THURSDAY, OCT. 15th, 1959 - ~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLE, ONTARIO Mrs. Rae Tussnail, Fli. Michigan, is visiting Mr. an Mrs. Denver Dawson. Mrs. L. B. Nichois was weekend guest of Mr. and Mr Frank Legree, Oshawa. Miss Joan Buftery and MLt Suzanne Thompson spent th holiday weekend in New Yor City. Miss Christie Richter, Scai borough, was a weekend guc of Misses Pauline and Eillee: Hughes. Mr. and Mis. Stuart CandiE and daughter Sandra Ieft fc Buffalo on Tuesday for a fei days holiday. Dennis Hughes, Sudbury, fieç ~me for the holiday weekero ~~ths parents, Mi. and Mr. Harry Hughes. Mi. and Mrs. C. MacDon aid, Dennis and Sylvia visite( her me~ther in Peterboroug] during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dodds and their son, John, spent tlq weekend in Stratford with Mr and Mis. Frank Dodds. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Smal] and family, Ottawa, spent tii weekend with Mr. Smale' inother, Mrs. S. J. Smale. Mi. Lorne Stevens left by ai via TCA from Malton an Mon day for Winnipeg, Manitoba where he is visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal Orchard Park, N.Y., were re cent guests with Mr. and Mrs L. W. Dip3peli, Wellington St. Mr. and MýIs. J. Colville and Mr. Hamm entertained his sis. ter Mrs. Milton Wright, Beth. any, for the holiday weekenc. The v'inners of the Bowmanr 'Ville Lions Club hockey draw fai Saturday, October l7th were Frank Button and Stuart Cand- 1er. Miss Evelyn Luxton, RCAF Station, St. John's, Quebee spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Lux- ton. Mr. F'red Hughes, Jimmie and Bannie, Toronto, were Suniday dinner guests of hi: brother, Mi. and Mis. Harry Hughes. Mrs. H. Humphrey and Mrs. A. Wright have returned to Bowmanvîlle fro m Buffalo, N.Y., where they spenit the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Han. cock, and Brian spçnt the hou.- day weekend with Mi. and Mrs. Harold Hanicock and family ini Mi. and Mis. Jack Holloway Mid family, Gimli, Manitoba, have been visitîng their auni anLd uncle, Mi. and Mrs. John Leishman. iV. Brian Van Nest, a stu- dent at Teachers College, Pet- erborough, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Nest. Mi. anid Mis. V. Roy Hooper and Mr. and Mis. Floyd Bradd spent Thanksgiving weéekend with relatdves in Manlette and Detroit, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Love, Victor Manar, have returned from a holiday trip ta Northern Ontario whene they visited friends and relatives. Mr. and Mis. Ronald Hall and their children, Nancy and Jim- mie, Chatham, spent the week- end with Mr. Hall's parents, Mi. and Mrs. James Hall. ManY friends attended the at-home held by Mn. and Mis. Edward (Ted) White, Maple G ove following her wedding the previaus Saturday. Mi. and Mrs. Doug Rigg and Caroline spent the holiday weekend with her parents in Brockville after attending the Keily-Hockin weddîng, Satur.. dlay. Mr. Norman James was at Trinity Uni REHOBOTH REFORMED Scugog Street,1 MORNTNG SERVICE - EVENING SERVICE - SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTEM ""Back To God Éi CK.LB Oshawa, at 3 M &30 every Si Married in Newcastle ITaunton, Lef','e, Calurebus, and 'Mns. Gabriel Koaas (nee Hel- two grandcch'.1-: Ileeni and. en Partner) on their reccer. IZancy :~'jmarriage. The furie--s î1- 1"-slarg-e- i Mr. anti Mms. Gorr-Ian Pcc ly av8crc' J, t-. ~o from John, Jean, Bruce i-n;d A rn. -- ~ ~~, o~bings Is azodin-ner Su uets f1Ms.1 -y 2' ,,e Christians stayed _____________________ IIRev. S. i. C dbY Kayacs. 