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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1959, p. 7

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?HURSDAS, OCT. 22nd, 1pso 4Mr. andi Mns. John Leishman Spent a week in Buffalo over Thanksgiving. Mns. Frank Denàby visited her sistens in Toronto and Ham- ilton ast weekend. Miss Annie Coulter. Toronto, apent a few days at her home on Wellington Street. Mn. anti Mns. H. B. Creepen, Chatham were in town on Wed- nesday, visiting relatives. Mr. andi Mrs. Robent Oswald, Scarbonough, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woodward, Brown Street. Mrs. Hazel Howell, Montreal, Que., is a guest of Mn. and Mrs. Jack MeNulty, King Street. Mr. andi Mns. Frank Legree, >wa, and Mrs. Fred Hay' cbywith Mn. L. B. Nichols. Mrs. George James spenit an extendeti weekend with ber son, Mn. andi Mrs. Wm. G. Jam- os and family, Montroal, Que. The winners of the Bowman- ville Lions Club hockey draw for Saturday, October 24th., wene Ivan Beaupnie anti D. Widtiecombe. Mn. andi Mrs. John Leishmen anti Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Hol- mes autendeti the Onono United Chunch Annivensarry anti visit- eti Mn. anti Mrs. J. C. Tarrblyn, Orono, Sunday. Miss Barbara Batihgate and Miss Grace Blackburn, Salem, were in New York City last weekenid. They left Malton last Thursday and returned Sunday evening. Mr. and MI". E. B. Menzies and Robert, Clinton, Ont., and Mr. John Dippeil, Waterloo College, were with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dip- pell lest weekend. Mr. Robert Noble bas just returned frpm an air, boat and bus trip to Nassau. Mn. Noble also visited Miamni, New Or- leans, Tampa, Memphis, Louis- ville and Cleveland. Mr. A. S. Badger ,Woodstock, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mn. anid Mrs. G. Bad- ger, King Street East. His wife anid dauglhter Barby returned with hirn after a week's hoil- dey here. Mn. Lester Langs,, mond Hill, former accou in the Bank of Montreal and now an Inspecter at Office, Toronto, was in i enewng acquainitances Tuesday. We are happy to report Constable Don Anderson neturned home fnom Merr Hospital. We hope bis co escenoe at home wiIl no lenîgtby and thaît he will be on duty. Mr. anid Mrs. R. Shupal family, Toronto; MiLss E Hoimes, Oshawa; Mrs. S.1 eil Miss Doreen Powell Miss Betty Jean Holmes,1 castie, recently visitet Mn. Mns. Wallace Holmes. Mrs. Sewand Dowson, andi Mrs. Alvin Dowson,I manville, andi Miss Mabe] tie a patient of Glen Hi Reut Home, Glenarm, vi at the home of Mn. Fred i Victoria Roati, on Sunday. Glenholme Hughes retu to Suumybnook Hospital week for furtýher treatment the foot injury he received summner. It is expecteti that Hughes will ibe a patien Sunnybrook for sevoral w( Miss Ly-nne Bagneil andI Gary Bagneli were guests weekond of Mn. and Mrs Brown, Hamilton, at the Br cottage, Lake of Bays, A pantridge shoot. They repa two inch snowfall thene ing the weekend. Mn. anti Mrs. Don Stutt: oredti t Lexington, Kentu Thanksgiving weekend w they visited, relatives. Mn. t's mother, ?Mn. Ross Stutt, turnoti home with them. a znot enjoyable four moi holiday with relatives thonE Miss Mary Alîtireati1 daughter of MnI. anti Mns. I Alîdreati, is lu New York two weeks, having been thene by the Toronto Ger Hospital to attend classes ai Pnesbytef-ian Hospital andi the Manhattan Eye, Ear, 1 anti Throat Hospital MT. and Mns. M. Conway wee dauguter Charity 1 been spending the past % 1 Rich- untani here, Head town last t that :has norial >nval- k and E. M. Pow- and New- rand Mr. Bow- 1Ly- Iaver ,isited ..ytle, urned lasi .t for :1 last itMr. nt at 'eeks. 1 Mn. last .H. ýrown for a ort a dur- mot- ucky, 'here S'tut-i n, e- after riths' D. R. for sent neral tthe 1at Nose and have veek I Trinity United Chuirch NMinister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING SERVICE 1"A Greai Day in a Man's Life" 12:10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL