THtTRSDAY, OCT. !2nd, 1951 THE CANADIAII STATESMAR. DOWMAY~VIUX 61ITART~ U A î~W ~UUI'U'VW Traffic 4 Carn iva I, ~From Cej The Bowmanville Traffie A vioory Committee decided at tI meeting held recently to reor mend t Town Council thi carnivala and sot bail garn be banned at the Central Pul lic School gro.unds. The boai wu of the opinion that Mer orial Park is a more satisfa, tory location for these event Te chairman Councili( Keith Lathangue, presided ý the meeting. Others presei were J. C. Phillips, the secri tary, Police Ohief Bernard1 Kitney, and Tom Turner. Tho. absent were P. B. Pattriclc, Pale-an.d Lloyd Quinton. ', q2qe board also agreed to ri commend to council that Kin Street between Brown and Or tai Streets should be wider ed and that No Stopping ( Standing signs should be insta' led imznediately on the e& 1 The Mrs. .Mrs. Brooks Cowan and hei daughter Mrs. Robt. May, Brook. lni, gave a miscellaneous show. er for Miss Pixie Thompson Toronto, and a summer resider- of Orono, last week at the Co'wý an home when over 20 guesie were entertained by the bride. elect, showing slides taken or ber recent tour of Europe. Aftei the joint hostess served re. freshments M is s Thompsor thanked her friends for theii nice gifts and good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook, Toronto, were overnight guesi Iast week of Mr. and Mrs. Orv. lle Chatterton. 1&. and Mrs. J. Berry and baby, Markham,. visitçd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson last week, Mins Kate FSter, Oshawa; LET TOUR OLD VATER HEATER RETIRE OIACEFIILLI nyumt *aabmtoe cas- sot cope with today's. hsavloedemandas wiil b. glad to ib"atal mod- nu aIktomnatîc electric Water hoa~ er t right for yor famiW&'a neda. placement of heater, and eut of electricity are al covered by one attractive montbiy charge. Oou affwillbe gld te tell you ail about ti H inclusive HOT WATETR AREA OFFICE i Temperance Street Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3530 IFree! 1 ternal attacks. But, in truth, iyouth not likely to be large- ~dviory Com.Rec mmen s ~reflecingthe attitude of Its ýdvioryCom Recmmeds eylers? d M a smight be ad- vanced as to w±iy we are iailing ourselves, but a basic fault may 5,, SoftballGames Be Banned be tha weave allôwed oui-- selvs t besoldth daht beptter mo siral and e o- rura Pub ,~. Sc ool'~ro nus cialism's "'production for use" icly than free enterprise's d- aide of Ontario Street between tion. It was also recommened4 production for profit." he King and Queen Streets. A fur- ta Stop slgns in accordancel We hear o often. from 80o n- ther suggestion was made that with the existing by-law belf 'L c many sources, that profit is no- at Ontario Street between King placed at the intersections of.ixeîith Spicer thing but a measure of exploit- ies and Queen Streets be widened Silver Street. Temperance tioHerer rguentdo th earoi - Lb- as soon as it Is practical. Street and Division Streets with \p&j I A d rss is m aumo fent y. prfiot Md Another recommendation de- OChrhSrecmet. in d-o! exploitation? le cde uonb te oad obe Ote e omtendainAde- C ubAsindividuals we are al for E î.made ta Town Council was that cided uponard tertae a-D urham C u turning a profit, ini any deal or1i s aigts the orne o!pKei Yield thbe Right of Way" sign from selllng a bouse ta selng at; induemp te rnereosfeing placed on Ontario Street at its This evening thbe Durbam! a day's work. But there is al- F at sta]ie a onestposible in-~ junction with Liberty Street; County Club of Toronto wlll ways an audience for anyone e-t Kingd s a s id Div sion blre t and, ta introduce graduatedi hold a meeting at thbe I.O.D.E.' who contends.that lndustry and Ag R. These new Iights should be of speed limits on the following, Headquarters, Lowther Avenue commerce gain a profit only by frost-brc « a ind hat oul be ianullystreets: Liberty