T K U R S D A Y . N O V . 5 t h , 1 9 5 9 Itm~~JZ L D % a A L I N T . l ODA B ~ U i &t r A Vi V -A£& N t & , ~ D W A A L V L L W O N TA 1 A R J I O JP G E E Miss frene Casbourn, Hamil ton. was with her father, Mi H. H. Casbourn, last weekend We are happy to see Con stable Don Anderson back oi duty again after his recen iliness. Mrs. J. Howard Johnstor Toronto, was a recent guest o her sister-in-law, Mrs. Berth. Williamns. Mrs. Jessie Kentner cf Ac. ton, visited her sister, Mrs Harvey Smith, Queen St., las! weekend. .Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beachan, D>undes Ont., spent the week. end with her parents, Mr. ani )ms. R. Webber. Mms. ClaYton Brown of En terprise will be visiting hei rueup, MIrs. Ho'ward Jeffery, foi râdefinite period. M,.Harold Mitchell, thE former Nele Hall, Buriington was a recent visitor of ber cou- sin, Mmi T. S. Holgate, Divis- ion St. Mr. and Mis. Wesley T. Caw- ker have returned afrer a few deays' visit with their son, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawker anc lamily. Miss Evelyn Osborne, R.N., Bervie, Ont., and her niece is Laverty, Toronto, were guestiz of Mrs. L. B. Wiliamis on Thursday. Mlisa Mildred Willmott spent the pasi. week in Rochester, N.Y, with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warder and niece, Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Hoerold Wiers- ma of Hamilton, Ont., visited over the weekend with ber parents, Rev. R. R. and Mrs. Nicholson. Mr. and Mia. Carl Carlini cf Buffalo, N.Y., spenit the week- end with the latter's parents, Mr. anid Mrs. Wm. Barrett, D)uke Street. Mr. and MIvrs. Ormand Rob- ertson anid Carol, Mi1rs. Albert Wilkins, Courtice, visited with Mr. and Mis. Ralph Ormiston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cassel, Pen- niy and Sandra, Gaît, were weekend guests cf Mrs. Casse]'s mothner, Mis. M. E. Leask, On- tario Street. Miss Martha Gowdy, has re- turned froma a pleasant vis# with friends i Dallas, Texas. Miss Gowdiy made the trip, both ways, by 'plane. WANTED: Items for this eolumn. If you have been away or have had visitors, please phone MA 3-3303-- we'Ul be glad to hear fr-om you. Miss Kay Powler, Toronto, and Mr. Milton Terry cf Osh- awa, vlsited with ber mother, Mms. Myrtle Fowler, and Mr. Jack Bird on Saturday evening. Congratulations to Mrs, W. L.Paterson's mother, Mrs. John Pringle, Strathaven Rest Home, who will celebrate ber 95th birthdty on Saiiurday, Novem- ber 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Edger- ton and family cf Peterborough were Sunclay din!ner guests with her sister, Mis. Myrtle P'lowler, anud Mr~. Jack Bird, George Street. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Yec, 16 Southway Drive, arnived home yesterdiay after a vacation in New York City.. Mr. and Mis. Yeo made the trip to New York Geneal ospial estJune. She is a p tietiiCentre 711ck, Tormete GeneralHospi- ersonul tal, and ber miany friends bere t-..p rsonawill ba glad te know she is responding niicely te treailment. A 3-3303J It is expected thet Betty wilil ibe osptalzedforabout six and home by 'plaine. f Mr. anidMrs. Chai-les H. Nes- Friends cf Tine Hughes, whe itt, R.R. i Bowmanville, quiet- recently underwent an append- i l celebrated thein 25th wed- ectomy at Mlemerial Hospital. i cding anniversary on Sunday, wili be pleased to know she' November le. Present were bas returned te han home and 'theïr son, Ross, aise thein son is agami attending school. 1 Gary cf Scarbomrugb, Mrs. 1Nesbitt's father, Mr. C. H. Por- Mir. and Mii. R. W. Snow- te is . dt ek n den, Islington, were visitons m Mi Stuar t he Bnks aevn- durnig the weakend of thie -n* fourt loopes MI. ean. later's prns r M m . I g four ocal cou les, M. and 1, na -ren-s_ .__ Ms.