs. Clarence Gbson and fam- lly were ber broffier, Mr. and Mis. John Urnphrey, Gary and Dianine, O*mrwa; Mi. and Mrs. William Thompson, Linda and Joe, Toronto. Weekend guests with Mrs. L. C. Snotvden were ber deaughter, Mrl. Otis Pritchard, John, Pet- er adPaul cf Manotick. Mr. sud Mns. Len Goodmur- pby, Oshrawa, spent Saturday with Mr,- and Mrs. Ron Rogers and fanily. MIs. W. G. Folliatt, Cincin- natti, Ohio, spent last week with her brother, Mr. and Mis. John Noble and fanuly. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Labrecque were guests at the wediding of ber niece, Miss Anne Allen in Odha on Saturcbay. Miss Pau- lime Labrecque was bridesmaid for ber, cousin and little Jean- ette. was flower girl. They were guests at Sandalwood Inaiý for thre wedlding reception. Mr. and Mis. Ren Rogers and childien accompanied Mr. end Mis.- Len Goodmurphy te visit Mr. and Mis. William Hawkshaw, in Kitchener, over lte weekend. On Suniday they called on Mi. andi Mis. Howard Hlagedorn, Petersburgh. Mr. and MTs. Stanley Bow- Inan, Guelph, were weekend guests of Mi. andi Mis. Davidi Bowman. Mis. Stanley Bow- moan is spending tihis week with ber son and daughteî-in-law. Mr. andi Mis. Ted Gcuetzner, Rochester, New York, visited Mr. and Mis. Tom McGuirk on Thursday and Friday. Mr. andi Mis. Tom MéGuirk and family spent the weekend with Mr. andi Mrs. Charbes Co- ber, Breslau. Mi. and Mis. Alan Snowden, David and Jim were weekend guests of Mi. and Mis. Howard Hagedorn, Petersburgh. Sunday guests of Mi. and Mrs. D. C. Bailey were bis fa- ther, Mi. Fred Bailey, Gait; Mr. Hariy Arnold and Miss Dor- een Arnold, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boot, Susan and Mark, Puslinch. Mi. andi Mis. Sams Snowden and sons, Blackstock, called on Mr .and Mis. Rau Rogers on Monday evening. Mr. and Mis. Jus Laverty andi family were weekend guests of bis brother, Mr. and Mis. Cecil Laverty in Mont- real. Many from Maple Grove calledt t pay their respects to Reverend and Mis. Haroldi Stainton who were "at home" te, their many friends te cele- brate tlheir Fortietlh wedduing anniversary. MVi. and Mis. Doug Bothwel and family, were dinner guests of her parents, Mi. and Mrs. James Kane on Thursday even-1 ing. Golion tr occasion of her birthdiey on Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. Roy Callss, Kim and Michael, Minden, were weekend guests cf iris mother Mrs. Tom Collissansdi Ernest. Mr. and Mm .Gordon Beech, Janice andi Bonnaie andi Mms.E. C. Ashton were Sunday dinner guess with Mr. andi Mma Thos. Bragg, Providence. Mr. and Mrs.. Pere Jefiery, Scugog Island, and Mr. andi Mms Bill Perry were dinner with Mr. andi Mms Miuslutweiedusay I OCTOBER Mon. Tues. W"d. 19,e20 e21 'MuW*. Pri. 22le23 s24: E]Rexali Asma-Kefs Tablets. Relieve hay. fever, 24, reg. $ 1.25......... 2 for $1.26 ERexali Aga-Rex Compound. Relieves constipation. 16 oz, reg. 31.59, 2 for.$1 .60 ElRexaili Analgesic Balm. Relief for head. aches. 1 Vs oz., reg. 85 e......... 2 for 864 E]Rexail Bisma-Rex Gel. Soothing for acid. stomnach. 