- WESDAY, NOV. Sth, 1959 THE CANADIAIq STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTA1UO PAGE TEREN WOOD - ALLDRED yellow and bronze "muns. Mr. Wood is the son of Mr. and On October 24. 1959 at 2:30 Mrs. Wesley R. Wood. pmi in Orono United Churcli, Rv. B. E. Longc united in mar- The wedding music was play- niage Annie Doreen, daughter, ed by Mrs. M. Staples who also of ?&. and MIrs. Leslie H[. Apjj accompanied soloist Mr. John dred, and Mr. Boyd Dogs Ford. Wood before a background of Given in marriage by her A Refre sh Buy the family carton of 6 big boif les Smith Be verages. Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR ART LINKLETTER SAYS: "Here's the onetruly fine watch priced within the reach of ail..a." M Bu LOVA Value Style performamme . The new £WVL by Bulova ls trulya fine watch ln the 'unovement of each one, there ~ art 17 precision, working jewels , . . to assure many years cf 1precise,-trouble.free service. AU thisi 7IwI e..nd anew à&MLcan be yours for *Uuwle et littie as $1.00 a week, .nsrâ Com eln today. Choose fmom, many $24"s stlsand models. .Mop Rt.embn A*EEK AS LTUEAS .AEK MÀO e 'Jeu VWG STREET WECST ýRR'S ireII.vy fatier the bride wore a por- trait floor-length gown cf white imported Chantilly lace designed with a plcatcd Sabri- na neckline enbanced with long MiY pcinted sicevea. The ful bouffant skirt, worn over many crinolines, was emphasized by an cverskirt cf lace coming to a point and edged with a bor- der cf fine plcatirag. A circular crown cf imported orange bics- serns helr her frnger-tp veil of silk illusion and she carriedi a bouquet cf white carnations, red roses and stephanotis. Rcd roses and stephanotis were caught la Uic streamers falling from the bouquet. Maid of bonor was Joan All- dred, Orono, and the brides- niaids were Norab Wood, Osh- awa, and Anne Best, Taranto. The flower girl was Miss Donna Wood, Bowmanville. The maid cf honor ira copper and the bridesmaids ina turquoise wore identical gowns of embossed peau de soie designed with roundedi neclclines and the new, flared French siceves with ful bouffant skirts empbasized by large bows at the waists. The little flower girl was la a yellow nylon dress and aIl wore white wrist-lcngth gloves andi shoes te matèli their dresses. Their large picture bats cf niatching colour gently dipped inl the front anad were caught at the back by a soft bow. The maidi of bonor carried a nosegay cf yellow and turquoise poms and the bridesmaid's nosegays were cf bronze and yellow poms. The flower girl carriedi a basket cf bronze and white ponis. The best man was LAC Neilr Barrabail, Winnipeg, and the ushers were Mr. Kcith Wood, Orono, and Mr. Boss Brown, Newtonville. The receptien was held li Orono United Church Sunday Sobool Auditorium. The bride'sI mother wore a minic colouredi wool crepe sheath acceratedi by a matching jacket andi Peter Pan collar cf mink, forest green bat and gloves, and corsage of yellow poms. To assist, the grooms mother chose a blue crepe sheatb, dusty rose acces- sories anad corsage cf white Plaocchio 'mums. For tbc boncymoon trip te western Ontario andi Detroit, Mici., the bride changed to ara avocado green wool crepe sheath with a peau de soie cuni- nicrbund,--gold cloche bat, black ;accessories and corsage cf yel- low carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Wood will ne- side ina Orono, Ontario. i CRUICKSHANK - POTTER Befone a background cf white and yellow 'munis la St. Paul's United Cbunch. Bowmanvile, on Saturday, October 17, 1959, at 3 p.m., Lorna Diane, daugh- ter cf Mr. and Mis. Lamne Pot- ber, becanie thc bride cf Mr. Ian Douglas Cruicksbank. The groom is Uic son cf bbe late Dr. and Mis. Alex Cruickshank, Scotland. Bey. Harold Turner was tbc offtcating clergyman and bbc wedding music was played, by Mis, C. H. Dudley. The bride wearing a gown of lace anad nylon net was giv- en ia marriage by ber father. The Pearl- andi sequin embroidi- eredi lace bodice, designcd with long tapered sleeves,-dippcd to deep front and back points ex- tending iabo the bouffant net skint. Her scalloped lacc-edgcd veil feUl from a pearl and se- quin tiare