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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1959, p. 5

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ThURSDAY, OCT. 15th,: 1959~~~~~~~~~~~~PC 1~CNDA TT~A lfWAMI. W MP ? A sincece tribute ta the work cacried out by the Bowman- ville Rotary Club on behalf of ccippled childcen was given by Miss Gloria Akawenzje. R.N., Peterborough, the special speak- er at the Rotai-y luncheon meet- ing heid at the Flving Dutch- muan Motor Hotel on Fciday. Other guests present woere Miss Lena Taylor R.N., and Miss Dora Purdon RN., and bers of the nursing staff of the Northumberland - Duchamn Health Unit; Robert Fleming, Rocheater, Minn.; Rex Wynn, rf Brantford: C. H. Kcydec. South Bend, lndiana; N. Richards, * George Charlton, and Lloyd Haynes, ail of Oshawa. n nintoducing the special ik, c Forbes Heyiand toid r the Aotarians thatLIss Akaw- * enzie is dedicated ta ber wark on behaif of handicapped chli- dren. She is the field represen- BELP THE BLIND .HELP THEMSELVES BLITZ CAMPAIGN MONDAY, OCT. 19 - 7 ta 8 p.m. Esso FURNACE OIL refined and proved for your heating unit r IONE MA 3-5516 ctative of the Ontario Socier -foc Crippled Childrea la thi 1district. r Mr. Heyland apoke of ML rAkawenzie'a outstanding careE in hec chasen profession. Hl added that hec work as th society's district nurse aloîn with that of the public heait nurses la of great assistance t the Bawmanville Rotary Clu lain their efforts ta be of assist ance ta handicapped childre, in the area. f"Miss Akawcnzie was bon in Wiarton and received ne~ eacly education iu the Publi Schools there. She received he secondacy education in Water town. Site studied at the Kit chener Sehool of Nursing, an( later at the Kitcbener-Waterloý Hospital Aftecwards toak ul post-graduate studies at thi University of Western Ontarie Landau." Mc. Heyland toid the Rotar lana that Misa Akawenzic fa: some time was a member of th( staff of the Bruce Caunty Pubý lic Healtb Unit. After jainini the Ontario Society for Crip pied Childcen some years ag( Misa Akawenzie ceceived speý cial training lu arthopedics ib New Yack, Mc. Heylaud stated ,He added that she is new t( thia tcccitocy, but has alread3 doue excellent work hece. Organized 37 Years Ago Miss Akawenzie expccssec picasuce at being able ta ad. 1 dresa the Bowmanvile Rotan3 Club. She expiained that thE rOntario Society for Cripple< jChildren was ocganized 37 ycacý ago for the basic purpose of ex- tending the wock begun by 1X service clubs. Today thece are 233 service clubs in the Province affiliated wibh tbe Ontario Society fai Ccipplcd Cbildren. The tremen- doua scope of the work since 1922 has beeri of incalculable 1belp ta handicapped chidren, Miss Akawenzie assected. Duclng the firat 12 ycars the society wocked at the expan- slan of the program which hac been initiated cachier. In 1931 the organizatian tcied ta obtain a clear pictuce of the progress made and the wark being douer the speaker stated. Miss Akaw- cuzie pointed out that she was pleased ta say that the Bow- manville Rotaryv Club was tak- ing a prominent part lu this xvothy work even then. It was anc of the 42 service clubs de- votcd ta the assistance of crip- pied cwhildren at that tinte. Club Members On Board A fucthcc indication of the 15 YOUR DIAMOND SECURE? 