The evening service has been withdrawn. Every member is . nvited to unite with the congre- gation of St. Paul's United Church for the evening Anniversary Service. A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmnanvill, MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. - Engllsh iEVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m.L - Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB ST. ]PAUL'S UNJTED CHIURCH Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 125th Anniversary Services Sunday, October I5th 9:50 &.m. - SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP Sermon " "The Whirling Wheels" Anthem- "The Lord Is My Shepherd" À'Solo - "The Earth lu The Lord's" Miss Norma Bowen of Oshawa 7:00 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP Sermon - ""The Word of Cod" Anthem - "At Eventide" Solos - "The Lord, Is My Light" "I Heard A Forest Praying» q Mr. Ross Cotton of Oshawa GTJEST PREACHER - The Rev. Fred Joblin., B.A., B.D. of Westboro United Church, Ottawa A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL j j t- t ts 'I wihMrs. Conuways parents, 1Mr. andi Mrs. Parker, at their cottage Up the Gatineau River; also visting Mis;s Pat Conway, who is a nunse-in-tnaining at Ottawa Civic Hospital. Mr. and Mms. Wellington Smrith .Fort Frances, Ont., vis- ited Mns. Elmo Anderson, Wel- lington Street, last weekexKl. Mn. andi Mm. Smnith wene on their way home fnom Montrreal after a two months' vacation travelling in their "«travel coach" home bult by Mr. Smith. Severai weeks ago Mrs. Han- ry Smith, Queen Street, attend. eti the funenal of ber sisten-in- law Mrs. Han-y Stuckey, Mal- ton. While away she met with an accident causing a double fracture of the leg and was hospitailized in Guelph. Mrs. Smith is now home and would be very please t o have friends cail. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Shack-! leton andi boys were Thanks- giving gruests of ber sister, Mn. and Mrs. W. A. K. Davis and family, in Ottawa. Saturday' afternoon the men attended the Montreal-Ottawa football giame andi Saturday night Mn. andi Mrs;' Davis enitentained at dinnen in the beautiful Lauren-. tian Club. EZIPA %À% AdflaN b lPA IPUSbMA N?'VIB D N V P 43A£ÂJ.ILA .5WIi1ViLE' ONJJ . TARICI 1 Ballet Teacher On Wednesday evening, Oc- tober l4th., Miss Eileen Spicen ~had the misfortune te break h er right armn while skating at the Memonial Arena. Dr. E. L.: IEvart attende t t the injury' and Miss Spicen was neleased from hospital las tFniday. For- tuntately Miss Spicer is left- handeti anti bas netunnedti t wonk a t General Motons. Ail members of Bowmanwille Public School teaching staff at- tended the West Dur4ham Dis- trict Teachers' Conrvention helti in Oillia on Fniday, October 16th. They paid a visit Vo the schools there andwthd. ~'~- classes. At the luncheon a most . ... - interesting address was given, by Dr. Finlayson, a member o Miss Bonnie Crouter who is conducting the Ballet the staff of the Ontario Hospi- tal, Onîllia, on the subject of Classes being held in the Lions Room cf the Community mental healtli. Hall each Saturday afternoon under the auspices of the Mn. anti Mns. Walter Park, Newcastle Recreation Com.mittee. Miss Crouter is a Cecile anti Douglas, Tyrone,g accompanieti by Mrs. David graduate of the Harvey Dancing Academy in Oshawa andi Park anti Gtenna vîsiteti Mn. held classes in Port Perry last winter. There are 18 Davidi Park lu Pnivate Pat - lenht's Pavîllion, Genenal Mos- children registereti for the local classes. pital, Toronto, -on Thanksgiv- ing weekend. Mn. Pank's friends will be glati te know h'e is pro-I gressinug favourably anti was this week tranisferred te St.I John's Convalescent Hospital,I Yonge St. North, Toront. In lest Monicay's edition of the Globe anti Mail a lengthy article appears conconning the new Women's Athîctie Builti- inIg cf the University of To-. onto. It is the finst major pro- jeet completet inl the now West~ Campus. 