?HURDAY OC. lth,195 TR ~AýAfIAWvA'1'milM ROWMANV TT.T.JCfJIN 1ttnl nE THPM1 J HELP THE BLIND ... HELP TEHEMSELVES ANNUAL BLITZ CAMPAJIGN MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 - 7 to 8p.m. Smith Beverages ILimited' Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBI JTOR CANADIAN CLUB of WEST DURHAM LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE Oct. IZnd, 8:151 p.m. Speaker- Brigadier Cyril D. Quilliam Subj*ect- "WhI-itlier NasseI.r" Brig. Quiliam is a member of Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham Hou.se, London, 1,ng., and one-time Chairman of the Ch.atham House ~~idd1e Eastern Group. Admission by Membership Cari f only Schedule for lest of Sei LSOR NOV. 24th - BIS EXCELLENCY FRANC IS LACASTE Subjeet: "France, 1959" JAN. 7th - MAJ.-GEN. W. H. S. MACKLII -ý, C.B.E., C.D. Subjeet: "Sonie Popular Militas-y Myï hology" SFEB. 15th - ARTHUR L. PHELPS, B.A., F.R.S.C. Subjeet: "lCanadian Lites-Mure and Natii nialism" NIARCH Sth - ALAN JARVIS -Subject: "Is Art Neressary?" APRIL Z7 - MIE. SOLANGE C. ROLLANI 1 Subjeet: "Jean Baptiste is Dead" (The Changing Scene ln Quebec* -Pease keep this llst for future refeLrenlce irle oi ur cuntr~y isvery important, tht way te makze Canada really great is by right thinking and rigbt living. Ms-s. Aichin, President of Bowmanvilie Instîtute, asked Ms-s. Buttes-y te preside. Mrs.j Hall s-endes-ed two deli.ghtful solos, fil-st number "Sunshine o! Your Smihe" and a solection fs-om "Desei-t Song". Mi-s. Colte accompanied ai tht piano. ILaies- Mrs. Colt phayed a Mice" in five renditions: as ai beginner, as a high school gis-h as a teacher, as Mi-. Khruscho v and as a funes-al number, It was ves-y enjoyabie.i SMrs. Prescoit deali wiih thte topie Agriculture and Canadiani Industr-ies. It was apparent aj gra da o! time and thoughit had eenspent in its pi-epaýa -j tien. She expre-sscd an opinioni thai tht gi-t expansion o! in-1 dusts-y is absorbing, and, slow- J ly but surely squeezing thtl agriculturalist and tho sînalh ffas-mer out o! bus'ness. As th!s: Iwas a lengthv artilei cn be deait with bore adequateiy.J Mrs. Warren favored with aJ huniorous -eqding "Lovinsky at tht WcCding". Aftcr singiýng "Ced Save the Quieen" sefies'h- ments were soi-yod. WAVES Wived by: JOSIE DEMAINE FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 For -__$_7.95 Reg. $12.50 9 For -__9.95_ Reg. $15.00 For 11.95___ SPECIAL COLD WAVE ai $6.95 Mr. Huyck wiIl be bore on Tues., Wed. and F1. to do thse steam and regular waves Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck' s Hairsfyling Studio 67 King St. W., Bowmanvillie JAdcock; Novelties, Norton King; Countr-y Store, Mabel MeQuarrie. NE WTON VILLE Mi-. Allan Jones o! Toronto with Miss Bertha Tbompson. Ms-. and MssRod Gilmour and son Michael o! Toronto, jwith Ms-s. Geo. Ovenis. Ms-. and Ms-s. Wiibes-t Han- cock o! Peter-borough, with the Job nsto ns. Mr-. and Ms-s. Frank Gilmer with their son and daughtcs- in-law, Ms-. and Mrs. Raymond Gilmerof-o!Toron te. Mr-. and Ms-s. Clifton Robb o! Monts-tai, as-e holidaying at their cottage bts-e and have as guesis, Ms-. and Mrs. Harry Pearson o! Toronto. Ms-s. Etta Clas-ke is spend.ing a fexv days with Ms-. and Ms-s. Jack Reid, Os-ono. Miss Alice Nesbitt o! Toron- te and Miss Anne Ncsbitt o! Oshawva spent tht holiday at! home. Ms-s. J. T. Pearce with ber