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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1959, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TEE CAWADIAN STAT~MAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARlO TmIRSDAY, NOV. 12Ui, ige By Angus Gordon COURTICE-Like most peo- pie in public life, Reeve Roy W. Nichols of Dar]ington Town- Aship bas his boosters and bis cletractors. However, after 15 Iyears in office, he bas learned to roll with the punches, and is regarded as a fair counter-pun- cher. One thing 'ils detractors neyer attack is his unquestion- ed integrity, and his regard for the Township of Darlington. His cpponents regard his as a dogmatic man who will not compromise. His supporters, In- cluding most of bis council and municipal employees, dlaim the interpretation is wrong. That he is careful to map out a plan of action wbich he then pursues to completion. A mild spoken man of asce- tic appearance, his bearing and gait belle the fact that he is entering his 6th year. He is re- luctant to speak of himself, bis family or bis business, but can easily be drawn on the subject of Darlington Township. In fact he's willing to drop anything he's doing and drive a visitor through the Township to show off bis new municipal building zHampton, or perhaps what are more important to Reeve Nichols, the many miles of as- SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES to ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTERFAIR TORONTO, NOV. 13-21 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIF Good going-Thursday, No- vember 12th to Saturday, November 21st inclusive. Return-Leave Torènto flot later than ridnigbt, Sun., November 22nd. Full information from any agent phalt paved roads which link the famer to the semi-urban areas now being developed. Bora On Farm Roy Nichols was bora on a farm about baif a mile north of Courtice. The farm was origin- ally the property of bis great- grandfather, Archie Nîchols, who came to Canada from Dor- chester, England, in the eariy 1800's. Roy W. Nichols Roy confesses he is not too well acquainted witbhîs fam- ily bistory. "I know that for a wbile my gneat-grandfatber liv- ed in the Welland distrilct, and worked on the Welland canal when it was under construc- tion. Hie came to Darlington Townsbip about 125 years ago and bought the farm near Cour- tîce. Reeve Nichais was bora July 1, 1900. He decided against farming as a careeer wben he was 16, wben be ieft ta take a motor mecbamce's course in Toronto. He confesses he did not cane too much for life la the big city, and carne back ta Countice when he was 21 to open a sinail garage. Hie bas been in business for himif since that time. "It took me a long time ta establish tbe business I've got today. I had ta make it a full time job. It's like anytbing else, if you want something you've got ta make it a full time want, and you ca't afford to be side- tracked. Got To Set Goal "It's just the samne with mun- icipal business. You've got ta set out with a definite project and carry on witb it until it la com- pleted. Wben the job 16 donc, then yau. can get o.n with sarne- tbing else. I suppose mny entny ita municipal affaira waa link- esi with the car business ta same extent. I suppose I realized how badly we needed good roads and the equipment ta keep them lin goosi shape. 'II came inta Darlingtan Township council with a prom- ise that I wouid do sornetbing about getting good mrade. We have nat yet reached the goal I set 15 years ago, but at the present tume Darlington Town- ship bas more miles o! pavesi noasi than any Cher municipal- ity la the Unitedi Counties," be declared. 