THMURDAY, OCT. 22nd& 1959 4 Tenders Wanted TENDERS, will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 noon, October 27, for the sale af the old Registry Office localed at 90 King Street West, Bowman- ville. Particulars as ta the size of the lot, etc., may be obtained from the Registrar. Il is ex- pected that Il will be available for occupancy by December 31. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. K. Symons, Clerk, Northumberland and Dur- ham, Cobourg, Ontario. 43-1 Notice ta Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF RETA MILDRED KERSLAKE, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County ai Durham, retired prac- Uvcal nurse, deceased, who died aI the Town ai Bawmanville, on or about the 111h day af Sep- tember, 1959., THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., lp$, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Vreditors and others havlng ims against the above estate aferequired to send particulars and fuil pro thereof ta the undersigned on or bei are the 251h day ai November, 1959, aller which date the assets ai the estate wil be distributed having regard to the Wiil and i1 he claimis that have then been DATED at Bowmanville, On- taria, the 201h day ai Octaber, 1959. LAWRENCE C. MASON, Barrister and Salicitor, 30 King St. W., Bawmanville, Ont., Solicitor for the Executor. i Cacrds of Thcmks 1Coming 1 Township of Darlingion Clerk's Notice of Firsi Posiing of Voiers' Lisi Voters' Llsts, 1959, Munlelpality ai Township af Darllngton, County of Durham Notice is hereby given that I have campiied witb Section 9 oi The Volers' Lista Act and that I have pasledup aI my office aI Hampton, on the 151h day ai October, 1959, the listIofai i persans entitled ta vole in the said Municipality aI municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon al voters ta take immrediate pro- ceedings ta have any errars or omissions corrected according ta law, the lasI day for appeal be- ing the 29th day af - October, 1959. Dated this fiteenth day of October, 1959. W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk, Township ai Darlington. 43-2 Lost MALE beagle, black, white a nd tan. Tattoo in let ear. COlfax 3-2687. 43-1 ONE wheel dise for '54 Dodge between Blacksîock and Bow- manville. Ivan Mountjoy, Burke- ton. 43-1' REWARD, $50.00 for findîng or information, about three Hoitei hefers, strayed from Lot 22, Con. 7, twa in Auguat, one dur- ing October. Wesley RiUs1, Co a-2357. 43-1 he Elizabethvil hold a hot turkey IL.r 1 &h , - m iinilz- Eyents1 1supper, Nov. l Or d". In Memoriam BELL-In laving memory ai aur dear mother, Mrs. Lawrence D. Bell wha passeci away October 21st, 1945. Her inemory la as dear Iaday As in the hour site passedi away. -Sadly missed and ever ne- mexnbered by famîly. 43-1' COLMER-In loving memnory af a dear motter, Canline Calmer, wito passed away October 23, 1955. The depths ai sorlrow we cannot tel 0f te bsai ane we loved sa well, .And while site leepa a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. -Lovingly remembered by san Nbd daugiter-la-law Nance. 43-1 COUCH-In memory ai Harry Couch ai Newcrstle who passeci away Oct. 25, 1950. Gone but nat forgotten. -Sadie. 43-1 FOWLEI--In memory of Fred J. Fowler who paEaed away Oct. 23rd, 1958. Il happened so suddenly and you were gane, But we wîll remember, no matten itow long. -Remembereci by bis wife Myrîle and children Joan, Kay and WiWls. 43-1' GARROD-In loving memory af John William Garraci who pasa- ed &way 17 years ago, October, 1942. -Ever lavingly nemembered by his wife and family. 43-1 PORTEOUS-In loviag memonY of a dean motter andi grand- mater, Ritoda Louise (Part- eaus) wita paased away Oct. 251h, 1958. Andi while site lies in peaceful sleep Her memony we shail alwaya keep. -Ever remembered by daugitt- er Clara, son-in-law Charles, grandsons Gary and Rassa.43 PORTEOUS, Ritoda-In loving znemary ai my dear motter who ~ sseci away October 25, 1958. teara we aaw you sinkmngb We watcited yau fade away, Oun hearts wene almoat broken, You foughtl sa bard ta stay. Eut when we saw you sleeping, Sa peaceiully, free from pain, We coulci not wiah you back, Ta suifer thal again. -Lovingly remembened by daughtler Donatity, son-in-law Bob, andi gnanchildren Ana and Robert. 