PAGE HIGETEEN TEE CANADIAN STATEEMMI. EOWMANVILLU. ~WAR~ >.~mui~ai>ax, .L'EUV. 3W, IVU a An Sean ~ - Engagements Mr. and Mns. Ronald Hether- Ington announce the engage- ment of their daughter Lorelei Ann, to Dennls Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell of Peter- borough. Weddlng to take place in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, on Sat- iurday, November 28th at 7 p.m. 45-1* Deaths BAILEY, Maude-At her home, Blackstock, Ont., on Friday, October 30, 1959, Maude Mc- Laughlin, beloved wife -of the late Fred Bailey, in her 87th year, dear mother of Arthur L. and the late Howard Bailey of Blackstock; Olive (Mrs. N. Henry), R.R. 4, Lindsay, and Laura (Mrs. W. A. Dawson) of Oshawa. Restcd at the chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, until Monday noon. Serv- ice was held at St. John's Ang- lican Church, Blackstock. Mon- day, November 2nd at 2 p.m. Interment St . John's Cemetery. 45-1 EDGAR-Suddenly on Sunday, November lst, 1959, George T.. in his 74th year. Beioved hus- band of Gertie Challis and dear father of Mrs. Garnet Tubb (Rosena). Private service was heid from the family residence, Courtice, November 3, 1959. Interment Bowmnanville. Cere- tery. 45-1* WHITE-At Pontypool, Ontario, on Saturday, October 31st, 1959, Charlotte Malley White, in her 77th year, wife of the late Robert White, Mrs. White rest- ed at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service was held in Pontypool United Church on Monday, November 2nd at 2 o'ciock. Interment Orono Cerne-1 tery. 45-1 In Memoricamý CARTER AND COATES - In memory of John Carter, enter- ed into rest October 26th, 1956, Veteran of War I, and son, F/O Roy E. Carter, War 11, 1914; my brother, Richard Coates, Vet- eran cf War I, and daughter Ethel (Mrs. R. Rowan), 1948. At the going down cf the sun And in the morning We will remember them. --Sadly missed by wife and tamily. 45-1w MJALCOLM-In laving memory of Mary Bertha Malcolmn, who passed away Nov. 11, 1955. God took her home, it was His will But in aur hearts she liveth still. .-Sadiy missed by son Neil, Noreen and grandchildren, Gar- die, Mary Lau and Jamie. 45-1* PORTER--m loving memory cf a beloved brother and uncle, Walter G. Porter, who passed away November 7th, 1958, and a dear nephew and cousin, Lawrence H. Porter who passed away Navember 12th, 1957. "At the galng down of.the sun, and in the morning, We shail remember them."l -Mrs. William Coulter and Jeanne. 45-1 WOOLNER-In laving remem- brance cf my dear -brother William Wooiner who passed away December 8th, 1952. 1 cannot forget your amiling face, Your happy, carefree ways, A smiie that won s0 many friends In those happy, bygone doys. One of the best the world couid own, Your cheerful sniiie, heart of gald, Always goad, unseiifish and kind, What a wondorful nemem- brance you left behind. .-Sadiy missed by your sistor Barbara, brother-in-iaw Aime Dupuise. 45-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS wiil be rcceived in writing by the undersigned for the reffreshment booth conces- sion at the Newcastle Memorial Anena for the coming winter. NIewcastle Recreatiorn Commit- tee, Mn. Stanley Brown, Sec. 45-1 TENDERS for the sale cf the building and site of thc aid Newtonville School will be re- ceivcd by the undersigncd, Up ta Mandoy, Nov. 16, 1959. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Mrs. V. M. Gilmer, Sec.-Treas., Clarke T.S. A. Board, Newtonviile, Ontario. 