THE CANADIAK STATESMAN, EOWMANlV=LI ONARTO __________________________________ -.-, --w THTJtSDAV CM. 22ndL l 11 Count ries Represented By 19 Overseas Students Weekend Guesîs of Rotary The Bowmanvilie Rotary Club's traditional annual Inter- national Students' Weekend was again a great success this year. It was held last Friday,' Saturday and Sunday and prov- ed to be memorable for bath the students and their hasts. Aý ?.Strike, chairman o! the club's International Servicýe Committec, was in charge o! an- ran«ements, and E. (AI) With- enspoon, assisted by planning the prognam. Nineteca students from the University of Toronto, repres- enting il countries amrived in Bowaianvillc by car with thein luosta on Friday evening. On Saturday they enjoyod a tour cf Bowmanvillc. They ail met et Bcwnuanviile High School at 1:45, and were intenested in their inspection of the class- roonis, auditorium, gyrnnasium, Plan Now. te spend the wiuter la FLORIDARetbyMnh Season or Year The Knight Apartments Corner of Union and Doutlas Streets Phone 81-1023 Dunedin, Florida Alan and Helen Knigbt, Propu Write for Brochure RDYA, TRIS THURS. TO 1 laboratories and equlpment Master of Education Degrees, there. guests cf Mn. and Mns. A. H. During the atternoon the stu- Stnike; Cho Yuk Sin, Hong dents and their hasts made an, Kong, an Engineering student, extensive tour cf the Brook-! a gucst cf Mr. and Mis. Rex dale-Kingsway Nurseries, For- Walters; Yiu Chung Li and Yiu boa Heyland's orchards, and Cho Li, Honk Kong, also En- Browview Farnm. On Saturday gineering students, guests of evening Ith y were cntertained Dr. and Mns. Kcîth Siemon; by the RoUry Club at a Chick- Unta Tàhtiaea, Finland, Phio- on Barbecue at the Acres Res- sophy student, a guest cf Mr. taurant. and Mis. Jesse Van Nest; Denis On Sunday afternooni the vis., Corish, Ireiaad, who la studying iting students were the honoun- for his Ph.D. Phiiosophy, who ed guests at a dlightfuily ar- also visited Mr. and Mýrs. Van ranged tea given by the Bow- Nest; Rodney Bodden, Trinidad, manville Rotany Club at the a graduate Spaniali student, Lions Commuunity Centre. The! who stayed with Mr. and Mis. spaciaus hall had been trans- Don Morris, Mohammed AI! formed by the beautifuliy an- Lanewala, India, a guest of Mi. ranged decorations o! colounful and Mrs. S. McTavish, Christo- autuma beaves, rcd berrnes and pher Curnie, New Zeaiand, gra- chrysanthemumsins a ich fall duate Electricai Engineering shades interspenscd wit.h grace- student, who was a guest of Mn. ful driftwood. Mrs. W. M. Ru- and Mrs. George Vice; Mn. and dcii was in change o! the decor- Mrs. Jean Bussiere, France, gra- ations. duate studnts, guests of Mr. Mrs. R. P. Rickaby was the ana raibaley Eanst Ines tea convenor. She was assisted Gangalajtaig Gagt npical by Mrs. Walter Roynolds, Mrs. woi ai.PGorpia IGarnet Rickard, Mrs. Mark Roc- Studies, a guest cf Mn. and nigk, and Mns. Forbes Heyland. Mrs. Don Morris: and Miss Cy- The tea table was centred with thia Gaordon, Jamaica, who is a silver bawl cf chrysanthe- studying for a Master of Com- nmn autunin coiouns, and merce Dcgree, a guest of Dr. ]ighted by tail yellaw tapers in and Mrs. W. M. Rudeil. silven candelabra. Those who assisted in serving wene Mrm. Jesse Van Nest, Mrs. ]BLACKSTOCK Bernard R. Kitney, Mis. S. Mc- Tavish, Mis. James Stutt, Mis. The October meeting *of the Keith Jackson and Mrs. Tom ...wsbldanh oeo Rehder. WMS a eda h oeo The students and thein woek- Mrs. Glenn Larmen Wcdnes- end hosts wcre: Maurice Seig- day afternoon with 16 ladies nonet, Trinidad. who is study- and 4 chiidrea present. The ing General Science, who was Thanksgiving theýme was car- a guest of Mr. and Mis. Bob ried tihroughout. The roll cal Stevens; C. J. Kania, India, a was "M&v Thanksgiving Gift ta, graduate Engineering student, Missions". Sovoral thank-you a Guest cf Dr. and Mis. H. B. notes werc read. The Fail Rai- Rundie; Dr. Atsumi Ohno, Ja. ly of Oshiawa Preshytenial in pan, a Department of Metallur- Ebenezen, Octo'ber 29th, was gy student, a guost of Dr. and an'nounced and membens urgicd Mrs. C. W. Siemon: Miss Ban- ta attend. Final plans were bara Chang, Jamaica, a Labor- made fan catering te the Mon- atory Technoiogy student, a ton - Ferguson wedding were guest o! Mr. and Mrs.E. (Ali) made. Mis. Romenil bad charge