TRURSDAY. NOV. l9th, 1959 TUE CANADIAZ STATMAN. EOWXANVULE. ONTAI» PARE NINU Letter to the Editor First POCO Tir Cor Bowmanvillc, Ont, Novemnber 9, 1959. Deai John: PoliticaJi conventions are, no daubt, aid stuff ta yau, but to a 'flrst-timer', they arc most en- lightcning auod cxciting. This promipts nie ta write my fitrt etter te Uie editorofainiy Ps. rer. As you know. I'vc always sia keen interest lu palitics but was neyer in a position, un- tillately, ta take any part lu thicm. May 1 here, suggcst ta e veryane, sud cspccially ta the yaungcr people, tInt Uiey take a part, whenever asked, sud even if not asked, by their res- pective Party. Thc reading lof theli Election Act, alone, is an education in itself and elections ,aud governmneut take on a new intcrest wheu you begin ta sec thc whys anid wheiefores. Wc arrived at thc Royal York Motel about 9.30 arn., Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1959, ta, find the Coni- vention floor alrcady buzzing with activity. We found the PLUMBING and HEATING Division Street South MA 3-5615 BOWMANVIILLE BE RIGHT WIfl Use corrugated cardboarcl Use strong wrapping paý with strong cord. Print namne and address el correctly and in ink on froi Put your own namne and Pcý zone'numnber if applicabl corner, and also inside par( For correct postage, chec your nearest post office. Address your mail clearly, SCANADA I q ther prtiula ~.:1 * ~ 1Peterborough, spent a few ciays made he ret ofthe' thJ her parents. Congratula- madethe est i ti ~ ions Evelyn. Miss Evelyn Cun- almost dull.nigaRNBated s We did note, thou.Th. ta :'ingaRN. r1fod a the ffies pento owel wi'ea weekend visitor wlth thc Pa.- contested, in onec a. ). u o coels. who also were ba -v Mr. and Mm..Bruce MLo orous supporters. '1 ca ,. as and Bonnie, Park Hill, visited a healthy state o!fi salid with Mr. and Mns. Gerry Isaac. would seem ta ai .ïî flve Mr.anid Mrs. Ivan Sharp and toward greater ini- -nt:1 the Linida, Enndskillen,4 Mr. and political world, by w-.n :'i The Mrs. Ivain Cochrane and Judy, elections came ta an ei: c about NestIeton; Mr. and Mrs. Russel 6.30 p.m. and sn; ± wear- Cochran~e an.d Earl, Mr. Lloyd ily we met the rest o. cîîr par- Cochrane, were guests at a fowl ty, kicked off our 2, ,,-s and re- dinner at L. Cochrane'%. Other hashed the whole dL..visitors at die. Cochrane'. were This would ap,.c&- to 'DC Mrs. L. Cochrane and Mr. and about the finish but if*s a M'-1 X * nnen of Toronito. ing what a good dinnier can cGO ~ ~ ~ wola for you. At nine o'ciock dancinig M. nyh Loyd hiUcow- began In the Bail Room and the endrhtngiteClw Concert Hall and there we were yTiecUdstrict .orved home with -..trudgîng froni one to the is qota other sampling bath varieties Mr. L. Bradley, Bawmanville; of music, square and round. if Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Abernethy,1 there were two Uiousand at- OakwOOd, visitjed with the M. the convention, I'm Samis'. sure there were two thousand Mr. Mud Mrs. Fred Griffini more on those floors . . . and sons, Mis. R. Grîffin, Mr: seemed like it, anyway. Caught and Mis. Fred Saniis, Donna sight of niany others. from our and4 Beverley, attei'ded a dou.. county, said hello to ýDave and bic wedding celebration at the Mis. Higgon and at nuduiglit homef iMr. and Mns. Neil gave up the struggle, gathered cnih Cl nus Tecoupes our carload and set out for honured were Mi. ans is hoe.