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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1959, p. 1

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There wil be no- O.H.A. Junior hockey here this year! After many rnanths of ne- gotiating, the axe fell finally i Toronto on Tuesday when local representatives of the Lakeshore group were told that the only way they could operate a four team league with Brooklin in- cluded would be for them to play a one-game interlocking schedule with teains as far north as Penetang. When Bob Watt, Jiru Crom- bie and Don Gilhooly as well as representatives from -Cobourg ON refýused to accept this glItimatum, the special O.H.A. committee of- fered no alternative proposai. "It was the end," said Bob Watt, 49with the O.H.A. apparently thinking more of finances than of the players here eager to play hockey." Had the O.H.A. agreed to permit Brooklin ta play in this league, there would have been a compact, cheap-to-operate, group which would also include Bowmanville, Cobourg and Bob- caygeon with a fifth juvenile JUNIOR teamn from Oshawa playing exhibition games with them. There would stili have been a four-team loop in the other sec- tion, including Penetang, Orillia, Newmarket and Whitby. But, apparently, the O.H.A. would rather have one five-team league in that area and none operating here. Sa, they would flot com- promise. The Bowmanville repre- sentatives feit that they could not finance trips ta thase north- ern towns and also were o! the HOCKEY. opinion that youngsters of junior age ->as young as 15 - should flot be required ta take such long trips during the regular sched- ule - especially during the winter inonths when weather is Sa uncertain. Possibly a bush league can be formed in this area for junior players, but at the moment the three representatives who have been doing their utmost ta get a league started here have no plans., They are too disgusted with the O.H.A.'s attitudle on the subject. Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 105 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER l2th, 1959 10e Per Copy NUMBER 46 Good Job, WeilI Done * ~1Red Cross Happy Wmhen 1278 Attend Blood Clinic These twvo town winners of the Y ou n gTrustees and Ratepayers Association Youn contest, represented Bowmanvile Pub- ~lic Schools at Blackstock on Tuesday Town evening. Nellie Vermeulen spoke on "Moses" and Bill Depew on "Astra-1 nauts". The latter was among the five Orators selected to continue on into the county finals at Orono next Wednesday. Edward Kowal Wirms Summers' Scholarship Bail Club Foiled Again By Weather Once again, Bowman- viile's Juvenile baeball club took off for Strathroy yes- tcrday in what seerns like a hopeless qucst for the Ontario charnpionshlp. This Urne they arrived at their destination on trne to play, but again found the diarnond soaked with ramn. Apparently, it had snowed during the morning and then turned to rain. They changed into their uniforrns,' spiashed around the bases mn a wet warm-up and then, witnout facing the opposing tearn, packed up and returned home again. Now, the officiais willl have further discussions and, this time, the titie may elther be awarded to Bow- manville who are ahead on games or the whole miser- able affair ma becan ~> Edward Kowal a native of 1 larship must take advanced ceÏlld.' Who knows? J], owmanville, R. R. No. 2, and! agricultural training in agricul- It does appear that once now a student in bis secondj tural schoal, college or univer- November arrives, there are year in thc degree course at the sity. In addition, ta, qualiiy they likely to be few. basebal Ontario *'Agricultural Callege, nitust have been active 1win-4-H pîfaylng days' available. has been awarded the E. A. Club work in Durham County Summers Memorial Scholarship and prefcrencc will be given ta those taking part ini Junior Farmer activities. The scholar- LJogs USiII s.hip will also apply for girls i wshngta take further training c in homemeking courses. Seven applications were re 1 Top Sneep ~ ~ceived, but aftcr due consider ation, the trustees decided that On Ayre Fa rm AU. Edward Kowal should re ceive the scholarship for this Acapo otdw w ycar. and 10 other valuable sheep EdKowal, who is the son o! owned by Lloyd Ayre, R. R. 4, Peter Kowal at Bowmanville, Bowmanville, were killed by RR.No. 2, first started in club dcrs in the early hours o! 1 work by joining thc West Dur- Thurs*day morning, November Shan- Swinc Club in which he th. Another 10 sheep were S was first in 1955 and the South badly injurcd. They werc at- Durham Dairy Cal! Club plac- tacked in a field in the rear o! ing elevcnth in 1955. In 1956 he the Ayre farm. The