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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1959, p. 13

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W~T>AV OC!'~ ~2nA 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. DOWMANV!LLE~ ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN M inor Hockey Regist ration Breaks Ail Previous Records Miner Hockey1 At a mneeting« helti last Thurs- day at the Lions Centre the Minai' Hockey teans were pick- ed for the 1959-60 season. A total of 45o boys registered for mniner hockey this scason mak- fIg a total of 29 teams. Last rear 331 registereti. This la the izgest registration we -have ever lied for minor hockey. Listed below are this year's playing rules and teams. 1. Age groupings: Atom-un- dcer 10, Pee We-under 12, Bantan-under 14, Mitiget Ju- 'venile-under 18. AUl ages are as of August lst, 1959. 2. Ail league games will be two 20 minute periotis straiglit he Thrce Minute rule will 1effect for ail leagues. L1imuet be changed every three minutes. (Buzzer te sounti tosignify the change). 4. No player must returit to Oie ice until ail other players en the bench have been on ther ice for their three minutes un- les there is a shortage of play- are. 5. Players missing more than thrce games without gooti rea- son will be releaseti from the tearn and not allowed to play with any other team. 6. A team not having a mini- mum of six players dresseti (one must be a goalie) arnd on the ice reatiy to play by five minutes past the scheduled time wiil defauit the game. 7. Ail games must start on tine. If any games start late they wili lose the time from their game. 8. Plastic face protectors ust be worm by ail goalies. 9. Lines formed at the start et amy game ï-nust be carrieti tlirough tili the end of the garne. 10. If a player is penalizeti he must neturn dircctly to the p layers' bench if the lines have ciin changeti during his pen- alty. il. Penalties-The C.A.H.A. penalty t-uic wiil be in effect. .e. If non-offending team scores a goal thc pcnalizcd player may return to the ice. iVnor Penal- ties-2 minutes straight time from the time thc puck is put Jute, play. Major Penalties-5 minutes straight time from the time the puck is put into play. TIhe penalty for boardimg shall be 5 minutes. 12. Body checking aliowed only. behinti the defensive teants bine line. 13. Players pcnaiized for pro- fane language and fighting shall draw an automatic three game suspension. 14. Any players found dam- aging Arena property wiil be suspemdcd from the league. S 15. No hockey piaying will be allowed ini the Arena lobby. 16. Teams must be ready ta play ten minutes before game 17. Tean-s must remaun In the dressing roont until the tcams prier have left the lce. 18. Ail players mnust use the dressing roomns provided. f0 eiange into their equipment. 19. The last named team shal be responsibie for cleaning the Ive when significti on the chle- i i dulei. 1.e. Bruins vs. Canadians, the Canadialis wiil be respons- ibie for cleaning ice. 20. No overtirne wiUl be play- cd during league gaines. 