THURSDAY, NOV. 5th, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STATESMMI. BOwiiEAUY1Y.T2U OUTAUTfl Rotarians Impressed by 1 -An lnterestlng tour o! the Premnises followed the luncheon meeting o! the Bowmanvilll Iot« Clubbeldat the Ontario TmSin 9 School for Boys, Con- cession Street on Oct. 23. The president, George Vice, presid. ed at the luncheon meeting. .Forty-six members of the club enJoyed the delicious and well served meal which was the same as haci been providcd for the boys o! the achool. Guests Present wcre Rotarians Jack Brown, The Pas, Manitoba; Nor- mnan Sisce, Ken Markle, John Geikie, and AI Reid, Oshiawa; u"s George Stephen, Bowman- ville, a gucst o! Water DeGeer, and Howard Vice, Oshawa, bro- ther of the president of the club, George Vice. Following the luncheon Mr. Vice turneci Uic chair over to John Merrison, a member o! the club, who is the superintendent of the Ontario Training Sohool for ys here. Mmr. Morrison îolChe members somiething o! the work o! rehabilitation donc by thc institution. . The tour o! the Training School by Uic local Rotarians was cenducteci by 1%&. Morri- son.. They saw the six class- roems where Grades 1 te 10 are t.aught by six teachers, alse the six houses where the boys live under th1e supervision o! a bouse master in each, and his asslistants. There are 48 mem- bers o! the house supervisory staff at the school. The Vocational Work Shops were also shown te 1the Rotar- lans by Mr. Morrison. In the eight shops leather working, painting, machine shop work, carpentry, horticulture, andi sheet metai work, are taught. The boys are aise given an op- portunity te learn dining hall work under the supervision o! the cooks, 'and laundry work. The Vocational Shops make it possible for the boys to acquire skill at a trade during their tay at the school. There are six cook.s, three mnen and three wemen, on thc staff!. The Rotarians were intereated in inspecting th1e spotiessiy cdean kitchens, pan- tries and spacieus dining hall. They were aise impresseci by the faiities offereci in the gymnasium where there are two ful l ime instructors, who aise teach swiniming in th1e fine large swimming pool. Every boy learns te swim 18 lengths o! thc pool. The well cquipped hospital quarters were also viewed by th1e members o! the Rotary Club. Minom illnesses are careci for there by three Registered Nurses. There Ia aise a modern dental centre. The Training School ias a part turne dentist, doctor, and psychiatrist. The local Rotarians were par- ticularly interested In the Guid- ance Centre where the boys reccive tests andi expert adice from th1e specially traineci staff. They aise visited th1e sohool farta and up-to-date bars. There are 110 on the staff o! the Ontario Training School fer Boys here. When th1e Ro- 1 M'E THI SAY LECTRIC iLTD. CONTRACTM nmRs RE-FRIGERATION - ELECTRIC )dOM SALES - SERVICE T.V-RAIDIO-APPLIANCES BTS Faciliti Citizen s are Urged To Give More Blood Residents a! Bowmanvile, IMr. Robert H. Streui, 01 Courtice sud Darlinglon who Clinie Cixirman announe were unabie to support t11e day, te equip th1e Oshawa1 Bewmanville Blooci Douer Clin- with 1the fastest, mast1 le ycsterclay will have an op- sud efficient technicians portunity te jain their other equipment lu order te publlc-spiited citizens by don- Uic giving o! blooci as pa ating their blood. at Uic Oshawa as possible sud wiUi a mi Bcd Cross Blooci Donor Ciinic of dclay. oçemating today aI Saint Gre- Because o! Uic consisteni gory's Auditoriumi on Simcceume te rcacihUic month-ly Street North. o! 400 pints, Red Cross ofl Bloaci donatec aI 111e Bew- ame hoPeful that & trend tt mnville sud Oshawa Clinies is over 300 donations a z coilecteci sud distributeci by 1the whichdevelopec InluSepte samne ares depot lu Toronto, se sud October will continue that those citizens who over- eventualiy leaci toward an looked thia important civic duly age o! 400 pints a nionià yestemday can edecm 111dm Oshawa-. sense o! community pride at Special transportation ta Uic Oshawa Clinlc. frein th1e Clinic has aise The Clinie hours in Oshawa arangeci by Uic Oshawa arc fom 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. ad