PAGE S~ TED CANADIAN STATUMAN. 5OWVAIO'V!LLE OUTARTO '?'~tm~flAV WIV a~m f Rotarians and Their Ladies Enjo0y Annual Get m Together At Lions Commun ify Centre Thie annual Ladies' Night Mrs. 'Vice, the District Govern-1 lheld by thie Bowm-àanville Ro- nor and Mis. J. David Kennedy, tary Club on Wednesday even- Ed Rwidle, president cf Branch ing, October 28th, at tAie Lions 178 of thie Canadian Legion, Community Centre was a mem- and Mrs. Rundle; Glen Lander, arable occasion. Thie evening president cf the Bowm&flville was enjoyed by 160 Rotarians Lions Club, and Mrs. Lander; and guests. The District Gov- 'Murray Larmer, president of emnor J. David Kennedy, and the Bowmanville Kinsmen Mrs. Kennedy came fromn Club, and Mrs. Larmer, and Mr. Guelph te attend the event. and Mrs. Ken Morris. Shortly before 6:30 o'clock Thie Fellowship Chairnian, George Vice, the president of Mark Roenigk, read tAie list of tAie Bowmanvile Rotary Club, tAie guests o! tAie Rotarians who and Mrs. Vice. R. P. Rickaby, were present at the gala event. tAie vice-president, and Mrs. Thie Toast to the Ladies was Rickaby, welcomed tAie guests. proposed by Morley Vanstone, TAie spacious hall was beauti- who paid tribute ta the tremen- fully decorated in auturan col- dous work and suppmort of the ours. Rotary Annes throughout the A bright cornucopia over- year. Mr. Vanstone said that flowing with a colourful array al Rotary Club meetings are o! fruits and vegetables cen- enjoyable, but pointed out this tred the long buffet in the cen. annual event was particularly tre of the room. Tables for so. The ladies by their presence groups of six and twelve sur- made the room more beautiful rounded the buffet tables from and their friendly graciousness which thie Rotarians and their improved tAie atmosphere, he guests served thenuselves a de- stated. liciaus dinner. Mrs. George Vice replied ta Grace was offered by Art Ri- the Toast to thie Ladies, and bey. President Vice proposed thanked Mr. Vanstone on their thie Toast to the Queen just be-1 behaîf for Ais complimentary fore dessert was served. At the1 statements. conclusion o! thie meal Dr. Keith Former District Governor Slemon led a spirited smgsong Walter DeGeer praposed the with Mrs. Keith Billett at thie Toast fa Rotar-y International. piano. He referred ta the original for- Following the sing-song thei mation cf Rotary by Paul Har- guests were welcomed by the! ris, its rencwned founder, and president, in a short address. traced thie development of Ro- TAie Aead table guests were in- tary throughout the years. troduced by Ken Morris, the 1 Rotary was the first service secretary. They were Mr. anid club, Mr. De Geer stated, and Dristan Dristan Pertussin Vacuum Tabiets Spray for Cougbs Botties 1.252.2543.75 1.25 75c- 1.25 79e 1 TOOTH PASTE SPECL4ALS Vlcks Cough Syrup- 69e 2 tubes Colgates 35o size 59e Vieks Formula 44 - 1.19 2 tubes Colgates 63c size 99e Vicks Euh -- 64e - 1.09 2 tubes Ipana 63c size- 99e Vieks Nose Drops 64c Spray EXTRA VALUE Nyal Net Creophos 59 - 980 98o ise Brink Tooth Paste ___________ Plastie Flashllght Adorn Both for 98cWampoles Iflair Spray 63e Gleemx Tooth Paste Extract 1.75 Nylon Nail Scrub 1.50 -2.75 Both for 63o Tame 4U5 Palmolive Shave Cr. Scotta Rinse 43e Wlldroot Cream 011 Emulsion 69e - 1.19 Both for 65a 1.00 -2.00 One-A-Day Multiple Caps. GERITOL Alil the essential vitamins Vitamins and Minerais 1.49 - 2.75 - 4.49 - 8.75 1 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 COWLI NG'S PHONE MIA 3-5693 DRUG STORE wE Filr IRUSSES ROYAL L TRIS Fil. AND SAT. NOV. 6 - 7 ArMalines Saturday, 2 p.. "Sad Horse" at 7 and 9:45 "Savage" at 8:30 mon. - WED. - NOVENDER 9 - Il "Return of the FIy" Adult VINCENT PJUCE - BRETT HALS"Y also "The Young Captives" STEVEMARLO " LUANA PATTEN ladt thne to-ait. - -Imitation of Life" (Aduit) Comhmg, Nov. 19 - 21 - "Blue Denim" (Adult) J III BURKETON Thie W. A. of Burketon is making a canvass on behaif of the Blind. Donations may be left at Hubbard's Store. The C.G.I.T. wîll meet on Tuesday evening at 7.30 p.m. A social evening was Aeld last Tuesdfay evening at the home o! Alden Hubhard. Pro- ceeds cf thie evening went fa the Building Fund. A number from Acre attend. cd thie sale o! thie estate o! thie late Mr .and Mrs. Walter Oke on Saturday. Miss Patsy Gibbs, T1yiro«e, spent thie weekend with Miss Carol Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Trick, Lindsay, called on relatives and neighbours in the village this week. Mrs. Greta Bailey spent the weekend with relatives la OsA- awa. Mr. an-d Mrs. Albert Adams and family, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter and family, WThitby, were recent guests o! Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. James Trick, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Esther Carnochen recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Boxven aind faxnily, Port Hope, spent tAie weekend with Mr. and MIvrs. George Allison andi fanu- ily. Sympathy from tAis commun- Ity is extendied ta the relatives li the passin.g o! Mrs. F. Bailey at Blackstock. Mr. and Mýrs. R. J. Harvey and family, Oshawa, were Sun day guests of Mr. an-d Mrs. J. A. Turrxbull andi family. Mr. M. Oliver bas returned home again after bis recent surgery i Memo-rial Hospital, Bowmanville. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Robb o! Monitreal are spending a few days at their cottage here. Miss Alice Nesbitt cf Toronto and Miss Anne Nesbitt cf Oshi- awa spent thie weekend at home. Mr. anud Mis. Sperry McCarty of Queenston visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton on Friday. Mrs. Fred Saunders is stay- ing with ber daughter, Mrs. Douglas Lester of Agincourt while Mr. Saunders is on a business trip to Florida. Mirs. Etta Clarke cf Buffalo, who spent part of tAie summer at ber cottage here and ber guest Mrs. Philips of Toronto, left for home on Saturdiay. Mr. Anthony Ton took thie two la- dies ta Toronto iby car. Note- Change o! time. Thie Newtonville Brow n ies will meet la the church basexixent on Tuesday at 4:15. Misses Helen Joncs, Judith Jeanons, Nancy Stockweil and Sandra Neatb, studentJ teach- ers from Toronto College are paying our school a visit this weck. Newtonvil]e United Church are holding their thank-offer- ing services next Sunday, Nov. 8th at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. with Rcv. H. G. Tuttle, M.A. B.D D.D. as gucst speaker at tAie evening service. Special music by thie choir and a ladies quartette from Trinity Church, Bowmanville. Mrs. David Merrill, Mr. Wl lace Merrill and Miss Lorraine Merrill o! Dartford and M1 Jerry Sis cf Camp.bellford werc Sunia- v isitors with Mr. andi Mm ,WùLJs Joue& Ganaraska Authority Plans to Buy Property Acquisition, of further land for reforestation was the largest item on a 1960 budget ado pted Oct. 28th by the Ganaraska Riv- er Authorlty at a meeting at the Port Hope town hall. Main items in the budget were $4,400 for land acquisition, $2,650 for development of thie water sterage and recreation pond currently being built at Garden Hill, and $2,950 for ad- ministration. The latter figure includes $1,600 for taxes, $200 for maintenance at thie author- ity's Sylvan Glen Park, $100 for distribution of publication de- scribing the work of conserva- tion authorities, and $150 for farm pond grants. $50 Grant The Authority gants $50 te the owners of farm ponds built according to govermnent speci- ficatioxis. Delbert Oland, Cavan Town- ship representative, pointed out that at current land prices the authority is able to, buy only about 200 acres a year for re- forestation, and suggested that perhaps the municipalities might be asked to contribute more money to the Authority. At present the municipalities contribute $5,000, and the De- partment of Planning and De- velopment gives a 50 per cent grant on approved expenditures. Contributions by municipality are: Hope, $1,400; Clarke, $1,400; Port Hope, $ 1,400; Manvers, $300; Cavan, $300, and Hamil- ton, $200. The amounts have not been changed since the Authority was formed in 1946. Elmore Scott of Hope Town- Business Direclory Accouniancy- RAY 3. DILLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 Aie mentianed that Rotarians had helped establish tAie Lions and Kiwanis Clubs. Many of the original