Withcrspoon; Mn. and Mns. Ajit of thc WNorghtip peniod and al Gill, and little son, Raîphi, In- present took some part. Mrs. dia, wha are studying for their Cecil Hill1 rend "The Unlikeiy Gu.est". Mis. Glenn Lammer conducted a questionaire on IM the October Missionary Month- BOIVMANV'tL ly which was vory instructive III and the M.M. Secrctamy took L MA -5589this opportunity of getting ber announcement that it is time for renewals cf Monthiios andl SAT. OCT. 22 - 24 Wonîd Frienids. Mis. Roy Tay- lo gave a very initresting 0_1 on e Study Book, "At-1 ~ ica Disturbed". Lu nch of Pumpkin pie and cookies and ton was senved iby the group witlh Mis. G. Larmner convener. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- iow, Mr. and Mis. John Hamn- iltan, Mr. Bryan Hamilton and Miss Bilen Christain, Mr. and Mis. Dalton Dorreil, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow, 'Mn. aad Mns. Neil Malcolm, Mm. and Mrs. IHoward Forder, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thempson attended the Ithîrtieth anniual banquet of The Toronto Milk Transport Association on Tuosday even- in'g, October l3th, at The Sea-' way Motel, Toronta. At the 1 banquet Mrs. Mailow was pro- sented with a bouquet of rcd roses and Mi. Marlow with an ail painting et a winten scone by the Canadian artdst Hanolc McCrea in appreciation of bis services as President of the As- sociation for the years 1957-8 anid 9. Cartwright High School stu- dents and staff went tia Miil- brook Wednesday and partic- ipated' in the Tni-Schl M eet Tho Pubiic School teachens of Mr. MeEwen inspoctomate attended a convention in Onil- lia Frîdây. In the forenoon they visited school and in the afton- noon Dr. Finlayson of Ontario Hospitail, Orillia, addnes s e d them. An Industrial Arts meeting of Shop Teachors o! District 20, which includes ail o! Ontario County, part of Durham and part o! York Counties, was held in the Cartwright High School, Friday evening. Mr. Gardon Paisley, Miss Ai- boen Van Camp, Miss Sylvia Kozub, Lloyd Wilson, Jack Swain, Barry Fiiier, Mr. Jack Berry, Dr. and Mrs. McAmtîhur and Ardis attended tlhe Medis- cope Exhibition at Quoen Eli- zabeth Buiilding in Toronito ex- hibition grounds on Saturday. This wonderful exhibi t i o n, sponsoredt by tho Ontario Med- ical Association was held al last week. Dr. McArthun as- sisted on Saturday. Some young peop 1 e tram Blackstock attenîded the Con- ference Y.P.U. convention la Whitby, Friday, Satunday and Sundiay. Don Sinclair o! Ogh- awa was olectcd new prosîdent. A large number tram hene attended Cadmnus anniivensany Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Lewis Swain attended Scugog Anniversary Sunday and visîted Mn. an-d Mrs. J. Wilson and tamily. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill at- tonided Prince Albert and Scu- gag anniversaries Sunday ami wore among the supper guosts of Mn. and Mrs. L. E. Beacock 'and !amily, Prince Albert. Sorry tao report Mrs. Fred Hamilton ia in Part Perry Has- i pital. Misses Marg. Epps and Mabie Van Camp, Toronto, spent the weokend with Mis. W. W. Van Camp. Mrs. Geo. P'owien accompen- ied Mr. and Mlrs. Gea. Ruther- ford ta visit frien'ds in Peter- borough, Sunday. This week Mis. Geo. Fowler and Mn. 'and Mrs. Eric Capstick of Lindsay are visiting 'rieii ini Teeswater and Wingham.ý Mr. Jack Berry visitd is parents ia Guelph, Saturday evening and Sunday. ConsableK. T. Strang, Mrs. Strang and Torn, Ottawa, are Muletan 1.85, 3.25, 5.50 Tri-VI-Sol - 85c, 1.65, 2.85 Poly-VI-soI 1.10, 2.10, 3.60 Oste A.D.C. 1.00, 1.65, 2.90 PoIy-vl-tabs -_____1.95 Trl-vi-tabs -_____1.50 Cod Liver 011 - 9c, 1.50 One-A-Day MULTIPLE VITAMINS 25-day supply -____1.49 il montha supply -2.75 8 monthas spply 4.49 8 nuontha supply -8.75 New Glefte Adjusiable Razor - 1.95 COWLING'S au -am DRU G STORE RSE Scotta Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 Paramettes 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 Wampoles Extract 1.50, 2.75 Halibut 011 Capsules 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 Alphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 ,Hallborange 1.25, 2.10, 3.65 1Gerilol WIth L'on and Vitamins Liquid or Tablet 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 Dristan Tabs. 1.25, 2.25. 