~~T!UCTIAV~ ?qnV ¶2th UI5~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE IVTE $ 122,000 Courtice Overpass To Cost Township $ 7,500 é$ Darlington Township Council t the meeting held in Town- ship Hall, Hampton on Thurs- dýay., November th, tentatively approved the proposai of the C.P.R. to build a spur lime near the Courtice sideroad, and in- rtructed the Township Clerk, Walter Rundie, to write to the Transport Commission outlin- Ing t.he plans for the construc- tion of an overpass where the present level crossina exists. The cost of the projected éverpass and the building plans were discussed by the council with D. A. Gorrie, Port Hope, of C. A. Meadows and Associ- &tes, Toronto, the township's consultant in the matter. The type o! overpass planned would be the xnost tcchnically and 'PIJIFS & SOFTENERLç LIMNTED PF 82 LONDON -CANAD) JACK DRGUCH PLUMBING and HEATING DivisI3n Street South MA 3-5615 BOWMANVIILLE economically advantageous to Darlington. There is a rising grade at the crossing and the importance of arranging for a clear view was emphasized. A traffic survey made in 1958 showed that ap- proximately 345 vehices per day used this road, it was said. The benefits of the proposed elimination of the present level crossing at this point were also stressed. It was announced that the overpass will have two lanes and that there will be safeýy curbs for pedestrians. Iti wil be constructed of steel gird- ers and reinforced concrete. The estimated cost of the overpass is as follows: . Sub- struSture, superstructure and paving, $4,500; Earth approach- es and paving, $6,500, Land ac- quisition, $1.000; Engineering Service 10 percent of $110,000, $11,000; Grand total $122,000; Estim.ate of Darlington Town- ship's share of cost: Federal con- tribution to Grade Crossing Fund fromn 80 percent of total levy, $97,600; Leaving $24,400; Probable contribution by CPR, $6,100; Leaving $18,300. BLACKSTOCK The Public Speaking com- petition for Cartwright Town- ship was held in the auditor- ium of Central Public Sohool, Thursday. Mr. John Hamilton was chairmari and after giv- ing a very fitting address an- nounced the semi-finals to be held same place Tues., Nov. 10 an~d the finals in Orono Wed- Nov. 18. Then followed spe- eches by Helen Swain- "Che- ese Making" Elizabeth Thomp- son- "Girl Guiding in Can- ada" Lorna Wright- "The Coyote" Marlene Tomehisin.- "Winter Wonder" Lynda Kyte - "Lumber our Heritage"l Car- oie Blythe- "Money" Patricia Adams- "Superstition". Now there. were two choruses by pupils from grades 6 and 7 un- der the direction of Mr. J. Gay Music Teacher, "The Beautiful Land of Spain", "The Song of the Shepherd Boy" and seven more speeches- Nancy Dorrel -"Mother Goose" David Bail- ingal- "Paul Bunyan" Judy Cochrane - "Birds" Cheryl Metaf- "Qucen Ellizabeth's Floating Palace" Mary Brad- bun-. "Aifaifa Seed Grower and Leaf Cutter Bec" Joe Pres- ser- "The Symbol o! Faith in the Badlands" Janice Byers- "Putting the Beaver back to wrk". At this point Grades 7 and 8 sang "Chipeniacas" and iens, Mrs. Rorneril and i.I Paisley acting as judges de- ciared very close competition but had decided on numbers '7 and 14 as first and' second place. These were Patricia Adams and Janice Bye'rs. On behalf o! the Port Perry Lions Club, Mr. Tomn Harris presenited a cheque to f irst prize winnier, Mrs. John Ven- ning presented a cheque dona- ted by Dr. -and Mis. J. A. Mc- Arthur to second prize winner and Earl Dorrell on behaif o! SMITH BEVERAGES ýLTD. Phone MA 3-5530 Church Sti., Bowmanville Authorized bottiers for Schweppes produets ln Bowmanville areai USED CAR BARGA'INS 1957 BELVEDERE V-8 2-DR. Push button automatic. One owner. Like new, gold andI white. 