Rain Fails ta Interrupt Local Plowing Match Held Near Newcastle The Durham an~d Northumb-i The Eaton frophy for "«Best erland Plowing ïMatch hield on plowed land by competitar past Wednesday, October 7th, 1959 14 but not 18" and Simpson if the Herman Schmid Farm, Sear donation for best work by gewcast as *ucigd by Win- a beginner were bath won by YI4g Timber"s o Souffville and Paul Macklin o! Cobourg who' ivi~tieo! d f fic-it weather ail did a remarkable good job fora _<'îîis wero carried out. boy in his first attempt. The results were as follows* The High School toam was Harse Plowing-1 Will Allun,! won by James and David Cry- Essa Champion & MýcGregar'derman for Bowmanville with donation; 2 Howard Allin, Toms the Brighton high school i re- Store donation, serve. Tractor 10 inch Plows - 1 WiIl Allin Chairmaxi o! the Cardon Bradfield, Poterbor- 'local committee is ta ho congra- oug;h; 2 Frank Tinney, Esso tulated on the arrangement.* The Champion and Luxins dona- land was ideal and seldom have tion. matches been staged with het-. Tractor 12 inch Plows-l Don 'ter sil conditions. Local l'adies Budd, Morton & Goods specials; lI served meals ta the plowmen 2 Bruce Eagleson, Landers don- and conducted a booth. The ation; 3 Walter Orde, Peterbor- shower li the aftornoon slowv- ough. p - d the activities and Secretary TatrMounted lw -1 Ralph C. Banhury o! Brighton Glen Allin, Rolph Hardware did not finish the records until Special; 2 Robert Allun, Dur- dark. ham Co-op Special: 9. Stan AI- President Don Budd thanked lin, Landcaster Tractor seat. the local people, the plowmen ,luniors 18-21-i James Cry- and the judge for their co-op- derman, Brown, Case donation; 'eratiox inl staging the match. 2 Dennis Moran, Brighton High Distrièt Director Howard Hon- Schaol; 3 Barry Flindali, Bri-'ry oncouraged the Esso cham- ghton High School. pions and other winnors ta go 17 and Under-l Paul Mack- an ta the International Match lin, A. H. Sturrock & Sons, Es- which begins an October l3th s0; 2 David Cryderman, Cowan li Wextworth County near 011 donation. Dundas. Fire C bief Pleased With Fire Prevention Efforts W ithi n Town Fire Chief Walter Hackney reports that he and Deputy Ohief Franik Calver ixspected stores, garages, factories, hos- pital, the arena and ail halls in towxi last week and found them lI excellent condition from a :tire prevention viewpoint. Their annual, visit tied ini with 'Pire Preveittion week. TheY alsa conducted fire drills in the schools and were pleased' with the resuit. At the high school, 33 teachers and 764 pu- pils vacated the premîses ini one m2inute and 30 seconds. Central public school with 15 pupils and 533 Dupils took ane minute; Vincent Maaeey school was cleared o! 12 teachers and 421 Pupils li 30 secoïnds and On- tario St. with Il teachers and 409 pupils took 20 seconds. ]Knox Christian school with four teachers and 134 pupils took one minute ta clear thc premises. Ail apartment houses, nurs- ing homes, the Cream o! Bar- ley Camp, Vanstones Flour and Feed- Mill, lumber companies, nuurseries and the Bovs' Train- ing School were included in this extensive fire prevention oper- ation.- No adverse reports were mnade on any of the places vis- Ited. Chie! Hackney expressed hîmself as ver y ipeased with the results and urged everyonc ta keep up the good work. Apple Days For' Boy Scouts This Weekend If the two baskets of Me- Intosh apples left with the Editor this week by grow- er Harold Watson are sam- pies of those that will be sold by the Boy Scouts ibis weekend, local residents are i for a real treat. Starting Friday evening, Boy Scouts and Cubs wili be roaming thec front street with their baskets of shining apples trying tb se tbMn teJ our citizens. On Saturday, tbey wilI cover most of the town In their effort to raise funds to bolster their treasury. The money wili be used for a great va.riety of scouting *pro Jeets. So, this weekend, be on the lookout for the Boy Scouts who will sell you some of the finest Durham County grown apples you wili ever cat. I ÇBt~alna' £Jieces I ORONO INDUSTRY EXPANDS - With the an- nouncement this wveek of the expansion of Jack Reid's Sales Arena ta two rings and an eariier release ta the effect that Curvply Wood Produets plan a new build- ing in Orono, it looks very much as though our neigh- bars ta the east and north are experiencing a smal boom. We also unclrstand that their Pee Wee base- bail team is going great guns in the Ontario finals. i. f i. i. ti WHERE ARE BLOOD DONORS?