THTJRSDAY, OCT. 22nd, 1959 TBE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. BOWMAUVIT.T.u. VIU'PAWW~ FAUS TiUWU M arried in Blackstock Wed Recently in Whitby Vows Exchanged in Trinity Trinity United Was Setting Mr. and Mrs. James Frederick Allun are pictured Reformed Church, Whitby, on Saturday, October 3rd, are Shown at the reception following their marriage in Shown above are Mr. aner.RyIvnMle h following their marriage which took place in Blackstock Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lloyd Hooyer. The bride is the Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday, were married in Trinity Unie hrh Bw avlo United Church on Saturday, September l9th. The bride former Nellie Maria Duîvesteyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. October 3rd, at 5 o'clock are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arthur Saturday, October 3rd, 1959, a 'lc.Tebiei h is the former Dorothy Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duîvesteyn, Burketon, Ont. The groom is the son Faîrey. The bride, former Donna Margaret Akey, is the former Sharon Laverne KilaRikdagtroMran Ernest Gray, Janetville, and the groom is the son of Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. John Hooyer, Bowmanville, Ont. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Akey. The groom is the Mrs A. Miller, Halifax, N.. M.adMs ilrwl and Mrs. Norman Allun, Bowmanville. -Photo by Ireland Studio son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fairey. -Photo by Rehder1 reside ini Oshawa. P to yCapelsSui phasized with a full flared skirt taffeta, navy hat and accessor- ceflaneous shower was held at ROOYER - DTIVESTEYN caught with a bow at the front ies and corsage of pink and Mrs. Peter Bathgate's home HAeVErrigewa0soeU He E 1 and crinolined 'underskirts. white carnations. To assist, the with assistants Mrs. A. Marjer. Ton Sara, Octolnierdn They wore white wrist-length groom's niother wçre a winter rison, Mrs. Mac Hart and Mrs Whitby Emmanuel Reformed gloves and White feather hats. white brocade dress, brown hat Lillian Allison. Chrc of Nellie Maria, daugh- "My bra'wtler wau killed W' a They carried nosegays of pale and acoessories and corsage Of The staff of the Commercial ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dui- weasel," said the young Mexicau IJ eddingç s pink carnations and white yellow 'miuns. Department of the Bell Tele- vesteyn, Burketon, and Bernard describing a recent car accident. - ' MUnS. At the reception Rev'. A. C. phone Comnpany, Oshawa, held Lloyd, only son of ]vJl. and Mrs. Little Miss Shirley Neals of Herbert said grace and propos- a dinner and shower at the Gen- jodin Hooyer, Bowmanville. "Iiow corne?"1 said his frlend. ILOttawa, niece of the bride, was ed the toast to the bride. osha Hotel, Oshawa. M4rs. Ar- Baskets of white, yellow anld WhaI, he was parked on the. * flower girl. Wearing a short Leaving for their wedding chie Masters was hostess for a bronze 'muras formed the set- crinolined frock of pink veivet trip to New York City the pantry shower and Mrs. George tin.g for the double-ring cere- rallroad track and didn't hear with matching feather hat and bride wore a beige sheath, olive Stephen gave a crystal shower. mony, which was performed by the weasel."1 white gloves, she carried a green hat and gloves, brown The bride was also presented Rev. .Gerrit Rezelman. nosega of pale pinlc carnations shoes and bag and corsage of with a gift from the Bell Tele- Mr. P. Rottine played the If you'11 pardon the pun we - and gite murns. yellow -roses. Mr. and Mirs. Fai- phone Company. wedding mnusic, and the church won't "weasel" on the job we ALIN- RY esgndonPrncs ues e- Mr. Donald Allun, brother of rey will reside at 9 Concession Following the wedding ne- Choir sang. beautiful sacred do when it cornes to dry dlean- ALLI GRA desgnedon rincss lnesen-the groom, was best man and Street, Bowmanville. hearsal the bridai party was songs before the ceremony and.0W hanced with a v-neckline div.. the ushers were Mr. Elgin Gray, Guests were present from Na- ententained at the home of the while the register was beinig ing your garments. Expert care In Blackstock United Church ped at the back, delicately Blackstock, brother of the bride panee, Roblin, Odessa, Trenton, groomn's sister and brother-mn- signed. from spotting to finishing is our en Saturday afternoon, Septern- showered with seeci pearîs, and AU. Gordon Adams, Toron- Syracuse, N.Y., Toronto, New- law, Mr. and Mns. Terry Mas- Gîn imragbylef-poi.Gveuatyadw'l ber 19, 1959, Dorothy Isobel fashioned with long înly poin- t, fiend of the groom. market, Cobourg, St. Davids, ters. the I thie bie a -or olic.Gve yu d ry lan eigo> Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ted sleeves. Her tiny nip- For the reception held at the Thornhill, and King City. tetebiewr lo ov l ordycenn rb Ernest Gray, of Janetville, was ped-in waist was complimen- Flying Dutchman Aliotel, the Prior to ber marriage the length gown of white silk or- lems for you. E.Icî united in marniage with James ted with a beIl-like skirt bnide's mother received wear- bride was honored by many M1ILLER -KJLPATRICK ganza, ini pincess style, with Prcderick Allun, son of Mr. and and worn over many crinolines. xng a sheath dress of cocoa parties. Her attendants were petit point lace appliqued on bier Mrs. Norman AllUn of Bowman- Her headdress designed as a brown wool. A matching hat hostesses for a miiscellaneous Ini Trinity United Churoh, bouffant skirt. The bodice was EASIE U S A A A D RI UP ville. circular crown was entwined trimmed with feathérs and shower held at Miss Ruth Go- Bowmanville, on Saturday, oc- fastbioned with long lily point ATEhlU UD5R1158 U AKf Baskets of white chrysanthe- with orange blossom buds and emb~n le dsh oeaeecor - om.Anîgbr before a background of white nina necklinc. A coronet of se- -IJNoC N R munis spinkled with whit caught to a fingertip veil of sllk esml n h oeacr n dlw'ui n adl-qinhl e huirlnt pom 'murns fonmed the setting illusion. The bide's bouquet sage of yellow rosesi Assisting bad ev. W'munK.iHan ander vin eildshe crried a casent for the double-ring ceremony, was a white orchid and steph- her was the groom's mother in brRe.Wn.K odi MiriIadsh aridacacd which was performed by Rev- anotis on a white Bible. Her a dress of rose crepe wîthi lace &cai l M rfor united ini manrage Sharon La- of white stephanotis. pink roses ered hiip omni o Blck O4y ewllnywasa inleinsertions, matchin.g bat and ~W verne, daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. and trailing ivy. edtce Nfw.Dvid Wmusi adp4iF. roo. oseseas,-if1.f he- Irvin Miller, Oshawa, ia dou- ter of the bride, was maid of cd~~~~Drn tteheeinrmuicandMr. gobm rses rUMIID bic-ring ceremony. Mr. Miller honour and Misses Joanna and LUrne Tbompson, sang "The Ms twatMQad lc- uigte eetoncnr- uueuEu.uauii is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Theresa Duivesteyn wcne brides- the Sewrtcere- lak-tulatory telegrams were .read UU Lord's Prayer" beforeth e- stock, was matron of honour for froma the bride's sister i Por- Miller, Halifax, N.S. maids for