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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1959, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN -- ~ ~ ~ 4S~~L~J THURSDAY, NOV. 5th, 191 THt ~ANAflAN WPATU~~P*AW fltlWI*A UVYT T U ,' A U?~ 30 I' Farm Union News The eigIuUi annual Ferai Un- Ion Convention, hld in Mcm- criai Hall Ontario Agriculture! College, Guelph, Octobes 26th to 28th. proveal ta b. anc ai thec most serious Feri Union Conventions ta date. Discus- sions on resolutions was wide- àpreed andl tforaugh with max- imnumi dalegate participation. The meeting resolveal apprecia- tion ai Uic Federal Governinent cstablishing tue principal o! de- ficiency support price systeai and askcd for inclusion o! more farm products wital cost o! pro- dluction support levels. It cx- pressed disappointment sud censure of thc OfficielsoaithUi Ontario Hog Marketing Board, « tIe Ontario Poultsy Producersg anal Federation a! Agriculture1 in their betrayel ai the familyi sized farm, througî theis de-9 riunciatiou o! a defiency price1 support system.1 Ie meeting, although sup- 1 portinig tIe principal o! Pro- 1 ducer controlled compulsoryt marketing boards, laelled tIe Hog Marketing Board selling agency es being ineffective and Inefficienat and. called for flue elimination af the present hog marketing board. An early ple- biscit. will be sought, Special speakers included Ms. A. H. TumresfaitUi Prices Sta- bilization Board, Mr. Rudy Us- ick, President Manuitoba Form- er' Union andl Mss. Beatrice Trew, Wocnen's Presidenit, Sas- s katchewan Farmers' Union. JV Presidenit Gordon L. Hil! lis- E ted a number a! Ontieria Farinub: Union schieveme nt s accon- i plisheal during the. past yees, ONEFIEE SELF-STODING STORM WINDGW TO 0EVERYGNE Who buys a self -storlng storm door NOWI We maire this effertot Illustrate our confidence la eut wonderful products. SAVE OVER $20.00 by csuling COLONIAL Homte Improvements 134 Slmeoe St. S., RA 8-8571 r.a fi tr 22 ar 30 fo a su i chie! ai wbicb was the Paierai Governaient lcgisletion for in.- crcascd compensation ta farrn- crs who hed livestock destroyed as a rcsult a! rebies. A volun- tai-y requisition methoal o! col- lection o! ducs was elsa grant- cd by the Provincial Govcrn- ment. The President remindeal the members that Uic Fedieral Governmcnt's dc!iciency sup- port prograrn, although flot up ta Union recommendetions wes solely a Farm Union policy sud achievemcnt. Off icers elcteal were as follows: Hon. Piresi- dents, Mss. Gea. Prosser, Nes- tîct on; Ms. George Sutluerland, Ohatsworth andl A. V. Cormack, Parry Soundl. President, Gar- don L. Hill, Varna; ist Vice Pres. Edrwin Marden, River- vicw; 2nd Vice Pres. J. Frank Gam-ble, Chatsworth; Women's Pres. Mss. H. Hopkins, Fene- bon Falls, iornenis Vice Pies. Mis. A. Parker, Roscneatb; Jr. Pres. Kcnueth Marisett, Pic- ton. ýOverseas Mai Must Be Poste< il By Dec. 'I2th Christmuas mail ta Canadia, servicemen in Europe anal th Mviddle East must be mailed b: December 12 ta ensure delivcî by Christmas, the defence de paatment announoed at, Ottawî This epplies ta both ordinar ad airmail, sunce all first-clas mail now is airlifted ta Europ and Egypt by tlirice-week]ý flights. In Uic case o! Christmas par 'els with ordinary postage, the3 must b. mailcd ta reach Mon. tra not later flan Novemrbei 22. Air paroel post must sea Nfontrel by December 10). Final ai-mail date for lutterà and pai-cels ta Canadian service uen in Indochina is Novembei W. There elso will be an RCAJ 'Sauta special"I fligbt there be. lre Christmnas for mail and ýarcels aveilable only ta tIein. nediate ncxt-of-kin af members )f tIc international truce .zpervisory commission. ICanadian suie o! the Cana- Idian way of business lice is to produce what consumers want at pricesconsumers wiil pay. On-y