PAGE TwEN-TY THE CIANAflTAN q'wATEU!MAN- R -- - - - ---.- -- ~ 2'J'v *LE.LnVyA.lJ..W ONT1ARIOHDA ,OT Zd U e0 Legion Ladies Auxiliary Celebrates l3th Birthday WJtb fun m FiIIed P art y The 13th Birthday Party held doilies and dish-towel; Cormrade by the Ladies Auxilia.ry to the Rose Bate, towels; Comrade Canadian Legion on Monday: Gail Downey, towels;, Comrade evening in the Legion Hall was Margaret Lawrie, cup and sau- a gala event. The president, cer; Comrade Rose Overy, Comi-ade Florence Knight, was' apron; Comrade Hilda Simnick, the general convenor. She was tewels; and Comrade Loretta aasisted by Comrade Rose KàIgannon, cup and saucer. Overy and Comrade Anne Dil- After supper Comirade Susie lon. Grahamn and Comrade JEanLn The spacious hall was effec- ton were the able convEnosi tively decorated in the Legion charge of entertainmient. They colours of gold and purple. The provided much fun and enjoy- long tables were arranged te. ment for the members. The first form a square and presented a game was cleverly amusing. truly festive appearance. The Comrade Graham with consid- l3th Birthday Cake had a table erable talent had written a to itself in the centre of the number of verses, each one square. It was iced in _yellow identifying an object which had with sky blue decorations and to be guessed by -the players. lettering and had 14 golden The prizes were won by Com- candies. Silver vases of roses rade Jean Firth, Comrade Hil- flanked the Birthday Cake, da Simnick, Comrade Lillian and the table was lighted by King, Comi-ade Margaret Lap- purple tapers in silver candie- ham, Comrade Beryl Hughes, sticks. The white cloth was Comirade Violet Fletcher, Coin- edged with a fringed pale pink rade Ann Piper, Comrade Amy runner and sky blue streamers Tait, and Comi-ade Thelmna were festooned along the sides. Little. The long tables were lighted The second game was also withpurîe apes i crstal original. The two teams of 12 candlesticks. Beautiful vaseseahindpatac cf rby lasswit yelow al-end of the hall. Each was given igolds and purple petunias re- a piece of paper with the titie flected the lights. The white of a song. At the signal each1 tablecloths were edged by member started singmngle fringed plnIk narrow runners, song and rushed forward t sky blue streamers were loop- meet the opposing team and ed down along the inner sides. find the person singing the This gave a birthday cake ap- sýnie son¶g as the one she was pearance te the setting. smnging. The winners were Each place was rnarked with Comrade Gail Downey and birthday serviette and favours. Contrade Gwen Gibson, New- Every member received a ball- castle, singing «'I Ain't Nothing point pen and plastic ranht But a Hound Dog"l. For a few ini a case. The Pot Luck Sup- hctie moments the conflicting Ver featured a delicious varie- singing rivaled the Tower of ty of main dishes, and there Babel. was a wonderful array of des- The Comie Strip Characters serts. gaine was won by Comrade Comrade Minnie Wiseman, Gwen Gibson, Cemrade May one of the oldest members 1of Whiting, and Comrade Gail the Bowmanville Ladies Auxil- Downey. The Balloon game was iary te the Canadian Legion, wonl by Comrade Ruth Osborne, blew out the candles on the Comrade Edythe Rundle, Com- birthday cake, and m-ade the rade Rena Bathgate, and Com- special wishes. The president, rade Thelma Little. The Lucky Corrad Kigh, ut heBirh-Spot prize was won by Cern- day Cake. rd ey uhs Comrade Knight welcomed Bingo was enjoyed during the tihe members te the party. She rest of the evening. The prize announced that one of the winners were Comi-ade Beryl lovely' flower vases was te be Hughes, Comrade Loretta Kil- taken home by each lady pres- gannon, Comrade Lillian' Da- ent at the party. Comrade m5flt, Cemrade Annie Clapp. Knight stated with regret that Conirade May Whiting, Coni- Comrade Mel McNulty, Con rade Grace Downey, Conirade rade Mary Westover, Comi-ade Ruby Palmer, Comeade Eva Audrey Bate, the 2nd vice-pre- Bragg, COmiade Jean Purina, sident, Conirade Elizabeth Comi-ade Millie Bates, Comrade Darch, Comi-ade Rita Pai-kin, Audrey Fletcher, Comi-ade May and Comi-ade Kitty Newman Downey, Comi-ade May Whit- were tunable te attend the par- Ing, Cemrade Jean Firth, Coni- ty because of illness. She sad rade Margaret ýLawrie, Com- that their favours and ruby rade Pamela Aide, and Coin- ,glass flower vases would be rade Irene Candler. gent