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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1959, p. 10

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- - - -, ... ~.. ~.. .~, .. = .....~ THURSDAY, !~OV. l2th, 1959 THE CANADTAN aTATI!~MAM WIWYIEA?4T~m.T.U~ r1'I'Arnf~ Plans Many More Whytehavens 'Mom Whyte Leaves To Start Operating Mission Out West Mrs. Bertha 'Mom' Whyte, probably the most controversial figure ta emerge locally in the li- few years, finally bid fare- well ta Ontario early Sunday miorning. .She flew from Malton air- port for Winnipeg, wflere she will stay with Rev. and Mrs. James Spiers until receiving word of an appointment wtth British Columbia welf are off j- ciais to discuss her plan to open a new Whytehaven Mission, at Taghum, B.C., seven miles north of Nelson. Hate To Leave "I hate to leave and no one would have persuaded me to leave dear Ontario, had it not NO WONDER THEY SMILEI This farnily bas a plan - a Sun Life insurance plan - ta safeguard its future. Imme- diate incarne for the fainily is provided in case the father should die prernaturely. Should the father live ta ne- tirernent, lie taa receives a guaranteed incarne. And the children are assured of a cal- lege education. These, and al the ailier advantages of be- ing a Sun Life policyholder, give the parents a sense of security and peace of mind. Yes, this'family mriles. And no wondenl1 I'm sure that 1 can o09e, Vou the right plan to suit yaur requirenents. Can 1 bu of service? Banner Passant Representative MA 3-3258 53 Brown St. Bowmanville SUN LIFE 0F CANADA been for the constant persecu- tion of certain prejudiced wel- lare officials. I guess I shall neyer see the Ontario I love again unless 1'm asked to corne here again by special request, at which time I may consider coming back", she said in an interview Friday. "Until two montihs aga, I thought I would neyer be able to face leaving, but now that I'm on my way, it is with a feeling of relief, knowing that we are moving into a muc.h wl- der field." Air Ticket Donated Her air ticket ta the west was given to her by an anonymous donor, Mom stated andl her staff, which includes 12 aduits and 15 children is prepared to leave WIIytehaven in about two weeks. They will travel, she said, by bus, car and truck and stop at cîties or towns over- night on their way out, andi will ask permission ta have overnight accommodation ini churches, and a place ta pre-1 pare hot meals for the children.i "When we arrive in B. C. wei are prepared ta rough it untilii such time as we can get properi buildings and facilities set up.1 The Lord wil'l always provide for us. He has neyer let us down yet. Mission Already Operating E When asked if she had anyE idea if the B.C. wehfare auth-t orities would allow her to op-t erate she said that she had t heard B. C. Atterney General Robert Banner had issued a r statement that there is no law tI in B. C. ta prevent her operat-g ing a mission in that province.0 There is, she said, a mission op- e erating in the province new, t known as Boy's Town, similar ta Whytehaven. This home is apparently located on the high- s way between Penticton and S' Vancouver but 'Mom'e Whyte couldn't remember exacthy S. where.h "We are not going ta B.C. to ' t( evade the laws, because we are f perfectly law-abiding citizens.c We are going ta get away froin people who make the laws. We behleve the government in B.C. [s a Christian government. Here I it is definitely a religiaus and u~ palitical issue", Mom, said. o "In all the years I have been in Ontario, we have always vo- ted Conservative,"l but she fail- ed ta answer when asked if she would change her politics ta Sa- .ial Credit in B.C. When asked what she thought about the government in On- taria she replie-d, IlWell, what do you think, when it won't allow a Christian mission ta op-. erate?" Net a Chlldrens' Home-Idz «Whyteh.aven lias been called ce achildren's home for years. It 1cr Llghtu LiveIy and Loaded..