- - Members of the BowmanviIle and District Red Cross Branch have been dreadfully disappointed in the response ta date for their Blood Donor Clinic on November 4th at the Lions Centre. Cards have been left in banks, the post office and man-v other points in town so citizens may register their wilingness ta participate by giving of their blood. We suggest you read the letter from Don Marsden on Page Four which wiil outline the details and the great noed. Then, sign your name on a registration card. Who knows, you too may need blood one of these days? t. t. t tf 1 40 YEARS SELLING GM CARS - Bill Fairhead this week started on a new Job selling cars with Robson Motors.' Bill aiso celebrates his 4th year selling General Motors products this year when he hopes ta top ail his previous records which won him awards on several occasionq with G.M. it f f f f GOODYEAR GOING STRONG - Reports emanating from the local plant of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company indicate that several departments are exceptionally busy and .ýhow promise of continuing ttop production for some time. This is good news for local employees. The GM picture is still nat too clear and probably won't be until something definite has been done ta stop the steel strike, now over 90 days aid. fit t t f DIDN'T QUITE MAKE IT - Lasl week we published a large advertisement which stated that Liberty Bowl Limited, aur newest and largest bowling alley wouid be open for business on Saturday. However, human beings flot being perfect, the shipment of floor tile which was ta arrive Tuesdav ;vent ta Belleville instead and didxn't arrive here until Saturday, so the unoff icial opening' had to be postponed. There are several advertisements on the sports page this week giving up ta the minute details o! preseni operations of the It was a hectic weekend for this team of juvenile bail players. On Saturday they played Napanee and defeated ther nii the third game of the Ontario serni- finals. On Monday, they made the long journey to Strath- roy and played a tie game there after 10 innings in the Ontario finals. Strathroy will corne here next Saturday at Vincent Massey Park, probably at 2:30 for the second game. A third game will be necessary, probably in Hamnilton. The tearn, from Ieft to right, front row, includes Dave Cryderman, Ken Coverly, Ross Turner, Ray Crombie, Don Bagneil, Terry Black, Sponsor Manhy Mangos; back row, Assistant Coach Herbert Moorcraft, Barrie Steven, AI Cole, Grant Wright, John James, Larry Piper, Jim Moorcraft, Alex Wiseman, John Twist and Manager Tom Turner. Coach Ted Bagneil and Assistant Coach Bob Williamns were not present when this photo was taken but they were certainly very much on the job on the weekend. A good crowd of supporters would certainly help this team on Saturday in its quest for the Ontario crown. Quite a few of the team were also members of the Ontario Championship midget hockey team last winter. Skating Club SuspendsA A Operations for This Year ln The Bowmanviile Skating'a! the fallowing five stores, tats under careful supervision. S Club will suspend its skating Hooper's Jewellery, McNulty's On Friday Don Jackson, Osh- 0 activities for Uic 1959-60 season Sports and Cycle, Lander's, awa, who skated with the Bow- n it was decided at a meeting o! Hardware and Lloyd E Ils1 manville Skating Club for sev- 0 the ciub's board of directors Shoes, wil be drawn on Dec- eral years, and now holds the I held at the residence o! Dr.!i ember l2th. Proceeds will go North American Men's Singles Ig John Hend-ry on F riday evei-; towards