0:,2 rient in on Sunday rr - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e v R . i L o . v i : 2 , M r . a n d M s C C c 1 H e. - 1 , 1 e C h r i s t i a n s o n t ] nd Kinson-orth-een.HeP"eGn,( ciha and Kathrin. E: . took the lower road, n, Kinghon fr theQueendm ety, j r-' Prýand lM-rs. Lorne C½ ieCrsin o and his Parents spent the hai- ckin, were weÈeeenci \'S c CC o tdn ti the rnil a day at their cottage near Good.. :11,ysiiIn e-p t Mn. nd M. re 2 end Ps: :-, e hM . a d M s . sic it nP ib s~~M r. and M rs. crd P 'v P-. r--san e Rickm, - boum. w-r -~-', ~ *~ wM er. n-a viers <j M - Prt7oioC rst b ia n e e st, isand sons Ron and ike spent bus ýr n r.Fe ýr,2.F, hitas ih he Thanksgiving weekend with Beacn,~v-t -,s-~ n i.Fe ats- 7x-8 lrsinws irk Mrs. Shackleton's sistei-, Mrs. *ory X'lîs ndAi Mr. an-. Mrs. Fred P:ýI" t il W. k. Davis, Ottawa, and her e Cros'C. supper guests of D. rr' v s. r Christians, cheer HaveaPrter - -o]zt his temper, then j.-~~~~~~~~' fa xy M s en u daT TIT : kŽwle Christians knev Mi. and Mrs. Paddy Welsh and' Ln....f TiTm%?YT- prigc Stheir children, Nancy and John,: iL .LN JLL T,;c 1'o Christians, aur r spent the weekend as guests of Mr. -icl ?V s. . Carr muent Nv~rc ith each othen, ler Mr. and Mns. Stan flnooking, v th11ee '- 'h-r. and Mms. Mi. andi Mrs. Cei. S """ orToyHil Darothy andi Latrie m ii'hitanwnh W Mrs. George Pritchard, Bow- M.C'hristian er rcetin oromna(iI tl manville, and hen daughter, Suc-vC . i fM.Te liea fi cy-~ lier ta church, t]. W~a Lila, i.Frd Hghs L'ýi L- i crden and jparents Mr. and 1Tirsý. I 's ,-t i--esChristians, eac] d Toronto, spent the holiday week- 4*<--ad*ed~Bfao n ign family. j White, Manie Grox-e on Sc>rc-tbe their numbE Falls, N.Y. M. 1Mm. r ý'L C> 8w A. M.ay nd rs co - g h rin anheri n- Mis. L. B. Williams spentWe±,Te r-'wee-Doth Larem d Thanksgiving Day with her . - r p½nS Pn-da ragvr Christians, si oh dagter, Mi. and Mns. H. E. ig c '-- -'r m~ eeSr- Purdy and famiy of Campbell- wardLn r'Ii -- ', StFfs er ncv~r-- gfrJss h ville, at their summer cottage evenjnt v-2-S- i 0 R. C-arnM and Mrs. Ernost Hai. T at Caesarea, Lake Scugog. j xeos ts-jta. r. Mr. and Mis. L. W. D ' Mil\ T- . -'srviates gathered Mr. and Mis. Lin Mitche , Dr.l ispent tv-o C- --Vilh h's o rbs! wishes on [and Mrs. V. H. Storey spent the TntrY' tJ ~-ZO1- mrraa holiday weekend with Mr. and -O.S idv, Ct. 4t] ie Mrs. M. A. Neal at the Neal i TI .cTu~ '- praae Scottage on Mountain Lake. ~---- t cyjr. andM.nn r.Nr'-C jr Mr. and Mis. Leslie M. Keith, - ' - - ~ - Mrs. R,,sC:', motored to a o'îd -~ihrad l(nee Marion Van Nest), 6651: no. - - rr, ilr n.-c.-sfed the si- n-Oriole Pankway, Toronto, ne-1 4-- - Chsc-.