ltenaiveisbankruptcy. Wedding Inviw-tions Therio.engraved (208181) LETRING) Wedding and engagement announcements, birth announci> urents, confirmation invitations, golden and ailver anniversaqy announcements, etc. Thermo-engraving Il (RAISE» LMERING> 1,ooksa nd feesUlm ii.the. finest band engraving. Tii. fettmr have au elégance and andividuality ooly the es Za" ean a. #ravinsun aMatch., Thermo-engraving (RAISEuLETTEiNO> Costs about hIaîf as much am h.nd em nù& because fiuit"ia et.. tiecopper plate that malces han engravingaoexpSsiv. AND 1143S liADY wITHIN THE WEEK 0f course you eun order malching enclosure carda, reception, response, thank you and at home carda, etc. Select frais our giant catalogue of flawlessly correct papera. Il distinctive styles of lettcring. Weddinga priced as low as 50 for $9.00 and 100 for $13.%0 cou- plet. with do" l avelopes and tisaums AVAILABLE AT ~0a-MM UT an ue le- ra. Ly r- y I- Dh ro KENDAL A nunuber from, bere attendec tIc funerel service a! Alberi Moi-ton, Saturday, in Oron< United Churcu. Sympathy is ex. tendcd to Mss. Moi-ton, theù son Dick end deaugîter Adele (Mss. McGi1-l> and brother George. Ms. and Mrss. Gardon Lang- staff and Ms. and Mss. Arial Langstaff were ta Peterborough Suuday niglut ta sec Delbert Langstaff who is in luospital su!fering from injuries receiv- cd in a cas accident. Ms. Cecil Glass returned borne from Mémnorial Hospital Tuesday ai lest week. Vie hope he will soon be feeling better agaîn. Ms. and Mss. Bob Youngman and family were guests ai Ms. and Mis. Barrabail, Courtice, Sundey. Mi. nd tMss. Arthur Grant, Uxbridgc, spent a couple of days with Mss. Win. Mercer. mhe Kendal W.I. met Thurs- day cvening at the home o! president, Mss. Manders. The district presîdent, Mss. Wise- man, was guest speaker. Mi. and Mss. Carl Lengstaii and Debbie, visited, in Toronto Sunday with lies sister, Mss. Bey Moore, and brought Linda home witu tîem. Guests with Ms. and Mss. Gardon Langstaff, Sunday, wcre Mr. and Mis. Aria! Lang- staff, Miss Ruth Jackson, R.N. andl Allen Irwin. Mi. sud Mss. Paul Mercer spenit a icw days witb ber par- ents, Mr. and Mis. F. Warren. Mss. Boy Mercer, Mss. Mary Luxon andl Mss. W. Mesces ýweseý dinner guests Sunday cven-ing with Ms. sud Mss. Hasry Mercer, Meny frani Kendal enjoyed the fine turkey supper and con.- cert at Sluiloh, Wedncsday even- ing. Folks casatof Kendai are be- I ginuing ta wonder if they aec going ta have the same nuud Loles andl impassable roads ta coutcud with which-they hadi Lait fal and spring. Little bas been donc on this section o! th. road this yeaso 0fer. Alec Littlc, Toronto, visited -C. 1ýYa44&lt,£, OAL.U. -uesaay, J.ovemer ~ I1I a 7:3 -Mrs. Clarence Thertell Is Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blanchardpm.CIA CoprtrInu -h'orne again after spending a were recent visitors witih Mr. anc AooDram, Os nr d couple of weeks in Memorial; and -Mrs. Ed. Ruthven, et Wel- tario, Victoria Counties-agents - Hospital. corne, meeting. Board Room, Ontario Miany of the General Motors 1 Mr. W. G. Tcwle, Detroit, Departrnent of Agriculture. e eiplo.vees have been laid off al- Michigan, spent a few days last King Street East, Bowxnanville. ready. Eddie Couroux left Tues-: week with "i sister-in-lawI, Thursday, November l2th - day rnarning for a deer-hunting Mrss. R. J. Hodgson and Mr. Livestock Judging Competition, trip with his father and brothi- Hodgson. Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. -er-in-law, in the Cache Bay iMs. and Mis. Everett Mount- Friday, November l3th - ;o district. pJoy of Oshawa, were Sunday Hamupton Wornen's Institute Ba- Lt Hallowe'en passed off with visitors at Merwin Mountjoy's. zaar-United Churoh Sunday rcomparative quiet in Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Reynolds, School Boomn, Hamnpton,--7:3C rThere was a vast array o! cîves, Toronto, visited bis sister, Miss p.m goblins and such, parading frorn Lulu Reynolds last week. odyNvebr1t,:0 bouse ta bouse in searcli of fun Miss Elva Orchard and Mr. pMondua4Novembe Gt,C and treats. Some windows the Dick Clark, Bowmanvllle, were p.m.