8 oz., reg. $1.35..2 for $1 .36 ERexali Bisma-Rex Mates. Handy antacid tablets. 24, reg. 50e ........... 2 for 514 E]Rexail Branchial Syrup. Relieves conges- tion caused by colds. 6 oz., reg. 850, 2 for 864.16 oz., reg. $1.49...2 for $1.50 ElRexalil Cmphorated Oai. Rehieves con- gestion. 4 oz., reg. 500$........ 2 for 514 CRexail Cherrosote Cough Syrup. Quick relief fromn coughing, throat tickle caused by colds. 8 oz., reg. $1.10....... 2 for $1.11 ElRexali Castor >Oil. Reg. 55 .. .. 2 for 564 ERexal Cold Capsules. Quickly relieve cold riseries. 25, reg. 950$...2 for 964 ElRexil Eczema Ointment. Relieves irrita. tion. 2oz. jar, reg. 75 0 ........ 2 for 764 ElRexaîl Healing Salve. Reg. 590. 2 for 604 ERexali Kidney and Bladder Pis. 50, reg. 75$ 2 for764100, reg. 1.02for $î 1. e Recil Klenzo Antiseptic. Mouth wasli and gargie. 16 oz., reg. 98e$...2 for 994 E]Rexali Lin-A-Septic Liniment. For bruises, sprains. 4 oz., reg. 890$........ 2 for 904 QRexall Medicated Skin Cream. Healing for cuts. 1 oz., reg. 31.00..2 for $ 1.01 E]RexalMilk ef Magnesica Tablets. Neutralize acidity. relieve acid upset stomach. e, Ednt-fiavoured. 85, regular 500$..........2 for 514 250, reg. $1.25. .2/$ 1.26 ElRexail Nerve Tonic with Vitamin BI. 16 oz., regular $1.75 ........ 2 for $1.76 ERexal Nos. and Throat Relief with Ephedrine (Aqueous>. Relieves nose and throat cortgestion. 1 oz., reg. 95$0. 2 for. 96 4 E]Rexaîl Orderlies. Chocolate laxative. 24, reg. 650. 2 for 664. 60, reg. 980. 2 for 99t ERexail Peptona. Tonic and conditioner. 16 oz., reg. $1.50 .......... 2 for $1.51 QRexall P.K.Z. Relief for simple diarrhoea, dysentery. 8 oz., reg. $1.00 . ..2 foý $ 1.01 ElRexal Laxative Quinine Bramide Com. pound Tablets. 24, reg. 690.. . .2 for 70j E]Rexal Lip.Aid Salve. Soothing and heal. ing for chapped lips. Reg. 50e... .2 for 514 ElRexall Liquid Chest Rub. Quickly relieves congestion. 2 oz., reg.. 85e..2 for 86t QRexal Minerai Oil. (Heavy Anierican). 16 ounce boule, reg. 89e$...2 for 904 E]Rexqll Nasail Spray. Reg' 98$. .2 for 994 E] .exilIspropyl Alcohal Rubbing Compound. Cooling, soothing rub. 16 ouinces, reg. 98$. 2 for 994 32oz. reg.31.79, 2for$ 1.80 ElRexal Rex-Mentho Inhaler. Quick relief from nasal congestion. Re'g. 49$. .2 for 504 CRexaîl Rexokets. 15, regi. 75e. .2 for 76t E]Kenia Dental Plato Brush. 4-row, tufted1 end or Nylon bristle. Reg. 60e. .. .2 for 614 n]Dental Floss. 30 yds. Reg. 500 ..2 for 51 4 E] Rexaîl Denturex. Reg. 93. .. .2 for 944 ERexal Rexadent Tooth Paste or Tooth Powder. Reg. 69$ ........... 2 for 704 Mi M31 Tooth Paste. Reg. 69$... .2 for 704 E]Mi 31 Tooth Powder with Sodium Perborate. Regular 69$ ....... 2 for 704 FORCHRST AS 0l Christmas Corsage. Reg. 50$. . 2 for 51<- [j Chrstmas Troc Ornaments. Box of 12 asst'd. colouredballa. Reg. 31.00. 2/.$ 1.01 E]Silver Tinsel Gcrlandý 9-foot lenigth te decoratc your tree. Re% 29$0. . . .2 for 30< rFolicle 30', reg. e$bx ... 2 for 514 [] Cascade Gift Ribbon. Assorteri colora, widths. Reg. 49e$............ 2 for 504 E]Coscade Wrapping Paper. Pkge. of 3 decorated20»x3O"sheets. Reg. 35$2for 36< ElElit. Parchment Christmas Cards. 