21. Playoffs-AU teame will be in the playoffs. Atom League (6 tearns) HORNETS - John McGuirk, Doug Hayes, Lloyd Graham, Jimmy AllUn, Carl McMullen, Doug Sieep, Jerry Johnson, Donny Bothwell, John Worden, Billy Woodward, Richard Ellis, Darral Osmond, Daniel Now- lan, John McKright, Josephi Mc- Knight. Coach-E. Bailantine. RAMS-Michael Laverty, Al- ian Maguire, Robert Jackman, Doug Raby, Mike Ftcher, Le.- lie Vandriel, Donald Piper, James Scott, Douglas Tighc, Brian Peters, Ronald McMul- len, Bill Hurrie, Tommy Puk, Claire Syci, Bruce Welsh. Coaches-Bob Marjerrison and Ted Fairey. BISONS - Larry McDoxald,' Daxmy Hooper, Wayne Hunt, Veral MacLean, Michael Shul- ga, Gary Bail, Kils Balson, Del- ton Dykstra, Kini Rogers, Roib- ert Carpenter, James Dustan, Gary Preston, Michgel Gilhoo- ly, Douglas Parker, Steven For- sey Coach-Don. Gilhooly. BARONS-Borys Wereszczy- nski, David Wiggans, Ronald Shackclton, Tommy Cook, Fredrick Bailey, David Edmon- dson, Ricky Woolner, Randy Snowden, Davi Stutt, John Hendry, Gregg Corden, Ken- neth Tabb, Kari Kent, Richard Vanstone, Murray Cawker. Coach-Geo. Cawker., INDIANS-Bobby Ellis, Ray Ripley, Michael Oke, Johnny Qyler, Kenneth Vance, Robert Forbes, Tommy Joncs, Ken Martin, Jack Ellis, Wayne Mc- Roberts, David Lee, Bruce Sim- pson, Steven Condren, Tirnothy Taylor, Scott Burgess. Coach-. BOMBERS - Kent Cleiand, Timothy Walton, Teddy Wal.. ton, Norman Neads, Lariy De- vitt, James Rogers, Douglas Brough, Robert Tunstall, Tom- -my Stout, Charlie Cattran, James Robson, Allan Foran, Bob Howes, William Morrison, Joe Hircock, Larry Coniers. Coah-. Pee Wee League (9 teama) RANGERS - Greg Brooking, Gary Rogers, Richard Bailcy, Terry Cox, John Connors, Da- vid Van Nest, Dennis Lemon, Norman La Bine, Peter Bar- clay, Grcgg Simnions, Jarnie MacDonald, Peter Tqrdiff, John Cunningham, Richard Wiggans, Dana Damiant. Coach-Walte.r Goode. H-AWKS-(Atom Ail Stars) -Phillîp P.anduck, Brian Qg- den, Jeff Gilhooly, Davidi Wright, Paul Charbonneau, John Taylor, Gary Wilson, Mi- chael Bothwell, Jay Rogers, Glen Finney, Bud Depew, Mi- chael Cawkcr, Ronald- Webb, Warren Aider, Sandy Brown, Donald Jamieson. Coaches-Don Gilhooly, Doug Walton. BRUINS-Alexander Rogers, Daviti Burdett, Howard Mutton, John Russell, Bob Thompson, Ricky Bromeil, Wesley Lane, Gayc TruIl, Glenn Rabb, Ran- dy Dewell, Arthur Jackson, Larry Simpson, James Kitney, John Ballantine, Randy Beau- prie. Coach-I. Beauprie. GIANTS-Donald Taylor, Ter- ry Devitt, Lanny Burns, Fred- die Cook, Ricky Bannes, Tom Veitch, Ken McDonald, Larry Lee, Werner Wallraff, Robert Siernon, D a n n y McDonald, George Leadbeater, Bob Both- well, Richard Perfect, Roger Swan. Coacti-Cari, Devitt. WINGS - Wayne Barrett, Dennis McFeeters, Dennis Mc- Donald, Jim Dillhing, Richard Sheehan, Alan Brown, James MeIntyre, Bruce Barrett, John Lockhart, Lockie McNair, Jim Maguire, Tommy Carter, Paul Huggett, Ian MéQuarrie, Guy Parks. Coaches-Len Lucas anti Beit Johnson. CANADIANS - Gerald Me- Donald, Charles Ewert, Thomas Brooks, Jantie Cobban, Doug- las MeFeeters, Peter Vanstone, Nelson Fowler, Barr'y White- mnan, Donald Shartt, Bruce Meadows, Earl Malley, Joe