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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1959, p. 6

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PAG SI PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESM, BOWMANVIL. CTARIO T1HURDA'Y, OCT. i5th, 1959 Costs of Recreation Less Than Mill Annually Councillor Ken Nicks stated at: froin the Bowmanville Rate- the eetig o Bowianvllepayers Association asking if the the eetng o Bomanvllemil allocated te the Recreation Town Council on Monday even- Departinent is to be continued. ing that as chairman o! the At no time in the listory of Recreation Department he would the Bowmanville Recreation De- * like to have the Town Clcrk R. partment has one mill been ne- B. Reynolds, read thae foilowing iceived in a year fromn the town, report from the departinent. the report stated. Subsidies This was i reply to a letter 1 were as shown below: Town Grants Provincial Grants MMI Returns 1956-$4,212.69 $3,087.31 $6,502 1957-$4,552.84 $3,447.16 $6,764 1958-$5,384.10 $3,552.05 $7:219 1959-$5,700.00 $3,900.00 $7,283 It was pointed out that no tenance, one quarter to maxi- other departmcnt receives the mui of $600. type o! provincial grant given The town only pays approx- f0 the Recreation Departinent. imately two-tlirds o! the di- Director's salary, one third to rector's salary o! the total salary maximum o! $1,500; leadershaip p o $4,500; the provincial grant salaries, one third to maximum is $1,500 and the Town of Bow- o! $1,800; operation and main- 'nanville pays onlY $3,000. Town Cost Amt. Spent Total Recreation Budget Per Person Per Person 1956L--$13,175.46 Cost to town $4,212.69 .62 $1.96 1957-$13,750.01 Cost to town $4,552.84 .66 $1.99 1958-$15,357.10 Cost to town $5,384.10 .75 $2.16 1959-$17,524.28 Cost to town $5,700.00 .78 $2.37 (Estim.) (Actual) (Estimated) Town is recciving three times1 people recreation budgets vary more for its money. Recreation from $11,50o f0 $30,000, with a Department total budget is per person cost varying from made u in of Town Grant, Pro- 1 65c f0 $3.53. In recent years, vincial Grant, donations and pro- grammne receipts. In a recent survey taken of towns between 5,000 and 10,000 Plan Now.00 to spend the winter in F LORI DAÀ Rents by Month, Season or Year The Knight Apartments ,, Corner of Union and Douglas Streeta Phone 81-1023 Dunedin, Florida Alan and Helen Knlght, Props. Write for Brochure an increasing number o! Ontario municipalities have accepted public recreation as a responsi- bility o! municipal government. These numbers have increascd rapidly: 1945-73, 1950-136,1I 1955-256 and 1958-272. Ed Foran, President of the Bowmanvile Ratepayers As- criticize the Recreation Depart- ment. He said it had been sociation stated that the requesti for information made by the, association was not done foi brought f0 the attention of thel Ratepayers Association th a t when the Recreation Depart- ment By-Law had been passed. there had been some provisionI thaf if more than a certain amount were spent on recreafion the matter wouid be brought fo a vote of flac people. "I think the Recreation DepartmIent isý doing a wonder!ul job," lae add- cd.1 If was explained fliat there is notling in the Departinent of Education Act to suggcst thaf affer spending a certain sum the, matter would have to go to a vote. Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers stated: "People forget that a good share is borne by the pro- vincial government. To the bcst o! my knowledge when the Re- creafion Departmcnt was start- cd I cannot nemember any by- law passed te the ef!ect that after certain expenditures it, would have to be submitted to! a vote of the people."1 RODYAL A 389 THIS THIJS. TO SAT.,, OCT. 15 - 17 Nalinse Saturday ai 2 p.m. ýUP theShp MF&- DoSEaioe-woe UMMewo IBERw T MR9 ff lk Two complete shows at 7 and 9 p.m. NEXT NON. TO WED.# OCT. 19 . 21 WILLIAM FAULKNER'S "The Sound and the Fur y" in color - Aduit entertainrnent Starring YUL BRYNNER, JOANNE WOODWARD Complete shows at 7 and 9:05 p.m. Specials 2 Giant size Ipana -- 99c 1.10 Value- Listerine Faste -79e 98e Lustre Creme 79e Free Flashiight wlth Fepsodent Tooth Faste 98e Pinex Cough Syrup 65c - 1.00 Vicks Cough Syrup 69C Fertussin for ooughs 1.00 -2.00 Gerifol With Iron and Vitamins Liquid or Tablets 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins 1.49, 2.75, 4.49, 8.75 Vitamins for Children Muicin -- 1.95, 3.25, 5.50 Haliborange 1.25 Tri-Vi-Sol - 85c, 1.65, 2.85 Poly-Vi-SoI 1.10, 2.10, 3.60 Osto ADO - 1.00. 