daughter and son-in-law, Ms-. and Ms-s. Walter Whittaker of Toi-onte. Mr- anid Mrs. Wiihis Jones Many Prizes Won, During V~ Cooking School Blue Fiamne Fais-, tht Cookincg Sehool presonted by Betyiv Bright's Home Service e! thte Consumers' Gas Company, at- tracted a lai-go crowd te the auditorium in the Bowînanville Town Hall on Tuesday evening. Tht program wass bath instruc- tive and entertamning. Everyone in the audience received a book- lot containig the recipesfo tht dishes ps-epas-ed by the ef- ficient demonstrators on the stage. Tht prize winners o! the draxvs xere: Mrs. Keith Smith,. Hampton, a corone%. raspbes-ry torte; Ms-s. Wiggans, R. R. 3, Bowmanville, a coronet choco- late toi-te; Mrs. Wilbert Teeple, fes-ris wheel skillet; Mrs. H. Rogers, sideshow special; Mrs. G. Sellers, handstand ýread; Ms-s. J. Darcb, trao- eze pie;, Mrs.! G: Lamont, oven meal. i Shopping bags were won by; Ms-s. Helen Moiton, Oshawa,: Mrs. John Syer, Mss Milligan, Newtonville. Mrs. W. Robets, and. Mrs, Alfned Samiells. Cook books wts-aw-on by Ms-s. A. Cas-rick, Hampton, Mrs. A., Barrs, Mi-s. G. Annis, Mrs. Howard Bradley, R. R. 3, Bow-' marivihie, and Ms-s. Ernest' Lairdc. H the fleck paint thbat can be applied with roller. CEDAR AROMA The cedar-scented wallpaper for lining closets Double Roill_ _ _ I (Sufficient for closet) $1.99___ SPECIAL - While Il Lasis! Glidden's HOUSE PAINT$585 Gallon $___ HELP THE BLIND... HELP THEMSELVES ANNUAL BLITZ CAMPAIGN MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 - 7 to 8 p.m. ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St W. MA 3-5431 BOWMANVILLE 1 en ivirs. iscna lVcLauglin, I iBurketon, xvere Sunday visiteýs 1 wît-h Ms-. and Mrs. Ross Ash- ton. Mrs. Mus-iilBsownlee spent Thanksgiving Day at the Ash-! ton borne. Ms-. Elmer Ward, Mrs. J., Ward, Miss Laura Hern, Toron- J te, spent tht weekond with Ms-.' and Ms-s. J. Joncs and family. Mn. and Ms-s. L. Griffin, IBlackstock. Mi-. and Ms-rs. C. Gars-ard, were Sunday supper guesis at Ms-. and Ms-s. Alfred Gas-rards. Ar. and Ms-s. CIem Rahm, Alion and Bill wes-e Friday, evening visitors with Mn. and IMs-s. Alfr-ed Garrard. Ms-s. Russell Cornish and IMargaret, Nor-th Bay, Mi-. and Ms-s. Wm. Dawvson, Os-ono, wereI Sunday suppe- guests ai Ms-., and Ms-s. Ron Rahms. Ms-. and Ms-s. Beirt Ash toni and family, Toi-ento, wes-e sup- per guests at MV!r. and Mrs. Arthur Roads, Thanksgaiviný-g Day. Mr. and Ms-s. David Mers-ow and Alexander, Tes-ente,- visited Ms-. and Ms-s. W. Lovtridge. the. A. McNeil is spending, tewinter wiih ber daughteî-r, Ms-s. D. MacKenzie, Toronto. Ms-. and Mîs. Roy Gr-aham l and Mr-. and Ms-s. David Mal- colm spont Thursday at Toron- te and Hamilton. Ms-s. Mahcelrn visiied relatives ai Tes-onte and Mrs. Gr-aham visited Ms-. and Ms-s. M. Srniley, Hamilton. Mi-. Roy Grahamn and Ms-. D. Malcolrn attended tht !is-st showîng e! tht 1960 Studebaker car. and. and Ms-s. Arthur Trewin adWilliam accompanied Ms-. and Ms-s. Russell Anderson o! Port Hope, and spent tht week- end with their brother, Ms-. C. Anderson, Caledonia. Mr-. and Ms-s. Lloyd Slemen were dinnen guesis o! Mr-. and Ms-s. Fred Toms, Enniskiilen, Sunday. Ms-. and Ms-s. Ren Rahm ai- tended a fas-ewell party for Ms-. and Mrs. Chris Sheffield, Osh- awa Ms-. Ray Ashton, Leaside, spent the weekend ai bis home.