TnTrIt Ay, . aa.nA, ic PAE FOURTENN THE CANADIAYI STATI~MA~Ft ROWMAWVITT.U. 6NTARW~ PT~TTU~Ti A V nIW .>.>..a tt~oe WCTU Plans bo Send Dele gates tb Meet On Liquor Problems NEWCASTLE - The regular meeting of thie W.C.T.U. was held on Thursday afternoon in the Board room of the United Church with the president, Mrs. T. G. Sowden presiding. The meeting opened wit2h the smng- Ing of th.ree verses of a hymn followed by the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge repeated i un- ison. Miss Ferguson reporting for the "Listeniing' Post" read an article on the Youth Confer- ence. The Toc Alpha Commit- tee is now planning the third Provincial Youth Conference on the alcohol problermi to be held December 27-30 at the Centrai Y.M.C.A. Toronto. There will be outstanding Can- adian speakers on alcohol edu- cation. Early registration is ad- vised since accommodation is limited to two hundred dele- gates. The local union decided to &send one delegate to the con- ference and pay the expenses. The prograrn comnittee ap- pointed for the November meet- ing are Mrs. M. C. Fisher and MTs. W. Farrow. During the wership period a hymn was sung and Mrs. Hoar read the scripture lesson frem the 4th chapter of Proverbs with coxnmentary. The "Clip Sheet, entitled "Citizenship" was conducted by Miss Fergu- son with several of the meni- ITELEPHONE Ai Helps Hard-of-Hearing Persons Use Telephone If you are hard-of-hearmng, Malco wants you to have this patented device for your telephone. It reduces back- ,round noises and heips ;ou hear 'phone conversa- tion easier. Maico offers this to you FREE, wlth no obligation whatsoever, to dernonstrate to you that a hearlng loss can be over- corne ln rany ways. Our suppiy of these telephone receiver aids la lirnited. Stop in or write for yours today. You"ll findi k a wonderful help. MAICO Hlearing Service HIEARING SERVICE I * 850 Yong St., Toronto *WA 4-2317 Please ISend Free Telephone Aid Name Addresa_________ City TelphneCS/MV/10/22/59i bers taking part and revealed a citizen is one who oweu alleg- iance te a government and ex- pects protection from that gov- ernrent. A good citizen is one wbo keeps himself aind bis fam- ily in the best possible health. mental and physical, and con- tributes te tîhe welfare and pro- gresscf bis family, bis cern- munity and bis cou.ntry. To be itelligent citizens we should study the histery of our country and oui, freedom, the progress of the enfranchise- ment of women our laws, poli- tics and public questiqnà cf world w1de concern. The fol- lowing laws sbould be of spe- cial concern te women, The Li- quor Control Act the Liquor License Act Code, laws relating te cliildren, Dom- inion Lord's Day Act. To aid in study is the bock '"Canadian and Provincial Abstract cf Laws" wbich may be obtained from the W.C.T.U. literature depository. Other great concerns of worldwide importance are World Peace, the United Na- tiens, in ail its departments, and Overseas relief. MTs. Sowden gave an inter- esting talk on ber trip te Zur- ich, Switzerland, te visit ber son. She was accompanied by 'ber daughter Mrs. Hughes of Port Hope. It teck 12 heurs te fly from Montreal te Zurich, . stopping at Paris te refuel. She said Zurich bas the fin- est University in the world for engineering. The city hs noted for its beautiful flowers and the Garden Exhibition; also for its cleanliness and friendliness. The cable car at Mt. Pilatus was most interesting. Mrs. Sowden treated the group to cookies which were purcbased in Zurich and th e thanks of the Union was ex- tended te Mrs. Sowden for her splendid talk. Eve ning W.A. Discusses Nov. Bazaar NEWCASTLE - The Even- ing Branch cf St. George's Wo- man's Auxiliary m-et in the Parish hall on Wedinesday evening. The meeting opened witli prayers, fellewed by re- Ports from the Treasurer, Dor- cas