Rea- der, Geralti Wright, Douglas Rarnes. Charles Evans. Coach -John Puk. ,LEAFS-Paul Meadows, Asti. ley Osmond, Dennis Tierncy, Robert Large, Ricky Dcwell, Stephen Wright, Dennus Home- niuk, Randy Cole, Ronnie Sim- pson, tDanny Lemon, Greg. Coucti, Keriy Dickens, Bryce Baisait, Larry Luxton, Terry Srmith. Coach-John Fowler. BEARS - Morris Honeyman, Joe Kitney, Donald Murphy, Michael Shuttleworth, Murvun Fredricks, Bill Sumersford, Jerry Sêebarth, Lawrence Wright, Davidi Barrabali, Larry Hellam, Donald Rogers, Ronald Fagan, Norman Lilley, Bred Brown, Craig Stevens. Coac- Bob Rogers. Bsntam League (S teams> PIRATES - <Pce Wee AIl- stars)-David Puk, Bradley Lu- cas, Paul Parker, Walter Rick- anti, Paul Lucas, Ronnie Car- ter, Waray Rendeil, Don Mc- Murter, Peter Werry, Steven Burns, Wayne Down, Ron Hoo- per, Garficeld Webb,4 Terry Wal- tan, Danny Wilins, Bob James. Coaches-Morley Oke and Eti. Runtile. TIGERS - John Kilpatrick, Howard Etinontison, Stephen Jeffery, John Bergsma, Daviti McFeeters, Jerry Fails, Georgel Moore, Michael Russell, Wayne, Elliott, Ray Adcock, Daviti Staunton, Ricky Ells, Pauli Sweete, Neil McGregor, Scott Rudeli, Ricky Gay. Coach- John Osborne. CUBS -John Hughes, David Ragers, Dennis Danku, Talbot Thonipson, Don Swecte, Ronald Richards, Bobby Vallieres, John Gilbert Davidi Tonkin, Alan Raby, Donald Simmons, Bill Crombie, Douglas McKnight, Davidi Kerr, Alan Hooper, Gary Neil. Coach-Paul Chant. LIONS - Douglas Hurrie, Ivan Mils, Earle Keatiey, Lar- ry Hately, Glen Clarke, John AIln, Edwand Hanewich, Da- vid Nernis, Alex Laird, Dennis Gay, John Adamts, Brian Brati- Ies', Lai'ry Rogers, Gary Tubb, Deug. Niohols, Bill Buday. Coadi-Keith Shîackleton. BRAVES - Murray Brown, Larry Lunneman, Bob Fern- lunti, Gary Butîci', John Baker, Bill Hall, Dan Hughes, Henry Cooncy, Fred Aidi-cati, Gord Flnney, Ricky Lucas, Bob Hel- lam, Irwin Colwell, Brian For- sey, Ronald Wilson. Coach - Nels. Wilson. HUSKIE.S-Cary Akey, Mi- cheael Leddy, Wayne Pearce, Neil Yeo. Balyane Flint, Danny Joncs, David Crawford,. Nor- man Thornpson, John Cunning- ham, Casey Denhcrtog, Donald Martin, John Depcw, Briani Down, Bill Enbrugh, George Bail, Bill Depew. Coach-Bil Nicholson. TEE PEES-Bob Sleep, Da- vidi Bridges, Bill Scott, Waynel Beckett, Gary Dowm, Murray Taylor, Leon Cari', Jackic Rose, James Homeniuk, Larry Perris, Daviti Goheen, Tom Worden, Bill Cobbd.n, Peter MéCuilough, Pat Vinish, Gord Boyd. Coach -Don Masters. FLYERS - Howard Burgess, George SiIs, John Huggett. Ted Bate, Bob Bryant, Phillip Bragg, Jim Hendry, Ronnie Harper, Gregory Hornlgold, Wayne Bur- gess, Eric Fernlund, Peter Both.- well, Paul Peterson, Ralph Cole, James Archer, Gene Balson. SCoachi-Haroldi Balson. Mltget-Juvenfle League (7 teama) ORPHANS - Jim McKnight, Davidi Higgon, Ricky Peterson, Deug James, Larry Jamieson, Donald Smith, Jim Andierson, Jack Hallowell, Paul Mutton, Jon Hancack, Ted Brown, Don Tordiff, Larry Welsh, Robert Burton, Larry Samis. #Coach- Murray McKnight. GENERALS - Grant Wright, Lanry Piper, Bill Crossey, Don Rutinan, Wayne Therteli, Gei'- alti HalloweUl, Walter Gibson, Roger Meadows, Don