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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1959, p. 15

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YNUMSDAT, 110?. 5fli, un - - ~ C~*~~C* I.J C£~ ~ W VI mi~a~ V LLdLAU, '.a~ A J1AU~J - PAON 1D1 'I'WV U~AWAVWAW 'PA~IDA W U~D A --.-- A - Mas Ethel Rowe, Oshawa, Mis$ £lsie Rowc, Newcastle, Uni. Stanley Payne, Bowman- ville anti Mr. Kenneth Hall, Toronto, visiteti Mr. anti Mis. Herry Rcwe on Saturtiey ater attentiing the funeral o! the late Mr. Albert Morton. Wi. anti Mis. J. L. Beatty, Sherry anti James Faith, Osh- awa, were supper guesta o! Mr. anti Mits. Lorne Bowins anti Santira. Mis. E. Evans, Mis. Gordion Power, Mr. anti Mrs. Carlos Taiblyn, spent the weekend with Mi. and Mis. Bortien Krarnp, Kitchener. Mr. Wm. Mitchell anti Mr. ]Reg. Sutton atteniedtheUicOn- tarW. Public Service Quarter Cei4%turv- Club Fourteenth An- nuel Dinner on Fritiay cvening at the Royal York, Toronto. T&&. Wilbur Henry, Ncwmar- ket, has been with Miss Mabel Davy for thc past ten days. Congratulations te Mn. anti Mois. Boyti Wood, the former Annie Doreen Alldîeti, on their marriege, October 24th et Or- anc Unitedi Church. Rev. Basil I. Long performeti the double ring ceremony. Mis. Boy Banrabail, Mirs. Ce- ei Joncs anti Mrs. George Mut- ton, are patienta ln Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanvillc. Mr. anti Mis. Athur Zavltz, Peterborough, Mr. anti Mim.W. IS. Staples, Bowmanville, visit- ed Mr. antiMira. D. G. Hooper. Mr. anti Mir. Kcnneth Syci, Allen anti Elaine, o! Cavan, %rare guests Sunday o! Mi. anti Mis. Wm. Robinson anti attend- cd Uic W. A. Anniversary Ser- vice et Orono Unitedi Church. Miss Betty Ann anti Master Lariy Watson o! Waterdown, spcnt a few tiays with their vandareta Mr. anti Mis. Alex atonwilc their parents were lni Nepanee owing to the1 deetu cf Mis. Archie Wetson's 2nother, Mra. Peters.1 Miýs. E. G. Hay and son Don, Islinigton, visited on Sunday1 with lier parents, Mr. anti Mis. R. E. Loga.1 Mra. Wmn. McElroy, Peter-1 borough, ha spentiing this weck with Mi. anti Mia. Wm. Robin- son.9 Mi. anti Mis. Lesl-ie E. As-i lett anti family have renteti the s. Rutherforti bouse on Station Street. Mra. 3. D. Jermey, Orillia, Ia vlsiting MW&. anti Mra. Marvinr Lunn anti chiltiren.t Mr. Geo. Hutton, Cebli Hill,r pesseti ewa.y at Mémorial Hos-i pital, Bowmanville, where bisi wife la a patient.. Funeral1 was a on Mnnday. Interinent ha Orono t Cemnetery, Rev. D. R. Dewtineyc *fficiated. I Mr. and MPrs. Neil Rainey and t ) Orders elf Ilghthood ore Iprobibited ln the Unitedi States by -the federal Constitution. George Washington in 1782 Inauguratedtfhe device cf mil. Itary recognition whlch la now Icnown as the Purpie Heeni. At t hat time It wae, only a plece o! purple cloth etiged i th lace or blndlng. For the capture of )Boston heom the Britli, Gen. George Washington recciveti t he first medal Issueti by thc Congress. John Peu! Joncs irecelved another for defeeting kthe British shlp, Serepis. sons Milfon, Carl andi Charles, Sunderlandi, visiteti Mr. anti Mlira. Ervan Reincy. Mirs. Wrn. Merceri Mrs. M.ý E. Luxon andi Mr. Roy Mercer, Kendel, were supper guests of iv. anti Mis. Harry Mercer on Sunday. Mir. anti Mis. Chat. Wood with bEr. anti irs. Chas. Johns, Bowmanvillc, spent Suntiay with Mfiss Merjorie Holtige, To- rente. The Orono Horticulture! Se- ciety belti their meeting Mon- day evening in 1...F. Hall. Prizes were ewardet te Onono Fair Winners. Lovely pictures wenc shown by Mira. F. Jose, Newcastle, anti a Flower Dem- onstration, given by Mis. Fair- brother, Newcastle. Lunch wasJ senveti andi a social time en. joyeti. M1&s. Martha Catherine Henr'y Piper, Toronto, passeti