Street north of at Spadina Road, and an inter- explaiting tube workers or tube Qutlet b sI eat nanoud e mriuly the C.P.R. subway; Scugog esting pi-ograni bas been ai-- customers and that such profit aid wat( VI.opratd n a enereny. Street, north o! Middle Road; ranged. The president, J., P. shauld be caniiscated by the sonne ba A motion was passed recom- King Street East, Eastu of Simp- Lovekin, wiIl be the ebairman, state or tuhe workers. There are rnight b, le- mending the erection of Stop son Avenue; Waverly Road, and Bruce Madden will give the few spokesmen to answer that jet if y( ng signs at the north, west and south o! Coleman Streetu; King Welfare Committee report. - profits are morally right, an in- o! an 8. a- east approaohes to thbe Queen Street Westu, from the overbead Kelth Spicer will be thbe spe- centive and reward for harder ted stuee n- Street-Ontario Street intersec- bridge east ta Waverly Road, cial speaker. His topic will be, and more efficient work, the able wi: or tion so that northbound traffic and on the Wharf Road and <'A Canadian Student Abroad."1 essential to economlc growth. i- on Ontaio Street will have the Simpson Avenue, south of No. Mr. Spicer is the brilliant sonSo, by de! ault, we allow cap- ofAg< tst through lane at this intuersec- 401 btghway. o! Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Spicer, 1 italism ta be undermlned. Sincair, formerly of Durham. After an Our need ls to understand Agriculi impressive ~recèrd at tube Uni- that the political-economic sys- otn versity of Toronto as. an under- Item we have worked out h tthe otat graduate and in his post gi-ad-. best for us-and probably the bfr uate studies, Mr-. Spicer vas %;orld's best ta date-and that kee h O ro n oN e w sawarded a Canada Council- we can keep it the best in the eep tii, O roo Nw sScholarship which took himnto'future. But flot with vagueness ngoiinde Inda t stdy ean ofaidnguncertainty and a ceiling ofl left expý James E. Richards, Editor under-developed countries.~ effort.________ broken several piano selections. Miss' and deb erMrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. John Arm- mariage, Friday evening, Oct Gladys Jackson assisted by'L a e tule lnei k- str-ong and Mi-s. E. Grady en- l6th, at Qi-ana United Church.Gop1wl ei charge o! 1V"M n r noh v o e a o o tr p t lA g n u nt e social hour and r fre h- Clean o r-joeda ati-tn t Agoqun The Clar-ke Township Public iets rtr y our tiess n, t r Mis Hee ate Schooi Teacbei's held their Oc- >" cae sbt n MisHlnCre svisitîng tober meeting on Monday after- coeb v-Miss Sadie Brown. noon at Brown's School *b ., <tube systE ts Among tube out-of-town guestus Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde,L c em es B i rcn T eesoutlet 1 - 'at the McArthur - Hardey wed- Toronto; Mi-. and Mrs. Percy L c lIeb r whole sj )n ding in St. George's Anglican Werry, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Â~ Whatu was wrong witb those "S'hav ,i- Church, Oshawa, Saturday marn- Mrs. D. G. Hoopei-. Attend Diisrrict birch trees this year? grass so i ng, were: Mi-. and Mrs. Wmn. The Kirby Anniversai-y Serv- Gardeners ahl over Ontuario held in MleMr. Qi-en Malley, Mi-. ices will be beld on Sunday, n c r - asking tatsamne question Add iandi Mrs. Cecil Joncs, Mn. and October 25tuh at 2:30 and 7:30 Can e Coun c ilil ui msto h umne.s thatt Mrs. Keitub MacDonald, Miss p.m. The speaker will be Rev. -1-Ang mee as tt th sumr -"- ~Joyce Jones, Mrs. A. Pigott, Mr. N.T. Ho-es BA., B.D.,Hai- In a beautiful stt"ng at Gil.. be An uereasutitti ua ol s andi Mns. Percy Lunin, al ai mony United Cburch, Oshawa. Mai- Lodge, Dunsfard, Ontario, b oc bu he bi-ch -ana, and Miss Eunice Gilb There will be speciai music at 125 membens attended tihe fi-st1 Put the blame ont]H christ, Ajax. osrie. Workshop Conference o! Dis-,1 leaf miner, tubat