1956 PLYMOUTH V-8 4-DR. Power Flite transmission, radio. Runs Jike ncw. 2-toue blue. 1956 PLYMOUTH 6-CYL., 4-DR. Radio, black andI turquoise. Clean ' 1955 PLYMOUTH 6-CYL, 2-DR. Suburban. Radio. New blue paint. 1954 PLYMOUTH 6-CYL, 4-DR. Very clean car. 1954 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. New blue. 19352 NA ;H RAMBLER Runs like new. 34,000 original mieage. 1950 OLDSMOBILE 6-CYL SEDAN Radio andI signal lights. 2-toue green and black. Runs good. 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN A vcry good running car. 1948 CHEV. 2-DR. A bargain. Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - FARGO SIMCA DEALERS 20 King St. East I3owmanville MA 3-5487 Depamtment o! Highways sub- sidy, 80 percent o! the residual cost o! structure aud 50 per- cent o! residual cost o! eerth woiks, $10,800; Levîng as cost ta Dariugton Township, $7,500. Discussing this major in- provemeut in thc Courtice aiea Llater with Reeve Roy W. Ni- chois, The Statesman was adI- vised that there wvill be other big changes iu the ucar future along thc Base Line or Broken Front RoasI. A project whieci will eventuelly cost about $100,- 000 will tîansform the Base ILine into an 86 footioadway, 'with hills loweîcd, ta tic in as a service rossI betwcen Uic Wa- veîrly RoasI cloverîcaf pioposcd for 1960 andI the Courtice clo- verlea! to be built around the same time. This impioved îoad will be widened and, paved fîom Waveily RoasI Uirough ta Courtice by the township with Dcpartment o! Highways subsi- dies. If pproval can be obtain- cd quickly, this development will be staîted under the Win- ter Works lucentive piogiam this year. the sdhool board pieseuted eech o! thc other twclve con- testants with two silver dollars. Great credit was expressed to cvery contestant, thc teach- crs, Neil Beiley andI Grant Campbell, the music supeivisoî Mr. J. Gay andI the parents who take such intcrest in hav- ing pupils participete. The au- ditorium was wcll filled and ail felt they had spent a most inspiriug andI educational vn iug. About 60 parents interview- ed the teachers o! thc Higli Sehool, Tucsday evenýiug. Af- ter w'hich Rev. P. Romeril gave a brie! esIdress. Lunceh was scr- ved in t-he Home Economics room by Mis. Bleke Gunter, teacher andI the girls. Mi. andI Mrs. Dalton Dorîcli, Mr. andI Mrs. Merrili VanCamp attendecl thc Federation o! Ag- riculture convention in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Mond'ay evcniu-g. Mis. Dorreli remained through Tuesdey ansI Wedncsday. Mis. Percy VanCamp andI Mis. Velva B'ailey attended the Women's Institute convention in Royal York, Wcdnesday, Thursday aud Friday ansI Mis. Ernest Lammer attendesI Thurs- day. Fîiday night in thie Suudey Sehool îoom o! the United Chuîch e niioe number o! child- men, parents andI friends spent au cujoyable evcn-iug sponsored by the Mission Baud. Program- me opened with an Africen Welcome Song sung by child- men o! the Baud. Miss Joyce Graham showcd be'autiful col- ouued pictures o! scenes in Jem- aica ansI Trinidad she lied ta- ken on her trip this summner. The Mission Baud andI Leaders Mirs. Stuart Dordil ansI Mis. Frank Butt then conducted e woîslip period simailar to one helsI in their megulai meetings. Bian. Lec andI Bill Thompsou with the drums callecl atten- tion. Al