- e*i Neil Smith and Mur. and Mm Lookig bak inretrospet Leslie Wottern, Odiawa. tic inmresion that lias regis- tered most w1th me, was the Mr. and Mrs. Keitti lraylor interest and cnthussasm afi v. and sons, Jwietville; Mr. and eryone, young and old, for the Mrs.Rusll Radbourne, Toi- new National Policy- vibrant onto;Mr.and Mrs. Nomn reality. It ainiost gave one- Uie Hughsoii, Myrtie, were visitais sanie excitd feeling you have a the Taylor home. in preparing for a trip-as Mr. Elmer Le. is exhtbiting though we were ail going for- two hors.« at thc Royal Winter wwd intbs, new cia. It's isUier Fair. Several fron hmre&ar hard to explain because It hia& attending thc Faur. been misstng for many ar OUWA hedascefu but take my word for ii eain i eol eea looks as though it's here to lades froni here attended Uic stay now. bazaar at Bw*keton. It is a dlx. If you have read tisi to the 1ZY round, but quit. oeijoyable. sud, Johni. thank you. M Ys US PMesSt haabu Loola Thrwho. bain M *0apiijr I Damage Done by Dogs mer Describes Her Exceeds WeIf are Costs ivetDo .Racton Twp. Council ToId I~~L Idw 5Lf5t wn esubject of dog conrol Oni the . danage wa gain raised at a etn dogs, Mr. IR ckard said that the. right desk ior oui district and Columbia. thcrc wei. six at of DariIigtoan Township couli- aheepdmg alonc la always îegistered ta receive our bal- year, sixteen tlus year. Aise cil last week. This problein, more tlin te township coilecta lots and being with Bowman- she noted that in Uic last elec- which bas caused considerable in de« tax and thc Most serlous ville's '1%&. Tory', Milton El. tien there were many women canceru ta the Township for dlaim lias not been iecelved yet. liott, we proceededimmediately, campaign managers, tweive of some tinie, was discussed by~ ly ye R .4 omn 3 to meet and chat with practic- theem in Ontario. couneil at considerable length vle, Ane, R. the 4, adln see *aily cveryone on Uic floor.. . Douglas Jung, B.A, LL.B.,with Archie Hoskin, 'assitnt. vileers fithe aralos anc 3Alec McKenzie, President Can-MPrednta the Yaung o ota offîe.c his championship ewes re- adian Conservative Association, Progressive Conservative Asso- The outbreak of rabies, which cently and, in addition several Mayor Phillllps, (wha lalied ciation of Canada, spake of the recently clairned thec lue af a otiier shecp on Mi. Ayrc's pro- 3 he knew Bowmanville, Toron- outstanding exaniple to other Port Pcrry youngstcr, wasone perty werc killed by dogs. sta being anc af its suburbs>, organizations across Canada of the problenis discusscd. »(this fractured my husband), that the YPC's arc setting. They Another difficulty cauncil lias Mr. Hoskin said he bas been 1Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, Hon. are continuing ta prosper and been encountering l ois k ng af accused of taking dogs froni )John Root and many others. We since 1954 whcn tiiere werc 94 shecp and livestock around front porches and even froin ecamne ta Uic conclusion that in the country, there are in Darlingten by dogs. Councillor kitcecs but explauir4 h. lias there isn't anyanc tiat Milton 1959, 158 associations, whose Earle Trull said dlainis rccivcd never picked up a fi.mù dog,-or doesn't knowir. . . in fat mcnembers are woîking enthus- last month *by cauncil for cattie any dog anside the sidewalk. He fei sue tatIf rine hilip iastically under the dynanîic and sheep being killed exced- o denied ever taking a banc had corne through Uic door, we lcadership o! Prime Minister cd the townshilp welfare costs with hon tao use for caaxing would have found ourselves be-i Diefenbaker anin Ontario, Mr. for October. dogs ta his truck and sai4 lie ing iritroduced ta him. AUlo, we! Frost. He saic l t was thie gencral lias aiten had dogs that jumnped h-ada chnceta rncwacquin- Reports were read, ane giv- inipressio, at a meeting lie at intter ueaonas Uice, tance