insectu whose i-I Mr. and i Mrs. Perc Cooper, bt evcs trictu Council No. 3, Ontario Di- larvae hides out bctween the ,l Oshawa, visitued Mr. and Mrs. 0. vision, Canadian Cancer oi upper and lower lea! surfaces. O n c-Cowan iyit , i oi ,15.Tée- work o! this miner reultus " M-. nd rs.L. . Eing IVA~L Lil.U L ~~ <~~ ~ ~ in large dead blotches on thbe Kale is Mr Tornd vsitu Ede iothe, PL GR following members o! the Bow- iblaves. The foliage o! beavily a top-fms Mms C. S. McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. KidW manv 1 rnbatede:Pe attachied trees has a brown col- turcs. Mr.andMrs ArhurTamlyn Ajx, ereSunay inn sient Walt Pascoe and Mrs., aur. Mi-. and Ms. Artubu Tambi Ajx, wei-e unday diner Pascoe, Past Piesident Ber-u et ub nuiybsbeneTeC Camray Mn an Mn. PrcyguesawtM.amMi.A E. Syci- andi Mns. Syer, Dr. ED. advancedj there is little that can Agi-icultu Tamblyn, Newcastle; M1rs. Clar- Davidad fiimily. Hubbard, Mn. Clarence Bel be done; this pest's home la ai- scientist, ence Cryderman, Mi-. andi Mrs. Mr. and Mre. Clifi Ouf!, Mn. Maurice Stephens, Rcv. A. most spray-proo!. The bestutime be bas Murdoch McDonald, Toronto; Newcastle, wei-c Suntday dinner G. Scotut, Mi-5. Gertr-ude Delaii. for control is anytîme betwee kale tuba Mr. andi Mns. Ernestu Bush, guestus ai Mr. and Mrs. Melvin ey, Ms. B. R. IUeavysege, Mrs. r ub lohfndtbe2'haay kale by' Trenton, visitedi Mrs. Fred Holmes and faimily. H. G. SauflQers. the ng thisa rid t ube ich aestube mark Tamblyn. Grades oandbtuwa liad a Presiding for tube, Conference lare well out and tube 'rines" "I wl Mr. and hirs. T. Beddington, holiday fi-arn school an Monday was Mr. James Hcndny, Peter-1 are justu beginning ta show. ly 25 toni Toronto, visitedi Mr. and Mis. wben Mirs. 0. Moffatt was ill. borougb, Chairman of Districti Here ai-c some spray sugges. o! wbich Alex Watson. Mrs. Wes Down is replacing Council No. 3. The meeting was! tians fram the Ontario Deat but an Mr. andi Mrs. Robertu Ruthber- ber until she is well again.. opcned by tube Invocation, gîven; ment a! Agriculture: 30ait- stucer, fard and son Douglas wei-e din- W S EAl by Canon H. Hesketh, St. Paul's 25 percent lindane wettuable says Fuil WMS veming A-uxî 'aiy Anglican CucLnsy n odrl alson e Kalem ner guestus oi Mr. and Mis. Rassa willmcci Tbursday (tonigt) tube absence o! Col. R. I. Moore, galon of water. fotdo Adams, Lakeshore. evening at 8.15 atu tubechurch presidentu Cof Lindsay.itnpawer-latabespos -foted oa *Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jakeman, ibasement. This meeting wio!LidayUnt ,n 25 percent malathion wetal te a Mn nd Etu , Vce-Chairman o! District Coun-, powder--4 tabiespoons per gai- vigar anu Mr i- Ms. Everett ouvier, take tube forimof a Halloween cil No. 3,gi-eetings fi-arn Lind- ion of water. ta catch Bannie, Donna and Wayne at- masquerade Please i-emember say Unit were extended by Mrs. 50 percent malathion emul- rape. Ex tended tube MacFarland. - Smith tiia ur Tbenko!fering Service. T. H. Eberie.. Mn. Maurice sion-2 tuaspoons per gallon ai row-stein wedding October 1otuh in the Mi d s.Jh Pana Grms Exctv Dreui-wae.o!ae Unitued Church, Sydenham. The Mran s.Jh om GieEeuie Decr -wtrofkl« groom, Mr. Victuor MacFarland an-d Manique, Oshawa, wcre Ontuario Division, commented' Spray thoroughly and repeat that o! 1 Jr., ia a nepbew af Mis. Jake- Sunday dinner guestus c! Mr. on thbe large attendance and thbe treatument about, six wceks Farmer man and Mi-. E. Couvier. and Mrs. Cedric Russell and explained tube plan o! tube work- latuer tua contrai the second gen- about tub Mn. an-d Mis. Win. Hoar, Mn f amily.. sbop. eration. The timting must be Grand Vi andb Mia. Wm. Mitchell attendcd The sponsors of tuhe Bow- The workshop conductued apd correct for contrai. loi-, who a surprise partuy Tbursday ev- mattville Girls' Bail Teara their leaders