- tvoae alt enjoyable six months mator trip imt'" 't cCe Hotel Britannia. o- -- cim nany prel l, through Europe and the British Mr. andi Mrs. James Herbert John McQueen are lard, T---' - h.dc-odae e. Isies. shown cutting the wvedding cake following their wedding' Mrs. jT- ,TTijlto-.t;]atTusv.Sx- c S. Statesman sp o rts writer in Newcastle United Church on Sept. 12th. Mrs. McQueen Mr- an ii 1 ~Tor-- Frank Mohun, and wife and was formenly Claramae Elinor Fisk, daughter of Mr. and Oflt, ISC'ii7,h A rtwhcinrd r1 ' - a nie so o re ve the weekellnd . rs. Charles A. Fisk, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Mr. McQueen gu ' -lstTerj-,- -- '-: adMr.E s- on ot raone thugh Coing-Mr"rc sciiool churuis wrop- i-- short acldress. - an lie al o usexpniecedIS the son of Mr. andi Mrs. R. Maxwell Stark, Mono Milis, weddh"'r_- 'IliCr-h j~ ad~ ~ 'n 1 nrpe 1. cold weather but also re inta Ont. Details of the wedding appear on page three. MmA'i" ".-':'-n- a bountiftul turik'y cî i----n - :ccl them for SNOW. -Photo by Rehder dem, i .r' -7ý_-. "'r"Pi- Ams 1neu - - was served -n Holiday guests of Mr. and chrl - - e 1he Id a t Mrs.2Mii c -'-- inloe.bauh *e Mrs, O. R. Bragg wene Miss Mn" :~ ts of 1,1r.1 day evening, Oc)t. i -. fc>a1.s Jean Bragg, North Bay; Miss < ) I oetS i Patsy Surndav wh;i t" -cinivemsury ser, Joc BagRN, ebrkCon.craic>l -'-' h toMr. and diate neighbours a-,ici ~:»~ success.Ag the Misses Leta and Ruby ci-.-- c, Bragg, and Mr. and Mes. Dan r Giniandi. PARKER - WERRY er, 274 Dnew St., Oshawa. Rev. cn"wn: PRICES PLUS PEIRJ t'X * "ý-'IQ - Miss Frances U. Redman, P. Romeril was the officiating - Highland Park, Mich., and Dr. A very pretty wedding was clergyman. e and Mis. Geo. W. James, Bow- Isoiemnized in Blackstock Unit- Tecuc a eoae l manville, wene Thanksgivingj ed Church Saturday, October Th Muc7asdcaae sDay guests of theircousins, Mn. 10, 1959, at 3.00 p.m. when with baskets af red andi whîte < y and Mis. Harry James, North Georgina May, eider daughtermmsadptebwsoth- Oshawa. of Mm. and Mrs. Melville Wer- pews. Mis. Fritz Marti is ejyn ry, Nestietan, became the bride Wdin ui a lyt her annual visit with her pan- of Robert Thomas Parker, son by Mrs. Gordon Strong, churh ents, Mi. and Mrs. John King, of Mm. and Mrs. Thomas Park- organist, and Mrs. Lane t at Kingston, Janiaica, West Thmsnwsslit Indies. AU. Marti plans to fiy sons guests for the Thaciks- The bride, given in mrig down later for the Christmas tiigweec r by her father, wore a floor holidays. Dawson's mother and father, length gown of gartienia white; P UL%' VLE ADIMIDR Fý- Mis. A. J. Lymer, Oshawa, Mr. and M-ms. Peter SmtChnil type lace aver satin.:-S~LLVLE N R MNEsF~~7 with her sons, Bill and Doug- Stratfard, anti their daugh-ter The tightly fitted bodice featur- î las, Mes. Mina Colwell, Mis. andi son-in-law, Mr. andi Mrs. ed a sabrina neckline embroiti-1 Bei-t Colwell, and son Irwin, Bruce Riley, Toronto. enedini tiny seeti pearls antid ________________________________________ spent Thanksgiving weekend Weekend visitors with Mn. pcryestlebes.Thanti l o li -l wîl is oi Eae Wi-Iandi Mrs. Alfred Brown, Queen po'e11ev\ h fl af- ~ fant skirt featuned a cascade afi ' ; "-c-q ý ~ -~- anL ucin St., inclutietiMms. Har o 1 di ruffles in the back whic-h "- MiToen rgg Ironto, Skinner, Mrs. Ross Shampe and .: swcpt ta a flawing chapel train.' ~ iD .<~~ was a weekend guest of her Kathy, Mr. and Mms. W. Lake, Hem shoultier length veil was of-- siser Ms wr och Avnu.Mrs. Ron Shaw, Miss Mollie tulle illusion held in place bly! 21MTakeaft~~ ' r-', T ' .5wt BehAeu.Miss Eilee-, Shaw, Miss Peggy Shaw anti a crown of peanîs anti sequins i- -*- aft'P - , .. 