'II must adds also, that they have been built and devisesi for less than baîf the coat per mile than what the county andi ather municipalities are paying. "I'm nat taking the credit fan ail this. Vie have a firat classa BEST QUALITY . * FUEL' OIL STOVEc AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES For Delivery PHONE OSHAWA RA 5-1109 78 BOND ST. W. OSE >IL HAWA Attention . 0 DAIRYMEN Hampton Milling Co. is now Mixing and Handling a complete lime of Swiff's Dairy Concenirate - 32% Swift's Dairy Concentrale - 241% to mix with your own grains as well as SWIFT'S GRO-NOR CALF- - STARTER -GRGWER and Dry and Freshening Ration These Feeds are Ail Blended with Molasses by our new Molasses Mixer. DROP IN AND SEE JOHN BURROWS Hampton Milling Co. Iýhono CO 3-2221 Hampton, Ont. I'I~ 1 r rods foreman, Tom Stewart, who doea a big job without get- ting credit he deserves.- 1 A look back at tbe records shows that in 1945 when Roy Nîchols took bis seat in council, the Toiship didflot own a truck or a snowplow. There was littie, if any equipment for roads maintenance. County Coundls allocation for roads in the Township amounted to $280 for snowfencing. Today the council is building a township garage to house its equipment, which includes snowplows-, asphalt apreaders, trucks and tools for mnainten- ance. Fuli Time .lob Asked about the infrequency of his attendance at county couaciýl, for whlch lie has been crlticized, Reeve Nichais admit- ted be did flot attend every ses- sion. "I reasoned this out a long time ago. Maybe Im. not a poli- tician, but after being able to stay in business for 38 years,I tblnk that I can dlaim. I know wbat I'm doing. "In the first place, the coun- ty council is h-aadling about 11%/ milis of Darlington Town- ship money. The rest a matter of 88 ½ nis, 16 handied right bere in the Township. "There are two of us sltting on county council. I figure tbat it does not take two of us to liandie Township affairs at couaty council unless some par- ticular problemt develops. The reeveship is a full Urne job right here in the Township."1 Hie added that this was one reason why lie did not take the post of warden wben it came time for a Durham county man ta step in. "We've lots of prob- lem-s night here in the Town- ship whioh require a lot of at. tention at this particular time. I feit that I couid flot giive arnount of tixne necessary tU both jobs." Reeve Nichols said that be- cause he daes not take bis seat reguiarly at county council does flot meaxi that he is allowing the county council to forget that Darlington is StiR the second largest municipality ln the area. "Vie were the forgotten c3hilc when I came into -municipal af- fairs but we got some action or the Bowm'anville-Tyrone road, and we'l1 get action on other roads sooxi. Flght For School "It was along, uphil-1 fight to get the bigh school for Darling- ton. We knew it was the logical place, but it was liard ta con- vince eight other municipalities. It was a matter of waiting with- out doing too rnuch sbouting. "I dis;covered a long time ago that it's flot the feiiow with the loudest voice that makes the best records. You can do a mucli better job by getting around quietly and giving people tume to"1 Possibly Roy Nichols regardls the new Township Hall ai Hampton as his greatest accom- pliahment. This opinion is shar- ed by civic officiais