and she carried a cascade cf red roses and baby rniums. Maid cf honer, Miss Lela Potier, andi bnidcsniaids Misses Evelyn Potter and Marie Pot- ber, ail sisters of the bride, were la ldentically styled dresses cf organza witb self flowers at the bemlines arad bo- dices, and tepped by jackets fasbioned witb three-quarten slceves. The maid cf honor was ina aqua blue and bbc brides- miaids ira melon pink. They wore matcbing feathen bats and carried nosegays cf ydleow and white mumis. The groom's cousin, Mn. Lar- ry Cruicksban-k of Paris, Ont., was best man anad bbc ughers were Messrs. George Potter, Bowmaravillc. and Howard Pat- ter of Courtice, brothers cf Uic bride. The reception was 'hcld eti the borne cf tbc bride's sifter, Mi. and Mrs. Walt Connclly, Oshawa. wbenc the bids mother received the guests wearing a brown suit dress, with ligbter browa accessories and corsage cf, Pink carnations. For travelling bbc bride changed te a beige wool flan- nel suit with brown eccessor- les and corsage cf yellow roses. Mi. and Mrs. Cruicksbank will reside et 73 King St. W, Bow- manville. PROUT - CAMERON A prebty Septeniber wedding book place ira Zion United Cbunch, September 5tb, 1959, at 3 pan. when Bey. Fred Beed unite May Jancen, daugbter cf Mi. and Mis. Ray Camneron, Zion, to Donald Maurice, oniy sera of Mn. and M.rs. Maurice Prout, Bowmeaville, ln hely matrimony., Baskets cf xnulti-colorcd glad- loli decorated the altar, while Uic pews were trinimed with white satin bows andi coloredi asters, making a lovely sctting for the double-ring ceremony 71he bride entered bbc church on bhc arm cf hen fether te tbc strains of bbc Wedding March played by Mrs. Charles Naylen, Zion. She loeked cherming ilaa floor-lcngth gown of celanese sabla. The fitcd bedice cf lace over satin featured a 10w off- thc shoulder ncckline trimnicd wthh e wide double-satin nccl- lar, caught et gathcred nter- vals wit.h white velvet rxbbon loops, giving lb a puffed, seal. loppcd effect. Her mittens were elbow-length lace oven net. The ful stin skîrt was fur- ther cnhanced by two skirts af net atacbed te ea cummerbund of atin, coered with lace. The bottora edge cf outer net skîrt was ucalloped each scallop caught up with a white velvet bow. Her waist-leigbh ireilc embroidered tulle illusion was caught to a piU-box styled head Married in~ Zion United Church Shown cutting their wedding cake following their marriage in Zion United Church on Saturday, September 5th, 1959 at 3 p.m. are Mr. -.and Mrs. Donald Maurice Prout. The bride, former May Janeen 'Cameron, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron, Zion. Mr. Prout is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Prout, Bowmanville. Setting Was St. PauI's United ................ Mr. and Mrs. lant Doi above were married i St. Fai ville, on Saburday,. October 1 former Lamna Diane Potter, Mrs. Lamne Pobter. Mr. Cruit Dr. and Mme. Alex Cmuicksha dress trinimedi wibb pearls andi sequins. She worc Uic groom's gift-a string cf pearîs, aad carniedi a white Bible upora which rcsted a white orchid in a setting cf small red roses, trimimed wlth white rlbbora streamers andi ferra. The bride's attendants wore street-leragth gowns made ira high-waisted Empire style with cap sîceves. Their accessories were the same small white fea- ther bats, short white mitts and white shees. They carried yel- low shasta 'munis la cascade style. 1Mrs. Inez Henry, Hamilton, sis- ber of the bride arad matron cf h onor, wore a gawn of aqua- coloredi organza. Miss Betty Locke, Bowmanviile, brides- maid, was 1 nshrixnp orgaraza The junior bnidesniaids, Judy Anra Cameron, sister cf the bride, and Marilyn Prout, sister cf bbc groom, were la maize yellcw nylora chiffon, while the wee flower girl, Donna Henry, niece of bbc bride, was la white nylon with colouredi embroi- dery. Tbey ail wore peari neck- laces, a gift froni Uic bride. Reginaldi Willitbs, Bowmara- ville, was best man. Norman Luxton, John Osborne and Be- verley Cameran, al cf Bow- manville, wcrc ushers. Along with Uic groom,. bhey wone idera- bical outfits - white jacket, black trousers ead cunimer- bund. The groom's