PAGE EIGHT TH IANfTA ~'P~AP fVuYlAnvu1w' *- V4S.I e O.FA~JAU TTmAY. NiT141 IE sy4 0 OROTH.Y UARKER Y y touohed the blisters tender- hind, after days o! seeing mi- ]y that puffed up on the Mount grating flocks overhead, I was of Jupiter on each of my hands grateful for an early start on~ and decided At was about tme the weekend ahead o!fnie. I I pulled up stakes and answer- would have tume and ta spare ed the bure o! steel rails again. to feast on the forest beauty o! For three weeks I had kept my the woodlands between Musko- bonging for the highroad well ka and the Algonquin Park li hand while I wrestled with area. the problem of picking apples, I planned first ta detrain at raking leaves and planting the Huntsville. I remembered that :fail quota o! bulbs for sPring years aga, when spring was glory. prvang at the green buds on the This was the tinte o! year miaples, I had climbed a steep when nature abandons hersaI! hiUlside near that town and had lI a spendthrîft rampage of cal- hjeen amazed at the startling our. Though I was surrounded view froni a vantaga tourists by this panorama oi faîl here dubbed "Lookout Peint'. Maybe et home, the glory o! the nia- the natives call it that tua, but pIes that abound li the north- at that time, I had only the ern counties o! the province o! brie! momnents a driver allows Ontario, lured nie into plan- ana te stop and no time te in- ning a trip. quire -about an official namne for I aiten wandered, when 1 this natural park. This tume, I heard the warning of the diesel would have hours between engines at a crossing neot too trains to absorb my surround- far from aur country home, why ings. railroad officiais choose such 1 didn't realize that summer- ungodly hours ta have trains time peoples parks and beauty toat along this bit o! right-o!- spots with many human beings. way. But the morning I got up When the chil ai a faîl day with what birds wera lait be- settlas li their bones anumated - bodies becoma scarcer than haens' teeth. After I had trudg- ad along the streets as 1 was directed, 1 suddanly reabized I - had the view and the country- side ail ta mysel!. I was too ab- R. FRENPLY PLUN sorbed by the beauty that sur- -YiSINOUD -reunded me te have any ýappre- lB A PRIND T O4> M19 nsions either about my where- abouts, or the time ai day. Dusk »J NEEDJ comas quickly ini these high-É l,~ ands and befora I knew it my Yheart was thump ng front sanie-t thing besides ekertion. Was Ir last? Mayba they would have tea Or p send a search party after me. S SIERVI The branches o! red, redt Jeaves 1 had gathered as I walk- ed along suddenly became a burdan. Which turn would I _take ta arrive at my overnightS accommodation? 1 stepped on0 a dry twig and the snap sound- ad like the shat o! a rifle. Soon , it was pitch dark. I was trying jss te get my direction by the ights r A~PL MB IG that twnUled i the distance, a when I heard baavy hreathing. s, Little duck bumps began creep- 24800W * ng along my hairline and up CO3881my anis. I thought, III must î 18 finýd a stone or something, other o1 FOR SAFE, DEPENDABLE HEAT Esso FURNACE o"L refined and proved for your heating unit A. H. Sturrock &, Sons Limited 7mrl77ý m"mý 1 flallowe'en Part y IPHONE MA 3-5516 BOWMANVILLE 'On Friday aternoon the sidewalks of Tyrone were ta- -ken over by goblins and other IMPEIALchiaracters as the children made for ail your MESS L heir way to schooî for the Hal- petroeum necisThe main event of the after- petroeumEReVICE noon was the parade of cos- SE R tumed boys and girls. Each pu- pil camie in costume ta add ta FA-9-SSBthe gaiety of the aiternoon. Prize winners were as foU-. GUALITY + FLAVOR Sm itiaBeverages For Realt Refàreshmenta NO Motter How You Add It Up9 B ei Mode and Dottl.d Dy w BOWMANVI LLE A at Saturday avening, thosa sent were, Mr. and Mrs. H. inacott and Ross, Miss Vara r, Toronýo; Mis. C. Shaw SRalph, Oshawa; MT. Gear- Carr, Cold Lake, Alberta. Ers. H. Hall and Joan spant weakend with her sistar iS. Walkar, Bowm-anville. r.