T THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. VNi4*zu,. TT-TTT1~fl A V r, OCT. 15th, 1959 Religion for Today A Gift of Grateful Love[IJ A Weekly Talk By Rev. RILR. Nicholson The annointing of Jesus with time of special need-but ber "an alabaster box of precious Teacher. She was grateful for cintment" by Mary, in the home the wondrous trutbs He bad of Simon, the leper, is one of taught ber as she sat at His the most beautiful scenes i ail feet. history. It reveals an ineffable Love is ever an active prin- love, great tenderness and deep- ciple. It must express itself and est sympathy. ! it generally does so by giving 3Jesus had retired from Betb- gifts. When a young man is in any, after the resurrection of love, he is continually giving Lazarus because of the bitter presents to his sweeteart- hostillty of the Jews, who boxes of candy, flowers, books, sought to kil Hlm. After an rings, brooches, lockets, and absence of a few months he re- who knows what. turned with His disciples, on I knew a man who fell mad- RiLs way to the feast of the ly in love wit.h a beautiful, cul- Passover at Jerusalem. His tured young wornan. His court- frieds eredelghtd tasd ship was impetuous, strenuous, their beloved Master againan generous, and irresistible. He immediately made preparations won ber heart and tbey were for a banqauet in His honor. bappily married. That blissful . When the eventful day ar- courtship of two years cost my rives, the guests gather to the friend the sum of two tbousand banquet and take their places dollars. Some persons may have about the three sides of the tbought he. was extravagant in low Eastern table, reclining ac- bis love affair, but he did flot cording to Oriental custom tbink so. Love had conque-edi upon cushioned divans or cou- It is love that makes the gifts ches. When the banquet is so valuabie. We do not care nearly ended Mary quietly slips very much for gifts, however into the room, carrying a valu- great their costs, if they are able alabaster box of precious not accompanied by the love ointment With a heart over- and sympathy of the giver. flowing with love she goes di- James Russell Loweii bas truly rec tly to Jesus and gently an- said, oints His haad and then his "h itwtottegvr feet, and kneeling down sha '"egfwioutegvr takes ber long, beautiful tress- is bare." es of hair and tenderly wipes But how bigbly we prize the His foot. gift, bowever insignificant and Tbe moment that Mar trifling it may be, that cornes' breaks tbe alabaster box, thefrmtebatflo! rich fragrance of the ointment The gift of Mary was "the of spikenard fis the roomn and irrepressible utterancos of al-, attracts the attention of the absorbing love." "No words guests to ber loving deod. Thie could express hor feelings. No disciples are indignant at such common deed could tell Jesus ridîculous extravagance and how deep was ber gratitude; their sentiments are voicod by bow strong ber desire te bonor Judas Iscariot, wbo exclaims: Him; bow loving ber sympa- "Why was not this ointment thy; bow great was ber faith sold for tbree bundred pence in Hlm as the Mossiab and Re- til and givera to tbe poor?" Jesus deemer of the world." So she rh.,. îmmodiately rebukes Judas. He rnanifosted her love by break- coi-. says: "Let ber alone; wby do, îng the alabaster box, and an- youngs you trouble ber? She bas done ointing Jesus witb the excoed- fectlyg a beautiful thing to me." .* ing precious ointment. qurd"Sbe bas done wbat she could; Another gracious attraction casres. ilýe bas anointed my body be- of Mary's gift of grateful love, cae. reband for burymng. And tru- was that it was very timely. Answer3 do T say unto you, wherever the Mary broke tbe alabaster box lhe opinionO 0>1 is pro acbed in the wbole on the living Christ. She did flosie and trea.o what she had done will i ntwi nî ewsdat the function of .. - o atutl ewsdat sonal physîcian.Q in memory of her." express ber love. She honored Io Science Edito, 'i R .S.V.) i Him now, wbile His beart could Madison Sq. Sta.,kN. g tb*at attracts us in be cheerod and strengthened by will be incorporatâed t 15 that Mary's gift it. She knew that tbey