- Tht public school pupils w;ii have a holiday on Friday as their teache-, Ms-. Milton Ramn- ey, will be, atten ding tht Tea-j chers Convention ai Os-illia. Sunday School ai 10:30 on Sunday merning, Chus-ch Ses- vice xvill be withds-awn Sunday evenin" on account o! Tyrone Harvest-Home Service. October W.A. meeting was hehd Thursday evening ai tht homt o! Mrs. W. Lovenidge. President Ms-s. L. Slernon ps-e- sided. Several business matters were dealt with. Devotional was ps-esented by Ms-s. K. Cowling. Ms-s. W. Thominson was in charge o! programme, Mrs. J. Jones gave a reading. Pictures wes-e shown by Kenneih Gi-a- hamn a!ter thip close o! the meeting. Lunc>: was served. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Fisk ~ ~ F LI I~ with Mr. and Mrs. Carrnan Newcastle R. R. 2, and Mr. 1 H a s ouas Opening Cornish of Orono. James Herbert John MckQueen Mr-. and Mrs. Jack Kimbali Toronto. Mr. McQueen is the I U and family with Mr. and Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Maxwel l U i u Eve - u c Vance Cooper of Oshawa. Star, Mno MlsOnt. j . Mr. and Mrs. Murray Porter W edd ngsMr. Norman Williams was or- Shaw's Home and Sehool As-j son and Mrs. J. Killeen, each and daughters, Sandra Énd ganist and soloist was Mr. Jack1 sociation held the first meeting spoke a few words. Ross Met- Donna soen<t the holiday across Allin. 1 of the flu season at the school calfe, popular music teacher in the border. W , e d d i n g s _engt h a brie f ht The l ace c -,o h c m u it a k tanino d edwh wa u hM rs. W a l a oughen Tand Given in marriage by her'ionl Friday evening. the school area, sang a fine solo Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Far- father, the bride wore a flo or-1 The president W. M. Rabb accompanicd by Mrs. S. Payne row anid son Glenn with Mr. lenth ownof hit brdaisa-conducted the business period. 1 of Bowmanville. Rosads and Mrs. Cr arwo o- tin te oufan sir f lin'i'Treasurer Bob Stacey reported Payne also played a liveiyot n udy ee oiein the new Empire1 in September. Corresponding enjoyed. steMisRhGoon it design featured a scalloped sa- Secretary Mrs. E. Cox read sev- Mr. C. Dudley local insurance sse isRt odnwt brina neckiine. The bride's fin eral letters of thanks from thuse representative, was present and Mrs. John Phedorf. SCHEWCHUK - ARGUE a gowr i of chantilly lace with gertip veil xvas held by a pearl of the community who received explained an insurance policy.- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton tiers of net cascading down the crown and she carried a cascade - cards and remembrances during to cover school children while took advantage of the long The mariage of Noreen Eli- sides o." the bouffant ski-t. The of white chrysanthemums and: the summer months. at play and going to and frûm weekenid to visit friends in zabeth, daughter of Mr-. and lace bo l:ice xvas styled with a mauve gladioli. A Hailowe'en party pianned school. This was of interest to New York State. Mrs. Norman Scott Argrue of square, scalloped neckline, Mado1hnrMis by the executive will be hi-Id i ail parents. Mr. Dudley xvas Miss Beth Brennan of Win- Janetville, and William Ken- beadeofwth sequiniand peari at the school Friday, Oct. 30. It thanked for bringing this mat- soi- bas been visiting her bro- neth~~ Shewchuk.son ofquin. and shp- lee.S e r îac Kyes, Toronto, was in gold vel- was decided to buy a hot plate ter