their sister. inony and '1 Walk Beside ber sister, and Mrs. Merrili Van tage La Prairie, Man, and li I Mx. A. Collison Was organist The attendants wore Identi- You", durmng the signing o! the Camp, frîend of the bride, was .ninCAinCNifERi. atndq gMr. Ken Hockin was solo- cal gowns of paundefowtin pn register. bridesmaid. They were identi- Thie bid ai couple .lmcft s 1. st cowl necklines adfotn ai The bride, given in marriage cally gowned in turquoise vel- on a motor trip to Florida. For Je1 Given in marriage by hem fa- e> at the back ending at the by her father, wore a floor, vet, featuring rounded neck- travelling-the bride chose a A. Many redeci. keep sslng this' rtebie ts~as lk o r- mlne of the full skirts. The F L length gown of Italia.n brocade Uines and tiny sleeves, and cm- Dior Blue cashmcoe suit with question. Coininued irrtationi or; lr h rd a nasl r maid o! honoui' wore turquoise repeated tissue injury may Iead ganza gown fashioned withaan th rdsaswe i grey mmnk trini, matching blue to cancer but g ui doubtful scoop neckline graccd with se- amuielo n ideaid wre i BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL hat, shoes and purse, and a whetea a, n ,,i.jur c quins and pearis. The full bouf.mlo pnkMTe Ual oR white omc'id corsage. Bretcncermay be au «cp. fant skirt was enhanced with mnatching sboes and carried cas- Mr. and Mrs. Allun will reside 6Msa(jel a study cf 9"0 worex re-cmbroidened Alencon lace caedwhteo'mrsin gons t Commencement Exercises at 7 Concession St., Bowman- with brest cancer, 120*remen. appliques illumincd with glow- le ie groom was fower girlu roma NO E D R 2 ..ville. bered one light injury before ing ers A jewelled tiara Miss Nellie Verhoog, niece o! by using onel u athe cases of suPPOsedy singWeinjuryi Illusion and she carried a a- weaning a dmess o! peach peau RayPse ayt pl at te AIREY AKEYcancer, the growtb is usuallYl cade of red roses and white de soie ninawhithadrws hienMURALS HIGH SCHOOL A retyFa wedog a io6ed aboetly after the znury. 'nmums. canlng a white baddessof he A prety F wing was ecendies sugoedt that quit. Her attendants, Miss Lucile cridaw ebse !pn Everyone Welcome Free Admission solemnized in Trinity Unitedd i longldne elapes between the i Bradley, Ohwad Ms roses and white 'muras. ehvaà DOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB Church, on Satu.rday, October VMrm iftstar the Oi~Ul8iMayLsaswoeaidentiss Mr. Allan Jackson, Nestle- reens3rd., 1959, at 5 o'clock before a proces and th. e VeloPm aet < dr sse koarand core dtilk ton, was best man and the presents ~~~~~background ofcandelabra and outyrarçl signamouble, ]W Ibisdrseofbay lrdsikuhswr ElBwrNs-ew W T vtaMl standards of yellow and proves truc, a cancerous grwt organza designed with SCOOPeop ushers w r an uBow ers, s each night K. Houslander officiatcd at the before it would-beco n otice.; cap sîceves, and very fulbohrMtebie DECMBE 2 ouble-ring cenemony uniting ÎbWe Internai cancers migiît tae , skirts. Matching feather head- For the reception held in Sol- R TC WEDNESDAY, DCM E in marriage Donna Margaret, CvCU loniger te 'develop cnough: dresses and shoes were womn 'na Hall, the bride's mother Ready Pasted or RglrTp THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 dagtee! r.Hry 1 cause recognizable signa. n and they carricd cascade bou- wore a teal blue crepe dress PatcCae n ed rm e FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 dAkgey, f1r and M dwandAhr sceis reasonably safe to gay! qucts o! yellow and whiite with dusty rose accessories. PateCne n at the Fairey. The groom is