the club's commit- Figure Skating Championship ing. The reasons for this deci- monts. and is Runner-Up in the Mens fi sion were the increased cost of Those present at thlemeig Singles Worid Figure Skating f ice rentals and a much smaller of the Bowmanvile Skating ChamDionship, was presented f registration for memhership. It 1Club's board of directors on i with a special rnedal by the 1 is hoped ta resume club skatng. Friday evening were: the pros-1 City of Oshawa in cammemor- b next autumin. t ident, Alfred Samelîs; the se-1 ation -o! his,,skating, achieve- FeeswilIbe rfundd tacretary, Mrs. Ada Richards; the monts. those who have paid on regis- treasurer, Mrs. William Lycett; Miss' Lynne Bagneil, Bow- tering this year. Registration and directors Mrs. Clarence manville, who was a member 61 this season amounted ta $1541 Oke, Dr. John Hendry. Charles, o! the cast O! the renowned, t] compared ta approximately $5001 Burdett, Gienholme Hughes,1 Slipstoad and Johnson Ice Fol- I at the start of former seasons. Frank Blunt, axid James Mar- lesfo several yoars, was a Il Operating costs this year, tyn. Directors absent were Mrs. member of the Bowmanville M would have been: Ice Rentals,1 Jack Leddy, Mrs. David Park, Skating- Club for a number o! $1,813; Professional Skatcr,1 and Alec Axionichuk.1 seasons until she joined the p $700; Incidentais, music, tests,1 The Bowmaxiville Skating show. t advertising etc., $500; plus Car-1 Club was founded in 1950. Dur- n__________ nival expenses.1 ing the years a large number o! & ~TeSpecial Draw on which local youxig people and others some tickets have already been fram neighbouring districts re- M sold will be continued. The' ceived excellent figure skatingi Delegates Plan ti prize, a $50 merchandise certi- trainng, and many littie ch 1- p f ta o be used- at any one, dren were taught ta skate u;,To Attend the ù% is 4-H Homemakers HoId Y.P.U. Meet ti AL number o! dolegates !rom zq Lea ersTranin ScoolBowAnil will attend the P 3lst Annual Convention o! the Pl On October 6th and 7th the , Smith, the Couxity Home Econ - Bay o! Quinte Conferonce o!f Training School for Leaders of omist for Prince Edward and the Young Peopie's Union of! 0 the 4-H Homemnaking Club pro- Northumberland Counties. the United Ch'urch of Canada ject "TIhe Supper Club", was ' ta hoe held at the United Church, ti held li the I.O.OF. Hall li Approximnately 85 girls be- Whitby, on Friday, Saturday, it Orona. Thirteen Leaders repre - tween the ages o! 12 and 26 li and Sunday, Oct. l6th, l7th and ; sented th~e soven communities Durham County will be taking i8th. T i which this project will be part ixi "The Supper Club" pro-' The theme o! the convention fl conducted this fail. The Lead- ject. At their Club meetings1 will be "Challenge and Res- la ors were: Bethany, Mrs. R. G. they learn how ta prepare wiavrit,! upr ihsponsea". Profossor George A. lm Preson, ava, Mr. S Bron; Boyle, B.A., B.D., Victoria Col- a Elizabethiville, Mrs. M. McAllus- c aebt ntiioa n ter, Mrs. H. Thickson; Garden 1cnmca..therne addrosses. The minister CI Hill, Mrs. B. Gray, Mrs. F. The AchievemTexit Day will heofo the Convention Church is su Caxin; Maple Grove, Mre. Ray hel*dli Orono in February, at Rev. John M. Smith, B.A., B.D. si Duheau, Mrs. Ron Brook§-, Sali- which time the club girls wil na, Mrs. Wm. Ashton, Mrs. E. exhibit their Record Books anid Hockaday; Tyrone, Mrs. Mur- will presont a programme based nr. Ye n .LodS in- ont kth pe Cub"avet. a rl nry Ye r.LodS in "Ton Uic w r Clb"y havetenin t Mfiss June Lilycrop, County i g o Home Economist, was in charge o! the two-dav Training Sohool She was assisted by Mrs. Gord Sturrock Clairns Nei Re id's Auction Adds Another Sales Ring Jack Reid's Orono Sales Arena will take on the appear- ance of a two ring circus start- ing next Monday, Oct. l9th. This new extension la being constructed on the west side o! the present arena and includes a second sales ring which wiil operate exclusively for auctian- ing swine and poultry. xIn an interview with The Statesman this week, M.r. Reid stated that the two rings will operate at onc time for the convenionce o! bath buyers and sellers wha wili not have ta wait around for hours waiting for stock ta ho sold. The new ring will seat about 100 buyers and it Is expected that representatives f rom pack-j ing houses wll be on hand oach week ta take advantage o! Uic auctions. Bath rings wiIl commence operations at 8 p.m. on Maxiday when it la expected the biggest buying and selling crowd o! Uic arena's career ilihi h presexit. The xiew extension will have room for an additional 500 pigfs. 