0f particular interest te Bowmanville citizens was a photo lu connection with the stony. One of the facilities lu the bulldintÉg is a Romen-llke foot bath anti Miss Beverly Cowling, daughter of Mn. P. R. Cowlg is one. of the girls shown gav-; ing it a try-out. 7%e Alttrnoon Auxillary of' St. Paul's W.MS. met at the homne of Mns. H. Fenguson on Tuesday, Oct., 20. "Tnuth andi Freedoin" was the theme of the worship service conducteti by Mrs. H. Fenguson, assisteti by Mrs. H. Galbraith, Mlrs. Jas. Turner and Mrs D -Armisteati. Mns. R. Stevens spoke of Dr. Robinsons address dlealing with work being done lu Africa thnough univensity students. Mns K. Wenry gave en intenest- ing account cf the meeting in Nothminster Unuteti Church, Oshawa, where Miss Frances Wallbidge spoke cf her work as a missionary lu Afnica. ISometimes th best made plans tio net always matenial. ize. Last August 3lst was the date of the 30th wedding an- mivecsary of 54r. anti Mrs. V. Jeffery, Duke Street. With great cunning andi secrecy their very close frientis anti relatives conspineti with their daughter, Mrs. R. Stainton, te, surprise them wrih an ansliversary par- ty. Alas, a day on so before the panty, Mns. Jeffery was hospi- talized with pneumconia. Un- knsown te Mn. and Mrs. Jeffery the party was just put in abey- ance for a few weeks. Last Satunday, October 17th., Mrs. Jeffery was to act as baby sit- ton for lien daughterr anti when Mr. andi Mns. Joffery aniveti they were greatly surprisedti o fintithein chose fnientis andi ne- latives assembjleti thene. The happy couple were presenteti with an ehectric fry pan anti a lovely walnut floor lamp. mong those presont wene Mrs. Jeffery's mothen, Whitby, who is 89 years younig, anti ber ibro- ther, Mn. anti Mrs. John Davies of Toronto. C.N.I.B. aBl'mtz (Continuoti from page one) Atianms, Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mns. LoRoy Short, Mns. Victor Snider.1 8. Miss Dora Pundon, captain, Mrs. Melville Moore, Mrs. Ken- neth McGuiro, Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. Arthur Falls, Mns. Ron Richards, Mrs. Clarence Oke,j Mrs. E. Witherspoon, Mrs. J.j Cnombie. Mns. Brune Miller Mrs. Carl Devitt, Mrs. Bort Per- fect. 9. Mrs. A. Cuthbertson, cap-1 tain, Mns. Lloyd Ayre, Mis.! Phyllis Stapleton, Mrs. Bonniel Cowle, Mrs. Edna Kerr, Mrs. Lorne Allin, Mrs. F. Smalo, I Miss Velma Gay, Mnfs. EI Cryderman, Mrs. FayeJocsI Miss A. Begley, anti B. Semple. 10. Miss Mary Jewell, captain, Mrs. F. MucMurten, Mrs. H. Saunders, Mrs. George Web-. ster, Mrs. Walter Reynolds, Mrs. E. Laird, Mrs. Bert Sey- ens, Mrs. Ken McQuannie, Mrs. Ross Grant,. Mns. Jack Elston, anti Miss Joan Smith. 11. Mm. B= awtborne. cap. Panel Speakei r 'I i Mn. John W. Miller will be a memfbon of a panel at the In- dustnial anti Municipal Relations Conference sponsoreti by the Lake Ontario Development As- sociation. The Conforence will take place on Wodnesday, Oct. 28, in the new Empness Hotel lu Peterbonough, beginning at 1:30 p.". Mr. Miller will be one of five panel membens discussing "What Industry Expocts of a Commun- ity." Me is a negisteneti Pro- fessional Engineen in Ontario anti Quobec anti is a senior memben cf Miller, Naismith Lin'itod, Toronto, Consulting Engineers lu the oconomic anti tochnical aneas of manufactur- ing. In addition te this Mr. Mill- er is Engineering Directon of' On, Associates Lim~ited, Indus- trial Engineers, anti Chairman of the Ontario Section, Amen- 1 ican Society of Mechanical En- gineens, as well as being a mom- ber of the Engineens Club of Toronto. Mis professional inter- ests are particulanly in the fieldi of product anti cost improve- ment ant inl automation, in which latter intenest ho is ýamong the pioneens iu- Canada. I tain, Mrs. H. Macklin, Mrs. j Douglas Rigg, Mrs. C. McDon- aid, Mns. J. Colvihie, Mns. Alex jCameron, Mrs. Glenn Martyn, Mrs. H. Lake, Mns. R. Hilditch, anti Mrs. A. Johnston. 