CANAIAN TATSMAN BOWANVLLE~ ONTIUOPAGE ELEVM '4, Rtatepayers Set Up New Orgi Discuss Pro posed Village W NEWCASTLE - A ratepay- ers meeting cailed te discuss the proposed waterworks pro- ject i the village on Monday eveiîing fiiled the council cham- ber of the community hall and when the crowd had assembled Mr. George Meadows moved that George Walton be chair- znan for the meeting. Mýr. Wal- *on-asked if the natepayers te Id o frn an association ad after seme discussion a Vote was taken in the affirma- tive. Atter sorne difficulty in finding someone te fi the of- fice ef President, Murray Wal- ton was finally persuaded te take the office. Other officers ef the associa- tion appointed are Tt Vice Pre- sidient, George Meadows;, 2nd Vice President, L a w r e n c e Gaines; Secretary - Treasurer, Ed. Barchard and Directons, ]Robt. Walton, Tracy Embley, Jack Neshitt, Hon Munro and Mrs. Jean Rickard. 1"qilowing the electietof!o- licerl o! the association the meeting was adjourned until a later date when the directors will bing in a constitution for the approval e! the members, and the meeting was thrown open for general discussion. The main topic discussed was the waterworkcs project and Murray Walton called upon the Reeve and Councillors present te brie! the ratepayers on what h«s bren done. Reeve Cunning- ham said that a prelimlnary survev had been madle, as ne- perted at a previous publici meeting and that the well bad been completed and tested andi It was explalned that the es-' proved satisfactory and he be- 1 tiniate given in the prelirnin- lieved they would be ready te any survey was appnoximately proceed by the spring j! faveur- $ 170,000 and that the Water R1e- able te the ratepayers. sources Commission was work- During the discussion that img eut the system et payrnent followed the matter of se many with the couneil and the De- wells in the village doing dry, partment o! Municipal Affairs when this well was being test-! and several systems o! collec- ed was brought up. It ivas ask- tion were being worked eut but ed whether this would be the ne final decision bas yet been case when the systein was put made. inte operetion. It was explein- Councillor R. B. Rickard ex- ed that the man frein the On- plained that the well had been tarie Water Resources Coin- drilled and tested by the On- mission hed essured councillons tario Water Resources Com- the enly time this volume o! mission. He said that 300 gai- waten would be punîped frein Ions per minute were pumped the well would be when the for a couple of bours and then water system was being filled, a 24 heur test was madle pump- tor the first tirne, or some ser- ing 150 galions per minute for ious fire was being fought ne- the 24 hours or a total o! 216,- quiring several fire pumpers. 000 gallons, and the well enly Resentinent was expressed that went down te 28.7 feet froni the citizens had net been neti- the top o! the well. When the fied by council when this test- pump was shut off it only took ing was geing te be clone but it 4 te 5 heurs for the water te was explained by councillors return te its normal level 5 that the testing was done by feet froin the top o! the well the Ontario Water Resources which is drilled te a depth of Commission and members o! 50 feet. tihe council were net notified He said it was net possible te in turne when the testing would find the cost of the watenworks be done and therefere could net project until a suitable well had wann the people. been located and tested. Now It was explained that the le- that this has been done the cation o! the well, the drilling, Water Resources Commission testing etc., was ail carried eut I will have the costs computed under the direction o! the On- and then the ratepayers will tario Water Resources Coin- be told what the cost will be. mission.1 It was the feeling e! a large George Walton said as a 1 nuniber ef people at the meet- large ratepayer in the village, ing that if the village dees net he thought he should be told go a'head with the systern now, how much this waterwerks they will neyer get water- systein was geing to cost hlm. works. Jîm Lovekin TelIls Lions Club Some Local History Highlights NEWCASTLE - The history means, decided to do something one of the best industries, ln cf tihe district around Shaw's about it, the speaker said, and the area but