43-1 PORTEOUS-In laving memory of a dcàir wife and mother, 4Ritoda Louise Parteous, wito passeci away October 251h, 1958. A beautiful memary of anc so dear, 1 cherisit stil with love sincene. A day taI cames with sad regret, And anc that I will neyer forget. Swiltly, silently came the cail, Witout gaodbye you leil us ah, 1 miss yOur love, your cheery' waya, With you 1 spent my happiest days. Stil l my heart you are living yet For I loved you Ico dearly to ever forget. Fon those who knew her al wiil know Haw mucit I loat, anc year aga. -Very aadly miased by buaband Haroldi and daughlera Clara, Dorothy and Nana. 43-1* WALKER-In laving memory ai a kind hiusbanci and fatiter, Alexander Walker wha was taken from us so suddenly by accident four years ago. October 241h, 1955 Is a day I shall neyer forget. If I bai al lte world ta gîve, Alex1 Id il, yes, and more, If wa could sec your smiling face In Magistrates Court r I would like to express my .appreciation af the manyr kind- Snesses received following my recent huriting accident. Gord Sturrock. 43-1' 1 would like to thank ail my friends, relatives, lodges, Rev. EHerbert for their lovely carda, fruit and flowers and visita while in Guelph General Hospital and at home. tMrs. H. Smith.. 43-1 Many thanks ta friends, rela- tives and neighbours for their flowers, letters and cards and ail other acta of kindness during niy stay in St. Michael's Hos- pitl, Toronto. L Mrs. Sheldon Pethick. 43-1 1 would like to thank Dr. Ferguson, Dr. Giil, nurses and staff af Oshawa Hospital, friends and relatives for fruit, flowers, cards and candy and acta af kindness during my stay in hos- pital. Luther Hooper. 43-1' I wish bo thank everyone for cards, visits and kindnesses to us during my illness. A special ethank you to Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Perrin who took such good care of our baby and Mrs. Wmn. McCrackin who did a wonder- ful job of keeping house. Wilma Scott. 43-1 * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker and family w.ish to express their deep appreciation af the many kindnesses shown them by their friends and neighbours, during the lime af their bereavement. Aiso for the care and attention given by Dr. Mikias and the nurses at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 43-1 1 wish ta thank ail my friends, relatives and neighbars for their kindness bo me, by sending me cards, fiowers and fruit, also for acts af kindness ta my wife. I also wish ta thank Dr. Rundie, nurses and staff ai Memarial Hospital, Bawmanville, for goad care while I was a patient there. Alex Prout. 43-1 1 wish to thank Drs. Rundle, Gi, Dillon, special nurses Mrs. Diilng, Mrs. Rehder, Mrs. Burg- ess, nurses and staff ai Memar- il Hospital, neighbours, rela- tives, friends for their many acta ai kindness wbile in haspital and since coming home. Also thase who sent. flowers, candy and cards. Henry Francis. 43-1' 1 wish ta express sincere thanks ta relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, fruit, candy and thase visiting me in hospital and since caming home. Special tbanks ta Nestie- ton W.I., Blackstack L.O.B.A. Rev. Romeril and ta nurses and staff ai Part Perry Hospital for their many kindnesses. James Gibson. 43-1* We wish ta extend aur heart- felt thanks ta relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind jexpressions ai sympatby and beautiful floral offerings at the time ai our recent bereavement in the ls af a laving mother, also aur sincere appreciation ta ail those who sent carda or help- ed in any way. The Patton Family. 1 43-1' i wish ta extend sincere thanks ta niy many frîends who remembered me with plants, flowers and ail other guIfs, also the many cheerful carda and let- ters received while in hospital and now aI home. Your kind enquiries and good wishes'are deeply appreciated. My family Joîn me mn very grateful thanks for the kindness shown. Gardon Leask. 