gifts te bhc best man and ushers were cuff- links and tic-clips. Ira recciving guests et the re- ception, 'held ira Uic Sunday School roonis, the bride's motb- er, wearing a royal blue duli crepe dress trimmed with biray self covercd buttons and rhine- stones and dusty rose eccessor- les, was assistcd by bbc groom's mather la a shcath gown cf patterned chromspura taffeta la powdcr blue, with black accessories. Both worc corsages cf mbeded tee-roses and fera. About 45 gucats were prsenat frcm Bcwmenviile, Oshava, Toronte, Caoksville and Pal- grave. Fer going away te points west and nortb, Uic bride chose e Mlue ligbt wocl sheatii dress toppedi by a short bolero with Uiree-quarter length sîceves and a wide collar.- Rat andi gloves wcere sky blue with punie and abocsinl white. On August 2lst bbc bride', uncle and aunt, Mr'. and Mrs. Reford Cameron, Bowmaav!Ue uglas Cruickshank pictured aul's United Church, Bowman- 17, 1959, at 3 p.m. The bride, ,is the daughter of Mr. and ickshank is the son of the late ank, Scotland. -Photo by Bowmianville Studio 1held a iiseellaneous shower when a nuniber of relatives and Lclose friends werc present. The bride and groom were surprised at the home cf Mir. and Mrs. Charles Naylcr. Zioný on August 24th when they found some sixty friends, neigh- bours and relatives cf Zion commutnity had gathered "-toi honor them, with many gif ts for their home.1 The following evening the girls of thc Stedman Store ga- thered at the home of Mrs. Audrey Cookson, Maple Greve, to honor the bride with a mis- cellaneous shower. On Saturday, August 29th Don and Janeen were invited edclMirror Heart Can Také Just Se Much Il 0. That la the Meanfng <0f "'low achivity goleranee"? A. This may bc another way cf saying -diminished cardiac- (heart) reserve." The normal beart pumps more than 10,000 quarts of blood through the body' every day. This is donc with case .and with energy or reserve te, spare. When a perses with a nor- nmal heart runs up a flight cf atairs, Uie heart boats a littie harder and faster but soon quiets down. A weak heart ruseut cf: main.l Sucha person migbt b. aaid to bave a 'low activity toi- erance." People with this sert cf trouble ahould live wthln the capacity of their heart and never' push themsielves beyond the, point Of tekrance Oueavloaa directad to e Sc Edif- mgr, P.O. Box 396, Madison Sq. gia.. N. Ir. 10, N. Y. will b. là- eorporated de thm coeiumn, whea eu11 to th eroe of Mr. and mm. Keith Shackelton. Thora they were greetcd by a great my of Don's relatives and prescit- cd with nunicrous gif ts. When Uic Young couple ne- turned ote chome of the 'bnide's parents on August Slst tbey found niany close frierads had gethered for a pmntry sbower. Co-hostesses for -thc evening were Mrs. Percy Da- vidson, Mis. Chuck Terry andi iMis. Alan Fisher. Hospital Shows 'Patient Increase O0ver Last Year Accounts amounting te $7,- 957.36 were passed for paY- ment et the meeting of the IBoard of Directens of Memonial Hospital whicb was held on Wed. evening, October 2lst, ina the Auxiliary room et the. bei- pita-l. - Th t tpthnt e bcmeçting werelvanHobbs, tbcchair- man, Hanry Cryderman, Mrs. Bruce Mutton, W. David Hig-1 gora, Mis. Lawrence C. Masoni, Mns. L. W. Dippell, Bey Diliing, secretary-trcasurer, andi Stan- ley Wilkins, Uic hosPital d 'ministrator. Mis. Mutton, wbo is aise president cf Uic Wornens' Hos- pital Auxiiary, reported that the a.uxiliary 'bas purchased two dozen water jugs for Uic patients and that Uiey are sa- tisfactory. The Hospital Adminisbrater's Report for September sbowed that there werc 1,484 patient days during thc month this year as compared te 1,31o during the same montb ira 1959. The aver- age nuanbcr cf patients dally la September 1959 was 49.47 as against 43.7 ira September 1958. Average numben ef la- fants in Septemben 1959 was 4.87, wbile la tbc sanme merabl ira 1958 lb was 6.6. The average number of adult patients daily this Septemben was 44.6 andi ina September 1958 it was 37.1.1j Te achers Convention Memnbers of Uic teaching staff of Bownxanville High Sehool attended the Profession- al Development Conference of the