investment in achool and Baldwin's Creek was by 1868 had buildings erected farms is now becoming one of the subject of James P. Love- on the farin now owned by Ait. the most insecure investaients kin when speaking at the re- Grahamn at the creek's edge and one can have. Lion John Rick- gular meeting of the Newcastle established the first Fish Hat- ard expressed the thanks of Lions Club on Thursday even- chery ini Canada which produc- the members of the club to Mr. ing. ed about 155 million young fish Lovekin for his fine talk on the The largest attendance of the during the years it was in op- history of the local district. eason was on hand at the eration. He said that ln 1886 Lion Don Williamis of Bow- Queen'a Hotel for the meeting, Mr. Wilrnet had exhiblted his manville fpoke briefly to the enly te find the hotel had ný 118h et an International Exhi- club expressing his thanka and glected to prepare a dinner for bition held In London England. that of thie Bowmianville and thein. After some scurrying General RoetSa a West Durhamn Comniittee for around, the members flnaily ad- grane a lrgsto n ofSland the blind for volunteering te journed to the Fireside Bar-B- in u arge setion o! lwa conduct the annuel canvass in QRestaurant, just north of the developed 1xýto rich ferma lands the vlaefrtecmit village, for a delicious chicken in the area of the present H said the club had done a fine dlinner and then proceeded to Shaw's school which bears his job in the two years col- the Newcastle Community Hall name. In speaking ot the rich- lecting a sizeable amount for a lor their meeting. ness of lais district village. He said the quota Introduced by his brother kin said that history s ay for West Durham this year was Lion Dick Lovekin, the speaker doctor will tell you, the first $4,000* explained that the creek just step in diagnosis and the com- During the business part of west o! the village has been munity whlch loses sigiht of its, the meeting conducted by Lion known by various names such history is no better than a per-! President Chas. Megit, a me- as Wilrnot's creek, Fisheries son who bas lost his mernory. ý tion was passed authorizing the creek etc., but was originally He spoke of the new by-pass club to withdraw its meetings known as Baldwin Creek, narn- being planned by the railways! froin the Queen's Hotel. The ed for Col. Robt. Baldwin who in the Toronto area and stated: next meeting to be held in the se ttled at the mouth o! the that when this la completed ,Lions room in the community creek. He said that in the early the Newcastle area will become; hall. A mionf was passed ac- clays sawmills were being erec- within commutlng distance byi ceptin~g the recomimendation of ted everywhere on creeks in rail with Toronto andl as the the Directors to give prizes for the area and these creeks city expands there will be no the first and second best cos- which were being used by the farrns in Durhamn county left turnes at the annual Hallowe'en salmon fish for spawningc were untouched by the network of party and to give a prîze to becoming so plugged with railways, highways, telephone each person appearing in cos- sawdust from the miflathat and power limes and gas and ol, turne at the party instead of the saîrnon were dyinig andb- pipelines. the usual bag of candy. eorning almost extinct. In closing the speaker said Lion Frank Hoar spoke brie!- Samuel WilmTot, a man of that agroiculture used to be ly on the $500 Christmnas Draw, stating that ail tickets had been _________________________________________1 distributed and now ail they had te do was seli theni. Deputy District Governor, Lion Erenton Rickard present. i10 year perfect attendance pins Ôocial nd Ut'eLions Harry Jose and Chas. Mrs. W. B. Topliff ef King- The President, Lionette Dora B stn peta few days last week. Kelsey showed the members >B y Scouts visting with Mr. and Mrs. the pictures of the Queen pur-! Percy Hare. chased by the club for the Ms.EaleMaMu. lasrors t he PubliciTo Sell Apples do of Summerside, 1) E I, and' School and the Coat o! Armsr faxc, N.S. have been guests re- Arrangements were made for ,Viq1n ceîitly wit.h Mrs. MacMurdo's the presentation of the pictures NEWCASTLE - The New- sister, Mfrs. M. C. Fisher and to the school at a later date. castie Boy Scout Troop ergan- family. The presentation will be made