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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1959, p. 5

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THURSDAY, ~T. 22nd, 1959 Tif E f~AN&flTA14 MTA1'U~MAt flflWMAmmiu ,taIIA ~?i% -- -------. ----------., -- .. --.. *~~=* 'J~I ZZIA~L~J PAON 7*~1 '9 King St. E. Bowmanville SPECIAL BARGAINS Denhertog's Clothing BOWMANVILLE BUY QUALITY ... SAVE MEY 43 KING ST. W. 100% Woollen SLACKS Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 $10.95 Men's SWEATERS and PULLO VERS OnIy $9.75 Men's SOCUS $1.25 Girls, CO0A TS lsix«71 81 10, 12X $18.1% Ladies' Corduroy SLACKS Good Color Selection Sizes 10, 12, 14 16, 18, 20 $3.98 Lades' Ban-Lon SWEATERS $4.75 CARDIGANS $5.95 Meres Heav7 Cord DEESS PANTS Green and Grey $6.95 8-Pieoe.Baby SMO WSUITS $795 Centen-nial Queen Recent Bride1 Setting Was Tyrone United MORTON - FERGUSON Ferns, candelabra and pews with pink rosebuds and white satin ribbon formed the aetting for a lovely candle-light wed- ding in Blackstock United. Church Friday, October 16, at 7:30 p.m. when Rev. Merriil Ferguson, Stratford, uncle of the bride, assisted by Rev. P. Romeril, performed the double- ring wedding ceremony uniting i marriage Sandra ArlerW, 4 oungest daughter of Mr. ROY yerguson and the late Mrs. ,Neîguson, and Noel Melville Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Morton, Oshawa. iüss Maryliss Ferguson, Lon- don, played thie wedding music. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride was lovely In her traditional floor length gown of Chantilly lace and ny-' Ion tulle with sequinis and seed pearis about the neck. A fluffy' cascade of ruffles comple<ted the picturesque back interest.! Rer waist-length veil of nylon' tulle, trimmed with lily of the valley edging, was caught to a coronet crown designed in rhinestones and seed pearis,.ý and she carrierF a cascade of red roses and white 'niums. Miss Gloria Sadier was bridesmaid and ber dress was o! nylon chiffon in beautiful Mediterranean blue, with bat o! white satin trîmmed with pearîs and she carried a cas- cade of pink carnations and white 'm.ums. -Mr. Harvey Strut, Graven- hurst, cousin of the groom, was LAY -AWAY NOWI FOR CHRISTMAS $1.00 down will hold any artile until Christmas the ing their marriage in Trinity le, on Saturday, September 5th, s. Gordon Donald Nichol. The ear as Bowmanville's popular former June Doreen Wood, L~ewis J. Wood, R. R. 4, Bow- e son of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart î -Photo by Hornhsby Studio I Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Stephen Kayacs are shown above cutting their wedding cake foilowing their marriage in Tyrone United Church on Saturday, OFtober lOth, at 4 o'clock. The bride is the former Helen Louise Partner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Partner.- The groom is the son of Mrs. G. Kayacs and the late Mr. Kovacs. -Photo ,by Campbell's Studio Solina WlI. to Prepare History of Community The Sauina Women's Institute met Thursday evening, October 8th, la the Comimunity Hall. Plans for, the bazaar on Octo- ber 21st were discussed. Mis. Spires was appointed ta look les andi corsage of pink roses. Assisting, the groom's mother was in dusty rose lace with light blue accessories and corsage o! white carnations. For the honcymoon trip ta Points north the bride cbanged ta a blue satin dress topped by a grey squirrel stole. On their retuin * and Mis. Kovacs will reside i Tyrone. Guests were present from, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Hamnil- ton, Pontypool, Toronto, Scar- borough, Brechin Buiketon, Vancouver, B.C., Claremont, Rampton, and Brookla. Prior ta ber manriage the bride was guest o! bonor at several showers held la Osh- awa. Mis. Siti iVartyn, Mis. D. Stuart. Mxs. E. McGrath and Lins. Phylliss LicLennon enter- taineti at a .personal shower at the home o! Mrs. McGrath. Mrs. Ross Weatherup and Mis. G. Rutherford wene hast- esses for a kitchen shower at ?