away in Toronto, Oct. 23, six wecks alter ber husbanti, Mr. John Wilburt (Bert) Pipera tieath on Sept. l3th. Mer funerel was on Octeber 26th. Interment in Or- ono Cemetery. MiS. J. E. Richards la vlsiting Mr. anti Mis. Frank A. Stewart, St. Catharines. Orono W.C.T.U. Meeting The Octoeicimeeting o! Uic Women's Chiristian Temperance *'Buy The Best ... ifs You.r best Buy» ,Union was helti on Tuesday ai Lternoon li the Sunday Schoc Auditorium with an excellen attendance. Thc Presldcnt,( Mis. H. WaIs] commenced Uic meeting wit Lthe singing cf a hymn, "Tek Tinue To Be Holy", anti extenti 1cd words o! welconie to th, gucats fromi Os.hawa. The Orono Union entertained thc Oshawa Unions vila thi ladies fronu Oshawa preaentinI a very fine progrem, conductec by Mira. Clayten Lec. Hynin 637 the 23rti Psalmn was aung. Mis Pegg favoureci wIihtwo aveet. ly rneireti vocal solos, I«Goý Math -Net Promiseti" anti ul'vt Donc My Work". She accom. 1panieti herseif on Uic piano. Mia. E. Williams gave a con. cisc report o! Uic Conventies helti et Pembroke. Mis. Langfield gave a read. ing entitieti "Wby fthe neet i c 'Temperance". ifs. M. Parrott gave Uic Mis- sionary report displaying ar- ticles whicli lid been matie anti sent te chiltiren in need, Mer two deughters are mission. aries la Africa. Thc meeting cloet with the Benediction. A delicieus lunch wes serveti anti a social tume enjoyed bing- îng a delightful effernoon te e close., Confusion Stili Exists On Orono Closing Hours Tac Orono Police Trustee helti their regular moathl meeting on Monday, Oct. 26t witu all members present. Th Trustees were again presenti with a pefition te set up stor heurs wituin tue Village whil thcy lied te again fui dovn duc o e c act that of thos signing tuere was net 75 pi cent in favour of one set o heurs. Tac petition affecting four teen businessea in the villag hati nine establishments aign ti close Wetinestiay afiernoon anc Saturtiey evcning. Five favour cd alh day Menday anti remair. ing open on Friday anti Satin. day mights. Before any byle' can be pessedti t set up steî heurs, which cen be enforcc< 75 per cent of thc petitionci must be in faveur o! one par. ticular set o! heurs. The chair muan, B. C. Forrester, felf thal it was unfortunate thet thc bus. inessmen coulti nef corne te ar agreement on their own anti live .ip te it. If tue petition dees re- ceive the requureti majerify the municipalîfyhas no other course but te pesa the by-law. If was ticcitiet te meke ar- rangemenfte have debris dlean- edi off the streef followlug Mal- owc'en. Tac Trustees hoped thet it woulti net be nccsaary but tii not vent te sec debris oni the street duiing Suntiay. A suin o! $25.00 was vote o notion by Rutherforti anti Mer- cir te purchase tulip bullis t be planteti by the Orono Menti- cultural Society lu Uic village. UIl felf tuat theicwerk o! the Horticultural Society vas cer- tainly o! merit in beautlfying the village. Thc Trustees are te approach the Township Roati Superin- tendent te have tue new stice farfeti befween Cobbletiick anc Somerville Drive. The sub- division apprevel, has beer granted by the Dcpartrnent o: Veferans Affaira anti the whole projcct la expectedti t be cern. pleteti shortly. B. C. Forcesteî statedti ut flhe rrustees shoulti now a proach te Depart ment of Agrilture tr a grant towasthe lM'uni. cipal Building an ttebring Il indeî tue regulationa o! a Cern. îunity Centre, Me refeireti te a neeting vith thc durector whc iat steteti thet tuis vas possible ind as the building wes used .'o recreetion by both adults tn chiltiren if vas felt tuat tue nove shoulti be matie. If vas )oateti eut that e number of eyments are sf111 ewing on the )uiltiing te thc Fetieral Gev. rnment anti that any grant zulti elleviate this coat te the Ic tf ci A t ta ti th st di fi th Ur, fi an vi VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. I BEST QUALITY... FUEL OIL STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES For Delivery PHONE OSHAWA RA 5-1109 78 BOND ST. W. 