44-.2 TENDERS are requested for the si osiin of caretaker cf ncw ord Elgin School. Duties ta commence with opening cf school in January, 1960. Writ- ten applications, stating age, marital status, qualifications, etc., muet be in hands cf Secre- tary-Treasurer by Nov. 7th, 1959. Bowmanville Public Sahool Board, S. R. James, P.O. Box 1030, Sec'y-Treas. 43-3 Personail WHY Feel Old? Ostrex Tonic Tablets heip thousands cf men, women past 40 feel vounger. Aricles for Sale PLAYPEN, $3. Phono MArket 3-3586. 4510 21 CUBIC ft. home freezer, Kel- vinator unit. GO 3-2754. 45-1 2,000 BUSHELS mixed grain. Phone Bill Stack, RA 8-8060. 45-1* WAT-ER for sale. Delivered. Phono Cliif Pethick, COlfax 3-2131. 36-tf APPROXIMATELY 1,500 roses. Apply M. Mostert, R.R. 2, New- castle. 45-1 MUSKRAT jacket, size 12, 4 years aid. Phone MA 3-3971 or 3001 Newcastle. 45-14 SPACE heater, Superfiame, al- most new, white enamel. Phone Orona 1 ring 16. 45-1 FIREWOOD, will trade for live- stock, preferably young cattle. Phone CO 3-2275. 44-2 GERHARD Helntzman piano and bench, good condition. Tele- phone MA 3-3267. 45-1 SLIGHTLY used hammer mili in good condition. Phone MA 3-7280 after 6 p.m. 45-1' HARDWOOD and light wood in stove lengths, $10 per load. Phone COifax 3-2275. 45-tf ONE 10", Quaker space heater with fan. Apply Stanley Mill- son, Enniskillen. CO 3-2615. 45-1 ALL-WOOL, extra heavy, long winter coat, brown, size 46, $35. Phone MA 3-3142, 44 Third St. 45-1 MIXED Hardwood, $35 a load, 2 cords, resawed. J. A. Car- scadden, Phone Orono 35 R 9. 45-9* KEYS cut automatlcally, while you wait, at Maon & Dole Hard- ware, 36 Kinmg St. E., Bowmian- ville. 46-tf CHIRISTMAS trees, approxim- atcly 1,000, standing. Apply Mrs. M. Olesen, CO 3-2378 after 5 p.m. 45-1 WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf ALSCO Aluniinum windows, doors, railings and awnings. Lorne Allin, Prince St. MArket 3-3871. 45-1w BEATTY washer, good con- dition, chcop. Large plywood iuggage trouler. MA 3-5548, 187 King St. E. 45-1* KITCHEN cabinet, white enamel oul cook stove, A-i condition; baby carniage. Dan DeMooy, R.R. 3, Newcastle. 45-2* ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and smail. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf SAVE on lumber. direct from miii ta yau. Phiiiips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone* 17 r 11. l3tf ONE smal ail stove with some pipes and anc 45-gaL drum, only used four months. Phone MArkct 3-5826. 45-4* INSULATION, blowlng methad, with rock wooi. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry U. Wadle. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf BACKACHE? Rheumatic Pain? Sciatica? Ask your druggist about RUMACAPS today. Start getting relief. Thusands have benefitted. 45-1 SCULPTURED Wilton brood- ioom rug, 5 feet 6 by 12 feet; aiso smoil rug 6 ft. 9 by 9 ft. 6; cabinet Stewort-Warner radio, in good shape. CO 3-2242. 45-1 WORK boots anld shoes at bar- gain prices, brown and black, ail sizes. Bowmanvile Shoe Re- pair, 80 King St W., Bowman- ville. East of Bowmanville Cleaners. 42-tf SINGER sewing machine, heavy duty treadie for canvas, leather, etc., $15; ail space heater and damper pipe, 34" x 34" x 18", 1957, from Eaton's, $25. Phone MA 3-2563. 45-1 USED washer parts and repairs for all wringer type washers. 1/ h.p. motars, $5 and up. Guar- anteed reconditioned washers ,and stoves. Paddy's Market, liampton. CO 3-2241. 43-4* APRICAN violets; large ivys; Coleus; five colaurs begonias; babies tears; philodendron; nephthytls; ferns; other varieties too numerous ta mention. 