te theni, and te, Comirade Anne Wolnik, who had a daugh- ter in Memorial Hospital on SOLINA Saturday evening. Comi-ade Ruby Paorner, the Thfe fi-st meeting of the 1-reasurer, and Comi-ade Hilda Girls, Homnemaking Club was Humphrey were in charge o! held in the kitohen of the Sol- the Special Draw. The fortun- ina Comnxunity hall on October ate prize winners were: Com- 17 Wvith 17 girls present. The rade Amw Tait, apron; Cern- unil thtIs winter will ibe the rade Jean Holroyd. set of bowls; SUPPei- Club witlh Mrs. Vi Ash-I Crnirade Violet Fletcher, cup ton end MIrs. Norma Heeka- and saucer; Conirade Hilda day as leaders.j Humphrey, cup and saucer; The meeting opened by re- Conirade Ann Piper, doilies; peatiing the. 4-H pledgie in uni- Comrade Loretta Kilgannon, son. The election of officersre- sulted as follows- Pi-es., Dian- neTink; Vice-Pi-es. Evelyn WESLEY VILLE Hockaday, Sec. Treas., Barbai-a Hooey. Thie girls decided to 71is mmunlty wug saddened -nane the Club "Solina Menu tic heer 'of the illness and death Makers" cf Mrs. J. Staples in Port Hope Mrs. Ashton outllnîed the re- on Sunday. Sympathy for her quirements for club members bereaved family and sorrow and record books. Seve r a 1 for the loss of! a mudi bloved girls took part in demonstrating friend is felt by ail whe knew how to meesure wet and dry her bei-e. Mrs. Staples was one ingredients. Notes were taken of those people Who always on "IGood Food makesa dif- --61 qij-11 tt>L ari iii! - ereneL ad Jte group also memory of her life will leave read frein the booklet "Homne a blessing with ail those who Table Service and Table Man- shared it. ners". Home assignnments wei-e Wesleyville Chureh's 99th given and the leaders served anniversaey was held on Octo- a tasty lunch of! raisin bread ber 18th, 1959 with oui- own and cheese. The next meeting minister in charge cf morning will be held in the hall on Oc- and evening services. Ris mes- tobei- 31 at 1.30 o'clock sages were for the day and Mr. Rudd of the Bible So- concerne-d our heritage in the ciety in Toronto spoke at tifie church builddng and the lives church service Sunday moi-n- of those who have worked and ing. worshipped befocie us, and Rev. W. A. Logan o! Eiinis- "the Christian ,and the chui-ch'. killen will be guest mindster Mi-. John Groeneveld led the at the Thankoffering service choir and Mes. Carroll Nicholîs on Noveinber lst at 2:30 o'clock was organist. Two anthenis (Standard Tirne). Special mus- morning and evening, and a le will b. provided by the; duet by John Groeneveld and choir. ITrs. Allan Clar-ke in the mcmn- IMe. and Mrs. Ralph Davis ing provided the special music. and Mi-. and Mrs. J. Yelowlees Lovely arrangements o! chry- were Sunday tea guests o! Me.' santhemums, gladioli and dah- and Mes. Geri-y Glaspeil and! lias were the contribution o! family, Zion. Leonard Ougfrtred te the spec- Mr. anid Mrs. Har-vey Yellow- ial day. Besides the home con- lees and childrren were Sun- gregation, thene were worship- day tea guests o! Mr-. and Mi-s. pers fi-cm Welcome, Moreish J. Medland and chi 1 di- e n, and Port Hope. Brooklin. The October meeting o! the Mr. and Mn-s. Francis John- W.A. was held at the home o! ston wei-e charivaried Satur- Mrs. Clarence Nicholis on Wed- day night when everyone pi-e- nescbay, October 14th. The pro- sent enjoyed a generous treat gramme was in charge o! the provided by the bride and hostess, assisted by Mes. P. groom. Snell, Mrs. Murray Payne and Mes. H. E. Tink visited Mr-. Mes. Ken Dinner. Theme for and Mes. Don Goode and child- the afternoon was The Power i-en at Oronio. of Ged and Thanksgiving. La- Mi-. and Mes. George Gilroy dies enjoyed a quiz at the end and sons Columbus, were Sun- 1 o! the programme .The busi-i day guests of Me. and Mrs. ness was cond'ucted by the pi-e- Chailes Langmaid and famiùly. sident Mi-s. A. Austin and roll Rev. and Mes. R. Sherwin, caîl answened with a name of Belleville; Miss Lena Taylor, a fermer church adherenit for Bewmenville, were guests ofj centennial mailing. Work o! the Me. and Mes. E. R. Taylor. past month was reviewed and Little William Taylor, seono! 