mepeated the Plurpose Sang "esus Loves Me" in Afrii- cen andI a "Congo Lullaiby". At this point Miss Graham show- cd pictures o! a nuniber o! ani- mals from, thc zoo and, a few local scenes. The dihildien lied their art woîk on dîispiay ansI also solsI oendy. Mission Band met Tuescley a!ter school with 14 meuibers presenît. Roll call was meesI by Bill Thompson.. Fist part o! meeting was spent making plans for the party Fmi. night. Ail enjoyed the Activity Per- iod whcn ecd member start- cd making an Africen Tqm Tom fou hinisel! with meteriel brought art the ]ast meeting. Two very fine services werc held Sunîday in the UnitedI Church- their fall nnivers- amy. At il a.m. the chuieli wes jammed. Thc ladies choir o! 25 voices sang thc Arithem, "Praise Yc The Lord". Rev. Clarence Ferguson, LuIondn, Ont., preached !îom, thc sub- ject "The Task Thiat is Under- Henry, Toronto, were Suudey vîsitors with Mis. Jas. Heniry, Melville andI Doris Griffin.' Mi. and Mms Keith Johuston andI girls, Belleville, visited Mi. andI Mis. J. A. Johuston, Sun- dey. Mi. and Mis. Don Sinclair, Oshawa, are staying with Mr. G. Strong ansI family while Mis. Stîong is i hospital andI couvalcscing. Mis. Gea. Fowler underwent cye suigemy ini Oshawa haspital Fiiday. Mu. and Mis. Mervin Mount- joy, Hampton, visited Mi&. aud Mis. Russel Mountjoy Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Harry Preston, Bethany, visitesI Mr. and Mis. Dave McLcani Sunday. Mis. Henry Walkeu, Mirs. W. J. Flctt, Fenelon Fells visited Mù-. Mz-vvy gralxam and Mrs. Ed Harris Monday. A% good number enjoyed the chicken pie suppei in the An- glican Parish Hall, Saturday evening ater which. eleven tables o! euchre with Pemcy VanCamp, Fred Hamilton, Mis. Jas. Gibson and Miss Coma Cro- zier prize wininers. Mis. A. J. Cooice, Brooklin; Mis. Jean Cook, Oshiawa; Mr. Stanley Malcolmu and Mis. Ida Taylor were Sunday guests o! Mr.. and Mrs. Neil Malcolmn andI f emily. Mi. and Iss. Esmi Trewin, Doreen and Donald, Enaiskii- len; Mis. Edgar Horn, Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. Roy Tiewin and Carol, Mimiico, visited Mr. and Mis. Fred Trcwin anid f anily and Mr. andI Mis. Albe'rt Wri- gtht, Sunday. Miss Marjorie McIrttosh and Miss Veina Wood o! Brantford teechting staff spent the week- end with Miss M. J. Haul st Mi-s. Hl. Bailey's. Mr. and Mis. Ewart Leask andI chàhiren, Solina, were guests o!, Mr. andI Mis. Wallace Marlow, Sundiay. Mrs. H. Hawkin, Port Perry, spent the weckcud wiffi Mr. and AMis. Ivan Mountjoy and family aud Mr. snd Mis. Leith Byeis. Mr'. and Mis. Fred Toms, Mi. and Mrs.- Lloyd Siemon, Ennis- killen, weîe Sunday. guests o! Mi. and Mis. Wilbur Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson, Cadmus, wcrc Sunday dinner guests o! Mis. John McKee. Miss Jean Wilson, Toronto, spent the weekeud with her parents Mi. andI Mrs. Chas.. Wilson. Mi. end Mis. Weir Swain, Toronto, spcrit the weekend with Mi. and Mis. Clarence Marlow. Mr. and Mis. Arthur Rahm, Mr. and Mis. Stan Hall andI family, Tyrcyne, were Sunday visitors with Mi. and Mis. Stan Rahm, Peul andI Carol. Rev. C. H. 