An Example of Cooperation f Tomorrow evening, N ewcastle's citizens and those in that -district will havé another recreation facility open to them. A small enthusiastic group saw the oppor- tunity of purchasing the bowling alleys which were being moved from Martyn's Bowling Alley here. They called a public meeting and the group undertook to purchase four aileys which have been installed in the community hall basement with a great deal of volunteer assistance. The aiieys, beautifully finished, wiil open Friday evening as a fine example of what can be accomplished by cooperative effort within a community. This photo shows Marilyn Cobbledick and Vic Garrod trying out their skill. Plan ta Run Candidates President and Treasurer Resign from Rafepayers Due -to Personal , Reasons in a surprise move, both the presidýýntL, Ed. Foram . and -the treasurer, Jack Meachila, reslgn- ed their positions on the Bow- inanville Ratepayers' Associa- tion on Sunday eveniag. The meeting was held in Memorial Park Club House with a smail attendarce. Mr. Foran listed the demands on his time by lengthy business hours and family iflness as his reason for retiremeat. Mr. Mea- chun stated that since lie was now employed at the Ontario Training School for Boys, he is net permitted te hold office in any pelitical organization. Both resignations were ac- cepted with regret. Vice. Presi- dent Norman Hannan was em- powered te take over the posi- tion of president. The positions of vice president and treasurer were not filled. On taking over the chair, Mr. Hannan stated that "Our job Is flot te undermine coundcil. The Bow-,nanvile Ratepayers' Asso- ciation was formed ta assist themn and te set them straight on things the townspeople think they are doing wrong. Some people tiiink we have the idea of kicking them out. Far fromn it,I' he declared. b Several amenients to the1 >constitution were- proposed ýhy- the new president, including one which would bar members of Town Council from becom- ing members in the organiza- tion. TWro other changes dealt 1wlth remnovai of officers or members o! the executive who failed to attend two consecu- tive meetings without reason- able excuse, and the procedure for filling offices left vacant by resignations. Ail alterations were carried by the meeting. Dog Control Criticlsm The Dog Contrai Centre came in for some sharp discussion when Mr. Hannan disclosed that lie had attended a recent Board of Works meeting and found nothing out of the way to report except the suggested charges per month for the op- eration o! tis new project. Ne outlined' the future char- ges per month as follows: Sal- ary for Dr. Wheatley, the Dog Control Officer $250; salary for A. Hoskin, the aseistant, $228; heat $10; water, $2; Mil- eage for truck $100; rent $75 and food $10-a total of $691. Mr. Hannan stated that Bow- manville's share cf the estim- (Continued on page nine) Damage Negligible Except for B.H.S. Tree The beautiful taîl blue sprucel tree in front of Bowmanville School was sawed down Ia an art of wanton destruction after m'dnight last Friday. Priiicîpal LUW. Dippell sta- ted that there had been littie voluntary cooperation from persons who xight have infor- mnation on the identity o! the cuiprits. He stressed that in a country like Canada the police cannet be fully effective in ap- prending wrong-doers without t.he help of the general public. "With information now avail- able and the checking process of elimination we will get the riglit persons who destroyed this tree," Chie! Bernard R. Kitney told the Statesman on Wednesday «II am sure the people respon- sIble would net have done this thlng if they had known the tempest that would boil up as a resuit o! their action," Chie! !C.tney stated. He said the tree IÙS valued at an amouat be- «Ag>Ln $400 and $500 and money gIjd-not replace it as many ,,asof growth time had been Bath the town Police Force and the Bowma avilie Detach- ment o! the Ontario Provincial Police report a quiet Hallow- .een Chie! Kitney said that be- *vlour had been very good In Jownianville. The O.P.P stated 'at although they had net got off scot free in the countryside there had only been mimcv acts o! mischief. In