'valued, principalhy the assist- Mr. and Mes. Don Taylor was ance given at the opening of! 2 years old on Saturday and Golden Plough Lodge and the was entertiaineci at a party by fowl s3ipper. his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Soi-iy te report Mes. Margar- E. R. Taylor. Mr. and Mn-s. et Green in hosp>ital for sur- Bruce Taylor and sens were gery. Mrs. Leona Czabo e! aiso present. Bui-ington visited her parents, Frierids of Me. G o r d o n Mn. and Mes. C. Beighton, Leask are pleaseci te know h. Port Britain hast week. s home again and is steadily Mrs. Reeve retui-ned fi-cm inproving ini heaith following Don Milis on Pridaey and tells his recent operation. us daughtei- and grandson are Mrs. C. Hamer, who has been doing well. Mi-. and Mes. Jas. receiving ti-eatment in Toi-ete Mowat and Mrs. E. Keat of is pleaseci te b. at her =oeI Toroento visiteci at E. Barrow- again and ýappy to se. e he clough's last Tuesday. Allan rnany friends.j Holdaway spent Sunday with Mr. and Ms.. frank WestlakeI Mr. Bey. Jaynes, Newcastle. Jr. and ta- 1I were auests of 'à, Officers Insta-1led at Com panions of Forest *IMr. and Mes. Jack Ovenden and!~ family, Oshawa,, and on Sun- .' dey weré tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avery at Enfield after attending Thanksoffering service there. Mi-. and Mrs. Fr-ank Moore, Bowimanville w e re Sunday visitai-s with Me. and Mirs. Fr-ank Westlake, Si-. Mi-. and Mrs. D. Flett and \'J * children were Su n d ay tea '.. '> guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Jim J Wood and childiren, Taunton., Mi-. and Mes. Bruce Tink, Dianne, Neil and Herbie, visit- ed at Bruce Ormidston's at Col-, usnbus. Mi-. and Mrs. Han-y Knox . accompanied Mr. and Amr. R. Vice on a motor trip te Otaw LZ and visited at Lloyd Vice's at *Winchester enroute. Mrs. Ken James, Sault Ste. ...-....... ........- ~- - - - * - - - Marie, Mes. Ray Bemis, Osh- ad.oma..n.o. Bte.te......f om Spires and family. m n E ey Mr. J. Kiveil and Miss Per of the Foi-est is pictured above following the installation ceremonies Second row: Companion Jean Linton, Left Guide; Companin el' Leach visited Mi-. and MVrs. 0. held in the Union Hall on Thursday evening, October l5th. Fromn lef t Beard, Right Guide; Companion Beryl Hughes, Inner Guand; Companion Chapman, Orono, on Sunday. to right above are: Front row, Companion Ntna Clarke, Past Worthy Henrietta Corden, Outer Guard; Companion Jean Wood, the Chaplain, Miss Pearl Leach and Mrs. Chief Companion; Worthy Chief Companion Rena Bathgate, Companion and Companion Mai-tha Goudy, the Pianist. Trudyr Radovie attended the Peggy Wakely, Port Hope, the District Deputy; Companion Rita Pai-kin, rug-making course at Orono on Tuesday and Wednesday. Me. and Mrs. A. Beevor and arnd Helen visited, Mi-. and Mrs. and Hanley. Saturday evening visiton-s with day guests cf Mr. and Mes. R. Mrs. N. Wotiten was a recent sons, Oshawa; Mi-. and Mrs. J. Large, Robbie and Janet, Mi-. and Mes. Ralph Craw- Me. and Mrs. E. Cryderman. Cryderman and childi-en. guest of Mrs. Sam Dew.ell, Glen Glaspell and sons, Taun- Bowmanville. ford and sons, Whitby, visited Sunday visîtors were Mr-. and Mr. and Mes. Howard Far- Hampton. ton; Mr. and Mes. George Gil- Mrs. Thomas Turner, Miss at Mi-. and MSs. J. Knox's on Mes. Ken MeMinn and children, row, Grant and Ross, Stark- The Three M's group will roy and sons, Columbus; visit- Lillie Dobson, Oakwood; Mes. Sunday. Oshawa, and Miss Linda Stain- ville; Mi-. and -Mrs. Wm. Knox, have a pot luck supper i the ed Mi-. and Mes. Rae Pasce, Walter Outramn, Lindsay; Mes. Mi-. and Mes. Clayton Ci-y- ton, Enniskillen. Brougham, were Sunday visit- Sunday School room on 'Mon. Beverley, Brian and Gary. Roy Smith, North Oshawa, derm-an, Mr. and M-s. Chai-les 1Me. and Mes, C. J. Wray and1 ors with Me. and Mes. George day evening, October 26 at Mr-. and Mrs. W. Parrinder visited Mi-. and Mi-s. I. Hardy Wrightman, New Market, were1 daughters, Oshawa, were Sun-1 Knox and childi-en. 7 o'clock. IT'S THE SALE 0F THE YEAR1Om As we are moving both our stores under one roof... We must clear this merchandise. at drastically -~reduced prices! SUBURBê,N COATS SAVE $5.00' CHARCOAL OR SILVER GREY IN WOOL AND$ CASHMERE FINISH - Reg. $22.95 --------88 BANKER'S GREY IN DURACORD Reg. $22.95 17__ _____ $7088 $2.18 Boys' Windbreakçers 0I.848 Reg. to $9.95 - CLEARING AT M l 9 to14 9 9 PERRY COMO JACKETS Reg. $3.95 - CLEARING AT ____ ________ BOYS' SHIRTS m SWEATERS- ALL ON SALE $19 ETC c,, BOYS' WEAR' 15 King St. E. h WASH 'N WEAR SLACKS WINTER WEIGHT- ALL SHADES Reg. $12.95 BOYS' DRESS SLACKS Sizes 6 t. Ž8 Years - CLEARING AT______ MEN'FS WEAR. 37 King St. W. rRNAI".T.V. rWmAlDTÉ% e