&s. Weatherup's home. A mis- cellaneous shower was held at the home o!fLirs. C. J. Flett when Miss Laiîs Flett, Mrs. J. Rodgson and Mrs. Ken Cham- berlain were co-bostesses. Lins. Howard Grills, Raglan, gave a miscellaneous shower and a pantny shower was held by the Long Sault Comrnuinity at the home of Mrs. J. Wood- ley, Tyrone. GETl THE PRESTIGE Shown above followir United Church, Bowmanville at 3 o'clock, are Mr. and Mrs Sbride, who reigned last yeý Centennial Queen, is the f daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L manville. The groom is thE Nichol, Oshawa. best man andi the ushers were Bill Ferguson, Nestleton, and Donald Small, Oshawa. For the reception held in Blackstock United Church Sun- day School room, Mrs. Lloyd Wright, eldest sister of the bride, chose a sheath dress in charcoal with navy acoessories and a pink carnation corsage. To assist, the groom's mother wore a sheath dress of embos- sed satin in Caribbean blue with black accessories and cor- sage o! pink carnations. For travelling the bride chan- ged ta, a sable taupe jacket dress o! fine cashmere and gray fur topper, with orange and brown accessories and corsage of white gardenias. On thjeir return Mr. and Lirs. Morton wîll take up residence at 734 Glenforest St., Oshawa Guests were present frori To- ronto, Gravenhurst, Peterbor- ough, Oshawa, Omemee, Strat- ford anti London. Prior ta, the marriage the bride was feted by many showers. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home o! Mis. J. Rai- Idiner, Oshawa, with frientis Iand relatives in attendance. IMis. Gardiner was assisted by Mrs. J. M. Taylotr, Oshawa. On October 2nd a misoellan- eaus shower was held at the home o! Miss Gloria Sadler, Nestieton, with schoolmates andi friends of the bride in attend- ance. The hostess was assisted by ber mother, Mis. Ralph Sadi- 1er. A personal showcr was given by Miss Lorna Tbompson, Osh- awa, when a lovely buffet sup- per was enjoyed by the bride- to-be and ber fellow workers at General Motors. The hostess Iwas assisted by her mother and aunt Mis. Bill Robinson. A supper party was held at the Central Rotel in honar of the bride-ta-be where she was presenteti with a corsage by Miss i Margo McClennen. During the evening she was presented with a Westinghouse electric floor polisher by Miss Elinor Woods on behalf of the Engineering Department o! General Motors where the bride' is employçd,. On Oct. 15th the bride was presented with a beautiful cor- sage, kitchen dlock and ham- mereti aluminum tray on be- hal! of ber fellow workers at jGeneral Matois. KOVACS - PARTN1ER Chrysanthemums formet a, pretty setting in Tyrone United Church on Saturday, October lOth, at 4:00 o'clock when Helen Louise, daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Fred A. Partner, became the bride o! Mr. Gabriel Ste- phen Kayacs. Mr. Kovacs is the son o! Mis. G. Kovacs and the late Mr. Kovacs. Rev. F. Jackson was the of- ficiating clergyman and the wedding music was played by Mr. Don Davey. Soloist was Mr. Glen Alla of Newcastle, Ont. Given in marri.age by ber fa- ther the bride wore a gown o! lace and net over satin with a bouffant skirt and lily point sleeves. Rer fingertip veil was caught ta a peari and sequin bandeau and she carried sweet- heait roses and carnations. The bride's sister, Lirs. S. Ga- ble, was matron a! honour anti the bridesmiaid vias Miss Lais Flett o! Oshawa. Bath were in street-lcngth shrimp coloureti chiffon over taffeta with match- lag heati bandeaux anti their bouquets were yellaw and bronze 'mums. Little Miss Bannie Partner, the bride's niece. was flower girl in yellow net over taffeta andi she carrieti a nosegay of yellow and bronze 'mums. Mr. Raroald Murphy was best Tou Co.n Dpend On When kidneys f ail to remove ezeesa backache, tired g*i feeling. diaturbed rest often foliow. Dodd'a Kidiney Pille atimulate kidraeys to normal duty. You feel btte -ep bel- tt. Wk bettoe. Tur You ran dendm oa Dodd e Dodda ataaUV druatore after a bus trip ta the Aiea Convention in Toronto on Nov- ember Sth. Lira. R. Langmaid andi Lra. Real agreed to act as a ' com- mittee to write up a history of aur community for the area newspapens. Thene will be a canvas for the C.N.I.B. at the November meeting. On Ôcta- ber 2,9th oui branch ia inviteti ta visit the Bowm.anville W.I. members for an afternoon meet- ing. Rail cail was answered by an ektchange o! seetis, roota ot bulbs. Mrs. Rai-ald Pascoe, conven- er