in neigb- boring zaunicipalities, and to a great extent by officiais la van- bous departments at Queen's Park Who 'contributed to the cost of the building. The opinions are based on the fact that despite the current high cost of construction, the building was erected at a cost of $40,000. This by no mean i- dicates the sale value, wbiclh is assessed at somewhere around $120,000. Modlern Building A split level building o! mod- erna design, the top on gnound floor bouses offices for neeve, cienk-treasurer, weifare officer, andi assessment commissianen as weli as a general office, and a fair sized couacil chamber. The iower floan la dcvoted ta a large auditorium, which la also equipped i wth a modern kitchen and vanlous dorncstic offices. Reeve Nichols necalis that he disi most o! the purcbasing o! matenials and supervised the job frorn staËt ta finish. "'Wc bad a certain amouat of moncy ta spcnd. Vie did flot want ta add ta the debenture debt. It was obvious we basi ta get new offices. With this la mind I d saine shopping anound for mia- teriais. Vie contnacted tbe labon andi we came up witb a fine building without going inta debt." Asked about plans for the fu- ture, Reeve Nichais pointed out that there is stili a big job ta be donc on pneparing an official plan. "Vie have a planning board and a bylaw, but there's stili a big job ta be donc con- viacing thc ratepayens that it is ta their benefit. It is actuaiiy thc anly way in wbich we can keep taxes on a equitable level witbout saddling thc Township with a big deben- turc debt. In tbis respect we compare favorably with any municipaiity o! aur size. ~VeSchoola Contly Wehave flot yet got all the services we want, but we'll get tbern. As you know, scbools are the b'ggest and castlieat prab- lem faciag aay municipality. Tbe councils have littie or no ctral aven Qis Part o! the spendlag. As a resuit we have ta be cautiaus and thrifty about spending on other projects s0 thtwe can kecp aur hcads above water." This story started out about Roy Nichais, and ended up as a story about Dariington Town- ship Wlhich ail arnaunts ta anc thig, the story of Roy Nichais ise stony o! Darliagtan Tawn- ship. i e askcd Mn. Niobols if be hasi any hobbies. j Ye.Darlington Township,"ý y Ar 1-t Lt 9 Lt 0 tt b "Darlington Township" Us Roy Ni*chols' Hobby lst game- 7:00 ar. 2nd game-. 7:45 a.m. (C.I.) 3rd game- 8:35 a.m. 4th game- 9:20 a.m. 10:05 a.m. Flood 5th game-10:20 a.m. 6th game-11:05 a.m. (C.I.) 7th game-11:55 a.m. 8th game-12:40 p.m. 1:25 p.m. Flood Oth game-1:40 p.m. 1Oth game-2:25 p.m. (C.I.) llth game- 3:15 l2th game- 4:00 p.m. Saturday Game Tinmes Ail players MUST USE dressing rooms to change into their equipment. Ail teanis must be ready to play ten minutes befare schedul- ed game tume. Ail tearns must rernain la their dresýÉjng room until the teanis prier have completely left the ice. (C.I.) - Last named team to be responsible for eleaning the ice. MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE SCHEDULES Atom Hockey Schedule Dr. Dr. Nov. 21-8th game-Hornets (1) vs. Ranis (4) 9th game-Bisons (2) vs. Barons (3> Nov. 28-8th garne-Indians (1> vs. Bombera (4> 9th garne-Barons (2) vs. Ranis (3) Dec. 5-8th garne-Indians (1) vs. Hornets (4) 9th game-Bornbers (2> vs. Bisons (3> Dec. 12-8th game-Bisons (1) vs. Indians (4) 9th game-Ranis (2) vs. Bombers (3> Dec. 19-8th game-Hornets (1) vs. Barons (4> 9th game-Bisons (2) vs. Ranis (3) Jan. 9-8th game-Baroas (1) vs. Indians (4> 9th game-Bombera (2> vs. Hornets (3) Jan. 16-8th garne-Barons (1J vs. Bombera (4> 9lth game-Hornets (2> vs. Bisons (3> Jan. 23-8th game-Rams (1) vs. Indians (4> 9th game-Baroas (2) vs. Bisons (3) Pee Wee Hockey Schedule "Are Neyer Caught" Killer Dogs in D arlinglon Cosf Township $ 1,100 Recreation Dept. Minor Hockey League' -Schedu le Mdiner Hockey Practico Times Friday, Nov. 13 Monday, Nov. le Atorm League: 5:00 p.m.