- urvGat r r R. PL. Stevens, and of the for- mer's father, Mr. Wm. Snew- den. Mir. and Mii. Douglas Nich- ols, Kingston, were guests titis week of bis father, Mr. L. B. Niehols, Carlisle Avenue. Doug bas just recently returned from -moose hunting ithie wilds of rnorthern Quebec. rMrs. Hugh McDonald and Ka'rlyn, Brown Street, spent eSaturdtay evening with Mis. 1,Fred Schweitzer andi Cindy, 'Willow'dale, wbhile Mi. McDon- aId and Mr. Schweitzer attend- ed thie hockey game. Mrs. A. J. Lymar, Bill and Douglas Lymner, Oshawa, Mn. Edward Colwal, Toi-onte, Miss IMolly Bennett, hMir. Bert Col- wel and Irwin, Mrs. Mina Co- well, al cf Town, vlsitad rela- tives at Bond Head, Sunday. Mn. and Mis. M. J. Tamblyni visited with Mr,. and Mrs. Ford Kelsey and son, -and Mis. Kel- seys inether M r s. Florencej Jackson al cf Wbitby, on the weekend. Mrs. Jackson wil celabroite hen 95th birthday next Satunday. Dr. and Ms. R. E. Reanian,j Waterloo, were recent guestsj rof Dr. and is. C. W. Slemon, 1 Churcli St., wben travelling te and returninmg from Ottawa. Mi. and Mii. Arthur Staintion, Peterborough, were weekend visitons with Dr. andi Mrs. Sie- mon. Queen Scout Jim MacDonald who la assistant Scoutmastar of Second Troop andi assistant Cubmaster of 4th pack, Bow- mianville, attended a Queen's Scout cerenonty i Cobourg on Saturdmay. Thirty-nina district Scouts raceived thie Queen's highest award in Scouting with the presantation bain.g miade byt Laieut. Governolnramiler Mac- kay. Scoutm as tear Chanless Biggs was unabla te attend the funietion, but assistant Cubmas- ter Luther Welsh representeti Ma-s. W. L. Rowe and Miss1 Florence Aches on, Toi-ente, visited Mrs. H. Humphries and Mrs. W. H. Densam least waek. Mrs. W. H. Densema, B.T.S.e staff, attandad the annual din- ner of the Quarter-CenturyV Club, Ontarie Civil Service As-d sociation, held i the Canadian t Roomn, Royal York Hotel, Ton- t onto, October 30, 1959. The t Honoui-abla George C. Ward- rope, Mindstai- cf Reform In. i stitutions, was thie guest speak.-t an. Mii. Dansem renmained in t( the city ovai- the weakend visit- tI ing ber son, L. Scott Denoem, P Willowdale. t Miss Betty EldiIde, daugh- h. ten cf Mr. and Mia. Lynwood C Eldridge, la a patient in Tor~- Iis ente Ganerai Hospital foliow- o ing a brain hamori-bage. Miss R Eldiridge was stricen at El-.Ji liott Lake Hospital whare she ai bas been on gAie staff sn *er. wniting han RN in Sepiember. Ici Sha graduated froin Oshawa 1 REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanvlll. MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 am. - Englluh EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p..- Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL APTER MOBNING SERVICE 'Back To God Hour" Broadcasî CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 pa. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. very Sunday, CFRB Trinity Ùnited Church Minister-Rev, Wm. Y, Housiander, B.A, B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus .B, L.R.S.M. 124îh Anniversary Services 11:10 - MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 - EVENING WORSHIP The guest speaker nt both servies willb. REV. Hi. W. VAUGHAN, MA B.D., Th.D., D.D. of Toronto. The guest soloist at the evenlng servie, Mr. Ross Metcalf, ARLC.T. Selal Musle by the. Choir EVERYONE WELCOME ai-est of the town. is te bave p( 1Industial Commnission and T Dmamissiener te campeta with c han tewns. To do away with pu ým would ha putting oun > w at a disadvantage," the th yor stated. di Councillon A. H. Sturrock ta id ha deubted the Bowman- w. le Ratepayers' Assoc.iation th Jenough researohing before ciE bitting questions. Ha dlaim- wl that recently be had offereti ticket te the association for Tc reproeentatlve to attend an tic Heads C ofCI H. Gordon Love, Calgary, who bas been elected President ci The Canadian Chaniber of Com- merce, at the national business onganization's 3th Annuai Meet- ing at Toronto recently. He was formerly national vice-president of the Canadian Chamber. Cioseiy associated with the l11e and fortunes of the Canadian West since shortiy after the turn of the century, Mi. Love is president of "The Voice cf the Prairies" Ltd., which owns and operates Radio Station CFCN in Calgary. A past president of the Calgary Chamber of Com- merce, Mr. Love is also active in other association and com- munity work, and is associated with a number of publishing and broadcasting firms in Western Canada. Born in Dutton, Ont.,j in 1889, Mr-. Love moved West atJ the age of 20 while an employee of the Merchants Bank of Cana- da. It was 12 years later that he entered the field cf radio I broadcasting then in its infancy. He takes over from A. C.