43-1 4t1,JJJAI.u.nALAau01 0ae s ve Admsin$1.50, children 75c. 43-21 Salem Harvest Home Service will be held Sunday, October 25 at 2:30. Guest speaker, Rev. A. E. Cresswell, Claremont. 43-10 Plan to attend the hot turkey supper, Shiloh Church, Oct. 28, commencing at 5:30. Admission 1.50. Children 12 and under, 50C. 42-2* Auction sale of home made baking, vegetables, etc., at Hay- don Church Shed, Saturday, Oct. 24th. For particulars see auc- tion sales. 43-1 Olde Tyme Dancing, Friday, October 23rd, Coldsprings, Ont. Jim Fisher and Orchestra. Note: Regular'dance instead of ail old time. 9:30 p.m. 43-1* Pontypool United Church An- niversary, Sunday, Nov. lst at 7:30 p.m. Ladies will servel Turkey Supper, Wednesday, Oct. 28th from 5 to 8 p.m. 43-1 Dance, sponsored by Junior Farmers at Hampton Town Hall, Saturday, October 24. Archie Courtice and the Country Sev- en. Everyone welcome. 43-1* Turkey supper at Orono Unit- ed Church, Wednesday evening, November 4th. Adults $ 1.50; children 12 and under, 75c. Sup- per sçrved from 4:30 p.m. on. 42-3 Blindcraft Sale to be held on Friday and Saturday, November 27th and 28th, under auspices of Bowmanville-West Durham Ad- visory Commnittee to the C.N.I. B. 43-1 Maple Grove Home and School' Association are holding theiri annual bazaar and tea on Sat- urday, October 31 at 2 p.m. at Maple C :ove SchooL. are' of booths. 43-21j Newcastle United Church will celebrate its 135th Anniversary, November lst, marning and ev- ening. Guest preacher will be Rev. Floyd Honey, Secretary, Board of Overseas Missions.4- The annual meeting of The Durham Cream Producers will be held in Orar.o Town'Hall at 8:30 p.m., Friday, October 23rd. District Representative Mr. Cole will be guest speaker. Door prize. Eastern Star Bazaar and Tea, Lions Centre, Friday, October 23, 2:30 p.m. Homebaking, aprons, candy, fancy work, country store, parcel post, used clothing and draw for cedar chest. 41-3 Bowmanville Kinette Club Halloween Dance at Lions Centre, Saturday, October 24th. Dancing, 9 - 12. Lunch served. Dress, costume or casual. Every- one welcome. $3 per couple. Tickets at door. 43-1 Woodview Communfty Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m.,1 Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Bazaar and Penny Arcade, o1 be held in Community Hall, En- niskillen, Wednesday, October 28th, 8 p.m. Variety of booths. Lunch served. See items at Col- liss Electric, October 23rd and 24th. Sponsored by Enniskillen Service Club. 43-1 Ennirkillen W.A. turkey sup- per wiii be held on Wednesday, November 4th. Supper wiil be served at 4:30, 6:00 and 7:15 p.m. Reserve your tickets from W.A. members. They will not be available at the door. 42-2 Hampton United Church Fal Thankoffering, Sunday, Octaber 25th at 2:30 p.m. Guest speak- er, Rev. H. Turner, St. Paul's, Bowmanville. Gueât soloist, Miss Heather Webb, Bowman- ville. Come and worship with US. 43-1 Dance - Solina MEL MOORE Building Inspector wilI be ln bis office ln the Public Works Depi. Monday fo Friday at the iollowing bours: 8 fo 9:30 a.m. 3:30 to 5:00 pm CHESTERFIELDS and add chairs re-upholstered to look better than new. Go wbere you gel the best for less. For free estimates, free pick-up and de- livery, calMde phoîster- Ing, HA 8-6451, Oshawa. 33-16 Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS will be recelved by the under- sitned up and until the 301h day ai October, 1959, for the pur- clisse ai ane 1940 International Fire Truck t. lie .old by the Town of Bowmanville Further Informatlon mar be obtalned from the undersigned. I. I. REYNOLDS, Clerk. 43-1 TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON lesidents ai the Township ai Darlington are hereby natif led that a BY-LAW FOR THE 16:9, was the theme used by Mr. James Young, lay preacher of Oshawa, when he was guest speaker at St. Paul's United Cars for Sale 147 PONTIAC sedan, good con- dition, radio and heater. COlfax 3-2395. 