champion wvas in !bu.r clubs being first in ewe had won ber championship bath the West Durham Swine last year at thc Royal Winter jand the South Durham Cal! Fair lu Toronto. EdwadKoa Club, third in t.he West Durham It is believed that anc o! the1 Grain Club and fourth lu the dogs involved in the slaughter Award for 1959. This announce- Durham Tractor Maintenance was a police dog. It might pas- mient xvas made by the trustees, Club. In 197 eaanetrd il be one o! the two policej of he . A Sunmes Mmoral ourprojects placing first in dogs that with a Labrador re-1 Fund on November 5th. patato and swine and second in triever killed four cows and1 To be eligible for Uic award grain and dairy. In 1958, he was twa heifers elsewhere in Dar- the persan receiving Uic scha- first in swine, first in dairy and lingtan during the previaus second cach in tractor, bec! and week. Rae Ru ndleraitintbig civ 1n !The BOwni vin tcal Po gr ai n o e atv i ftheOnrow PrnvinciDealhmeo- Ra u de4HCu work, he vias a di-i lice was notified by Mr. Ayre.1 jurd Inrector o! the Durham County The day olwn thkiig Injur d InJunior Farmers and was the a police dag came into Uic yard main organizer o! the 1958 Bus at the Ayre farm, but it dashed Trip ta Uic Capital et Ottawa. jaway before thc OPP constables Car Crash Mn. Kowal, will receive a' and Mn. Ayre could get a gaod cheque for $100 ta be applied shot at it. Rae Rundie, manager o! the, towards bis tuition and cx-' A & P Store, Napanee, and two' penses at Uic Ontario Agricul- IDEAL GIFT SUGGIËSTION littie sons, Dean and Scott, were tural College. This presentation If you are wandering what ta injurcd ini a caf' collision last! will be made, at the time of give sameone for Chnistmass Wednesdav afternoon. The ac- the Durham County 4-H Award don't hesitate a minute. Scndr cident happened on a hîghway Night et Orono on November them a Gift Subseription ta lulailles froin Napance when 26th et 8:00 p.m. The Statesman. lRfundle, w-ha lad taken the, - _________________ ior a drive was ne- .* ".. turnimy home arounid 5 p-.. V-iibilit-v wîs po at the tinie cuie ta a rain storm. Ani-' other car~ being pushed by a se- cond car, crashed into the Rua- die vehicle. Mn. Rundie was pinned behind the steenîng w1heel, and was unconsciaus wien released. His son, Dean, age , suffercd a broken jawv.t Arother son Scott, who will be four ini Decernber, and a yaung fr!eni-d of~ his sustainied ininar in- juries. Ti-e Rundle station-wa- gon wVlas ja complete wrcck. Ail %-cre takeîî ta Kingston Genera' ciiklwhere it v.-as oithat '>r. Rundie bcd sus- ta-*ýej t.hrQc fractured ribs, a b n ot , a collapsed lung, i cLIEto'îta fcial ruts and 111U-le and bis young !rie -d * e released froni bas- I al i, Saturday. According ta the latest reports received in Boxrnan-xîlle NIr. Rundle and Deau ire niak'ng satisfactory ..rg,rcss towards recovery. Ris '~5brMir , Dn and Lew, and , -their motiîer, froin Bowmnu- .. ... ville, have been able ta visit then i ihlospîtal. Mrs. Rae Run- dle wa in Bowmanville at the time f th accient.Recenthy, Bowmanville's new1 Bot anile unor wllpiy :O u r Newi ered here. It has aimost every r In Cobourg Friday night, ta fi T * prtu uuetda.A xe a commnitreent mnade before the F e Tr c t will replace the older of the two tr OHA squelched their hopes. inuse for many vears. Include~d in IThe first Blood Donor Clinic Mr. J. Bishop, Blood Donor of the local Branch of the Can- chairman and his committee of adian Red Cross Society was Mr. R. Cooper, Mr. R. Downey an uncjualified success. Despite and Mr. Geo. Vinish. bad weather, 378 prospective Mr. A. Mavin and the publi- donors attended the clinic at city department whose job was the Lions Community Centre on made easier by the co-opera- Wednesday, November 4th. tion o! the local merchants and The se public spirited citizens the Canadian Statesman. enabled the Branch to send a Mr. R. Cooper in charge o! total o! 251 donations o! life- registrations with the able as- giving blood ta the Toronto De- sistance of Mr. D. Cameron, pot for typing and processing. Haydon, Mr. P. Hare, Newcas- The Canadian Red Cross Socie- tle, and Mr. Wm. Riddell, Or- ty on behaif of those unknown ana. persons whose lives will hej Mrs. Wm. RudelI, who work- saved by these donations, thanks. ed tirelessly to provide the each and every person who at- most efficient clinic possible for tended this clinic whether they the comfort and convenience o! were able to complete their the donors. donations or were advised be- The volunteer staff who gave cause of medical reasons to wait o! their time ta put the don- for a future clinie. Their pres- ors at case and enabled thcm ta ence alone gave support ta this