'Ferguson, Lon- don, spent the weekeud with Mi. aud Mis. Cecil Hill andI Roy and Bill Feiguson. Mi. aud Mis. Morley Grea- ves, Lindsay, were Sunday dinner guests o! M%1r. ansI Mis. Cecil Hill. Mi. andI Mrs. Noci Morton, Ozhawa, visited Roy and! Bill Ferguson, Sunday. Mi. andI Mis. Norman Mal- colm, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mi. and Mis. Merrill VanCamp andI famuly. Mi. andI Mis. A. B. Manson, Montreal; Misses Jessie andI Betty McAithur, Torouto, spent the weekeud with Dr. andI Mis. J. A. McArthur andI Ardis. WESLEY VILLE lt's long past hayiug time but some was secured to provide lhe neccssary paddiug for two hay riding parties , last wcck. Carol Thondyk's foim in Hîgh School enjoyed the ride on Fridey night, and Pearl Austin, Lariy andI Joan Ashby and their friends on Saturday night. Bernice Clerke re&d the scrip- turc on Suuday mornin.g et Sunday School andI tribute was paid to the memory o! ail those who gave their lives in the wars, through the hymuts and Mr. Hardiug's sermon et chu- reh service. Berniece Best attended the nstitute convention et the Roy- al York, Toronto, lest week. 'Mr. and Mis. R. Best and Ber'nicce, visitcd with Mr. andI Mis. Hicks ini Foxboro lest Sunday. Hanidicraft work- is beginn- ing in earnest for the season. A quiît was finished et Mis. K. Asihby's last wcek, enother was started et Mis. E. Barrow- cloug'h's on Monday o! this wcek, andI a course on rugmaak- ing was started et Mis. H. Hol- man's on the same day. The quarterly Sunday Sehool meeting was helsI et the home o! Mis. Arnold Austin on Mon- day eveniuýg, November 9th. Mis. Doug Jarvis o! Coui visited et hem 'home here on STARK VILLE Mr. and Mis. John Stark and famiily visited Mr. Logan, Man- vers Station. Mr. ansI Mus. HaroldI Little and Laurie, Çahpbcllfoîd, vis- itesI at Mr. Llew Hallowcll's lest wcek. Several from lieue cujoyed the turkcy sine t Elizabeth- ville lest week. Mis. M. Shutka lu Oshawa Satuidiay to sec hem, littie gra- nddaughter. Mr. andI Mis. Orme Falls aud !amily weie Suuday dinuer guests with Mi. and Mis. Jlmn Stark. Mi. andI Mis. George Morton, Ororia t Mr. Arthur McKay's last wcek. Mu. Clifford Foula is speud- ing a fcw days huntlug ln Uic north. country. Lest week Uic laddes o! Shi- loli met et Mis. SisI Hallowell's fou their W.A. meeting with a fine attendauce. MusI Gardon Tîim andI Mis. Bilan Caswill had charge o! the devotional portion with president Mis. Jim Stark conductiug Uic business. Plans for the bazai weme comple'ed. Mis. Gordon Trim gave Uic ticasurer's report andI thc esulti o! Uic ecent« sup- per. Some "Thank-you" notes were ead by Mis. Caswell. Afteu the Mizpah Benedic- tiou Miss Colleen Fells, Toi- onto, showed sanie intercsting pîctuies o! heu trip ta Calgary and Banf! with Miss Helen Hal- lowell. Lunch was served andI Mrs Stark expiessedi the ap- preciation o! sîl to Mis. Hall- owcll for the fine evenini at ber home. BETHANY Despite pouring rain and the Inconveniience o! the detour on IlA highway niow being mecon- structed, tiheme was a good crowd attending the tumkey dinner served on Wednesday evcning by the Women's Assoc- iation o! the United Church. Many weie piesent !rom. the suiiounding towris and villages. Perhaps those who camne 'home' for this annuel event, from. the furthest distance wcre Mr. andI Mis. Maxwell Ross, Miss Reine McKinley ansI Miss Thelma Patton o! Toron to. Miss Lynda Davidson andI Miss Dianne Smith represented the Bethainy 4-H Club et the Women's Institute convention in Toronto on Thursday, taking part lin thc program. They were ecconvpanied by Mis. Ross De- vidson, Mrs. Glen Wentwor4th andI Mis. Relph Preston. Also attendiug the convention from Wednesday thirough ta Satur- day wcîe Mis. Thomas Jen- iugs end Mis. Mansel Finney as delegetes from the Local Iu- stitute.. Mi. andI Mis. William Mc- Geechie (nee Jean Scotît) o! North Surrey, B.C., visited