25c up. Evenings and weekends. Mrs. Abramns, 26 Division St.,j MA 3-2843. 45-1 GET the junip on nid man wirit- er! Sec us for free estimates on 'Carhayes" Aluminum Daors and Windows. You wiil bo amazed how economicai they arc from Cowan Equipmcnt Ca., 134 King St. E.,, or Phone MA 3-5689. 40-tf TV TABLES, Arbonite, $4.95; hassocks, $3.49; battn ad eioctric radios, $27M5 rcr cabinet $12.95; platform rocker, $39.95; 2-pioce bed-chesterfield suite, nylon caver, $169. Trade- in rongette, closed, ciements, $19.50. Murphy Furnitune, King West, MA 3-3781. 45-1* O c.89 At ail druggists. FOUR-speed record ployer, Sing- 45-1 er treadie sewing machine, custoîn car. radia l'or 1952 CIMTERPIELDS and odd Pontiac, Kcnwood Chef food chairs re-uphoistered ta look mixer, 4-humner gos range, Frig- better thon new. Go where you idoine refrigenaton, 2-piece chest- gel th. but for les. For tree erfield and used televisiorns at: esti»mo, fepc-up and de-j Laverty's Bargain Centre. 59 3iv". Scli Modem phoîster- K ing Street W, Bowmianviiie, b RA8-Mil OsawI. 33-16 MA 3-7231. 45-1 j 1 ', Articles for Sale McINTOSH and Spy apples, $1 a bushel and up. Bring own containers. Fresh appie cider, 85c gal. D. G. Kemp, Middle Rd. 45-1 DO your own floors and rug- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf HEARING aid servie. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-3305. .7-tf APPLES-Spy, $ 1.50 per bush- el, Bellflowers, $1 .50; Toimans, $1.25; Mclntosh, $1.25. Ail fancy grade. Sweet apple cider, 60c gal. For free delivery Phone 2237, Orono. 45-4* MULTI-LITE ALUMINUM Doors and Windows $19.50 and up Phone M4. Hubbard, CO 3-2316 45-2 ANTENNAE Insfalled - Repaired Moved Sale - Towers- Sale 40' structure Installed with Crown rotor and ali-channel head. Reg. $150. Sale price $115 LEN & LOU'S TV 31 Waverley Road MA 3-3942 33-tf HOLLAND BULBS IBUY TOP SIZE Growers of Qualiiy Bulbs and Nursery Stock for Three Generationu Van Belle Gardens Hlghway No. 2 3 Miles West of Bowmanvllle MArket 3-5757 43-3 LOO 0K 40' TOWER INSTALLATION WITH ALL CHANNEL AERIAL INSTALLED 69.50 No Guy Wlres Ail Weided Construction Cali M4A 3-2312 HARRY LOCKE MAPLE GROVE TV SERVICE 45-1 lié o VOUR ESSO -STRIBUTO FUEL 0OIL-GA'SOLIEL MIOTOR 011. - CRFAS-I- % Cars for Sale VAN body, inside measurements 16 long, 7' 3" wide, 6' 4" high. Very good. Clarke 2430. 45-1 '38 DODGE deluxe sedan, motor, tires, body, upholstery in gaod condition. Wilfrid O. Smale, Hampton. GO 3-2772. 45-1* 1947 G.MC. '%-ton truck, two spore tires and wheels, hot wat- er heater, wintenized, $125 cash. 82 High St., Bowmanvile. 45-1* ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six manths ta pay. For personal service at your home coUl Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Re&. RA 5-5574 607 King St. Eat Just East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf Found BLACK, and white dog, Labra- don type. Dial GO 3-2395. 45-1 TWO-year-old Halstein heifors, strayed enta Lots 10 and 11, Cartwright. Owner supply car tag nunibers. Gardon Strong, Blackstock. 4- à T1 - XT-A nieip W antea LMAN wanted: For Rawleigh ibusiness. Seil td 1,500 families. 1Good profits for hustlers. Write etoday. Rawieigh's, Dept. K-140- 1S, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 45-1 GIRL or woman to, live in Toronto, light housekeeping and baby-sitting; private roam and bath. Apply Advertiser 995, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvilie. 