'OSHAWA TURKEY .es ily ;t ýre rn er r- id w d, 's at - Ln local tax payer. Tais year a surn of $468.00 vas paidt tee Fetieral Govcrnrnent. There are four years yet te pay. The secrcfary was requestedt t malte arrangements te thc Trustees te nueft again wlth the Directorý early flua nexf week. A motion vas passedt t per- mit the use o! thc hall fer bad- minton by fthe Orono Badmin- ton Club andti tathUi Club be billeti for a sum o! $75.00. S. B. Rut herford ant ILH M. Mercer commenteti on the use e! the hall anti hopcd that if would continue. The Trustees are te eaU ea meeting o! Uic Recreetionel Commit tee for Nevember ioth in order that thus comrnlfte may begin te, function et the beginning of thc year.-Tîrnes. MAPLE GROVE re Mr. andi Mis. Lawrence White >andi Mi. and Mra. Mel Edwards te and family. Mr. andi Mis. Ted n White, Mr. and Mis. Arthur Burgess and family wcre Sun- day guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Wii- lard Morton, Cobourg, Bt a fam- ily gatherlng. dMr. andtIrMs. Ehuer Cox, Mr. owand lewerc guests with s MrandMrs. Mlorley Burgess non Suntiay. Mis. Bd Holmes andi Mrs. o Miervyn Storie, Uxbiridge,, -were weekend guests at the home cf Mis. Togooti, Toronto, e last weekend. Ma. Aylmer Beeah aocomr- g panieti Mr. anti Mrs. Gordon' Beeeh andi Bonnie to visit Mi. h andi Mis. Mary Lainier, South Monaghan, on Sunday. ýt Mi. andi Mis. Hary Windsor, d Betty and David, were week- end guest of 1Mr. and Mrs. n Charles Dickson, Toronto, last I weekend. M.r. and Mrs. Walter Bathe andi Mrs. James Allen, Oshawa, were Sunday dininer guests ewlth Mi. and Mis. Robert La- à brecque andi !amlly. e Stephen Budai, wiio la a stu- -dent at Waterloo College, ai- tcompanieti his parents. to Mr. and Mrs, Bert Budai to Ham- filon on Sunday where they spent the day with Mr. end Mrs. John Hiodos andi family. The occasion was the wedding an- niversary o! Mr. and Mis. Bu- dai and Mr. and Mi&s. Hodos. i Miss Mary Budai is playing1 volieYball on the Grade nine1 teamn at Donevan Collegiate,g Oshawa. is. Aylmer Bcech visiteti Mr. andi Mii. Russell Gilbert,1 Bowmanville, recently.3 Congratulations to Earle Cox on passing all tests to achieve his private Pilots licence at Oshawa Airport recently. Mr. and Mis. Charles Hester, Harry and Wendy, Oshawa, (formerly cf Maple Grove), called on Mr. andi Mrs. Leu Hockin on Saturday eveng Mi. and Mis. Cecil Mrsmant family were Sunday guests o! Mi. anti Mmr. Leonard Stainton, Enniskillen, on the occasion o! bis fathers blrthday.È Mi. andi Mri. Ewald Wihlldal, and !amily wcre weekcndr gucsts of her parents, Mi. anti Mirm Sarn Michael, Pickering. Miss Marion Snowden, To- ronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mi. anti Mis. Charles Snowden. Mrs. Robert Jarvie accor.N- panied her son, Mr. andi Mis.a Gordon Jarvie and family toe Orillia on Sunday where tley Freshly KiiIed Dressed and Dellvered Oven Ready 1 The Orono News assistants, Mis. G. E. Esta- 'Mi~e meeting openeti by re- brooks anti Ma ry Crolyn peating the 4-H pledge anti the Waburton. The ncw members reading o! thc minutes o! Uic ire Sandra Dalby, Carol Rob- lest meeting . The roll oall was ertson, Judy Neill, Margaret a nswered by ecd girl naming Estabrooks, Connie Walkcr andi e gootifood habit. Mis. Ashton Robei'ta Cook. distributeti pamphlets outlîrnîng 1%c Courtice W.A. held Its Uic points for thc contenta of a nonithly meeting