before the group and the ther and vife, Mr-. and Mrs. itor Shewchuk o of rono and lo seves .uenAnheadresc veteen. The short-sleeved Emn- and utensils for the use of the guest artists were also given a Richard Brennan. Vmictdor Sewcetlinf erton n lvesca Qttered nnitheuins pire bodice with a sabrina nec' lunch committee. vote of thanks. M the late Mr. Shewchuk, was sol- securincr ber shoulder-length:line topped a very full ski-t. Mrs .Wryatda hi- Temeigcoe ihte r. and Mrs. Dan deMooy 'ntdCuc.MsBeelyNclBancro'ft,'uc have moved to Newcastle. Unitd Curch carie a witeBibe crste Mis Beerly Nioîl ~~ man for a fine program. New- singing of the Queen andluh D'h RverndSamelSno- ih fa shietebe sebus adi and Miss Barbara Russell, West- comers were welcomed and in- was served by Mrs. L. Ayre,Î Mrs. Adam Panas returned Z, eo Vlbok'~îiitd tem - kntedw tte-jwodcusn fhebi, troduced to ail. Mrs. T. Taylor, Mrs. E. Browes home from Memorial Hospital, f !\Dvi lson pliayed. theaotis i e it ep-bridesmaids, were in dark green IOi veavveteensdressesd oheaidentical rteachers, Mrs. L. Atchi- 1and Mrs. Ralpb Campbell. Bowmanville, but she is still weddig mui an theSo'loist,' Mrs. 43eorge Harding o! High- design. AIl wore matching bowveyi. John Burn of Janetville, sang land Ci- eek was mati-on o! hon- headd.esses with small viles "O Promise Me" and "Through or and Miss Alice Shewchuk,1Iadesswt ml elsadfml oe oPtro th er. !and carried buetofwieA journ B 6& P M ee'tin§ i.adMs.Teo ie The bride vas given in mai-- alikesm n w heylon stdreet and yellow chrysanthemums. uM ast eErkod a . riage b e ftther. She awor e iiwawhbest mnland theushe* aUm',' i by ber----n* - dresses wiblI square !Mi-. Bih Gibbiand h srs To Leur A bout ookîn&l tonsils removed at Memoriali neckline s and puff sleeves. Ap-~ were the bride's brother, Mr-. le Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sat- ediclMiror pliqued, pastel flowers encir- Fred Fisk, Mr-. Mike Rice, To- At the dinner meeting of thre Committee be adopted T-u iday.Sas an lIA a Miro cled the hipline. Mrs. Harding, ronto, and the grooms couisBwmniiTBsns adPo wscrîe nnmosy ,i Mrs. Melille ai an OuI Messrs.leBsies n Po wscarejuanmusy TeMrs. Melville Jones attended " uwore a pink velvet headdi-ess Msrs ack Morrison and John fessional Women's Club held inJ proceed.s fromn the Bridge and e and Miss Shew~chuk, blue,. Soules, both of Toronto. IS.Jh' aihHl nTe-Ecr vi ot the Frih opening ceremonies of the lb Club Foot matchini, tthen' Prstreamersus-Euhrewfroomo heGolden Plough Lodge of the Q* yu le;eWrte their bi uquets of pink and 1NeFoasthe reception helcl inI day evening, the presiclent, Miss ings Fund for the Memorial Home for the Aged at Cobourg Lai-iy lE arding acted asrn bride's mother chose a str -ti i Madlyn the ee a c-o e-esa at soe. n abobrow tivtis ! he edraioo The meeting then adjournrd 1%he gefaiy atrd LP.bearer. length dress of cocoa brw Business and Pi-ofessional and members of the club at- a h ge aiy gtee Mi-. M ax Sbewchuk of Lind- wooi crepe with beige satin Women's Clubs, and pointed tcndcd the Cookingr Schooi h-ld ack t enefor anrkdîn-r A. Clubfoot occurs about once say was best man and the ush- cummerbund and floating pan- out this is Business Women's at the Town Hall'auditorium. Janer ognforidaOt 9th dino- in cach thouisand births, affect- erslr o-i AgeadN-es, matching