ized recently under the spon- His friends will be sorry to; by Lionettes Rena Megit, past sorship et the Newcastle Lions learn that Mr. George Harmer, president, assisted by the Pre- Club will be holding their first is a patient in Mernorial Hospi- sident, Lionette Dora Kelsey annual Boy Scout Apple Day in talinl Bowmanville, and will be received on behaîf the village this weekend to, raise The anyfrinds n te vl-of the Sehool Beard by Lion-i funds to help carry on their ac- Themay rindsinth vl-ette Pauline Storks.tvtes lage of Mrs. E. Moore-Allin o! During the business part ef;tivThe Scot ileo h Los Angeles, California, a for- the meeting the members de- streets Friday evening and al mer resident of Newcastle teil cided te, send a letter ef thanks day Saturday selling deliclous ai her home last Tuesday frac- to Lion Phil Williamns who madele ocally grown apples and will turing her hip-bore. Latest re- the frarnes for the pictures and appreciate any donation you ports are that Mrs. Moore-Al- decided to mnake a trip to To- wish to give to help thein along lin is progressing as well as ronto on Wednesday, Novem- in their work. Little bas been can be expected. ber l8th. te take in a show andheroftinwScuTop The regular meeting et the dinner. eroftsnwScuTrp Newcastle Lionettes Club was Two contests were played at as yet, but heing a newly or- held in the Lions room, on Mlon- the close of the meeting with gB.falots gro w e renetpen day evening wîth 18 members 1 Lionettes Jean Rickard and ftuhe.rlt ri tenl k in attendance. Six members ot Marion Knox winnlng the pri- the club serving the dinner.1 zes. PRO0CL AM AT1iN FAISTRELIEF FOR 1 hereby proclaim the returu of AH N EASTERN STANDARD TIMIEAHN TOTH VLLGEOFNECAML fUSC LES ýA"ý Sanday, Octobor 251hio at 2:00 an. and request ali citizens to goveru themnselves accordinglyM01 OFRI D. J. CUNNINGHAM, Reeve. 'an iza flan in6 à qualty product of ChryslrEngnering around te that tinie egain when most of the country will regain that lest hour's sleep they have been wornyig about ail summer. Newcastle officially returns te Eastern Standard Timne et 2 a.m. Sunday for the wlnter months accerding to a proclam- ation issued by Reeve Douglas Cunningham by the power a-ý vested in hum by the Newcas- tle village council at its Octo- ber meeting. North Nestieton ýa erworiçs Ms I fe Wlim h were married Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ernerson and boys, Don Milis, were Sun- -p.. day inner guests et Dr. Bw Standard Trne les and Mrs. Miackie. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown -visit- ed Dr. Bowlesan itr rs Starts Sundav Mackie on Sunday.Mran 1 Mrs. Stewrard, Toronto, spent k iI te weekend withMr an In ewcastle Mrs. Grant Campbell and fain- NEWCASTLE - Don't forget, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton to turn your clocks and watch- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn es back one hour before re- visited Mr. and Mia. Vie Mal- tiring on Saturday evein or colim. you will be arriving at church Mr. Wilton Cried, Barry is in time for Sunday School on spenddrsg a few days with Mr. Sunday mornlng. Yes it's corne and Mrs. Malcolmn Emerson. How Mucla Water Does Village Require? EDITORIAL Dunlng and since the Rate- payers' meeting held on Mon- day evening, duubts have been expressed as to the capability ot the newly drilled village well te supply the needs o! the village, so we have done a little f iguning and the follow- ing is the resuit. Recent testing has proven that the well is capable of slip- plying 150 gallons o! water every minute o! an hour for 24 heurs with no appreciable drop in the volume of water. This is two hundred and six- teen tbousand gallons o! water« per day. Latest population figures set, the population slightly more, than 1100 persons, many etof** whom are net resident in the ** proposed area te be supplied by the waterworks systein. Se! let us take the round figure o! 1,000 pensons te be suppliedi with 216,000 gallons o! waten per day. This means that the systein would supply 216 gal- lons of water per day for evenr. man, wernan and child in the village. Just what would the aven- Mr. and Mrs. Murray William Sheehan are pictured age family o! four persons do with eight bundred gallons o! signing the register following their wedding in Newcastle water every day? Engineers' n- United Church on Saturday, September 26, 1959, at formation advecates a minimum 3 o'clock. The bride, former Marlene Ellen Laking, is the o! 75 gallons per minute te daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Laking, Newcastle, every one thousand penson, Ot just one bal! o! what the local OtThe groom is the son ef Mr. Joseph Sheehan, Bow- well bas been proven te suppîy. - manville, and Mrs. Stanley Burgess.