Tiiursday. gooti record book. Subject, mat- ?resitienit Mia. Horace Vetzal ter wes taken on tihe main rea- was in the chair, sons for Foodi Guide for Healtli Final plans were matie for anti Reasons for Milk on the the annuel bazear. Materlal1 Foodi Guide for Hee!th. vas distributeti for the making Five groupa wcre forme t t of eprons. make thie !ollowing dushes- Mrs. G. Reynolds anti Mis. C. Ciceuiiof To soup. crou Fulton.led thc devotion4. Mia. tons, scaflopeti vegetable dish, J. Tooley cntertained w*th eux and a callopeti salmon dish. pin twoctins.c ereinaining group set a A paxeldisusson onoin-table for four andi four girls A pneldisusson oncrn-were chosen l'o practice their Ing the duties o! thxe W.A. re- table marners while tvio girls lationship te Christian Educa- servedti heni. Samples o! the ion wums led by Mis. C. Pen-, vriusdses were enjoyeti by founti, Mn.. W. Warburton-, Uic girls. 17hc next meeting will Mma D. Ilmompson anti Mii. R. b on November 14 In the Sol- Steçliens. Tac nmeeting closed i na ComInuruty Hell. 'lth a social Urne. Thc Wounen's Institute wil There will be a paper drive have a quihiiing with a pot luck m Saturday, Nov. 7. Newspa- dinner and an afiernoon meet-- per bundies should lie reedy ing in the hall on Thursday, Wr collection in the momng Noveniber1L. A report of ! tuem Mrs. James E Richards,- Editor vWed Mr. and Mms J. Fraser. S LN jyda Halloween party on, Thursday whe 17hey ere scrv- J'lcTreMamtl i e d pop or chcte milk, cook-1 churcli basement with the pies- i es, candy andi apples. Some o!; ident, Wes His la the chair. the chiltiren who won prizes ite treasurcra report gwiwed for their costumes were: Mca- a balance o! $ 100.66. Ibe ther Burton -andi Sharon Hohuies, n-atter o! subscribing to tic jLinda Scott. Dianne Hoar, Bet- magazine "flic Ciristian Ho- 1ty Windsor, Mchael Laventy lm" was leIt over tiil next oanti Suzanne Holmns meeting. Stan Miflson, conven- nt The Girl Guides ant Brown-1 or of the progrmm then took les were treateti to pop, cookies 1 charge andi led in the worship 3h apes attheir reguar'servie witii Tham*sgiving as th IeeigteTesday bel ore' the lJheme. Rey. fleed tiien ceHalwe.Ec patrol pres- taught us several o! thc les - ented soïne form o! entertaoin- faifiar hyin tunes with Paye le ment. Vice aceompanying gt fthc pi- AkelaBeitano. Bruce Taylor gave several T~he Cubs with keaBethmoo readig ad lay ie Snowden, helti a masquerade Yellowlees playeti a piano solo. at their meeting when several<Rreto inUcfrn !a Sprizes were given for coiiue'coietwacnuttibySn cowby ati ancytirra os~Miîhson andi lunch wasý serveti turnes. Some of the ph es1cuigUcscilhl er were won by Frank St. Pierre,dMi. ntiMs.ianlf otg. ,d Jackc Cunningham, Michael La- M.adM ra!oJhâ ,verty, Kenny Cryderman and ston (formerly Donna Vice) Randy Snowden. Judges were wcre honoured by frientis of Mr. Arthur Burgess anti Rcv.'th coommunity at a social ga- Haroldi Stainton. thcring ait the home o! the n Maple Grove e and' bride's parents, Mr. anti Mr. School Association helti their Caec ieo ensa annuel bazaar anti tea at theingt sc'hool on Saturday, Oc~t. 31.1 Harvey Yellowlees, as master There was a gooti crowd and 1 O! oeremonies, calleti the om- profits exoeeded $175.00. Ipany tr, order, and on lichai! o! Mis. Haroldi Watson was in th.ose assembleci extendeti best echarge o! the tea-roomn. Those wxshes for the future to Donno serving tea were Mis. Ceci anti Francis, who axe making Cullený, Mis. Roy Bothwell, Mai their home lin oui community. Bruce MacDonald, Mis. BertI Donna is active ini ail Sunday eBudai, Mis. Bob Barrabail, Mrs.J Scihool activities, is teacher cf W. O'neill -andi Mis. E. Dcbbs. the bcginnen's claisa andi