r-! - -. - - .--.----t---.-.-------.,-. - --.-------- -.--.-- -.~---r* ~ -t~ v Explosion at Hollingsheacl Ce Ne leB. Blitz The response of the people 0f: Statesman on Wednesday. The. Bowmnanville was excellent in returns f rom Newcastle, Ty- the Blitz Campaign held on'rone, Orono, Enniskillen, Blaclc- Monday evening by the Bow-.toc, Courtice and Maple manville-West Durham Advis-:Grve will be received later in ory Comxittee ta the CNI3 an the week. He commended the behaif cf the blind and the efforts of thc teani captains great preventive work donc by and the canvassers. the Canadian National lnstitute Between seven and eight of the Blind, George Vice, the oclock on Monday evening 15 campaign chairman stated yes- teains i Bwmanville took part terday. Don Wilams la the in the cainpaign. Ite tearns chairman of the Advisory Coni- were as fllaows: 1. VIrs. Don mittee of the CNIB. Williams, captain, Mrs. Arthur Proceeds to date from Bow- Eidger, Miss Madlyn Wllcox, xnaile amount ta $2,000, J. A. Miss L. Oborne, Miss P. Gard- Bell, the treasurer, told the, ner, Mrs. W. W. Bagnell and Niets Hi Miss Ruth- Herbent. 2. I&s. J. E. Hobbs captain, 's..Hateley, Mnrs. Clarence ffckiýn,*lira. L. Goddand, Mms. George Thrashen, lins. M. J. IHutchInson, lira. M. Kerr, Mrs. C. Goodman, Mlisa Violet McFee- tens, lins. Roy Wcbbcn aud lins. J. J. Brown. 3. C. Kilinen, Captain, K. Kil- mer, Mr. Ron Hetheringion, lirs. Irene Hethenington, Bert Seyen, lins. Anna Watson, lira. S. MeAllister, William Allin, Miss Berta Higgon, lira. Wi Por- ter, and D. Higgcn. Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 105 20 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1959 10e Per Copy NUMBER 43 aif Its, Quota Mrs. Ralph Ames, Mns. Nelson Osborne. Mrs. Stuart James, Mrs. Rance Dilling, Mrs. Perey Greenfield, Miss Ivy Hockley, Miss Helen Devitt, Mrs. O. J. Presson, lits. Harvey Hardy, lirs. Russell Oke, Mrs. 0. Pluin- mer, Mirs. D. Marsden and Rob- ert Kent. 5. J. A. Bell, captain, ?drs. W. Whitehead, Mnr. Kari Hall, Mns. Jack Dunn, lira. Marjrine stout, lirs. L. Dewell, lins. Ronald Aider. Mmra Bruce Metcalf, Mrs. James liarr, Mrs. Robent Kent, lins. Ros Strike, lins. D>on lims GlenIi aMer, Hcward 3ëS. fery, Mns. Reginald Cramp and lins. Garnet McCoy. 6. Howard Gibson Captain, ,Mra. Harold Henning, lins.- vin Richards, Mmr. D. R . dread, lirM Victor Jeffery, Mise Rose Bat, lra. Clinton Hen. ning, I&s. Robent Hornigo]4, birs. L. Rundle. 7. Miss Ada Dadson, captaîn,. lirs. H. Dadson. lins. A. Lunne. man. Mrs. William Cowan, Mr, J. C. Taylor, lins. H. Edmond. son, lins. John Willams, lins, Jack Large, LM. Munray This photo shows some of the damage resulting from an explosion at the R. M. Ilollingshead plant here' on Monday. Firemen were called but the small blaze which accompanied the blast was out by the timne the*y arrived. It is understood that Irwin "Dub" Piper had a narrow escape from injury, He was loading mnaterial into one of the vats when for some u4naccountable reason there was an explosion. Engîneer Engaged to Draw Up Plans for Darlington Garage George L. Totten, the United Counties engineer, will dr.aw the plans and specifications for -the -new Darlington Township garage and equipment storage building. The Township Coun- cil decided at a special meeting held in -the Township Hall, H{ampton, on Wednesday even- ing, October l4th, ta engage Mr. Totten for t.his purpose. He will be paid a fee of $500 for tihe work. This wil be paid in, two instaliments of $250eah The first instalîment will býe paid when the plàns are comn- pleted. and the second whenl the building bas been tendered and erected. Attention Movie Fans The Royal Theatre man- agement regrets to lnform local movie -fans that "The Nun's Story" with Audrey Hepburn will flot run as sicheduled October 26 to 29, 'but is to, appear at the Roy- al Theatre,. November 