-Duatnme4-HiSg.epntario next morn .showed weird Friday visitors at Sam Deweil's. Depertment of Agriculture, soap =akns The school age . and Mss. Merwin Mount- Board Boom, 3 King Street group gathered at Mrs. Eddie joy attended the funeral af Mr.Eat. ARl young people interest- Couroux's for a Halloween Albert Heaslip of Janetviile, in cd ihould plan to attend. Age pa.rty while the seniors gather- Lindsay on Monday. 12 ta 20 inclusive. ed at Harvey Farrows for a stag Mr. and Mrs. Allan Parker, Thursday, November l9th - Party in honour of Allen Irwin, Toronto, visited Miss Louise Queens Guinea Class, Royal gro)om-to-be next Saturday. He Goodmian on Wednesday. The Winter Fair. wae presented with a fine sisters celebrated their bitth.. Fr.iday, Novemnber 2th-Dur- îamp.days together. . ham County Junior Farmer l I. MeergM. and Mrs. Oliver Hub- Dance, Newcastle Hall. Dance Wh.KndL MensIsi bard, Oshawa, visited at the ta Jim Fishers Orchestra. The KndalWome's Isti-home af Mrs. Luther Allun afld November 24th and 25th tut. met at the home o! presi- family on Saturday. MT,(. and Regianal Conference. Ontario dent Mrs. Martin Manders on Mis. Gordon Wakely, Ernie, Depaxrtment o! Extension Staff. Thursday. night, October 29th. Catharine and John, Toronto, Ontario Goverrnent Building, The meeting was opened by the visited lier sister, Mrs. Allin, Lindsay, Ontario. singing of the Institute Ode andI on Sunday. November 25Vh - DurhOa repeating the Mary Stewarti Miss Elva Orchard and Mr. County Junior Farmer meeting, Collect. IDick Clark, Bowrnanville, visit- Orono Town Hall, 8:30 p.m. The ralllceau was "Vihat do cd at Sam Dewell's on Friday. Thursday, November 26th, you think?$" when cach member Mis. Elnier Wilbur and Mrs. 8:00 p.m.-Durham CountY Jun- read a paragraph on agriculture Samn Dewell were arnong those ior Award Night ini the Orono and a discussion followed. One who were entertaiiqed at the Town Hall, Orono. paragraph remarked that a far- home of Mis. L. B. Williams, Saturday, Noveniber 28th - mer had ta be an organizer, be Bowmanville, an Wednesday. Federation o! Agriculture, Ban- a mechanic, carpenter, keep his Mr. and Mis. Hosken SmithqutadAnlMeigNo machines in working order and and Mi. and Mss. Lorenzo Trull inuet an nnal MeigNo at turnes b. a veterinarian. It were recent dinner guests o!fnCvnHl. was thought that city people Mr. and Mss. Hariand Trull, did not realize how rnuch work Bowrnanville. gees inta the raising and grow- Arnong those who attende&, STARK VILLE ing of which they handie and the W.M.S. Rally et Ebenezer consume. last wcek were Mss. Lorenzo Mr. and Mss. Llew Hallowdll The sending o! woollens for Truil, Mis. F. J. Reed, Mrs. A. wcre dunnes guests Suniday blankets was discussed and it L. Blanchard, Mss. Theron witti Mr.and Mrs. Austin was stated that the money for Mountjoy, Mrs. K. Caverly, Miss Turner, Newcastle. blanicets must be received nt Flarence Werry, Mrs. Harold Mr.anid lMrs. McCarty, Nia- the sarne time as the woollens, Salter, Mrs. Laverne Clemens, gara Falls, spenit a few days ini order ta have the moncy on Mrs. Hosken Smith and Mrs. last week with Mr. and Mrs. hend when tbe1 blankets are re- M. Mountjoy. 