town children narbed In a colourful and weird array of costumes called from houise te bouse for the traditional Hal-i lowe'en "Trîck or Treat.Il Town Winners 29 on *Relief InOcor The report of the Welfare Department for October submit- ted by the Welfare Administrat- or, R. J. Welsh, to the meeting of Bowmanviile Town Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday evenîng showed that there were 29 relief recipients -during thé month, compared with 28 in. September. In October three new appli- cations were filed and one ac- cepted. During the month there were seven familles on welfare, one single person, and 10 re- cipients in Nursing Homes. The total of indigent days 'was 310. Expendîtures for October were: Direct Welfare $658.14; Nursing Homes $842.50; Excess and Medicines $49.60; a total of $1,550.24. 0f this total amount $1,200.51 was recovered through provincial subsidies and charge backs. The cost to Bowman- ville of this expenditure was therefore $349.73. The break-down given by the report showed that there was one deserted case with two dependents, six unemployed heads of families with 17 de- pendents, and the 10 recipients receiving Nursing Home care. ISrUDENTSAN NOYEDI Dear Eitor: ýErl Saturday marning sm huhls vandails sa it ta destroy thebeautiful blue spruce which- hts been a part of aur High Schoal for- thirty Town Adds 91 People. During Year The population of Bow- inanville now numbers 8,203 as shown ln the cen- sus recently completed in the town by Clarence Oke, Bowmanville Assessor and Assistant Town Clerk . A year ago the remuit of the census taken here siiowed there were 7,112 people here then. The increase i population during the last year amounted to 91. The number of people ln the different sections of Bowmanville lu now as fol- lows: West Ward 2,084-, North Ward 2,213; South Ward 2,673; and Bowman- ville Beaches 233. There are 2,599 chlldren ln the town under the age of 16. The largest number of ehildren, 987, under 16 live in the South Ward. In the North Ward the child- ren under 16 number 696; ln the West Ward 688, and there are 128 chlldren un- der 16 at the East and West Ebwmanvile Beaches. THE SLAUGHTERED TREE> Unanimaus Opinion Coun cil Praises In'dustrleil Commission Refuses Ratepayers, Request for', eote Commission to the Town was emphasized by nxembers of the Town Coundil at the Council meeting :held ili the Town Hall on Monday evening. A request from the Bowmanville Rate- payers' Association to hold a plebîscite on whether or not the citizens want te have Ia- dustrial Commission was tura- ed down unaniinously on a mo- tion made by Deputy Reeve Jack Brough, seconded by Councillor Ken Nicks. Norman Hannan president o! the Bowmanville Ratepayers' Association, headed a three man delegation from the organiza- tion present at the meeting. Other members cf the delega- tion were James Coyle and Rob- ert Martyn, members of the ex- ecutive. Also several other members of the association were present at the meeting of ceun- cil. Addressing councikMr. Han- nan stated that thW]owman- ville Ratepayers' Association had advised the secretary to write a letter to Town Council (Continued on nage seven) utsfrndîg péaker To Give Sales Course Here Nexf Wednesday- Sales clerks, reception ists and Rotary Club, and the expense others who deal wi tte public, is being jointly underwritten by either face-to-face or by phone, the Rotary Club, the Bowman- will have an opportunity to learn ville Business & Professional from an expert on Wednesday Women's Club, and the Retail afternoon, November 18th, at Merchants' Section of the Cham- 2:15 p.m. in the Town Hall ber of Commerce. Auditorium. Speaking on I'Seli- Cutos fiin evc ing As The Customer Likes IV' Courteouseffcieterviced wil C.W.