# with goodness for ail the family. That's Wilson's Ginger Ae. Try Mt For pure adventure in taste pleasure, you're always ajump ahead with Wilson's. So, why -hoId back? Hop Into your store today and stock up on a smooth ginger aie... 5V-2 is net, neyer has been end ne ver will be. It is a mission, ah ways bas been and always wil be. We have cared for elder3 people, unwed mothens, taker food and clething out ta need3 folks, given people money t( save their furniture while thE bailiff was there ta take il away, have prayed with peophc when they were down and oui and ready te take their owr lives, and have held marriagE consultations withi couples ir order ta prevent broker homes." Others Want To Go "In the more than 10 years we have been operating Whyte- haven here, we have saved the governrnent of the province oi Ontario hundreds of thousands of dollars. Eighiteen years aga we came here with nathing but four boys. "Already I've had two 'phone cahîs fromn families wanting ta .g with us. It looks like we're net the anhy cnes wbo want ta get out cf Ontario. It breaks my heant ta think of ail the people in Ontario wbo will be needing help, and there will be no Whytehaven here ta help them."l "Whytehaven Is not sold yet, but is stili in the hands of real estate agents. We have had one offer sa far from a mission op- erating like ours in the Toron- ta area. They want ta expand their activities and are willing to register. "The furniture we will net be needing is now being sold, and the proceeds from the sales wil ga immediatehy, after our $12,- 000 debt is paid off, into, the construction of our new facili- ties out west. Additional Missions "In addition ta gaing te Nel- son, we are.definitely gaing ta start another mission in Penn- .ylvania some day and we also lape te start a branch in India. Ve have'alsao had offers te amre oe Quebec, ta a man who suf- fered the same persecution in Ontario during 1945 ta 1947 that Ihave been suffering recenthy. "Our Pennsylvania location will be in a town, I can't re- nember the name, which is sit- uated about 60 te 70 miles out fî Pittsburgh." Screec.4 Bave Milne 12A Weil this year's Hallowe'en lance was certainhy a big suc- ,ss. We had an especially lange -ow-outfor .h- -n., anti *many were dresseil in cloun- ful coStumes. 'rhey vanied gneatly 'fromn ghosts and wit- ches ta the present dlay beat- niks. Costume winners were: Best Couple, Murray Walker and Benta Higgon who pantrayed the hen-pecked husband theme. Murray was dresseal as a very tail woman with a long velvet robe anti Berta wore a black suit with a derby bat tending ta look extremely short when she steod beside hlm. Thein routine was very gooti and they made a veny humorous pair. (2) Best Single Costume was taken by Gary MeCullougli who ivas dresseti as a witch. His eutfit was very goad since few students knew bis identity. Congratulations! Some four lucky couples won vaniaus Èpot dances--and receiv- ed gifts which were bouglit by the Student Council. Free ciden and doughnuts were sevved and everyone ate heartily. Last Tuesday we had a spe- cial Memorial service put aven the P.A. system at B.H.S. The Ghee Club sang an excellent selection for us and we hati three students give a few words on an occasion that ail cf us shauld respect and rernember. These speakers were Gerald Grey, Marilyn Houshanden, and Gneg Cooper. Aften the service,j schoal was dismissedti t be ne- sumed again on Thursday. This week is aur annual Twirp Week. During this time aIl of the girls are expectedti t carry boys' books about from chass ta class if any boy asks them. The faflawing week the girls are allowed 'thein revenge and may ask the boys ta carry thein books. There is a Twirp Dance this Fniday night ta conclude the week. The girls are expecteti ta ask the boys anti pay theirc admission. Let's hope that a lot of girls become courageous1 because we would ike ta se a large crowd eut again at thîs dance. The Girls and Boys Ath- letic Societies are sponsoring a this dance.a Marg. Vanstone 12A Last Saturday, November 7th, the Junior anal Senior girls' volleybalh teamis journeyecl ta Port Hope ta take in the C.O.S. S.A. VolleybalIl Teurnament. Other district schoels compet- ing were Cobourg, Whitby, andi their hasts, Port Hope. In the Junior Tournament, Wiiitby were champions, win- ning ail three cf thein garnes for six points. Cobourg finish- ed with four points, Port Hope two, anti unfotunately, Bow- manville won no points. Wrhit- by again won the Senior divi- sion with six points. Cobourg was next with four points, Bowmanville