51ait Couch, Toronto, also spent' Mn. Bruce MacDonald. and she cannieti red rases antid['kcr. . -h au ~ i Takgvn ekn Ith-i -'I Th.nksivig weked W th Mi. and Mrs. Kenneth E. a white Bible.- ChenmteMs. Wart Cox, King Street East, spent The bride's attendants, Mms.i---- ~~ouch. ~~the Thanksgiving holiitays with M. Wery, as matrn of honour, '"j & i o Miss Donna Diiling, Who is 1 Mr. anti Mrs. Alan Greville Miss C. Hewitt, Miss J. Wermy BForDv . ~ 5 1.33 a 3rd year furniture and inter- 1 and their daughter, Dawn an'd and Miss C. Parker, brides-'j&jB ion design student at Ryerson Vicki, in Oakvilie, anti with maitis and Barbara Brown,'-___________ Institute of Technolo!gy, Ton- jMr. andi Mrs. John E. Wylie flower girl, wore Identical -,r5 anta, spent'tthe weekend with:anti son Brack, in London, dresses with tightly fitteti boti- c» <..., - "bRe.q her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ont. ice af ned velvet and flaretiJ<dJ lijn:. 4c~1 Rance Dilling, Alexander IMr. anti Mis. Gardon Martin sJit f&bteSwssoraBa- b-- 39cNDD O Boulevard. Davis spent Thanksgiving week- wvth little red velvet bows set ________________ ______Foie__ Several from thsdtic endini Montreal with their son in the skirt. Their hats were T' ,- attnicecitheannal euianti- d ghe-n-aw, Mr. anti af netivelvet and they canit ~-A.aII lVlam th atns&Pic dadiMrs. Lloyd Martin, anti their reti and white carnations. Best "jIr ' fl - Jtc'es A thgien sin &Perbrince oEdwrd grarndson, David. They were man was Norman Parker anti: '~,.-n~~ UÏl~ 1 a Reimnti Ptebooghavnaccompanied by Miss Joan Orm- ushers - weme Mervin BWerry,' --i 48 th weknt. ilreor a e-iston, who was also a guest of John Kubis and Wayne Wilson ---------Y. . cellen't turnout a-nd a wond'er-M. anti Mrs. Lloyd Martin. anti Tommy Parker was ring; _-1.0a-'sfar 'c f100sz fi e renwin Watsm Mi. and Mms. Milton J. Tam- ofe1.rer.z fnientishipn are visiting Mr. anti Mms For the reception held in the ..- "~ ei"~--- -- -- -- 1 Mrs. Roy Swindeils, who has T. Wesley Cawkem since their Rcraio enr tebnti' -- .e.isu1 l 1V 1.2;3 been visiting relatives in Bow- tuma from th-e West Coast. sohethscoetiRwith le, manville for six weeks, has re- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Taylor anti navv accessanies anti a corsage,,Y' turned to her home in Edmon- , their son, John, Toronto, ansi af pink carnations. The goam's - ton, Alberta. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Mr. anti Mrs. George Cawker ' arasstnwoealilt& i widlsepc ortr oanti farnily weme Thanksgiving mteassig oealgi brown sheath satin cavereti13 Bowmanville for a visit early guests of Mr. antiMsd .Ws with lace, rust accessanies anti.,- so" -;Ol an kind1.3 in December. ley Cawker. a bronze corsage,. ~ - Mi. and Mrs. Denver DaW- Mr. anti Mis. George Rich- For the wedtiing trip ta Ber- 'J'__________ ________ antis were honoureti on the 25th muda the bride changedti taa anniversary ai their wedding light blue fitteti suit with blaIl n ecently by two delightfully accessories anti white bat anti - Vita Plo C.'r: SI.95- S450 -arrangeti parties. Their son anti white carnation corsage. r ' ted C h urch ~daughter-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. anti Mrs. Parker's f uture tViterra 'terhnuatiM.rdMm.tOtai.J aix i.T.