sP Vleat Packers Brie System of Marketi No! Good for Cor The method o! sale used by1 tien the basic principles of the marketing agency cf the 1!arm marketing legislation Hog Producers' Mvarketing which provides for preducer Board does net fully encourage marketing boards. The Counci] competition among buyers for1 agrees that pmeduoers o! hogs the available supply of hegs,j have the unquestionable ight the Agricultural Marketing En- to market collectively. How- quiry Committee on hog mar- evem* the mechanics o! the me-, keting was told in Teronto Oc- thod o! sale are questioned and tober 14th. the Council brie! iisted four The Meat Packers' Council principal objections te the me- of Canada, in a submission on~ thed o! sale used under the behalf o! its Ontario members presnt plan. te the Committee, said the pre- These were that: sent method o! sale dees flot 1. each lot o! hogs is net constitute what is generally freely offered for sale to all understood te be an open and, packem buyers. competitive market where pricel 2. prices for hogs are net ar- and price alone is t he alleca- rived at by open and competi- tive factor.f tive biddin.g on ail lots o! hogs The Council comprises 20 Jby aIl packers. meat parking firms operating 3. the present system results 40 plants i.n eight Canadian i the Hog Producers Co-oper- provinces. Last year the 12 On- ative allecating a large propor- tarie plants o! the Council tien o! the hogs ameng the members processedI approxi- packers at an estabiished price. mateiy 80 per cent o! the On-I 4. buyers do not have the op- tarie hogs marketed in corn- portunity te better any existing mercial channels within the bld on each lot up to the moin- province. ent e! sale and, therefore, every The Council pointed out in 1 lot o! hogs is net being sold ne- its brie! that it does net ques- cessarily te the buyer willing - I te bid the highest price for FARM SRVICE The Council stated in its DEAD, OLD and CRIPPLED o! selling, which would put each FARM STOCK1 buyer in open cempetition with Removed Free of Charge Jal ether buyers, had been sug- Immediate 24-fEr. Service gested by the Council as an ASK YOUR OPERATOR FOR equitable method o! selling hogs. It points eut, however, Z.hi6550 that during extended ngta ZEnit 66 ions wlth the Heg Producers No Toli Charge Marketing Board this proposai Nick Peconi - Peterborough was net accepted. Another plan, developed by the Bell Tele- You Can 'Own the Finest ONE MAN BUSINESS In Your Town No Selling or Solliciting You can make $75.00 to $100.00 per week, ln Tour spare time. More If devotlng full time. A leadlng Canadian company, distributlng coaat to coaat name brand product wiil appoint sincere reliable persona to service accounts ln this ares. Qualifications required are good references, a minimum of apare time availabie and a cash invest- ment of $980.00. Write Immediateiy for appointment ln Tour area to: C. F. INDUSTRIES- LTD). 2180 Beigrave Ave. Montreal, P.Q. Attention l. . DAIRYMEN Hampton Milling Co. is now Mlxlng and Handllng a complet, uine of Swift's Dairy Concentrates te mix with your own grains as well as.. Swift's Gro-Mor '16% Dairy Ration and Dry and Freshening Ration These Feeds are Ail Blended with Molasses by our new Molasses Mixer. DROP IN AND SEE JOHN BURROWS Hampton Milling Co.b Phone CO 3-2221 Hampton, Ont. b Tid KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Bob You mani spent the weekend in tawa. Mr. and Mms. George M~ Donald, Roy and Teressai ited hem mother, Mrs. Selle at Omemee. fMm. andc Mrs. Joe Yendri Wayne andi Terry weme Hamilton visiting her parent Mm. and Mrs. Eddlie Couroe fRay andi Marie left for C-a Bay, Saturday. His parer Mr. and Mrs. A. Coumouxj turneci with them. for a wei Mm. andi Mrs. Orv'al Zeala 1 andc famiiy were guests o!flM Mary Luxon Sunday fort annivers'ary services. Miss Mary Lofthouse pf the weekend with hem ai. Miss Cathnarine Stewart, wh Mis. Lofthouse and David, M,~ 1Allen and daughter Sue ai Miss Eleanor Hall, orgaist1 the Westminster choir, car dikwn Suilay a!ternoon fm Oshawa. Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Ran berry o! Enterprise weme gueç o! Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Glae Saturday evening. We weme sorry te learn th Mm. Tom Stevens suffered accident while horseback ri ing at his 1-armn here, Thani giving weekend. It is fearE he may have te remain in Ea Genemal Hospital in Tomrn for two weeks andi then remai of! his ieg unitil Christmas du te torn ligaments in the gri-o Guests wîth Mr. and Mr Percy Bur-iey weme M.rs. Var natte amii Cedi, Bownimwjil and Cecil Burley. Mr. and Mr John Bird v'isited during th week. Mm. and Mrs. Eami Burle and daughters visited hem bmc ther, Mm. and Mrs. Jim. Gord« at Oshawa, Sunday. Mm. andi Mrs. Wa'llace Bou ghen spenit Sunday with he parents Mr .and X&s. Spenc Gordion. Kendal got a foretasteo vinter Sunday with ve1x ;trong nomth-west winds am flurries o! snow. One lassi said she sci-apeci enough off th4 boards te make a small snow. bal. Kendal 'United Church AnnI 'ersary was heici Sunday, Oct TI'HRSDAY, OCT. 2?nd. 19M r I AMd tiese are th. refreshing. flovourstfhat ore înside thase sporkling bottles: LIMON LIME GRAPE ORANGE " CREAM SODA " ROOT lIER " GINGER ALE Mode and Dottled by600 SUMHEVERAINES LTD 10 WMAN VILLE IIn a compréhensive brie! sub- Imitted October l4th to the Agri- ung- cultural Enquiry Commnittee in Toronto, the Ontario Heg - Pro- 0t- ducer organizations re-stated Wa-their opposition to any !erm o! auction selling that wo>uld "en- vis_ courage price collusion and per- eccentage agreements among the iclarger processersl,' prevent their *)Ce-oeeatîve fmom using skliedq in salesmen and market knowl- ItO edge, and thus deprive them o! ux, "a long-sought-a!ter bargalning ehe equality." rits, Whiîe the Dutch Clock Sys-4 rek. tem, acernpletely automatic de-i advice advocated somne time age mdby the Ontario Division o! thek &,Meat Packers' Council o! Can-r the ada, might receive "very ser-c ent ou: consideration if hog car-c Mt the OHPC takes a flrmn standi hile against its adoption as a meth- I &Ms od of titie change for live hogs. O~~~ Clnearsnn mdý The persabntu-re lve h s-Iproducer at the mercy e! the ig services were very well at- e >sts buyem. Auction selling "«would 1 terided, beautifu autumn flow- ss, re-introduce conditions Ontarioe1 rs, nc1udin the Hemn o! Pien- 'hog preducers have worked ty with pgebbIbes andi fruits, hat twenty years te correct" and, fi created an atmosphere ef our an completeiy mechanized, weuid Harvest Home services. Bey. S. idi- tie small packers te the tele- C. H. Atkinson, Albert St. Un. ks- type machines "«anci place them ited Chumch, Oshawa, delivereci 'd at a serious cost disacivantage". tw fie sr o . Mss K tte ast An indication that the Hog Lynch sang at both services ItO Producer organizations wiîî aceompardet! by hem motiher, in seek "the same freedom o! ac- Mx6. S. Paynie, Bowmanviiie, lue tion as the corporations wîtii the choir aiso rendemed excell- ,. which they deal' la found in the ent music ecmpaie2t by rs.j conciuding section o! their brie! leader Mms. Goryn fBrn. M- where they refer to "a more Rey. Fred Jackson teck the le meaningful product variation radio service for Rey .Atkinson rs. policyl" and hint at a possible Sunday evening. lie broadening o! their present op.