(Bil)Wrgtof heip combat the competition of Toronto, one of North Amer-Tontad eryspig ica 's outstanding authorities o rotn erysopn sales training, personnel seîec- centres,' and it is hoped by the tion and business management. sponsors that each Eowmanviiie Mr. Wright is regularîy em- and district merchant will buy ployed to train the staffs of the tickets for his entire staff. The country's leading industries and cost per ticket is only 35c. chain stores, and Bowmanville The sponsors also hope that is indeed fortunate to obtain a receptionists, salesmen, and oth- speaker of such high calibre. ers who meet the public will To provide a pleasant change attend, and ail interested private of pace, the sponsors have also citizens are cordially invited to engaged "The Sweet Adelines,' hear this entertaining and in- Oshawa's delightful girls' chorus structive speaker. under the direction of Stuart Ticket sellers wiil be contact- Tutton. ing. business establishments in The idea of securing Mr. Bowmanville and nearby towns, Wright's services was conceiv- and tickets may aiso be purchas- ed by the Vocational Service ed at the Chamber of Com- Conim.ttee of the Bowmnanviiie merce office in the Town Hall. Anniversary Spea-ker The 124th Anniversary Serv- ices will be held at Trinity Unit- ed Church, Sunday, November 8th. Dr. Harold Vaugh~an wili be -the -guest speakeri r h xùorning and evenlng services. Dr. Vaughan was minister of the Zion United Church, Brant- ford, Ontario, until June of this year when he was appomnted Executive Secretary for the Board of Colleges and' Second- ary Schools. He is also re- sponsible for the campaign to obtain candidates for the min- istry. Rains Fail To Sto p Blood Donors Red Cross officiais were delighted Yesterday after- noon when well over 75 local citizens came to donate blood at the clinle ln the Lions, Centre, In view o! the heavy rains ail after- roon, this number was con- sidered exceptîonally good. It was expected that the quota of 250 would be sur- passedl during the evening session. Organization for the event was perfect, enabling don- ors to Proceed through the various stages wlth des- patch. Society Public Speaking k The three winners of the Public Speaking coatest for js~- Bowmanville Public School were ehosen yesterday after- noon at Vincent Massey Public School. T.hey were: 1, Bill De- pew of Central School who spoke on "Astronauts"; 2, Nel lie Vermuelen, Central, speak ing on "Moses" and 3, Rose Robinson, datarlo St.j' whose subject was "The St. Lawrence seaway". The first twe winners will. compete in the district semni- finals against pupils from Cart- wright, Minvers and Darling- ton at Blackstock on Tuesday, Nov. 10th, 8 p.m. Others whe took part ia the town finals were Lana Morri- son, Central, "Seaway"; Kathy Osborne, Central, "Education"; Stephen Oke, Ontario, "The Maklng of Bread", Lenore Fow- 1er, Ontario, "Italv,"; Susan Ri- vers, Ontario, "Bowmanville";- Morris Honeyman, Vincent Massey, "Tecumseh"; Tina Hughes, Vincent Massey, "Eng- land"; Michael Russell, Vincent Massey, 4Bird Bandiag"l; Jac- .:~~t~ queline Martin, Vincent Mas- 4% ' sey, "The Kangarco". ~~-- Judges for the event were The Sunshine Clas.% a stauneh sppporter of the Saunders, Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Mrs. O.Wilams, Mrs. M1m M. Couch, Lord Elgin Cancer Society, has as one ef ils projects thé making of Oriand Plummer, Mrs. Lew Deweli, Mrs. Stan McMurter, Schooi; MissaP&rtle Hall, Cea- dressings for the Society. Some of the members are Mrn. Alan W. Steel, Mrs. Cuthbert McDonald, Mjs. Stan tral; Mm. George Collins, On. tario St.; and Min . Rpddij shown above busiiy engaged in this task. They are trom Dunn. 'Seated ini the foreground is Mrs. Earl Thompson. Vb3cent M*ssey. 'left te right: Miss Jean Rundie, Mrs. Si Trewmn, Mrs. Harry. Ç/3tsanad £Jieces ABANDON SPECIAL BARS - Pupils at Bowman- ville, Public School will no longer receive special awards in the form of colorful bars to be worn on their jackets. This was decided recently and ail parents were notified of the change. In past years, there have been awards for scholarship, citizenship, progress, attendance, public speaking and athletics. No reason was given for the new policy. t t. t. t t NEW REGISTRAR - Word was' received- at Th Statesn-an this week from Alex . Carruthers, M.P.P for Durham, that Miss Helen Cryderman has been promoted from Assistant Registrar to Registrar of the Registry Office here. It is aiso understood that Ted Bird will be the new assistant. While no definite date has been set for moving the files into, the new Counties building on