45-1 SALESMAN - to seil wefl known make of aluminum, doors and windows, on commission basis. Write Advertiser 997, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Boxi 190, Bowmanvilie, Ont. 44-1 A QOLDEN opportunity until Christmas for men anxious to make money by selling Familex sparkling gifts and daiiy neces- sities such as Vitarnins, extracts, cosmetics, tonics, etc. Selling experience unnecessary. High commission and bonus. Free Catalogue on request. F4amilex Dept. R.1. 1600 Delorimier,' Montreal. 45-1 LARGE United States and Can- adian manufacturing company requires Field Representative in Townships of Clarke and Danl- ington. Exceptionaily high earn- ings. Guaranteed repeat bus- iness. Automobile essentiai. Agricultural or farming back- ground most important. Sales training given. Reply ta Box 84, London, Ontario. 44-3 Cosi of Living High ? You ean add $20 - $40 a week to family incarne selling Avon Produis near your home Territorles available In vicinities of-Kendal, Starkville, New- castle, Wesleyvllle. Write Miss K. MacKean 528 Gilmour St. Peterborough 45-1 Area Representative A conscientious man is needed to cover this district for the COLONIAL HOMES OFFICE IN OSHAWA This lu an opportunity for an interesting career. Write, stating age and -1background to Colonial Homes 134 SIMCOE ST. S. Oshawa 45-2* STENOGRAPHERS WANTED APPLY TO Personnel Manager The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. of Canada Limifed Bowmanville 45-1 Wanted LARGE quantity af well rotted manure. Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries. 45-2 HORSES boarded, box, or stand- ing stalîs plus scenic riding area. Phone Clarke 1321. 45-2 DEAD and crippled farm stock, picked up promptly. Telephone COlfax 3-2721, Morgwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. 37-tf TWELVE head of cattie ta feed for winter. Apply Archie Hoy, Pontypool, Ontario. Telephone Bethany 20 r 41. 45-1 $1,500, WILL repay $2,000 end of 18 months. Apply Advertisen 994, c/a Conadian Statesman,1 P.O. Box 190, Bowmonvîlle. 45-1* Business Opportunity CHINCHILLAS - You make money raising Chinchillas (they1 are flot rabbits). Strong do- mestic and expant markets. Stonehiouse Chinchilla, 111 Had- dington Ave., Toronto 12, On- tario. 44-5 PART-TIME Business Oppor- tunity. Conadian Distnibutor has local territory avoulable. Men or women must have 10 ta 12 hours spore time weekly ta fi ordens. Must have smail capital availakie ta punchose own inventary. This Is refund- able under Company's merchan- dising prograrm. Write, giving background, telephone number, etc., ta Handy-Pac Aids, 601 Oakwood Ave., Toronto. 45-2* Wanted to Buy ALL kinds cf live poultry wanted. Highest prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany R.&. 1. Phone 7 r 13 callcct. 9-tf HIGHEST pnices pald for used furnýiture, appliances, television, sewxng mnachines, etc. Also seU and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf bus, $40 or less. Write Avr tiser 998, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman. ville. 45-1 SIX-room house, ail heat, garage, central, furnished. Possession by middle of November. Write Advertiser 999, c/a Canadian Stotesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- monville. 45-1* THREE-room unfurnished heat- ed apartment with private entrance, ail modern conven- iences-~3-piece bath, large kitch- en with dinette, nicely decorat- ed, curtains and floor coverings. Available about Nov. 20. Quiet pnivate home. Aduits anly.1 59 Hunt Street, Bawmanviile. MA 3-3807. 