-Mrs. O. Virtiue, Mr. and Mms. eration te include slaughtering, R. Vu-tue visited Mr. and Mrs. ey preliminary pmocessing and Theo. Down, Lake!ield, Sun-. -- stoning as being entirely cern- day. on patible with "the spirit o! en- Mr. and MErs. Frank Wilson, abling legisiation". Hector and Ross, Mm. andi Mis.j U- The document also reviews Everett Wilson and Bryan, en past conditions in hog market- Oshawa, were Saturday even-! ce ing, tue history of the Hog Pro- ing visitors o! Mr. andit m. j. ducer goups, the advantages Wilson andt Allan. of of the present seiling method Mrs. S. Goble and boys weme ry the attitude o! trucker and sma1l Friday evening visitors o! Mr. id processor groupa, as well as and Mms. G. Kovac. ie seme o! the probienis, such as Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sollow, je1 overproduction, pnice supports, Prince Albert; Mr. and Mis. v:. deficiency payments, centract Clamence Bradley, Bowmanîvll- farming andi vertical integra- le, were Sunday guests o! Au. tion, which have corne to the and Mrs. M. Bradley. ~.Ifore i n ecent years. Mr. and iMrs. J. Grant and' -.Another section o! the OHIP !amiiy, Bowm-anville were Sun- Presentation te the Enquimy Idey guests o! Mr. and Mis, W. Committee deals at lenigth with Jewell. "the concept o! producer self- Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mackle help"I andi Iists a number of and family, Ebenezer; Master specifie necommendations for Bruce Coombes wene Sunday: Federal and Provincial action. guets o! Mr. arnd Mss. A. Among these is the suggestion Hamilton. that the Ottawa Government Mr and Mrs. S. Goble and should create "additional sour- Bruce were Sunday visitors o! ces of agricultural credit" and Mr. and! Mrs. Lloyd Crage, establish a special AgriculturalBo anvlencMian M. Development Bankc to help Bwinil n f.adMs "4new co-operative ventures andi Hugh McGill, Yelverton. commodity groups undertaking Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Mrs. HE. stomage and initial pmecessing"l Philp, Misses Jean Robertson functions. Other recomnienda- and Ansi Morelanit atteinded tue Teadcîers Convention at Orilla, Friday. 18, with Bey. N. T. Holnies, Miss Jacqueline Rosevear, Ca- B.A. B.D. of Harmon>y Pmeach- 1 mpbell!ord spent the weekend ing a fine sermon in tue morm>- at hem home. inig. Misses Camolyn and! Judy, Mr. andi Mis, S. J. Pediar, Postier sang a duet quit.e harm- Staynier, Spent the weekend Ingly and Kendal choir sang a with Mr. and Mis. W. Rahm, fine anthem. Sunday, Mr. and! Mis. Clemn In the evening we were priv- Rahm anid childi-en visited his lleged to hear Rey. H. B. Neal, home. D.D., chaplain o! the Reforen IMse ee r!JyeMr Inttution at Milllbrook. The raY, Toronto, spent the week- fine enthema O! thxe Westmins- e nd! wlth Mr. and Mss K. Har- tem Choir o! Oshawa weme alse j dly, Sunday, Mr. and Mms. R. S. much affpreciated. Duràng the Murray, Toronto, andt Mmm. Ace evening service Rev. R. C.j Abbott, Oshawa visited the White ded&cated a fim new Preux>tt's and! Hardys. hynin board whlch had been jMr. Fred Page spent a few pesented to the church by Mise dâya wlth his son Frank et Catharine Stewart in memeory Tavigtock o! hem brother, NeU Stwa..9 IMr. O. Beckett and Miss' lle amount o! thie offenlg IAivilla Beckett spent a few W"a quit. grating tO thxe days with his son, Henry and boaird. Mis. Beckett o! Strat!omd. Mr. sand Mz-. Nemia and i. and Mis. H. Wonnacott, Gordon Booth were Sunduay Toronto, accompenied Mr. sind gUeSta wlth )&. and Mrs. Jack 1NM., E. X. Vintue te visit their Carscadden. aunt, Mr-. and Mrs. A. Bolton Guesta with Mrs. Chas. of Meoiford. TheRnPson, AnhIur -and! Mis.,IMr. and! Mrs. W. T. Bantig, Earl Smldti, were Mn. and! Mms.: Mi. Edwurd Banting, Alliston, Ceci Tebble for dinner and 1 weme Sunday visitons o! Bey. jMr. and! Mr. Jack Carscadden and! Mn. P. Jackson and! John. fo mapper on Sunday. on Mon- Mr. and Mrs. E. Deeley spent> dYJohnx and! Fletcher Cars- a !ew days with Mi. and Mss. cadnand Mult Robinson en- M. '"cCii5sh, Cookstown. joyet! a goox dmner. Mrs. Ken Burxuide, Mont- tiens submitted earlier te the IComnuittee by the Ontario Feci- emation o! Agriculture and the IUnited, Co-operatives o! Ont- amie are formally endorsed by the Hog Producer