a - --à:zl IUÀNIWIPN STIIlA3*,4 - -- IPflY~m~ A ~ --.~ AAa ~JA~WI. E, ~ .L. ~rna. lvii exp1laIn, and lie said: "The tongue is also the wprst thing, Religion __for_______ causing strife, lawsu.its and wars. It is the organ of errar, caiumny, biasphemy. By it 4 ,corne treasons and sianders anid The Trou blesame lies. It is the orgaxiof anger Tangue ispevocu, basfu ad e n-x [j suai. Ail evil is in the tangue."1 A Weekly Talk St. James, li his General NhoonEpistIe, has same interest By Rev. ILIL ichlso words ta say about the tangue. Hie uses strong and vivid ian- Maxi Is not the only ereature Igrown aut of It, Is te cearest uaesrndbinguthescharachan tha ha a ange. he îîdand t ~descabndgue res seecand ththa tnue hewldad otimportant distinction atvt 0 h ague.Hewrns beasts of the field have tangues, of mankind, and the surest i us espiîy agatn te. evil but man is the only animal dication of the superiority that 'use o! the tangue. He deciares P that uses hig tangue for the God has conferred upon the hu- it is a fire kindled i hell,'a purpose of speech. Philosoph- man race.1 world of iniquity, a deadly pal- ers have strivexi ta discover Teei lsi tr fsn what faculty mOst clearîy sep- Teei lsi tr fsn arates man from the brute;, as Aesop, shawing how men ap-I Here Is a paragraph from that mani is the only animal preciated the tongue li Greece "«The New Testament in Mod- that iaughs or caoks, stands up- even in thase ancient days. ern English"l, translated by J.1 right or builds a flire. Most Xanthus, the heathen phiIoso- B. Phillips, P. 497,-"The bu-1 thinkers agree that the power phier, expecting same friends, man tangue is physically small,z of speech, with ail that bas ta dine with him, ordered his: but ivhat tremendous effects it. ______________________servant Aesop, ta prepare a, can boast af! A whole fore-ste feast of the best things in the can be set ablaze by a tinyt market. Course after course was; spark af fire, and the tangue ist FINE QUALITY served, each consisting of tan-' as dangeraus as any lire, withi MONUMENTS AND gue, served in different ways. vast potentialities for evil. I MARER ~Wben the indignant Xanthus can poison the whale body; it asked for an explanatioxi, Ae- can make the whole of life a- 4 sap defended bimself by show- blazing bell.f rgilk' ing alI the good o! which the "Beasts, birds, reptiles and 0 ~STAFFORD ) tangue is capable, ordering SO)- ail kinds of sea creatures can BROU. ciety, governing men, buidng , and in fact are, tamed by citesperuadng ssebIis.man, but no ane can tame the The tangue is the organ Of 1 humnan tanque. It is an evii c:urageous command in the We use the tongue ta bless our.1 uate ti teognta Father, God, and we use the Sidfrd Bos. teacescomfrtschers,.ad-same tangue ta curse aur fel- vise, pomies ad ispies. ow enwbo are ail created i Mionusmental iok Wl hn"sadXnhs o' ikeness. Blessin ad 31 ad t . bty "give stmro elo usscm out cf the samie 818Dunaa t. .,the worst things." On the mor- mouth." Phono Whltby row,. la! another feastoftn We allai e the esitla MOhawk 8-3552 gues-tangues, nathing but of controlling the tangue, but tongues. Again Aesop had ta St. James says: "No buman being can tame the tongue-a restless evil, ful ef deadly pal- PROVE FR YURHETIN UIT sn." (R.S.V.) a REFINED# RVDFRYURHAGUIr The tangue ls a wild beast. 0 4Ail other living creatures have Ci been mastcred by mankind. The tangue is the ane exception. No af £ ssomani can tame it; oniy God wbo M made it, can keep it under con- d for FAST, EFFICIENT HELPFUL SERVICE Many people taîk toc mi and consequently often get 1: trouble. lI most smalI tov there is much gossip, wli does a great deaI of harm. Rev. Dr. Lawson, a minis of Selkirk, Scotland, and a wi and godly man, was once, proached by a busybody w wanted, with an air of gr solemnity, to telli hlm of! wrong-doing of a brother in1 church. The good minister tu ed to, him and asked: ID anybady else know this 1 you?" "No, sir," was thee