fields of Rotary activity are now served by other organizations, Aie said. He remarked that youth service and recreational activities have been taken over by commun- ity recreation commissions. He commented on the Rotary Clubs share in thie great work for crippled children. Today Rotarv Increasingly turns ta thie building of inter- national friendships for the promotion cf world peace, Mr. De Geer pointed eut. District Governor J. David Kennedy ackno'Wledged the Toast ta Rot-ary International. He congratulatcd Mr. De Geer on his excellent speech and thanked hlm for tAie fine senti- ments Aie had expressed. George W. James was congra- tulated on his 73rd birthday which was that day, and best wishes were expressed ta hum, for nlany happy birth.days !i the future. Ken Morris, the sccretary of the club, introduced thie M.C. for thie entertaiximent, Les Bar- ker, Toronto, a cornedian car- toonist. The lightning artist drew many clever caricatures of people in thaz_ audience that evoked delightful laughter. His entertaining line of chatter aiso resulted in general amusement. Louise Thomson, Toronto, or- iginally from Oshawa, whose, outstanding singîing career was well known to many li the au - dience, sang several lovely sel- ections. She was accompanie-d on thie piano by Miss Dorothy Merrili, Toronto, who also played a number. of enjoyable accordion solos. Following the entcrtainment thie floor was cleared for danc- ing to thie music cf tAie Seven-1 aires Orchestra, Peterborough, and bridge was played in tAie Green Room, MONTEITH - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Sirncoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bownuanville - Cali ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C. A., R. L A. (Llcensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Chi roP r a c f i c G. ]EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. cf Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509, Office Hours, By Appointment D entfal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR.. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office ini Ais home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesdays and Sundays DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 1 -ing St. E. - Bowmanviile Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MýA 3-5459 L eg al sbip, chairman of the Authority, is anxious te see land acquis- itions for reforestation stepped up by Authorities and by Coun- ties. B. P. Johnston, of Lindsay, deputy-dlztrict ferester, told the Authority that the Govermient said the municipal contributions could not be changed until tAie present five year agreement ends in 1962. He said th~e Christmas tree business, which bas in recent years been a competitive buyer o! potential reforestation land, is suffering difficulties,. and with-in a year or two more land mnay became available at prices tAie authority can afford. Mr. Johnston described two properties which the Depart- ment'o! Lands and Forests has inspected and recommended that the Authority buy thenu. He was authorized ta take options on both properties, which total more than 200 acres in area. When the Authority buys land with standing timber, tAie De- partment o! Lands and Forests pays a 100 per cent grant on that part of the purchase price which represents the value o! flhe timber. At present tAie Authority owns 7,500 acres of land at the north end of the watershed, and virt- ually ah of the open land with- in the holdings has been planted by the Department of Lands anid Forests.. J. T. McCauley o! the De- partmexit o! Planning and De- velopment, recently appointed field officer for the Ganaraska and Central Lake Ontario con- servation authorities, outlined his duties ta the authority. Mr. McCauley will have Ais officei in Bowmanville. The Authority approved pur- chase of stop logs for thie dam at thie new Garden Hill pond. 35 Motorists Are Stung by Demerit Plan Thirty-five Ontario xnotorists have had their licenses suspend- ed since the province's demer- it point system started April 1, Transport Minister Yaremiko announced last week. He said another 399 motor- ists, with