the son !Ilat, ia general, an njury today mu &Hem corsage was o! white and utenw eutflduguadcor ,sn't followed by cancer towS-eh The bride's sister, littIe Miss rcd carnations. The groom's BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL o! Mr'. and Mrs. Ernest Falmcy. ro r* x ek..Mr aeY.ptik a mother was attired in a royal ALSO MANY REN NSFO A p..The organist, Mr. Arthur Col- poo"neet week. Ma r l Jan e lpatnick, wasblue ensemble, matching bat CEPCE 8 pan. ~lison, also accompanied the so- W« m bOM 1 .sd ipmt fowrglhielo taea and black accessonies. Her cor- CEFCENU O Admission - 50e No Reservcd Seats loist, Mrs. L. Ayre. POW ft e a.d. &cf es yellow fosted nylon oven -__sage________of__white____munis.__ __________________________________ The bride, given in marriage & ,um boYSla s efflem. et skirt trimmed with brandy vel- sgFso wh i ed'mumsp. t by ber father, wore a floor- ma abgby mi veaduflue @maure vet. Her headdress was o! Qucbec, the bride wore a cocoa C0omplete wlass an.d lo ii evc length gown o! white "I Do" Y uoein emb d£ar*, bnonze'miums and her nosega mw ut uqos a silk taffeta witîî an Intermezzo iCOIn7.oylowadbnz'm is beige accessories. On their re- length front beniuine swecping L311 The groom's brother, Mr. Ar- turn the couple wil reside ina back into a full train. Imported nold Miller o! Oshawa, ~WhibOtro French Chantilly lace framcd Dis 8 1*colMISs b m n and Mooe Osharsw nd Guests were present fromA the serai Sabrina neckline and Mr. Jamea ILE th nicckMoue sin, wa.,Jim d Tillsonburg, Norwich, Hamil- AEN NEW ODDE S O TIe l foet a on U ic shoulders. HaM- _ ï_______________________ Ian.the bide's cousin, M asterDo ton, Stoney Cneek, Aurora, To- Ffeto h hudrnchace- Ricky Dplan, was ring bearer. ronto, Whitby, Oshawa, Ponty- 33 Kilng St. W. MA 3-541HOW A VLL clipped ImportedFrnhlc The reception was bcld in pool, Bowmanville, Burketon N Wy U O Aformed the flattering midni!! e S Trinity Sunday School Boom and surrounding district. and skirt cffcct culminating i pec ial ~wbcnc the bride's mother ne- mmi the two large bandmnade roses evdwaigarylbu NWo! silk taffeta. The long sîceves ohevcd wang ahr olble o! the gown ended in dainty in hahwt gtce oie points over the bands. Her fin- matohlng fur trinuned hat and W gertip veil fell froni a sequin I corsage o! red roses. The and Peal crown and she car- PERM N EN groom's parents wcne unable to N E f ried a white Bible crested with be present. white orchid, stephanotis and N4I For the wcdding trip to the whit pati muni. W VESUnited States, thie bride chang- cado ooM Snr %e y d to a moss green suit withk4W P( ado! on r, smiMiss-ra W E D b AI: natching hat, black accessonies es Ruth Goheen, Virgin4ia MN and Msg fwie rnatios. i Brown, Courtice, and Myrtle FROM MONA r n. Mrs. Mle will rsd Brown, Newtonvillc, werc in TO THURSDAY at 234 Division Street, Oshawa. identical street-lcngth dresses Out o! town gucsts wcre pre-( Watch and bracelet o! bronze taffeta designed with $e. 11195O sn ro orno Scarboroug,7 floingtoethr lke harem benilines and puf! For ______- Oshawa, Hampton, Woodville, - ' ~ ~ ~ fowigoJdene lke sîceves. They wore matching Reg. $12.50 g Fenelon Falls, Bobcaygeon and zrSal esiCl!Fo oa' caes ron yurwis! shoes and their bronze circlet For 195 SeerlNrenutil boem eeagS ihmd da bu headdresses entwined with Seera .r-nu15a shhon s %ncdo BULOVA ~ ~~~~pearîs had full circular veils. FrIicbde Ms.ul T EN W U O AAil rcarnicd a Prrop bouquets Fo Leiswas hostess for a show- ei<kod o q 1 a TUU LIMAY, OCT. 22nd, 1959 ME CANADME STATEMM. BOWMANVff..LK ONTAPM MAà%ý 1