with Miss Elizabeth Jan- en by John Trirable, newly1 teîîded Tuesday niglit, tiat orws pnd zen, who was guest speaerlectcd president ai Uic Ontario there should be a hard aud fast According te Me. HoskiR, Bowmanvile, this pastJue Young Progressive Conserva-.1 rule about the controli ai dogs there are two types of rabies, Ail of vhich leads up ta thei tive As,-sociation, who, also, .a- in tfie area and that the dog. viciaus and dunib and that at exciting moment when Prime ted that the YPCA had pla-c i oLtrol by-law shouid ho clear- present there is onc dog at the Minister Diefenbaker arrived ;a full roll in the recent elec- . W understood by everyone ini Pound under suspicion of durnb on the floor and we wcre shak- tions, hciping ta elect many of Darlington and. Bowmanvillc. rabies". ing hands with him and speak- thc candidates in their various Deputy-rceve Garnet B. Ric- I lecve Roy W. Nichois said ing with Mrs. Diefenbaker, who constituencies. They nowr have, kard reminded council that dur- that 90 percent ai the com- is, if possible. more charming new pins of identification, or- ilg the big rabies scare last plaints corne from sinali hanse- than TV and the newspapers in- ganizers handbook and are sol-, veir, counties council took the holds where there is friction tiniate. idly behind the New Conserva, initiative ini sctting up a rabies among tlie neiglibours. At 10 a.m. the praceedings tisini, a sym-boP of Canadiana ,Li. corîtrol comnittee, whicli asked "We're flot iudges about that, opcned iniUic Concert Hall witlî WIihflichappy combinatiol 01'h governrnent to re-instail Uic but *lien we get a caniplaint Prayer. We'rc sorry we don't Uic bounce of youth anid bal- 1 tWuuiy paid for foxes. we have ta go and sec about remember wha led us, but do suce ofi age, partnership of teamn "We adlvised at that timne we it," Mr. Hoskin ieplicd. He rememb e i sincerity with p ,cnuttonntdcainwùu'd have to have a dog con- complained that Couneiflor which lie asked Uic guidance of and co-operation not interfer.: trol by-]aw and dog contrai ai-I Alan E. Thonipson (absent froni God, of aur Party ta woîk for ence,, Uiey feed the future o! 1 Uic oodai ic cuntrypeac Ui paty i seure ficer -i order to put the boun-, the meeting> came ta Uic paund the ood f th contry peae th Paty i secre.ty back on foxes. We took the suad took a dog out that had $9 oi the world and faitl inlu ur At Uic close of the general Port Hope by-law and had it pound fees on il. land. Wclcomcs werc extended meeting, thc President introduc- p.asscd in the municipal coui-, He charged Councillor Thomp- from Mayor Philips and 'Big -cd the Rt. Hoa. John Diefenba- cils," said Mr. Rickard. - son nerely told him "F'm your Daddy' Gardiner, with their ker, P.C., Q.C., LL.D., D.C.L., He continued, "ta date coun-, boss as far as the Township's usual sense ai humour and wry Prime Minister of Canada. It is tics council lias already paid oùt'concerned." digs at ecdi er. Que Uiing very thriUling ta ho part ai a $23,000 on rabid animal lossesi Another problem, said Mi. thcy do confess ta share lu standing ovation for such a per- and that anly represents 80 er Hoskin, was that in Bowman- conimnn . Conacivatives, son, and believe me, lic is anc cent ai Uic loss. O0ly dami ville lie was given autharity bath!