nine points against them, are on tAie verge cflos- ing their licences. A 12-point total within twe years brings an automatic suspension. Mr. Yaremko also said Aie is concerned about 65,000 other Ontario drivers who have three or more points. "If they keep aceunu.ulating at tAis rate they are going toi get their 12 points before thie two-year liuit," lue said. BETHÂNY Guests w'ltl Mrs. John Wthite on Tuesday were Mr. andi 3&is. Walter Moncrief, Fraserville; Mrs. Roxy McElroy, Bridge- north; 1%r. and Mrs. Rensueth Syer, Cavan; Dr. S. L. Speller' tand Speller spent several diays last week with friends in Taranto. Miss Laura Palli*s was faken to Princess Margaret Hospital iu Toronto on Tuesday. Ernest Lamb, who lias been a patient in Civie Hospital, Pet- erborough, for several montAis, underwent furxher surges'y on Thusday. 'Mira. GeraId Barret, Coîborne visited with her grantiparents, Mr. andi Mirs. George Wad>dell during tAie past week. Mr. andt Ms-. George Moores left on Saturday ta remain for 'tAie winter montAis in St. Pet- ersburg, Florida. Dr. L. W. Scott and Mrs. Scott, Hamilton, were weekend gucats with Mr. and Mrs. Thoe- mas Jennixigs. The puipils of Bethany school enjoyed a Hallowe'en party an Frid-ay afternoon. Air. and Mrs. Win. Ellison, Mrs. Ross Halli and Miss Lynda Hall, WhiÙbby, were guests witA Mrs. Thamias Jackson on Sunday. ,Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stinson and fantily, Oshaiwa, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. andi Mrs. P. Mantie, Mrs. Florence Johnston and her sister, Miss Mary MeKen- zie have gone te spendth Ae win- ter montAs in St. Petersburg, Florida. Miss Mary Webb, Toronto, was thie guest of Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Speller for the weekend. Thie Bethany CuAis and Boy Scouts, in uniforu, attended service at St. Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday mnng Thie Junior W.A. members also in uniform, were present for this special You VA andi Lay- men's service. The Rector, Rev. G. E. Meades, welcomed thie three groupa andtitek Ails ser- mon text from Phillipians 4:8 "Finally, bret2uren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are o! good report; if! there be any virtue and if there be an praise, think on these things." Rev. Meades emphasized tAie clear thxink- ing and ibright Imagination ef young people, commend in g tAiem. and their ideals te the sentier members e! the congre- gation. Junior W.A. Rallowe'en Party 15 members o!fithe Junior W.A. a! St. Paul's Anglican Church enjoyed. a Hallowe'en party at tAie Rectory on Tues- day, wtAi Mrs. G. E. Meades' as hostest. TAie home decora-, tiens carrled eut thie Hallow-, e'en theme witAi puxxipkins,, wntches and black cats. Mrs. N~oel Wood was in charge o! the prograrn which lncluded re- lay gaines, guessing cnesta ducking for apples, i e. riS Roberta Scotit assisted with the refrehment&. Each menuber w» r«ene viti a basket af caiqY o tkehome. Sahool Pule Speaking A '"Public Speoldng" con- test was held on Wediriesday afternoen' at Betthaniy Publie School, with 13 conrtestants. Miss Mary McKenzie and' Mrs. Edgar Beer were the judi- ges and were faced with a very real problem in awarding the decisions-- "Some' were so close that only fractions of marks were the divlding lie". Highest points went to El- eanor Porteous, speaking on "The Honey Bee". In second place was Howard Morton, with his subject "The Huskie Dog". Iliese pupils will com- pote in townulxip finals at. Blackstock. Honorable mention was aIse given ta five other contestants: Carolyn Smith, with her sub- ject "Emblems of Canadian Provinces"; Patricia Davidscon, "Bread Making"l; Patsy Bige- low, "Mothers"; Dianne Smith, Juicy SHORT D~~. b i Fresh Ground, Extra Lean Minced Beef Lean, Tender Beef Plate, Boneless Pot Roasts- Store Sliced, Lean, Rindless urc fuba o uu -m m-m-m lb- JC "EXCEPTIONAL VALUE" - "SAVE CASH AT RED & WHITE" Cyprus Gardens Orange Juice fin 1 7C Best Buy - Save 4c Cash OId Tyme Syrup g Best Buy - Save 4c Cash KleenexTîssuesEconomy s Kleeex isues400's, . 