would unns when possible. - a gift of gratoful 1flot always bave their Lord with thom. Jesus said: "For you al- -'~-MA 3oved Jesus and' ways bave the poor with you, icueH first and whonevor you will, you can s%0 5,do good to them; but you wil ____ Jeus lvednot always bave me." (Mark 11E OWMANVLazarus. She 14:7 R.S.V.) ad risked Mi*s*I have road that a man went -n./tbem in their into a flower shop and and sel- -n He arrived in ectoci a few flowers, sayîng, ,azarus had been dead "Tboy are niy wife's favorites." -eaiy* four days, but Jesus, The young lady expressed sym- to tbe ineffable joy of bis sis- pathy at the illness of hbis wife. tors, restorod him to life. "Ill", he exclaimed, "My wife Mary also loved Jesus be- is as woîî -as you are, thank cause He was not only ber you." The assistant apologized, tfriond-and a friend in the saying, "I beg your pardon for my mistake, but, to tell you the trutb, husbands don't usuaily ~ i buy flowers for their wives un- less the wives are ill or dead!" How many people there are, who leave the loving deed un- done and the kind word un- wiN f M yc MMpn spoken until tbei.r friends are a mNwuwmww..uc*L& dead! WE.RELWAYSSomeone has written these WER ALAYS~AI.ABI, appropriate and sympatbetîc WI4ETSIIRTUEZIOB words: "Oh, my friends, do not LARGE O't SMALL! keep the alabaster boxes of your love and tendorness soaled up until your frionds are dead. Fi thoir lives witb sweetness now. Speak the kind, approving, cbeering words while their ears can bear thom and their bearts ~< "'be tbrilled by them. The kind Sthings that you mean te say wben they are gone, say bofore tbey go. Tbe fiowers you mean to sond for their coffins, send now to brigbten and sweeton their homes before they leave them"' Nixon Waterman bas writton IL CTRIC LTD«Ij this verse: COTACTING IPAIRSp " A rose te the living is more Tban surnptuous wroatbs to *REFIGERÙÔ~4ij~jTRi~the dead; MOO SALES - SERVI CE In fîling love's infinîte store, T-RADO-APINE A rose to the living is more, ~ If graciously given before e : gTbe hungering spirit bas - fled- A rose to the living la more GET THE PRESTIGEths t Lewis Swain. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, To- ronto, visitod Mr. and Mrs. g Clarence Marlow. e Mrs. W. W. Van Camp spont the wookend with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Drinkwater and family, Ottawa. Miss Anne Lowe, Montreal, spent the weokonc± witb the Romerils. Misses Jessie and Betty Mc- I'Arthur, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. R. Ford bas gone to To- ronto for the winter. _______________Mr. and Mrs. Allan Henry gand family, Gaît, visited Mrs. Jas. Henry, Sunday. AUTUMN How wonderful it is to know, When birds are on the wing, As sure as daytinie follows night, They'l1 ahl be back - next Spring. That's why there's no real sadness, As bright leaves fali to earth, Their parting brilliant glory, Fairly shouts the news, - re-birth. So, in life's rich golden autumn May we know that Ho who planned, Ail the changing of the seasons, lias our Springtime in His hand. -Marjorie Cunningham. Sunday callers witb Mr. and weekend in Oshawa. Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and Mrs. Percy Philp, Highland 1 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm were Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. David IMr. and Mrs. Herman Hoog- Philp, Don IVülls, visited Mr. kamp, Arthur and Mr. Bon: and Mrs. Chas. Smith and Oli- Hoogkamp, Newcastle. ver, Monday. Miss Doreon Van Camp, Cob- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston don, spent the week-end at returned home fromn Belleville, 'home and Sunday Mr-. and M:-s. Sunday. Stephon Sayweli and Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder and and Miss Helen Van Camp, Miss Joyce and Mr. Clint Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown spent the weekend on Baily and Mr. and Mrs. Richard a ightseeing trip along Lake Van Camp and Louise and Fred Hutron and .called on friends in Steiger were Sunday dinner Kincardine; Tiverton and Belle- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- grave. ford Van Camp. Mr-. and Mrs. Roy