* who merits it. There werc 941 wýth an attached ceii cate that froni council ta pick up dogs in The President addressed tic voting delegatcs aud 1500 guests showed death was due to ra- tawn but in the Township mauy meeting and introduccd Mr. rcgistercd, and most ai thcm bics were honorcd." p1 peodrhmofterpo Green, leader ai the Progress- were lu the hall at that tinieeoHeestate that couocf should pro- sive Conversatives ti New- When Mr. Diefenbaker w5 i. Hcane iatsei w itl th stray ty fouridland who gave us a nally able ta niake himseli dogs running around aud said Thic reeve told hlm te have a thumbnail sketch a! the strides heard, lie thanked ail for their lie feit that a farm dog runuing badge miade wihicli would prove Uic Party is making in that help lu the recent élections. around Uic faim was within the -hm autliority. Province. In ber greeting from There is noa uced ta try anid boundaries. In summinig up, Deputy-rccve thec Womcn's Progressive Con- report lits fuil speech as it was Rickard said the thtng that must servative Association, Miss Jan- publishcd lu al Uic Taronto ho emiphasized is the cost af ra- zen mentioned the interest she papers, factually or otherwise, lty have been Uic good fortune bics, Uic dcath of animais duc lias faund, on her iccent trip according ta their politics, but oi Uic people under lis gavera- ta rabies sud now Uic deatli froni coast ta coast, aniong Uic suffice ta say that au hour ment. ai a child duc ta rabies. wornen's associations. Iu British speech secmcd lmcc minutes His report ta thc people after oniagedttthoe ansd exccpt for intermittent ten years in office la an iii. g Concilpagrced tt the ranc Ibursts ai applause and "'hear, pressive record ai achievement wyt eppeetUcsra hears", one could have heard anid speaka for itself. Saying ai Uic d1scase Is rlgid contrai Ia pin drp ... remember, near- that election victories shouldai dogsansd -iigid enfarcemnt c>ly 2,000 people lu the hall, and not lad ta cmplacncy, lic led af the dog contrai by4aw. in-g ovation for this man wlio aud others begun, and that lias proved Uiey were wroug there is -no fluer place on earth O T P L wheu they said "it couldn't ho and no place whioh gives doncr. greater opportu'nity for thc de- adgan utgtre Oue item 1 mught just pas velopment of aur great, fcreeig u utig re way ofillue than Uic wondcriul was slowcd UrP considerabie x.along as newswolUhy lu speak- Province of Ontario. last weekcnd dune ta Uic terrible ing ai Uic unity lu aur country, Mfter a receas, thc electiaus wcatieî. The Auction Sale ai uaw, lie statcd that besides Eng" began sud I found myselfinlu ir Omer Van Leare lied ta be lish sud Frenchi, there arc now thc awîul predicament of be- pastpoued aind, will be hcld in ogin teu sd ai6Uic emrslng separated froin tIc others the Orange Hall, Pontypool, en tîre, 60 arundofte 39 ycrs a andi wandering if thc Wclfare Saturdaey, Nov. 21st. age.Anoher ndiatio ai ofa Dur-hami County was hanging W. are glad to repart that tremnous srgndiaioinoftecs in balance on my voting. Panic Randy Lethangue infant sou oi Uic Party by oui youug people. was avcrted at thc last moment Mr. aud Mus. Verdun Lethan- Lunch liaur rolled around, whcn I found fIat by squirming gue i. making satisfacbory pro- nU YO WRAFnot a minute too soon--coffec around and leaniug back I gress i Peterborough Hospi- ai Y U W A at 8 arn. séemed a long wa could manage to sec saine ai tai. .1 bsck. Iu Uic lobby we met the other delegates across thc The Juvenile L. O. L. 444 1or a stout cartonm other Durham delegates and room. This gave me sanie con- whidi was rccnity institutcd vistai, s wll s ur embrfidence, figuring I could sec will hold its tiret meeting on iper anci U securelyiAes Carsutersas u Mers.a-how they were votiug (show FiaNvme Oh aper nd ti secualy Aex Caruthes andMýs. aiofhands), if lu doubt. 