accessories and Week. Onr o!n*r and Ms. 9 iibert ing boys more often !ban g-irls. cholas S hewchuk. corsage o! bronze chrysanthe- Miss Ethel MeKague intro- ~Ode' 9hwdiganvr The cause is unknowi but club- AecpiowshdnJa- mums. To assist, the groom's duced three guests, Miss Poily C B r s J wdin nnv A eepinwshl nJn mother wore a street-length Hewitt, Miss Nancy Sneliing, %..zaa i-y. fodtsi fmilsee . cPOP d ing cer etville I1 ahl. The bride's mother two-piece dress o! aqua lace. and MissConnie Wilson, mem "1, ThtOcbr meeting of the! tanfmles codngt ot îeceived in a brown two-piece with matching accessories and bei-s o! the Teacbing Staff o!f' ] W.M. wshlonWde doctors, the chance of baving ensemble with a coi-sage of .yel- corsage of pale pink roses. Bowmanville High Schooi. The e lA. .. a s bed on fd nes-me a second chilci afflicted ini this low i-osee. and the bridegroom's o! Ms. Anoid Wade Th way is about 3 per cent (3 mte a nnv lewt For the wedding trip to mi- enjoyable sing-song was led by lofm rol ae.Te chncs n 00. retmntof mohe Nja i nvyble itami Beach, Fia., by plane, the Miss Myrtît Hall with Miss meigwsinhrgCeu o-h chace i 10).Tratmntcf white ai id a corsage o! pinki bride changed to a turquoise Helen Nelles as pianist. Mrs . r a Presidnt win h rgecil!Rth- clubfoot is often started during roses. Ai so gi-eeting the guests 1 Iinsn eadn' th sc-itur.1 the first six months of life. Casts was the bride's grandmother, ' shantung suit with mink brown Aileen Turner, the reeordîng 1insonreain1th i tA areuse a fist.Laer he hid's Mr. D 'F. cMulen warig!accessories and corsage o! yel-, secretary, read the minutes o! The Bazaar and Tea held by' parce of warr coing is to feare sed in rstLaer stcion as Mr. D. 2{and Mc siaenwerînglow chrysanthemums. Mr. and the ast meeting and of the ex- the Canadin Order of Forest- ell sento resd VictaMs- fye f a hlint ropr.Aer siion tuiquoie cesrs and s a ake Mrs. McQueen will reside in ecutive meeting. ers Court Venture, L 1892, at elaont FdViorMs by ~~~~ ~ ~ orno us f pin r a.ACendestreteacssresada sion. A Mission Band was fui- the first birthday the cbild can corsage o.f pink roses. ot. The president announced tht Lions Community Cnr ther discussed and "World eften do without the splint during As the couple le!t on their Prior to her marinage, six that Mrs. Ethel Murray, Re- on Satîîrday afternoon was a Fiiends" is to be supplied lead- the day, using it only at night for honeymoo ni, tht bride was showers were gîven ini barI gionai Adviser, wîll be the spe- most enjoyable event. The pi-e- esMs akEhotadMs tht~~~~ 1etsvrlmnh.Seil wern ikdesf ee honour by maid of! honor, Miss cial speaker at the next dinner sident, Shirley Bi'ock fo ly, rn r.Jc llotadMs thenex seera moth. Secil warig ý slk res flwerdKyes;- Mrs. Jack Sinith and Mr~s. meeting o! tht club to be heid opened the Bazaar and welcom- -rnold Wade, with meetings shots are thea used. With early in orange and yelhow, and aHaodBitr u ncamnhonS dymr- corrctin, bou 9 ut f 1 doci luw cot wth lac ac Haolc Brste, ant nd ou-on November 3rd. Members o! ed ail those who attended. T, el neamnhonSna on corectonabut ou o 10 doli bu*ý cat it blck c-sin of the groom; Ms-s. Herb the Ajax Business and Profes- general convenor for the sic ing in Sunday School bour. yongtes il wndupwih er cssris.i Souhes, aunt o! the groom; andJ sional Women's Club* will be cessful affair was Jean DevItt. 