12. Mns. F. Crowe anti Mnrs. J. Cale, captains, Mrs. Boy Mc- IMullen, Mns. Jack Hayes, Mrs. IR. Patfielti, Mrs. C. Dunn, Mrs. J. Stnikewonda, Mrs. Tom Bob- don, E. Bradley, Mrs. H. Stur- rock, Mrs. H. Zillinger, Mns. J. Brown, Mrs. F. Wright, Mrs. C. W. Tait, Mrs. L. VanDriel, Mrs. IJ. Cuddahee, Mns. J. Strachan, iMns. James Martyn, Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Bertwistle, Mrs. J. Biggs anti Mns. Buttery. 13. Miss Isabelle Davis, cap- tain, Mrs. Victoria Frank, Mrs. Murray Wood, Mns. Robent Da- vies, Mrs. Alex Grant, Mrs. H. Snowden, Murs. Fred Colo, Mrs. iVictor Miler, Mns. Jack Rough- ley, Mrs. George Bebee, Mrs. Jack Welsh anti Mns. L. Lucas. 14. Mrs. George Vice, Cap- tain, Mrs. Norman ORourke, Mrs. W. Pansons, Mrs. Stewart Chisholmi, Mns. L. Brooking, anti Mrs. C. Taylor. 15. The following members of the Bowmanville Lions Club canvasseti the apartments on King Street, between * Division anti Scugog Streets: George Webster, L. Van Dniel, Ralph MclIntyre anti Don Allun.. The Federal govennment has been responsible for establish- mont of 41 Cnown corporations, a government encroachment to this degree on the pnivate sec- tes, of Canadian ecoom. Tii. "EVey DOne Way £0 Theposibe oratin f PIE PL S ERO a n MSER IC lvplie Drow Up Pians <Continued fromn page one) building expresseti the ides that a hanging heating unit xight be practical. Reeve Niobols remarketi that if it were a floon unit, a fine wall would have to be built arounti it. The engineer, Mr. Totten informeti the council that he bati heard the Ontario Fite Marshal's Department was afnaid people would pile things in front of a floor heating unit theneby creating a fine hazard. It was explained by Council- lon Earle Truil that he diti net believe the building would be constructed to accommodate a banging unit. Councilior Thom- pson nemanketi that it would be difficuit to drive heat from the end of the garage, as heat cannot be driven more than 60 or 70 feet. Deputy Reeve Rickand stated that he believeti a pre-cast con- crete roof would be more pro- tection against fine, andi also the township would save the diffenence in the price of this kinti of roof thnough lowen in- surance pnemiums. Withîn the next five years Danlington will be spending $200,000 annually on roatis, De- puty-Reeve Rîckard pnedicted. Therefore he deemeti it unwise to have any skimping on the construction cf a roads depart- ment headquartens. There is no doubt that Dar- lington is the most napidly ex- panding community in the Un- i ted Counties, anti that the pub- lic is demanding more road [work than ever before, Mn. Totten stated. He saiti there is a firm demand for a 24 houn [sanding service ini the winter on cou.nties roads, and he thought the townships would be asketi for this service in the nean future. Mn. Totten explainedti t the Township Council that he would prefer Vo have tenders calleti in March for the construction of the garage rathen than during the winter months. Much bet- ter prices can be obtaine ini the spring, he said. He also stated that he did not like win- ter concrete wonk and was in favoun of having it done when the frost was out of the ground. Scout Apples (Continueti from page ono the Town Hall, andi the Lions Comumunity Contre. The Boy Scouts Mothors' [Auxiliany serveti bot chocolate anti doughnuts Vo the Scouts anti Cubs who took part as can- vassers anti taggens. Mrs. Carl Devitt was the convenor, as- sisteti by Mns. A. Stephen, Mns. Victor Miller, Mrs. Bill Burk, Mrs. Howard Sturnock, Mns. Roy McMuIlen, Mufrs. Arthur Et- cher, Mrs. Cuthbert McDonald 9 ' IIA9 Beef, Iron and Wine with BI Cascara Àromafic -- 29c, 49c I.D.A. Brand - 3 and 6 OZ., meg. 35c, 65e Trial Size Bayer NOSE SPRAY with 100 Bayer Aspirin -- ---87c Halo Shanpoo Reg. .09, 1.9!;- 89c, 1.29 Hinds1,,,,y and Cre arn e.2 For8 Hollywood Wave Set and Cornb 9il volunteer fire brigade was dis- Icusseti by the Darlington Town- ship Council. Deputy-Reeve Rickard feît that no matter where in the township such a brigade