Cross Clinlc Committee from. 6:00 te -9:00 phone co eilte cSociety' fices at RAndolph 3-2933 Special arrangements have lu mail cases be sufficlez been made with 1the provincial arrange for this no-charge heaciquarters o!f1the Bed Cross, vice for volunteer donors. tari-ans visited the gymnasiuni on Friday, Mr. Morrison, th1e su- perintendent of the school toid themn that the school Cadet Corps trains there every Thurs- day and Friday evening. There are four cadet officers on the school staff, w-ho are assisted by civilian instructors, he said. He pointed out that there are four platoons in th1e Cadet Corps, andi that they compete wlth each other every year for th1e Colonel Basher Trophy. Following th1e extensive tour o! the Training Schooi, Mr. Vice, president o! the local Ro- tary Club, moved a vote of thanks te Mr. Morrison. He ex- pmessed appreciation of the couducteci tour and o!f1the in- sight Mm. Morrison haci given th1e Rotarians into the work car. mieci ou there for the boys. One Editor Appreciated Sometimes editors arc appre- ciated. Recently a Manitoba editor was presenteci witha handsome bouquet o! flowers by his fellow citizens. 'Oh thal occasion a quartette sang and a clergyman gave a little talk. Six hefty men li!ted 1the editar on 111dm shoulders and put hini lu a latest model sedan, and th1e whole towu formed a pa- rade iu his honour. The appre- ciative crowd returneci homne serene lu the thought o! having prevideci anc brîght day for tixcir beloved newa purveyom. Inci-dentslly, il might be nmen- tioneci that Uic editer was dead.-Lillooet - Bridge River (B.C.) News. In fhe Edifor's Mail Don Milis, Ontario, Octeber 28111, 1959. TheEditor, Csuadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Ontario. Dear Sir: We werc very picaseci te note that your paper drew attention ta th1e illegal shooting o! hawks andi the penalties incurreci for such irresponsible action. Il is oniy in the past decade or se that govemument bodies have seen fit te put hawks and owls on the protecteci list, foi- lewing continuai pressure by naturalists, recognisîng 1the mole that these birds play lu Uic world o! nature. Your report says that 111e shet hawk, was rgigrating 'nerth- ward'. This should lu tact be 'southward'. Ontario wltnesses one of 111e spectacles o! uitIle equal each fail when the hawks anci other migrants make their way te 111e wiutering grounds in th1e South. Yours sincerely, David B. Webster, Managing Director, Federation of Ontario Naturalists. 1You man te say- luitl3-a-day .nay nnad buekache away!" gdlLcatoo1 Yeu su e inoramaljob of die is o remoye etceu awastesanmd acidas' -se ofhu <lhe cause of baekache-Eronî the system. Dodd'a Kldney Pfla stinîulate the kkiejsin lu iis fuixim and so nuay bring you" tt om elefd's- m <.baudbowiht. e dybavd.e m th eoinerylief t oadYu bekaee av m a -n te " box l ith3-a-ea. You a nd6 SATURDAY EXCURSIONS t. TORON TO Good eong and retvnihsg soue Saturday only. ECUO M A"Mis Belleville . $465 b@wmanvill. . $1.05 Cobourg .. Pouf Hope. 2.90 2.65 Oshawa . . . 1.40 Whtby . . . . 1.25 Con»..oodnn fores froc, lafermediate points PULL ORMATION PROM AGENTS CANADIA NATINAL CANADIAN PAOCC B.C. Officiais 3Won't ToleratE L Illegal Mission ýt Provincial officiais in Victer ;,la, B.C. sali last week Mr. rBertha Mom Whytc may ru into th1e rame difficulties hex r'as she did inl Ontario if ah [rhpst establish a mission fo children by mereiy registerin, l it as a religieus institution. Mrs. Whyte, whosc Whyte Shaven Mission for châlcien a -Bowmsuvillie was clased fc n failung te egister under th1e On tarie ChIldmen's Boamding Hom Act, has indioated she plans t atart a new mission on 25 acre o! denateci land near Nelson, But wel!are officiais 1evý sali there must be su a plica tien for incorporation under 111 B.C. Societies Act. If th1e insti lotion involvcd came o! chilcirer it would aise have te be licens eci under Uic Welfarc Institia tien Licensing Act. The latter requires a rigit ainspection e!f1the establishinien- tas te ils physicai, quaities 1 poviionfer the came sud safe. ty of the chilciren and Uic 111< befere a license ean be grantcd Act Unheard 01 1Officials saici they haci