1.65, 2.90 Halibut OÙ Capsules 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 FoIy-Vi-Tabs __-___1.95 Tri-Vi-Taba __-___1.50 Buckley's Mixture 59C - 85C Buckley's Rub 59e Bromo Quinine 59e - 9 NyaI Creophos stops stubborn coughs Large bottie 1.50 Wampole's Phosphoplex for tired nerves . COWLI NG'S DRUG STORE 2L50 Wc RT f lUSSES High Sch( 5 00 Pupi The Durham County District High Sehool Board held a Spe- cial Meeting in Port Hope, Wednesday, Sept. 30th with one member absent. The Board received a resolu- tion from Clarke Township for their information. Mr. Waddell explained that the resolution was sent as it could have an influence on the building pro- gram under consideration. The resoluion read as follows-"Re- solved that this Council hereby approve and support those pet- itioners requesting the Coun- cil of the Twp. of Clarke to withdraw from the Durham County District H-igh Sohool and to form a Township of Clarke High School District to provide accommodation for secondary education within this Municipality. And this Council now proceed with ail necessary means to seek a withdrawal from the said Durham County District High School as soon as possible." Heads of Departmnents were approved as follows-Mr. J. S. Scott as Science Head in Port BETHANY Mrs. T. Malcomison, Mrs. Wm. Cavano, Mrs. Wmn. Phillips, Mrs. T. Jackson and Mrs. Ad- dison Scott attended a meeting o! the Morrirla Womren's Inisti- tute at Port Hope on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. George Wad- deil visited with their daugla- f er and son-in-law Mr. andi Mes. Gordon Smith at Coîborne for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Wright spent the xveekend withi Dr. and Mes. G. M. Longfieid at Flint, Mich. Me. A. H. Monk went to Sarnia to visit with bis son and family, Kari Monk for Thanks- giving. Fit. Sgt. Lorne Holiand, Mes. Holland their two children of Edgar wlere guests during the week witla Dr. Stewart Spelier and Mrs. Speller. Frank Prussak, Northa Bay, spent the weekend, with Mr. and Mrs. Creiglaton Care. Dr.. L. W. Scott and Mrs. Scott, Toronto were guests with Mr. and MVrs. Thomas Jennings for Tlaanksgiving. Me. and Mrs. Lloyd Capstick and their chàldren Sharon and Robert o! Uxbeidige, werc with her parents, Mr. and Mes. Mil- ton Weatherilt for the week- end. Me. Harry Seymour, Fair- mount, was the guest speaker in the United Ohurcla on Sun- day morning. Normnan Lowes, Toronto, and Miss Margar et Lowes, Ham- ilton, were home for the week- end witla their parents, Me. and Mrs. Donald Lowes. Howard Rowan, Elliott Lake, fwas home for Thaniksgiving fwitla his parents, Mr. and Mrs. IClarence Rowan. Miss Blanche Racicof, Tor- ontio, spent the weekend wîth her sister and brother-in-law, IMe. and Mes. Alex McMaster. Bob Edmunds spen't f h e wcekend in Fint, Mich., with Randy Longfield. On Friday, Me. and Mes. Walter Rowland attcnded the wedding o! their nephew Ro- bert Nelson Rowland, at Port Perry. Mrs. Charles Smith was hos- tess to the Ladies Guild of St. Pauls Anglican Chxarch on Tu- esdey evening, with Mes. Mor- gan Bigelow presiding. Mes. G. E.Meades led the devofions Iand eepoeted for the Sunshine ICommittee. Mes. John Palmer gave the report of the treasury and Mrs. G. Wentworth red the minutes o! peevious meet- ing and the correspondence. It was decided to be respon- sible for purchasing the ply- iwoo-d for the kitchen! floor in the new Parish Hall. Plans were also discussed concern- ing the iayout o'f the kitchen cupboards. Ways and means of raising money weee discus- sed and a sale of home baking and candy xviii be held on Oc- tober 17. Followin'g the clos- ing prayers, a social houe xvas enjoyed wîth lunch served by thec hostess assisted by Mrs. Carl Snmitha and Mes. Mervin Smith. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Glen Wentworth. Te membees o! the Women's Association o! the* United Church met at the home of Mrs. Gervin Mulligan, Tues- day afternoon, with Mms Heeb Coppins chairing t'le program. Mrs. Thomas Jackson rcad the scripfure besson and gave a falk on "The Power and Deptla of the Love o! God" closing with a poemn "Rcdeeming The Time". Mes. Walter Neals read a second sceipture lesson and spoke on "Reasons For Thanks- gvng". The members joined in singing a Thanksgiving bymn. The secret ry, Mrs. Tho- mas Jennings, was welcomed back from vacation spent in Brandon and Winnipeg, Man. Mrs. Walter Neais gave the re- port of the treasury. Commit- tees werc appointed to arrange Idetails o! the annual Turkey Dinner, which wiil be held on iNovember 4th hinflac Churca basement. Mes. O. Spencer macle an appeal for used cloth- ing nd iinfants layettes f0 bepý C hir opracitic G. EDWIN MANN, D. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointinent D e ntal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: - 9 a.m. to 6 pan. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in lais home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office 1-ours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wedncsdays and Sundays DIL C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 - ing St. E. - Bowmanvile Office Hours: 9 iÀ.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closcd Saturàay and Sunday Tclephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le g a STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville __Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanviile Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINE' Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville I. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointinent .only. W. KAT LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of &R.. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Oronc,, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday:- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Morigages SADIE HAILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Funds Resîdences » Farina Business Properties Optomeiry KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. Dptometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: By appointment Telephone MArket 3-3258 Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. j Wednesdays- 9 to 12 Thursday evenîn The NHA morfgage gives the borrower certain rights in re- gard te faster paymcnt o!flace loan than oiginally planned. For example, prepayments, equal to 10% of the original' boan may be made on flac l2tla and 24th instalment dates and [part payanent or paymcnt o!flace full balance ewing rnay be~ made on any payment date. after flac third year. The lend- i er has thec riglatte charge ai threce nontlas intercst bonus on ahl such prepaymcnts. Other charges in cennect ion with flac ban include an appli-. cation fee and a morfgage in-. surance !ee. On making formai application for a boan, tlac borrowcr must pay a $35 application fce for a single unit and $70 for a duplex or scmi-detached house. This is remittcd te CMHC by flae lend-: er and helps te meet CMHC's' appraisal and inspection costs.: Borrowers are also rcquircd tf0 pay for a sunveyor's cerfificate, flac solicitor's or notary's fcc. thec cost o! searching fthc fifle to the property and preparing; and registering the mortgagc. The mortgagc insurance fee, payable by the bornower, serves fo reduce the risk o!flace approv- cd lender Who, ini turn, la able to make boans for longer per- iods and at a lowcr rate o! in- terest than that on non-NHA boans. The morfgagc insurance fcc, whîch las addcd to the amount o!flace ban and fiacre- fore does net require a cash! outlay, la two per cent o!flace amount o!flace ban if progress advances are made duning con- struction. If the mortgagc mon-ý ey is nof rcquircd until cen-1! pletion o! the house the fee is 13/4 per cent. Application for a loan may be' made fo any approvcd lender included in a 1isf providcd by CMHC. The applicant must be prcparcd te provide complete details o!flais lot including, if available, a survcy and legal description. A brcakdown o! the overaîl cosf and proposed fi- nancing must aise be provided. The application form must be filled eut in triplicate and flarce copies o! the house plans, specifications and plot plan must accompany the applica- tion. A convenient "Oufline Specification Form", te be com- pleted by tlac applicant and lis builder, la provided for boan application purpeses. The applicant must be able te, provide the di!! erence be- twcen flac amount o! the boan and the total cost of the house. This