Kerr, James Finit, Norris Turner, Donald Butler, Ricky Rickard, V'hoio3-540@ B.wmanvlfe U8 King St 9. Town League Hockey Schedule for '59-60 Season Oct. 22 Bloekbusters vs. Ken's Men's Wear Works Dept v&. HQoper's Jewellers 29 Hooper': Jewellers vs. Blockbusters Ken's Men's Wear vs. Works Dept. Nov. 5 Blockbusters vs. Works Dept. Hooper's Jewellers vs. Ken's Men's Wear 12 Hooper': Jewellers va. Works Dept. Ken's Men's Wear va. Blockbusters 19 Works Dept. vs. Ken's Men's Wear Blockbusters vs. Hooper's Jewellers 26 Ken's Mci's Wear vs. Hooper's Jeweflers Worka Dept. vs. Blockbusters Dec. 3 Kens Mci's Wear vu. Blockbusters Hooper': Jewellers vs. Works Dept. 10 Blockbusters va. Hooper': JeweUlers Works Dept. vs. Ken's Men': Wear 17 Works Dept. vs. Blockbusters Ken's Men': Wear va. Hooper's Jewellers Jan. 7 Works Dept. vs. Hooper's Jewellers Blockbusters va. Ken's Men's Wear 14 Ken's Men's Wear va. Works Dept. Hooper's Jeweilers vs. Blockbusters 21 Hooper's Jewellers vs. Kens: Men': Wear Blockbusters vu. Works Dept. 28 Blockbusters vs. Ken's Men's Wear Works Dept. vs. Hooper's Jewellers Freb. 4 Hooper's Jeweilers vs. Blockbusters Ken's Men's Wear vs. Works Dept. il Blockbusters vs. Works Dept. Hooper's Jewellers vs. Ken's Men's Wear 18 Hooper's Jewellers vs. Works Dept. Ken's Men'a Wear vs. Blackbusters 25 Works Dept. vs. Ken's Men's Wear Blockbusters vs. Hooper's Jewellers Mar~. 3 Ken': Mci's Wear va. Hooper's Jewellers Works Dept. va. Blockbusters D £ecreation .ÇR views1 By Douglas Rigg Minor Hockey A total of 450 boys have re- gistereti for hockey this year comparedti t 331 for iast year. There wiUl be a total cf 29 mi- nor hockey teams, this is an increase cf 6 teamns over lait year. The Recreation Departmnent wlU again sponsor thîee lea- gues, Atom, Pee Wee anti Ban- tam. Thea Lions Club wll help sponsor the Mitiget-Juvenile league again. The Minor Hockey teama will start their practices on Satur- day, October 3lst. Listcd below are the practice Urnes: Saturday, October 3sit BANTAM LEAGUE - 7:00 a.m., lions,, 7:45 a.m., Tigers (Clean Ice):. 835 a.m. Braves; 9:20 a.m. Huskies (Clean Ice>. PEE WEE LEAGUE -10:10 a.m. Rangers; 10:55 a.m. Giasits; 11:40 a.m. Wings. Monday, November 2nd ATOM LEAGUE - 4:30 paxn. Honnets; 5:15 Barons. MIDGET - JUVENILE LEAGU-8:05 p.m. Orphans; 6:55 p.rn. 1aroons; 7:40 p.m. Generals. Weduesdar, November 4th ATOM LEAGUE - 5:30 p.=s Bison&. Frlday. November ItRi MIDGET -JUVENILE LEAGUEý-5:00 p.-tlodgers. Saturday. November 7tIi PEE WEE LEAGUE - 7:0 arn. Bruina; 7:45 a.m. Caa dians (clean ice); 8:35 a.m. Leafs; 9:20 a.m. Bears (dlean ice). BANTAM LEAGUE - 10:1 arn. Cuba; 10:55 arn. Flycrs; 11:40 a.m. Tee Pees. Monday, November 9th ATOM LEAGUE-4:30) p.mj. Rams; 5:15 p.m. Indians. MIDGET - JUVENILE eF-AGUE - 6:05 p.m. Rockets; 6:55 p.m. Cornets; 7:40, p.m. 1Raiders, Wednesday, November llth ATOM LEAGUE - 5:30 p.m. Bombers. Friday, November l3th ATOM LEAGUE - 5:00 p.m. Hornets and Barons. Saturday, November l4th BANTAM LEAGUE - 7:00 arn. Tee Pees andi Flycrs; 7:45 a.m. Cuba and Huskies (CI.ean Ice); 8:35 a-n. - Tigers anti Lions. PEZ WEE LEAGUE - 9:20 a.m. Bruina and Canadians (Clean Ice); 10:10 a.m. Leafs and Bears; 10:55 a-n. Rangers andi Giants; 11:40 a.m.