- -- $6.85 - MiRoss is adb rter aineMinrs. O wllBITURY 2' - -- TEX LITTLE CHRISTIANS (Fram The Salvation Arny's Bowmanville Digest; Ten littie Christians stantii ifrom 7 ta 8 o'cloek. pal lufe, he took an active part îée - ---- _.-£__.-----?-Vit- CH R HMn. Fred Vanstone, a second ifl al Public affairs ai t:-c Viterra Plus ----------- 2.98, 4.80, 6.501 CHURCH Iyear stùdent at Queens Univer- Township. During his term as ti.6 Many othen r bL >>rune y your Bowmuanvilh sity, K i n g s taon, spent the Reeve he suffered a severe il.doonaelo-r, J..rtit IThanksgiving weekenti with ness which necessitateti bis A S- F7 IFC~ ' Mr oco r i ,JD..dags. - hi parntsMm. nti ms. on-anti onîy recently, with impnov- ley Vanstone, Beech Avenue.'eihTJM E V5 Mn. andi Mrs. Bob Fleming, Ro. a7,h at cett he - - * 1:0 an. Egfhh chester, Minnesota, wveme aiso - i offc rom which he was re- - - HEL THEBLIT - ~~~~~~eekenid guests ai Mm. anti Mrs I ceiving much enjoyment. -I;A ANU:J' -M 7:30 p.m Dutouinsone.M. Flemng. osisljMr. Gibson was a man aof- MONDJXY, GU - 7 to 8 p.m. a cousin ERVCEa Mis. V theadnisteas.s-genenous chanacten anti agrep.-_________________________________ R MONIN SERICE a mmberai he dminstr- jable disposition and gifted wth tive staff oi the famous Maya a keen sense of humour. -- Clinic in Rochester. In bis He wa a member ai King PRESCRIPrT!C'ý 1 A SPECIALTY -youth he was prominent on the! Etwarti Masanic Lotige, S un- Winnipeg Monamchs, Junior Ho- denlanti, also Gneenbank Unit- f Eour"Broadas.tckey Team, andi attendeti the the las of a HokyShoasi.He still loving husbanti anti father,ie areM ý %- . j, P-L v« Sbdwtakes an active interest in ho- bis wife, a daughter Mariln "~ Sim.7ckey, anti is the manager of the (Mrs. Rass Smailey> Sandford, 'iundaye CFRB United States Hockey Teamn and a son Keith; also a sistem i c rYor loI IE :. Lu tr that is to play the Russians at Inene (Mns. Edgar Presct9) e D j1nrY u oa iu tr Cooada Springs. Enuniskillen; two brothers, Geo. ý " - Socteil 9£ersonall Phîone MA 3-3303 ~ood Em ergencies -___________ 23 GET FAST RELiEF wi#hý t r j ) a I f Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 ing in a lime, ,en, then there were nine; Id up very late, nonning, then thene wene elght; te noadtietaHeaven, 1thea there were seven. in an awful fix, cthen there weme six. c very much alive, Lthen there were five. ing there were more, heach other, then there were four. nul as coulti be, rthere were thnee. .v nlot what ta do,- iwd, thea there wene two. rhyme is almost dame, rthen there was one. &r neighboun true, Ien there were two. h won one more, >er, so thea there wene four. orketi very late, hen there were eight .enving Goti in love, -n living with Him Above. -Selected. dta 'number of Zion people attend. ahcm ed. vhih Th e Woman's Association will th t meetOCet. 22 at the church ici ýhee the aftemnoon. A ceaning bee Jan wvilli oilow a short business dings -perioti. atiyMe morial Hospital wihWeekly Report Ca-(Week ai Octaber Sth ta llth) T'ie Admissions --------- 57 anti Births-5 maie, 2 female - 7 rail Disharges 68 anti the Opemations- Major 12 r v I c e I M i n o r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 0 PAGE SLPVM m