finished third with two points and Port Hope hast, winning no points. The Seniors beat Port Hope 48 ta 34 wbich was the onlyr Bow- manville victory. Cross Country Meet On Monday afternoon, Bow- manville was host ta runners from Pickering, Peterboroughi and Lindsay, wha came ta com- pete in the C.O.S.S.A. Lake- shore Cross-Country Meet. Wahten Gibson, Bawrnanville, placed first in the Intermediate division, running the 2.3 'miles in 12.37 minutes. Bill Alhison, B.H.S., finished third in the Senior race. Othen Bowman- ville runners were: Junior - Rod Taylor and Fred Shackle- ton; intermediate-Tom Simp- son; Senior-Richard Strikwen- da, The final standings were Pickering, first, folawed by P.C.V.S., Bowmanville and Lindsay. HAMPTON Miss Ethel Gilbert, visietti lier parents Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. Gilbert on lier retu.rn from, a trip ta Mexico. Recent guests ait the hiome of Mn. andi Mvs. A. E. Bi11lhea were Mr. anti Mvs. C. A. Char- ke, Regiria, Sask., Mrs. H. S. Price, Tarante; Mrs. T. Sud- daby, Mrs. Wes Reeds, Mr. Jim Bullett and Mr. Venn Reeds of Burys Green, Ont. Miss Apha Hadgins, Bow- manville, and Miss Gaîl Baker, Saunla, were supper guests of Mns. Samn Dewell and attendeti the nistitute meeting an Tues- day of last week. Mrs. Terrili Sr. was a recent visitior with relatives at Belle- ville anti is now with friends i Oshiawa for awhihe. Mrs. Lorenzo Truil and Mrs. Harold Salter attendeti Trinity Uniteti Church Annîiversary at Bowmanviile and visited their brother Charhie and Mrs. Johns on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson were Suntiay tea guests at the home of bis sistier Mrs. Dave Hooper and, Mr. Hooper. Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- jay visited Mv. and Mrs. Rus- sell Mounti oy Bhackstock, andl attended the ann-iversary on Sunday. Miss Florence Werry spent the weekendt with frfientis at Eniniskillen. Mn. and Mns. Jim Woodley andl children, Tyrane, were Sat- urday evening guesis af Mn. ,anti Mvs. John Carrigan. Mn. Ralph Nixon, Mrs. Mabel Tennant and Miss Ehia Stev- ens, Oshawa; Mn. andi Mrs. Herb Prescott andl Roger, En- niskillen, were visitons at the Rrescott home. Mn. Harold Chemens, Buffalo, N.Y., accampanied by bis sis- ter andl husband, cf Toronto; M~r. and Mrs. D. C. Hodgson, 1 Bowmanivilhe andi Mn. and Mrs. H-arold Skinnen, Tyrone, were Sunday callers at Mn. andi Mrs. R. J. Hodgson's. Mn. and Mrs. Samn Keane and Douglas, Oshawa, visited her parents Mr. andl Mss. T. Wray on Manclay. Mr. anal Mrs. A. L. Blan- 1 chrard and Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilbur were guests of Mrs. J.] R~. Bick, Bobcaygeon on Sun- day and attended the churcli Anniversary service. 1 Mrs. Luther Allun, Helen c and George accompanied- Mn. and Mvs. Oliver Hubbard efs Oshawa, ta Toronto on Sunday c and visited Mr. andi Mss. Gar- 1 don Wakely and f.amily. Rev. and Mrs. Ted Kersey, s )annie and Paul, Scarboraugh, c visited his parents, Mr. and c Mrs. S. Kersey an Monday. t Mn. and Mrs. Len Phayer, f Bawmanville, visited her par- t ents on Saturday. ii Congratulations ta Miss lGwen Wraight, daugliten of t Mr. anti Mrs. Claire Wnaight, a who was one of the three win- t ners i the public speaking n contest held here. S Sympathy is extended ta Mn. John Broome and famihy of Ty. rone in the sad passing af wife t] and mother. Mrs. Broome was si aformer hîghlY regar d e dl 'Y Flanipton girl and diaughter of a NIn. andl Mss. Chas. Johins, A Bowmsoanville. Hampton friends IE 11Sa extend SYMPathy ta ler. c Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and family, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Elgie and Terry Tho- mpson, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. F. Osmond, Jennie ancý Tracey, Bowvmanville, visited Mrs. W. Thompson and Gail Thompson. Mn. and Mrs. Peter Singer, Swansea, were Sund!ay visitors at Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. George Bertrim and family, Taunton; Mr. and lVfrs. Ron Morrison and fam- ily, Oshawa, at Mn. and Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Werry, 'Mrs. Muriel Bnownlee, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormis- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Linida, Enniskihlen; Miss Florence