4-la your diamoMd asum ? Aethe cdaws worn thin?7 ze the shoulder diamondah m? -la the baie of the noting woem?) the band woru thin ? YOUR OLD STYLE DIAMOND RING CAPI BE MADE BEAUTIFUL AND NEW THERE'S HIDDE1I TR&IIURE IN YOUR JEWEL BOX: Out of date jewelry you don't wear bas littIe practical value. Yet the gem can be beautifuliy reset. Leus hwyoaheonaly amodabe.n and trs show ounthe many modaem and strikingmcontmingowhaviharle HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 29 King St. E. BowmanvhIle P..,..' I ~Ih 's- e' * -* BOWMANVILL1 for ali your IPRA petroleum needs ESSOJ FA-58 Rotary Lauded fo, In Helping CrippIec She spoke of the long desired sible- we wish themrn any treatment centre for ccippied happy years ln tbeir new borne childcen in this province. This and welcome Mr. and Mrs. Don hope will be realized in the Bebee juta the friencfly ciccle near future when the new On- of Morrisli. tario Crippled Cldren's Cen- Mr. and Mrs. Jan Egas had tre will be opened, she said. nIt a large gathering of Dutch fri- wili have accommodation for ends on Thanksgiving Day ai- 105 ceaident patients, and 300 ter mnorning service at Cobourg, out-patients a day. There will it was "Open House"l for aur be facilities for every kind of Dutch neighbours. rcatment, occupational therapy, Mc. and Mca. S. W. Herring- peech therapy and physia-the- ton ai Coliingwood were visit- rapy, the speaker added. ors xvith Mrs. Minnie E. Mc- She told of methods for the Holm on Satiîrday Oct. 10. Mr. 'ebabilitation of crippled chil- Heriigon has been trying tae [cen. It is important that such locate some members of his a child learns to hive with h is late grandiparents of England diaabihity. He must make t he and finally located a cousin, most ot what he has. Crippled Mca. 'M. E. MVCHoim whose chiidren must aiso learn ta hivaý grandfalhec '%as a brother of with others, Miss Akawenzie Mr. Hercington's gcandmotbec, laimed. She spoke of the ýýs-f thtis xvaa a happy meeting and istance given by recreationai a family lir.k strengthened. camps in this field. Apple picking la juat about Work at Varlety Village o vec for another season in moat The vocational, training giv- dîstrictts the crop is goad, ap- n ta bandicapped baya at Va r- plesi are weil coioured, of good ýty Village was aiso praised by j qualitv and tho' amaller is size te speaker. She told of the the quantity exceeds that of nocough instruction in watch many ycars. Yes! we have se repairing, silversmith work, much to give thanks for in iraLtman&àip, woodworking JOntario. r Efforts St. Joseph's rL * Attracts Lui d Ch.ildreri!The successful Bza n Tea held by the Catholie Wom- en's League in St. Joseph's Hall ty interest taken by the Bowman- on Saturday afternoon was a.n his ville Rrotary Club in this great enjoyable event. A large nuru- undertaking is the fact that a' ber of people attended, and the iss club member, W. David Higgon, attractive booths drew a steady ýr ia a member of the board of di- stream of patrons ail afternoon. ie rectors of the Ontario Society Mrs. Stewart Chisholm, presi- he for Crippled Children, Miss dent cf the C.W.L. and Mrs. ng Akawenzie statecl. George Young. the treasurer, th "Bowmanville Rotary Club were the general convenors. tO has each. year increased the T-Mrs. John Brown was the ubamount of the proceeds of the, tea cornvenor. Tile lace covered st Easter Seals," the speaker re- serving, table was centred with en marked, and explained how an exquisite arrangement of much this fund means ta chilà- roses and deiphinium in a silver rn ren who are in need of treat- bowl. and lighited by pale green er ment, other therapy, and train- tapers in silver candelabra. liC ing. Mrs . J. A. Trudeau, Ma-s. Perey er Seal Fund Growlng Cowan, Mrs. John