swer. "Have you told It to ar body else?" Again the ansi' was «"No." "'Then", said t good man, "go homýe and hi it away at the feet of Jesi and neyer speak of it aga unless God leads you to spe to the maxi himseIf. If the Lc wants ta bring a scandai up His church let Hlm do it; b don't you be the instrument cause it.' One of the most difficuit le sons we have ta iearn as tChri tians, is ta hald our tonguE There are times when silen, is golden. A stary bas be( told of a littie girl who said her niother one evening, III w a peacemaker today." "4Hc was -that?" asked ber xnother 1 knew something that I didi, tell," was the unexpected repi "You may keep yaur feet fro: slipping, And your hands from ev deeds, But ta guard your tangue frra tripping, What unceasing care needs! Be you aid or be you young, 0 beware, take good care 0f that tittle-tattle, tell-ta] tangue."p BURKETON Plans have been made b hold a Variety Concert in thE ALWAYS LOOK TrO IMPERIAL FOR THE DEST church on Frday evening, Oc. tober 23 at 8.15 p.m. OUr Thankoffering service or A. H Strroc & onsSundaY monning was a finc imitedon, delivered a fine sermon. Limit'edWe welcome Mr. and Mrs Gieni Lowery and famiiy ci PHONE MA 3-5516 BOWMANVILLE Newcastle to our village. _________________________________________ Rev. R. M. and Mxrs. Sey. mour, Battersea, called on nei. The Town of Bowmanville wiII return ta EASTERN- STANDARD TIME ai 12:01 a.m. Sundacy, October ZSth elocks and watches Saving Tme to Wifrid B. Carruihers, Mayor, Town of Bowmanville GOD SAVE THE QUEEN I uch .nto wns ter vise ap-. vho .eat the the Lrn- ýoes but an- ny- ver Have You aQi On Unemploymen t questions about unempoy insurance and empicymen, gether with axiswers rec from the Uxiemployment 1 If y oumareion.erai aIceCo so n.eti any paint do not hesital send us your question. We obtain an axiswer and pu it in this columin. Following are some ques with answers wbich may 1 interest ta yau. Q. If I trappcd labster May 1 to, July 1 do I haç pay my unemployment ii ance contributions ta draw efits? liaving a highiy paic ail winter I will not be exil ta benefits even if I pay tributions as I can only do weeks of fishing if I war draw regular benefits. A. Any persani who does ordinarily derive his ivelil from insurable employment .iblish yment it, ta- eived nsur- about te ta Swill Libllsh stians be o! from ve ta nsgr- ben- d job itled con- four rit ta snot lhood tand ghbaurs a nd friends i the vil- lage this week. Sympathy is extenided to Mrs. Greta Baley li the deathof her aunt wbo passed away in Bowmanville last weck Mr. Joseph Hagerverst is in Toronto General Hosp., wbere hie wiil undergo a vcry seriaus operiation. Tbe comm un it y wmishes hlm the best o! luck. and Mrs. Doug Làane andf fain- ily. Mr .and Mrs. Walter Krantz and Miss Darexie MacDonald, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mri. and IIrs. Orville Greer and girls, Mri. andMrs. Stianley Moffatt, Osfhawa, were Sun- day guests o! Mmr. Ethel Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacDonald and family, Bowmanviile, were recent visitors o! Mrs. G. Bai- ley. Mrs. Pearl Avery is conflned o ibcd with a bad back. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott and family, Bowmanville, were ucsts o! Mr. and Mir. Howaird ý,bbott and faxndly. Mr. Allan Larimer, Toronto,4 ment the weekend wihbis1 :arents Mir. and Mnr. Hl-ad armer. ar rE 1< ti ar 'g AI pa ,9 MORRISH de The regular moxithiy meeting ;us, o! the W.A. was held on Wed- uni, xiesdiay Oct. 14th at Mrs. Fred ak MeConnelîs at 8,15 p.m. There rd wcre 13 memxbers present, the )on president Mrs. Helen McHolnm but conduited the meeting wbich ta opened with hyn and payer. Sciipture verses were read by ýs Mrs. Harold Osborne, Lesson ï-Thougbts and Prayer by Mrs. Mortoni Hendersoxi, Mrs. Harry ce Beckett sang. as a solo "'Nearer cxi i'My God ta Thee"l. ta The business part of the ses- as sion was mainly about the iast :wj details o! the Turkey supper