23 to 26th. In ltsg place will be shown "Written On The Wind"l tarring Rock Hudson and Dorothy Maîhon, October 26 t. 29. ÇB1ts and1 Pneliminany drawings wcre presented ta Darlington- Muni- cipal Council at thc meeting by Mr. Totten. He pointed cut that there was no heating unit shown in the preliminary draw- ings as he did not knaw what plans thc council had for heat- mng thc new building. Reeve Roy W. Nichols told council that if he werc building a new garage tomorrow he would instaîl radiant heating ta keep the floons dry. He deemed it advisable ta find out -thc cost cf radiant heating, hot water heatinýg and hot air heat- ing. The matter was discussed and the council instructed Mr. Totten te investigate thc prices of th_,.,Ieatypes ofi heating -fd t ~the new building will b. appnaximatcly 88 feet long. Deputy-Reeve Gar- net Rickard stated that lie was of the opinion that it* would cost about $20.000 ta finish the building net too elaborately. Reeve Nichais cstimated thc cost at approximately $24,000, which would include a heating unit and a pre-cast concrete roof. Deputy..Reeve Rickard and Councillon A. E. Thempson, who werc Uic members of the coni- mittee in charge oi the prelirn- inary arrangements for thc (Continucd on page seven) £P<eces TRAINING COUNTS - One local dog owner feels he may have found a way ta beat the dog catcher. For the past few weeks, he has been working with his pup on a new program of training. He bas taught it to run like blazes for the house cvery tinie it secs someone with a net. Could be the dog catcher will have ta disguise hîs net ta look like a juicy bone ta overcame such tacties. i. t i. i. i. 4kPPLIES TO FUTURE - Rccently, when the town rouncil approved a regulation that town employces must live in town, it was duly published in The Statesman. Wc understand, however, that there was some misunderstanding because the wording was flot clear. According ta Town Clerk Robert Reynolds the regulation does flot apply ta present employees, except iu one case where a staff member was seeking per- mission ta build a house outside of town. h will apply ta anyone hircd in future. t t i. i. t ESPECIALLY FOR BEGINNERS - Roy Neads, man- aLger ai the Arena. would like ta stress that the Family Skating Period on Sunday afternoons from 3 to 5 is dcsigned especially for littie tais who may jusi be lcarning ta skate. A special section ai the ice surface is ropcd off for them a'nd' their parents. Quite a few were on hand last Sunday but there is rooni for a great many more. For only $5 it is a real bargain and a safe place ta get recreation. .t t t t i. HUMOR IN COURT - In the Magistrate's Court repart this wcek, anc offender claimcd he was sufer- ing from shock when he staggercd following an accident. "WVhat shock?" asked Magistrate Baxter. "The shock ai seeing the police," replied the defendant. i. t . t t BACK TO STRATHROY - Bowmanvillc's Juvenile Basebail Club members and parents are quite annoy- ,"-id aver what thcy consider a raw deal. They played ]*cî first game of the Ontario Finals in Strathroy on Thanksgiving Monday and tied. The second gairie was hcre Saturday with the'locals winnîng. They under- stood the third game would be on neutral grounds at Hamilton but have becn ordered to rcturn ta Strath-. roy, about 100 miles furiher west. If a faunth game is necessary, it probably will be played at Hamilton the following Saturday - if snaw hasn't blanketed >ail basebaîl diamonds. The boys wili be happy when it is al aver, ii's. ruining their social life. There is a football game at the High School here Friday alter- naon with several bail players on the local teani. Friday evening there is a Teen Town hop which they don't want ta miss. So, on Saturday, Bawmanville mal- field either a bruiscd or wcary bail club, possibly both. Here Tonight The more than 300 members of the Canadian