3.75 Dristan Spray -___ 1.25 spendlng thua week with Mr. and Mis. Ernest Larmer and familles. Mr. and Mms. Alithur Wren, Mr. andi Mrs. Everett Cleve- land and boys, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes and fam- ily. Rev. aind Mrs. Merrill Fer- guson, Strattord; Miss Mary- llss Fergusan, Brantford, were guests of Mr; and Mrs. Cecil Hill and the Roy Fergusons, Thiursday evening to Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson, Ian and Mary, Toronto, spent the weekend with Roy and Bull Ferguson anjd the Lloyd Wri- ghlts. Mms. Jane Cook of Columbus Who is 88 years young, spent Thanksgiving with ber grand- daughter, Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Neil and family. Severail from these parts at- tended the plowing match at Dundas, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bovie and Wayne, Lindsay, were Sunday guests of Mr. and M\rs. Mit Hanlan and Donna. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Kercher, Kitchýener. Mrs. Mildred Colley, Mrs. Geo. Wolfe, Mrs. John Scott and. Mrs. Ivan Thompson at- tended tlhe Local Workshop for Sunday School Teachers in Port Perry Anglican Church, Saturday. Mms. Wm. Cobblediick *of Or- one spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Thompson enroute home from a trip to Pacific Coast. A good crowd gathered in the Community Hall, Saturday Business Directory_ Accountancy -1 RAY J. DTLLTNG Certifîed Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WbL J.. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Llcensed Trustee mn Banknuptcy 64 KÇing St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. F. FnIediander, B. Com., C .P.A. MONTEITIT - MONTEITU RIEHL & CO. Chantered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville - Cail ZEnith 45750 Pantners: ,r Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C. A,, R.I.A (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Chi r opr ac t îc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Houri: By Appointment Den tal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office- Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DE. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowrnanvïlle Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.rm, daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesdays and Sundays DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.DS.- Office 23 -Ing St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pan,. daily Closed Saturdaiy anid Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L egal1 STRIKE and STE IKE Barristers, Solicitors Notanies Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowvraaville Telephone 1M\A 3-i791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, BA. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public KlIng St. W. - Bowmanviile Phones: Otiice -MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MSS APHA 1. HODGiNE1 Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmranville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. W. KAY LYCETT. B.A. Banrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Oronco, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. SaturJlay: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Morigages SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 Flrst Mortgage Funds Residences - Farms Business Properties Op 1o m e fry KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. Jptometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowrnanville Office Hours: By appointmenti Telephone MArket 3-32à2 Monday ta Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 to 12 Thursday evenings -1 Wests China Plc Needs New Approach Says Hydro Chairman A hand of welcome should be offered by Canada and the Un- ited States to Communist Chi- na's industral and cultural leaders, Ontario Hydro Chair- man James S. Duncan said to- day. Speaking to a joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada and the Canadian Club of To- ronto, Mr. Duancan said a reap- praisal of the position of China and'Asia in relation to the Wes- tern World "is long overdue."' Hle urged the United States to embark upon a policy of I"ap- proachinent" with the Chinese Peoples' Republic, while at the same time continuing a policy of containment. "Not immediate recognition .but generous acknowledge- ment and respect for Ohina's position