and Flower secretaries and the Little Helpers' Convenor. Mis. Alex Hendry reported cd that the Little Helpers held a very well attended meeting on October i3th, and that those in charge are considering pur- chase cf a low table to be used with the smali chairs. Mrs. Dewdney read an arti- cle from the W.A. Bulletin con- cerning thec changing work of the Doreas Comniittee since the Governmentit lataking & moreI active part ini the Indian Schools in the west. It auggest- cd that Woman's Auxillaries should now make an effort te, belp Missionaries and theiri families with Quilts and Clatit- Mng. A bazaar, te b. held jointly Iwith the Afternoon Brandhin' November was discussed and a conimittee coxposed, of IBiR Lake, Mrs. Phil Wlliamsa and Mrs. Doug Cunninghami was appointed to neet with the Afternoon Brandi for dis- cussion. Saine suggested pro- jects for the bazaar were a ruxnmage table, fish pond, and tables containing candy, homne beking and fancy work. There was also some discussioni about the annual Christinas party and the Brandi was pleased te Iwelcome two new members at tIs meeting. W.A. Group Views Floral Demnonstration NEWCASTLE - The South West Group cf the Woman's Association of 'the Newcastle United Churah met at the -home cf TVrs. Albert Pearce with ten members and three visitoem in attendance. Mrs. Garnet Rickard conduct- ed the devotional service which was based on the theme of "Power and Depth'. The hymn "Love Divine was sung and the scripture lesson taken from. the book of Ephesians chapter 3 and verses 7 te 21 was read by Airs. Albert Pearce, and the Lord's Prayer was repeated ini unison. Alfter the business meeting Mrs. Baskerville and Mrs. Far- row showed the group how te quilt Crib Tops and one regu- lar size cjuilt. IErs. Tink cf Hampton demonstrated flower arranging and the making ef corsages. Following the meeting re- freshments were served by the committee in charge and a so- cial hail hour was enjoyed by ail. STÀRK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sylvester and Julie, Sarnia, spent houl- days with Mr. and Mrs. Jirn Sitark. Mrs. Morley Robùwmo had a Stanley Products demonstira- tion at her home last week. Choir practice was held ait Mrs. Westlheuser's, Saturday evening in preparation for special music for the anniver- sary service ait Shàloh Suniday afternoon et 2.30. Rev. W. G. Dicksos B.A. wil NIe the speak- er. 'Mss. Russell 1.owery and M!arilyn, Toronto, spenit the weekend ait Mr. A. Dobson's. Mr. and Mars. Brian Caswell and famiiy spent Saturdiay evenin>g at Mvr. Alec Martin's, Newcastle. Mr. anid Mrs. Weffden anid family, Hamtilton, and Miss Iva Williams, Toronto, vsibted recentiy at Mr. Fred Todd's. Mr. Wilson'Carson and Mr. Grant Farrow enjoyed, a drive to Ott&wa during the weekend. Mr. and Mirs. Llew Hailoweil and Jiim vlsited at bM. Morley Miss Sylvia Westheuser, Ter- mnte, spent tie week ait home. bMs-. Ed Ruthven, Mion, at AlM Dobson's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cas- îveil, Zion, aind Mr. and Mirs. Orme Falls aind family were ilnner guesta at Mr. Brian CasweUl's. e t tc HAMPTON Mn. James Smales la visit- ing her son Jim 'and Mis. 8mai- les and family, Oshawa. Mrs. Charles Howsasn, Port Perry, Mis. Jim Bard and Ci. dy cf Biackwater; Mia. Norval Wotten, Solinia, were visitera with Mvr.and Msr. Samn Dewell. Mr. and MTs. Merwin Mount- Jey visited Mr. and Mis. Milton Gray and attended Cadmus An- màversary on Sundiay. Mr. ond Mrs. Jack Taylor, Alton, and Mgr. A. E. Taylor, Bondhead, were Sunday visit- ors with Mv. and Mrs. J. ,A. Burvows. Mr. and Ms-s. Fnanl Chamt- payne, Bewmanvîlle, w e re Sunday Visitersa at W. Chiap- man's. Our Church Tbankofferimg service will be held on Sunday atteritoon Oct. 25th at 2.30 with Rev. H. Turner cf Bow- manvile as guesit minister. Special music by eus- choir, un- der