nevei - heard o! Uic "religious act oi -B.C." which Mis. Whyte wai cquoted, as saying she hoped t< use te atarI hem Nelson areu rmission. Cemmented one welfare offi. *cial when asked Mmm. Whyte'à Chances o! opemating a child. ren's mission lu B.C.:. "We are i net ordinarily toc fond af.big institutions for chli dren." The officiai said the .depart. meut has haci ne conmmunication from. Mrs. Whyte. But 11e saic in vlew o! reports that she hep. ed te establish a Whytehaven mission near Nelson th1e depart. ment planueci to advlsc hem of th1e exact requirements o! the law lu B. C. "before she ge aheaci anci starts puttixg up buildings or anything liil that." The Nelson poprty contains a bouse anci storage shedi and is about eioht miles frem Nel- son. Watcr, elcctricity and na- tural gas lies go lulo 1. The soi issai tobe mch. The poperty was once ef- ferec te 1the Kootenay Society for Handicappeci Chilciren fer a school but a site at nearby Cres- ton was chosen insteaci. Lions Learn About Many Uses for Glass The temendaus pmogress made by Uic glass industry dur- ing the last 30 years was cm- phasizeci by Robert Emslie, Uic special speaker at Uic dinner meeting o!f111e Bowmanville Lions Club helci et the Lions Community Centre on Monday eveuing. Mm. Emslie is t11e man- ager o!f1the Pilkingten Glass Company, Scarbomeugh. Ron Hetherington linminro- duciug 1the speaker bold bis fellaw Lionsa that Mr m.islile was hemn in Scotland, andi trainecl as a Civil Engineer iu Glasgow. He came te Canada lu 1924 aud spent somne lime as a Municipal Enigineer lu Toman- te before jeining th1e Pilking- ton Glass Company lu 1929, Mr. Hetherington saici. A vivici account o!f1the man- ufacture of glass fer different uses was given by Mr. Emalie in a short acdress. Glass makes for better living aud lets Uic daylight in, 11e pointeci out, andi acidec iti is hydre savlng. He aise atresseci the value of glass as a safety measure in automobiles. The large shatter proof windshicids andi rear windows lu cars give drivers a much better view of Uic roads e LClii genl )£ ai mnl Mt fa] ýr gc ificli towal m.oni tmb iave tom« aRE be.. ent1 tecSe m- las ith 1+e Ites at MT. sud is.Frn Dorland. Mr. sud Mis. Walter Fergu- soc, la company wlth Mr. and1J New Transport for the RCAF This is the first in-flight picture to be released of lb.. over mediumn distances. Bufit by Canadair ln Mont- the new CC-109 turbo-prop transport which wil be in real, the new aircraft is basically a Convair 440 airframe, service with the RCAF's Air Transport Comrnand late with Napier Eland engines. A feature of the new trans- next Spring. The RCAF is to receive 10 of the new trans- ports is their convertibiity £rom passenger to freight ports, which can haul 40 passengers or a payload of 10,000 service in under four hours. -Nationa Detence Photo Save the Children Fund Selling Christmas Cards Are you Iooking for a differ- tive Christmas cards. ent Christmnas card? Then your The layout, art-work and ty- answer znay be the carda that pography of the cards is by Frank Davies, one of the fore- are printed and sold by the Cao- most art directors in Canada: adian Save the Children Fund. the Christmas carol verses have These cards are "different" in, been carefully checked and are that they were design.ed, plan- the original versions. There are ned and printed in Canada for sixteen cards in a box (two the benefit of a Canadian char each of eight designs). The ity. Each year -the various coin- cards wil seil at $ 1.00 a box mittees adopt a projeet by and the profits wifl go 'towards which they raise money for the furthering the work of the benefit of children in distress CSCF among children through- throughout the world. This out the world. Boxes may be year the Guelph (Ontario) ordered through: The Canadian Con'rittee has undertaken to Save The Oidren Fund, P. 0. seil a collection o!frnost attrac- Box 512, Guelph, Ontario. Letter from Magistrate Praises Chief of Police ii ENNISKILLEN ed Mrs. A. Sharp was hostes A te th1e W.A. on Tuesday eve. Sing, October 27, when there wa a very good attendance. Mr. te utes were read end approveÉ -th1e roli eall was answered wit a "pet peeve"I