-Photo by Ireland Studic DO0D GE A) Iome mou oma 4-4m uatouà . ew me bs eaiDou Here'fs an ail new car in the Iow price field New Style ... New Unibody Construction ... New Siant on Economy Ses Dodge Dart tod.y... drive Dodge Dart today ... and you'Il know that here at last las something quite wonderful-and new-in the low prioe field. Wonderful because never has such size... such luxury .. . such comfort and performance been se low priced. New because ef brilliant engineering advanoes that have never been offered befèe ... et any price. A long look and a short drive wiil convinoe you ... the wenderful new Dedge Dart is absolutely the finest buy in the low prioe field. This la the car that has te b. seen-has to b. driven.Visit your local Dodge-DeSoto dealer today! SMECA eaPinoNEER aPN@UNK 5NSV-rs' NeW enibbody ..the on*-ploc* body " ellmlnates ratties, aquoake anid musti With ,63 Dodge, body and trame are one. Strengtli is all around you ... a one-piece fortress of steel witii no joints ta raille or rust. And you experience a quality of ride you neyer thought possible. You sit in a natural, relaxed position, njoying for thé fiust time a ride that is as silen' as àls salid. Gordon Agnew, Ediior Phono 3621 New monolm saving six that acte. Ilk. an elght Hefe Is the first cormpletely modern "Six" ..slanted at an angle to stretcks gas mile- age and boost performance. The " Eono Siant" lets this ail new Super Ecmoi-miWSix bre-atte better, bmuthe deeper, ta squeeze extra miles ouit of every gallon of gas. Dod g e Dart, o ne of th e àFa/juloas ASÏWies f ro mChrysler of Canada CD.-360C NOW AVAAILE AT TOUR LOCAL DODOE-DE SOTO DRAM, Newtonvillie PHONE 9mR-2O .Garage N EWTON VI LLE SHEEHAN - LAKING On Saturday, September 24, 1959, at 3:00 o'clock ln Newcas. tle United C.hurch befere a set- ting o! yellow and white 'muins Rev. M. C. Fisher unlted in marriage Marlene Ellen, deugh- ter o! Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Laking, Newcastle, and Mr. Murray William Sheehan. Mr. Sheehan is the son o! Mr. Jos- eph Sheehan, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Stanley Burgess. Organist Mr. N. Williams aiso accompanied the soloist, Miss Ruth Goheen o! Bowmanville. The bride, given in marriag by her father, wore a tfull- length gewn of portrait tatte- ta appliqued with medallions o! white lace studded wxth pearls and sequins. The bout- fant skirt, accented by a bow at the back, was topped by a taffeta bodice aise highlighted with white lace and sequins and with long sleeves tashion- ed with points over the bride's hands. Her fingertip veil was caught te a pearl and fequin studded crown and ber cascade bouquet was e! yellow roses and white 'munis. *Maid of honour Miss Sheila Gogerty, Bowmanvflle, and bridesmaids Mrs. Ron Geuld, Oshawa, and the bride's cousin Miss Suzanne Thompson of Bowrnanville, were i treet- length mink brown organza, white gioves and shees, white feaLher bandeaux and carried cascade bouquets of yellew shasta 'mums. Mn. Fred Sheehan, brother ef the groom, was best man and the ushers were Mr, Ron Geuld and Mr. Bill Crockett. The neception wvas held in the United Church Sunday School Hall with the bride's mother receiving in a beige brocade street-length sheath, wlth brown accessories and corsage o! taupe roses. Assisting, the groor's rnother chose a street- length dress o! navy ta! teta *with beige accesseries and cor- sage o! deep pink roses. Befone leaviîîg an the wed- ding trip te Nothern Ontario. *the bride donned a navy suit, navy and white accessories amil corsage o! white carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Sheehau wiil reside in Bewmanville. Prier te ber marriage, the bride wes honoured by hrae miscellaneous showers 7/w h(g news of the }èar...a Oreateat Englneering Adlvanoes ln Automotive History 1 à DASHIN S SERS 22 EXCINe MDUS 9 CAIqADLNN STATESNMI BOIVBUNvnjt ONTAPJO T m--Pqn -ý'v r(77 lind. 10.90