15 *cards, envelopes. Reg. 31.25 box. . 2/$1 .26 E]Sparkle Ton. Christmas Cards. 16 large Slim carda. Reg.$31 .50.... 2for e.S Q Rexal !'Deluioe" Christmas Cuas. 12 assortcd cards -with envelopes. Regular $1.75 box ........ 2 for $1.76 E]Christmnas Tagsn end Seols. 100 assorted tags and seals. Reg. 25$. .Zpkgs. f or 264 E]York of boston Mens an Ladie' Bill. folds. Genuine leather, assorted colouna and stylesv.Re.85.00....... 2.for $35.01 Q Cigarette Llghter. Reg. 31.00-.2for $1.01 E]Assort.d Toys. For girls and boys. DoUas, dolU kits, gaines Regular 99$. .2 for $ 1.00 OMonogram Pipes. Reg. $1.50.2 for $ 1.51 NEW! REXAILL HALUBUT LIVER [1~OIL CAPSULES wIth VUAMIN B12 Boulie of 150. regular $325..2 for $3.26 RIUAIL NAUDUT LIVRUi <APSULIS 30, recular $129 .............. 2 for $1.30. 100, roguler $1.98............ 2 for $1.,, M5, rogular $4.00 .............2 for $4.01 NEW! BACHILOR ROLUNG4ALL "EODORANT Rolh on lasing protection i jteg. 31.00. .2.Cr $1.01 Regular 31.00, 2 for $1.01 "RYOURS TRULY" SOCIAL NOTES end ENVELOPES Box- of 24 white or colore& fclded notes and 24 matching enivelopes. Reg. 75 0 2 for 76$ REXALL MILK 0F MAGNESIA Pu e, mld, creamy- smooth laxative. 20 auinces, regular 75$, 2 for 764 * * YSý'NýB AUT 1AIDS EHelen Carnell Bokby Pins. Brown or *black, rubber.tipped. 50. Reg. 25$0.2 for 26 4 ELorie Emulsifled Cocanut Oul Shampoo. For shining hair. 4 oz. reg. 75$0. .2 for 76< C E]Vacuseal Pawder Puf. Soft velour. 3Y4'I inch diameter. Regular 25$é. 2 for 264 ELanglois Lavender Bath Powder, with Puif. Regular $2.00.-ý...2 for $2.01 ElLanglois Lavender 'Talcum. White or Gents' shade. Reg. 79$0..... ... 2 for 80 4 E]Lorie Bath Bulbs. Reg. 81.19. 2 for $1,20 El Solid Cologne. Purse sire. Blue Hyacinthe or Gardenia. Reg. 31.25 ...2 for $ 1.26 E"365" Old English Lavender Bath Cologne. 7 or., reg. 98$ ...*2 for 994 EGardeniai Cold or Vanishing Cream. Each, regular 31.10......... 2 for $ 1.1 1 E]Tiffany Deodorant. Croam. Smooth,« last. in- protection. 1 ounce, reg. 75$. .2 for 764 3 ounces, regular $1.50 ...2 for $ 1.51 F] Foral Soap. Packed 4 cakes in box. Reg. $1.39 ........... 2 boxes for $1.40 E]Gardenia Liquid 5kin Softener. .4ouc bottle, regular 95$ ........... 2 for 969 ElLarie Hair Oil. 3 or., reg. 59$ .. .2 for .604* ERadiance Hand Lotion. For soft hands. 12 or., reg. 31.50........... 2 for $ 1.51 E] Elkay's Math Fume Crystals. Protect your ganments. 3 or., reg. 35$.... 2 for 364 E]Rexal Effervescent Scaccharin Tablets. 100 Y&-gr. Reg. 35$ ......... 2 for 364 500 34-gr. Reg. 31.10 ....2 for $ 1.11 1000 3K.gr. Reg. 31.39........ 2 for $ 1.40 100 3hi.gr. Reg. 40$ ......... 2for 414 1000 gr Reg. $1.75........ 2 for $ 1.76 ERexaîl Liquld Saccharin Drops. 24 ce. squeze container. Reg. 89$...2 for 90< E]Rexal Tiny Tot Baby Ponts. Pink, blue or white. Med., Lge., Ext. Ige., Reg. 500.2/51 4 E]Toxol. Antis*ptic. 8 or., reg. 850.2 for 864 ElOpeke ArtiilVanIlla Ficavouring 3%~ ounces, regular 391$....... 