rnight be organized there would flot be a concen- tration of men to man it. Reeve Nichols advocated the purchase of four to five trucks with 2,000 gallon tanks, and to, have these left in ail corners of the township. In the case of a fine the one in that area coulti go to the scene with wa- ter and give assistance to the Bowmanviile Fine Brigade, which he saiti is giving the township adequate fir. preven- tion. There had been soni tenta- tive plans for the formation of a brigade in the Countice area with Genry Estabrooks as Pire Chief, in which event extra fire protection could be given from the Taunton Road to Lake On- tario. Reeve Nichols said "most of thre fines in this area are barn andi grass fires. We have less fires in thi.s area than in others. There have been very few bouses burn anound hene." Councillor Trull believed that council may have Vo ne- quest the brigade members to take anotlher petition anounti to the ratepayers. Also that ahl buildings in the area may have Vo be re-assessed. Coundil instnucted Councillor Thompson, Counilor Truli, Walter Runtile the Township Clenk, andi A. H. Stnike, the Township solicitor, to take the proposeti fine brigade by-law to the Fire Marshal's office for expert ativice. LJ ky'LAM ~~1J~~ECKSBAD ODUATO *FIGNIS T90TU DECAT Nesile Life Reg. 2.00 ________ 1.50 Silvikrin Regularly 75c- -___ 2 For 98c RUT 1RRED bhaVbS 1 Woodbury's New Sharnpoo 1.25 value 79C Hectic pace getting yo & down/ Is so easy to relat Just tahe PHOSPHO)-PLU;JI Relieve t/zutiump "'tired ail t/ g:e feeling. EnjoyhI SmUtpeatfpet> annoyance# It's true PHOSPHO-PLUX is the every day way t NEW relzeve nervous tensioAv $Il£- WAMPOLE 100 PHOSPIIOPLEX TABLETS Wifh B <omP.Und vitamine. $4.25 50.TuIurs $2.50 16 UNCES $25 am IL wugdo£C. & Iul i *-Putt Oitub e * *M f STRONOIR TOO WREN WIET o0t DRtY Ecaust irs MELOBONDED! RISULAR 2For43e MAN-SIZI 2 For 65c CHRISTMAS CARDS DeLUXE ASSORTMENT An Attractive Assortment of 50 Cards with Envelopes Pastel MGllter 18 Cards with Envelopes Slim'n Thin slender style cards with envelopes 21 tall and 98CI OTHER BOXED ASSORTMENTS-- 39e to 1.98 RUBBER SUNDRIES I.D.A. Brand Hot Water Boffles "UTILITY" "DEPENDABLE" 1.99 2.50 Baby Hot Water Bottles - 1.98, 2.19 Make your I.D.A Drug Store your Heatiquarters for your Rubber Sundries. You will finti your druggist bas a wide variety cf Rubber Gloves, Syringes, Tubmng, Sheeting, Ice Bags, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregort Ne Deliver Vour Local I.D.A Drug M Store Phone MA 3-5792 I Rie KLEENEXd DELSEY * IissIJEs 2~ ROADI 35cf PAGE ~EVRU SPECIAL VALUES AND) REMNDERS FOR TRIS WEEK Drugs LR*bvuvy Books (Continued from page one) ty-three more members joine4 the Aduit Library in Septemn- ber than the total of 38 joiniiig during the previous month. The monthly report for the Junior Library submitted by Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson showcd that 17 new Junior memnbers had joined the Junior Library in September. Junior Library books in circulation during the month were 944 as against 7-16 ini August. This gave the Jun- ior Librar.v an increase of 147 for the total number of books circulated in September. New Hours Effective at U.I.C. Office Effecilve Immediately, the office of the Unemploy- nment Insurance Office at 0sh .awiIi have new ciosidgahours, according te Mtanager Norman Hodgson. In order to complets the processing, of the day's work, the office wiII be c1oNed to the public at 4:15 On Monday to Thursday ln- clusiviè. On Friday, it wiII close at 4 p.m. The switchboard wili re- main open for calis until 10 minutes to five on Monday to Thursday and on Fr1- day wil close at 4:35 p.m. Persons having matter of urgency should call and arrangements "~iI be made to deal with the particu- lar problem. Cet Cash To-day For Dlii Appliances through ST AT E SMA M C LAS S 1F 1ED S Phone MArket 3-3303 i - 1 1 1 1 fI m 9 - 79c 1 Store

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