an n'"y Oct., 2lst. 14 tuirkeys will be nIt dressed andf caoked by mcm- [y. bers no one coming ta ibhis m suppýer should go short ai tihat lusciaus meat served with al vil the trimmings. mFor the past fcw years lt bas been the custom to share li the It Thankoffering, one bal! gaing ta the treasurer o! the cburch, the W.A. rctainlng the other bal!, at Presenit the financial le1 state oi the W.A. is very good sa a motion was made and pas- sed that al ai the Thankoffer- ing be retaincd by Mr. Dawson Bebec treasurer for the cburch. It was decided that the W.A. have a Social evexixng witb var- to led program, more about this e later. c-Mrs. Framnk Andersoxi gave a1 paper on Tbanksgiving, Mrs. bn Lloyd Marvin gave a very i- .e tercstln.g account ai a recent t-nrp East with pictus-es taken' along the way, the meeting clo- s. sed with Benedlictiaxi. f A dainty iunich was served during the social bal! hour by1 the bostess, Mirs. Lloyd Mai-vin1 -jand Mre. Frank Byers. A vote o f thanks was proposed by Mirs. Harold Osborne ta Mrs. Fred McCormell for use oi her home, the tea committec and ail who belped li program- carried as usual. The Navember meeting Iwill bebheldat the home of jMrs. Moi-ton Henderson, edcc- 1 tion o! afficers for 1960 will be hebld the Rev. W. A. laiding to act as chairmai, all mei-, - bers are asked ta be present. Congratulations ta the newly formed Cubs o! Weioome anid Morrish who turned la over $100-00 ta their Companiy the result o! "Apple Day", the ap- pIes are deliclous and thie sales- maxi iooked very smart li bis uniform, but he dld mention- bis legs were old! The Misin d wilU oper- Iates asslowith Leaders, Misa. iHai-y Beckett and Mrs. Lloyd iKellogg, meeting at the George Hiamiltoni Scbool as announced. IA Hallewe'en Party wiil be held by our young people on jMonday, Occli. 2Mt at 7,30 p.n. Games, contests and the uo!li parade will be the fun ofth evening, we hope al aur i ung People wiil corne anid I oîn li the funi. A number af our church mnembers joined wlth oui' sis- ter churcb o! Wesleyvlile in the Anxiversary Services on Sun- day, Oct. 18th. We thouglit it a very th.oughtfulinnovation ta have aur owxi minister as fpi-cacher whieh we think is as it should be- a uxited service of joy anid Thanksmvixig with congregation andmi rltS. I ISixty years aga It taok 100 mani hours of work to producei 100 busheis of Canadian wheat.f iToday the mnax hour require- ment, because of machlnery, is 25..... Lwho engages lni fisbing for flot more than twexity weeks i any caiendar. year may dlaima ex- ception from. unempioyment i- surance in respect ta bis fisb- ing activity. Tis exception As effected when the fisherman completes a. "Declaratian o! Inconsiderable Employmexit", foi-m UIC 587A, and ladges it with his fisbing employer. Forms 587A may be obtaixied from axiy NES office. Q. I eut corded woad and logs on a weodlot and ail this lumber is sald on the market. Does my employer have the right ta buy me stanips. A. If you worked for a faim- er wha was cutting on bis farm, woodiot, you weuld not be en- titlcd ta unemnplayment insur- ance stanips. If, bowever, your employer is nat a farmer or is a farmer who also engages -in lumbering and l6gging as a se-1 parate business, verý iikely you would be cntitled ta unemploy- ment insurance stamps. You will have ta give full details of yaur employment ta your local NES cffice for a precise ruling. Q. la it truc that one xiceds more than twenty-four contri- butions this year ta be cntitled ta regular benefits? ýA. Ta qualify for regular ben- efit yau are rcquircd ta 'bave 30 contributions in the 104 week period inimediately preceding your dlaim, eigbt of wbich xiiust be since the commencement o! your last regular period or ini the iast 52 weeks, whichevcr la the shorter pcriod. xIn addition, if you bad a previaus 'regular or seasonal benefit periad lin the iast 104 weeks, 24 af tbe 30 contributions referred ta above must be since the com- mnencement