- Atom League: 4:30 p.m.- Hrets andi Barons. Rama and Indians; 5:15 pan,- Saturday, Nov. 14 Bisons and Bombers. Baatam League: 7:00 a.m.- Tee Pees and Flycrs; 7:45 ar.- Midget-Juvenile League: 6:05 Cuba andi Huskies (dlean ice>; p.m. -- Dosigers and Comets; 8:35 a.m.-Tigers ansi Lions. 6:55 p.r.-Orphans andi Gen- Pee Vice League: 9:20 a.m.- erals; 7:40 pam.-Raiders ansi Bruina andi Canadians (dlean Rackets. ice); 10:10 a.m.-Leafs and Wdedy o.I Bears; 10:55 a.m.-Rangers und Wdedy Giants; 11:40 a.m.-.Wings (P' Mdget-Juveaile League: 5:30 Vice) and Braves (Bantam). p.m.-Maroons. (Ail Minor Hockey Teanis will pýpay an Saturdays, starting Nov. 21> West Courtice School and two ,additional classroomns on the West Mapie Grove Scbool, and the Township Clerk, Walter Rundie, was instructed to re- quest the Municipal Board's ap- proval for the debenture issue of approxirnately $50,000 to cover the cost. J. Hobbs, secretary treasurer of tbe Sehool Area Board, told the Township Council that thxe Courtice Scbool will have 265 pupils in September 1960. Hel 'Ladies' Major Bowling After Monday night's action, tbe standings were tightened considerably, with tharee clubs deadlocked atop the beap, three tied for second, and four tearns in tbird, only two points back. Lydia Bates' bowlers downed' Sadie Bucknell's tearn 2-i to tie the losers for first. Bernice Bu- day's club also moved into the leadership, as the result of a 2-1 win over Mary Wilcox's out- fit. Ena Etcher's team moved out of the cellar, downing Hildai Brock's bowlers 3-0 to drop the îosers into their former posi- tion. K.ay Beauprie 's crew se- conded the otber shutout, a 3-0 win over Ollie Patfield's squad. In the remaining games, Lola Wrigbt and Donna Preston re- corded 2-1 decisions over Joyce Lyle and Doris Joli, respective- 'y. Lcu Lyle took high single honours by one pin with a 279 mark, es Sadie Bucknell had 278, Audrey Osmond 274 and Helen Dunn 265. Lola Wright rolied up a 657 'triple, followed by Audrey Os- mond 655, One Etcher 646 and Nov. 21-5th game-Hawks (2) vs. Wiags (3) colmn Terny and Candy Mr. and' s Mrs. Jas. Sbackleton were Sun- S6th game-Beans (1) vs. Giants (4) C.T. day guests cf Miss Betty Wbit- t 7th game-Bruins (2> vs. Canadians (3) taker of Toronuto a double bir- ËI Nov. 28-lst ganie-Canadians (2) vs. Giants (3) tbdiay celebration- bath 39 2nd game-Bruins (1) vs. Wings (4) (C.I.) too! 3rd game-Bears (2) vs. Hawks (3) Symlpathy is exteadcd to the 4th game-Leafs (1) vs. Rangera (4) Walter Walker family of Jan- Dec. 5-Sth gaine-Rangera (2) vs. Wings (3) etville, an the sad accident whic'h sent little Mary Lou r6th game-Canadians (1) vs. Bears (4) (C.I.) Viaiker to haspital with bro- 7th game-Leafs (2) vs. Giants (3) ken legs, pelvis and ather i- Dec. 12-lst garne-Bears (2) vs. Rangera (3) juries and Owen Walker vtith 32nd garne-Giants (1) vs. Hawks (4) (C.I.) numenaus stitches on bis head. - 3rd game-Bruins (2) vs. Leafs (3) Congratulations ta lo c al 4t1aeWig 1 v.Cndin 4 portrnen of Fleetwood area in De.1-th game Wiags (2> vs. Lafais ( the fine showing held at St. Dec.19-5h gme-Wngs(2) s. eafs(3)Eustache, Quebec, recently. In 