1 Mr Gun Use ýgainst Law n Bowmanville Ini an interview with The Statesman this week, Chief of Police Bernard R. Kit- ney dealt witb the subjeet of air guns which lately bave become quite a prob- lem locally. "'The Criminal Code de- fines an Air Gun as an of- fensive weapon", lie said, «'and the By-law of the rown of Bowmanville for- bids the sbooting of sueh Air Guns within the Town; "In the past two weeku we have bail two childrcn shot with Air Guns. Onela the back and' one in the throat. The youngster shot in the throat was on bis way to school. "f1 must warn that this practice wilI bring prosecu- tion. We will have to sum- mon the parents te court as thcy are responsible. Thcy supply the offensive weapon in the firsi place then fail to supply the su- pervision. If both parents work, lt is their duty to nake $ure that the air gun is securely locked away so bhat their children cannot get them. "Children under 18 should not have any type of wea- pon without the proper su- iervision, and this doesn't nean wltb another 18 year old for supervision. "Air guns are dangerous, they can cause serious in-~ ury, and have been the cause of many lost eyes. They are not worbb the suf- 'ering they cause. If a ser- lous injury Is caused, it nay be necessary to charge a parent witb Criminal Negligence. Picase treat the child as a cbild and make sure he bas proper supervi- sion," conciuded the Chief. Expect Over 150 Here For Guide Con ference At Lions Centre, Oct. 17 High Schools Field Day Cancelled After two postponementa due to Inelement weather, the tri-sehool Field Day bas been definitely cancelled for this year, accordIng te Infor- mation recelved on Wednes- day. B.H.S. athietes who have been training for the event, following their own school field days, may now bang up their running and Jump- ing togs until next spring. IMore than 150 Area, Division and District Cominissioners of the Girl Guides are expected ta attend the Central Area Train. ing Conference ta be heid at tic Lions Community Centre, Beech Avenue, on Saturday. October 17th. The session will start at 9.30 in the niorning and the conference will close ai 3:30 in the afternoon. Many topics of special inter- est in the training of Girl Guides will be discussed. The ÀArea Camp Report will be giveri by Miss Barbara Fox, the Area Camp Advîsor, and Gold Cord Challenges wili be report- ed. Anyone intcrested in working with Girl Guides in the local area wiil be welcome ta attend the Training Conference, and to enjoy the day with the dele- In Magistrates Court (Written by A. Kurb) A Toronto mani pleaded nat guilty to drunk driving on the holiday weekend. After the evi- dence was heard the Magistrate reduced the charge ta one of! impaired driving fined the man! $50.00 and $3.00 costs, license, was suspended for three months and 12 demerit marks were im- posed. On April 3rd, Il pigs were purchased by Auction from the Orono Sales Barn. They were paid for by a cheque which was postdated one week. The che- que was returned from the bank N.S.F. The mani who is- sued the cheqiue was' located i July and paymexit was rcquest- ed. Evidence was that the maxi The complaInant said that the had been driving east on 401 person who issued the cheque Highway and had been observ- told him that he kncw the che, ed continuously weaving back que was a fraud, but he woui- an*d forth. across the Highway. be out ini a few daysta m, The police car made three at- tiiings right. He didn't sho tempts