the direction ef Mirs. K. Caverly, and Miss Heitlier Webb, soloist of Bowmianvie. Rev. Rudd, Torontto, wbo was representing the wcrk cf the British and Foreign Bible So- ciety, was a special speaker at the Sunday morning church service and presented an in- spiring message wbich con- tained valuable information andi was much appreciated. Our choir supplied the musie at the Sunday evening ehurch service ait Enniskillen and were pleasantly entertained in the Sundiay Schooit roem ater- ward by the Enniskillen friends who served dainty refresh- ments. A gwaierinig ef intereet was held i the new Sunday School hall u Tuesdiayr evening lest when a goodly number et la- dies met together te bonor Miss Euniioe Randle bride-to-be, with a niiscellaneous shewer. Upon hier arrivai she was escorted to a special dialr on the plat- ferm accompanied by her me- tRier, wbo waa seated beside ber alter bbc usuai corsage presenbatien. 'Miss Darleoe Fowler was also beside ber to assisit in tbe pre- sentation etffthc gifts and read- lng the Best Wishes which aie- companied thens. Miu Diane Macnab and Mirs. W. Fowler assisted i displaying the mazqy Iovcly andi useful gifts, for which Eunice pleasingly ex- prescd ber appreciation. Lunch was scrved ad a sociai hait heur endoyed. The rom was ràcelY decorated for the cc- OBITUARY Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Milis1 -Engraving courtesy St. Marys Journal-Argus1 MRS. WM. J. MILLS Funeral services were con- ducted in St. Marys, on Monday October l2th, by the Rev. A. Dymond cf St. Pauls Anglican Chur-ch, Kirkton, for the late Mrs. William J. Milîs, a beloved resident of the Stone Town, who passed away i St. Marys Mem- orial Hospital on Saturday, in her 93rd year. Interment was made in St. Marys Cemetery. Palibearers were Harold W. Maxwell, John S. Lind, W. I. Mills (Toronto), Thomas Pin- ney, Lex Wilson Jr. and Peter Henderson (London). Mrs. Mills, the former Kate .Askew Howell, was born in Sarnia, Dec. 20, 1866, daughter of the late Lewis Howeil and his wife Anne Philp. As a girl she moved with her parents ta Brantford, where at Public School she was a fellow pupil of the later famous Pauline Johnson, Indian poetess and writer, whom she retained as a close friend for many years. In her teens she moved to Paris with her parents and it was there she commenced ber musi- cal career, later beceming or- ganist of St James Anglican Cihurch there. In 1884 she ma- triculated from Aima College, St. Thomas, then a very new school for girls, where she mia- jored ln music. Later sh>e re- turned to Paris where she taught music and where she and five other girls formed the Lau- der Sextette, forerunner cf the miodern ladies' orchestras. On January 20, 1892 she be- came the wife cf William J. Mills, a native of the Bowman- ville district and then an em- ployee of the f irm of David Maxwell & Sons, which. had recently mioved from Paris te St. Marys. After seme years i St. Marys, Mrs. Mills and lier husband lived in Winnipeg, Western Kansas, St. Joe, Mis- souri, Kansas City and for four-, ENNISKILLEN W.A. meeting is te be held at the home of Mis. A. Sharp, Oct. 27, with Mis. W. H. Brown Maple Grove, as guest speak- er. Obtain your tickets for turkey supper front W.A. mcm- bers. M&. aend Mirs. Satudiy Moore andtIxLoise, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewin. .Mrs. A. Werry and girls as- sisted ai etecia et Miss Lynn Farrow at the home of Mis. Ross Lee, Kedron. Saturdiay evendng Mr. andi Mrs. Alan Werry and daugli- ters attendeti a party ait Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee's in honour of the fiftlh wedding aninivers- ary et Mr. and Mirs. John Dean. In honour cf Mi and Mrs. E. Holdsto ck, Bowyroanville, wtso werc celebrating their 25th weddling anniversary, a tu.rkey supper was held ait the home eftlber brother, Mr. and Mirs. Floyd Beckett, on Sat., Oct>. llth. Those atending were Mr. O. Beckett andi Arvilla, Mr. Fred Page, Tyrone; Mv. andi Mis. John Beckett Scugogg Island; Mr. andi Mmr. Dawson Beckett andi family, Maple Grove; Mr. Donald Lamb, En- niskillen. Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catharines; Mr. andi Mis. Hier- bert Wright and girls, New- market; Mi. and Mis. Fred Wright andi faxnily, Toronto, were with Mr. and Mis. N. E. Wrighvt. Mr. andi Mmr. Roberit Preston, Maple Grove, were Suniday visitors et Mrs. E. Page. Mvr.and Mis. Cameren Oke, Oshawa, were Sunday visiters witii Mv. A. Oke andi Miss El- aie Oke. Mr. and Mis. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Toronto, returneti bis iother, Mis. S. R. Pethick, home on Sunday. Mrs. Petrhick is tioing nàcey sinice ber oper- ation. Rev. and Mis. J. Plant, Brightoa; Miss Margue r it e1 Wrigtik St. Catharines; Ron Clemens, Hampton; Mv. aind Mis. N. E. Wright, were Sun- day tea gu.ests of Mr. andi Mvi. Edgoar Wright's. Mr. andi Mis. Geo. Irwin and Doeui Gail on Saturday, teen years in Chicago. In 1912 they came back te St. Marys where Mr. Milîs resuzned his position with the Maxwel firi. They have been residents here continuously since that time. Mrs. MilLs' great musical talent' was put te constant use for more than forty years by many organizations in the town, also by rnany cf the churches wbere she acted as organist on mimer- eus occasions. For years tere was scarcely an amateur musi- cal show preduced i St. Marys1 te, which Mrs. Mils did net con- trîbute 'ber musical assistance. She was active in the Women's Guild cf St. James' Church here for many years. 'Mrs. Mils and her husband celebrated their sixty-fifth wed- ding anniversary in January 1957. Five years ago she had the; misfortune to fracture ber hip in a fail and in June cf this year she again suffcred a frac- ture. She is survived by ber busband, two daughters, Helen,I Mrs. A. G. Wilson cf St. MarysI and Kathleen, Mrs. Geo. Kess- 1er cf northern New Jersey, a brother Charles N. Howell of Danville, California; four grand-1 children and twc great grand- children. Among frîends and relatives fromi a distance wbo came te St. Marys te pay tribute te Mrs. Milis' memory were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Milîs, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson cf London; Mr. and Mrs. Hender- son Sr. cf Sarnia; A. G. (Lex) Wilson Sr., wbo flew Up from Lexington, Ky.; Mrs. W. B. Lemon cf Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Trusler and daugbter Barbara cf Forest; Mr. and Mirs. Reg Martin, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. T. Grainger cf Stratford; Ms-. and Mrs. Chas. Humpbries, London; Mrs. McDonald, Lon- don; Mr-. Cedric Larsson, To- ronto, and Mir. Henry Naylor of Woodstock, and many £romn the St. MVarys district, attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and IraT. Ernest Ir w in, Bobcaygeon. Their eleven sons and daugh- ters, including George, were ail present for thc occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp hati a very pleasant holidiay with Captaiin and Mrs. H. W. Gregg and boys, GlennieI Marylandi, aise visited friends and relatives ait Galt anid ait- tended the plowing match. Mis. Gee. Squibb, Cooks- town, Mr. Fred Bennett, Fort William, were recenit visiters 'ait John Grltfin's. Mr. and Mis. L. Stainten and famuly, were Suniday visi- tors at C. Mills and R. Hope's, Port Perry. Mr. andi Mrs. H. Stainhten, Hampton, were Monday tea guesits et Leonjard Stainten's. Misses Coninie andi Hilda. Kay, Toronto, were weekend gucsts of Mr. and MiTs. A. Sharp. Mr. and Mis. Clarence Avery, Buxketon; Mr. 