43-1 1952 MORRIS Cawley van, new motor four months ago. Proof of same. A-i condition. MArket 3-5250. 43-1* 1951 PONTIAC, good tires, nice appearance, smooth running, custom radio with rear seat speaker. Phone CO 3-2159, 43-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For personal service at your homç cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf 1959 METEOR, demonsrator, wilh autamatic transmission; 1955 Dodge 2-dr., $400 down; 1958 International %-ton truck, $200 down. Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 43-1 1952 %,-TON Chev. truck, $65.00; Fard 3-tan Army truck withl heavy duty mud tires. Only 10,000 miles, $500.00 or best offer. Wiil trade for grain or hay. Harvey Malcolm, Janet- ville. Phone Blackstack. 43-1 BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted- Campin Molors RA 3-4494 - les. lA 5-5574 607 King St. Eat (Just East of Wilson Rd.> OSIUWA 10-tf IXotices Rose Marie Burns School of Dancing CLASSES START NOV. 14, 1959 lte book, "To Whom Sitail We Go," witen be stresseci lte lad ltaI every one ai us bas an ideal, and witetiter we realize il or net, aur daily lives are influenceci by titat ideal. Il is up ta us la see that titis la an influence for goad, tere- fore Gaci situld be ltaI ideal: He painlcd ouItlitaI liere is a Macedonia a te b elpeci by each one ai us and God i wll show us the way. President aiflte Men's Club, Mn. O11o Bragg, presided for Ibis annual occasion witiclt waa held iin lie Lecture Raam. Rev. Haroldi Turner said Grade. Mn. Bragg proposec lte Toast ta lte Queen. M.r. Doug Kemp proposeci the Toast ta The La- dies witen Mns. Bragg replieci on beitaîfof tite ladies present, sayîng il was a rare treat ta have lte nen wait an ten ion a cit&nge. Site closed by read- ing a poem on itow a man qhoulci te judged. A delicious turkey supper- with ail lte limmings, incluLl- ing punipkin pie andi whipped cream, ail prepared andi served by lte men, was enjoyed by ail. Mn. Wilfnid Carnutiters led a rouslng sing-sang with Mrs. Reta Dudley aI lite piano. Miss- es Lynda Scott and Lynda Mar- lin entertaineci wiîh Iwo vocal numbers, "Moanligitl Bay" and "Naw Is The Hour"I accompan- ied by Mrs. Bragg. 80 Couples Attend Dance At Badminton A highly . successful dance was held by lte Bowmanvile Badiminton Club in the ncwly renovateci clubitouse on Oct.j 1OtTi Eigitty couples enjoyeci te program ai dances te music provided by an excellent record pleyer. nte large balinoont was attnactively decorated in aut- uman colours and greenery, and tables were arranged around lte dance floor. Art Hooper, special eventa chairman, was la charge ai ar- rangemnenits for the- enjoyable perly, He was assisted by lte mexnbers aiflte execulive af the Bowmanville Badminton Club; Dr. Keitit Sleman, the president; Mcl Burges. vice- pncsident-; Mrs. àA. H. Strike, lte secnelary; Don Alin, Incas- urer; andi the directors, is Lydia Bates, Mrs. Alan Lob, Mn.. Margarel Lucas, Bul Bur- gess, Art Hoopen andi Jack Mnday .3 TH£ CANADIAIt STATESMAN. BOWM&ANVILEO!ITAEIO Two Stories PubUished By Local Man's Brother An intereslinig story entitled "For Love ai Denise" by P. B. Hughes, brother ai Glenitolme Hughes, Bownaville, will be publisitedinl lte Oclober 29th issue aiflte Saturday Evening Post wbicit will be un lte stores here next Moràday. Another story by Professor Hughes will be publisbed in te Noveaitier 9th issue ai Maclean's Maga- zine wh icit will also be avail- able la local stores on Manday. Bath atonies were editcd andi sold by Glenitoime Hughes, 1Literary Agent, BowmanvWle. for his brother Professor Hugh- es who is a member af the En- gineering Faculty of the Uni- versity of Toronto.. Professor Hughes won the Universlty af Western Ontario Medal for the "Best Short StKory Published Anywhere in the World" l i 1953 judged kby the Governor, General's Awards Board. The story that won tbis distinction was also edited and sold by Glenholmne Hughes. Auctonjale 1- (Written by A. Kurb)I modm frniure caore glss, October 2Mt, 1959 