Drummornd, Sunday guests of Mr.. and; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fergusori, Mrs. Tom Hoidge and boys werc Ian and Mary, called on the Mrs. Cocul Hyde and Miss LUn-, Roy Fergusons, Monday. da, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Payne, Brantford, Mr. Russel o h ...mta h on Spins ad Ms. . AgueOsh ofEdith McLaughlin on Thurs- Spîks nd is.I. rgu, Oh-day evening. The group decidro. awa and Mrs. Ed. Darcy, Black- the Oct. 30 dance to be Hallo w- stockeen for the childrera and any Explorers olocted officers as grown ups wbo wisb to cor n follows at their meeting on Sat- costume and Hard Time for the urday at the homo of Mrs. aut.Dnet omnea Richrd an amp:Chif E- 8:30. Discussion held as to how plorer, Helen Swain; Keeper of to oentertain the husbands on the Log, Nancy Dorreil: KeeD- Dec. 11. Each member was er of the Treasure, Linda Butt. given a paper with a secret and A Thanksgiving programme then visited everyone to fin:a was led by Mrs. P. Romeril. jeacb other's secret. Lunch was Mrs. John Marlow is spend- servýed. Next meeting to be at ing some timo with hor daugli- the borne of Ruby Van Camp. ter, Mrs. Ivan Shook, Toronto. Roll eal-Date of rny birthday Mis. Geo. Fowler spent the and where I was born. PALMER 20 King Street E. Chrysier Cor p. Unveils Economy Car for 1960 The three day national news! nultaneously two new, higbly proview of motor cars and attractive cars in the low-price trucks by Chrysler Corporation field. This nover btappened be- culrninated witb the unveiling fore in the automobile busi- of the Valiant, Chryslers con- ness."1 tribution te the move cf Amer- Chrysier presented its various ican motor manufacturers into models, including the new the compact or economy car Dodge Dart in the ballroom of field. the Americana Hotel, Miarni The resntaionof he al-Beach in an bour-long and col- iant followed by a full dayth orful splasb of entortainment presentation of Chrysler's 1960 whicb rivalled previews of some Imodels, including tbe flOw of the great movies of the past, Dodge Dart. It was doemod of with music and dancing gid's sufficient moment te justify a against a spoctacular film back- show ail of its own, and con- ground and colored ligbts, census of opinion of the 400 odd nowsrnen was that it would. The introduction of the Val- mako a real impact on the me- jant was equally spectacular tor car trade. and fromn the standpoint of the As far as can be loarned here, sgttending newsmen, appeared both the Valiant and Dodge te bo the bighlight of the show. Dart will be produced lu Can- Models genorally will be ito ada. dueed during October, witb the For the first time this year public presentation of the Val- a represontative of Canadian iant arranged for the last week weekly newspapors was invited in October. Theso of course, are tattend this annual U.S. Na-1 dates for the U.S. What the tional nows preview of new Cndian presontations plans Chrysler models. This is gener- are will probably be announced ahly regarded as a tribute to the fsbortly. growi-ng importance cf the Some cf the new features on weekiy press in Canada in the Chrysier models generally are: pattern of advertising by Chrys- squared steering wheels (op- ler Corporation of Canada. tional of course); unibody con- In bis opening address L. L., struction on ail except Imper- (Tex) Colbert, President of laia modeis; swivel soats that not Chrysler Corporation, was op- only swivel when you get out oË tirnistie not- only for the auto- the car, but swivol back into motive industry, but for the position automatically; option- continued prosperity for the ai Hi-Fi equipment in combin- balance of 1959 and ,9,0, ation witb the radio. wbich wil Mr. Colbert told newsmen change a dozen records to give that Chrysler Corporation was You your favorite recordings investing more than $350,000,- while you drive; king sizo driv- 000 in developing and bringing er seats on many cf the models to market its 1960 cars in whiat te provide the driver witb less "rnay well be the rnost swoop- drive fatigue. Loast change is ing new-model program ever apparent in the Plymouth mo- undertaken by any