followed by th -rernainder o!f1the business.1 was decideci that the W.A. w.l canvass the cornmunity for Ih C.N.I.B. Mis. O. C. Ashtoi gave the Devotional theme ci "Power and Depth" followei * by the Scripture reading, hymi and prayer. Mrs. I. Sharp wi in lcharge o! the pregram whicI epened with su luteresting re port from W. A. Presbytera Mrs. F. Toms. Every one joined in singing songu in learned at Presbyterial. e We were very pleased te havi e Mrs. W. H. Brown, Mapi( r Grove, with us, and she spok( .g bricfly on th1e work she know! best, Womnen's Institute. Mrs e-. F. Beckett moved a vote o. athanks te th1e speaker and th( >r 'meeting closed with a hynm and .lunch served by Group 2. ie On Saturday evening a Hal. tlowe'en masquerade was helé es in th1e church basement spon, somed by the Mission Band, and Explorers groups. Our judges ,e Mis. M. J. Hobbs, Mis. F. TomE àandi Mrs. G. McLean, had c- very difficult lime deciding or prize winners which are as fol- Slows: Best Hallowe'en - s 5'Ruth Pethick (ghost); 2nd 1-Muriel Griffin (witch); 3rd dMalcolm Simpson <cat). Bei Couple-lst Sandra andi Sha- mt on Werry (bride and groom); ~2nd Betty Jane Werry and Don- -na Yellowlees (Japanese cou. :e plc); 3rd Leowna an.d Evelyn ~Ferguson (man and woxuan). Nursery Rhym-lst Mrs. W, rIGriffin and Dale Griffin (clock if and mouse). Comnic- (gorilla) ts lst Bob Thempson; (Scarecrow) o 2nd, Clame Ashton. Representa- a tiou-lst (Bunny> Marilyn Yei- iowlces, 2nd (Nurse) Susaî - earn, 3rd (Kodak Camera) Is John Tilley, 4111 (Indisu) Mar- -tha Bord. Miscellancous - ist (Japanese couple) Lynda Joyce o Logan sud Beverley Logan; Znd -(Lady lu Black) Shirley Avery: erd (Indian Couple) Lorna anc -Mary Yeo. The eveuing conclu- i dcci with a light lunch. d Sympathy te Mis. M. Heard -on Uic passlng o! hem uncle last a week. * Mr. andi Mrs. George Imwix If and Redney, on Sunday, visit- e d bMm. and Mis. Norman Scot sNewtonviice. p Mr. sud Mis. Harold Ormis- aton, Enfield, Mr. and. Mrs. AI- la» Wray, Bowmanville, Mm. sandi Mrs. Donald Lamb, Mm. and 1 Mis. Stewart Lamb, Mr. and - Mis. Ralph Lamb, were with - Mr. anci Mrs. Lomne Lamb. Congratulations te -Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore who celebra- ted 111dm 48th weddlng anni- versary on October 28th end Mr. Moore has celebrateci his 8Mti bithday Oct. 23. Mr. sud Mis. Fred Billett and boys, Scarbore. Bluffs were callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Gill's. Mr. and Mis. Lys! Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Brock and girls, Mr. sud Mis. Herman Haass, and Ronnie, Bowrnanville, Mr. andi Mrs. Sam Piper and girls, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vsumeem, Randy and Patty, Providence, Mm. Jlm Kinsman, *Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Roy 1&cGill sud Rena, were Tuesday evening dinner guests in hon- Jour o! Master Daie's third birth- day. Mr. and Mis. Tom Wilson 1and fanxily, Bowmanville, were Suuday tea guests o! Mi. and )&S. P. Ellis. Mr-- Fred Davidson, Oshawa, was a week-end visiter at Mr. and Mis. E. W. Begley's. Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Toms weme Monday tea guests of M.r. and Mis. W. Forder, Blackstock. L Donna Gail Irwin spent the weekend with Joan Porter, Bowmanville. Misa Jean Baker, Long Sauit, Mis. E. C. Ashton, Maple Grove, wcre weekçnd visitors at Mr. and Mis. O. C. Ashten's. G. Yeo and Mis. L. Lamnb mcmv- ed many salis! led guest with every goody frein a date square te home made buns and breaci. Mrs. R. Lamb lu charge of miscellaneous was assisted by Mrs. A. BrunI. Tis table helci an assotment o! fancy work, ehildren's wear, knitted items aud felt animais, as well aa sel- ection of doîls sud dothes. Mis. L. Tilley in charge o! country store table, wheme a varlety of fall vegetabies, jams and jellies, home made candif, potted plants, children's teuch aund lake andi an array o!f0111cr useful items for everyday use made an attractive display. Mis. E. MeNair, assisteci Mrs. Wm. Howells was lu charge o!f1the apron andi aduilt teuch sud lake. Mis. E. Rebson and Mis. S. Lamb were active et th1e front o! 1the hall, sellilng tickets on our penny