road, thus you failed ta leave Saturday, Oct. 24-Antique, As the result ai complaints, ane hall ai the bighway clear, moden frniure coore glssa house ane concession north and in faet you to'ok practically brasa, everything including ai Morgana Corners in the al ai the road and lefI only 6 kitchen sink. Ramn or shine. Sale starts 1:0 .. ese wn*hiP ai Clarke was kept feet for the ail truck. Jame, 1Tr 00ng PI Weae. under observation and on last "This inodicales tome thuaIyou Frank Sunday marninuciOct.rl8th,thue either took a chance, or became Fran Strleant aut3o1er premises were raided by mem- confused. You alsa lailed to see 431bers ai the ýBowmanîviie Det. the truck, which was in fact Catle ale 40 had ber ao the O.P.P. there. You failed ta stop afer Caîen- gsl, 50 boced Aber- P.C. J. Ricard stated ltaI anyou beard the horn, you failed fedenrAs, 50 stke dr e-an ficer la Plain clothes was teo avaid a collision..In fact you feedrs,100grae ad ~fe-statianed inl close proximity ta did several titings wbich con- bred cowa and bred beifera, tehue ihapral a siueavoaino hssc Lindsay, Saturday, October 31, h os ihapral a siueavoaina bssc Lindsay Sales Arena at 1 p.m: dia (Walkie-talkie). He was lion and I find you Guilty as A. C. McTaggart, Sec'y-Treas;- able ta keep lte premises un- charged."1 Malcolm Bailey, Pres. 43il der constant observation. Cars Thte ailernath af an accident 421were posted wth two men In at King and Scugog Sta. waa Theundrsinedaucionerleacit, nantit, aauiheast and west a conviction registered againat wi ellunderuice auction erlai lte bouse. a local man. He was found Puie selry ublic ae hutio o Each car was i constant guilty ai "Failing ta yield the efiects ai Mr. Howard Pye at contact with te walkie taikie rgto wytnh vhceo his residence, Enniakillen, on and witen a car lefI the pren- Ibis rigitt afler stopping at lte Saîurday, November 7, 1959. ises with a parcel il was stop- stop street. Tne car on the rigitt Sale at 1:30. List aiaricesped some distance from te had driven as far as be could aI later date. Termis cash.Cii ouse, searched and te parcel la the right ta avoid an acci- Pethick, auctioneer. 43à-2 seized. dent. Penalty was $5.00 and Ater enaugh evidence had $2.00 coats plus 2 dëmerits. I have received instructions! been collected, te ra was A Newcastle man who plead- from Haydon Church Stewards efiected, a quanîity ai béer and ed Gilty lwa weeks ago toaa Ita sel by public auctian on Sat- liquor seized and the owner ar- charge aifP'alure ta remain it urday, Oct. 241h aI 2 p.m. aI rested. lte scene ai an accident, which Haydon Citurcit Shed, home bak- nhe propriebor was v e r y had occured at Ohurch and Div- ing, honey, vegetables, apples, franti, gave police a statement iaion Streeta, was today conrvic- slave wood and many miscel- and was fined $50.00 and coats led ai Driving while impaired. laneous articles. Clifford Peth- ai $3.003. The liquor wi-s for- He was fined $50.001 and $3.00 ick, auctioneer. 43-11 feited. and the prernises' were cosîs, lîcense was suspended for deciared a "Public Place" for 3 montits and he now bas ac- Auction sale ai liveslock, im- 12- montbs. cumulated 21 demerit marks. plementc, hay, grain, furniture, Aiter argument by the dei- He had been described by bis the property ai Chas. H. Gra- endant's counsel Magistrale R. counsel as being a "Greganiaus ham, Lot 19, Con. 2, Cartwright, B. Baxter found a local nur- Persan. In bis defence, the ac- 5 miles south-eaat ai Blackt- seryman Guilty ai Careles.s cused stated tsaI "The reason stock, Saturday, October 31slaI. Driving. He was instructed ta he was staggering was ibecause Sale aI 1:00 p.m. Termis, cash,' attend lte Traffic Clinic and oi shock." Thte magistrale asked O. Hyland, clerk; Ted Jackson, sentencing was adjourned until him, "Wbat Shock? The accus- auctioneer, Part Perry, Ont. Dec. 15, 1959. ed replied, "The shock of see- 432', Magistrale Baxter in deliv- ing the police there." 