automobile dols, but ail are handsomne cornpany. slook-appearing vehicles. An- We are taking the unusual. other new feature on ail Chrys- stop of bringing to mar-ket si- 1 er models for 1960 is an anti- MOTOR Bowmanville corrosion process wbich in- car picture for 1960. volves seven external and inter- finost protection t> combat the nal body dip sequonces, with persistent problem cf rust. six spray operations and seven Ail in ail, Chrysier appears éxternal paint finishing opera- to bave corne up witb now mo- tions. It is clairned that this will dols and new cars wbicb should provide the Unit body with the keep them well in the motor INVITAT&ION * We invite ail residents of Bowmanville and District to our showrooni FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER 16-m17 to inspect the new 1960 "P!eLYMOUTH The 1960 Plymouth -... Built a newv way to give you solid cornfort. Palmer Mo for Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH SIMCA DEALERS 20 King St. East Bowmanville FARGO MA 3-5487 nnucing tue new PlJJI1OUU Solid comfort! Solid performance! Solid safetyl Solid beauty! You'l find them ail in this 1960 Plymouth, with rustproof and rattleproof Unibody, new inclined overhead-valve six- cylinder engine, and *% whole car-full of other solid improvements new to the low-prioe field 1 Here is a car with new Uiîùody con- struction that eliminates body boîta te give you a more solid, quileter ride than ever! Here is a car that features the most complote rustproofing treatment in the entire automobile industry! Here is a car that delivers Up to, 50 extra miles on every tank of gas, with a completely 110W kind of overhead- valve six-cylinder engine inclined like modern racing engines. There's flot a boit in this Plymouth IJnibody to spoil the solid quiet of your Plymouth ride. Body, frame, crossmembers and panels are ail one soiid piece of steel. Every Unibody is dipped seven times to prevent rust. Not a boit in the body No car in Piymouth's clasa was ever built like this before. New "bridge truss" Unlbody makes the difference. The Plymouth structure is ail one piece -frame, body, crossmembers and ex- terior panes-without a body boit lu it te spoil the soid silence cf your Plymouth ride. Unibody is one and one-haif times stronger, end te end, than conventional types. It la four times as durable. Most comprehensive rust- proofing of any car-ever Not only la your Plymouth built te withstand wear and road punishment; it's designed te resist the ravages cf weather, tee. For this year, Plymouth introduces a compieteiy new rustproof- ing process, more comprehensive than any rust preventive treatment ever known to the auto industry. Unibody is dipped a full seven tirnes £0 protect it foryears te corne!1 New Six.... new savings!1 Just lift the hood on a Plymouth 30-D Economy Six. You'll see a totally new kind cf engine as revolutionary in the way it looks as it la in the way it saves and performs. It's inclined te the side-just like . modern racing engles-at an angle cf Piymouth's new overhead-vaive, slx-cylinder engine inciined 30 degrees, delivers Up to 50 extra miles per tankfui! (Plymouth V-'s are money-savers, tool) 30 degrees. This permits a straight air intake with noelebows or angles te impede engine breathing. And even more important, inclining the engine aliows Plymouth te introduce a straight- line, irzdividual-cylinder manifold systern that feeds the right diet cf gas te each cylinder independently. Plymnouth makes the big changes the others overlooked You've only begun te learn about Plymouth for 1960. Here are autornatie door locks that iock ail doors at the flick of a switch. Here are automatic swivel seats and a high-back Command seat for the driver. And here are Piymouth's own Torsion-AIRE Rida, push-button drive, Total-Contact brakes-ail improved for 1960. But why net see for yourself ? Your Plymouth dealer bas a new Plymouth awaiting your trial and inspcction right now. Visit him today. A Quality Product ot Clirysier Corporatýioi EnZ.n2.eiing SALES Phone MA 3 -5487 a- g 4 PAGE TWG 1960 Plymouth ... built a new solid way to give you solid satisfaction 1 TERMSDAY,