dur- iug the past week with their brother andI sistei-in-law, Mi. and Mis. Addison Scott. Sympathy o! the communîity is extended to thic brothers arnd sister of the late Miss Mabel Challice, who passed awey on Fidey evening et fthc home o! her uephew, Roy Strong. The fun-cral service will be heid from the Reynolds Funeral Home on Monday, November P. Mrs.'Miton Wiht, who has been visiting with Mi. andI Mis. F. Colmer et Braccbîidgc for several wceks, returncd home on Fîiday uight. Bob. Foster is now ieportedl in setisfactory condition in St. Joseph's Hospitai, Pcterb or- ough,- where he is mccovcîiug from a guushot wound in the right foot. The accident hep- pend on Thuisday ndght when the shotgun he was caîîying accidently discharged. B ob. whose *parents, Mi. andI Mis. Burton Foster, live et Havelock is the local Teller in the Be- thany branch o! the Toronto- Dominion Bank. Glen Wentworth andI Bruce Ryley left on Friday night to join a p;aîty o! dcci hunters et the Dollar Bridge Huuîtiug Camp, noîth-west o! Loring. Mi, Fred, Reynolds, who hes been ill at his home here, was taken ta *Civic Hospital in Pet- erborough on Satuîday. Mr. aud Mis. LyaIil Lowery, Orono, weîc guests with Mi. andI Mis. Walter Neals on Sun- day. With Mr. an-dlMus. Frank Martichenko for the wcckend were Mis. Marie Yonchus andI Devid Yonichus ott Kitchener. Hariy Johnston, employed duîing the summer mouths at North Bey, meturied to his home here on Seturday. Douglas Walters, Belleville, is the uew employee o! the Toronito- Dominion Bank dur- ing the illness o! Bob. Foster. Ladies Guild Meeting The members o! thc Ladies' GuilsI o! St. Paul's Anglican Church were entertained on Tuesd-ay evening et the home o! Mis. Glen Wentwoîth, with Mis. Morgan Bigelow presiding. Mis. G. E. Meades led the devotional prayers aud report- ed for the sunhosine comiittce. Mis. John Palmer, t(reasurer, reported the piocceds o! the îe- sent sale o! home b.eking andI ceudy. A similar event will bce helsI in November et G. Wad- dell's formeri store, with Mis. Meivin Smith andI Mis. Char- les Smith in charge of sales. There ýwas a discussion as to puîchasiug dishes for the kit- chen o! thc new Paîish Hall andI e comniitce appointed to look into r.vioes. The members also decided on the peint col- or schcme for the kitehi2n. The December meetiug will be helsI et the Rectory feetur- ing a Christmas paity andI ci- ection o! officers. Iu lieu o h usuel exchiîange o! gifts emn SOLINA Mis. Stan Mllson arranged the missionary pîogram for Sunday School on SunsIa y morning. It cousisted o! ecita- tions by Glenn Millson ansI Neil Tink andI readiugs ty Sharon Spires andI Mis. F. Johuston. Stan Milison is acting superin- tendent for this mouth. Rev. F. ReesI pîeched a fine Remembrance Day Sermon and the nemes on the Honour Roll, wha served in the two weîs were eed by Howard Milîson, Pet aud IHelen Knox favoured with a lovely vocal duet "The Beautiful Garden o! Prayer". A number o! Solina ladies wexit by chertered bus ta Toi- ouito on Thursdey. Some et- teuded the Women's Institute convention at the Royal York Hotel, whilc others spent Uie day lu various ways. This is an annua1 event which is en- jayed by ail. Heerty conigratulatdons are extended to Mi. and 1Mis. S. E. Wcrry who on Novembem 10 observed their golden wedding auniversemy. They werc hon- oured by their families andI close relatives ou Seturday uight et a dinucu et Adelaide House ansI later et thc home of their son Du. George Wrry sud Mis. Wcrry