o! Agriculture and leader o! tbe village group, then took charge of the programme. Lira. Bob Panr sang two vocal solos, accompanied on the piano by Lirs. E. Cryderman. Mis. Rus- sell Gilbert, Bowmanville, was the gucst speaker and she spoke on ber recent trip through Wes- tern Canada and the Northern Unitedi States. She also des- cribed some colouned slides wbich she sbowed -o! various mountain scenes and Yellow- stone Park. Lirs. Spires commented on the motta, "It la not what we start that counts, but what we finish." Mis. Charlie Langmald play- ed a piano solo and Mvrs. Hardy read some clippings on agricul- ture. The group la charge serv- ed a delicious lunch o! sand- wiches and pumpkin pie. There were thirty-!ive members anti three vîsitors present COURTICE The regular meeting of the 18th Scout Mothers Auxiliary was held at Courtice Unitedi Church. Mis. Charles Archer presideti Lirs. Harold La Chapelle garve tJhe Secretarys report and Mis. George Reynolds gave the trea- aunera report. Mis. La Chapelle took the Rail Cail. Social Convenor, Lira. Car- men Thompson gave her report. Lira. Ruby Wehnert gave the scwing convenais report. An- nual reports were given by ail officers. Lira. Archer and Lira. Thomp- son thanked tihe membens for helping Ibo make the tea a suc- cess. Lins. Edward Simmons was the guest speaker anid gave a most inteinesting talk on the importance o! the molihers suPpprting their Scout Troops. Lira. Maurice Gray i-cati the alate o! officers for 1959-60 and Lins. Simmons installed the !ollowing. President - Mrs.1 Charles Archer; Vice-President -Lirs. Charles Carpenter; Sec- retary- Lira. George Johnston; Treasurer- Ira. Haroldi La Chappelle; Sewing Convenor- î Lira. Ruby Wehniert; Social Corveno- Lira. Carmen Tho- mpaon; Sunçùhine Convenor- Lins. Robent Cook; Pi-cas Re- Porter - Lirs. Ray Wiggans; Executive board tielegates - Lira. Charles Archer! Lira. Ro- bert Cook, Mis. Charles Carp- enter; Executive Commnittee- Lira. Thomas Gladrata, Lir. Carmen T7hompson and hira. Miaurice Gray. Next meeting is on Novemn- ber 12th at Courtice Church. The meeting ended sacially with the celebrating of the 5th ibirthdiay o! the 1Mt Scout Mo- thera Auxiliary. Ebenezer Evening Auxiiar met recently at the home of Lins. Ernie Gearing, Literature Secretary. Vice-Presiden't Miss Anan Hait presideti anti opened the meeting with a Theankagiv- ing reading. Lira. Angus Mac- Donald gave a fine Devotional oni "h.Thanksglving Iheme and read a portion o! Psalm 136. To close ber devotional Mrs. MacDonald read the Hyma "Sing to the Lord of Harvest and a prayer of thanks by Ralph 'Waldo Emmerson. Mrs. W. Brown read lhe minutes and Mrs. R. Sweetman gave j the treas'urer's report showin'g the sum of $169.25 raised so far. 17he sum of $75.00 was rea- 1: lized as our share of the pro- 1 ceeds frurm the Cooking SchooL. The members were urged ta attend the "Rally" to te held at Ebenezer Unitied Church on Thurs., Oct. 29. Starting at 9.15 in the morning. Dinner will be served and the after- noon session wifl be ut 1.30. Citizenship con v e n e r Mrs. Charles Elliott will answer *Rail Call. Guest speaker will be Mrsn. S. R. Collins from An- gola Africa. In the absence of the Presi- dent Lirs. Alex Muir who was il], Mnr. W. Brown moved a vote of t=aks to Miss An for the enormous amnount o! timne and work put towards the success o! the cooking school. t vies through her that we were able ta gîve so many prizes and gifts to aUl present bath evenùfgs. Corresponding Secretary Mrs C. Elliott was asked ta send letters of tbanks ta ail who had contributed so generously. Mrs. Charles Elliott read an article on readiing from the United Ohurch Observer and Mi.Ken Hopkins gave a very fine add'ress on "Vlhy read?" She reviewed our study boaks for *ie coming yeiar anid feit sure we will all enjoy aur stu- dy this year. Tities such as Af- rioa Manhunt; Film, M'I sing not Cry; Jungles Aheed; Africa Disturbed; This la Africa and Way in Africa sound most in- teresting. Meeting closed with i the Benedictjon. Mis. Gearing assisted by Mrs. R. Vinson ser- ved a delicious lunch. Many members, former memn- bers and guests gathered at Ebenezer Ohurch an Oct. 17tih ta celebrate the 50th birthday