Armstrong, i.. She told the local Rotarians Ooo n c.Jh ea d that the gross proceeds from the presided over the tea cups. o 1958 Easter Seal Campaign Those who assisted in serving Ipwere $824,668. With 13 clubs were Mrs. Alan Osborne, M, s. Pesilt ehadfo h rs Leonad Johann, Mrs. William io e tito beedr omth t159egsross udapý., vrs. Bert Payne, Ham- SealCamaig no amunt topton, 'vrs. Charles Murphy, $879,569.74 iss AkwaweunzieNewasteMrs. R. Haynes, and $879,69.7 Mis Akaenzi Sheila Brown. Mrs. Tom or stated. .1 Mast(!rý,n and Mrs. Peter Ver- e The Easter Seal Campaigne ~n Hampton, were in b- Funds serve crippled children charg~e af the kitchen. ig in many ways, she pointed out, 'Ili's. ié'o Goulali was the Spe- p-and the Ontario Society for cial Dî'aw convenor. Little Mi- lo Crippled Children is alway s, epGvt wtetces e- ready ta assist and advise th~Uh&-G ttde hetces in clubs who promote the sale u .i Jpiex nesw~ n d. the seals. n tw u Rev. F. K. Malane Pers~ spke f th asfollows:1. Fan quilt, Miss ly Miss Ikwni poeo h Northi: 2. Needle-point cushion, different ways the proceeds Mrs. E. Wiibur, Hampton; 3. ýfrom the sale of Easter Seals Table lamp, Mrs. Owen Fagan; are used ta help handicapped 4. Embroidpred pillow cases, chiiren hrogh teatrentMrs. Glenholine Hughes; 5. Bar- Sother therapy, camping, and vo:l rel of appies. Bill Cole. The .dcational. training. She spoke ofi Door Piiea$5Cdtfo e rthe personal service given toiS wtCieaLners,was won by -such children by district nurses in their homes. She stated firm -1 l0 tatwhtenacildied I other courses given there. ,ea city or in a shack in thte, .co eiIa k ni woods, the same sympathetic tanked the Boxx danvilie Ro,.' jd udrtnigwsgvnb ary Club fori' is cou-peration )r unesadn wsgvnb andi serv\ice i ithe cause of crio- -the nurses and arrangements i'id hhrcnu- n heps .enade for ail necessary treat- yer lement are made. Proud to Assist There are 18 nurses in :14 D districts dedicated to this work, oin Morris rnoved a vote of ae he explained. Ail have addi: thanks 10 Miss Akawenzie for 1 tional training, and they co-op- clubsiig dres Wea derate wîth physicians, agencies cu are proud to essist in a ýand service clubs in investiga- small way in the great under- tm ae, h ad taking to heip crippled child- I nhecae a aidisrc nreren.' 1ne, said. George Vice, pre- S "I herareaa dstrit nuse ident of the Bowmanvilie Ro- acts as an orthopaedic consult-I tarv Club. also added his thanks ant. She visits the homes with to Miss Akawen7ie for coming ýsa publie health nurse. A watch i asokbteloa -oain is kept at schools aiso for any ntho sub.eto theycl ar es chiid needing help or treatment. Icially interested in. sEach crippled chiid's progress ____ sis supervised throughout t1he nurses," Miss Akawenzje con- MORRIS tinued. "In other areas where there are National Thanksgîving Sun- no public health nurses the dis- dlay rnornîng service'wxas very trict nurse redoubles hec ef- disappointing especially ta oui' forts in case finding. She eval- minister, the Rcv. A. W. Hard- uates the needs of each crippled ing. Firstiy there was no heat child, and arranges that ail at- in church, stove pipes and chi- tend a clinic, or go ta see an j mney were dirty, those pesty orthopaedic specialiat. Every starlings had usc-d the chim- effort is aise made ta give par- neys for nesting apartrncnits so ents as full an understanding no simoke could escape--a iove as possible ta assist in carrying1 was made ta the Sunday School out a doctor's recommenda- where it was nice and