- and Mrs. Ross Hall and Y, Mr. and Mrs. A. Thiassen family, BowmaLnville, cal- on Mr. and Mis. Ken Rahm >unday, who have moved ' the village. rard Mis. Allan Wood, braok, were Sunday ta s o! Mr. an4 Mms H. t. rand Mms. W. Park viuitad and Mis. James Park, Pet- rough, on Sunday. rand Mms. A. Virtue, and Mrs. H. Wonnacott Sunday callers at New- ih. rand Mrs. Harry Hather- Shirley a.nd Carol, Alder- 1Mr. Jack Hatherly and FNewtanville, vlulted Mis. ieHatherly. and Mis. Walter Rahni ided a !amily gathening unday at the home a! Mr. Niae. C. W. Rahzn, Waston. than a leaf, 'tvith which, to pro- tect myself." I stooped down and began oautiou-ely feeling around on the ground for somne kmnd of wea- pon. Something ran over my hand. I tried ta let out a scream but only squeaked. It was probably a field mouse or a chipmunk, but li my fright it feit like the touch of doom. Be- fore I could control my tremb- ling enough to stand upright once more, I realized the breathing was accompanied by heavy chewing noises. With my eyes becoming more iaccustomed ta the dark I soon Lsaw that the outline of the vil- lain o! the piece had a remark- able resemblance to a cow. Nat only that, but by guess or good luck, I had found the road that led back into town and the se- curity of a warmn room. And the growl o! a diesel engine, pulling a freight through the village in the eerie hour of morning was a lovely welcomne sound as I sleeplessly review- ed my adventure. "Tomorrow, i thought, Il11 head north again. But this time I think ll enjoy the autnin scene from. the secure vantage of a train window.> MO VIE RE VIE W ROYAL THEATRE Mon. - Wed., Nov. 16 - 18 with Rex Harrison, Kay Kendall,1 John Saxon. Bright and gay drawing room comedy. Splendid cast and rich production mounting. A winnerE anîong selectiue filmgoers. z As a gay, lîterate drawingE room. comedy, The ReluctantE flebutant sends screen bife (and real life) husband and wife Rex Harrison and Kay Kendal romping about fashiionable Lon- ! don circles in wild and elabor- i ate confusion. The reason forF the goings-on is ta present Har-F rison's visiting daughter by aF previous mnarriage ta society,C she having reached tihe debu- tante age.n This MGM presentation of ane Avon Production has been stunningly staged in Cmnema-V Scope and MetroColor. Based v on an original stage Play by s William Douglas Home, the U screeîîplay by the saine author 'T is filled with a flowj of dialogue, fz nuch o! it bright and witty, ai and characterizations that are b superbly funny. The combination of Harrison P and Miss Kndal will of coursew ave a strong.,drawing effect t on many filmigoers. In addition, t this Pandro S. Berman produc-ci tion presents two favorites e!f the teenage set, Sandra Dee, as lx the daughter, and John Saxon, a the boy friend. The story goes into hilarious Pi motion as Miss Kendall decides or to launch iss Dee along with n te season's top debts. Finding Pr asîutable mate for her is sane- i thing af a problem. The ideab 'Of oung mani seenis ta be Saxonci but there is disappointmnen t t when hie turns out ta be a frummer. Nonetheless, M~issa Iee fals li love with him, and th' tbeconies the aim, of Miss Ken- 21 lal and Harrison ta prevent ha he affair from, getting seriaus. Ed lere is where a lot of good tau omedy cornes in. d Everything turns out happily ga' vhen Saxon is finaiby revealed M. sa young Duke. Vi Vincente Minnelli has direct- of d the film with the deftness est ne has coine ta expect ai hini. 1 Le has gotten the best out ai sal àe performers. Joseph Rutten- Su. erg as directar ai photography, at id Eddie Warner and his or- ge hestra have added nieasurably 1 the film's enjoyment. I at 3a TYRONE e Insurai Funds Us Since ,1954, boans niade under the National Housing Act for naw rasidential construction hava been known as' insured mortgaga Jeans. Introduced at the tume the chartered banks were permitted