o! -the "Ladies Berean Class". Among tihose present andi who brought greetings were Rev. R. C Linotead and Lirs. Lin- stead, Toronto; Rev. Franjk Yardley and Mrs. Yardley and famnily, Briantford; Lirs. Frank Rundie, Oshawa andi Mrs. Cha- ries White, Bowmanville. A full report will appear later. KEDRON The Congregational Sector Dinner will be held in Kedron Lower Hall on Octaber 28, Wed- nesday evening at 6:29. Ail ad- herents as well as meznbers are invited ta attend. Kedron Churoh Anniversary and Thank-offering wiil be held on Sunday, November 8, at 10 a.m. Regular services were helti on Sunday mornîng with the minister, Rev. Ronald R. Love in the pulpit, and Miss Lynda Ropkins as solaist. Albert Wood presided for Sunday Sehoo& June Davis pianist. Mr. and Ilir Murray Miumta joy are happy parents of a baby boy, brother for Dianne. Mr. William Fudger, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, visita ed last week with J. Starr. Lirs. Ross E. Lee was hostau at her -home, "Cloverlea" on Saturday afternoon at a tea and reception honouring Miss Lyn Farrow, of Port Credit, Novem- ber bride-to-be of Brian Lee, son of Mr. and Lirs. R. E. Lee. Mr. and 1&s. Grant Glover, Anin, Donna and Mary-Ellen, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson of Ux- Mrs. John Glover spent a few days recently at the home of her son, J. K. Glover of Strath- roy, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Mr. and Mxs. Grant Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman were Monday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Lira. Nar- val Crossman, Oshawa, at a faanily Party, honouring the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. N. Crossman. Good Reaiding. for the Whole Fcimily *News eFacts e Fandily Features ------- - me The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Marna Senà your newspoper for fet. inie checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. 1 yeor $20 [] 6 months $10OCO 41montls $5O No4me City Sm Clty Zon Itate Soothes drynes anutikl1n of ua a"ma ... . a o. Pa.h coughs caused by co1d'. 271rmld ie, 8oz., reg. 51M.2f., fr$126 La anth laxative. rr 0 eua I2......... o 11 4 oz., tee 89.....2 for 90$ j-OUDlC914regulai 751, 100, uvo$..............1c 2for 76# 25% rglr840 ...2fSr$0 " EXC FIRSTAID GAUZE SANDAGE ReégulaOr 290 ~< " POCKET(0MB IN CASE 5 inh, corse and fine teeh. REXALL Mi 31 SOLUTI ON Mouthwash, grgle and mufti-porpose2fr9 HELEN ORNEI BOBBYPIN SRubberlpped, brown 2fo REXALL RO-BAL DEOD RANT Q~îy rlis aon Isting f protection. Regu or 98" QRexali Kene A nfisepfie.- Mouth wash and gargie. 16 oz., reg. 980 ...2 for 994 QLadies' Professional Stylo Hair Brushes 5 rows of Nylon bristies. Matching coxnb. Carrying case. Reg. $3.85.... .2 for $3.86 QRexal Orderlies. Chocolate laxative. 24, reg. 650 2 for 664. 60, reg. 98e. 2 for 994 QRexaîl Multi-Vitamln Formula 10 Tonic. 16 oz., regular $2.95 ....... 2 for $2.96 QKlonzo Rubber Gleves. Lined. Smal, med., lge. Reg. $1.49........ 2 for $ 1.50 QRexcil Baby Talc. Reg. 75e .. .2 for 764 E] Bchoeo's Tooth Powde, (wlfh Sodium Pgrb.ratj Reg. 79t. .2 for 80.4 GINGER AIE GET WILSON'S GLADSTON watch j - --. --- * 4 - -4u nww. THE MOVEMENT M8 SWISS ... TOM DESION IS HOOPERS iewellery« & Gift Shop ERexali Minerai Oil. (Heavy American). 16 ounce botule, reg. 89e...2 for 90t QRexali Bisma-Rox Gel. Soothing for acid stomach. 8 oz., reg. $1.35...2 for $1.36 CRexail Medicatd Skia Cream. Healing for cuts. 1 oz., reg. $1.00...2 for $1.01 CRexali Pro-Cap Adh.sive. Waterproof, zI 5 yds. Reg. 39e ....... 2 for 404 CAdrienne AIi-Purpose Cream. 33,ionc jar. Regular $1.25........... 2 for $1.26 CRexail Liquld Saccharin Draps. 24 mc squeeze container. Reg. 89e' *-...2 for 904 QRexali Roxaident Tooth Poste or Tooth Powder. Reg. 690 ...........2 for704 p i THIS US ONLY A PARTIAL LIST - OVER 300 ITEMS IN AU. STOCK. Up AND SAVE ON REXALL REMEDIES a VITAMINS ADRIENNE COSMETICS - STATIONERY* DENTAL NEEDS S ACHELOR FOR MEN - BABY NEEDS* COMBS & BRUSHES XMAS ITEMS BEAUTY BUYS* HOUSEHOLD NEEDS e FIRST AID ITEMS JURY & LOVELL YOUR REXALL STORE THUIRSDAY, OCT. 22nd, 1959 TiM CAIqADIAN STATISLL4». novimAmvmr.Lie- numAimirÈ-% à

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