2 for 404 E]Elkoy's Aer@sel Math Preefer. Il oz. Aerosol container, reg. S1.49._2 for $1.50 QEkay's Assosoi Air Refresher. Maaks 0dours. il1 or., reg. 31.49. .. Ifer $1 .50 E]Terry Face Cloth. Regxlar 35J. . 2 for 36<4 E]Klenzb Rubber Gloves. Lined. Small, mced., Ige. Reg. 81.49 ....... 2 for- $ 1.50 E]Reaai Hand end Naît Brushes. Nylon briatles. Aaaorted colora, Reg. 750.2 for 76$ E]Tweezers.. 3 styles. Reg. 29 ... 2 for 30< DlRexFeuntahs Pe.Reg. 3.00.2 for $1.01 ......-... RmxALLL POLYMULSION Orange-fiavored liquici containing 7 vitamins for infants and Young children. 8 or., regular 83.49, 2 for $3M5 16 Or.: regular $5.2,5, 2 for $5.26 32 oz., regular $9.25, 2 for $9.26 REXALiL REXILLANA COUGH SYRUP Scothes dryneas and tickling ct coughs caused by colds. 8 . reg. 81.25. 2 for $1.26 4 i, reg. 89... 2 Ifox90$ REXALL KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES 3 rows cf nylon bristles. Tufted end, convex or multi. tuft styles. In acetate tube. Regular 50$. ,..2 for f1< -M I - GOLD TOME X»As LARDS Boxof 12 assorted gold embossed Christ. nmas cards. Reg.-31.00' 2 boxes for $1,01 (ARA HOME BRUTE-SETr NAIR SPRAY MaTcea Iair corn. pletely manage- able, yet leaves ]no dulling film. 7 ounces, regular,31.75, 2 for $1.76 14 ounces, regular 32.50, - *2 for $9291 '* QAdrienne Bath Powder. For bath.time luxury. With puif. Reg. $2.00.2 for $201 ElAdrienne Liquid Bubbling Bath. Soothing and relaxing. 4 oz., reg. 89$..2 for 904 Adrienne Eau de Cologne. Dainty and delîghtful. 4 oz., reg. $1.00... .2 for $ 1.01 Adrienne Face Powder. In three fiatterig shades-Naturelle, Rachel Ivory or Rachel Medium. Reg..$1.10 ........ 2 for $1.11 ElAdrienne AII-Purpose Cream. 3Y ounce 'jar Regular $1.25.......... 2 for $11.26 A] Arienne Cleansing Cream. 3 ounce jar. Regular $1.10............ 2 for'*$ 1.11 dorant. Lasting protection. DR INN W ill lot hanm fabricsfl l C Ad in e re n e. 2 1 OR& oz., reg. 98$ .... .2 for 994 1oz., reg. 69e. . 2.for 704 Adrienne Hand Lotion. uorsmooth, attrac- tive hands. 4oz., reg. 980 ...for 994 8oz., regular $1.39......... 2 for $1.40 E]Adrienne Spray Hair Net. Fr softly attractive hair. 5 oz. reg. $ 1.65 2 for $1.66 Il or., reg. $2.15......... 2 for $2.16 E]Adrienne Guest Soap. 4 perfumed cakes in box. Reg. 81.00 ...2 boxes for $ 1.01 E]Adrienne Haond Cream. Extra soothing. 3 ounce jar. Reg. $1.29 ....2 for $1 .36 E]Adrienne'Cream Shampoo with Lanolin. For attractive shining-clean hair. 3Y2 ounces, regular 31.29 ............. 2 for $1.30 E]Adrienne Twin Stick Llpstick. New! Fashion's smartest new color combinationt -~Ma-ic Red and White in one stick. ]Regufar 31.69............. 2 for $ 1.70 E]Rexaîl Cern Solvent. Softens and loosens ainful corns. 4 dr., reg. 50... 2 for 51t< JexaIl Eyelo Draps. Soothing for tired eyes. 1 or. squeeze bottie, reg. 890.2 for 90< ElRexal Foot Powder. Relieves itching, soothes aching feet. .4 oz., reg. 69$ 2/704 ElRexalTincture ef ladine 2s .(Wth out applicator). 2 or., reg. 35... .2 for 364 ERexaîl Quik-Tel Fever Thermometer. Black case with clip. Reg. $ 1.95 2 for $1 .96 E]Rexcill Goure Quik-Paids. 