45-1* Livestock for Sale PIGS and baled straw. Austini Wood, MA 3-2388. 45-.1* HOLSTEIN cow, due Nov. 13. Brucellosis tested. Clarke 2231. 1 ~45-1* WHITE Rock pullets, 6 months aid. GO 3-2564. Wesley Yel- lowlees. 45-11 100 WHITE Rock puilets, 5ý months aid. Ray Bradburn, Phono Blackstock 80 r 3. 45.1* PUREBRED Holstein bull, ser- viceable age, out of very good dain. Archie R. Muir, Courtice. 45-1* EIGHTEEN 2-year-old Holstein heifers, due in November and December; 24 yearling stockes,1 steers and heifers, 8 yearling Holstein heifens vaccinated. Phone CO 3-2284: 45-1 Nui înry I'Te'~ia HIGHEST prîces pald for Live -4 zuy "at poultry, gaose feathers, feather The South Haven Ilest Bomne ticks, scrap tran, rags, motels -Liersed accomimodation avail- and raw furs Phone RA 3-2043 able for up or bed patients. Oshawa, coIleci. 48-tf Phono Newcastle 4"L1. 9-tf HOLSTEINS The Complele Browview Herd Dispersai 96 Head' Jas. R.R. Owued by T. Brown & Sons 2, Newcastle, Ontario FUlly Accredited - Federally Listed - Calfhood Vaccinated Your opportuulty to buY Herd Sires sud Foundation Femaies fram one cf Canada' but Proven herds sale on Wed., Nov. l8ih, 1959, (Immediately following the 1959 Holstein Salé cf Stars) ai Hays' Sales Arena No. 5 Hfithway. Trafaltar, Ont. (20 mmiles West cf Toronto) Buyers cf two or more animais given froc deivery bok Browview Parut, Newcastle. Hays Farms Limited Oakville, Ontario Sale Mage buildings in good condition. Water and hydro throughout. Highway farm, unbelievably low priced aý $13,000. Gond terms. 52 King St. W. Bowmauviile MA 3-2453 Salesman - Clarence Saper MA 3-2624 45-1 Pedwell Real Esfie 200 ocres on 35 Highway, 3 miles from Lindsay, 2-storey brick house, ail canveniencos, large painted bank barn, al workablo land, weli fenced. This farm is ane of the best. $33,000 with $10,000 down. 200 acres on paved road, bank barn 40' x 80', insul-bnlck house, 6 nooms; ail level, no stanes, lots of water, $15,000. Tenms. 100 acres close to Oakwood,1 ail levol land, best of soul, banki barn 40 x 60, brick house newly remodeiled, $10,000. Very easy terms. 50 acres adjaining Seagrave, 2,000 feet river frontage, and paved highway, bank born 40' x 60', insul-stone house; included, 1 tractor combine and other Im- piements, $10,000 with $2,500 down or best offer. Owner must sell immediately. House ln Orono, ta close an estate, hardwoo'd and tule floors, ail conveniences, including cil furnace. Ternis can be arrang- ed. We have a large list of farina and houses, gos stations, etc. Money ta 1oan., IL C. PEDWELL, BIIOKER Newcastle iPhono 385 45-1 Lost HOLSTEIN heifer, strayed from Lot 5, Con. 7. Anyone knowing whereabouts please contact 311 Johnson, CO 3-2084. 45.1i Pets f or Sale PUYP, 3 months aid, maie, part hound. Phone CO 3-2485. 45-1 MALE hound, 15 months aid, Walker, Redbone cross. John Carnaghan, Blackstock 13W. 45-1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SUIE LIVESTOCE FRonSALE l'OfRUDET . EELp WANTE CAMS FOR SALE 1.08? *. FOUNO - 8£C. Cash Rt. ;n- 4 'w with a minmumoSO Stuat b. paid by date of inaertlo IlIrg.d an additional 25a wilb. added. A charge of 25c will b. made tug aRU repliez dlzeted tn thia office. ROTICES ' COMIOEVEMi ANDl CAEDS OF TRAMES 4v a word with a minimum et $1.00 for 25 words or léea. UARRIAGU - DEATIS 81.00 per insertion INMEMORIANS $LM5 plus 100 a Aine à= ore DlerIavClasuUifed at 81.30 par ic i aminimum of one inch. Additional insertions at the smre rates. AD Classified Ada must bu te thiaoffice Dot Inter than 12 o'ciock noon. Wednesday. gond cash, stamps or money or" and Bave money. 