gmoups. They mclude napelte the On- tar ie overmnen toteemphasize agmicultural marketing educa- tien in the sehools and to in- crease tue scope o! its research work on agricutumal problems and business trends. "The Ontario Hog Producer organizations", the brie! con- cludes, "are continually womk- ing te improve the nmarket pos- ition o! the Membemship. This goal requmes long-range plan- ning andi considerable freedom. o! action... We respectfuily ne- quest that the Farm Pmoducts Marketing Board Jet us proceeci i the spirit e!ftthe enabling legislation. . ý genra ariu±lAtur. ~UIîîestants must enter a ceunty contest, and a winning boy and a win- ming girl move on te zone elim- !nations. From the zones a win- ning boy and gI.~ is sent on te the finals te, be staged at the OFA annual convention at To- ronto November 2, 3 and 4. Contestants answer written questionnaires at each level, and must deliver a short speech in the county and zone centests. Each finaiist will be interview- ed by the judges as weil as wmiting part of the final test. Last year Mere than 150 cen- testants entered the centests in the ceunties. 1958 winners were Alan Murray e! Caledonia and Mm-s Mary Hinan o! Peterbor- ough. They won a trip te Sas- katchewan te attend the annual convention o! the Canadian Fedemation o! Agriculture. real, spent a week with hier f Claim Fifth Quinte District ierM.adr. r Is i mle reeaers Sale Miller,Osa, e Sdy ~ng -io s Catieguest of Mr. and Mrs. A. AJ 4-year-old daughter of Re. cal markets were flot as strong Hoar. in g H o g s gasborn'e R.A. Royal Governor as i some of the previous sales' Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pediar, Iconsigned to the Fifth Quinte ald more of the consignm-,ents Mm. W. Rahm were Monday Unit Sale held i Grafton on were sold to buyers outside of: callers un Mr. aind Mrs. F'rank n p e 7ITIO fl ~October 5, by' Bruce Usher of Ontario. t h ae-rwG idrHmtn r pmt o Iobre, brought the top price Following is a list of to e tak SrSlandM. of $810.00. cenaignlng oteSl:B wn phneCmpn, sngasy- Thswas just one further in. R . oma ie Ontario; Mirs. W. Gibbs, Cr y s t a 1 itemr of teletype, "which is rea- dication o! the quality of cattie Budd, Donald, Port Hope, On- Beach, visited Mr. arnd Mrs. T. rsontable ini cost and mechanical- that were sired by a bull that tarjo; Buttar, Wallace, Gore's Gibbs. 1ly very practical", would cor- was used by this artificial in- Landing, Ontario; Chadwick,J Mr. and Mrs. S. Parker and rect the basic faults in the me- aemination unit i their cattle K. -Deseronto, Ontario; Cole, twin babies, Newcastle, were -... tthod of selling, and would be imprevement programn. During Caleb, Codrington, Ontario; Suriday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. acceptable te the Counicil mem- the ten years that hie wasi j Cole, Gordon, C. Brighton, On. E. A. Virtue. bers, the brief points out. the Quinte District, he was tario; Compton, C.A., Collins 1 Mr. an9d Mrs. J. Gibbs and "Or emes recnfdetbred to over 30,000 cows. Bay, Ontario; Denard, James,, boys spent tihe weekend with thatr mitherauc onf ieet hssmeoec i a-Hillier, Ontario; Down, J. Ar-! Mr. and Mrs. m.LerOt tha eiheraucionor eleyp ghersbre. b GergeDaling thur, Hilton, Ontario; Doxsee,' tawa; Mrs. T. Gibbs and Mrs. selling in its latest proposed ghesbe b eog Dmis B., Picton, Ontari; ox, . Gi returned home with frwl vroetesrorHloOntarioalad;ox W ib bus bjetion tothe res n Wed by Robt. Jibb of C"o lvin' & Son, Wooler, Ontario;, them. Griffieths, Spencer W, Napance, Ms .lllec a ut tho ofxaiemd eeoncourage mer Cga ntdanari<io h fO ntaio;Hay. Desmond, Camp. honoured Thursday evening themaimu dgre o compe-me Cadin hmpo beilford, Ontario; Jackson, Ho- last at the hm !Ms rw tition for hogs", the brie! says. record for al2ya-dsfrhmofM. ew It adds that Coundil members milk production. This