on Cadillac St. North. Church service uext Sunday will ibe et il o'clock with Sun- dey School prececding et 10 o'clock. Several SoUna ladies attend- ed Uic bezai et EnifielsI Fr1- day night. A number o! farmers wemc guesta at the Sodbusters baa- quet at Harmoniy, Mon., uight. Lawrence and Neil Taylor are spending this week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mis. Bruce Montgomery, while their mother is ini Memoriel Hospital, Bownmnville, with their twin sisters. Mrs. J. Yellowlees andi Miss Gladiys Yellowlees visitedi the former's sister Miss Ida Rey- ral)d.s in Our' Lady o! Mercy Hospital in Toronto. Mr. and Mis. Wes Yellowlees1 Harold and Murray and Rob- ert Osborne were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mis. Vernon Osborne, Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Orval Jackson, Robert and Paul, Lindsay, vis- itedi on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and family. Mi. and Mis. Charles Lang- meid and family were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Ross Prout, Toronto. Bruce Taylor was in Toronto several days attending the Fed- eration of Agriculture Conven- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Ken MéMinn and children, Oshawa, vîsited at E. Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith,, Oshawa, Mr. anid Ms. Haroidj Pascoe andi Mr. and Mis. Ever-1 ett Crydermnan were Sunday guests o! Mrs. Florence Pearce, Willowdaie.1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger end chiidren, Oshawa; Miss Linda Stainton, Enuiskillen and Keithi Crydermen were tee guests on Suuday with Mr. eand Mrs. Ross Cryderman and childien. Miss Helen Baker, Toronito, spent the weekeud at home. Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Glaspell, Lindsay, visited at Mr. and Mrs. I. Hardy's. Mrs. Ken Pascoe and daugh- ters, Mrs. C. Surphlis, Brough- am, were Sunday visitors wîth Mr. and Mis. John Knox aud famiiy. Miss Lena Taylor, Miss Lav- erne Orchard, Bowmeuville; Mr. and Mrs. E. Lainier, Bleck- stock, and Mrs. A. Belson vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family. AU. and Mrs. Keith Rowe, Ken and Lynda, Bowmanrville, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and family. Mr. andMis. S. E. Werry were entertaiued at the new home o! Mi. and Mrs. Harold Werry, Kedron, when Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Werry, Oshawa, Mr. J. A. Werry, Eu'uiskilleu, and Mis. F. Werry were also pre- sent. Mr. and Mis. Joe Snowden and Bruce wcre visitors et Mi. and Mifs. D. Flett's. Mr. and Mis. Frank West- leke, Jr., and childien, Mr. and Mis. F. R. Cook, Bowmaawilie, visited on Sunday at Mr. L. W. Johnson's andi Mr. Harry Jor- dan's et Linidsay. Mr. and Mis. Tom Westlake and Cecil, Milhbrook, visited Mr. and Mis. Frank Westlake Si. Mr. and Mis. Don Pascoe, Dean and Danny, Hampton, visited Mr. and M.rs. Rae Pas- coe and faimiiy. Mr. and Mis. Rae Pascoe and family attended the 25th wed- ding anuiversary o! Mi. and Mrs. C. McPherson., Oshawa, wheîe Dorothy assisted by serving. Mi. and Mis. Sean Mcflroy, Peterborough, anid Mr. Réhbie Walters, Owen Sound, visited at M.r. J. Kivell's. r MOST LADS WILL NE M MCKE W. 10 t MEh fiAÀTIS F AC TI 0NI R First Mortgages arranged y Home Planning Blue Pr! i Budget Plan for Home ' Accurate Estimates givem C Competitive prices with SHEPPARD Y GILL LUMBER 'E VERYTHING FOR BUILDERS" 96 King Si. E. Dowmanville KEDRON The special Autumn service et Kedron was conducted. by Rev. R. H. Love, whose