« Ash-1 forth, Toronto, former Presidentl of The Canadian Chamber cf Commerce. iMi- George Richards, Mi. and Mrs eith Wood anci Mi. and IMrs. Parc Leach arriveti at lie Nasbitt home laden witb gifts and al l the ingredients for fa dalicieus lunch, including a iovely annivensary cake. Counci*l (Continueti frorn page one) requeating that the existence cf the Industrial Commission be decided 1w lie people on a ballot. "We feel no actual concrete resuits have corne for aillite Imoney spent te obtain industry for the tewn. Granted, John- son and Johnson are supposed te ha going te build here, and alse a new supermiarket on Di- vision Street, but nothing bas been started. We question the value of the Industrial Com- mission," Mr. Hannan teld the Town Council. Reeve W. David Higgon asked -the Bowmanvi]ie Ratepayers' Ass,ýociation spokesman if the organization had a better plan te aller, *'No, net at the pres- ent tinie," Mi. Hannan repiied. "'It la due for lieught by us how it could be operated through some other depant- ment", ha added. 11 tbink liat the report sub- niitted previously by the Indus- trial Commnission detaileti the difficuities that arisa in this sort of liing. Thene is a high- IY cempetitive market for new industry. The only way Possible ,te lower the residentiai null rate is increased industry. Il there la ne Industrial Comnis- sion thane is ne way cf obtain- ing new industry for Bowman- ville", Reeve Higgon pointed out. Ha said th-at; it was a mistake 'thrat an Induatrial Commission had net been formed at ieast 12 years ago. The Chamber cf Commerce hati tried te carry ýut the work and[ the members had workad bard, lie remark- ed. But the Reave axplained tbat it was impossible for indi- viduals on a part time basis te do a job liat requires a full tirne representative to handle the amount of facts and figures that ara necessary. "What Bowmanviiie needs aiost is serviced industnial land te assist the development af the teWn. We sheuld consider ob- taining industrial land andi pnovida services for it. Granteti the resultsaraie not what we wvould hope. Wbat we have, we have, Mn. Morris, the Industri-al Comimissioner, te thank for. It s only through him that we >btained Johnson andi Johnson,'" Reeve Higgon stated firmly in paying tnibute te the efficiency and ability of K. N. Morris. "We are net Ievelling cniti- cLan at Mr. Morris at ail", Mn. Hannan assured lie Town Council for the Bewmanville Ratepayers' Association. "I amn glad te hear that be.- cause liera la net a barder vonking man employeti by the nunicipality,» Reeve Higgon stateti. He teld the Ratepayers' Association's delegation that he 1 wiould like te, see soe con- tructive Plan te replace the enuniss ion when criticisa isl ffered. The importance of the Industrial Commission bene is 1 anfdirmed, by the numbers cf adustnial Commissions in mun- Iipalities threughout the prev- 1 nce. It would be a step back- 1 ward te abolish it. I would. net 1 .apport a vote on it. It is up to Muncil te decide. I amrnotet . ng cniticai cof the association t n the question, but council innot go te the people for vei-y decision. It la net neoes-E i-y te bave a vote on the mnat- t er, Reeva Higgen asserteti ,urteously but empbatically. The president of the Bow- nanville Ratepayers' Associa- c ion was asked how miany paidti ip members the