-Wings and Braves (Bantams). Monday. November lBth ATOM LEAGUE - 4:30 p.m. Rame andi Indians; 5:15 p.m. Do owe l U. oa -B u e John Clark. Bob Burges, Larry ' RAIDERS - Blaine Pickard Pc, Dn'»»,Gln Bak IrlgGil Allun Cole, Bradley1 burn, Ji Scott, DavidiAio, Vourtà, Bryce Adams, 'Michael, John Bruce, Wayne Devittli Di- Bisons anti Bombers. MIDGET - JUVENILE LEAGUE - 6:05 p.m. Dotigers andi Cornets; 6:55 parn. Orphans andi Generals. 7:40 parn. Raiders anti Rackets. Wednesday, November lSth MIDGET LEAGUUE - 5:30 p.rn. Maroons. The Minor Hockey Leagues' regular schedule will get under- way on Saturday, November 2lst. Miner Hockey Coaches We are stilliIn neeti cf six miner hockey league coaches; two in the Atam league anti four ini the Midget-Juveniei league. If you are interested in coaching one of these teains pbease contact Doug'Rigg at MA 3-3335, Ext. No. 6. Chiltiren'. Crait Classes The chltineni' craft class helti Its first session two weeks ago at thc Menrial Park Club House. There were eight chii- tiren present. The class is under thc direc- tion cf Connue Osmondi anti Lintia Brooking andi meets every Saturday at Memorial Park frarn 9:30 a.m. to, 11:301 a.m. Any chiltiren interestcd in joining thc class are invitjed ta, attend titis comin.4 Saturtiay, October 24th,, startig lime is 9:30 a.rn. Chldren's Theat'e There la stil!l ime ta register for the Recreation Department's; Chldren's The~atr'e whiah meetsi evcry Friday fron 4:30 ta 6:001I p.m. at Uic Lions Conumunity Centre. The class ia untier the dirc- tion ef Miss Verna Forai anti Murray Walker. Anýy chulti interestet in h i lng is asked ta attend this Fi-, day, Octaber 23rd. Ladies Keep Fit Clas A Ladies Kecp Fit class willl be helti at Mémorial Park Club Rouse startung this Thursday, October 22nd, startung at 7:00 p.m. The class wii be under the leadership of Mis. Pat Lucas anti will meet for approximate- ly ten weeks. If you are interesteti In joi- ing ts class please feel free to, drap down to Memorial Park on Thursday -evening, starting tinte is 7:00 p.m. Aduit Art Cia.: Anyone interestetiii jaining the Aduit Art Class is cordial- ly invitedti t attend one of the1 classes ta sec what type of wark i. being donc by this group. The ciass i. under lte direc- lion of Mi. Charles Wakefield anti niets every Friday aI the Lions Centre startirig tinte lu 7:30 p.rn Reading and i Dscussion Group The Recreation Departmaent'si Reaing hond thiscusinGroup Rca hdin athi DSCSOctbr meeting at Uic Bowmaniviiie Higli Scitool starting trne will be 7:00 Dickens, Bill Brown, Jack Wha-!viawooner, . uiDsoni5 ici, George Kennedy, Davîi Si, Rom Bryant, Neil Hooey, son Allan McMullen, Davidi ROCKETS - Robert Black- Man, Edward Stephen. Coacti burt, Allai Woodlock, Grant Mr. anti Mis Han-y Stone, -.1 Flintoff, John Dykstra, Richard Sr. of Toronto, were recent MAROONS - Ken Veîtcli, McLean, Ronald Welsh, Wen-1 visitais wîth lte Johnstoms. Scott Essery, Brian Rowe, Rob,. dcll Fisher, James Rickard, Jim iMr. anti