1Miion and Maen b thl surp fectly geod feet. Surgery is re- Mi-. andh Mrs. Shewchuk are 1fiends and neighboui-s o! the guests at this meeting. Th. I tesdnt l i-i5 Wt-tta ke rs nyLieare quired in fbout 10 per cent of making tlieii- home n Oshawa. couple. Tht bride's community Mrs. Noreen Laird, general Thotps preside n vrthele cases. Guests werepresent fromio! S. S. No. 9 Clarke, also gave. convenor for tht UNICEF Tag cups at tht beautifully appoint- Thoered a.calnda old. aa .4nswers do nor necessariiy refleci Sudbury, .Pontypool, Port Hope,, the couple a presentation. Day, reported that proceeds to ed table. Gladys Masterson and bEasteren d allyi Eeezr thoi,îo f!dcos. adtelnT h disag- OonB.wanilead o date amounted to $383.74. She Betty Westlake were thetet9 Thuisday, 29th was discussed. rass n Ielmn c isoe s tus. thanked ail those xvho had tak- convenors. Edna Baker was in Tenwbo nArc the function of the palient's per- eAA n part, and tht president, Miss chrghoehtSpcaiDrw study bo nArc sonal physician. Questions direcîe V s .iWicx oepeed pe- adeth f tices wee ldraw bydistunibed was introduced by Io Science Editors, P.O. Box 396, Me(IUEEN - FISK M r.A ol c ation o teir effs. Mpr s. E.d ergukeson, Oshraw b Mrs. George McCuilough andj Madison Sq. Sta., N. Y. 10, N. Y. Pia t io ft em yfort. m Tpriz . ergwineshwa: . a commnittet was appointed t wil/ be incorporated izn ahese col- Large baskets o! mauve gla- ( iss Vi Gaycar n Th izwneswre*M . arrange study duiing coming vinns w/e, possible. dioli and whitt chrysanthe- Pia o S l it oftht sWays and Means Comn- Margaret Welsh, chaise lounge; esn h meig coe imittet reported on a meeting esn.Te m tig lod ....VL M. mms for mcd a lovely back- 1 ek h ruh Mrs. Vi Osborne, Coleman with mizpah beniediction. M RI.3-5178 mrund i Oecsl Uie f H am pton W\ 1I j asugee.son ro tht stove; M. T. Lawson, Toronto,_________ l 6W ,*h ron rS ewtle ie d f15, ommitet a gtioa Euc he dcoffee carafe and trivet; Mau- a1 IN HEItS 3:30 cha hen mbrtv1M.C. Hamto9Wmensnsitue B igebe hldaby th cuban rcePreston, blanket. th litE ~ tOe eICWN3L30 Fis e uited in mi-ae.M.Car- amhpdtonday eningt. at rdayevbening, Novtemlbeo r s.cky H.innes o!th raw frthYeO CIH ««nSORE OWMAVILL Fiser uit d inmarrage lar-was eld ondy evning Oct 1 Sturdy evniMrs.oemJ. lH.y Aberncththydrwaso amat Einn:r Fisk, daughter of 5, in tht new Sunday School! l4th at tht Lions Community tht toaster doil, and aiso ! M- n r. .HlTrn room. Thirty-two Bowmanville Centre. Miss Isabel Davis, sec-ttd wfrth e oraedcaefe Mr. and Mrs. RoyHilTomon- Women's Institute ladies were onded by Miss Violet McFee- donated by Mrs. George Ahichin. son, Linda and Randy,. Leskard, guets in spite of tht nain. ters, mnoved that the suggestion Susie Grabam, wbo also was Ms-s. Frank Osmond, Bowman- Bravo ladies!j made by tht Ways and Means tht popular tea cup reader, was 1 ville, visited Mrs. W. Thomp-, Th ~After tht usual optning ex-j in charge o! tht toaster dohil son. ci-h ecises tht roll cahi was answer-î draw. Betty Westlake was i Mrs. L. Wilson, Lake!ieid %,. ' ed.by naming a "use for sait." Spec~~ufial charge o! the draw for tht de- spent Sunday and Monday with refesl in ntâTht motte, "V/bat Canada corated cake. 1Mi-. and Mrs. Clem Rahm. Z maks, mkes Cnada" wa The Candy convenor was IM- and