ta pass the man and, and the complainant 1aa then had ta sound the siren for charge.jj 2/10ths of a mile with al ligt-echre1a flashing ta get the car sopd. rTheocagecas t$ The accused stated that he' dated and postdatE was a transport truck driver on are just promises the way to visit his mother in ondly, because thj Peterborough. He had worked flot be used as from 4 a.m. ta 12 noon on the cies. day he was stopped. He had "IarnCVJ been i an accident some time, sive when aga anid was just back to work. laid some fier1 He had a couple of beers and1 offence Ls al because bis back was bothering curred. It raise- hlm, hadtaken two pheno-bar- thought that thixi,, bitai tablets for pain. It was been done soaner. the drug that caused his candi- ta conivict under these circi tion. He produced the prescrip-' stances." tion i court. He couldn't ex-. . plain how his car had been sa extensively damaged aloxig the 0One trucking firm paid $23.00 right side. Offered ta the court, for an overload. Some 12 char- "It might have been done at ges were settled before the the parking lot when I was hav- cases were called. Ail were for ing a beer by an unkxiown per- moving violations on the high- son." way nat ixivolving accidents. * * *Fines were from $10.0o ta $2').. 00 and costànand each carried a A 33-year.old wornan had a minimum o! two demerits. 12 careless driving charge agaixiat x 2 demerits means that two her dismîssed. She had been' licenses were lost for 12 demer- driving south on Trull's side- it marks each per license. A raad and had a dizzy spell and lot of people could be walking left the road anid hit a tree. at the end of the first year of She had a note from her doc-th isyerotedmrt tar ta the effect that she was system. suffering frorn law blood pres- ** sure. Time was 10:00 ini the CalsRcR .4 saa morning on a Sunday. Com- Calconvice o.R.!4Haw ao, mened agitrae Bxte, ~scene pictures for circulation." arn concerned about yau. You He pleaded guilty and was re- had your children with you and mne ni rdya o the ma hae ben illd. aubourg for sentence when the may have killed another per-1 Magistrate will hand down son. While I amn dismissing this judgmexit on a charge of con- charge of carcless drivrng, I tributing ta Juvenile delinquen- agree with Mr. Deyman the, Crown Attorney, and you must y give us an uxiderstanding that Evidexice was that he just you won't drive until this con- had the pictures ta show to his dition clears up. I will tell you; friends. Said the Magistrate quite frankly that if you come after viewing the pictures. "I before me again knowing now think you are a very sick man, that you have this condition,' at least in your mind ta have a conviction will be registered." 1 sueh filth." k L Deputy Reeve Rickard wvs Reports Are Incomplet e I nju red by By Garnet B. Rickard. six changes as reported, saying Deputy-Reeve, that hie had cantacted people li ah parts of the township. tS Having followed the work o! Now I agree that it is a fine Shotgun P-ellet your newspaper forrnany years,1 thing ta have talked with peo- Gordon Sfurrock, age 29, 210 iy, we wish ta comrnend you bu~t it would aiso have been Scugog Street, had a narrow and your staff for your effort logical ta have. cailed council escape from seriaus injury i its publication. togethor for purposes o! dis- whenhe as hot n ahunig I am prompted hy the report cussion withixi the council whenho as hot n ahuningappearing i last week's edi- rooms. This is the place where accident et 10:30 a'clock on tion, "Recom.mnend Six Chan- changes should be discussed Saturday marning i11 a field Igos 'for Darlington Zoxing By- first. north o! Tyrone. Hie was ancý law", ta write ta your paper, Having made these state- of a party o! soven, hîs father, wondering if the only ones whoi Councillor A. H. Sturrack, Sel-1 spoke were Mr. Nichais and Mr. monts, Mr. Nichais at that time by Grant, Dan Grant, Ken Ni-' Wyman. lI writing 1 do noti suggested that Planning Board choIs, Ralph Fry, Frank Ma- sekta deal with personalities! meef privately