1 C4p this out for bandy releremas OFFICE HOUES I&Mdffythraugh Frid«y Battisa 8:40 I a 12 nom b.Cauadian Stateamus Dk1 MA&ket 3.3303 k, Claaeied Ad Uevto ls »Z PAGE IDGETEM TM C"ADL4» STATMMM. BOWMANVU£& MTAMD qpzuvmev%àw IRW%" M&U emom For Rent. --__1Auction Sales Rearl Estate for Sale lReai Estate for Sale ISXroom oapartinent hn Tyrono. 1 have received instructions Le k R TWO acres of land on the paved GO cf Uic estate tice.nPhono RA TWeedom pr'etcntof the late Mns. Frank Coulter, 6ra e odrybik rai ldoo.M Ap3-3394 45-1t'a oseliby public auction, Sotur- 6 omnwcruybik1 ralloctio. A 3339. 4-1day, November 7, at 1:30 p.m. bungalow on roomy lot, j3 bcd- FIVE-room bungalaw in ex. M1 ER aat-en -cet ,i at hon loto residence, 127 K<ing rooms, 4-piece bath, ail heating, change for smail farm near OaERN. Po iecno r-574. ' St. E., Bowmanviile, a 3-piece pRaved drive. Immediate posses- Bowm~anville. Phono MA 3-3985. Ioatd Phone_____ MA__3-5784. utdinttisote.bahTikeis fîsttîe afened or sale. 45-1, chesterfield suite, 7-piece waî- fisan 'tis l a of dorbusaled45-1 nutdiett sit, bthlik nwOwner tansfenred and must LOW down paymont for a new Fveences, o Hghwy ail 2. electom nic s tce hefrnd 6 el. ae noffen. 5-roomed brick bungalow and _________on_______ o._________ stoe, Ashrad 6ro e brick bungalow two acres of land. Phono RA hu3-3961. 45-1' vacuum cleaner, Axminstcr rugs, on ladscoped lot a nyet .809.4- MA Iamps, dishes, glassware. Terms Inerta tfr. Maner8-0194 TWO-bedroomn apartmcent, priv- cash.- Jack Reid, auctioneer. O ertanfrd.Sc hi CENTRALLY located rLtiick ote entrance. Phone MA.nket 45.1l* praperty. 6 oosci - 3-5798 afler 6 pm 45-1 ____ We have farms, houses, lots, home, 6poeons, ail, Cage, IMn. W. R. Elliatt, Lot 10, etc., too numenaus ta list. Cou I OOfly psesin ad down THREE-roam heated apartmnent Broken Front, Clarke Town-'a fie amn eurd rt d centnally located, separate en- ship, haîf mile west and anc M. E. LEASK vertiser 1000, c/a The Canadian trance. MA 3-5336. 45-1 and 'a haif miles south of New- Real Estate Broker Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- Vmanville. 45-1' 1FOUR-roomed apantmnent, bath- tonvîlle, has sold his farm and 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville )room, heavy wirîng, close t61 wiil soul by public auctian on MArket 3-5919 136-ACRE tobacco fanm with r school, $40. Dial CO 3-2395. Saturday, November 14 at 1 Sales Staff: 41 acres tobacca nights. Fuily 45-1, p.m., his herd of Hereford and: Freddy L. Ames- MA 3-34086quped with irrigation system. 1Angus beef cattie, registered and' 45-1 Plnt of water, 2 tractons, 150, SIX-room house, laundry room, grade Yorkshire swine, a Farm-- greenhouse. About 100 ocres double garage. Centrally locat- ail tractor, model 130, fully tobacco land; 2 miles north of cd. Phono MA 3-3793 after equipped, used less thon 100 MadKd Newtonviile, 1/r mile west Tele- 1l p.m. 45.1 hours, full lino of nearly new cuuayTR hn lre1 2 53 tracton mochînery, baled hay, RATR hn ine1 2 53 APARTMENT, heated, 3 moins, Rqdney oats, Herta Two Rowed Members cf Oshawa and !"!strict bath and kitchenette. Central. Barley. Funther porticulars sec Real Estate Board De With Real Estale Phono MA 3-5996, 63 King St. bis. Tenms,* cash. Jack Reid, West 45- autioner.45-2*1 15 level acres of choice gardon DAIRY FARM, 200 acres with Wes. 4-1 neor Hampton. Must be 12 cons quota, 130 acres work- APARTMENT in Victor Manor, The undersigned auctioneer soid at once. Oniy $3,500. able, bulk cooler, cernent silo, King St. W. Avoulable im- will seîl by public auction f on Terms. 