move as quickly as possible most vital of Red Cross ser- through the clinic: Mrs. R. vices. Ames, Mrs. W. Bagneli, Miss Much time and effort were L. Bagneli, Mrs. R. Bate, Mrs. needed ta organize and run tffis1 B. Burk, Mrs. W. Cawker, Mrs. clinic successfully. Withaut the1 E. L. Ewart, Mrs. H. Gibson, help of the' foUlowing people Mrs. D. Marsden, Mrs. S. Me- this would flot have been os Tavish, Mrs. E. Rundle, Mrs. R. sible. <Continued on vage seven> More Discipline Needed Min ister Speaks on Youth At,Dinner "Wbat is needed lu Canada ia order for it ta succeed is a para-mllitary onganization for its youth for the purpose o! op- ening Up our unexploited parts o! Uiecocuntry," Rev. Philip Romeril, minister a! Blackstock United Church, told the veter- ans gathercd at thc annual Re- membrance Dýinner held in the Legion Hall here Satundey cvening. The speaker, a veteran o! Warld War I, related some o! his war time experiences, and expressed the fact that the first tbing a soldier must leara is discipline. He went on ta stress the fact that if Canada is ta meet Uic challenge o! present day living, At first must take steps ta teach discipline ta aur youth o!ftoday., Mr. Rameril said that la peace time we lack the fcllawship and discipline that we as veterans kncw in wartime. "We havé had enough of this !oolish psycbolpsgicel training for youth. Wbat we necd ta stop tic yaunger set tram constaatly getting into trouble is some- tbing worthwhile with a littie o! the old Anmy discipline," seid the speaker. He told the gathering that wbea Uic German Army accu- pied Guernsey in the Chennel Islands anc Su.nday eftcrnoon, everyonc there fered the warst, but later found out the Germans wcrc ane o! the best people ta live under. They werc good soldiers, well discipllncd, and thc averege German soldier had the same kind o! camrede- ship as found in the ehhied an- mies, and wanted Uic war ta end as soon as possible so that <Continued on cagze seven) f ire truck was dcliv- modern f ire isive item, at $17,950, trucks which has been pthe photo are Lou Distinguished Speaker One o! Canada's best known and mast papular public speak- ers, Mn. C. W. (Bill) Wright, will be gucst speaker next Wed- nesday in the Town Hall Audi- torium. Mn. Wright, who di- rects C. W. Wright and Assoc- iates, an organization specializ- ing la sales training, personnel selection and business manage- ment, will speak on "Selling As The Customer Likes It'. The meeting is set for 2:15 p.m. and tickets may be pur- chased at thc Chamber o! Com- merce office lu'ic heTown Hall. Stori ng Preclous Blood Miss Margaret Conacher the charming Red Cross nurse shown here staring some of the blood donations, was in charge of the Red Cross Blood Clinic held last week. Miss Conacher and her very able staff are ta be congratulated on the fine job they did. On the left is Mr. Orland Plummer shown donating his blood, and Miss Aune Mollison keeping a close watch on him. Solemn Tribute' Paid Fallen During Remembrance Service Mrs. J. Broome Dies in Accident A car accident on Sunday night, at the intersection of Clarke Township, Concession ,7 and the Clarke - Darlington Township line, about th-ree miles north-west of Orono, claimed the life of Mrs. John Broome (nee Eva Johns), 40, of R. R. 4, Bowm*anville, and cri- tically injured her ten year old dattghter, Susan. Mrs. Broome was travelling west on the 7th Concession which ends at the CLarke-Dar- lington line, when she appar- ently failed to negotiate a turn .and ran off the west end of the road inte a tree. A passing motorist found the car and called for assistance. Coroner Dr. C. J. Austin pro- nounced the victim dead at the scene. Mrs. Broome's daughter was taken to Bowmanville Memor- ial Hospital suffering from a fractured leg, head injuries and severe shock. She was transferred to the Sick Children's Hospital in To- ronto, where ber condition is, listed as critical. The accident was investigat- ed by O.P.P. Constable Jack Cartwright, assisted by Con- stable Jim. McDonald. Orono Man Gets Top Price For Aberdeens Bill Reid o! Orono was anc o! Uic big sellers at the recent Aberdeen Angus Feeder and Breeder Sale at Kea Tully's in Uxbridge. He neceived the top pnice on a peu o! eight steens, $29.00 a cwt. Ovenall average a! Uic sale was $26.95. This is Uic second sale o! its type ta be beld la this area. 450 bead cbanged bands dur- ing the event wbich was in change o! Malcolm Bailey o! Uxbridgc.__________ Lyle, Fire Chie! Walter Hackney, Councillor Ken Nicks Who took time out ta pose while preparing his new store for the opening; he is also chairman of the Fire Commit- tee; Walter Hately, Bill Lyle and Senior Fireman Tom Lyle. The Lyle boys are sons of a former fig~e chie! here. BResidents of Bowmanville Housiander led in the reading and districts joined with Brancli o! prayers. 