6th game-Hawks (1) vs. Canadians (4) (CI.) qualifying triais, Mr. Wilson 7th garne-Rangers (2) vs. Bruina (3) Carrai received Gth place lai Jan. 9-lst game-Leafs (2) vs. Hawks (3) High Genieral Average (H.G. an an-ris(>v.Bas()(.. A.), 3rd in Huniting andi 4th in 2nd ameBruns 1) s. ear (4 (CI.)Endrurance. Ini ail Canadian 3rd game-Giants (2> vs. Wings (3) Cha.rnpionsbip M r. Emmery 4th game-Canadiana (1> vs. Rangers (4) Shea's hound received 8th (H. Jan. 16-5th game-Rangers (2) vs. Hawks (3) G.A.) and 3rd i Huntirig. Mr. fth gare-Giants (1) vs. Bruina <4) (C.1.) Wilson Carron, 8th la Hunting. 7th ame-eafs(2)vs. ears(3)Most commendable for an Ail- * t an-ef 2 s er 3 Canadian Event. J an. 23-lat game-Bears (2) vs. Wings (3) Janetville C.O.F. was repre- *2ad garne-Canadians (1> vs. Leafs (4) (C.!.) sented on Friday evening at 3rd gare-Giaats (2> vs. Rangera (3) the Kawartha District Council *4th garne-Bruins (1) vs. Hawks (4) of tbe C.O.F. first annuai Ban- Bantnu HckeyScheulequet beld in Carvan. A splendid Nov. 2-lat aine-uskie k(2) s Lions dinner followed by a dance. Nov.21-st ame-uskes 2) v. Lons(3)Saie Yeiverton folk wene 2nd game-Braves (1) vs. Cuba (4) (C.!.) present on Saturday night at 3rd garne-Flyers (2) vs. Tigers (3) the preseatation bor»ou rin g 4th game-Tee Pees (1) vs. Pirates (4) newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Argue, at Janetvile C.O.F. bail. *Nov. 28-sth game-Tigers (2) vs. Braves (3) The evening was apent in danv- 6th game-Flyens (1) vs. Lions (4) (CI.) cing ta music suppiied by Mrs. 7th game-Cuba (2) vs. Huskies (3) David Wilson and band. Nean Dec. 5-lat garne-Flycra (2) vs. Pirates (3) midnight the 'bonoured couple 2nd game-Lions (1) vs. Tigers (4) (C.!.) were called ta the platform by Gilbert McGiUl, M.C., when a 3rd game-Cubs (2) vs. Tee Pees (3) congratulatory address w a s 4tb game-Braves (1) vs. Huskies (4) read and a purse of money pre- Dec. 12-sth game-Flyers (2> vs. Huskies (3) aenibed by Mrs. Elmo Archer on 6th game-Pirates (1) vs. Braves (4) (C.I.) behaîf of their fnienda. Both 7th ameTee ees(2) s. ions(3>Mn. and Mns. Argue spoke brie- De.9lth game-Tee Pees (2> vs. Tioens(3 fly thanking ail for the gift. Dec.19-st gme-ee Pes 2) v. Tgers(3)We at Malconia combined >2nd gaine-Cubs (1) vs. Flyers (4) (C.I.) business andi picasure this week 3rd garne-Huakies (2> vs. Pirates (3) spending an evening with Mn. 4th game-Lions (1> vs. Braves (4) and Mrs Hank Boon Jr. andi Mn. Jan. 9-5th game-Braves (2) vs. Tee Peca (3) Mrs. Aida Nasato of Cooksvilie fithgam-Tigns 1> s. Hskis (4 (C!.>and attending one day at the 6th ameTigrs 1) s. Hskis () (I.)O.F.A. Annual Convention at 7th game-Pirates (2) vs. Cuba (3) Toronito. Jan. ifi-lst game-Flyers (2) vs. Braves (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wrigh't 2nd game-Huskies (1> vs. Tee Pees (4) (C.L were welcome callers here this 3nd game-Pirates (2> vs. Lions (3)- weekend wbiie visitiag wlth 4th garne-Culba (1) vs. Tigers (4) teReMlom !Jntvlç Jan. 23-5th gare-Pirates (2) vs. Tîgens (3) Thelvemr a! 6th game-Lions (1) vs. Cuba (4)>h oebr me 7tb garne-Tee Pees (2) vs. Flycrs (3) Yelverton W.A. was beld at the! 'Balfour Moone's with an aver-, Lions Midget-juvenile Hockey Sehedule age attendunce. Following the! Nov. 21-1Oth game-Orphans (1) vs. Cornets (4) opening exercises, Peggy Sta- lith game-Genenais (2) vs. Dodgers (3) cey convened the Devotionai; l2thgameRaidns 1> v. Maoons(4>reading, byrns and prayer by 12thgam-Rader (1)vs.Marons(4)Ern Henders; minutes, roll cal Nov. 28-lOth game-Rockets (1) vs. Dodgers (4> and financial report by Elleen Ilth game-Orphans (2) vs. Manoons (3) Malcolm. 