ta, enter the mortgaga banding field for the first time in Canada, the insur- ance feature eliminates the possibility of substantial bosses being taken by NHA lendars and thereby safeguards the sav- ings deposits and life insurance preniiunis o! Canadians. Many prospective homa-own- ers confuse NHA niortgage boan insurance with a form, o! reducing terrm insurance a honie-owner cani buy on his hife. This kind a! lufe insurance can be used te pay of! the mort- gage an the bouse in the event o! the honie-owner's daath. It is a personal insurance whereas NHA mortgage insurance ban- afits everyone since it enables huga sums ta flow inta invast- nient for new homes but pro- tects the peepla's savings whibe in use as niortgage Jeans. The NHA mortgage insuranca fee is payable by the barra w- ar. When the Joan is made, the lender remits the fea ta Cen- aws: Juniors Fancy Girls - Lynn Skinner, Elizabeth Spry. Fancy Roy - Boyd Jewell. Fuxiniest Boy- Jimmy Partner. Funniest Girl - Jean McRob- erts. Best Couples- Sammy and Irene Rayenga. Hetty and Shirley Anxi Rayenga. Pre- School winnav- Helen Harvey. Seniors, Most original- Ted Wood. Funniest Couple- Hen- îy Reyenga, PLatty Partner. Funniest Boy- Doug Park, Funniest Girl- Michael Gibbs. Fanciast Girl- Sianidra Hall. Fanciest Boy- Elaine Anrnis. .axicy Couple- Dareen Wright, Gaib Scott. The remainder of the after- noon was spent in playing garm- es and contasts. Deliciaus refreshments pro- vided iby the niofhers wera sar- 'ed. On. Hallowe'en nidg'ht the school ehildren collacted for the United Nations Childi-ans Fund. Ie response th-ey received tromn ail was vary grati!ying: and will be much appraciated, y children lin atier lands. Ap- *roximately eightaen dollars was collectedi for this !und. We rish ta thank ail the eontribu- ;rs. Seventeen ladies and three fiildren attanded the Novem- )er meeting o! Tyrone W.M.S. t the home o! Mrs. Arthur lamilton. Geins o! Fruit and lckles wera brought for Men- rial Hospital, Bowmaxwilbe. 3resident Miss Grace Smith )rsided. The December meet- ng is iieing hebd aM the home IMrs. J. C. Cook. The W.A. tub 50,ý Club 49 are invitad ta ýis Christmas meeting. The Mission Bandid l having sale o! Christmas Cardis at e Sunday School room Nov. 1 at 2 p.m. Mirs. A. Hibls group ad charge o! program. Mrs. lith Murphy read the Scrip- ie and Mlrs. Hilis gava the evotional. Mrs. John Brooma ava a splendid report o! W. LS. Presbytarial. Mrs. Parcy amry madle the two chapters Ethe Study Book very inter- ting. Group sarved lunch. Mission Banid is having a [e o! Christmas Cards in tha *nday School roani, Nov. 21 2 o'cbock. Kundly note chan- o! date. The second meeting of the yrone Classy Cooks was held Mrs. Arlene Yeo's on Nov. at 7:30., The two leaders and n girls were present. We op- Ld with the 4-H pledge fol- wred by the minutes o!flthe st meeting read by Shelagh urphy. We decided wihera 'd have our next meeting d who woubd brinýg lunch. rice Fees Pro tedt ;ed for NHA Loans tral Mortgage and Housing lender may dlaim against Corpratonthe Federai (loy- CM.HC on its policy of insur- L ermenthousing agency which ance. Fees held in the mortgage 1adininisters the National Hous- insurance reserve fund cannot ing Act, and charges it to the be used by CMHC for any borrower's mortgage account.1purpose other than the settie- In this way no cash outday is ment of dlaims fromn approved required as the fee is repaid to lenders. the lender in month-iy instal- In effect, NHA mortgage ini- ments as Part of the mortgage surance is a form of guarantee loan repaynient. offered to lenders in exchange Fees paid oCH aracufo pca e s obrwr. m latdi a mortgage instir- Thus NHA lans aïe nmade at ance reserve fund guaranteed comparatively low interest by the Government of Canada, rates and for long' periods. For each loan, CMHC actually, Lending institutions with mon- issues a policy of insurance t*o ey to invest can usually find the lender. Should the