a Those ini charge o! the candyi member of the choir anti Three table were Mis. Jim Getides and Ms group. As a token cf ap- Miis. O'ncill;fish pond, Mirs.p.reciation for her willing as- Wally Bot'hwell ant iMIrs. E. sistnce ini the comnunmty Stan Stephenson. Millson andi Ralph Davis pie- senteti themn witii glfts for There was home baking I their new home- a card table abundance. Mrs. Haroldi Cooney, anti chair set anti a hassock. Mirs. Cecil Burton, Mixs. Tom For these gilts the Young couple MéGuirk anti Mis. Gord Beech, werc in charge ;Sewing booth, voîceti their sincere thanks andi 'Mai. A. Sol, Mis. H. Windsor also expressed the tiesire to tic anti Mis. Douglas Bothwell. o! continueti assistance when- ver anti wherever -possible. For Mrs. Steve 'Doyle andi1Mis. th remainder o! the evening Phillip FInney were in charge wixile some playeti carda others o! the white elephant table; the enjoyeti aeeing moving pic- country store booth, Mrs. J. tures o! thc wcdtiing ant i on- Rose anti Mis. V. Slaunwhite.eyontpshw byMr The bazaar was very success- ray Vice. Lunch brought te a fui with ail items solti cxccpt close a pleasant evening. some sewing. Solina Sdiool hati an enjoy- Couples Club will meet et able Hallowe'en party, Friday Maple Grove Chunch on Thurs-1 night. The prizes were award- day evening (tonight), Nov. cd as fofllows - pre-school 5tih., chiltiren, Donna Wottcn anti MÀi Dean K-nox; Jr. room-Andrew Whitehead anti Jennifer Best. ~AIA Sr. room- Jean Baker anti Evening ~ kinson; couple- Joan West- W iII Cate to lake anti Sharon Spires. Games Lions Dinner Pat a edFiyngh NEWCASTLE - The Evening in thie sohool, gaily decorateti Branch o! the St. George'sWo- o the occasion. Prize winners man's Auxiliary met in the Par- were gypsy lady - Donnie ish 'hall on Wednesday, October Drew; ibest dresseti lady- Car- 28th fer their regular meeting. ol His; nurse- Peggy Darch. The opening prayers îee oi- The pupdis anti teacher hati lowe bythepreenttio ofre.charge o! gaines -andi a prograni powes by the prsndtionras well as the bazaar which e ertaries andti e ic tle hadarticles motie by thc pupils Melpers' Convenor. The Dor-fo sale. Lunch was serveti. cas secretary repertedtheUi pre- Bradley's Scihool 9lso lied paration cf a quilt. tIheir Haliowe'en party, Friday Club - nsg<ht, when prizes wcre wSr-iy The Liens Cu inrt John Hancock, Wendyr Nesbitt, which the Branch ha catcning ùi Laura Bowman, Erie Bowman, the Lions room, on November 5 iBrian Knox, D a v i d Miller, was discusseti anti e conixnittee Glenn Millson anti his mother, appointedti t make final ar- rangements. The Bazaar which Mra. Stan Millsoei, (as a cow) is being helti jointly with the Lois Ashton anti Mis. Ross Afternoon Auxiliary on Novera- Crydermani. Ah prc - school ber 27th was also discusseti et chiltiren receiveti prizes. some length. It was reporteti The new executive merribers that et a riecent meeting cf Uic are President- Mim. E. Cr3rder- Alternoon Branch, thc staîls et man; Vice-presidents - Stan the bazaar werc divideti be- anti Mary Millson; Secretary- tween Uic two Branches, with Mis. Munray Vice; assistant- thc fo.1lowing memibers of Uic Mis. Rosa Cryctorman; Treas- Evening, Branch being the corn- urer- Mrs. Percy Ncsbitt; Siék nuittee in charge o! the activi- conimittee- Bill endi Vi Ash- tics of their branch. Mesdames ton. The niext meeting will tic Irene Cunningham, Mary Gar- on November 20 with Mi. anti roti, Aresta Williams ant i WI- Mrs. E. Crydern-Èan, Conivenors dae slips ta. o! the programme. Follo'wing It was announceti the next recreation lunch was serveti. regular meeting o! thc Branch lIhe Explorera met Saturday would be held on November il, afternoon witii 