Mrs. Lloyd Aho, datwt yMiss Reynolds. nFy liHm BknD I oad n aM.adMs She emphasized that aithough i , othy Porter; Apron Booth, Ei- IR. J. Ormiston, Mr-. and Mrz lenSmlBaby Booth, Vi; Ivan S'apadLnaEniskii- tht development o! the indus-1 PR M A N EnNmT MShr ad idaE District Pres. Visits Maple Grove W.. October meeting of the Ma- p lt Gi-ove Women's Institute J was in charge o! the Home Econornies and Heaith commit- tee with convenes- Mrs. Cecil 1Mills in charge. i Mrs. Wm. Laird gave the mot- te, "Humans, like herses, can- n et kick and go !orward at tht same time". Nobody wants te be a kicke-, but at times it is needed. However, we neeed te kick constructively and in tht intes-est o! progi-ess. Sur Wrn. jMuhock, "Canada's Grand Old IM an," once said "we need te live cheerfully and keep look- ing ahead." Ms-s. Ron Brooks, leader o! tht Girls' 4H Club, toid o! tht work dont in tht course, "Dressing Up Home Grown Ve- getables". Exhibit and poster showed "Fivt Ways to, Ceok Tomatots" namely, juice, soup, Ibroiled, canned, salad. This dis- play had been shown at the 4-H Achievernent Day and ai Lind- say Fai-. Mai-y Budai gave tht com- menta-y on tht exhibit. Others itht club were Cas-ol Gi-een- Two motos-îsts were discussing the hazards of modes-n highway travel and one said: 111 always make It a poiicy to be sure to give a woman driver hall of the road." "That's a very good Idea," said the other driver, "but how do you find out which hall she wants?" Pity tht peer long su! !tning female drivers! But it's been my experience that wornen ces-tainly know what tbey're deing. They know what they want, too, when it cornes te a dry cleaning service. And I'm happy te say se rnany head Ou- way wben it cernes te tht care o! thei- ciothes. Wen't you join tht crowd? HELP THE BLINI).. BLITZ CAMPA es-a ms-s.il Carl Leslie ,HELP THENSELVES PKIGN OCT. 19 Our staff-wrnl be gladl to tell you ail about this all-inclusivo [MOT WATER SERVICE. ý Ê ýýAREA OFFICE 61 Temperance Street Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3530 i HELP THE BLIND ... HELP THEMSELVES ANNUAL BLITZ CAMPAIGN MONDAY, OC'TOBER 19 - 7 to 8 pi. ham Carol Cooney and Diane Mas-in. Ms-s. Mel Wiseman, Bowman. ville, District President, defin- ed Home Econornics as "Homne and farniiy relatîenships witil- in thteberne". Horneraking is as much a business as any other carets- we might entes-. Creative homemaking is vital te tht wet,- fane o! tht nation. Ms-s. W. Laird thanked Ms-s. Wisem:2n and tht 4-H Girls on behaîf of the members. Ms-s. W. Laird presented a ne- cording o! an A.C.W.W. essay, "IThings My Gsandrnother Taught Me". This had woni third prize and was written bv Mrs. Wrn. Pearson, Lakefield, whe is Ms-s. Laird's sister-in- ]aw. Mrs. Cecil Milîs gave a dernonsti-ation e! icing a cake ta resembie a witcb's face for Hallewe'en. Busness was deait with by President Mrs. K. Hopkins. Rail cail "ont household task net eliirinated by modern ap- pliances", was weii answered. It was decided te charter a bus with Bowmanviile for tht con- vention on Nov. 5th. Ms-s. R. Dubtan of!ei-ed tt, attend the Leaders' short cous-se ai Orono. Ms-s. Stephien Doyle rtported for the Good Neigh- bous-'s Committet. November meeting will be a tour o! Gen- I.' L TffURSDAY, OCT. 15th, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOVIL&NVMLE. ONTARIO ' in A PW9