'Lame Tkodd. ceived. The suin o! $5.00 was Miss Betty Kellars pent the. Many attended the hot tur- voted for the Institute for the weekend at ber homne at Marys- key supper at S4iloh last weck Blind and $15.00 for the chusch. ville. wliich was most gratifying to The convener for agriculture, Miss Joan Peel visited ber thc ladies of the W.A. A fine Mrs. Jack Stapleton, asked thc father in Oshawa, who is ill, prga. olwd n a president ta introduce the guest' and also visited iriends in Pc- gram follwciaed ad e speaker, Mss. Wisemian af Bow- terboro during the weekcnd. gat of apprecia eopen manville, who is the new dis-1 The Explorers group enjoyed A rUl>a an pol n trict president. Mss. Wiseman a Halloween party and mas- iayed a porty, Friday everdng spake on agriculture and gave quesade in thue ncwr Sunday a't Miss Gloria Quantrill's Eliza- a very interesting talk, stating School hall on Wedn.xw'day bethviile. that the farmer had ta learn cvening a! last week. 'T'e' e on tM,.san XholB.ldey aTors. from earliest tinues to under-1 tertaincd thc sebool boys of no.!ethldasa r stand the soil, prepare it and Grades 4, 5 and 6. The piyLodHlodla learn ta grow bis food. Next began with ail ioining i a q&. and Mrs. Hatrold Cas- ycar, the speaker said, was the s'mg sang ater whlch Mrss well, Mon, and Mr. and Mra. Gth anniversary o! the WestClarence Yeo presented en n-~Bian Ceswell and iamily were Durham District Institutes. Vie' teresting story; following this Saturday evenlng dlzmer guests were told how ta plant a good ail entered into gaines and< at Msr. Llew Halloweil's. Institut. garden. In rows o! stunts a! various kinds; lundh A iitiiber of relatives and! peas would be prom.ptness, per-. was sesved later. M-ru. Keith frienids plesantly surprise d severance, purity, preparation Smith, their leader, was in Mr.anid Mss. Bert Trim at their and presence. In thc squash charge o! the affair amdsted by home Sunday at a turkey dân- rows would b. squash gassip, -Mss. Clarence Yeo and Mss. nr in honaur o! their 25th indîfference, criticisin, uniriend- Gerald Balson, Miss Joan Peel wedding affliversasy. liness, selfishness. In rows o! and Miss Betty Kellar acted Mrs. Spileben, Toronto, vis- lettuce would b. let us obey as judgcs for the masquerade ited Mrs. Victor Farrow. sules and regulations, be truceand costumes. A happy tine Mss. Lavwrence Jamie s o n ta obligations, faithful for duty, was spent together. The soom visited Misn Alice Hailowel loyal and unselfish and love one was appropriately end neatly last week, prios to ber return another. In the. turnip rows wc decorated for the occasion. ta Fiorida.1 of a the churcli ta see about hav- ing boys' and girls' clubs form- led in coninection with he UiUn- ted Church. On Tuesday cvcuuang thec 4-H c lub met at Mss. M. McAllis- 0ter's home. The girls made a f ish escallope whidh wasen i .r oyed by aIl. The. next meet- Sig tai be Nov. 6 at Mrs. Thick- r son's home. On Wcdnesday severailu ich .community enjoyed the fowl ýsupaper at Siioh. 1 On Wednesdayevening Miss C. Mercer, Mss. Tlickson, Mss. ~Sheppard and Mis. Peacock attended Garden Hill's W.M.S. 1Thank-offering. Mss. S. J. Gray Mss. Gardthemeeingr assistai I onue MUic meeingr and Mss. rinfthe devotional part ai Uic Imeeting. Mss. M. Crus. and 1 Mss. N. Gardiner rendcred two musical num&uers. Ms. Bey Gray ran the. film "I Sing Not Ctry" taken in Africa. A dkainty lunch was served by the ladies. The children enjoyed Hallow- c'en parties et school on ffl- day. The usuel hand-outs were a mnust on Saturday evcning when about 25 cellers were looking for hand-outs. Ms. and Mss. E. Elliott, Osh- 1 awa, spenit the wcekend et Quantrilis' kecping bouse while Mr. and Mss. Quantrili spent the weekend at hus sisters, Mrs. Holden anal Ms. Holdens borne et Gueplu. Ms. E. Fowler, Mss. G. Fow- les and Ms. A. Sheppard spenit Sunday witiu M. aud Mss, W. P owlcr, Peterborough. M. Thickson wes called into work at 5 e.m. Moanday due ta a tree ecross Uic C.N.R. tracks. The faimily living in the bouse that uscd ta beloug ta Mercers moved out an Sat- urday. Miss Donne Kebecky, Hamn- ilton, and friend spent thie weckcnd with Mr. anid Mss. Wooiacott. Everyone