PACG =ETNE -1722M quAnJAlf.f £l STi KSA.ft, tJIB&UAI & NAPO7 VIL.LaH, U1TAKK~ THURSDAY. NOV. 4 M ] MA c MEN'S WEAR We invite ail u-ongratulations « E. ! K EN'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR on GRAND OPENING Murdoch & Welsh MIASONRY CONTRACTORS [A 3-5409 Bownianville ?onMratuatons a .« 0 to KEN'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR It was our privilege to supply electric fixtures for this modern store. GGON ELECTRIC LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 15 Bownanville -'ongratu!latibns a «~ K EN'yS NIEN'S & BOYS' WEAR on GRAND OPENING ISTORE, Wesfaway DECORATOR N EV\ý R@.W. PAINTER & 35 our friends an( TEMPERANCE STREET, FRusDAmer of Bowmanville y N d disric TAILORED-TO..MEASIJRE CLOTHES w~uiujj. I TA1LUEED~TO..MEASURE CLOTHES ONE g ta drop 13 th pay us a visit Special Invitation ta the Ladies.. The firsi 50 ladies who visit our new st ore on either Friday or Saturday, Nov. 13 - 14 will receive a SHOPPING BAG CONTAINING A $1.00 BILL DON'T FORGET TO ENTER YOUR NAME IN OUR GRAND OPENENG FREE DRAW Draw Ia ho made Salurday, November 21sf LADY'S PRIZ-E Genuine Cultured Pearl Necklace and Earring Sei (Value - $25.95) (Value - $35.95) GENT'S PRIZE 17-Jewel Shock Proof Wrist Watch Anti-magnetic - IJnbreakable Main Spring Merchandise sold in our new store supplied and guaranteed by such well known firms as: York Knitting Milis Ltd. Socks and Underwear Clueti, Peabody & Co. of Canada Ltd. Arrow Shirts - Tics - Pyjamas - Etc. Crean of Canada Men's Quality Hats L. Tepner Ltd. Neckwear - Mufflers - Bows - Tics Star Knitting Milis Ltd. Manufacturers of Outerwear and Sportsweair Weber Watches and Jewellery Tdp-Fine Clothing Co. Ltd. Manufacturers of Sports Coats Gibraltar Pant Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Famous Neckwear Manufacturing Inc. Quality Handkerchiefs - Tics McGregor Hosiery Milis Peerless Textile Produits Co. Ltd. Famous "Buckeye" Work Clothes Brill Shirt & Neckwear Stag Shoe Co. Ltd. "Oakwood" Shoes of Distinction Richmond Clothes Ltd. Quality Boys' Wear Mac Mor Sportswear Ltd. Jack Victor & Sons Ltd. Manufacturers of fine "Shipley» Suits Halickman & Sons Ltd. VISIT OU TAILOEEDTO-INEASUEDEPAETNENT tS LTD. HOU#1 -Co ngratulations f 4F g EN bS I Opening New FENRed de OngAC GENERAL CONTRACTO MA 3-3975 Bowmanville tore C0 ngratulations. 0 KEN"S It was our privilege and pleasure to instal new front in this ultra modern store. Vern RA61 Con,-gratulations Glass Co. Ltd. KE GRAND -OPENING N 'S W. A. Kilpatrick PLUMBING & HEATING Bowmanville MA 3-3613 <n f BOyS WEAR TH~ 0F HU4 1 3-330. 4 lm-am m e Manufacturers of Men's Clothing 12th. 10» TIM tqAlgAnTAU customers and district in and Store de MA 3-3975 1 STORE MA 3-5621 Bowmanville iri P irg QUALITY ' NORTH Fred NEW CLOTHES OP TAILOM TAILORED-TO-MEASURE É%TTAWTMKr SE OF SI