organization s Ls, and he replied that lierae1 Te 80. Eerie Dance At Lions Club One of the most enjoyable events of the autiumn season was the Bowmanville Nurses' Association Dance held at the Lions Comrnunity Centre on Friday evening. Mrs. Bill Mor- rison, director cf nursing at Mémorial Hospital, and Mrs. D. C. Peters, president cf the Bow- manville Nurses' Association, receîved the guests. Effective Hallowe'en decora- tions had transformed the spa- cious ballroom. The ceiling was hidden by masses of balloons and streamers i the tradition- ai Hallowe'en colours of orange and black. Skeletons, eerie masks, wîtches. black cats and puînpkins adorned the walls and curtains. On the orchestra dais pumpkins with amusingly car- ved faces were iighted. from within. A row of weird masks, black cats and witches dangled from the ceiling over the or- chestra. An excellent program cf var- ied music for dancing was pro- vided by Loui Dewell's orches- tra, and a delicious lunch was served. Mrs. Kyle Squair was in charge of the lunch. She was assisted by several niembers cf the association. Mis. Clarence Bell was tick- et convenor for the successful dance. Mrs. D. Aider, assisted by Miss Ruth Hancock, was the decorations convenor. The other nembers of the decorations committee were Mirs. Ron Ai- der, Mrs. Howard Onmiston, and Miss Rhoda Gordon, and a number of mernbers cf the as- ociation heiped. them. Spot Dance Prize winners Luring the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham, Dr. HI. B. Rundle and Mrs. Doug Wight, Mrs. Cuthbert McDon- ild and Ciiff Trewin, Miss Helen Tring and Jerome Ge- berdt, and Dr. and Mrs. Allan B. Sylvester. Mirs. Ray Dilling won the prize for the person aving the nearest birthday te. Lie date cf the dance. Important Industriai Confer.' nce in Peterborough, but was .ld they were not interested in it. He also, praised the work of C.N. Morris, who, be asserted,1 ýuld easily obtain triple the îe salai-y eisewhere for the! unme werk he is doing now for owmanville. Deputy-Reeve Jack Brough; igreed with the Mayor that owmanville and other towns' nust have an Industriai Coin- nission and Commissioner. Vith ail due respect for the lowmanville Ratepayers' Asso- ation, half the members have ot a dlue as te what these ings involve.", he said. "If they run for council and 1a censcientious job if elected, hey will have their eyes open- d," the Deputy-Reeve predict- He mnoved that the request r a vote on the Industrial 'mmission be refused and thati he Town Clerk be instructed :send the Ratepayers' Asso- iation an explanation. This ras seconded by Councillar licks. Speaking in support of the. iotion Councillor Ivan Hoggs; :plained that it Is mandatory icler Section 22 cf the rules .d regulations governing Bow-1 ianville Town Council to ap-. oint an Industrial Corumittee. uis should belp te clarify the Duncil's position te the Rate- yens' Association, he said. Councillor Hobbs aise told le meeting that ali over thbe! mtrict a serieus look is being ien at Industnial promotion tii the tbought cf bninging ie different municipalities oser together se that they can ork as an entire group on lt. By a unanimous vote the )wn Ceuncil carried the me- I M. 0i Reeve Brough that the town saine type as are in operation cities and towns cf Southern Ilie salad. I -j Stomach Powder Cod Liver Oil Capsules -- 77c I.D.A. Brand - 100's, reg. 98c Trial Size Bayer Nose Spray with 87c size Bayer Aspirin Tablets - io0's 87c Pencil Box with 98c size Colgate Dental Creani -- 98c Gleem Tooth Paste 63c 2 F-r 89c Halo Shampoo m Reg. de 2 For c Hlinds. Honey and Cream Reg- 2 For 98c Economy Size KlXRegular 48's Reg. 16 oex1.86 16 Plastic Flashlight with 98e size Pepsodent Dental Cream - n - 98c 10 Injector Blades with Schick Safety Razor 1.0079c 1 or on a 59C VITAMINS Your I.D.A. Druggist Knows Vitamîns. His academie training, bis close association with the pharmaceutical manufacturers and