warm, tions". ofliy four adults were presenit. SNurses Help Sobre Problem Mrs. Wrn. Marvin kindly took "Nursing care is den'onstrat- avec as pianis, for te musical ed, and the proper way ta han- part of service. Sickness in the die splints and braces. Thel home kept many away, famiiy nurses do evcrything possible, gatherings otlhers, some joined to, salve problems, and. to give In xvorship with friends at moral support and encourage- other churches. ment. They also explain what Regular Church Service will ,assistance can be given fromi be xithdrawn for the next few, the available financial resour- Sundays in order that we may ces?" share in the Anniversarv Ser- Miss Alcawenzie explained vices at Wesleyville, Welcome that treatment is a sequel ta 1and Zion. Regular Sunday mor- case finding. The earîier !a case nîng service will be resumed is discovered the greater chance at 10 a.m., N9ovember 8th, until there is of the prevention of that date Sunday Sehool xviii further disabiiity. and of sc be held at 10 instead of cesaful trcatment. The soiet, il ar.. assista Easter Seal clubs thro ugh A number of ladies, from survcya and clînies, she said Morriseh were present at the Each chiid'a case is foilowed W.I. meeting held in the Sun- up through hospital. and after day School on Wednesday, Oct. care, the speaker statcd. S he '7th, it xvas a very pleasant af- giowîngly commended the heip ternioon arnd friend]ly get-to-ge- of transportation service pro-, ther. vided by service clubs such as 'Mrs. Harry Younrg and fam. the Bawmanviile Rotary Club. iy moved ta Newcastle last She aiso expiained that chiid-1 week, Mca. Young bas, residd Trinity WMS Holds Meeting The Afternoon Auxiliacy of Tcinity W.M.S. met in the chucch Tuesday, Oct. 6th, wlth a gooci attendance. The Worsbip Service, using the theine Truth and Freedout, xvaa conducted by Mca. C. Wight, of Mca. C. W. Siemn's Gcoup, assisted by Mca. E. Gibbs, Mca. K. Cox and Mrs. T. Garton. A beautiful solo was beauti- fully aung by a gucat, Mcas. Pcîng, accampanied. at the pi- ano by Mca. Hallowcll. Mca. C. W. Siemon and Mca. E. Leishman gave excellent pa- pers on aur new Study Book, "Africa Disturbed"l written by Dr. and Mca. Ross. The offering was received by Mra. S. Wood and Mca. Garton and dedicated by Mca. Wighit. The business session was conducted by the President, Mca. S. James and reports from the variaus secretaries were read.f An "In Memoriam" service was observed for a valued meni- ber, the late Mca. Clements. The meeting in November will be a Pot-luck Luncheon at 1:00 p.m. The ladies are re- questcd ta bring a guest. Baziar 'Tea rge Crowd Mca. J. A. Trudeau. Mca. Joseph Cuddahee was canvenar of the Raast Turkey Dcaw which was won by Julia Bell, 25 Liberty Street. Mca. George Young convened the Draw for the attractive cake, a replica of a white lamb. Mca. Duncan Smith, 3 Lovera Lane, was the winnec. Misa Evelyn Hughes was ln charge of the Dalls Draw and the winners were Mca. M. Guyatt, Bailie- bora, Ont. and- Carol Linton, Orono. Miss Mac Bottrell and Mca. C. I. Leddy were convenars of thc Fancy Wock Booth. The Country Store was convened by Mrs. John Sweep and Mca. Paul Laprade. The convenor for the Home Baking Booth was Mrs. Janmes Fair, assisted by Mca. J' Roach, and Mca. Joseph Cudda- hec. The Apron Bootht was con- vened by Mca. G. W. Lee, as- siated by Misa Margaret Ma- hancy. The Noveltica and Christmas Cards Booth was convened by Mca. George Young, assisted by Mira. Wil- liam Prowec, Mca. E. P. Mai- cull, and Miss Edua Bottreil. The convenors for the Reigiaus Articles Table were Mca. Geo. Bodnac and Misa Elizabeth Lip- tay. The Candy Table conven- or was Mca. Glenholme Hugbe,s, wbo was assisted by Tinai Hughes and Maureen Regan. 