Club of West Durham will have an opportun- ity of hearing a most interest- ing speaker tonight when they attend the regular October meet- ing at the Lions Centre. He will be Brigadier Cyril D. Quil- liam whose subi ect will be "Whither Nasser?" The meeting will start sharp at 8:15 p.m. PERMITS LOWERED The total value of buildIng permits issued for the nionth of September was considerably less than the total valuation of permits issued during the pre- vious month. nhe difference was $20,185. There were 13 permits issued in Septiember as against 20 building permits in August. The total valuation ai Aug- ust building permits granted in Bowmanville was $55,920 compared ta a total for Septem- ber of $35,735. CarlR Spend I With the successful purchasef It lias* no habitation or hamlet of a large tract of downland, within miles and wonder of situated within fifty miles cf' wondes-it was for sale! Toronto, the Company cf "Mas- *At this Point it was obviaus part' Limited have officially ta the sponsoring Club that the released the first news of a gi- venture was far too big to tackle gantic venture cf which they alene; so 'Mosport Liniited' was have now conipleted the first formed and registened. Mosport phase, with the help ai hun- quickly made known its inten- dreds of local moter sports en- tiens ta, the other Sports Car thusiasts and their Clubs in On Clubs in this area; who not only taria. jeined the Company, but fromi The Developmcnt ComiTfht- their treasuries and by sales af tee of the British Empire MO- ,ohares to their members sub- tor Club, the oldest and largest scribed the capital required. of the sports car clubs in Can-Phs eofM prt aivy ad~a, faced with the fact that .Ps opete cfandpthsactivity the Club's present racing facil- thecomple and thsloey ar no ities at Harewood would ne- l wesc hslvl ak quire rnany thousands cf dol- lnd. lars spent -to maintain the cir- The Directors then started on cuit and continue its develop- Phase two of the prcject. This ment; coupled with.-the eighty phase includes an assessment of mile drive ta enjoy its faii- ail the faiities which will be ties, felt that an entirely new nequined, the drawing up cf a venture-much nearer Toronto five year developmcnt plan and -would pravide greater spec- the financing methods to be tatQr appeal and* if the right adopted.- Picce of land was found, ceuld Initial estimates showed that be developed ia a road racing Phase two would cost approxi-, park as beautiful -and interest- iiiately $250,000 and would pro- ing as Donington Park in Eng,. vide- an initial "short" racing land, Le Mans in France -or the, crcuit with ail safety rneasunes Nurbungring i Germany.' and general facilities completed; Three years of planning and with track opénations starting searching located a beautiful in 1960 or carly '61. plece cf country in the County Initial plans first called for cf Durhiam within fifty miles a coxnplete survey of the pro-' of Toronto. perty, a circuit is now belng The rolling grandeur of this. planned to utilize the present four hundred -and fifty acres «)f 1 contours ta thein- best advantage Woods, downland and streams 1--as well as incorparating the bias ta b. accu to b. belicved. (Continued on page sixteen) $1000 Worth of Bookcs Authorized for Library Orders for $1,000 worth of dlagonally outside the main books were, authorized at the deors of the librany so that it meeting ai the board cf direc- will be in plain sight fnom both tors ai the Bowmanvlllc Pub- King and Tempérance Streets. lie Library hlek last week. The W. A. Kilpatrick will be en- chairman,4 George Vice, presid- gaged ta erect the sigit. cd, and others present were The monthly Librarian's ne- Glenholme Hughes, the secre- port submitted by Mrs. F. W. tary-treasurer, A. M. Thomp- Bewer, showed that bath the son, Rupert Hanilyn and Miss circulation cf bocks and mem- Apha Hodgins. bcrship in the AdultIàLbrany A satisfactory financial re- liad incncased during Septcm- port was given by the treasur- ber. During thc month. 