8 girls andtihei andtihei meeting was brought leaders, Mms Bruce Tink andi to a conclusion with the serv- ?ms. Murray Vice present. Thie ing o! refneshmients. newly electeti officers arc Chie! Explorer- Jchan Westlake; Ke- eper o! tie Log- Wentiy Nes- '-IoumwLmawm IWJ. Convention ln Ibronto vii be given by Mrs. Reiph Davis. &Us. A. J. Baimo ras return- ed £rom Duncan, B.C. whiere she bas svent mie peat four moats wMt her daughter fleen (.Mis. Alan Taylor) her hus- band nd sono, Md"el and Kenny. à&. and Mms Jack Lge, RobNie and Janet, Bowman- ville Mrn. Mleta Blight Mmi A. Wray, Kedron; 3&. Jack BU:- ght, Sudbury, vislted at Mr. andi Mms Walter Parrinder's. Dr. George Werry andi Car- olyn, Oshawa, were Sunday tee guests with the Werry's at Roseleridvale. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry and faniily visited Saturday naght with Mr. and Mis. Noble Met- calf, Oshawa, who left Mon- dlay morning to spend the win- ter in Florida. Mi. and Mis. Robert Moese, Oshawa, were guests of hMr. and Mrs. C. Pascoe. Mr. Percy Sherman, Quebec; Mr. Duncan Brown of Shedden; Mr. E. Ormiston, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Orniis" nand family, Oshawa, were at Mr. and Mis. Tom Baker's andi Mr. J. Baker's. Mr. Melville Moynes, Lind- say; Mr. Donald Madili, Orillia, visited at MIY. -and Mirs. Isaac Hairdy's. Mr. aind Mrs. Robert Miller and family, ]Brougbiain, visitéd at John Knex's. ,Mr. Len Bradley, Bowman- ville, visited Mr. and bMis. Bruce Monitgomery. Mr. and Mis. Don Taylor, William andi Valerle were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mms. E. R. Taylor. MIr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Miss Jean Cryderian, George Bitituer, Mr. and Mis. E. Frei- tag andi sons, Oshiawa, were Sunday tea gucats of Mr. andi Mrs. E. Cryderrnm. Mr. and Mfrs. Bob Flett, Janie and 1Isobel, Columbus, were Sunclay tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman and chàldren. N. Wotten was a ýrecent guest o! Mrs. L. B. Willanis, Bawmanville. Ms. R. J. NIcKessock, Mr.' andi Mrs. Bryce Brown and chiltiren, Oshawa; Mis. Mvai- garet Chapmian, Mr. andi Mis. Perey Dewell and family, Hampton; Mms Linda Mutton Bowmaxuville, were guests o! Mi. andi Mis. Bruce Tink andi family on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. N. Fice, Mri. and Mis. Fred Dartnd ehfidren, Zion; Mr. Howard Westlake, Mmlbrook, v'isited Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. Mr. andi Mrs. Reg Lanti, Ka- thy andi Stephen, Bowrnanville; Mr. and bMrs. Harmold Avery, Ronald andi Sharon, Enifield, were vistitors with *Mr. andi Mms. Fruit Westlake, Jr. and family. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- ville, was a Saiturdiay visitor with b1,. andi Mrs. Bruce Tay- lor andi sons. Mi' eand Mrm. Bruce Taylor visited on Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Bil McHugh, Kedr>n. Mms. Thos. Flett, Columbus, w-as a* Sundtay guest of Mr. and hb7s. D. Flett andi fanuly. Mr. and Mai. Harry Knox and sons, visiteti on Sunday wvith Mi.nd Mrs. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer. Mir. anti Mrs. E. Spires vis- ited at Mi. John Law's, Thorn- hil andi Mr. andi Mrs. Keni Bent's, Oshawa. Mri. andi Mrs. E. Larmer, Blackstock, visiteti at T&. and MIrs. Harvey Yellowlees on Sundlay. Miss Pear!lel4-ach anti Mr. J. Civeil visiteti on Suiuday witii I&Mr.ud mms A. Yuongia and aura, Tyrane. Mr. and MMa Joe Snowden and Bruce were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and t mru. <2 Langmaid an& famfly. Recert callers or the Chas. langmaid's were Mim Audrey Goyne, Mma Flossie Goyne omd MmFr8.Ere Buec&Ier, Oshawa. Misa Florence Werry, Mms. Theron Mouatjoy, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Kyla