his professienal reiationship wlth your deetor means that your I.D.A. pharmacist, tee, knows vitaniins and ha is raady te supply the vitamin supplemants sud treatments recemmendeti by your docter for aach member lu jour famlly. d b ci n c d a n S4 d a: B w b tl7 in el tc in K cc th sa Bg ag B( m m 6N B( Ic Lh Io à. ýd .d !01 1Ic ;hi io Jý ve nic R un m, 'Ih IE [0 ro 1 01 nr Other recommended vitamins are stocked by jour PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 4.29 1.50 2.29 5.79 4.10 2.35 8.'75 4.50 McGregor, Your Local M.A. Drug Store COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE S.TORE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR TIHS WEEK ~-MELOOHDEOFOR SUPER STRENGIII DRY-Qg WETI 33c Your Family's Health is Important TUKE VITANINS1 NOW! Vita Diet Capsules $1.95 - $4.50 Viterra. "Plus" Capsules $6.45 I'ardec. P.D. ______ $9.85 NEWI for ALL types of haïr! ONLY$l,139 Alex. SWe Deliver TOUR DRUGGIST RECOMMENIS MULTrIPLEVÉTAM89NS Each tabletContains 7 essentia1 vifamins. Caste leu sth:; 4c a duy. MUL"mwL TIRE VC.2. INTGN teÙI bab PJr fWa NMRE PT~fedROUa zu aM wcr k e!ý4 GANG IIWADN1 BIG. 1 0 oz.igé u~ u.s~ 4H4ospL sz 9 4 RSRY oz. 7 Drugs àhn A359 I/ f I j 10e Off regular 69e size tube Wildroot Cream-Oil - Carnivals Banned SSoftball Games to Contfinue at Central At the meeting of Bowman- put gravel on the boulevard on ville Town Council on Monday the east side of .Ontario Street evening in the Council Cham -te provide parking for several ber Deputy-Reeve Jack Brough cars. This would eliminate the stated that he had been ap- hazard of cars parked on the proacbed by members cf the corner, be said. He explained Softball League, wbo were con- that a boulevard bad been grav- cerned that Centrai Sehool eled on Liberty Street North te grounds had been banxied for provide parking for a store gaines. there. He added that it wouid The Deputy-Reeve told thg net ha a major expense. council that lie had been in- The Deputy-Reeve's motion te1 formed that the Softball League gravel the boulevard at this le- had bad the best year financial- cation was seconded by Council- ly and for the public last season ion Ivan Hobbs and carnied. i the Central School grounds. Reeve Criticizes ]Press He had been told that Memorial Reeve W. David Higgon stat- Park is booked solid during the ed liat there was something on summer montbs. the minutes of the Board of The Softball League members Works Meeting on Tuesday, had urged that lhiu games be October 27th that shouid ho allowed te continue at Central brougbt te ligbt. This referred School. Deputy-Reeve Brougb te a letter wnitten by Magis- said be halieved that traffic trate'R. B. Baxter which was I could be centrolled for softball highly complimentary te Police' games. Chief Bernard R. Kitney, be He moved that Central School said. He stated if it were one Grounds be banned for carn- of cniticism it wouid be publish- ivals, but permission given for ed on the front pages of the softball games te be beld liere, local paper. and the matter of traffie con- He asked wby this camp!!- trol be referred te the Traffic mentary letter had net been Advisory Board. This was sec- published. He said that it onded by Councillor Keitb La- should be made public know- thangue and carried. ledge and urged that it be re- Parking Problemt poyted. He complamned that Deputy-Reeve Brough spoke council bas been criticized by of the plans for placing "No the local paper often enough, ..Stopping or Standing" signa on and said that the pape- shouid lie east side of Ontario Street pnint and publish this laudatory between King and Queen letter. Streets, a bad traffic area. He The Board of Works report said that Alvin Davis was very sbowed that John Geboers had1 anxious about this because it been appointed acting town would isolate bis grocery store foreman until the end of the as there wiil aise be ne parking year. This appointment was on the