'andi Mis. Frank Dorland, Mr. Albert Oke, Miss Elsie Oke, attendcd the Hot- ston-Turner wedding at St. George's Anglican Ch ur c , Oshawa, on Saturday. Mr. hnd 'Mis. Fred Toms were tea guests cf 1Mi. andi Mrs. Sandy Moore, Shirley and called on Mi. and, Mrs. Cortney Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms. Mr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Fawns and family, Port Peirry, were Satuvday cvening visitors ait E. McNair's. Service Club was held at Ms-s. E. McNair's on Oct. 14. Bazaar articles were handed in. Waitch Coming Events for Bazaar and Penny Arcade date. Mr Gilbert Grawbarger and frient Resteule, spent Thanks- î iving with Mr. and Mis. RL Lamb. Lieutenant and Mrs. F. Ben- nett, Fort William, were week- endi guests ait Mr. andi Mrs. J. E. Griffin's. Mr. andi Mss. Douglas Moore, Oshawa, werc wjth Mr. andi Mis. P. Elli. Miss Brenda Ells spenit the weekend with Miss Patsy Gibbs, Tyrone. Mis. S. Vannalkenbuvg, Have- iock, la visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P. Euls. Bey. maxi Mis. J. A. plant, Brighton; Misn Elva Orchard, Bowmanville; Mi ss Shirley Bothwell, Maple Grove, were visitors with Mr.and Mms M. Stainton and Clarence. Miss Patsy Ellis was an over- nighit guest with Miss Kathryn Slemon. Miss Mary Jones, Bownan- ville, was an over-night guest wiVh Miss Mary Griffin. M'r. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Nestieton; TMr. and Ms-s. Allan Wray, Bowmanville, were with Mr. apid Mas. Lorne Lamb. Mrs. Donald Lamnb bas just returned home from spending six weeks with her brother and sisters at Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan, British Columbia. 1&. and Mrs. P. Ells and fanidly visited Ms-. and Mms. Gordon Gejîtins, Caesarea. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Cal- flan, Mr. M. J. Hobbs, attended the West Durham Teachers' Convention at Orillia. Miss Joan Hobbs attended the Osh- awa Teachers' Convention at Ottawa. Mrs. Eva Tyers, Toronito, Is visiting with Mrs. T. M. Slemi- Our regular C.G.I.T. meeting was held on October 14. The worship was taken by Laura Bowrnan. The installation of new officers for 1959-60 took place. Our next meeting will be held on October 21. W.M.S. Meeting Mrs. Allan Werry was hos- tess for an evening meeting of the W.'M.S., Oct. l3th, with a good attendîance. Pres. M1rs. L. Ashton opened with a hyn anid prayer and expressed asp- preciation fie Mrs. WerTy for openinfg their home for the meeting. Th.e theme of the devotional was "God's good gifts", pre- sented by Mrs. E. Wright. A Thanksgiving reading was giv- en iby Mrs. F. Toms. A prom- ising young musician, Marie Beckett, pIayed a piano in- strumental and she and her motheqr, Mrs. F. Beckett, play- ed a piano duet. Instrumented music by Mrs. L. Lamnb was also appreeiated. A pleasant surprise of the eveninjg was that Mrs. R. M. Seymour, a fermer nister's wife, was present te give the study chapter from "Africa DisturbecP', in her usual cap- able manner and aise brougiht greetings te the ladies from Mrs. A. Prescott, Hampton. A social Urne was enjoyed while Mrs. F. Beckett?s and Mrs. I. Sharp's group served lunch. Thanksgiving Service Last Sundîay evening the an- nual Thanksgiving service of Enniisldllen United Church was held. The guest speaker for the evening service was Rev. Jam- es Plant of Brigihton. Mr. Plant had been the minister of the Enniskillen Charge 14 years ago and it was from lthis charge hat he reti.