Govern- mr'ebOtai;JbRb in Scott, when she .vas given would be in favor of any plan o>r daughter, as a 2-erodademt, Coldsprings, Ontario; John- abb hwrb red n which resulted i all hogs be in 305 days' prodIuction on twic ston, D. C., Grafton, Ontario; neighbours.Sh eevdsm ingoffredforfre an cen-a dy mlkig, rodced19,81Julinssen, Svend, Moscow, On- vr oeygfs ingoffre fo fre nd orn adaymilin, podued19,81tarie; Landry, Orville, Belle- -___________________ petitive bidding. ibs o! miik. ville, Ontario; McComnb, Allan The brief points out that On-. The second highest priced B. Belleville, Ontario; McHolm, tarie members of the Meat female in the Sale, was also a M. A., Port Hope, Ontario, Packers' Council have a large daughter e! Regasorne R.A. Mcln odn . oorW i n ners of Ag ri iesadpoiesed mîy ei olno fB eil efrOtre akRc-nvestment in precessing faii- Royal Governor consigncd by Ontario; Merril, Alex L. Camp tto ment for a large numbero!e- and seiling with hem cal! for weî aae, nai;C~om pet io pie through the province; at the $550.00. Mrs. Deirna & Sons, Napanee,G sarne tirne, thev have a mutuai Curtis Doxsee & Son cf Pic- Ontario, Plumiton, R. H., Mor- G o 10 Jar aica interest with producers in de- ton cnsigned a 4-year-old dau- ganston, Ontario; Simnpson. W. -" veloping the best possible long- giter co! Rosafe Tiptop whieh S., Kingston, Ontario, Spafford, A five-day, expense paid trip range policies for the produc- sold for $545.00 and her cal!. C. M., Napanee, Onýtario; Speil- t aac ilg otew tie ad mrktin o hos. Rockwell Parks e! Napanee cer, Don K., Belleville, Ontario; ning boy and the winning girl The differences between the consigned a daughter o! Pabst Stevens, Fred R., Bowmanville, in the Ontario Federation o! hog producers co-operative and Walker that sold for $525.00, Ontario; Tink, H. Bruce, Hamp- Agriculture's annual Prince Re-inkwducing Pou. & 54*,. the packers concerning method with hier cal!, ton, Ontario; Tink, Hilton S. and Princess Competition. The Registerd Trede Mark PILP,» of sale were described i the M. A. McHolm of Port Hope, Bewmanville, Ontario; Tomlin- contest is especially designed brief as "«serjous'. sold a 2nd daughter o! Pabot son, Cecil, Belleville, Ontario; for Ontario's young rural peo- Eddie: "7Ildas sfor me!"' The Council said that its Walker which brought $505.00 Usher, Bruce, Coîborne, On ple from 16 te 29 years o! age, members wouid continue te ac- The overaîl average for the tarie; Winnamaker, LeIand, Na-. and is a competition of know]- Pete: "Me too! A pretty tively seek a satisfactory solu- forty-five head o! purebred panee, Ontario; Wight, Lewis, edge, poise and ability to think. world over!' tion te these problems and Hoisteins sold was $394.00. Le- Wellington, Ontario. Bat osntetrit h would welcome the assistancecnsta lisrashe Sheila: "Now byeog the present impasse whiohh anual onomed:ideigg flot in the best interests s o g .-u M ucers O po eed to create greater interest Eddie: "~Go ahead ... youl eihrteproducers or the pro- A u ti ndelI ng M e ho rzstin i frmor- Sheila: "«Wel, your Plain girl's the samnethe ,oh at... let's al 'e. pick the subject." End ClayPp Bodu jv, sippefl PLAIN END VITRIFIED CLAY PIPI FITTINGS & COUPLINOS me I.! tibrir MoNEnie . filrio 't Reot-preef f«««v NMATIONAL SEWER PMIE ILMTE tMore than Just distributing QfE 1 K L Ç~I LL taCanada's txieindustry is the fact that at $22,000,000 in 198!notso lohngad LUMB3ER CO. LTD. te958e imrti o! ce ing an incSreti times ýgreater than four years Kn tetE Bowmanville, Ontario age. 5dm. Offtce SHEPPARD Y GILU #:E VERYTHING FOR BUILDERS"g 96 KLug Si. E. Bowmanvillo NArkei 3-5711 WS~AAZA1 O £4AT SKfULDWMFAN<VILLE. OY4TAPIO eeut b Sis&eaaaa ,, 'AGE l'EN qm COAVATITAM OmAngeowAm -.-- 1 ut tr nauw sSrid over, aren't th li- ne exfiltreff« bey Ce»dien b«Ouée N'a b" 0 TYRONE 96 King si. L Bowmanville MArket 3-5711 9