Liberty St. North, it is expected the trans.. fer wiil be made within a few weeks.I t t -,t t t AUTOMATIC WASHER - Information has now been j! released that the former St. Joseph's Church on Church ( Street has bepurchased by theM iiK. Ludy lnvestments Limited. The sale Was' made through McQuay & Kidd, Realtors, with Walter Frank, the local agent making the deal. A sign which had been piaceci on the property was knocked down on Halle- we'en, but it is understood that considerable renova- tien will take place before the automatic washing and drying machines wiil be installed, ready for t~z . opening in a few weeks. t t lfit i RAIN - NO GAME - These poor juvenile bail players who have been trying to complete their serles with Strathrey for the Ontario Championship, again ran inte trouble on Saturday. They traveiled as far as Clappison's Corners where a 'phone cail establishèd that it had started te ramn in Strathroy a hall heur after the team had lef t Bowmanviile. They returned home te await word when the next attempt would be, but te date the powers have net contacted *the local greup. Se, the championship is far from settied. ft t ft t f BRIGHT NEW SIGN - Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. is sperting a beautiful, bright new sign which adver- tises their new line of Flo-Giaze Paints. At night especially, the sign reaily stands eut and catches the eye of motorists and pedestrians. Incidentaiiy, the Sheppard & Gi f irm has taken on a great many new and varied products recently in keeping with their "Everything for the Builder" poiicy. 1 t ft ft ftt PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT - Thirty-five miles per heur is the normal pace of a bee in flight, but it slows down te about 10 m.p.h. when loàded with honey. People are different, notes the Ontario Safety League. A loaded car driver is more iikeiy te speed up than slow down. t t t f f NEW STORE OPENING - Those who have been tak- ing advantage of Ken Nicks' Movi ng Sale wiil be interested te note that this weekend the stock will be transferred into his new store on Temperance St. The store will be open for business on Monday, but the officiai opening will net take place until next Friday, Nov. l3th. Speaking of Moving Sales, hardware patrons wili be interested in the full page advertise- ment appearing in this week's Statesman, featuring wonderful bargains at Lander Hardware who expect te be moving early in December. t ft t ft l DO-IT-YOURSELFERS - Oshawa Wood Products wili start one of their special free courses next Mon- day for those who are planning to undertake a recreation room or other building on the do-it-your- self plan. If you are interested, contact the Courtice office this week and "learn ail about it ft ft t ft f SUÇCESSFUL CONFERENCE - The several mem- bers of tewn and district councils and other interested parties whe attended the Lake Ontario Deveiopment Association conference in Peterborough Iast Wednes- 'day came home thriiled with the discussions. Our thanks te Councillor Ab. Sturrock for giving us the cemplete address of Mr. Evans, the head of the, Canadian Manufacturers Association. t f f t f BIGGEST INDUSTRY - At the opening of Eastway Bowling Alieys last week, Reeve Roy W. Nichois of Darlington had great fun telling the many Oshawa officiais present who were claiming it as part of tthe city, that it was- situated ini the township and lu its biggest induistry. Probabiy this incident wfll b. repeated at the opening of the new "Darlhtigton" Pro- vincial Park whlch Oshawa han more or lesu been claiming as is own. kA years. We, the senior students, wish ta assure the public that this Was an act of an irresponsible minority and is minno way reflective ofa--ur own school,-spirit. This display of ignorance doesn't even fit inta. the category afi a H4allowe'en prank. We sincerely hope that your readers will not, because of this single -thoughtless incident, condemn the general student body. (Sixty-seven Grade 13 Students signed thie~letter.) nu- tan a Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 105 20 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1959 10e Per Copy MBR4 Donate. Time and Toil for Cancer 1