may be in the form o! cash or a combination o! cash, land and labor. The applicant must aise have sufficient in- corne te carry thec mortgage pay- ments. Normally a persan can- nef afford te use more than 27% o! his annual inceme I the repaymcnt o!f thc mort gage charges for principal and inter- est, plus taxes. An application for an NHA loan cannot be approved if work bas proceeded bcyond the bare excavation stage. If the appli- cation la approved, construction maust be started wlthin 90 days. If ontrutin la not start' within the 90-day periodi appui-L cation ma.Y be miade for exten- Dol Bd. Approves tune. con cedi stages duringcosrtinfth borrower wîshes. A borrower is Re il C urti e Sc ool entitled to four such advances 178, il ourice Sch ol but sufficient funds are retain- Thur Hope replacing Mr. Rice. Mr. B. mal resolutions for issue of de-. ed at ail times to ensure rea- Hall, Cornîsh as Commercial Head in bentures for a 500-700 school sonable completion of the Runc Bowmanvile replacing Mrs. in Darlington and a 150 achooli building. Title to the lot must ness Bennett. Mr. B. Bail as Acting in Millbrook.1 be in the borrower's name be- Ron Head o! Geograplay in Bow- The Board passed unanimous- fore advance are made on the ence manville replacing Mr. Wither- ly a motion cailing for the' Joan. than] spoon. Mr. L. G. Johnston as building of a 500 pupil echoolý During construction, CIMHC been Acting Head of a new Indus- at Courtice and a 150 pupil carnies out inspections to en- Or S trial Arts Dept. in Bowman- school in ililbrook. The estimn-, sure that the house is being It ville. ated cQst to be $700,000 for the built in reasonable conformity rade Night Schools were approved Courtice school and $110,000 for, with the plans and specifica- poinl for Bowmanvile and Port Hope. the Millbrook school. The ap-~ tions and in accordance witla char Advertisements will appear in propriate resolutions were mail-; the building standards. These Coin the local papers. ed to thec Councils Oct. lst. inspections afford the borrower merr At a meeting calied by Bow- The next Board meeting will some measure o! protection but miti( manville Council, 6 out of 8 be i Millbrook, Wednesday, they are flot full architectural poix Councils agreed to approve for- Oct. 2lst. inspections. The house may be done satisfactory to CMHC for mort- izati j aeinsurance purposes, but yea: j fot acceptable to the borrower wit] Careful Finance Planning ign'atthe cterso sntfl ee inlthat thetensth contract nt ui-lv Essnta t Ho e wnr1The Corporation recommends tit I 'aila legal agreement be made by Esse tio toHomeOwn rlwththe contractor setting out and Home ownership is the goal fully the termis of the Joan such details as price, specifica- and o! most young Canadian fami- which may be necessary to fi-; fions and drawings, method o! and filies a epe rie orr e s nance bis home. In addition to settiement for incomplete and Er famiies xpeienc, fo th firt »unsatîsfactory work, and meth- Fair time, the adventure of building being able to repay the boan, o or buying a home of their own he must be prepared to meet do!pmnt but unless their enthusiasm and the costs o! heating, mainten-, excitemnent is tempered by care- ance, repair, taxes and insur- fui study and thought, partîcu- ance. However, once satisfied larly in the matter of financing, that the decision to own a . bitter disappointment may re- home is the right one, the next suit. step is to obtain the most ad- vantageous financing possible. In planning to build or buy, a long-terni loan is ne- ail the fin2ncial requirements cessary this consideration gen- of home ownership must be erally leads to the National considered. For example, the Housing Act which is admin's- purchaser mnust understand tered by Central Mortgage and 1Housmng Corporation, the Fed-, y ral housing agency. Under the Business______________ Act the Crown Corporation may insure mortgage boans made by, pproved lenders such as char- Accounfanc y terecî banks, life insurance and, -trust and Joan companies. RAY J1. DILLING NHA financing offers a num- Certified Public Accountant ber of advantages. The boan is 93 Church Street equal to a high proportion o! MArket 3-3861 the* value of the property and ~VM.