is qbusy getting ready for tIe supper on Wcd nescbay cvcming. HAMPTON "Broadenii 0f Ont. h Socia aiRegist Space to Bol Montreal, October 28-Bow- manville will have one-eighth o! a Page lu the forthcoming cdition af the Social Registes o! Canada, the same amount as lu the first edition. However, flue nusbes ai bocal citizens se- cognized by Socicty's Blue Book is fewer by nine names. The disparity was reparted today by the Social Begistes of Canada Association wluich says that biographical information in the volume due to be pub- lisheal this month is more co-- plet. then ever. lt- includes flue names and edd.resses o! mcem- bers' children as well as men- tion o! alternative residences. This accounts for tue book be- ing larges. Agricultural Calendar Tbussday, November 6 th, 8:00 p.nL-Durham Federation o! Agriculture, mantuly disec- tor's meeting et fthe home o! Mr. and Mss. Leslie Pritchard, Cavan. Saturday, November 7th - Durham County Junior Fariner Association dance, Newcastle Conununity Hall. Dancing 8-.30 p.m. ta 12:00 ta, Jinu Fisher's Or- chestre. Monday, Noveniber Oth - 7:00 p.m-Durham 4-H Agri- ,cultural Club Leaders banquet and, fall planning meeting, et the Acres Restaurant. ts At More th-ai Of industry ernment ga ough Wedr for the one Municipal1 of the Lekl ment Assoc press Hotel, area attend, The confi by Alderrm Beileville, of Mayor J1 bourg, who tend throug Delegates 30 cornmuni tario were conference The Great Barrier IBeef lies off thue northcast coast o! Aus- tralie. It is like a long, irregu- ler wall, 300 ta 500 icet. high. It is 1,200 miles long, equal to the distance fromn Maine to Florida. Only amali parts of the reet show abave the sur- face of tIc oceen. The rec! provides a protected charmai for ships sailing fromn Brisbane to Cape York. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTSI Seturday, Navember 28th, 10:30 a.m. - Durhamu County Holstein Club Annuel Meeting, Ontario Dcpartment o! Agri- culture, Bowmanvi!le. Wedncsday, December 2nd - Durhuam 500 Bushel Poteto Club Bus Trip ta Bradfosd sud AI- liston. Fere $2.50. Contact - Ontario Deparirnent o! Agricul- ture, Bowmanville, Debbert Oban, Millbrook and Chas. Vies- therilt, Betîauy for further in- formation. Friday, Decembes 4th-An.> nuail Banquet, Durhamu Couuty Holstein Club. Set urday, Decembes 5th - Durhamn County Junior Farmer Dance, Newcastle Connnunity Hall. Dancing frorn 8:30 ta 12:00 ta Jini Fisluer's Orchestra. Tuesday, January 12th -An- nual Meeting, Durhamn County Soi! sud Crop Improvernent As- sociat ion. January 27th ta 30t1.-An- nual Ontario Soi! anal Crop Ini- pravemnent Association Conven- would fInd, turri up for meet- ings with a arnile, with new ideas, uew members and deter- C o m m u n ifies R ep resen ted mntoMs oe «M" to Uic meeting. LODA Meetng ast eekwould be laving rom Port Hopeason Noemccd thatoa bue tn 30 sepresentatives Loucks o! Petcrboroilg. Central Bridge Comipany, Tren- Hoe on Nvemo be5hefor ic and municipal gov- Conference chairmLan O. W. ton; John W. Miller, president,~'aCneto ab edi thered in Peterbos- Larry, clerk-trcasurcs of Tren- of Miller, Naisnuth Limited;. theBoyal York Hotel in To- nesday, October 28, ton,. outlincd the purpose a! the professional consuîting engin- ronto. Each member contribut- eday Industrial and conference, which was ta cie- cors, Toronto: Frank Pope, gen- cd a eussent event and an in- Relations conference ae a climat. in -tue Lake On- erai superintendent of VWest- tcrestiug discussion was enjoy- e Ontario Develop- tario Development region con- cdox Canada Limited, Peterbor- e, ciation, at the Em- ducive ta, a bettes undcrstand- o6gh; Leonard T. Sylvester, IThe presldent, thanked Uic 1Severai fromn this ing, between industry and chairman aof thc boasd o! Mat- seaker* for ber thoughtful and