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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1959, p. 9

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___________________________________ rJ~L~a Il ILIU - A ~oe THE CJANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMJANVTLLE. ONTAPTfl 47 Senior Citizens Attend First Meeting 0f Fal m Winter Season The first Senior Citizens 4 meeting for the 1959-60 season 41was held at the Lions Commu1- îty Centre on Tuesday evening, October 13th, with foriy-seven members present. Mrs. G. E. Mann, president of Club 15, opened the meeting by issuing a warm weicome to ail present. Mrs. Mann then introduced Mr. M. Beaton who presented a delightfui musical prograrmme comprising three uinging groups fromn the Pub- lic Sehools. The first group of sangs con- aisting ofI "God Sees the Little Sparrow Fail", "'Children's Marching Song", "'Lightly Roll" and "Ail the Happy Chul- dren", was sung in a charmina inanner by Grade 2 students1 fr Vincent Massey School. lwing this Master Bruce W&]ahý sang two very pleasing solos, tIndan Song" and "lThanlcsgiving Day". Next a group of girls from Central School rendered, IT is "Whistling Fariner Boy", «'The Pretty Girls and the Shoemak- ei", "Beautiful Dreamer"' and "Waltzing Matilda". Grade 7 students tram Cen- tral Sehool ended the musical portion ai the meeting with "Cradie Sang" and "Capital Ship"t. Mis. Mann thanked Mm. Bea- ton and ail the boys and girls for such a delightful musical programme which was enjoyed thoroughly by ail present. The members then iormed into groups for cards and games and in the Green Room Mrs. Stuart James and Mis. M. Cunningham conducted the reading group. Mis. Cunning- hamn read a selection ai hem own poems, "Day Dreains", Ketchin' On Bobs", "October Landscape"l and "Mother". Mrs.1 also read the story, "Pound ai Butter" troi the "Family Book ai Humour", a very amusing book avaial at the Public Library. __r_. coming to o o 0 M G UARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES " issued in amounts fmom $100 upwards for 1-5 yeams. " eamn 6% interest, payable haif- yealy by cheque. " authomized investinent for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. VOUR MOIWEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 1et YEARSI 372 Bey St., 35 Dunlop st, Toronto mri James read "Grandpa's Octane H-angover" by Hardin. This was foUlom )y informai talks and dscussions among members of the group. Mr. A. Shrubb gave saie in- teresting highlights of hMs re- cent trip to England. Lunch was then served by Club 15 members and the monthly door prize was won by Mr. L. Stainton. The next Senior Citizens meeting wiil be held Tuesday, Nov. lOVh at the Lions Coin. munity Centre. OBITUÀRY MISS MAUDE ML ELLIOTT Bed-ridden for thnee years, IMiss Maude Mary Elliott died at Strathaven Rest Home on lOctober 14, 1959 ini hem 92nd year. Born at Hampton she was the eldest daughten suiviving, ai the late James Elliott, who pîe-deceased hem in 193C and grand-daugihtem ai Squire Hen- ry Elliott Sm., pioneer af Hamp- tan Mills. With the exception of a iew years in New York, Brandon and Wawanesa, she spent most of hem lite ini Bowmanville, lat- terly carimg for hem aged par- ents. She had the distinction ai be- ing the town's fist librarian and was a member ai the Unit- ed Church. Miss Elliott esided at 172 King St. E., for 67 years before entering the îest haine in June 1953. Besides hem two invalid sis- ters, Eva (Mrs. C. Avery John- stan) and Kate <Mis. Elgin Wight) ai Bawmanvîlle, she leaves ta maurni, four nieces and one nephew and nine great nieces and nephews. The memoriai service was held at Nothcutt and Smith's Funemal Home on Friday, Octo- ber 16, conducted by hem minis- ter Rev. W. K. Houslander. In-, terment took Place ini Bowman-i ville cemnetery.1 OBITUARY JAMES NIXON James Nixon, beioved hus band ai Mary Nixon, nee Marý E. Kelly, died in Bowm-anvil) Memorial Hospital Monda3 Oct. 5, following a short u1nes. He was in his 71st yeaî. A native ai Happy Vafle3 east ai Hamapton, Mm. Nixon wa the son of the late Mi. and Mm, William Nixon, who befor their marriage îesided ini Ire land. He married his wife, Mary E Kelly in Orono in 1921, an( since then