arcade. Mis. A. Leacibeater, president o! thc club, openeci the sale o! womk and in uhemrcmarks tbld o! th1e Club's plans to set up scholarships for five years, for Uic two top students lu grade cight and to, present th1e graci- uatin.g students in future wIth scheel pins. The Enniskillen C.G.I.T. girls wcre kept active lun1the hall basement serving efreshmcnts te, the guests under Uic leader- ship of Mrs. O. C. Ashton, as. sisteci by Mrs. W. Logan. Durlng th1e evcning draws were muade fer 111e sixteen items lu thc penny arcade. Mis. A. Leacibeater, assisteci by Mms E. Cox, conducted 1111,, having t11ej heip o! différent guests te make th1e lucky ticket cheice.. The followlng were the lucky win- ners: Blue base lamp, Mis. Ar- chic McNeil, Haydeu, Ont.; large table iaznp, Mis. G. Yeo, Enniskillen, Ont.; owi TV lamp, Mis. F. Hoiroyd Sm., Hampton, Ont.; cameo TV lamp, miss Doris Wrighit, Enniskillen; step-' on kitehen can, Mrs. F. Ander- son, Taunton, Ont.; car mirror, Bms. L. Ciements, Hamupton, Ont.; lades' hair brush, Miss L. Griffin, Ennlakillen; towel set, Miss S. Ryan, Richmond Hill, Ont.; cup andi saucer, Mrs. IL Millson, Enniskilen, Ont.; tie bar andci ci! links, Mis. V. Scedi, South River, Ont.; Sta- tlonemy, Mmm. J. Sellick, Ennis- killen; apothccary vase, Mis. L. Leadbeatem,1 Toronte, Ont.; Tweed coiegne, Mis. Wm. Beg-, ley, Enniskllen; onc pair piliow covers, Mmi. E. Robson Sr., King Ont.; one pair pilliew cavera, Mns. D. Westlakc, Sauina, Ont.;. Coty cologne, Mise Mary Yeo, Enniskillen. Many thanks are given by th1e Service Club ladies, te aIl who, hclped ln any way te make this azamandi penny arcade th1e wonderful succesa il was, when ' they mealizeci arounci $255.00 for theïr work. A WORD TO THE WIVES A teaspoonful o! sugar acideci te thc watcr when ceelcing fro- zen peau cices wonders lu mes- torlng that "garden fresh" f la- ver. For variety, try a sprig o! minI, or a aprinkle of dried mint, be. t 'i Announcement. ... - 0 1s Wc are pleased t. announce that we have obtained the services of Mr. Edgar ""Tor" Tozlinson ln our garageý "Tot"r bas been em- ployed in several local garages for a numbor o! years and lu a me- chanic of very high calibre, belng exper- ienced on aIl m"ke of cars. Wc specializeit LUBRICATION - TUNE-UP - GENERAL IREPAIRS AUl Work Guarante.d FRANK'S GARAGE AuD S=VICE STATION 72 SCUGOG ST. MA 3-3231 Rot tB October 22, 1959. Robert B eynolds, Esq., *Municipal Clerk, Bownianville, Ont. LDear Sir, Would you please convey tii Ris Worship the Mayor and Members o! the Town Ceuncil xny sincere thanks and appre- ciation for the courtesy extend- ed to Chie! Kitney and Provin- cial Constable Corneli and my- Lself in providing us with the use o! the Municipal Council Chamber for the holding o! our Traffic Clinics. As you know the Clinies -have been Tunning since November of last year and have exceeded ail expectations -and particular- ly insofar as the interest shown by the general public and those taking part. These Clinics are the direct responsibility of the Magistrate for the area in which they are operated and when we find the co-operation that we find ln Bownanvile, as te the use of the Council Ohamber faciities, it Is both heartening and encouraging. We quite realize that there may be occasions on whichthe use by us o! the Courtroom may conflict with its use by some Comsnittee of Council or by Council itself and we can assure you in such event If we are given prior notice that there will be such a con! lict will only be to -happy te ar- range to meet elsewhere. Ini conclusion however, I can- flot over-emphasize the fact that I do sincerely appreciate tins kind co-operation on be- haif o! the Mayor and the Coun- cil aud trust that this letter will be read te thema and that they wil understand how much I do appreciate their kindness. I might aise take this oppor- tunity of cornmending te Ris Worship the M.ayor and the Council my high regard for Chie! Constable Kltney. Ris co- operation in the matter of the Traffie Clinie as in ail matters pertaining to police work and the work of the Magistrate's Court is greatly appreciated, by me. I feel that 1 can say without qualification that he is the