29C Best Buy - Save 5c Cash Heinz Ketchup 11 2froz5 Best Buy - Save 16e Cash Corn Flakes - Sugar Corn Pops » Special "K" - Sugar Smacks KeIIog's Cereails any 4 pkgs. 1.00 Best Buy - Save 4c Cash Shirriff's Good Morning Marmalade 2aorz-47 c Best Buy - Save 16c Cash - 10e off pack Mhite or Blue Breeze Detergent Giant P1g. 73c FRESH PRODUCE Fresh Cut - Snow White MUSHR@OMS ILb.49C Crisp, Onta rie Grown SYo ac A PP L ES15McNTOSH 6 qt. basket59 Ontario - No. 1 Large YeIIow Onions 3 ik pely bag 19 c "Feature" - Save 4c Cash "Feature" - Save lic Cash Swift's Allsweet - 1 lb. carton Hereford - 12 oz. tin MARGARINE - - 25c CGRNED BEEF 2rFor 79c "Feature" - Save 6c Cash "Feature" - Save 4c Cash Swift's- 12 oz. tin. Stuart House - 25 ft. rol PREN- Luncheon Neal 37c FOIL WRAP - 29,c "Feature" - Save 35e Cash "Feature" - Save 4e Cash Pard - Regular- 15 ez. tin Jewel - 1 lb. carton D)OG FOOD 10 For $1.00 SHGRTENING 25e "Florence Nightingale"; Bob exPressed thanks to thie Jude ]ýdmumlds, "'Television". 1 ges on behaif f ut fe teacheru Other speakers were Patricia and Pupils. Karen McGil than- Green "-The Royal Canaclian ked thie Mothers for their in.. Mounted Police"; Ross Jordan, terest and atteniane. mms. "Bethiany School", Ailan Bris- 1 Belle Smithi, Principal of thxe tow, "'The Musical Ride of the school commended ail thie pup- RCMP"; Jack Durhyam, "The ils for tixeir fine efforts, also Reindeer"; M elv in Smelt, welcoming thue parents Mid "Birds and their habits"; Ran- tiianking the judges. dy Wilson, "oThe discovery of Lunch wus served by- the Péiillin". senior pupîls. During the afternoon the jun- ior pupils of Mrs. Loraine Smith entertaned with sangs. TOUR CLEANING PLANT choral speaking and motion Two classes from Bowmax. songs. Ille Junior Rhythm ville High School, under super. Band gave four selectione. vision Of Mrs. Harold Gibsen, Grades 5 and 6 sang four toured the new plant of Bow- Part songs, and choral speak- mnanvile Cleaners & Dyers on: ing. Monday. The final songs by grades 7 Edhe Leslie Brothers, Carl and- and 8 were "October Das d who operate flua modern and "The Beautiful Land of cleaning operation, say they will Spain".be more, than pleased to have Spain".other groups visit their place of Ronald Jackson waa chair- business. Interested parties are. mani, welcoming the visitors requested to telephone Bowmnan. present and aninouncing the ville Cleaners ta arrange for prOgram. Kathaleen Morton their tour. lb. 39c - - m- ILb39c "Feature" - Save 6c Cash Red Rose - 60 bags TEA BAGS "Feature" - Save 6c Cash Rose Brand - Pure - 16 oz. STRAWBERRY JAM "Feature" - Save 4c Cash Habitant - 24 oz. tin PEA SOUP *73c 33c "Fresh Frem The Ovens" KINGSDALE BISCUITS 4 Varieties Chocolat. Cireams Custard Cremes Duplex Creanis- Party Mix Your Choice 3 for 8 5 Sunbeam- 4 per pkg. 2 For 31c Leinon Dessert Cups 4 For 29c BIRS YEMIXED VEGETABLES, il Oz. Pkg. --- 27e BRSEEGREEN PEAS, 12 oz. pkg.2fo4e FROZEN FQODS FANCY KERNEL CORN---2 . poly bag 53 THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET ING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN LMN ORONO - CornisF, Marketeria BIACKSTOCI< Blyth's Market a STRI]KE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville JTelephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA I. HODGINE! Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Tenuperance St. - Bowmanville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor I the offices o! R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Oronü, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. ta 10 p.rm Saturday: 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Morigages SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Funds Residexices - Farms Business Properties Opiometry KEITH A. BILLE'rr, OÎ.. 3ptometrist 141 Ring St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: By appointmnent Telephone MArket 3-3253 £Monday ta Saturday 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 ta 12 - Thuraday* evenig 1 WM J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArkct 3-3612 TALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. P. ffledlander, B. Com., C.P.A. il%- tom PACM Mx TEM CARAMM STATEMM. Ëbw WAXVUM MTAM IL A 19 -