~. H COGINS repayment is made by conven- wM. J 1-1 COGINS ent monthly instalments, us- Chartered Accountant ually over a period of 25 or 30; econdibrarBidn years. The NHA boan may be i Cor. K ing adTBmperancg S s i.glaas $12,800 for a single- C hon nd e r 3-3612 family hou se. The maximum C N D Phone____ _____3-3612___ an is $15,300 for a duplex and YALE, FRIEDLANDER, $22,100 for a semi-detached FN S HUNTER & CO. house. The current maximumFNES Accountants and Auditors interest rate on NHA Jeans is Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy .i e etandOc h a BRAN uEu 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 's made the rate cannot be in- Oshawa, Ontario creased. B. L. Yale, C.A. The monthly payment to the B E F. Friedlander, B. Comn., C.P.A. lender covers principal and in- ________ - terest on the boan as well asLb MONTEITH - MONTEITHI one-twelftl o!flthc estimatedLb RIEHL & CO. annual taxes. This arrangement; Chartered Accountants for paymcnt o! taxes relieves # IIN 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa NHA borrowers from making j IE RA 5-3527 a heavy fax payment at one Bowmanville - Cail ZEnith 45750 time, the lender making thce o ru t Partners: aymcnt when the taxes are!i Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. due For every $1,000 o! Joan Tmt A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A.*flac repayment of principal and G. W. Riehi, C. A., R. I. A. interest at six per cent la ap- (Liccnsed Trustee) poiaey$.0amnhoe G. E. Trethewcy, C.A.. 25 p roxi ated $.95 a mnfla over R. F. Ligltfoot, C.A. over ers .95exot SAVE 4c - B ES 10Ooz. tin FOOD BUYS lOc tn1 7c 1 lb. 3 pkgs.3.5c 1 lb. pk. 35 48 oz. 1 Iloz. 1 bottie 1C se ives Idles 79C 9 or. jar 25C 2-1b. 53c 2Zfor 33C 15 oz. tin 1O Pint 4 tin 49 SUNBEAM BAKE1IY FEATURE Fresh Brown "n" Serve Roils 12 for 19C BRs Frozen Orange Juice il. 3 for 69e THERES A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YQU BOWMAN VILLE - Wm. H. MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN UNE ORONO - CornisF> Markete BLACKSTOCK - Blyth 0s Mar Tate Groceteria 'eria irket York Cream Style Corn SAVE 6o Mon arch Margarine SAVE 3c - Chickcn Noodie - Tomato Vegetable Lipton's Soup Mixes SAVEU3 Crisco Shortening SAVE 6c - Fancy Bright's Tom ato Juice SAVE 3c Aylmer Tomato Catsup PRODUCE ONTARIO No1 POTATOES b 11 "FEATURES" - SAVE 10e IADEM'CContains 8 oz. jars McLAREN'S* Stuffcd Manz. Oliv * Sweet Mixcd Pici PA T AC * Swect Gherkins FEATURE - SAVE 9c - Seedless - Red - E. D. Smith's Raspberry Jam FEATURE - SAVE 6c - Brown Bear Creamed Honey FEATURE - SAVE 4c - Fancy - Green Giant Green or Wax Beans 15 02 FEATURE - SAVE 4c - Champion Dr. Ballard's Dog Food FETURE - SAVE 10e - 20% More Frce - Hawe's Floor Gloss-SeIf Polishing PHONE KA $-sa"5 1 -- - - - «9 egion Armistice, Dinner Ianned for.Sat., Nov. 7th Legular meeting of Branch be in the forrm of a Hallowe'en Canadian Legrion, was held Masquerade, so let's turxi out irsday evening in the Legion1 coinrades and make this special IQueen St. President Ed.1 event something Worth the corn. ndle presîded for the busi-1 mittee's efforts. *s session when Secretary Seca Events Chairman iRicharct read correspond- Seca ýand numerous carcis o i George' Graham reported that nks from members W*ho had plans for Armistice Dmnner for ýn comforted in bereavement Nov. 7th had been finalized sickness during past month. with turkey dinner, guest speak- t wa anouned hatCom er and entertainment. Tickes wasannuned hatCo- are available from canteen andà lJack .Adams had been ap- committee members. nted District Officer In Lrge of Public Speaking. Sports Chairman Jack Knight mrade Adams h-ad been a reported that Hlouse Dax't Lea- nber of the Branch Com-' gue would get underway Sat. tee last year, and this ap- urday. Oct. 17 and Bowl1 "e ntment is proof of job welî League Tuesday evening at new ie. He reported that organ. Liberty Bowl, Base Lino. tion was completed for this r's public speaking contest Lh following dates: BranchlTr OI Fu it s iuary 15; Zone, Feb. 15; Dis- t, March 15, and Area finals loCs April 15. Sehool teachers noCs 1parents please take note 1encourage your children with 1Pupls toenter. STATESMAN Pntertainment Chairman Jimi C L AS S 1 F 1 E D S ir reported that regular Phone MArket 3-3303 lthly dance for Oct. 17 will, r SIRLOIN T. BONE WUNG ROUND Soup

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