Squair, Bowmanville, were.Sund.y tea guests of Mr. nid Ms. Roy Langmnaid. lgrs. Rae Pbscoe emd diOd- ren attelxled a Nrthdy party for Berry GIaspel et ZMon on Friday of lest week. Mrs. Qias. Smith, S&r.and Mrs. J. Dyer and Elimbetth, Mr. and Uni. A. Beevor and sons, Oshawa, were recent visitos of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and famnily. Sunday School next Suaday November 8, will be at 10 o'clock with churdi service at 11:15 o'clock. MIr. and Mrs. Sam Caris new home, north of Bradley's sehool is progressing rapidly. If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off aU your envies, jealousies, unfor- giveness, selfishness and fears. -Glenn Clark. 1ee.-Tme1 THAT Robson Motors Ltd. has garage equipment and a staff of mechanics te take care of any of your servicing 1probleins. Our staff of qualified mechanie uicludes specialists on: Nioter Tino-up if 70111 motor ln Iosint power, Iack- int pep ... we oan ive it mev 111e.I Automatic Transmissions Neoneed teoteany tuther. we have threa experts for automaties. Wheel Aligamoal - Drako Service Dody Rear Te meet the demani ve have added twe mei te- eur body staff Paint Shop Excelent paint taolltin Wbatever your necis may lie mecanleally we cma srve y«uand save Youm oney 1 Robson Mot ors Ltd. 166 King St. E MA 3-3321 He~psAdverfisers.,,~ p Through this man's-work ectàally, hes fot on our payroll, but titis auditor bel"o if to help you do a botter job. ~ife has been specially trained in the examinatiou of eircula tion records by the Audit Bureau of Circulation&* B objective findings tell us how well we are doing in the d tribution cf your sales messages. They keep us alert t.orme effective coverage oppomtumtie,, [He helps us to help you in another wayT-too. Hia flndingd are an inventory"o! oui' circulation audience--facts that Lhlpyoiuinvest your advertising money on a aound buui (Akto sSe a copy of oui' latent A.B.C. Audit Report thid lweek and let us show you how these facmca help you dG1 a better advertising job. frrhk mnwsppsle a mmchr cf fi. Audt BureacfOfreuldous, l monprofit, cooperative association 0f pubilhesa, ativethers, and ativer- tàaig agenas. urmcrculation je auditmt at regelai ntuSa by~ c.c.d A.IB.O. mirulafo.uditosm Md Othdr repOrto re to our advntaoeswfthout obllgstc.b F - fHyciro Runs Close to Line Foilowing Uic Orono Police Trustee meeting Oct. 2MtheUi OroexoHydro Commmisson held their regular mxeeting wlth the ChairmanEH.IM. Mercer, pre- sidlng.ý Accounts te thc amount cf $2,463.00 wcre passeti for pay- ment The cost o! power, the laigest amount in the accounts, totalledti te$1,347.43. The chair- man questioncdtheUi amount of $ 179.00 for Werkmen's Coimpen- setion to which tUic Manager, Mr. Dent, stateti that the Hydre hati te pay a high rate due te the nature o! Uic work. Mr. Dent ted out that the funds ava%?la at this time were rether low due t'o large capital expenditures during Uic year. It was also pointeti out that thc Orono Hydre hati investeti close te $1,800 in water heaters which are serving Hydro custemers on a rental basis. This represents 12 units. It was tiecide tot holti back payment of some o! Uic accounts until after the billing is receiv- cd at the endi o! thc montu. A special meeting o!f thc Commis- sion ha te be calleti early ia Uic How This Ne'Wspaper F - - p Alil Sizes A~ C LB. te mert the ,..d et 4 erdmwe toUe..N. Y. D. ~', Ail Churches and Banquets Enquire for Special Prices TOWNLINE TURKEY RANCH OSHAWA MEASURE TM LeAvAnTAW MrAgnmuAv- vtevwuàwww.?.i@ owtmjLwm - -HeýÊs Advertisers..., - C48 L 06 %, OP SERVICE ... MARK or INTEORITY RAndolph 54=

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