12th garne-Generals (1) vs. Raiders (4) Ten dollars was voted to Dec. 5-lOth garne-Comets (1) vs. Maroons (4) CARE andi $100.00 was voted, llth garne-Rockets (2> vs. Raiders (3) ta Cemetery Board ta dlean up an acreage extension debt. 12th garne-Orphans (1) vs. Generais (4) Plans ta fix the floor la the Dec. 12-1Oth garne-Dodgers (1) vs. Raidera (4) church anti-noorn were discus- Ilth game--Cornets (2> vs. Generais (3) sed. 12th game-Rackets (1) vs. Orphaas (4) A narninating comxnlttce was, Dec. 19-1Oth garne-Maroons (1) vs. Generais (4) aamed. Xmas boxes as a treat llthgam Doger (2)vs.Orpans(3)for a borne for cbildrcn were llthgare-Ddgcr (2 vs Orpans«3>planned. 12th garne-Comets (1> vs. Rackets (4) A cornmittee was naied ta Jan. 9-lO0th garne-Raiders (1) vs. Orpbans (4) purchase a propane gas stove llth game-Maroons (2) vs. Rackets (3) for the Cburch Hall kitchen., l2th garne-Dadgens (1) vs. Cornets (4) Ten dollarswas a grant ta 5: Jan. 16-lO0th garne-Generais (1) vs. Rackets (4) Qaks Camp. Next meetingin llthgam-Ëader (2 vs Coets(3)vitesi ta Eileea Malcolim's when' llth game-Raiders (2)Rvsl Carnt 3 alal will be answered with' l2tb garne-Maroons (1) vs. Dodgers (4) a gift of a bowi for the Church Hall ( ta alleviate the curent! Chair and choir leader and or- bowi abortage at fowi suppens). YELVERTON ganist deserve much credit for Mary Lockwaod convened the making sucb a fine service. The pnagrarn (in absentia). Read- Mr. and Mrs. Bert MIlls o! two petite duetiats shaw much inga by Lamna Wilson, Peggy' Tarontoanad Mr. and Mns. Da- vocal promise~ Misses C. St- Stacey ai-d Marjonie Stinson vid Wilson on Suaday wîth the cey and V. MeGill. preceded a scrumptious lunch G. F. Wlsons. with Em Henders, Mrs. Hugb' Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wilson McGill andi Mary Moore. Mrs. Mable Rowan under- accornpanied the Norman ili _________ went an operation in Lindsay sons last Sunday to Taronto ta Hospital titis week andi is re- the Vance Wilsons A man's life may stagnate as Portesi ta be making a satis- On Sunday the Floyd Stin- llteraily as water may stagnate, factory recuperation. sons Dale and Pameila visited and just as motion and direction Mn. Barry Dunbar assistesi with the Donald Stinsons aear are the remedy for one, so pur- Mn. Jim Sumnmervile at church 1Cooksville. JI pose and activity are the remedy îervice on Sunday. The Junior 1 M&. and Mis. Bowrd Ml for the other.-John Burroughs.i Sadie Buckneil 644. Garnes 200 and over:-Lou Lyle 279; Bernice Buday 234, 261; Pat Bartels 216; Joyoe Ten- nant 218; Dot Brooks 237; Hii- da Brock 230, 228; Mynra Hopps 219, Ena Etcher 225; Shirley Davis 208;, Vivian Cowan 235; Sadie Bucknell 278, 203; Helen Corden 210-, Onle Etcher 237. 252; Lydia Bates 201, 218, He- len Dunn 265; Norma Gay 223; Joyce Lyle 228; E. Stringer 221, T. Forester 210, 206, M. White 204; Lola Wright 205, 219, 233;, K. Stephens 234; Audrey Os- mond 274, 218; Bernice Terry 220; K. Beauprie 210, 211, 220; Betty Westlake 253; Jean Har- ness 237; Shirley Biekeil 238, 208; Doris Joli 200; Jean Sel- lers 211. Team Standings Pts. Buday ---____6 Bucknell ~6 Bates 6__ -____f Joli 5 Beaupnie 5 Preston- -5 Wright ..____ 4 Etcber ___________4 Patfieid ___ 4 Lyle -4 Wilcox .._____3 Brock ----_ _ _2 Averages Bernice Buday . ____213 Helen Dunn - -205 Hulda Brock 199 Onie Etcher ____-198 Ena Etober _______193 Lola VWrighit -____ 192 Em Striager - -191 Lydia Bates ____ 191 Doris JoIli -___ 191 Liii Happer .