ser- mon was "Our Inheritance"l. Miss Hazel Rundlle, Oshawa, was guest soloist, accompanied by organist Mrs. R. E. Lee. November l5th will be Visit- attion Sunday; a climax to much planning and many meetings on the part of the Sector Plan Committee. The United Links Class will be guests at the home of Jean- mne Werry next Sunday even- ing, November 15, at cight o'clock. Teen-agers at Kedron are in- vited to Teen Towvn on Friday evening, Nov. 13, at the Com- munity Centre. The Doubles Club, 36 ln at- tendance enjoyed an evening of bowling on Saturday, and xvere guests of Mi. and Mrs. Howard Farndale at their home for a social hour. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee, Mr. and Mis. A .T. Stainton and Al- an Francis atten'ded the~ wed- ding, and reception following the Lee-Far'row nuptiais at Port Credit on Saturday after- noon. Allan Francis supported the groom, as best man. Mr. James Ar4hiur Werry, Enniskillen, was Sunday dipx- uer guest of Mrs. W. L. Mount- joy and ov ci- night guest at the home of Mrs. Fletcher Wry Mr. aud Mrs. Douglas Farn- dale, Burlingtou, were week- end guests of parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Farndale. Mis. R. E. Lee, Mi. and Mrs. A. T Stainton were Sunday guests of Rev. and Mis. Harold Stain- ton o! Fergus. Mis. F. Wenry was a guest at the Golden WecIding prty honouring Mr. and Mrs. P.aE. Werry on Saturday evening. Following a dinner party at Adelaide House, the family were entertaiued et the home o! Dr. and Mis. George Werry, Osh.awa. Rev. R. H-. and Mrs Love, and sons were dinner guests on Thursday o! Mr. and Mrs. H. Famudale. Mr, and. Mrs. Murray Glover, 1 à « _' For De«t Remuit. e Tay ou£ Automatic CAR WASH The ear wash tlat gives Y«e LUBRICATION OIL CH3ANGE CAR WASHR VI8K TIRES SATadm (miUABAN TEE D rint Service Improvements ifree delivery NAkkoI 3-5715 Waterford, were recuitguesta at the H. Farnilule home. Mr. and MmILH Werry, with Mr. and Mrs. Orme MoffaRtt of Toronto, were dinner guesta at the home of Mr. and Mns. Mer- edith Mof att, Oshawa, oA Sat- urday. Present ini the Kedron con- gregation on Swxlfay morrndng, in contrast to a few attendants over 80 years, were the infant sons of Mr. and Mms. M. Mounit- joy, Mr. and Mrs. W. Werry and baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Werry, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. S. Edgat Werry, Solina; Mr. James Atliur Werry, Enniskil- len, and Mis. Fletcher Werry were guests at a dilaner party art the home of Mr. and Mms Harold Werry. Kedron Woman's Association met at Fairview Lodge, Whit- iby, on Wednesday aflernoon with resident senior citizens. President Mrs. W. Woodward spoke bripfly. Singing led b3y Mrs. H. Werry and Mrs. R. Lee, was followed by worship, led by Mis. M. Walter. Vocal solos by Mrs. D. Love conitrib- uted to the devotional period. Reév. R. H. Love gave the ad- dress of the afternoon. For a program period, a var- iety of numbers proved enter- taining; a monologue by Mrs. G. Glover, solos "«Just a Cot- tage Sm2il" and "Make Mfine Couni'ry Style" by Mr&. D. Love; and a huinorous ieed- ing "Warm, Feet" by Mns. M. Walter. An informal tea hour, with the golden-age ladies as guests, gave opportunity for visiting. Committee in charge were Mrs. H. Brown, Mrs. A. Spen- cer, Mrs. W. Werry and Mrs. M. Walter. Cet Cash To-day For Old Appliauces through STATESMAN C L AS SIFIED8 jPhone MArket 3-3303 0 qInMgDAIr. NOV. 12th, 1959 PACM FUTZM TEM CAIqADL« STATESMAN. JBOWMANVnà..& OlqTAPJO