Kawartha District, No. 22 cf the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation, Oct. 28th ina Cobourg. The conference was held ina thc Cobourg Collegiate Institute, -and some 450 second- ary achool teacliers were pres- cnt. 1Dr. Marcus Long, head of the department cf Philosophy at the University cf Toronto was thc principal speaker. Dr. Long, who la well known to televisi>n audiences, spoke on "Educa- .tional Objectives in a Chiang- ing World." Aniong thc speakers at the conference sessions were Leon- ard Lucas, assistant principal of Bowmanville High Schoel, who gave a mathematics ad- dress on "lLessons in Equa- tions"; E. B. Boyd, Bowman- ville, on "English-An Isolated Subject or an Important Ele- ment in all Parts of Uic Curri- culum"; G. R. Elliott, Bowman- ville, "Standardizcd Testing"; and Miss Mary Bennett, Bow- nianville, whose subjct was "Physical Education and Anti- vity Dancing." PONTYPOOL Our' village bias been sad- Sdened b~y thc deaith cf local and former cltizens. On Satur- vice was held from, theUUnited scd asway suddenly. Deccssed Ihad made ber home In the vil- lage with ber sistier-in-law Mre-. James Ma]ley for over 30 yue. A highly rcspected citizen and lovcd by ail her funeral ser- vice was lied from. the United Church here on Mondiay with Linterment in Orono Ccmetery. We also regret ta report Uic passing of Mr. Harold Masters cf Oshawa. For many years de- ceased resided bere wlth fils family. Aniother former citizen Mis. Odey Dunn of Toronito, lias alse passed away reoently. Her huabaid (deceasedi) was a C.P.R. agent liere for several yeams Several froni here ettcnded thc funeral of Ex-Reeve Al- bert Hcaslip cf Jaoetville on Monday. Mr. T. E. Cain lcft Saturday to spend the winitcr mantha with his deughter la Toronto. Hallowe'en was weil celc- brated over Uic wcckcnd. A large nnnnber alftended thc Hallowe'en Dance in Ballyduf f on FrdAay cvcning with ethers attcnding a similar affair ina the Armiturles la Millbrook. A large nuniber werc la costume in the Orange Hall, Saturday night to dance to Deug Dastl's Band. Turkey Supper was largely attended on Wednesday even- ing when over $400 was tacen in. The Sunclay Aniniversary Service condiueted by Mr. Som- merville and Mr. Duff was 1er- gely attended. A miale choir of eleven voices with Mrs. Lily Ridhardson as organist suppç- lied a fine service cof sang. T'ruck Icads of trecsa re leaving daily for US-A. mn- kets. M&. and Mis. Jack Ellctt of Dunsford vlslted friends bore and atteriied Uie Anniverssry Service on Sunday. Several members cf our L O.BA. vlsitcd Janetville LodgeJ necently 'wlen several mm bers rcceived the ScarlemmDe grec. Dii.>rand wow a Poppy. New Nur sing School Arouses Much Interest Recent announcemnent of a goveronent-financed echool cf nursing to be la openabion at Toronto by September, 1960, bas caused an unpreccdented wave cf interest la nursing cir- cles, says Uic Bcgistered Nur- ses' Association of Ontario. The 23,000-member associa- tion cf registered nurses hopes that Uic achool indicates a new deal for nursing education, for wbioh the association has work- ed for many years. Association president, Mar- garet P. Morgan, Hamilton, said that lier association bas for a numben of years pressed for financial assistance for nurs- ing education on Uic part cf the gcvcrnmcnt. She naid that if this assistance is fortbcoming as it le now for other profes- sions, it will no longer be ne- cessary for students te provide service durng training beyond that requlred for their leann- ing. "As a consequence, It will b. possible for students to conipîcte their trainng la two years," Miss Morgan said. "9Tii.twe-year progrnth. IRNAO supports and rcom- mendedi et Its annuel meeting this. year is that whlch was de- monstratcd at the Metropolitan Sehool of Nursing ira Windsor, in ara experiment made ira 1948- 53V" nid Miss Morgan. This scbool was sporasored by thc Canadian Nurses' Association, finanoed by the Bcd Cross, and directed by Nettie D. Fidier, present dinecter cf UiceUUniver- sity cf Tarante Scbool cf Nurs- lng. "The expenimerata!pnegnam establishcd et Toronato Western Hospital