south aide of King Street made at the meeting of the near bis store. Customers would board held on October 13th. ha unable te park and go te his New Traffie Llghts store witbout crossing the bigh- The installation of traffic con- way, it was said. trol ligbts as the corner of It was suggested by Deputy- King and Division Streets of the i at King and Temperanoe Streets was appreved at lis meeting. It was alse deCided liat "Stop" signa be erected at the north, east, and west appreaches te Queen Street se liat northbound traffie on Ontario Street bas the tbreugh traffic lane at this intersection. A motion was aIse approved te instail a "Yield the Right cf Way"I sign on Ontario Street at its junction with Lib- erty Street. It was decided te Introduce the graduated speed limita on the fellewing streets: Liberty Street, North of lie CPR Sub- way: Scugog Street, North of the Middle Read; King Street East, East of Simpson Avenue; Waverley Road, South of Cole- man Street; King Street West. frem overhead bridge te Wav- erley Read; the Wharf Road and Simpson Avenue, south cf 401 Hîghway, the apeed limit for ail these above mentiened sections la te be 40 miles per heur. It was moved by Mayor Car- ruthers, seconded by Councilior Lloyd Preston that the account of H. M. Brooks for $5,565.80 be paid. This was carried. The motion was made by Reeve ig- gen, seconded by Councillon ,Preston, that the money due for water and sewer on Hîgh Street te the Lord Elgin School be paid. This vas alse carnied. The report stated that it was agreed that a meeting be an- ranged between the Public Utili- ties Commission and the Town Council te discuss the feasibilitv cf hirîng a Town Engineer and that Municipal Engineer, A. Ward, be present. The report showed that at the meeting of the Board of Wprks heid on October 27th a bill from C. C. Parker for $735.15 was passed for payment on motion of Counciilor A. H. Sturrock, seconded by Reeve Higgon. The meeting was advised that the winter work prograin couid ap- ply te aillaewers and water- mains which the tewn planned te construct. Police Radio Network A proposal from the Chief Constables Association regard- 1ing a radie network linking the 1 1 - il I.D.A. Halibut Livar Oil Capsules - 1.15, 2.29, I.DA. High-Test Cod Liver Oil 90e, Idamait ------ 79c, 1.29, Frosst NCF Geniatrie Liquid - ---- 3.29, Hornar's lnfantol Drops- 1.50, 2.30, Maad's 10-D Cod Liver Oil 1.05, One-A-Day Tablats . 1.49, 2.75, 4.49, Vita Diet- 1.95, Ontaip was discussed. Theaâp- preximate cost to Bowmnanviile would be $300. On motion of Reeve Higgon, seconded by Councillor Lathangua, lt was dedided to inform the Chiai Constable that thie Town of Bowmanville wouid ha in faveur of this move.' It was reported liat a latter bad been received from Mag- istrate R. B. Baxter negarding the Traffie Clinle and commend- ing Chief Kitney. Remembrance Service On Sunday On Sunday morning, No- vember 8th, members of the Canadian Legion, the Ladies' Auxillary, members of other erganizatlons and the townspeeple wilI gathea' with members cf the Bow- manville Town Councîl and the Ministerial Asscclation for the annual Service cf Remembrance at the Cane- taph. The service wil atart at 10:30 e'clock. Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers at the meeting cf Bowman- ville Town Council on Mon- day evening urged that ail members cf the Council attend the Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph. Following the service at the Cenotaph Branch 178 cf the Canadian Leglon and the Ladies' Auxlliary te the Canadian Legien wlll parade te St. Joseph's Roman Cath- elle Church and attend a. service there. A WORD TO THE WIVES When peeling potatees 'for potato salad, eut them into smail cubes baere boiling. Tbey will then ceok very quickly and When ceoled are ail ready for TRUPMAT. Nov. sth, ion CAMAnTAM qmAqqmuAv OWmài»wd% - n Il Nurses Hold 79c, 1.89 16 oz., reg. 95c, 2.45 1 3-5792 Phone MA