1 her family to Malton on Wed-j Ida and Mary Toppin on Mon.e nesday afternoon ta see daugti- j dy afternoon. ter Shirley off for home. Bill Barrowclough s p e n t Mrs. Couchman of Rochester Monday evening with Calvlia is visiting her nephew Ken in Brown in Port Hope. Port Britain; Mrs. Ethel Mur- Muriel Austin visited with ray, Miss Florence Patterson, Doreen Milison R.N. in Oshawa of Port Hope vlsited with Mrs. 1 during the weekend. "For Bazaar Best Selleri" -Made Better with Butter Write: Marie Fraser 409 Huron St., Toronto ONTARIO CRIAM PRODUCERSI MARKEITING BOARD ~PIIIIIIIIL RPRESENYING soloO@t ia AIomeuws Invitation. You are 'cordially invited to our showroom FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER 16 - 17 to see the exciting new 1960 In spite of welcome rains, wcils in this district continue vecy iow with some completeiy dry. Thceutoisture and mild weatbcc gave garden vegetab- les a boost and fcesh green beans, cucunibers and crisp se- cond growtb cabbage bring goad eating that was eut short iby the dry weatber. Thtis reporter saw a fox cross the field anc day last wcek the first seen ail summer. A more welcome sight was a group of five beautiful phea- sauts walking leisurely out the driveway. On Tuesday evening mes- dames A. Austin, H. Best and Miss Berniece Beat werc at Mca. Clarence Nicholîs pceparinrg for1 opeuing day of Golden Plough lodge and Mesdames A. Aus- tin, Harold Austin, H. Best, IClarence Nicholîs and P. Snel assisted next day, whcn the cecemonies taok place. Mr. and Mca. Roy Nichoils spent Thanksgiving Sun da y with their son, Neil and his wife in Taronto and cailed ta sec daughtec Marlon, Mca. Er- roi Maynard and family ou the way home. Sunday achool was down lnr numbers badly on Sunday, -oth teachers and ciass mem- becs. Mca. E. Bartrowclough was haiee because of a minar ac- cident, Mca. Clarence Nichails and boys were honme lu West- meath foc the holiday and sev- eral others for other ceasons. There was a very good congre- gation. foc evening service with Mca. Carroll Nichols as argan- iat lu Mca. Reeve's continued absence. Mca. L. Holdaway accompanried Cowan EquipmentI Company 134 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5689 &a DOUBLETAPE U LDAYS Donald Duck - Save 6c - Sweetened Orange Juice 48 oz.45c Australian - Save 8cC2 ba .Sultana Raisins elo 49c Five Roses - Save 6c Ali Purpose Flour Ba J 3Y9C Ballet - Ail Colours - Save 9cA Toilet Tissue 2 Packs45C Kraft - Save 10e VeIveeta_50 40 Fathorn - Frozen COD FILLETS b.2U Ail Grocery Features Available October l5th, lOth and l7th Canada Packers - Jubilee ]Brand Pure Park lal Sa usage Lbs.1 Fresh - Lean - Boneless Oven Ready with Dressing PORK SHOULDER 35 ROASTS Lb. 3 PORK DUTT ROASTS Lb. 4 From the Sunny South Marsh - Seedless - Florida Grapefruit i Juicy - Red - Clusters EMPEROR GRAPES 2 Ibs. 25 c . iMM M UNKE ADVANTAGE 0F IGA'S SENSATIONAL OFFER THE NEW ""ASSEMBLE-IT-YOURSELF"i GIANT DICTIONARY Volume 2 NOW ON SALE at Your IGA Food Store SHOP AND SAVE AT Bowmanville, IGA Market WKRL ONTARIO Troms' IGA Market NEwcAsmL, OTA -I METEOR FAGE FOR SAPE, DEPENDABLE HEAT A. H.Sturrock & Sons Limited 1 1959 = CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLIE. ONTARTO 9 0 0 ý» a 10wý ý - Pm WESLEYVILLE 1 1 à f - la 1 LI

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