Mis. Ross Brown ert Willis, Alan Osborne, Keith Coyle, Douglas Lane, Brucel and son spent tlhc wcekenti Bail, Donald._Riqard, John Ogden, Wayne Wray, Normnan with lier parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Phillips, Davidi Werry, John Lec, Ray Crombie, Elwuin White, Harvey Taylor of Brucefielti. Twist, Leo MacLean, Peter James Lane. Coach _.r Ms. Harrnet Meticaif of Port Groen, Walter ElUis, Fretidy We are stîll in need ofai aHope is spcnding a few day: Cobbledick, Dan Marshlal. number of coaches. If you are with Mr'. and Mms. C. M. Joncs. Coach-John Osborne., intercsted iu coaching one of Mr'. anti Mis. Harry Watie DODGERS - Bob MeManuis, thei minai' hockey teanis pleam!e werc in Fenelon Falla on Sun-J Paul Gearing. Joe Bothwell, Rae contact Doug Rigg, aI lthe Re- 1 day, calleti there by the deatti Pickell, Roti Taylor, Albert creation Office, Phone MA 3- 0f a relative, Mr. Martin Ras- Gotiwin, Fred Shackleton a 3335, Extension No. 6. kili. vid Thampson, David 'W illiam. Amy boys who are trying eut Mi. Murray Porter uniter- Don Mastersan, Bill McLean. for- the Bownianville Junior Ci weiit a major operation in a Karl Hoffrnan, Jim Vinson, Ted, team aid who have registereti Toronto hospital on Montiay. Goulti, Michael Johnson. Coach1 for minai' hocke' will not be Mr'. and Mis. Keith Staphen- eiile if tbey niake lie Jaun- son and family of ciako COMETS - Bruce Adamts. i ior teani. spent Uic wcekned with Mirs. Geo. Ovens. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade w6re in Toronto for a few days last week, Arnold ta attend an Insurance Convention. Mi's. Fi'ancis Thfford held a miscellan'eous siower, Friday evening for her sister-in-law, Miss Audrey Tufford. Mr. and Mis. Stanley Nichols of Port Carling spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. Word has been received of the passin~g of Mr. Marley Wel- banks at Hagerstown, Maryland U.S.A. At one Urne Morley was a resident here. living wîth his sister and brether-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Van Alien. They ail moved to the States about four years ago. Miss Lorraine Milligan of Lindisay, has been spending a few days wit~h Mrs. Wm. Mifli- gan and Berniece. Mr. and Mis. Harry Lax of Port Hope were their guests on Sunday. Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Gilmner, Mr. and Mis. St.anley Rowe and Mrs. J. T. Pearce were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mxi. Percy Rowe, Janetville. LONG SÂULT Mr. andi Mis. Win. Clark and fa.-nily, Toronto, spent t h c weckerid with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Ern~est Harper and ibrother Mr. andi Mrs. Wmn. Har- per. Mr. and Mrs. Ray White and family, Mrs. John MitcheIl, Scarborough; MT. a n d Mrs. Fred Partnex' were Sunday sup- per guests cf Mr. and Mi':. Gabriel Kayacs and Mis. Kov- acs. Mi'. andi Mrs. Fred Broati, Peter and Lesley, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr'. andi Mrs. G. Fletcher. Mi. Stan- ley Fletcher, Toronto, speirt the weekend with his parents. Mi. andi Mis. Lorne Watson, Orangeville; Mr .and Mrs. Mel- ville Achroyd, Bramipton; Mr'. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and Lau. raine were Sundey guests of Mi. anid Mis. F. G. Smith anti Grace. About hirty-five friends and neighbours gathereti at the Koyacs home Friday night at a late hour andi charivarieti the bride and groom. Everyone was invited into the house where they were serveti a very dainty lunch an-d atter wi!shing the happy couple the very best everyone departeti for thir home. Mr. and Mi':. Keith Davey and Elaine, Tyrone, were Sun- day cailers of Mi. Robert Sim. Mr. and Mrs. F. johnston lwei'e Sunday supper guests cf Mr. and MrS. J. Johnston. BE Mi'. G. Brown andi boys, Bow- manville, visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown on Sunday. Gregory Adonis, Bowman- ville, spent the weekend with Raymond Cameron. Mms. E. Murphy, Tyrone; Mr'. and Mis. Fred Brooks, Oshawa; Mr. and iýs. Paristi, Oshawa; Mi. and Mis. Chas. W OoC.Or- ona; Mi'. and Mis. Phasyat Wayne and Cathy, Tyrone werc Sunday supper guests; Mr. and jMi'.. John Carrigan, Hanmpton were 9unday visitors and Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodley and Di- anne andi MIT. and Mrs. E. Pen- warden were Friday evening visitais at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. H. Murphy. Mi. Glen Gordon, Oshawa, was a Sunday afternoon visitor and Mir. and Mis. Herb. Wil- liamis, Alderwood, andi Mi. andi Mrs. Bruce Willianms and fam- ily, Mimico, were Sunday suP- per gucst.s of Mr. and Mr&. Rye Gibson. MEMORIAL ARENA Bowmanville, Friday, Oct. 23 PUBLIC * SKATING 8 - 10 p.m. Admission Aduits 50c Children 35e Spectators - 10e Saturday, Oclober 24 PUBLIC SKATING ADMISSION Aduits 50e - Children 35e Spectators 10e CHILDREN'S SKATING Wednesday, Oclobor 28 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. Children *...... .. . .................. 25c Aduits accompanying children - .25e Wednesday, Oclober 28' PUBLIC SKATING ADMISSION Aduits 50e - Children 35c * Spectators 10e COMMUNITY MEMORIAL ARENA SUNDAY SKATING GROUP EVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOOT( 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. e 24 Weeks - $5.00 Memberfhlp Limited Number Tickets available at box office, $5.00 par persoli SPECIAL AREA FOR TOTS PREPAREDI ""LET GEORGE DO IT!"là BOYS' ALL WOOL DUFFLE Qullted Lining - Fur Collar - Spit Hood - Ail Colours - Sizes 4-18 Yrs. Reg. $12.95 THIS WEEK ONLY_____ COATS $7.e95 BOYS' LINED Ail Colours JEANS a Ail Sizes From 6 - 16 Years THIS WEEK ONLY _____ Al One MEN'S PARKAS Heavy Quilted Lining Heavy Zipper - Ail Colours Reg. $16.95 - THIS WEEK ONLY - MEN'S HEAVY FLANNEL Doeskin Shirts Ail Colours - Ail Sizes THIS WEEK ONLY --____ $19 42 Ring Si. mH. MA 343211 COLD WEATHER 15 ON THE WAY S P E C 1 A L! Friday and Saturday Only HEAVY WORK PANTS Colours - Ail Sizes Pair ta a Customer -$2.69 Corne in f«ra FREE bthet shwl! MASON & DALE Hardware Limited NWe Carry a Complet. Lino of RUBBER FOOT WEAR for Boys and Mn Bowmanville Surplus -Store -à 1 PAGE THMTEM THE CANADUN STATESM". BOWMANVILL& ONTAPJO TFnTRSDAY, OCT. 22nd, 1959 $2.99 $10,99

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