25-3ff x 3? gaure aàds, reg. 31.50...2 for $1,51 ERexail Tri-Wide Adhesive. Waterproof, Y"x 5 yds. Triple cut in Vi 1, VK" and .3J widths, reg. 95$ ............. 2 for 964 CRexaîl First Aid Bufil Ointment. .Antisep. tic dressing. IX ounces, reg. 89e.2 for 904 ERexaîl Aerosol Flrst Aid« Spray. 5 ounces, regular 31.49....... 2 for $1.50 ERexal Pro-Cap Adhesive. Waterproof, V"x 5 yds. Reg. 39é$......... 2 for 40< ElRoxall Medicated Quick-Acting Plaster. For back-ache relief. Reg. 95e. . .2 for 964 E]Rexal Gauze Bandage. Sterilized. 2 inx 10 yds. Reg. 53e$............ 2 for 54c E]Rexaîl Absorbent Caotaon. Sterilized. 2 ounces. Reg. 59$ ............ 2 for 604 ERexaîl Pro-Cap Plastic AdhesNv.. Waterproof l'x 5yds. Reg. 65$ .2 for. 664 BACHELORTURE E Bchelor Cologne. Reg.$1.00. . 2/$ 1.01 Bachelor Cream Noair Tonlc. F or smooth qod.looÔking hair. 4 oz., reg. 95e.2 for 964 chlrDeodorant Cream, Lasting pro. tection. 1 or., regi. 69$ ........ 2 for 704 2 ounce jar, regular 98$ ....... 2 for 994 S achelor Talcum. Reg. 79. .. .2 for 80# E achelor Shave Cream. Reg. 650.2/664 Bochelor After Shave Lotion. Refreshing, pick-up after ahaving. Masculine fragrance. 4 oz. boule, reg. 980 ......... 2 for 994 EBachelor Smokers Tooth Powder <wlth Sodium Pêerboa~ te). Rez.' 9é4.. fo S REXALL A-SA-REX TABLETS . . .... Quick relief from headache pains,. eold symptoms. ~~ 8àGRAIN TADLlI L~J 100, regular 790..-. 2 for 80j .200, regular 851.39, 2 for $1.40 ~ 300, regular $1.79, 2 for $1.80 NW 10-RAIN TAILlI- 100, regular $1.39 ........... 2 for $1.40 TOILET S@AP 3 cakes in gift 6ox, reg. $1.75, 2 for S1L76 "SUiaP@WDR 4%oz. Reguler $2.5<Y, à for $2.51 AMERICAN BEAUT MIST COLOGNE 3 or., regular $3.75. 2 for $3.76 AMERICAN BEAOTI MUST SACHET 5 or., reg. $1.75, 3foriL.76 REXALL HO? WATER BOMYE 2 quart aire, red, bl ue Mr green. Boxeli Begular $2.65. 6..2 for. $2.66 COUSANeI :SH CI BebyComb.i5 inch. .Reg. 10$. 2 for 11 s E]Lde'Dressing omb. 7 inch, in poly. tîtene ease. Regular 20$ ...... 2 for 21 4 E] Rexal CurI Comb. 8". Reg. 15$, 2 for 164 E]Multi-Comb.' Newest style. 3 rows of teeth. Assorted colors. Reg. 29$...2 for 30<e EClub Shape Men's Hait Brush. Lasting Nylon. Boxed. Reg. $3.00..2 for $3.01 ,"l Rexaîl Sharty Curi Comb. Assorted col- ours. Regular 10$ ...........2 for 1l14 E]Pocket Cemb. In cçase. -5- inches. long, coarse and fine teeth. Reg. 10$.. -2'fér 114 ELadies' Nylon Noir Brushes. Assorted styles. Cello wrapped. Reg. $1.00.2/$1.01 E]Ladies' Professional Style Hoir Brushes. 5 rows of Nylon bristles. Matcbing comb. Carr) ing case. Re . $3.85..2 for $3.86 VALUSIN £TA I El Rexall Multiple Vitamin Tablefs. A daily diet supplement roviding 8 vitamins. 50, regular $2 5 .. 2 for $2.76 100, regular $4.98 .......2 for $ 4.99 250, regular $9.25 .......2 for $9.26 ElRexaîll Multi-Vitamin Form;ula 10 Tenic. 16 oz., regular $2.95........ 2 for $2.96 ri Rexaîl V itamin B Compound Tablets. 100, regular $2.89.......... 2 for $2.90 CI Rexall Vitamins and Minerais Tablets. 50, reg. $2.89.2 for12.9 100, reg. $5.25.2 for 3526 t,, 250, reg. 89.95.2 for$ 9.96 ElRexaîl Vita min C Tablels. (Ascorbic acici). 