out- standing Chie! Constable in this district insofar as a pro- gressive spirit is concerned and a forward looking attitude. Ris modemnization of his Po- lice Force la te be highly com-' mended and I amn quite certain that there is flot another Mn icipal Force within this par o Ontario in a Town the size of M. J. ELLIOTT Chairman G.T. VAN BRIDGES Manager ing taik on glass. ,S A special draw was helci fer a beautiful mirror, 24 by 36 inches, which. had been donated ite the Bowmanviile Lions Club iby Mr. Emslie. Cli!! Samis was th1e lucky winner." IThe blrthdays o! two club I iembers, Bob Kent and Crif! Sanda were cclebrated. The Hockey Draw winners were: Wcdnesday, October 28th, Jack wa Baker andi Byron Holmes; Sat- t<>. urday, October 3lst, Ralph nj Maynard andi Ed Leslie; Wed- tie nesday, November 4th, Steve ,nd Snegal and George Totten; Sat- &e urday, November 7th, Bill Nor- es man and Colin Birtwistic. im Guests present at the Lions Club dinner meeting were Ai dl-. Quinlan o! the Pilklugton Glass Del Company's Oshawa branch; als Lion Bill Scott, Oshawa, Lion Sd Tom Lewis, Newcastle; F. R. tii Smith, Newcastle: Frank Ho- >em vey, Sarnia; John E. Chester nd. and Ian Smith. Pawmanville. POWER INTERRUPTION POWER WILL BE OFF, In'the Town of Bowmanville SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 8, 1959 from 1 a.u. le 4:30 am. (STANDARD MMlE) This interruption has been arranged la permit repair work la ho carried oui on incoming power supply linos of the Ontario Hydro. Bowman ville Public Utilities Commissioný Mrs. Carl Fergusen, were vis- itors of Mir. and Mrs. Berwin Adams, Oshawa. Mr. andi Mrs. P. W. Werry, were weekend viaitora at MNr. and Mrs. Norton Van Camp's, Lis- tewel. Miss Mary Griffin spent the weekend with Miss Mary Joncs, Bownnville. Mr. and Mr&. Allan Werry were guests at a supper party at Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence AI- lin's, Oshawa, in honour of Mia Lyna Farrow and Brian Lee. Mr. C. Mills, Port Perry celc- brated i hua 2nd birthday at Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton's. Those attending were Mr. and Mis. Cecil Milla andi !amily, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mis. Roy' Hope and f amliy, Port Permy,! Keith Cryderman, Solina, Mr.~ ad Mis. E. W. Begley, LeslieI Middleton, ail enjoyeci pictures 1 that Mi. and Mrs. Bcgley had taken on their summer holidays. On Saturday Mis. E. A. Werry, Mis. Allan Werry, Mrs. Douglas Cole, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron, attend- cd a trousseau tea for Miss Lynn Farrow's et her parents's home,! Mis. Grant Farrow, Port Cre-, dit. MTs. Allan Werry asuiateci in the dining-roc=om-.I TRU tSDAT, NOV. 5th, 1959 TM CMADME STATESMM. BOWMANVnl& ONTAMO IDAOM Bowmanville that Is se modern or se wefl equipped and whose officers are any better qualified than. the officers that you bave ini your Department *Finally therefore, mey 1 say that te work with Chief Kitney and the niemibers of his Force both in connection with the work of the Magistrate's Court and with the Traffic Clinic is a pleasure and I sinoerely trust that the situation wilI on.Iy con- tinue te improve and Chief Kit- ney may long remain in the Town o! Bowmanville and carry on in the quiet, efficient manner in which he is conduct- ing himself at present. I had intended te write you sometime ago shortly after the Clinic was established and be- came such an efficient part of our work in Bowmanviile but due te pressure o! other mat- ters 1 neglected te do so. I trust therefore that I amn not toe late or otherwise remiss in my du- fies of! making the expression§ that 1 have made in this letter and that they will be accepted by the Council in the same sin- cerity that they are miade. Yours very truly, Ronald B. Baxter, 1Provincial Magistrate. Enniskillen Service Club Hold Bazaar Wednesdiay evening, Oct. 28, found the Enniskillen Commun- itw hall filled te capacity when the Enniskillen Service Club ladies held a fali bazaar and penny arcade. The tables were gaily decora- ated In the fait colours of or- ange, green, yellow and brown and were laden with many use- ful and tasty items. Mrs. E. Cox assisted by Mis.