werc as follows:, sters oxa enmng for Mr. and Mrs. Colin tneatcd thbe girls ta a turkey Campaign-Mr. T. Mepham, as- steso Taylor, Bo'wmanvîhle, wha were dinner which. was served at sistcd by Mi-. J. Barnicke; Edu- Newfoundland, lOth. and la- temberf. celebrating their loth wedding Maple Gi-ove ÇIuu-dh an Satur- cation and Publicity-Mr. Bro- test of Canada's provinces, i-e- tbcm on anniversary. day evening. ckie, assisted by Miss Lois Ca-t piesents a market for mainiandi up "beca Congatuatins a M. ad Te gils ils enoye tue bll and Mrs. Ann Bawman;' estinatedi atu $250,000,000 a year.1 any too:1 Mrs. Donald Bruce McArtubur, show atutube local theatre, as zxnie avonrss A. C. M r.en the foi-mer Shirley Ann Hardey gluestu o! the Bail Club. Lateri-Frin, Beavern, assiterbrMough; of Orono, on thein marinage, Mr. and Mrs. Cecili Mifls were Freank F-Moste e Pebiug; Saturday, atu Il a.m. iniSt. baste ta tihase fi-arn Maple WTresrerMic-.Js. de.Pencier George's Anglican Cburch, Osha- Grave wben Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wr, ondovin. s.F us-A wa e.Clinton D. Cross, Whitue wcre presentued with .a ad adu w A. , R ev , o f ci t d m ke , a ed gg. G uestu speaker at tube noon- odNw W.. i Haofcald. rkown, aNedew.git. day luncheon was Dr. A. J. J .P L Wicamtr, a ld nwain, New- th Mr. and Mrs. Len Goodumun- Phillips, P.H.D., Statistuician,1 year atu Memorial Hospitual, Bow- Mrs. Osbawa, called on Mn. snd National Cancer Institute. Dr.1 manvile after a lengthy illncas, Ms Ron Rogers on Sunday. Phillipa spoke on the necessity 1 on October 14tub. Funeral was Ted Jenininigs, Jan Hansan of tube Cancer Education Pro-i on Satunday. Intuermentu in tube and fniendis, Kingston; Bruce gramme, stressing early diag- family plat, Qi-ana Cemetery. ai-d Chester Mils, Enniskillen, flosis by regular checkup with Mr. Brown was a brother o! were supper guests o! Mr-. andi family physician. He aiso rais- Mis. Gardon Watson, Orono. Mrs, Cecil Mills on Sunday. cd he question "Do you reccîve Àle Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor 011 SERVICE STATION Under New Management - Don Guitard, Pro*p. -Asisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowmanville uWe Speciafize in Personal Service" CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROM> AND FIFTB CONCESSION Phone CO 3-2631 double Slamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Ont and Seo Our Dlsplay of Gifts - Complete Lubrication et a Beasonable Price ÂSK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE (ML AVAILABLE IN ANT QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEl EVEiniNOS AND SUNAYS "0 Canada". Secretary's re- ports were given by Mrs. Bei-t Budai and Treasurer Mrs. C. Cullen gave ber report. Details of the bazaar to be held the last of October were settled. Mrs. William O'Neill brought up thie problem of crowded classrooms. Everyone seemed eager te help in any way they could to get the situation, changed particularly those with ohikiren on staggered hours. Grades one and twa teachersi from the West School Mrs. Brown an-d Mrs. Moffatt, took turns in descràing- their course of study. Children'a reading, art, number work, Engllsh, science and social studies for beginners w e r e thoroughly covered. Everyone foundi it most lnteresting. A skit- "Homework in the Home"- was presented by four members of the Executive, Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Mrs. William O'Neill, Mrs. Bert Bu- dai and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald. The meetting closedi with the National Anthem and tihe Akit was discussed over a lovely 1 lunch, which was served iby the motli-ers of Mrs. Brown's room. Tura Old Furniture Kilo Cash with STATESMAN C L ASSI1FI1ED S Phone MIArket 3.3303 Roof May Faf! in by C. 3. Harrisj There ai-e ceilinga, "tubat getu lowei- each decade," ounthe