had farmed in th area until caming ta Bowman ville and starting in the rea estate business about 15 year ago. He was a member ai the Unit ed Church in Oono and snci caming ta Bowmanville ha. been a regular attendant aý Trinity United Church. He wa! a Mason and a member af th( Independent Order of Odd Fel. lows. Mm. Nixon is survived by hi wife and one son, William Hen. ry, who farims north ai Orono In addition, he is survived b:ý two grandsons, Earl and Nor- man. He was pre-deceased byz sîster, Mrs. Frank Stinson (An. nie) in May, 1957. Funeral services were held tram the Northcutt and Sinitli Funeral Home Thursday, Oct 8, at 2 p.m. Interment was in Omono Cemetery. Rev. K. Hous. lander, pastor ai Trinity Unit. ed Chumch conducted the ser. vices. The palîbearers were select. ed tram three members ai the Masonic Order and thmee mein. bers ai the Odd Fellows. I M We musi make way for the 1960 madels . . . Sa here is *,aur chance la buy a Good Recondiiioned Used Car ai a Bargain Price. 199r CHEV. SEDAN V-8 with Power Glide transmission. 1955 CHEV. COACH V-8 with standard transmission 1954 FORD COACH Automatie' transmission. 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN Custom radio. No rust. In beautiful shape. ROY Oldsmobile w. 1954 CHEV. SEDAN Gone through our shop. Lovely and clean. 1953 MERCURY 2-DR. HARDTOP New motor recently installed, white wall tires, radio. A sharp looking car, 2-ton. yellow and black. 1956 INTERNATIONAL 2-ton STAKE TRUCK. On. owner. Had- com- plet. motor job. NICHOLS Chevrolet and Corvair Cars DOWMANVILLE Chevrolet Trucks Phone MA 3-3353 COURTICE Phono NA 3-3922 ry le ;S. e al 'e rs t le ýe Mi. and Mis. Vernon O'Con- L-nom, Brenda and Lamny, Lind- say, were Sunday visitors with [s Mr. ansd Mrs. Haroldi Thrompson -andi M.and Mrs. Leoniard Mc. INeil froin Milton weme Thanks- y gving guests. -iSamry ta report Mm. Earl Fal- a lis is confîned tta bed witha -back ailmen1t, hope he will soon be around again. l Mi. and Mrs. Nelson Wilder, li Peterborough, were Thanks- tgiving visitons with Mm. and n Mns. Jas. Baggs aind Madeline. Quite a numnber froin here -attendMi the L.O.B.A. Penny -Sale at the Orange Hall ln Pan. typool on Friday night, whicl -was quite a success. e Mr. Archie Galbraïtlh was transfermed f rom the Toronto Dominion Bank, Mill1brook, to »the head office in Toronto. He commenced his new duties on Tuesday morning. Mis. Alvin Porter and tam- ily, Fallis Line; Mis. Robt. Ba- ker anidi amily, Oshawa, were Iý Sunday visitars with Mis. W. r.eYand Mrs. Jack Rupert and Peter, Cooked Creek; Mm. and Mrs. Gordon Homner and daughter, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McCabe and tamily, Lotus, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Wiimot Hor- jner. Mr. and Mis. W. N. Porter attended Millbrook Annivers- amy an Sund&ay monng and heard a very fine sermon iby jRev. W. F. Banister, Chaplain ai Queens University and min. ister at Ohalmem's Uni te d Church, Kingston, and were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crowley. jMm. ami Mis. Don Guthrie, Millbraok: Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. iBrooks, Mn. Archie Beale, Tom- onto; Mrs. John Wour and Mm. and Mrs. Alvin Olan surprised Mrs. Fred Youngman on Sat- urday night w'hen they drap. pedi in ta celebrate hem birth- day. Many fine gifts were ne- ceived and a pleasant evening Senjoyed by ail. ELIZABETH VILLE On Thumsdlay evening auri W.A. held thein meeting at the home ai Mi. and Mis. Russel White. A goadi tumnout helped the ladies plan their coming iowl supper. The meeting was opened by Mis. Tmew the pres- ident who nead an intemesting paper during the devotionial part of the meeting. The min- utes were read ami approved. An invitation was received 1 froin Canton W.M.S. ta attend their Thankofieming Nov. 5 at 2.30. Mrs. Irwin, MrsI McAllis- ter and Mis. Quantrili weme a commititee eiected to decorate the church for the annivemsary. A donation was sent ta the W.A. iby Mis. M. White who Isn't able to help with the sup- per. Rev. and Mis. Wright have invited the W.A. ta meet at their haine for a meeting wh.ich we accepted and plan ta go there Nov. 18 if it is OK wîth Mm.Wright. Mrs. R. Whi+e wi.i entertain the guest singers