ýed. ManyI friends were on hand to renew their acqujaintances and te greet him. 1The music for the evening was provided by the choir of Hampton United Clvarch under the direction of Mrs. K. Caver- ly and accomparsied by Miss N. Horn. Harvest decorations were provided for the services in Eniniskillen Ohurdh by the C. G.I.T. Seniors Following tihe service Th'le Choioe Qualit>' Slioed LAMB LU VER Eniskillen Choir entertained .jle Hampton choir in the church basementt. Here thbe skill of the ladies of thie Ennis- killen choir was shown in the multitude of fancy tbings te eat. On the suggestion of one man, several cf these fragile delicacies were wrapped up and given te the pastor of En- niskiflen who wras te take them home for >-;s absent wife. Tne last directions he received were te be careful anîd te hold hem a certain way He agreed te do this with a smile of confidence. A few moments later he left with bis prize tucked carefully under bis books, but suddenly the genereus andl delicate gift no longer followed directions. Instead of being carried right side up, thtey were wrong side up on the floor. Oh, well, he says they were good, hardiy ibroken at ail. HÂYDON NIT. and Mrs. Alber't Lock, Port Hope, called on Ms-r. and Mrs. Leslie Gralham, Sunday. Mrs. Bob Keith and fam-ily, Scarborough; Ms-s. Harold Gay, Oshawa, and Mrs. Alfred Gar- rard were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard's, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sterrett and Glenn, Brampton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. C. Martyn and family, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge. Mr. and Mms. D. H. Moore, Oshawa, Mrs. R. Vanstone and Garry, Whiflby; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Co'wling, Blackstock, vis- ited Mrs. Richard McNeil on Sunday. Mr-. Lawrence Tabb, Oshawa, called on Mrs. K. Cowling and Mr. and Mira. W. Blackburn I M AUIIW and fa-nily, Sunlday. Several from Haydon attend- ed tihe Trienkoffering Services at Tyrone and. Ennftskillen on Sundtay.. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm, Allison and Bill were Sunday visitors at Mr. an'd Mrs. W. Rahmn's, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tre- win and Mýrs. Walter Loveridge called on Rev. and Mýrs. Har- old Stainton on the occasiont of their fortieth weding anniver- sary. Mrs. W. Thompson and Gaîl Thomipson spent Friday and SaturdaY, with relatives in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, Tom- my, Debbie and Mary spent the weekenid with relatives at Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rahm and farnily were Sunday supper guests of Mr-. and Mrs. H. Et- inanski, Oshawa. The church stewards are hav- intg an auction sale in the church shed on Saturday after- noon,4 for more particulars, 7,wi "Auction Sales". Sundîy School session 'ît 10.30 o'clock Sunday morning. Church Service at 7.30 p.m. Fruit Growers 0 a PLANT NOW! FalI planting gives the best resuits. Provides immediate growth at the first sign of spring. Playnt now our selected fruit trees of the finest quality. MARTI'S NURSERY offers you a wide range of HARDY SEMJ-DWARF AND DWARF APPLE TREES in many commercial varieties Many years of experience in growing and plant- ing commercial orchards qualify us to give you expert advice and service. F. Mart i Nursery BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-5012 VIIYMYMORE!I No HIDDEN COSrs AT "-b r GENERAL ELECTRIC Uèt lùlbs2 Wl- 39 25W, 40W, S0W f Rom bulb 23.-SAVE 7é PReODUCEE A 7IVE - Cai.Valensia, Nover Better, Fan.>' Grade, AIPLae Cai.ORANGESLae bg 9c, TOMATO SOUP BLUEBERRY PIE AILP Fancy Qualit>' - Case of 24 tins $400 - $AV£ 1Me WHOLE KERNEL CORN A&P Choice Quality - Case of 24 tins $480 - SAVE 24o RED PITUED CHERRIES Reg. 4 tinsO 43-8AVE Os 10 10oz'itins 9 9c Re.. 6o--8AVE 10o EAH55C Reg. 2 tins &%-SAVE Se 6 1"-z tins i.00 Reg. tin 21*c-SAVE 5o 5 155-oz tins 1.00 u69c ALWAYS IL@@IK 10 IMPERIAL&F908TiM lST SUPERRIGIT QUALITffYMEA T SPECILS PORK LOIN SALE RIlB END3 to 31Aim.I av.rage 163 3c TENDERLOIN END 3to 31a--Poav. lb43C CENTRE CUT or CHOPS PRIME RIB ROAST ExfraShoCut '69c AHl Good, Smoked Rindlets o23c SIDE BACON 1-6pik,53c ALL PRICES ON THIiS AD OUARANTRED THROUGH 8ATIJRDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 19» M", PAGE rouRTEM TM CAMADT" STATESMM. ONTAPJO ý - Ili