amaunt o! effort that Canadians Jwill put into life, says Dr. Mur- ray Ross o! Tai-auto universituy.' For univcrsituy students, says tuis university vioe-president, tube effect is tubat many uncon- sciously set a limit on tuhe num- ber o! bours tbey wil study. These ceilings could be i-. viting tube roof ta fail i-n on us, tuinks Dr. Rosa: "In tube Soviet Union ancb China tube wbole' pressure o! tube culture is tua be as productive as possible, ta do mare tuban hs expectued o! one, tua do as much as anc can tua push 1 !orward tube greatu national ef- font. The devotion o! Soviet and Chinese yautuh ta commurnist dogma is as terrifying to wit- ness as that o! tube Young Na-. zis tuwa decades aga. Compancd ta thcm, oui- Youth ai-e vague andb uncertuain - ancb penbaps rightly se, for we believe tuhatu a Young persan sbould be ex- posesi ta many ideas and thatu only aften exploration and thougbt should be !ind or de-i velop bis beiefrsancb conclu- sioans." If in Canada It were only youtb tbat puts a ceiling on ef- fort and suffers vaguenesa and unceitainty, we could be ie-a sonably sune aur institutions would survive i.nternal or ex. OCTOBER LANDSCAPE How lavishly the Master hand Spiashes His colour everywhere, His brush is like a rnagic wafd, With which He paints a picture rare. He works with sîieh amazine sDeed<- First Mention 0f Buffler Found in Bible In just the twinkling of an eye The first recorded mention ah ar flaing rd;of butter la found in the first The sumacs alaefaigrd book a! 'the Bible <Genesis 18: And crimson maples touch tube sky. 8) wberein it is notesi" . . . be Myhatwith sudden raptune filîs, (Abraham) tuook butter,' milk. My heartuand thbe caif snb set At before To see tuhe glory on tube billa. them". This la one o! many ne- -Marori Cuningam.ferences tubat the Bible makes -Marori Cuningam.ta butter, and always ta pon- turay it as a highly desirable ~U * -, . commodity. ne to Check lour Butter as a food, was much - sought siter by early people. - * However it was used also as a rrn Dra inage S s e lubricant. a cosmetlc and a mne- dicine. The Romans used it as a od way to eut down on1 ance betwcen tube tuile outulet andb liniment while tube esi-iy Mace- ken tuile is ta bulld an[ the ditch battom." danians thought tubat it bad ty cutting tube end off ani Open ditches ai-e a problemn great bealing powers when used te tank annd acreen with Cattle tramp thnougb tubem and as an ointument or taken inter- ara. That's one way you break down tube banks or brush nally, Athctes, bu ancient times, ce able to afford an Out- migit tart grawing andb slow anointed themselves with but- rou can't meet thbe price up thle waten. tuer lu tube belie! that it gave B-foot lengtb o! corruga- "Use a brush cutting machine tubem. added strength. The weal- si1 pipe with a remav- if tuhe bnusb is less than 1 inch thy o! India wcre given ta us- re gate ou one endb. in diameten. Take out larger ing butter as a mai-k o! ostuen- .ys Ontario Depantument brush with a bulldozer and tation, greasing tube wbeels of !culture engineer, N. V. brush blade. The brush blade wedding chai-iota with it rathcr ro! tube Kemptuville lifts5 out only the brush and nat tuban emplaying tube much chea- tural Scbool. "The im- tuoa mucb eartb," says Sinclair. per lubricants avaîlable. One thing is to install steel The farm. engineen suggests explanation o! this la that tube in your drainage system cleaning larger ditches (aven 2 belie! was bheld that by using winte- sets in. They W-11 feet) with backboes and dr~ag- butter the frce-wbeeling quali- ýe dlay tile back in tuhe lines. Bulldozers may be taoo tigien tarthe ariotuwou whene fi-ast action will 4ow, and are best for brushcniu amr ueming ct uhm.If ub tilear, emoval and spreading tube andi cause i tot foneven i-un poscd, they will soon belI spoilbank aftcn tube backhoessmohy