1 ering itis judgemenl said, "The "The accused had queationed The undersigned auctioneerii gist aiflte ofience is whetiter te constable's religion, racial will seli by public auction, the1 you were drivinig with due care origin and social statua. The car household efiecîs for the estate and attention and with neason- bit lte sitaulder three limes. ai the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter , able consideration for alter The accused wanled ta use a Oke at their laIe residence 1 and persans using lte higisway. phtone a inte middle of te a quarter miles north ai En- "'You can use a great deal ai bighway", commenled Magis- niskillen, Ont., on Saturday,; care ai a certain type and stll traIe R. B. Baxter. Octobe 3 at 1p.m. List in be guilty ai Ibis offence. Some Continued tb e Magistrale, nex ick ' aucion er. 43f Pt- 1 people have a misguided idea "lYou didnt know wbether the 'o aite care and attention as re- cruiser bad 2 doors or 4 doors. Sittqured by law. Yau were coniused and garr- The Durham Farmers' "ith I must convict for several ulaus. I musI iind that tbe rea- Annual Fail Feeder Sale will rea.sons, if the weeda and lte son you failed ta stop, was not be îel onThuada, Otabr ibranches aifte overitanging as you stated you hadi a part ai 29, aI the Durham County Sae ilows an te road constituted a case ofi beer but ratiter Ibat Arena, Orono. Sales commence'wl promptly at 1:30 p.m. 500 bead a hazard, you sixould have cul you itad lau mucis ta drink and ai Durhtam, Hereford, Angus them down, even if titey were you were worried about your Steers and Heifers, Stock Calves, on Township iraperty. You condition." Feeder Caws. Plan ta attend' have stated in your evidence- "«You were sick ta your sto- this important audtian. Terma i n-chief that you drive 40,000 mach in te cella, and this also cash, Jack Reid, auctianeer. miles a. year and you know that indicatea your condition, tic- 43-1' your vision was obslructed. cause if, as you state, you bnci j"Secandly, you iteard te na supper, tisere would bave 1 have received instructions luona aftise big reci ail truck. been less likeliitoad ai you be- irom the executors of lte estate; You thought il was from lte caming sick, unlessa ai course ai lte late Mrs. Frank Coulter, south. You couldn't see il, yet you bied consumeci a large ta seli by public auction, Satur-' you drove out af your drive- quantity ai beer." day, November 7, at 1:30 p.m.,I way, and made a turn aver Faïl ta stop for stop signa at ber late residence, 127 _King 1 the cenitre af the roaci. You re- against lwo motorials brought St. E., Bowmanviile, a 3-piece fused ta look nortit. penalties ai $15.003 andi costa af chesterfielci suite, 7-piece wal- "Titird, yau failed to turn $2.001 plus 2 demerits each andi nult dînette suite, bath like new, properly, you were unneceas- four speeding fines were paici bedroom and kilciten furniture, arily over the centre ai the each of $22.00,. electnic s t o v e, washer and vacuum cleaner, Axminster rugs,- lampa, dishes glaasware. TernisP * - AA!im~~I. ,i. cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. .SdI- au s eWU 'I C lu b H oldU~ Notices 3AnnuaU Ladies' Night I "Andl a vision appeared tla'CiturcitMen's Club on Satur- Anyone interested in collect- Paul in the nigitl, Titere stooci a day nigitt. Titis was a very spe- ing $400 from Darlinglon Town- man of Macedania, andi prayed cial occasion witen lte ment- ship cal MA 3-2383. 43-1 him, saying, Came over mbt bers entertaineci their wivcs. 'IMT.lL WT%'Tn 4-.kT--11-41_Macedonia and help us." ActaIs ,~ ir n,,nfprl dfrnr Past Masters' aigitt of Jeru- salem Lodge No.. 31 G.R.C., A.F. & A.M. was heici Oct. l4th in the Lodge roam. Oiiicers for lte evenlag werc: W.M.-W. Bra. W. J. Foundi; I.P.M.-W. Bra. James Marr; S.W. - W. Bro. M. L. Clemens; J.W.-W. Bna. L. C. White; Chaplain- V.W. Bro. Rosa Stevens; Treas. -V.W. Bna. P. R. Cowling; Sec. -R.W. Ena. J. S. Emmensan; S.D.-W. Bra. Owen Nicholas; J.D.-W. Bro. R. J. Dilling; D.1 ai C.-W. Bra. C. L. Warren;1 I.G.-W. Bro. A. B. Lobb, 5.S.1 -W. Bro. C. E. Allun; J.S.