for discussion. tas, Oshawa, and Edward Fry. but with the greater and more I immediately objected as I They were shoating pheasants. important issues which are at couîd sec no reason why the The accident happened when stake. discussion for which wc had Frank Matas, Mohawk Street,, When any municipality the been called and which had been Oshawa, shot at a risîng phea- size and status of Darlington1 open thus far should not con- sant. Gardon Sturrock was in Twp. is in the state o! confu- 1 tînue ta ho open ta bath fthc thelin offir an wa stucks'on It iS' I think that it is' public and press. thseal! firoanpelaetst.uce time that those of us i psi- Mr. Wyman, assisted by De- by~~~~~~~ seeathtguiples iOlns o! responsihility gave ser- was rushed ta Memorial Hospi- i . *touh oths sse n rek Little, g ave excellent ac- tal, Bowmanville, in Mr. Ma- "u huh atoOise f counts o! what they lied beexi tas car. Young Mr. Sturrock ,a regard to future action. dolng in planning but he was treaed fr hi injriesby D If the article ta vhich I h avesupse atcios!coni Runt d r e.ijris yD. referred is al that sis gaingatios taouei H. B. ho epored o ths meetng co incontintiaily insfitutîng chian- Hie was able to leave Mem- ept 9 of Ithougmeeingond gs ta gain favour wifh the anial Hospital ta return ta his li this way express my views. 'public. home on Tuesday affernoon, At the regular Septembe When thc plan was fi.rst anid on Wednesday marning was meeting I moved that Council broughfta council I hesitated back at the office o! A. H. Stur- meet with Planning Board ta cancerning its acceptance until rock and Sons Ltd. Gordoni try ta give serious collective I could be sure that if was Sturrock is a son o! Councillor' thought ta aur zaning difficul. workable. Howevor, i spite of and Mrs. A. H. Sturrock. The fies. This meeting was subse- my hesitation, if was adapted. accident was investigated by quently called for Sept 29th. Council later met without my Constable Francis Dryden, 0. Immediately upon oponing this 1 knowlcdge and rescindcd their Zp-- meeting hir. Nichais announced 1 action. A fe1W days later coun- - <s commendation if would cost a persan more ta build a sumner home on a sma.ll lot where ho had ta build his own privato road than it would ta build a .... larger one on a road alrearly - -/ there that cauld ho serviced. - I had also stated that in my -opinion na residential area could support itsel! but need- cd help from other sources o! assessment, that what we necd- cd was more comrnittee work by cauncil and more council mombors. Also I said that we need an Industrial Promnotiona Committee ta seli the man)y advantages o! aur township. 1 stated that someone perhaps the Reeve, should attend various functions ini other places to pro- mate the interests of aur mun- icipality and to learn what others are daing. Opportunitic3 Garuet B. Rickard only came to organizaticnis which are ready. Mr. Wyman, cil agaixi met ta adjust tiiis in completo agreemnent with plan and adjusted it ta take in this statement, told of 'he some areas for personal advan- work the Planning Board had tage o! a fcw people. At the been dolng ta prepare ta at- Sept. 29th meeting it .mas tt- tract industry. ed that if council is sf111 adjust- 1 thought thaf thîs was a good lng ta varying demands on meeting, that the discussion o! this subjecf there is liff le use'members a! Planning Board and in having any planning. Council was valuable, that Changes praposed are warth there were many worthwhile cansidering but they do flot suggestions presented by those mako any significant alteration in attendance which should in whaf we aiready have. It have beexi rcported. This is a camplicates future planning ta demnocratic country and I think be continually chan", the the public ahauld have al fhe ai=es0o!the lot, In tebbc r- facta. J uve nies Meet Strathroy in Finals Saturday Durham County'a Great Family Journal 1 VOLUME 105 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l5th, 1959 10e Per CopyNU ER4 %.,ana Inn, e%, p - gýbt tein 1