as a world power seenis to be indicated," he said. "Both the United States and Canada should sponsor . . . cul- evening for a m-iscellaneous shower in honour of Mr. anid Mrs. Keith Hodgson (nee Mil- dred Brown). Dalton Dorreli Iwas the capable M.C. for the programme. After a few con- gratulatery remarks he called on Mxs. Clarence Marlow for a reading. Leonard Saunders, solo, accompaied by Clifford Dayes on banjo, Mrs. Romeril, readmg, song by Uorrèll sis- tens. Reading Mrs. Harvey Grahamn. Trio by Elaine and Bonnie Mountjoy and Donna McLaughlin with Vera Harris accompanist. Reading by Mrs. Archer. After the presentation of gifts for which the groom expressed thanks, dîancing was enjoyed with music supplied by the Dayes Brotihers. Schweppes Expansion 47 in Canadai Schweppos (U.S.A.) Limited reportod that thoir total case sales at the end: of the third Quarter of 1959 were 32% above the same period in 1958.! A similar comparison of the sales of Schwoppes (Canada) Limitod shows an increase of 47 "I. Commander, Edward Witehead, Presidont of the two Companies, remarked oni these incroasos when comment-' in- recently on the very notice- ablo expansion, in the last year and a haif, of Schweppes North American Companies. ,Many new Bottiers have been frzanchised across the U.S.A.' and the sales staff has been considerably expanded. In Can- ada alone, where the franchise is operated by the Pepsi-ColaI Company of Canada Limitod, tho number cf Bottlers has1 been doubled in the past year. In 1960, it is planned ta fran- chise many more Bottiers, both' in the United States and Can- ada, and to step up advortising! and promotion ini establishedi markets. MO VIE IREVIEW ROYAL THEATRE Mon. - Thurs., Oct. 26 - 29 THE NUN'S STORY with Audrey Hepburn, Peter Finch, Mildred Dunnock. Tender and thoughtful drama. Played oxcellently by a fine cast. Handsomely produced. Into the production of War- ner Bros.' sprawling, colorful, tender and absorbing The Nun's Story, have gone an array o! rnany and variod skills. Head- ing theus are the direction of Fred Zinnemann and the beau-: tifully modulated acting of Au-. drey Hepburn as Sister Luko,: a heroine tarn betwoen the con- flict of the spirit and the hu- muan condition. Thero is a certain muted' beauty to this story adapted from the popular book by Ka- thryn Hulmo, based on the real-life advontures of a Bel- gi;an nun whq became a nurs- ing nun in the Congo. Techni- color framos the picture which lias an international cast. Strik-1 ing sccnic photognaphy is the 1 result of thousands of miles: that were traveled by the cern- pany for filming in the Belgian Congo, Rame and variaus ci- ties. Put in the briefest ternis, the, story is of a young girls en- trance into a conveat, ber ex- periences, and finally her exit from the coavent. The myster- ies and the beauties of the cere- monies and practicos pass be- fore the screen awesomely, thanks to the very able direc- tion of Zinnemann. Miss Hepburn is eanly dis- patched to school for tropical medicine, foilowing which she is sent ta the nursing staff of a mental sanatorium nean Brus- sels. Eventually she leaves for chenished duties in the Cango whone she is assigned ta wark with a blunt, fonthnight and skeptical doctor, played with outstanding skill and savon by Peter Finch. The story has a solemn pace as it unfolds. Dean Jagger is effective as Miss Hepburn's fa- ther. Olther excellent performn- ances as nuns are turned in by Dame Edith Evans, Mildncd Dunnock and Dame Peggy Ash- croft. Robent Anderson provided thé screenpiay for this Fred Zinnemann production which was produced by Henry BIlke. Deserving menit aiso arelFrnz Planer, photography drtor and Franz Waxman who coin- posed and conducted the music. tural and commercial exchan- ges of al kinds. Members of the Chinese préss, leaders of in.