PRE-DRESSED GRADE A -2%/to 3lb. avg. Ch icken s i a I d 1fr ,niversary and Mrs. Whe- G uid rs lold eler wiil help if necessa.ry. Mr. ï - and Mrs. Vernon Peacock are à ! ~ ~~t buy the turkey loteea C..onerence ar pots whîch were ordered and ILions Centre Mrs.R. Trew, Mrs. H. Wie Mr.H. Sheppard, Mrs. H. Mul- The Central Ontario Area drew and Mrs. Peacock. Table JCanference which was held in committee is Mrs. 0. Mercer. the Lions Cammunity Centre! Mrs. K. Tr-w, Mrs. Quartrilil, Beech Ave. Saturday, October Mns. C. Mercer and Mns. R. sI 17th, was well attended and White. Other committees of nia- enthusiastically received. nom importance were elected. Approxinately one hundred The Coffee Club of C.H.U.C. -and fit teen ComisiSners, are ta be notified ai the supper IGuiders, Local Association i November. Admission was IMembers and Camping Per- 'decid>ed at $1.50 and childien sonnel met ta enjoy a rather 75c. Attendance 15. informai day of talks, questions Lnhwssre yMs Iand answer periods interspers- Luh wssre yM 1ed with cofiee and feilowship. Chite, Mrs. Muldrew and Mis. 1 r.G. M. Linton, Orono, C. Beatty. The next meeting ta iArea Chairman ai Training,j be Nov. 18. Lwith hem Committee had O n Tuesdnay eveniing, Gloria Lthoughtfully prepared a pro- and John Quanitnili attended gramme af wide interest in alithe Junior Fammers meeting at levels af Guiding. Campbellcroft. Mis. D. Fox, Oshawa, acted Mrs. Jim Muidrew is staying as commentator for the fashion with hem sister Mis. Smith show, a highlight ai the after- while their niece MVis. Walters noon programme. The different is holidaymng in the United Sta- ,types ai uniform womn by the tes with Miss Marilyn Mul- Guiders was explained by Mrs.' dmew, Oshawa. Fox and where it could be ai- Mm. and Mms. Longyear, Ross ficially worn. and Mis. Brimacombe reitjunned 'Ms. Linton as chaimman ai home last week aiter spending IGold Cord Committee, explain- a iew days with relatives in the ed very weli the intricate steps States. leading up ta the presentation Miss Joan Haninaka and Mm. ai the muoh coveted Gold Cord, Woolacott wenlt ta Toronto Fi- the highest award in Guiding. day evening and spenit thec weekend with Miss Donna Mer- cer and Alan Mercer. Miss Ruth O BITJARYMercer has been home ili al OBITU RY 1week and went Up Saturday WINNIFRED ELLEN evenhlng with Mr. Woolacott BRINNING ho brouglht Mrs. Woolacott BRINNINGand Joan Hannaka home on The death occurred in the Sunday. Oshawa Generai Hospital, Oct. Mm. and Mis. E. Fowler vis- 13 ai Winnifred Ellen Brinning ited wit'h his brother Mm. Faw- iormerly af 114 Brock St. North , er and Mrs. Fowier, Peterbor- Whiby, after a lengthy illness. ough, Saturday. Ths.Brinning was 59. Tedeceased was bomn in Bowmanville, the daughter aif the late George and Charlotte -'r I' IULL Varcoe. For the past 20 years previously in Oshawa and Bow- manville. She was a member ; of the Whitby United Church. For quite a number ai years she was a valued staff memberY' of the Post Office in Bowman- . Surviving the deceased are two daughters, Mis. F. Dalby (Joan) ai Wrhitby; Mrs. R. Mar- shall (Shirley) ai Brooklin; a sister, Mrs. F. Reid ai Toronto; two brothers, Lloyd ai Toronto, and Morley ai Gallup, Newr Mexico, and two grandchlldren. - The remains rested at the W. C. Town Funerai Chapel, Whit- by, for service in the chapel Thursday, Oct. 15, at 2 pj..In- ter, shaa.Rev. John Smith oi Whitby United Church offi- ciated. Palîbearers were Jack Hum- rie, Michael Varcoe ai Boxv- manville; John Brinning, Kelly DeGray, Alex Walker, Oshawa ...... and Doug Rowden ai Whitby. ' 4' Theres ou* cure W"yf.f sàoifld for food, and tifs th MANVERS STATION. ' SALEM Salem W.A. held thir Octo- ber meeting at the home of Mrs. Les Welsh with members oi Tyrone W.