______188 Sadie Bucknel -____184 Helen Gilhooiy -____183 Audrey Osrnond _____181 Audrey Bicedl______181 Lau Lyle ---_____181 Kay Stephens 179 Vivien Cowan _____ 178 Shirley Bickell ____176 Norma Gay 175 Betty Viestiake 173 Kay Beaupnie 173 Babe Brown 173 Shirley Davis 172 Dot Brooks - -172 Marg. Perris j 12 Joyce Lyle 172 Bernice Terry 171 Dore. Mutton _____ 171 Myra Hopps------- . 170 Eleanor Larmer 169 Eileen Holroyd --~.168 Viuîma Bates 168 Joyce Tennant ---~*167 Helen Corden - --166 Helen Piper 164 Ollie Patfield ___164 Norma Norris 163 June Baker ____162 Greta Luxton ___ 161 Evelyn Embley ___ 161 Muriel Holroyd 161 Mary Villeox - -161 Dell Vinson 160 said that Courtice North will bave 288 pupils in 1961; 311 pu- pils in 1962, 333 in 1963, and 382 pupils in 1964. In the autumn of- 1960 there wlll be 101 pupils at West Courtice, 132 in 1961, 161 in 1962, 1810 in 19631, and 197 in 1964, Mr. Hobbs stated. He in- formed the council that in 1960 West Maple Grove will have 93 pupils, there will be 102 in 1961, 111 in 1962, 110 in 1963, and 116 in 1964. Coundillor A. E. Thompson drew attention to claima for damage done by dogs to iLve- stock amounting to $926. He said that ln the past few weeks four cows were killed and an- other so badly damaged that Jt had to be done away with. He said that total dlaims for dam- age done by dogs in the town- ship to livestock mnay amount to approximately $1.100. Reeve Roy W. Nichols stated that receipts from the dog tax amounted to $2,300 a year, and expenses for dog dam'age corne to over $2,000. He pointed out that the value of livestock is goîng up. The tax receipts will not pay for damages by dogs let alone the expense connected with the Dog Control office. He asserted that the dogs that do livestock damage are neyer caught. Reeve Nichols suggested that the Dog Catcher might work at nigbt in the township instead of during the day. It was men- tioned that the dogs that killed the cows in question were two police dogs and a Labrador re- triever. Three easy ways to pay premiums with the PLAN For mare information, ut your Acadia Agent todayl STUART R. JAMES INSURANCE King St. E. Office MA 3-5ft8l REAL ESTATZ Bowmanvilb Residence MA 3-5493 THAT Robson Motors Ltd. has garage equipment and a staff of mechanici t. take care of any of your servicing probipms, Our staff of qualified mechanic includes specialists on: Nlolor Tune-up If your motor lu ioslng power, iack- ing pep . .. we eau give it new life. Automatic Transmissions No need to go sur further, we have three experts for automnatics. Wheel Alignment w I su Brake Service 'Body Repair To meet the demand wc have J p- added two mnen t. our b.dy staff Paint Shop Excellent paint faclitiez Whatever your' needs mar ho mechanlcally we can serve rom and save you money 1 Robson Mo tors Ltd. 166 King St. L MA 3-3321_ Welfare accounts for Octo- ber arnounting to $1,311.32 were passed for payment at the meet- ing of tbe Darlin.gton Township Council beld an Tbursday af- ternoon, November 5th, in the Township Hall, Hampton. The generai accounts and road ac- counts for October were also passed unaiiimousiy. Tentative approval was given by council to the Scbool Area Board's proposai to build two additional classroon-s on the VIGOR OIL CO, LTD. i TIM CAMADUR STATESUM. BOVIL4NVZLtZ O"AMO THURSDAT, Nov. lm lm PAGE FOURTEEN

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