of that benefit per- iod or in the last 52 wecks, wbicbever is the longer period. Q. Are there unemployment ixisurance stamps for farmers and for farm produce? How many contributions are requir- A. Unempioyment Insurance does flot apply ta employment- as a farmer or a farmhand. Q. For the past two years I had been warking in the faîl for the - company. I am xiow working at - for the- company. If I warked threc days for the former company it wàs afull contribution week. At -, however, I have ta work afull week ta be entitlcd ta antribut ions, I wauld like ta Food Features Effective October 22, 23, 24 i f i c f a a c 4 a IlM previaus convictions for obtaîn- ing your own. u McCain Frozen French Fries -4 §-or. 55 Royal Gold Medium C13EESE WEDGES Cut49 Section .3 Now Available! IGA'S NEW ASSEMBLE-IT-YOURSELF GIA&NTr. DICTIONARY SHOP AND SAVE AT BOWMANVILLE IGA là ARKET DO WMAN VILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TWO -iv HEATINO FUELS ANOTHER GOOD REASON FOR DEALING WITH.. "T'he man you like (o cali" EsAL (fSIC Bursting with Natural Flavour On this date ail citizens are requested to turn their BACK one hour and thus change froni Daylight 1 ~Eastern Standard Tme 'I 1 Ù4in mone" under faise preten- ces. As an alternative to prose- uestio n .cutian, for first offences whlch beIioed against future ben- efits <under Section 65 of the At.Several officers ai the In su ra n ce 1bfe a inldeiso i md Commission review each case tknow ho*O many days we must conceriiing either prosecution rwork ta be entitled ta a ful rhe imposition of a penalty. »week. Q. WhY shk>uid people who A. You are entitied ta a full are drawixig benefits have ta weekly contribution if you earn answer personal questions on $9.00 or more li insurabie emn- the forma axid then again when pioymexit during a week, no an insPector camnes arouid? For matter how many days in the instance, if niy wiie 15 not liv- week you work. xIn other words, lng with me, I think it's my if you can earxi $9.00 or more own business. i oniy one day, you are A. Theý question on the formn entitled ta a full weekly con- 15 net whether you have a wife, tribution. It is the amount o! but whether you have a depen- 1money earned in the week, flot dent. A dependent may be your the number of days worked, wife, your cbild, or some ather that deterntines wbether a full relative. Your booklet 501D, week's contribution is payable "Direction ta Report and Infor- and deterxiùnes the amount o! 'nation for Ciaimants", tells you the contribution ta be paid. wbat family relatioxiships are Q. Caxi I hire my sixteexi- recogntzed under the Unem-. year-old daughter* as a store ployment Insurance Regula- cierk and buy stamps for her? tions. If yau bave a dependent, A. This question is too mnvolv- your benefit rate la hlgher. If ed for a yes or ne answer. Your you are nat supporting your dauhte ca b -isurd olywifc, then you simply do not iagherrcangm beue ny name ber as a dependent, and if th an oragetei te matter ends there. If yau a! master and servant. Consu~lt doname easadpnnt yorlocal E office for a pc then you must answer further yoe u NESi pr ndviu- questions ta enable the office cise.rln nayidvda ta decide whether she is actual- case. y dependent an you. The same Q.What action can the Com- applies if you name a cbild or mission take against a claimant1 other relative. If your dlaim wbo has deliberately made. bappens ta be investigatcd by false statemexits ta obtain bene- an inspector, then you are likely fits ta which he was nat enti- ta be questioncd again regard- tled? ing your dependent. The check- IL A. A claimant may be prose- ing donc by the Commission's cuted under either the Unem- offices and inspectors is for the ploymexit Insurance A*ct or the1 protection of the unemployment Crimina2l Code, dcpcnding on ai insurance fuxid, and it safe- number o! factors includ ing guards future benefits-inciud - -1721UIL-IU,&Y, OCT. Md, 19» 1 -. - 1 1 - U m m i TM