ira 1950 te 1955 and since adopted by a few other hospitals in Ontario, is a tbrcc- Iyear prOgram. with two ycars o f planned and contnolied class- room and clinical teacbing fol- lowcd by a year cf irternship," the RNAO president said. "4It is the uraderstanding of the RNAO that thc new Night- ingale School la Toronto, fi- inanccd by bbc goverrament, is putting inte effect the two-ycar prograra which was pioneered by thc Windsor echool," she said. "Certain principles anc basic,- ehe said, "namely, that bhc school would bave its own gev- erning body, that it would op- erate on a separate budget, and that lb would bave cortrol of the student's bime and educa- tional expenierace, both ira the classnoom and irathUicdinical field." Educational requirement for admidssion te Uic two-year pro- gram recemmended by tbc RNAO la a secondary scbool honor graduation diplorna or its equivalent. Several RNAO leaders, Ina- cluding thc presiderat, rccnbly interviewcd tUicheairman cf the Ontario Hospital Services Commission, Dr. Ian Urquhant.- Ilbey werc assured that prin- ciples as cutlined by Uic RNAO would be implemented inratbe new school, that the work of HA E OU HE The ohl cornpany executive waa entertainlnt a chorus girl and had Just explalned how bis company was one of the blggegt hi the busies... wlth eloyen hundred gem stations: "WelI, 1 tIiInk ht's Just wonder- fui how lucky yen oil people are,» she said... "Every tirn o yo drillinl one et those placesyo strike gasélIue." You'U stnike lb nich wbera you d,çperad upon us for ail your dry cleaning care tee. Because it's a fact - you'il save meney la Uice long rua with regular dry clcaning care. Net only will yeur clothes look better but thcy'Ul lest longer. Try us sacra and h tthe association would b. used 1ini the, development of tic mo- del achool and standards as ce- tablished by it would be met. Concern about thc nursing shortage has made a new ap- proach to the whole programn cf training Iniperative, say the RNAO representatives. A school whlch would reduce the length of ie at takes to prepare a nurse is most desirable. But the profession is alsô greatly con- cerned Uiat Uthc quality of the trained product b. niaintained and lmproved. Ini requiring secondary school lionor graduation diploma or its equivalent. the RNAO feels that a student of gocd ability tand good general education is required to, handie Ipresent-day nursing responsibilities and to approach a more truly profes- sional stiatus. Nurses are happy about the dhice of the school's director, ?&s. M. Blanche Duncanson. A vice-president of Uie RNAO, >she lias partlcipated widely ina the association% study; of cdu- cational ,ieeds. "It lu hoped and expected that this school will provide an improved educiational prograni in a shorter period cf Urne which, lin turn, will attract more candidates to nursing and wiil result in a better prepared professional nurse," said Mrs. Dunoanson. Specica s in PERMANENT WAVES Wived by: JOSIE DEMAINE FROM MONDAY TO TRURSDAY Reg. $10.09 Fer -______$ 7.95 Reg. $12.5095 Fer -__9.9_ Reg. $15.00 For _11.95__ SPECIAL COLD WAVE ai $6.95 Mr. ffuyck wll b. bore on Tues.. Wed. and Fi. to do the steam and regular waves Phone NA 3.5703 F0OI "OINTKNT Huyck'4 Hairstyling Studio 1 f, ? THIg S O. Dw~N ilEM 33 King St. W. Ph...mAu3-5d31 B&. Lesle EI.S. CONNENCENENT EXERCISES FRIDAT, NOV. 20 -8Sp.m. Decorate Now!, Hfave 'Tour Boomi s lai and Freuh for Winlor. Use the KEM Lines SUPER KEM-TONE for new -or old plaster or over wallpaper. KEM-GLOW Enamel for kitchen, bathrooms, woodwork, etc., in a large range of beautiful colours. Il You Prefer ... WALLPAPERS we can show you about 800 samples, both domestie and imported; 300 papers are in stock MURALS give your rooms a look of distinction. Also the best in Enamnels, Stains Varnishes, Brushes, Floor and Wall Tii., Gdams, Etc. For a cheap clean-up job of any kind ask us for special items. Dring your decorating problenis to us and we wiil try to heIp you solve them J. H. Abernethy's Paint and Wallpaper Store - IrUMDAT, NOV. 5th, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMTý& OlqTAIUO PAM 1 11