100Omgm. 100, reg. $2.50..2 for $2.51 E]Rexaîl Yeast and bron Tablets. Bottie of 100, regular 31.25 .......... 2 for $1 .26 CI RexalTasteless Extract of Cod Liver Oil Compound with Vit. D. Tonîc and builder. 16 oz., regular 31.49........ 2 for $1.50 SATION ' , AVI E] Carlton Club Gentlemen's Stationery. 36 large velluin sheets, 36 envelopes. Regular $1.50........ .... 2for $1.51 ElGolden Crest Papeteie. 20 flat white sheets, 20 envelopes. Reg. 31.00. .2 /$ 1.01 ElWlnston Letter Pad. Reg. 35 0.». 2 for 36 4 nI Wlnston Envelopes. Reg. 25$. .2 for 264 C] Delray Commercial Envelopes. 9MI" x 4Vs I. 20, regular 25$0 ......... 2 ?or 264 CI Rexaîl GêneraI Purpose Envelopes. 32, W x 3Yr". Reg. 25$ ........ 2 for 26t ElRexaîl Cross Weave Papeterie. 30 folded semi-notes, 30 xnatching envelopes. -As- sorted colors. Boxed. Reg. 3 1.25.. 2 /$ 1.26 ElRexaîl Air Mail Elivelopes. White wove 641x 3Ws 22, reg. 25$...2 for 26< ID Bolmant Note Pad. 44 ruled aheets. Regular 15$ ................ 2for 164 E]Flair Papeterie. 36 white velluni sheets, 36 matching envelopes. Reg. $1.50. ý 2/$1.51 E]Roxail Blue Lined Enve.. lapes. Package of 21. 1Iandy for home and office use. Reg. 15$. .2 for 16t ElContinental Pad. Note sire. Linen finish. 45 sheets.,Regular 15$ ....... 2 for 164 ElContinental Pad. Letter size. Linen finish. 45 sheets. Regular 35e$......... 2 for 36t BUY ,FR :A:IS* ERexali Tiny Tot A-SA-Rex T..Esefs. Children's minor pain relief. Bottle of 50 1.grain tablets, reg. 50$ ....*... 2 for 51<t Il Rexaîl Teething Aid. May be rubbed on baby's gunis, 24cc. Reg. 89$. .2 for 90< E]RexçsIl Tiny Tot Cough Syrup. 3 oz., reg. 75$0.2 for 76 4.60 oz., reg. $1.25. .2 / $1.26 ElRexal Tiny Tot Naie Draps. Quick relief froni stuffy nose. YÏ oz., reg. 75e.2 for 764 E]Rexal Polydrops. 7 vitamins in drop dos. age;30 cc. Regular $3.50. 2.for $ 3.51 Il RealBaby Talc er. 75é... 2for 76t JURY & LOVELL "Your Rexail Drug Store" Phone MA 3 -5778 15 King St., W. Bowmanville DA 3.3303 fer WANTAI SEc *REXALI. FIRSTAUD GAUZE.BANDAGER'eygul'r2 for 30e POCKET (0MB IN CASE .5inch, course and fine teeth. 2 f 6r Asotdcolors. Regular1516 noEXAi iu31' SOL~UTuuIuN Mouthwash, gargie and multi-purpos E] ~o*asm.uni~i~VLIIflantiseptic. 16 ounces, reguIar 98$ A 2f« 994 Rubbertipped, brown or E] ELEN CRuELL usuuBY,-P INS black. 20on card. Reg. 10$ 2 f or lit REXALL R-BALI DODORANTQuickly rails on 1 stung e o 9 * REXALL R- LL 'EODORAN protection. Regulnar 98$ o 9 El REXALI LAD PENCILSAssorted colors. Stock up'now and save2fr8 * REXAL LEAD PNCILS n the Rxall1l Sale. Regular 7*o2fo t ci LAVENDER AEROSOL SHAVE CREAM R'0,O$un, ce.2 for $150 EREXALI. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (u.s.r.)1 olues~. 762 for 764 SREXALL AURMAIL PAD Pad contais42 light weight note 2fe6 KLENZO CHILD'S TOOTH BRUSH ES Reulr2;f 30c El CHIDREN' A-SA-EX TALETS adocherelef-50, ~ 0 CHILDRM'S 'SA-RE TABLT-S2Ygr. tablets, reg. 49$ f«0 E] L PO N E isrtI c oiors. Retroctable type: W'itli 4 REXBAI PcNTlip ;action- style. Regulor 500, -now 2A« i THE CAMADIAN STATESMAlq. BOIVMANVTLLIL ONTARIO quTTD-MAV eV" ilitiu , lý 1 m j