100' x 32' bank barn, etc.; l0 mediotely. Apply Wm. Curtis, !Public Trustees the householdi Highway Doiry Farm, 250 roomed brick house, nunning MA 3-7035. 43tf effects of Mn. Howard Pye at acres. Brick 2-stoney haine with waten. Asking $24,000. Easy STORE, in teKih ic his residence, Enniskillen, oni cit3 conveniences. Dairy barn ternis. King St. East. Avoulable Dec' Soturday, November 7, 19~ a ikn alu.Alpr- AR AMJ18ars lst. Apply ta Mrs. Wes Knight, Sale ot 1:30. Cook stove, wick- bned herd and equipment in- nonth Bawmanviile with 14 cons Phono MA 3-5448. 4-f er chair, radio, two wooden cluded at only $36,500. quota, bulk coolen, large L-shap- 4- beds, twa dressons, sideboard, 125, ocre highway fanm. Ex. cd bonk barn, steel stanchions, 'THREE-bedroomn ranch houso, wash machine, 3 tables, 2 rock- collent buildings. Asking $22,- 'water bowls, silo, etc.; 8 noomed cilheted Lndcapdpo- ig hais,5 haisQubecS00 with $5,000 down. brick home with ail modern sesain hNate. 1Landsad. Ase.,hing chs 5f chars, Que ca Modern ranch bungalowin conveniences. Pnice and torms sesionNov 15 4 dial Ae., macine vauum cîen IBowmonville. Full pnice w$13,-l aronged. Phono MA 3-2116. 45-1 'nif machine900aEasy terms. i DAIR AM914arswt Ikitchen cabinet, 1/490. tontrns.of coal14,crs it AVAILABLE November lst, o rnaments, dishes, bedding, gar- l' Orono - 4 homes ta choose 4 cons quota, 100' x 32' bank five-room office, 2nd faonr, main don tools, pictures, pots and fnom, ail priced for quick sale, barn, drive shed, olmost ail street. S. R. James, 24 King, pans and many othen household $1,500 down. wonkable land, bulk coolen; a Eas, Bwmavile. 44-f atiles Tems as . if Lag selection cf farms, roomed home, nunning water. THEE rom, unumihePethick, auctioneer. 45-i hmes businesses and acreages. Pnice $16,500. Terms arranged. BHE oins,:nvi.four n atices.errWALTERci:fFRANK 121Acre farm on 401 High. eran, e.Apply 23 Temp- at 12:30 p.m., an auction sale of Bowmanvifle with water bowls, drive shed, eacAatet5. 44-t high., grade Scotch Shorthorn 45-1 garage, new silo; 10 roomed A IEro.bungalow for rent cattie, implements, hay, groin, brick home with ail furnoce, ithVilgofLeskard. Tele i a 1947 Chev. sedan and a 1953 running wtr t.Akn phone Onono, 1 Ring 16. Mrs.PnicsdniAlodto, Pe r wa $25,000. Terms. Sade amltnOrno 4-1the oesta te Loaion, N H REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 Acre farm, north Bow. Sai aitnOoo 5i dsoP ErtY theHoainrveyGEEA I Day-anil, 5ace oral SIX-room house in Newtonville, 1 Lot 7, Con. 12, Township of EEA NUAC avil,9 ce okbe centrally located, immediatei Manvers, %k mile' East cf Janet- 99 King St. E. Bowmanville pond, L-shaped bank barn: posesson Cotat Srie adville. The foilowing is a list of Telozihone MA 3-5868 drive shed, new garage; 8 posessMA Co3-3098i ad.acoe et.rPic oe $650withal Strike, Barristers, Bowmanville. new and nearly new machinery: Box 817 rmodedrncvick homo ith ail. 45-1e Case 4-bar side delivery rakte on Salesman - J. A. Barton modetconeices$2,50c i frn steel, Case 17-teçth cultîvaton A339 $5,000 down. FURNSHE bedsiting oomon rube r, 38' cross bale elevat- 4 room bungalow in central 100 Acre farm, near Newton. and kitchenette, avoulable im- an, hay or grain; International location. Frame construction, ville, 95 acres