Werry, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald andi Ray were Sunday dinnen guests at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton's, the occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashtan's 35th wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cow- ling and famihy, Salem, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Tabb. Mr. and Mrs. R. Vincent and Marie, Kedron, were Sunday visitons at Mr. and Mrs. Ran Rahm's. Mrs. Raipli Vanstone and Garry, Mrs. S. Johnson and- Mark and Myles, Whit'by; Mr. an-d Mrs. F. Cowling, Black- stock, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Richard MeNell. Mr. and Mrs. David Marrow and Alexander, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge. Mr. and, Mrs. Alfred Garrard were Satuirday supper guests of Mr. andi Mrs. Clifford Reid, Starkville. Mr. Milton Siemon visited Mr. andi Mrs. Russell Gilbert, parents andi ber sisters and othen relatives in the Jahns family in thein bereavement. The D'arlington Township Public Schoiol speaking cantest helal in the new Sunciay School Hall on Wedýnesday evening was very largehy atitenideti by Pupils, parents, teachers anti friends. There wene eleven contestants- each speaking on different intereting subjcts of their own chaosing. They were ail cammended for their fine presentations. The three win- ners were awarded much ap- preciatel prizes andl the ether contestants each receiveti a ,book. A schoal chair from Courtice unden the direction cf Ross Meteaif provided two sel- ections which were much en- joyeti. Mn. Lorenzo Truil is on a hunting trip in the Griffithý anca. Mn. Fred Payne is also ent- joiga hunting trip in the eorih Bay district in company with ethers fram. Blackstock and Part Perry. Syrnpathy is extendeti ta Mns. R~. J. Hadigson wha receiveti lhe sad news at the weekenti ai the passing of ber brother-in- aw, Mn. W. G. Towle af Det- roit, Michigan, -who had just aweek previaus rnazored ta bis home aiten spending a few days with Mn. and Mrs. Hodg- aon hene, anti hati arniveti home.l safely, but was taken ihi a fewi lays later, suffering from ai heart condition. Remembrance Day was Ob- erveti at the Sunday marning 1 church services in charge of Our paston. Ha was assisted in the service by Mr. Wm. Ax- ford who reati the namas frorn the Rail of Honor, An approp-I ite message was pnesented b Mrn. Reeti and the choir selec- ion "Lard give us Peace" was, Iso an appreciateti contribu- ton ta the service. A Baptîs- ral service wîhl be held, next unday morning. Mrs. Theron Mountjoy anti Mliss Florence Werry attendati le Central Area Women's In- Litute convention at the Royal 1 York Hotel, Taranto, hast week,1 is delegates from aur brandi.1 Inumben ai other Hampion adies attended a Part of the convention alsa. Bowmanville, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon attended Bhackstock Anivers- ary Sundiay morning andi were dinner guestis of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton, Burketon, Suriday. Several Haydon ladies atten- ded Enfield Bazaar, Friday ev- ening. Mr. Milton Rainey attendted the Teacher's Meeting held at Bradtley's Sehool on Tuesday afternoon. W.A. November meeting wil be held Thursday evening (ta- night) at the home of Mrs. Ross Ashton. Mrs. Camneron's group in charge elections of officers for 1960.- Ail members are requested ta be present. Plans are being made for W.A. Bazaar in November. Kenneth Graham eahled on his father J. D. Graham, Bow- manville, Sunday evening and also cafled on Mr. Claude FAIM SERVICE DEAD, OLD and CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Removed Free of Charge Immediate 24-Hr. Service ASK VOUE OPERATOR FOR ZEniI h 66550 No ToIl Charge Niclc Peconi - Peterboraugh AdmissLj cd Seat. fl - Sfic - Na Rpq<u-i, F - GLEN S8 King 'rt. W. SCOTJRTICE Several from here enjoyed the Harvest of Harmc>ny at Q.C.V.I. Oshawa, put on by the Sweet Adelines on Saturday evening. Several from here are members of bothi the Adelines and the Osh'awa Barbershop- pers. Congratulations to the pupils who travefled to Hampton on Wednesday evening to enter the Oratorical Contest. Elaine Bebee, Roberta Cook and Linda Courtiice of Grade 8, North Courtice School, were contes- tanýts. Elaine was one of the successful wininers to