borrow- more lucrative outiets for their er default on his payments capital, at higher interest rates and a foreclosure resuit, the and for shorter ternis than un- PLAYING THE GAME! Life itseif is aptly likened ta a game. To win, ta earn and enjoy the fruits of victory, you must play fair. Weaith is not the real prize of llue. It is only a trophy, a symbol and may carry with it na satisfaction; indeed, it does nat carry with it genuine basting satisfaction unless it has been won fairly, honestly, honorably. The rules for piaying the game are extremely simple. Ail the hot% water you n eed when you instali a moder two-element - electric water heater Say goodbye to hot water problemns ... once and forever! Instail a modern two-element fast-recovery electric water heater in your home. Let Hydro tell you the exact size and capacity that will meet your family's hot water requirements. Enjoy the iuxury of a gv~aranteed supply of hot water... plenty on tap, plenty in reserve! You'11 find your electric water heater safe, cdean, and compact, and you'll know in aduance how littie you will pay under Hydro's attractive Flat Rate method of billing. _e .3 i ta f x'~~ ~' ~4% . . - ............................................................................................. ...... 'O' '/..' t. ti t t] ti t] bi di ID it th H wl as ed on thi an ch, ta - -r avy. izin, ivou 1 der the National Housing Act. Interest paid on nan-lnsured mnortgage loans made by life insurance and trust and boan companies is usualy trom one hal! ta one per cent aboya the NH.4 maximum rate. The NHA mortgage Insurance fee is two per cent o! the amount o! the Joan if cash ad- vances are required during construction but only 13/ per cent of the boan if the mortgage money is nat needed untîl coni- pletion of the ho6use. lI the United States, a systeni of mortgage insuranca on govern- rnent-backed housing boans bas been xi operation since 1935. Fees Paid ta the FPederal Haus- ing Administration amouxit to one half o! one per cent a! the annual reducing balance o! the niortgage loan outstanding. The U. S. fee is higher and is paid annually whereas Canada has adopted a single fee system. I 111ed, teIe is oly oee ule: Ob e yof cncince. ing There have been wholesale efforts to reap more than has beerr sown, ta get more than has been earned, to tilt the scales unduly. It begins ta look as if some of the profiteers will live ta regret having broken the rules. Sooner or later the lai or slackers will also get their just rewards. In seeking ta reach success there is only one worthwhile course to follow: Abide by the rules of the game. The worker who will cheat for his employer will also cheat bis employer. Neither in business nor in life does cheating pay in the end. It's better ta play the game and failto shine than to break the rules and shine momentarily. The things that count are the things that last. -Forbes' Magazine LORNE McQUARRIE, Prop. TE£ CANADIAN STATZsMAx- nnwu,& mm -i ip #%sm A »v,% UOR CLOTHRES THAT-. *Look Deffer *Wear Beffer Send Theni to Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. IL BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-7061 fow PICK-UP AND DELIVERY home Improvement boans, r-. quire an insurance tee undet' Canada"s National Housing Act. Over the years other forras ut insurance have proved vabuabie in tine of need. Rentai insu.- ance, for exaniple, provided re- lie! against lmosso revenue byr investors lin rental property. Rentai insurance was establisq- ed ta encourage more rantaL.. construction at a tuae wheî$ there was a great need for ad-t ditional rental housing but this type of investnient was nat at- tractive. Under the mortgage Instar- ance provisions ai the National Housing Act, direct loans made ly CMHC are also insureçý. Should deiault occur on a Cor- poration Joan and result in a. foreclosuire. any boss of publie funds can be made good through the mortgage Insur- ance fund. just as if a claiM'