workable, cneek, mediately. Appiy 72 Scuga imanune spreader, 2-whei, on, This is an ideal home for a L-shaped bonk barn, drive shed; St. or Phono MA 3-3231 in the Irubben; Ottaco drag harrow, 4 retined couple. Priced ta, sell. 10 roomed home, heavy wired. even g 5-1esections;, 3-fu.row 1' hevy Terms arranged.Pice and termsrand ONEfunisedligt ouskep-boom Massey plow and a dual 6 room bungalow on a very 5 Roomed bungalow in Bow- ingroo, sitbusiness mon wheel trouler. Terms cash. R. beautifully landscaped lot. Hot manville in excellent shape .rJohn Payne, auctioneer. 44-2 waten heating. Garage. Pniced with furnace, 4-piece bath, hard- SEVEN-noom farm milses hydro,* DISPERSAL SALE nice condition. Veny close ta, 5 Roomed, almost new, brick funnace, water, 1 iesnrhschool. Real buy. Only $1,500 veneer bungalow in Bowman. Bowmanvilie. Schaal bus avai-'30 Reg. Herefordi Cafile down . ville with ail modemn conven- able. Phono YUkon 5-7859,1 - Nice 5-raom cottage at Cedar iences, hardwood and tule floona, Port Penny. 45-1* T.B. Testcd aud Vacciuated Crest Beach. Fuily furnished. modern kitchen, picture window. f ~Only $4,000.00 - $1,000.00 down. Asking price $13,500. Terms. UFURISHED hoNovil ai ip.m. cins wFan:ted for waiting, 5 Roomned brick veneen bun. cd. Hot apd cold water, kitchen 1 hcesocrewih s ta4200 al md o w iin c wtha cupboards and sink. Phono aIt te farm on No. 7 Highway arswitwthu. 4- i oadem coeie ncs, mhardn MA 3-5786. 45-1' * mie nTO*vf ilI181T r'.1 j kitchen, etc. Price $10,000. - 1 mle w stof Ldsay C arles RanKne Terms arranged. COMFORTABLE six - raomed at the BY-Pass at the REAL ESTATE BROKER INCOME HOME, 13 moms house. Imimediate possession. with extra lot in Newcastle. Write Advertiser 996, c/o The Cambray Road Sigu Tight money? Higher inter- Close ta main street. Down Canadian Stotesmon, P.O. Box or 4 miles EstIof Oakwood est notes? $1,500. Pnice anranged. 190 Bomanill. ~ ~ BLLS redy or ervce Weil, you beat bath with the 5SRoomed bungalow in Bow. 190,Bowanvlle 45-* 4BULS, eadyforserice purchase of this almost new manville, next ta schooî with TWO cheerful bed-sltting rooms, Some with Gavernment Bonus V ½-storey brick home, N.H.A. ail modern conveniences, attach- kitchen and bath, furnished. of 33%k% UP ta, $200 .00 resale with 4%'k% mortgoge. $50 cd garage, hardwood and tule Reasonable ront. Suitable for 5 BULLS boru 1959, Pcb., Mar. manthly carnies! You get a home faonrs, patio, nice location. Price business girls. Phono MArket sud April that fnom basement ta attic, slo,Pno. Ternis. 3-5684, 18 Concession St. W._3 O SADBE EFR cannot be faulted. Oak faor ontac _____________43.3 OSADBE HIF S up and down, tiled bathroomCotc CHEFL be-itngrai hi sagadhr wt-ie and kitchen. Aluminum storms JonF D CHEERFULbed-sittng room, banc and quality and and scneens, iandscaped front JonF DeW t kitchen and bath, furnishfed top blood linos. and bock. Water and sewor., Realtor aud General Insurance reasonable ent, suita'ble for Phono now! It will cost you Newatle Phono 3341 business mon. Phono MArketi Seiliug in Pasture Condition nothing ta, sec this ideal homo. Salesmen: 3-5684, 18 Concession St. W. W. S. O'Nell & Sou, Auctioneers Full pnice $12,000. 45-tf Denfield 80 acre farm, ail workable, Donald MountJoy, Bowmanville Iwill grow more thon most 100 MA 3-3950 COTTAGE, 5 large roams, Poney Chase, Prop. acres. 6-roomn stucco home. Bosn Davidsou, Bethany garage, gardon. well. Newcastle-, R.R. 1, Lindsay _ Large hip-roofed bank barn. Ail Phone 21r6