down by fi-ast. The wire and draglines bave donc tuheir Butter, some 2,000 years la- ba-s preveut muskrats job, tuer finds itacîf again cantribut- bris from gctting up tuhe Backboes and draglines ai-e lng ta tube smooth-running quai- esanb plugging tbem." fast and can dig ta grýeater1 ities o! an institution. Dairy depths. The cantubmovcr can'farming in Canada is depe.a- ci- faîl drainage cbore: also be used. It bas tube advan-i dent upon tube production and ut al tube outulets. IunOfly tage o! carrying tuhe earth out 1 consumptian af butter being ;tem, anc hine cauld be- o! tube ditcb, cleaning it out; tube1 maintained at s bigh level. Locked and tubei-est Of du-t can be spread wbere itus' More than bal! of tube natuion's Lm will work. But if an most desirable." 399,000 dairy producers ship becomes blocked, tuhe For a amaîl system o! open cream, for butter processing. systemi is uselesa. ditches (less than 2 feet in dia- Per capita consumption ai but- ail away tube mud and meter) Sinclair feels rented tuer bas fallen iun ecent years ýthat tube water isn't roadgradcrs will do a good job, due ta tube introduction o! chea- tube tile," says Sinclair.1 Pull-type two-wheei gi-ade-s per stîbstitutes. This bas led ta lepen tube outulet ditch lan-d thr-e-point hitch blades tube false view tubat tube priee o! tbere's a six-inch cîcar- also do satisfactary wonk. butter is too higb. hIn actual fact tube cost o! butter bas not matched tube pnice gains of most other commodities. Doctuor H. Pastures 90 Steers H. Hannam, President of the Canadian Federation of Agri- culture says "Whereas ini 194a 10 Acres of Kale anc hour's wage i industry e, would buy 1.3 lbs. of butter, ini is -apidly moving up as, only graze it about an hour a 1958 one bour's wagc on tube îht forage for fall pas- day and tuben move ou toaan average would buy 2.4 Ibs. o! other field (claver> whicb is butter". In tube final analysia >ntariio Department of next to tube hale", tube consumerý makes ber cboice ,u-c'a rape and kale 11I understand cattie don't pol- betuween butter, wblch is a su- Bob Fuikenson reports son on it thaugh," be admits. «*I perior pi-oduct and substitutes, a ncw mani-ow-stem bhad bad trouble one year witb which. arc cheaper ipioducts. Lt will outdo comrnou rape poison on a low field." 25 percent. Andi itu's on Taylor's plans for next yean? e Il pi-aduce appraximate- "Taa, eanly tua decide. I know is o! gi-cen inatter-hal!fafo sure I amn going ta, put in will be trampcd down 20 aces. rpe'iwî usu Givé BLOOD n. creshold astrewait and sec how the steers «".' .-i CALL TOUR RED CROSS rs for about a week," like kale befare I make up my Ikrson. mmid about kale fan next year." wou't poison cattie Jike nr iowland rape. Ou tube mîs, it bas paon seedling id takes about 6 weeks iup ta fastu-growing ccept for the ncw mai- i varicty, mast yields are a good deal below rape. rs bave mixed motions ie ci-op tuao. Typical is 7alley farmer Ray Tay'- 3plantcd 10 acres tubis and stuarted grazing 90 ,n thbe kale about Sep- first. He plans ta kcep it right up ta fi-eze- i-use tube cattule anen't tuasy about tube stuf!- 1UT is coming to r 'NDEfIHR'i R] ;for the ladies! eAY .E!S 3ports vveu[ S68 Simca. Si. N. ,4 d jir O& A 1 lu VIA1 - Ladies' Wear Oshawa RA 5-5451 YS ONLY STARTING THURS., OCT. EASY CROIT TEMN We >i'prdtethe patronage of our customers and friends frous Bowrnviile and cord- ialfy invite you te visit our store durmng this great eveut. MERCHANDISE 22 What à wonderful way to stretch your ward- robe and your dollars! Take advantage of our Anniversary Sale to stock up.. OR to do some of yvour Christmas shopping early! A Smail Deposil Wil Raid Any Article Unlil Chriutmas p 1' j lit J r 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL TRUPMAT, OM. M& IDU TEM CAMADMR STATESMAlq. 907;mANVUM OMAM 1PAilm IPRIR m'mils - m -