go on to enter a further competition later. Ebenezer Evening Auxiliary met for their November mneet- ing at the home of Mrs. Wm. Wade President Mrs. Alex Muir opened the meeting with a reading "Food for Thougtht". Mrs. Marion Danford gave De- votionjal. Foilowirsg some per- sonal thoughts, each of the members read a scripture pas- sage, which Mrs. Danford had dit 1ue, after which she closed with prayer. Offering was taken aind de- dicated. Donations of money are ta be accepted as our gifts at the Christmas meeting. Money to go to the Cerebral Palsy Sehool in Oshawa. Roll cail1 showed 15 books read and five home cails. A Nominatdng Committee of Mrs. E. Gearing, Miss Jean Gay and Mrs. H. Sweetm'an to bring a Smith, a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. George Tabb, jLilly an-d Shirley were supper g'uests at Mrs. K. Cowlin'g's and Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn's Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clem RahRn, Allison and Bill were Sundav visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Wilson's, Lakefield. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family, Mrs. K. Cowhing were supper guests of Mr. and Msr. G. Shfackleton, Salem, Saturday evening., Mrs. K. Cowling spent Tues- day with Mrs. J. Cowling, Salem. A Remembrance Service was held Sunday evening with sev- eral of the veterans present. Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, Mary and Billie, Mrs. W. Martin, called on Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith, Burkeýton, Sunday. Sunday School at 10.30 and church service at 7.30 Sunday BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Commencement Exercises NOVEMBER 20 - 8 p.m, at the HIGH SCHOOL Everyone Welcome - Free Admission BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB presents DO RAE siate of officers for 196o. Misses Betty and Pat Goyne Played a pianbo duet and pat played a solo "Yellow Butter- flies". Both numbers were en- joyed. Mrs. Wede gave a read- ing "We take it for Granted". Mrs. Ohiarlie Elliott took our study book "Africa Disturbed"l and Made our study very in, teresting. This promnises to-be an interesting study for thie year. Meeting closed and Wfts. Sweetmnan an-d Mrs. Danford assisted Mrs. Wadie with lunch. LET YOUR OLD WATER HEATER RETIRE ORACEFU LLY -If your water heater can- flot cope with today's heavier demands, we will be glad to instail a nmod- ern automatic electrie water heater just right for your family's needs. Installation, service, re- placement of heater, and cost of eiectricity are ail covered by one attractive nionthly charge. Our staff wil be glad to tell you ail about this ail- inclusive HOT WATER SERVICE. AREA OFFICE 61 Temperance Street Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3530 YOU REALIZE a a 4 ?HRMe LITTWWOROU 810 IN HEALTH VALUE DAIRY Eowmanville - I i PAGE TEN, THR ~eacON-ACTPLY WEDNESaYh night R WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 THRDAY, DECEMBER 4 FRIDAYtDeME4 BOWMAVILLaTOWL BOWMNVILE8 OWNHAL )n - 50e o p.ner. Free! Fr~e ED"-.ACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor 011 SERVICE STATION Under New Management - Don Guitard, Prop. Aaisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowxnanville "We Specialize in Personal Service" CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAJ) AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 3-2631 Double Slamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Ont and Se. Our Dlsplay of Gifts- Complet. Lubrication at a Reasonable Prie. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENNGS AND SIJIDATS THTMILK 1$ JUST HALF THE PRICE 0F 1"POP"P Before anyone complains about the cosi of milk a! the new delivered prîce of 23c per quart, let him consider the facts: Nqilk ai the new price wiII cost .57 cents per fluid ounce ... A popular soli drink costs~ 7 cents for six ounces - 1.16 cents per ounce. Draught heer costs 15 cents for 8.8 ounces - 1.7 cents per ounce.. And remember . . . on top of Ihis . . . MILK is delivered fo your doorsiep, fresh each morning! Phone MA 3-5444 for ome Delivery TE£ CANADL&M STATESMAlq. BowmANvmi.& onT.Alkrn é4z ý - Admissio ýýu iLbwalr&vl red Seats HAYDON

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