ed. municipal govcrnrncnt. bews Conveyor Company Ltd., înteresting address. The meet-I Mayer Mi Following a talk by W. H. Port Hope, and Bryan 'Fines,:m closed witiu the singing af Ference was opened Evans, president of the Cana- personnel manages ai Bata 'God Save thc Qucen and a so-1 Lan Jack Ireland of dian Menufecturers Associa- Sboe o! Canada Limited, Bata- cial time was enjayed during who taok the place tion, on "Vihat Industsy Ex- wa. 4 !efresbmenjta. rD. Burnet af Ca- pects from a Cornmunity,"' a Reeve Read Budge repliei on ewas unable toaet- panel discussion was conduet- "What a Commtunity Expects gh illness. cd by E. L. Littlejohn, assist- frorn Industry," and a panel EIA ETT TT from more then ant ta the president o! Visking discussion on the topie was op- I ZABET 14L11LE wtesinomdEas the T- o. indpaey. sitda Jsp ent ai theor ing C ebr O Mne eeig t wtescme lu E th epaelru On-sCo.,ofinosayh endofyteoBrghtong, pmri- Jyee gamet by Mayas Donald, Langan, geucrai manages ai tic oi Commerce.-Examizner. ing vinshcld in the basement ~SPA~V~T kI *~NPL SW<tSTR SSERVICE j Where Your ... RECREATION ROOM Begins! That wasted space in yous base- ment can ho inexpensivcly and easily converted into a cosy recreation room, den, hedroom os playroom. Start now and have it ready for the cooler weather. For The Do-Ii-Yourselfer Yes! Oshawa Wood Products Are Conducting Another Free Instruction ai Course ois Recreation Room Building DONT BE19DISAPPOINTED , , a ENIOLL 10W1 To ho held on 3 consecutive Monday eeingicomumneag o« November 9th at 7 o'clock in our Courtice Showrom. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. 9 Telephkonu e oServe Ton Downtown Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH-BA 8-1617 BOWMANVILLE.-MJ,3.2130 Min Office andi Showroom COURTICEJ-KA 8-1611 * DOWXqTOWN OFFIC OPEN FRMAT TILL 9:00 P.DK * "Broadening Horizons" was the.- theme of the annual Con- vention of the Ontario Hospi- tal Association Convention held at the Royal York Hotel, Toron- ta, on Oct. 26, 27 end 28. Those who attended the ses- sions of the convention from Bowmanville were: Ivan Hobbs, chairnian of the Board of Di- rectors of Memorial Hospital, IHarry V. Cryderman, chairman of the building comrnittee; Mrs. [Bruce Mutton, a member of the board and president of the Vie- mens' Hospital Auxiliary, Mrs. George Young and Mrs. Wesley Cawker, delegates from the Wornen's Hospital Auxiiary, Stanley Wilkins, administrator of Memorial Hospital, Mrs. Marjorie Morrison, the director of nursing, Mrs.. Thelma Beer- thuizen, the operating roorn su- perintendent, Mis. Catherine Ormiston, day nursing super- visor, Dennis Pickard, manager of the hospital's laundry, Mrs. Ruth Cully and Mrs. May Pick- ard, members of the office staff. The Hon Matthew B. Dy- 'ng Horizons" #T berne os pifai- Convention mond, M.D., Minister ai Health - for Ontario, oificially opened the convention and addrcssed LONG SAULTa the delegates. Mss. Ailan B. Sylvester, Bow- Mis. J. Johnston, Mis. Rae manville, was appointcd anc of Osborne and Alvin Jolinston! the officiai hostesses for thec spent tihe weekcnd with Mss. convention. She elso acted as a. Johnsltans sister at Renfrew. bostcss at thc Ontario Hospital Wcekend visitors at fthe Jëhn- Association Convention lu To- stan home were Mi. and Mss. routo last yeas. Freemantie, Toronto, and Mr. The extensive pragrani dur- and Mss. Woodlock and Ms. and ing the sessions o! the. conven- Mss. Nobie, Scarborough., tion caverai every aspect of Mss. Hazel Cornisb, Ms. Jack hospitel administration and pa- Cornisli, Miss Helen White and tient care. Among the. high- Master Viade Penwarden wcre lights were a symposium on Sunday supper guests ai Ms. "Looking ta ftic Patient's Fu- and Mrs. Bobt. Cameron. turc," and a speech by Dr. E. Mr. and Mrs. Lycett, Oshawa, G. D. Murray, O.B.E., M.A., o! were