- dustry, of commerce, of fin- ance, should be made welcome among us," he continued. In addition, embangoes on North American exports to Chi- na should be reduced ta a min- imurn and ellxinated as soon as possible. "We have nothing ta fear and much ta gain by opening aur doors wide and extending ta China a welcoming hand," Mn. Duncan told bis audience. "This dees not lmply appnov- al cf the Chinese form of gov- ernmcnt any more than aur ne- ception of the leaders cf the Soviet Union implies oui ap- proval of theirs."1 Mn. Duncan said the "formid- able reality" of China's posi- tion cannot be indefinitely ig- noned. The day would inevit- abiy corne whea China will ne- ceive full recognition and a seat in the United Nations. "But she will have ta realize that she cannot shoot ber way ta recognition . .. that she must work ben passage tawards a settlement," he statcd. The Hydro Chairman ex- pressed the opinion that, pro- vided the Western Worid ro- mains stron.g and united, the passibiity of a "hot" war with China is remote. He said the carly thneat was a cold lecon- amic wan. "Soviet Russia and now Chi- na possoss, or are in the pro- cess of building plants, and are cmploying manufacturing tech- niques which compare in cvory way with those of the indus- tnialized countnies of the West," Mr. Duncan noted. "The combination cf cheapl labon and raw matenials on the 11f1 <I1 ï' 1 l à y BEST BUTY - SAVE 10e York Brand - 16 oz. jar ]Bread " n" Bulter Pickles 2/49c SAVE 2c CASH Heinz - 15 oz. tin SPAGHETTI SAVE 5e Instant or Quick- Large 32 ROBIN HOOD GATS - 15C oz. pkg. *25C SAVE 10e CASH Regulai~ or Chubby - 200's KLEENEX TISSUES 3Pks.49C SAVE 6c CASH White or Chocolate - Monarch CAKE MIX - eig.31c SAVE 10e CASH Birds Eye - Beef - Turkey- Chicken FROZEN DINNERS, pig. 59C Meats a Produce Predressed - Oven-Ready b. avg. CHICKENS. Eversweet - Sliced Side » lb. sealed pkg.1 Bacon lb. 55CI Swift's Premium - 1 lb. cella pkg. Wien ers lb. 43cl s, 4WK I avbgL S lES TU' one hand, and comparable mian- ufactuning equipment and prac- tices on the other, have creat- ed a new situation wluch la go-. iuig to be a hard one for the West ta meet." T&. Duncan suggested the solution ia bnoad ternis was not ta, keep out competition but ta meet it. ffTo do this (and it won't be easy), the West must maintain its somcwhat precaniaus lead ini scîontific devciopmeats, Te- search and manufacturing tech- niques and ail of us, flot only the manual and white collar workens, must be pnepared ta work a great deal 'harder and, if necessary, to do so for smafl- er rewards." Mr. Duncan said he had re- turned fram his visit ta China with a feeling of deep concern aven the things he had seen and the impact tbey would un- doubtcdly have on the Western way. of life uniess somethiag is done about thcetIL "To meet these ememging in- fluences we must change many o! our pneconceived ideas," be urged. 4 11 Prft 'V'iC TONIC Retailers may obtain supplies by calling SMITH BEVERAGES LTD. Phone MA 3-5530 Church St., Bowmanville Authorized bottiers for Schweppes products ln Bowmanvllle are& SAVE 10e - Red & White - Fancy - 48 oz. lUn TOMIATO JUIVE 19C BEST BUY - SAVE 9c CASH - 1 lb. pkg. GEM MIARGARINE 4 Ibs. 8e9c SAVE 7c, Mitchell's - Fancy - 48 oz. tin APPLE JUICE « 2. For 55C a 3 Tins 29c SAVE 4c Kellogg's - 12 oz. pkg. COIN FLAKES 25c SAVE 4c 16 oz. pkg. 0 2 pkgs. 3 1 Wagstaffe's - 9 oz. jar SAVE 20e - 20e Off Deal Jamsb'r Marmalades 3 For 59c Go - Giant size LIGUID DETERGENT FRESH TO YOU! 28 oz. Jumibo Cello HALLOWE'EN RISSES 69c Bag 55C Smootli - Waxed - No. 1 Grade TURNIPS lb. Coreless - Marsh - No. 1 Grade C A R ROT S 3lb. cello bag 15c Tender - Sweet - No. 1 Grade P ARBS N IP S 24 oz. bag 19C Flavorful - No. 1 Grade BE E TS 24 oz. bag 12c BROCCOLI SPEARS, 10 oz. pkg. 29e BIRDS EYE COD FILLETS, 12 oz. pkg. -- - -______27c, FROZEN FOODS WOLE KERNEL CORN, 2 lb. poly bag -- 53c' FRENCH CUT GREEN BEANS, 10 oz. pkg. 2 for 45c' - - --.- I RYQU ,eteria GLORIA CASTILLO and ROSS FORD also "Dragstrip Girl" LOUISE BLAKE and JIM DONALDSON Complete shows at 7 and 9:30 p. MON. TO THURS. (4 Days), OCT. 26 -29 AUDREM HEPBURN..... *FRED LINNEMANN'S -fl PETER FINCH DAME EDITH EVANS DAME PEGGY ASHCROFT DEAN JAGGER ImMUMOOUM~Oc CUUNL=D O ORT ANDERSON foovco fy HENRY BLANKE U ouIf ntO MZtNNtMANN' .uumo n WARNER BROS. V Two complete shows at 7 and 9:35 p.m. Aduits 75c - Students 50ce Children 25e Fighf Winter Colds Take Extra Vitamins NOW SAVE 3e Gerber's BABY FOOUS Ready-cut - Catelli's MACARONI THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAI BOWMANVILLE - Wm. Hi. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Gro< KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN. UNE ORONO - Cornush Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market IA.3-3883 WKNIL PAGE six 9 r $(à