&. as aur guests. President Mis. Gerald Shackle- ton operied the meeting with the theme hymn and prayer, after whioh she extended a cor- d4al welcome ta aur visitars and guest speaker, Mis. Ken Werry. Mis. Art Hamilton had char- ge of the devotional pemiod. Several hynins were sung. Mms. A. Hilis gave the scraptiure neading. Mme. Hamilton gave the devational eading foilowed by prayer. Mis. Werry gave us a vemy inspiring message based an Th'anksgiving. A quartet coin- posed of Mn. LU Anris, Mrs. J. Caok, Mis R. Coombes and Mis. PL Glaspeil, accompanied by Mrs. A. Hoar, tavoured with a selection. Rev. F. Jackson canducted a questionaire or W.A. and W.M.S. work. Lunch was senved and a social lime enjoyed by ail present. Mis. M. Marchant and Susan spent the weekencl with iniends and relatives at Trentan. Mm. and Mis. F. Blackburn and Mm. and Mrs. L. Weish ina- tored ta Malton Sunday even- igto meet Miss Grace Black- burn and Miss Barbara Bath- gate wha had enjayed a long weekenid sightseeing in New York. Mmé. and Mrs. Gerald Shack- leton and tamily weme Sunday visitons with relatives at Brampton. Miss Mldred Philips Mm. and Mis. W. Omaig, were Sunday evening visitors with Mm. and Mirs. Hemb Craig Oshawa. Don't iomget aur Harvest Home services this Sunday. Particulars in Coming Events. borough; Mr. and Mm Ray Taylor and family, Mess. T. and R. Taylor, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and fam- ily and Miss Louise Hartinan, were at the Taylor home. THE FURNACE WITR A 10-YEAR WARRANTY MORSE ENFIELD lhe W.A. met in t.he schoolI Thursday evening with a good attendance. lst. vice-pres. Mrs. W. Bowman condructed t h e meeting. Miss Elsie Samis and Mrs. G. Bowman conducted the devotional. It was decided to hold aur bazaar on Nov. 6th. There wiUl be a notice at a later date. Rev. W. A. Logan gave a talk on Ohristaiin Education for Aduits and preseruted a few minutes of alides ta iflustrate Ms remarks. Mrs. G. Bowers played a piano ciassic and Mrs. 1. Sprackling gave a reading. The South group served lunch. The aid friends af Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Pliant of Brighton were very pleased ta have thein wlth us on aur Than4sgiving Service. Rev. Plant has lost none afi Ms excellent preach- in1g abiity in spite of hMs ad- vanced yeams, and gave a splen- diid sermon. Our chair sang three selections, wirarmed-ovem ntumbers, but weli sung. The church was ibeautîifully decor ated with flowers, fruit and vegetables. Also with us were Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Seymour, and theme was a happy period of h'and-shaking and reminisc- ing at the close af the service. The blizzard that greeted the homeward bound worshippers had a chilling effect. Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Seymour were with Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascae. Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, Tom- onîto, spent the weekend with the W. Bowman's. Mn. and Mrs. Keith Taylor and boys, Nestieton; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith and fa;mily, Highland Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Les Johnson and family, Scar- UKE THMeCHANGE...e MAKE THE DOMINION IOWlEEk TEST CUT FOOD COSweISw ~'OMINION MEAT FEATURES ]BURNS PICNIC STYLE - FuIly Cooked lb. 39c Pork Shoulders lb. 39c PRODUCE FEATURE ,FLORIDA No. 1 .GRAPEFRUIT Lge. sIze 96-s IOfor 49c GROCERY FEATURES SOLD ONLY AT DOMINION DOMINO ISTANTOor. jar 9 iReal Treat Rose . iHunts Tomato Sweet Mixed 'CATSUP 11 oz. bottloesc. 13c PICKLES 16 oz. jar Ea. 27c Heat and Serve The Kiddies Love 'Em Clark's Delicious Manning's Butterscotch liPORK & DEANS 15 oz. ti 2For 27c CHIP COOKIES i ib. pkg. 49c S.Willianis Shirriff's Flaky 'Apple Pie Fil! ea. 19c Pie Crusi Mix 2Ipkg. 49c BUY ONE - GET ONE FREZ BOTH MIR Liqud Detergent FO 89c SNELL OUT TO THE KIDDIES SATURDAT, OCTODER 31s1 HNALLOWE'EN KISSES -aLb.Pmg. 29c PEANUTS -11/. 1lb. pkg. '49c BEA VER BRAND . . . . Lb. Put. 33c McCORMICK'S SNELL OUTS 50 pkgs. 79c Values effective in Bowmanville until closing tim% ,Ail merchandise sold at Your Dominion Store Limited Saturdav. Ortober 24th. 1959 is unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction SELECT eel, Ajusl bl ~ ~' % 80 Mt TTRSDAY, OCT. 22rd, 1959 TRIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1958 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-DR. HARDTOP ~'V-8 with Turbo-Glide transmission, 2-ton. paint, white wall tires, radio, back seat speaker, windshield washers, backup lights. oïl- - - - r NUERTHAROWAliE .A-3 -5774- WE ,bAr-ev %TTUM m GOULD HEATING Phone 4331 Newcastle Budget Terms Avaflable at Only 5% Interest

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