Sundiay guests and, Bon the Depertrnent o! Medicai Re- Stephensn and Don Le. werc searob University o! Western Sunday evening visitais af Ms.1 Ontario, London, on "A Sta.. andl Mis. Wm. Cars.1 phylococcus Contrai Program!", Mi. and Miss. Robt. Cook,1 and the address o! A. L. Flemu- Courtice, were Sundlay visitorsE ing, Q.C., Toronto on "The. Le- af Mrs. A. J. McLagglan sd 'gai Aspects o! Hospital Adinin- family. istratian". There was also a :rs BdohsoanlJn wonderful display o! exhibits speBertUJchnsokcnd J Geapn including pharmaceuticel, m-Ms. and Mrs. Gien Pugsley dical, and baspitai equipmcnt. and Dae rne n r Norman Davis, Taunton, werc uday supper guests of Mr. er Devotessu e, Ms. and Mrs. Lorne Hudson, w r n f l e * iîîbrook were Sunday get leo! Mr. and Mss. Eari ewad Members of the Social Regis- MreJonLure Mr. and r.JhLaen, tes o! Canada Association, those Miss Sandra Gibson and Mr. who were nomineted lest year Norman Davis were Sunday and who wcre able -ta acquise supper guests o! Mi; and Ms.s. the volume, prompted the Winu. Cars. Mi. and Mss. Wm. ' move, admit the publishers. CMIr7 and Brendia wcsc Sun-t "Claimants o! dubiaus titles, day dinnes guests o! Mr. and1 members o! undistinguished Mis. Herb Canueron.e clubs, persans polîtically indis- M. andl Mss. Bobt. Cameron creet, in short red-bloods mas- andl iamily wcse Sunday dan.- qucradrng as blue' arc amang ner guestis o! Mr. andl Mrs. I those omnittcd from this cdi- Herb. Cameron.V lion. Mss. Win. Carr aud Brende Covering ail feu provinces, were Thursdiay supper guests the Social Register gives separ- at the R. Canuernns. ate sections ta their major ci- ies and to their non-metrapol- itan arcas as well. Respected ci- WESLEYVILLE tizens o!fsmaller communities are listed according ta province. -____ .-2 Sunday service was with- drarwu lure on the i-st Sun- iday of the month that worship- pers nuiglut join with Zion in Cn i h, I their anniversarv 'The choir) from here provided thie spec- il music- with Mrs. Ken Diin mer taking the solo part inox0 of the two antherns and Mrsý' Carroll Nidiols sang a so o. Mrs. Allan Clark was unable ta be present because of a pTe- vious comrnittmenL with ber, group of Rangers in Port Hope. Saturday night's Hallowe'en doing provided the neighbours with the usual group o! callers garbed in weird and wonder- fui disguises. O! late years tihis night of fun leaves- folk watch- ing fearfully in the morning, ta assess the dCarnage, but nu-, thing serious was amflss in this, lacality, although mail boxes- suffered not far away. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- clough attended the funeral of Mr. Albert Morton in Oro-noý on Saturday. Arniold and Harold Austi-, and Edgar Barrowclough lef t on Frid-ay afternoon for the' fail hunt in the Sudbury dis- trict Mr. and Mis Don McColl aind- baby son Andrew Duncan of Don Mills, spent the weekend'- with Mr. and Mrs. Reevýepd' NIrs. McColl and baby rrah ed here this week. Mrs. E. Barrowlough return- ed on Thursdiay morning after spending a week with her bro- thers in Marvelville. Public Meeti ng' Planned by ýCivil Servants The Area Joint Action Corn. mittee of the Civil Service As.. sociations of Canada, which was formed last week ta pro- test the freezing of civil ser- vants salaries, met on Friday evening. As a resuit plans are goingý forward to hold a public m 'as s meeting as soon as possible te which, speakers from. Ottawa and the local district wiil be invited to air their views. FAIM SERVICE DEAD, OLD and CRIPPLED FARM STOCK' Removed Free of Charge Immediate 24-Hr. Service ASK TOUR OPERATOR FOR ZEnith 66550 No Toli Charge Nlck Peconi - Peterborough N irk>m m il PAGE SIXTEM TEE CARADMif STATESMAx- nnwigAmvTrirAt rnmAimin Ar À-aw

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