178, Canadian Legion and La-j The Salvation Armny Band dies' Auxiliary ta The Canadian pravided music for the hymns Legion in a Remembrance Ser- under- direction o! Capt. Nor- vice at the cenotaph Sunday man Coles. morning ta pay solemn and fit-j Roy Forrester saunded Last tmng tribute ta those who gave Post aftcr which the Legiotn their lives sa that we may live Pipe Band broke into The Lam.- in peace. cnt, concluded with Mr. For- The impressive memorial ser- rester playing Reveille. A very vice was held under the aus- impressive scene was displuyed pices o! the Mayor and Town as wreaths were laid by the Council, Bowmanville Minis-, following: Branch 178, Cana- terial Association and Branch' dian Legion by President Ed 178, Canadian Legion. Parade~ Rundie; Ladies' Auxiliary, Pre. was hcaded by Canadian Legion sient Florence Knfight; Prov. Pipe Band under direction o! mncc o! Onitari, Reeve D. H'i i. Jack Knight. gon; Town o! Bowmanville, De- The parade was In command. puty-Reeve J. Brough; Ro-ry of Legion President Ed. Rundle Club, President George Vice; with color Party. Audrey Flet- Lions Club, Presidlent Glen Lan- cher, Ede Rundlé, Ernie Perfect der; Kinsmen Club, President and Wm. Bate. Murray Larmer. The Rev. Harold Turner, Pre- Other wreaths were placed in sident o! Bowmanville Minis- memory o! family and fallen terial Association, opened the comradcs by: doodyear Tire & services with call ta wýorship. Rubber Co., United Rubber Aftcr ahl joined in singing '0, Workers, High School, Public God Our Help in Ages Past" Schools, Mrs. Th',s. Carter, Ross Rev. A. C. Herbert led in Th e Wright, Mrs. J. Honeyman, Jacit Lord's Prayer. His Worship! ?4cNulty, Don Marsden, Pol Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers read1 Richards, Jack King, Mrs.* à the names of the fallen. Rev. Kennedy. A. G. Scott gave the Prayer of Sprays o! poppies and wreath.1 Rcmeînbrance. forme*d a cross at the base of "God o! Our Fathers Known the cenotaph which were can- o! Old" was sung after whîch tributed by businessmen of Rev. G. Leno led the respon- Bowmanville. Rev. A. C. Her- sive reading of Psilm 91. Scrip-' bert gave the benediction and turc reading was given by Capt j the service closed with "God NormanCols. Rev. W. K.j Save the Qucen". I. ÇRtts and' 9)eces NEW TRUCK HAS WORKOUT - On Saturday evening, bath the new and a Id f ire trucks in town had an energetic workout when f ire broke out at Erv. Brooks' Supertest Service Station, King St. East. A considerable amaunt of damage was caused ta the interior o! the building with firemen fighting the biaz- for well over an hour before bringing it under contrai. t t t t t BUY CHICKEN FARM - We understand that the Armstrong Chicken Farm, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, was purchased recently by Vanstone Flour and Feed -Mill. They plan ta start operating the business in the ne-ir future, with the first batch of broilers being ready for shipment late in January. t t t t. i TB CRISMASSEALS - Work has ledstrd in preparation for the annual TB Christmas Seal drive for funds. Ncxt Tuesday, the Lionettes will take on the task of stuffing envelopes and completing the assembling o! letters for this district. t t t t t STORE FOR RENT - The John & Judy Shop which has occupied one of the stores in the Knight liock, King St. East for some years, has moved into the store vacated by Nicks' Boys' Wear, opposite the Olympia Cafe. t t i. t i. ELECTION NEWS - In Dariington Township, e- tion activity is speeding up. This week, it was announced that Robert Tremble o! Zion had resigncd as President of the Darlington Ratepayers Association ta be independent when he runs as a candidate in the municipal elections. Vice-President Kari Coibary wiil carry on as president until the next executive meeting. t t t t t A BIG DIFFERENCE - In the report of the Bow- manville Ratepayers Association meeting recentiy, the salaries o! municipal officiais were pubiished hast week. One unfortunate and inadvertent error stated that Industrial Commissioner Ken Marris receivcd $100 a month car aliowance. This should have read t t t t, TOUR CLEANING PLANT - Recenthy, a group fzr;î ;% BowmanvilIe Hîgh School toured Bowmanville Cleail. ers plant and found the intricate machinery most interesting. Proprietons Carl and Ed Lesiie say they wouhd be happy ta conduct other tours for aduits or young groups who would like ta sec a modern dean. .ig plant in action. 1Just give themn a caîll I AXE FALLS à --»--@ ý 1 1 11 1

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