28 new en, Mir. Hughes. Bock crders membens joined the. library, and submitted by the libranian, lins. thene were 33 renewals cf mcm- F. W. Bower. assistant libran- bcrship. There were 398 non- ian in charge oi the Junior Li- fiction, and 1,254 fiction books brary, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, in circulation in September, a Mn. Hamlyn and Mr. Tno'mp- total of 1,650 compared tai 344 son, wene approved for pur. non-fiction and 1,186 fiction, a chase, total cf 1,530 baoks circulated It was decided ta have the iii August. Publie Library sign prcviausly 0f the total increase in mcm- used cutside the former quar- bership cf 61 in September 8 ters of the Bcwmanvillc Public wcre rural subscribers. Twen- Lib'rary in the Town Hall, hung (Continued on page seven> Pla-ns In To Clarke Concession IX of Clarke Township, Lota 33, 34 and 35, are iim1udd in the Mosport property. The outline shows the plan for the inotor racing cireuit whicli will be constructed in 1960-61, at an estimated cost of $250,000. Eventually, it is hop. ed to have a swimming pool, a large clubhouse and other facilities on the property for ail yea.r round use. Scouts Sel 30 Bus bel Apples Thinty bushels of apples were cvcning, and ail day Satunday. sold inu-thc succesaful Boy Scout Bob Mutton was chairman of Apple Day last weckend in the com.mittee in charge of ar- Bowmanvillc. The Bowman- rangements, and he was assist- ville Boy Scouts Association cd by Alf Brown, Harold Wat- sponsored the Apple Tag De- son and lira. Carl Devitt. which was held on Fniday trai More than 200 Scouts and, four p.m. ta nine o'clock in the1 Cubs tock part from the Bow- Overseas University Students Guests of Rotary Contiuing a practice started five years ago, Bowmanville'Roiary m customs. Included ini this group are three Rotarianaý Presidnt George Club entertaied these overseas University af Toronto students over the Vice, centre standing, Alan H. Strike, lef t and AI Witherspoon who were weekend. Several members cf the group expressed their deep apprecia- in charge of arrangements. The complete story wili b found on another oitn because it was the first ie they had been entertained in Canadian page. ýhomes and.the experience had given them a wonderfu insight into our J manville lst and 2nd Scout Treops and lst, 2nd and 3rd Cub Packs. Chiarles Biggs and Mel IM4cCoy were the Scout Masters taking part anid Cub Masters Vinet Mathewson, Frank Osmond, Bob Evans, Lu- ther Welsh, R. J. Welsh, and Mrs. Emma Bragg also partici- pated. Approximately $240 was cleared from the Boy Scout Ap- ple Day, the chairman of the committee, Bob Mutton told the Canadian Statesman. The pro- ceeds will be used for Boy Scout and Cub work in Bow- manville. Boy Scouts went ta Memor- lai Hospital, Bowmanvifle, on Saturday with an apple to he given ta each patient. Cuhs went to Marnwood Nursing Home and the Strathaven Rest Home with apples to be given 'to the patients. Three centres were used as headquarters for the Boy Scouts and Cubs on Apple Day. They were the Memorial Park Club- house, the Cauncil Chamber at (Continued on page seven) St. PauI's WiII Celebrate 125th Anniversary St. Paul'u United Church In Bowmanville will cele- brate Its 125th Anniver- sary on Sunday, October 25th, wIth special services at both Il a.m. and 7 p.rn. A former pastor, The Rev. 'red Joblin, B.A., B.D., et bWestboro United Church, Ottawa, wlll retura as apeolal preacher for both service@. Many of lMr. arnd Mmt. .oblln'a friends will bc pleauaet eshlm Ir the pulpîtiatus. The. choir >avo *ry"ted speclal antheii ifj wthe day and Mise Norm*.Bo*. en and Mr. Rois C.ttwi, both<of Obawl, -*m110h guest ISIe" I n f mcugCroup $250 OOO Av