-W. Ena. H. G. Freeman.1 The Degree work was con- ferred on Bra. J. S. Morrison and Bro. H. R. Corneil. A ban- quet followed the meeting. W. Bro. W. Teeple was toastmas- ter during the banquet. Toasts were given as follows: To the Past Masters by Bra. T. C. Gatcheli and repied to by C. L. Warren, to Grand IAdge by Bro. B. G. Burgess and replied to by R.W. Bro. E. F. R. Osborne, District Deputy Grand Master of Ontario D"s- trict; to the visitors by R.W. Bro. J. S. Emmerson and replied to by W. Bro. Clarence Allun, District Secretary. Hallowe'en -Dance Enjoyable Legion E vent Here Last Saturday An efiectively eerie atmas- pihere was crealed by lte clev- erly arnanged Hallowe'en de- coralions in tise Legion Hall, Queca Street, on Satunday ev- ening for te enjoyable Mas- querade Dance iteld by Branch 178 ai the Canadian Legion. Two ituge ligbt-iiiled punupkins domianated te stage, andi wit- cites, goblins, skeletons andi black dat-s, were placed around tite walls. The ceiling was hidden by orange îballoons and orange and black streamers. A deligittfully varieci pro- gram ai music for dancing was Four Members 0f Arnica Club A tConference Four members aifte Amica ai Trinity Unitedi Churcit, Bow- maniville, Misa Bea Raddick, Misa Marjorie Somerville, Miss Molly Bennett and Ted Col- well attended te Bay ai Quin- te Conference ai the Young People's Union ai tite Unitedi Cisurcit ai Canada beld inlathe Unilec Churéh, Wititby, last Fniday, Saturday and Sunday. Ted Colweil was lte speaker at te citurcit service beld aI tise close oiflte conference an Sunday evening. He gave an inspuninîg addreas on lte im- portance aiflte young people accepting lte challenge ta take an active part i. chuncit work. Miss Eileen Spicer, te presi- dent ai tite Amica Club, was, unable ta attend te confer- ence la Witby because siteitaci the misiontune ta, break ber arm while skating duning the week. Loss: Having bougitl ebeese iram Canadian producers at 34 cents a pound, lte Canadiani goverament sold iti in lte Unit- ed Kingdom for 29 centa. Tax- payera made up thte difierence. Iprovided by Jack Town and bis orchestra, Oshawa. The mem- bers of the orchestra also act- ed as costume judges. They had a difficuit task in selecting the best, from the wide array af amusingly and appropriately garbed dancers. The- winners of the first pri- zes were: Jim Rickaby and Mrs. Gardon Cotter as an Arab Sbeik and Harem Girl. The se- cond prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Virtue as Ho- boes. James Fair, chairman af the Entertainmeiit Committee was in charge of the arrangements for the event. The special Dan- ces Committee, Mr. and Mrs. Bd Rundie, Mr. and Mrs. James Fair, Mr. and Mrs. James Firth and George Graham, chairman af the Special Events Committee was in charge of decorations and the delicious lunch. is coming to &ELECTRIC LD. See and Drive THE NEW 1960 PLYMOUTH with the entirely new and exclusive rust-proof and Unibody construction - at - Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH SIMCA DEALERS 20 King St East Bowmanville FARGO MA 3-5487 0 fi PAGE NIn;TEE_4_ ELECTRIC-LTD.<A CONRACTING REPAIS- REFRIGERATION -ELECTRIC moToR - SALES - SERVICE T.V.- RADIO - APPLIANCES ~jjjIl " CONTROL 0F DOGS IS NOW IN'EFFECTI si. Joseph's Hall and that a Dog Contrai Officer, LIBERTY STREET and Dog Pound are ln operation - Camplaints as 10 straY dags o; BALLET --TAP cats should lie dîrected t. Dl. WHEATLY. MArket 356 Further inlormation may belj NURSERY obtalned from this afile. 1~WshE. aiDaE rligo Po vtaieiJiI.' IrW E. RofDEark, o Ihne M r"" 3-5 3-1 4U-2 . 1 . 1 Jerusalem Lodge Holds UIts Past Masters Night be responsible for debts of my wife Christine Taylor afler this date. DATED this 9th day of October, AMD. 1959. Melville Taylor. 42-3' If the owners of the follow- ing cars do not dlaim their cars and pay the charges againstý them by Oclober 31st, 1959, these cars wîl be sold for scrap. Chevrolet- Ontario 395389 Studebaker- Ontario C71066 Dodge-. Ontario 106554 Ford- Ontario 892652 B-A Service Station, Newcastle,! Ontario, 41-3'