0 rdyNoenr2th ruthers. Ail lad lunch together Howcver, after a time 1 ho- Poppy Day subscriptions wcre and were back at 2 p.m l he ae eineesc thaIfon higiier tiis year. Ridierd Rusk learlY, completely, andsesConer t Hlft ecepftioniOfl 1couki ciite well niake my dida fie job in the village )ntof t c cxcitior wai onown decisionsud whcn two "hile teadidi'5s ad pupils of in o prcbuthsess therociorawabin-of ai ur delegates came alang and ail local schools helped te add Dstal address (inctuding. et meuibers were ou Uic plat- sat with me, wc found aur- to thc favourable tatal. *forni with Mi. Frast, as were selves split three ways an Uic Over $500 clear is reported, )1e) in Upper Iefthand Mrs. Frost end Mr. and Mrs. three noniinees for lOth vice- from the Turkey Supper sud, rcel.Diefenbaker, Hou. Michael president. It was duiing this Thankoffering sponsorcd by the Star an Ho- Gorg Hes. lection tiîat wc really uoticed UnIited Church aecently. 'k ace s Stan and Hon.iereost srg e He ie the terrific entiusiasm of U c the_ __ _ __ _ ~~~~k~wt thclswig~a rmer st ewasrmeceived YPCC's. They are allowed thre. wit th sae wrm nths-vice presidents eut of the ï and ovation as aur Prime tev u otse i f Lw --U--U--s-1! eec_ h.Uem. hatly. Duringy the day ENiEL MAN VERSSTATION VI.&L1"ra Rmer wasta- ken to Uic Westlake rest home in Millbrook on Sunday. Visit- ors to sec ber before she left- werc Mi. and Mm .Wilfred Powers, Coldwatcr; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Horner and Cidy, Peterboroughi; Mr. and Mms Stanley McCabe andi faniily, Lotus; Mr. and Jack Ru- pert and Peter, Crooked Creek; Mr. and Mis. Laine Horner and f amily, Pontypool and Mm'. and Mis. Jack Horner and fam- lly. 1 FUEL Madolin. awl I&-M . Harold Thompoan attended th Rqvul Winer Fain laTmrnt* on Seturday. Jack end Ardhie Rupert Ieft for Bancroft uhera th"ywill speod a few day.. A big mu~ae wlth huge ont- lers was seen not far fia hem'. the other daRy. With so rmWn hurters Up north, no doubt he feit saler'down la this nsck of the. woods. Mr. and MUn. Bert AAmtt Peterborough VA"reSunday dlii' ner guests wlth Mr. an~d Mrs. Norman Porter. ~~.1 i OIL Finest Quality Stove and Furnace OUl for safe, economical heat Metered Deliveries Prompt Delivery- 24-Heur SerV4 .StephnFuelU r C.N.R. Yards Bowmanvile Phomn MA 3.5416 Darlînglon Municipal ELECTION Meeting of the electors ai the said Township of Darliaglon wîll lake place in the TOWN HALL, HAMPTON Friday, November 27 1959, at the hour of 12 o'ciock noon. for the purpose of nominating candi. dates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and three Councillors for the said Township of Darlington for the year 1960. Aise nomination of thre. members to South Darlington Area Sehool Board will talc. place at the same time. At 3:30 p.m. the meeting will be turned over ta th. Area School Board for their reports. THE POLLS SHALL BE OPEN fr o n 1 0 :0 0 a .m . I 7 :0 0 p . . . 1 Monday, Decem ber 7 1959, if poilis shall be demanded, at the places hereinafter named and witb the following named persons as Deputy Returning Officers and Poli Clerks: POLLING SUB.DI VISION No. 1 composed of Lots 1 te 7 inclusive In the Broken Front, First, and Second Concessions, and Lots 1 te 12 inclusive in the Third, Fourth, and Fifthý Concessions, at PRO VIDENCE SCITOOL. Mrs. Aileen Turner, Deputy Returning Officer. Mis. Resaie Shackleton, Poli Clerk. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 2 conîposed of Lots 1 to 12 inclusive i the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Concessions, at TYRONE COMMUNITY HALL. John Wilson, Deputy Returning Officer. Mrs. Alden Hoar, Poli Clerk. POLLING SUR-DIVISION No. 3 composed of Lots 12 to 24 inclusive ini the Broken Front Concession, and Lots 15 to 24 inclusive ini lst and 2nd Concessions, and Lots 13 te 24 inclusive in the Third Concession, at MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL. Lawrence White, Deputy Returnin Off icer. Beit Snowden, Deputy Returning Officer. Mis. Ed. Les», Poil Clerk. Mis. Doreen Doyle, Poil Clerk j POLLING SUR-DIVISION No. 4 coxnposed of Lots 13 ta 24 inclusive in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Concessions, at DARLINGTON COM- MUNITY HALL, HAMPTON. Sidney Kersey, Deputy Rcturning Officer. Mis. Wilfred Smaie, Poil Clerk. POLLING SUR-DIVISION No. 5 composed of Lots 13 to 24 inclusive la the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Cdncessions, at ENNISKILLËN COMMUNITY HALL. Adam Sharp, Deputy Retuîning Officer. Mis. John Slemon, Poil, Clerk. POLLING SUR-DIVISION No. 6iA composed of Lots 25 te 35 inclusive i the Broken Front, and First Concessions, and Lots 25 to 32 inclusive in the Second aud Thurd Concessions at COURTICE CENTRAL SCHOOL. Mrs. G. A. Peterson, Deputy Returning Officer. B. C. Pearce, Dcputy Returning Officer. W'îlfred Brown, Poli Clerk. Mis. Jas. McGregor, Poil Cle rk. POLLING SUR-DIVISION No. 6B composed of Lots 33 te 35 Inclusive i the Second and Third Concessions, at COURTICE WEST SCROOL.* Mms Jack Varcoe, Deputy Returning Offîcer. Mis.Cecil Adamis,, Deputy Returning Officer. Mis Martha Pcnfound, Poil Clerk. lirs. Victor Cutting, Poil Cierk. POLLING SUR-DIVISION No. 6C composed of Lots 25 to, 35 Inclusivei the Fourth Concession, at MITCHELL'S CORNERS SCHOOL. Frank Pasco., Deputy Returning Officci. Mis A. D. McMaster, Poil Clark. POLLING SUR-DIVSION No. 7 composed of Lots 25 to 35 inclusive i the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Concessions, ait BRADLEY'S SCHOOL Mis. Eveîett Cryderman, Deputy Boturnlng Officer. MmIsLR W. Pascoe, Poil Clerk. And ait this said nominating meeting, W. B. Rundie, Clark, shall be Returning Officer. I. W. NICHOLS, Boe W. E. UNDLE, Chork 'n 4 r XI A special message was read ta thec congregatian by Uic Osh-; awa Missionary College Adven-' tist Ciiurdli pastar, Victor W. Collins, wha couducted the op- enItng Convocation af a spec;al Week of Prayer abserved by Adventists ail over the world.1 Thc message from Uic world leader ai Uic Seventli-day Ad- ventist Chuarcli, Reuben R. Fi- gulir, af Washington, D.C ., whicî was rcad iu ail Seventh- day Adventlst churches around Uic world expressed the hope; that "Uic crushing burden of mmulitary demfands be lifted from Uic shoulders of men," s0 that Uic hungry sud destitute niiglit b. helped. He said that in lis travels around the world thc lad observei "wcak aud suiall nations, aiten patheticaIly poar, spcnd large sunis for arm- ements."1 An intelligent, Biblically souud faithlin uthe historie Christian doctrine ai Uic returu af Christ sud Uic triumph of thc Kingdam af God can bring mcauing sud gtrcngtli inta lives, Mr. Figuhr declaied lu lis pas- toral letter. Special devotional services will be held caeh evcningti wcek strcssing thec contempla- tive, yct practical aspects of; Christian living sud wîtness ini Uic cammunity. LIQUIFUEL I OUR CROWD ALL ENJOY THESE REFRESHING BE VERAGES CH003E FRON S MOUINUS FLAVORS SMB EVDAEs LTDe BOWMANVI LLE . 1 -3,gsyin mudi Impzov. d d uho h d n- h om on Mr. PRom 0k. a ri esi sIewIy but salsatorily. Mm . Frnk Sinis, Mis. 0. McKnigtit, Karen, Nancy, Judy and Jack Simims, West Gleford, werc weckend visitors of the Lloyd'.. Mrs. G. Bowman spent a day wlth lier sister, Mrs. H. Beaton, Oohawa. Mms. Earl Howes of Godericli la vlsiting her daugliter, Mrs. Roui 0k. The icncreased attendaroce at Ciiurdi and Sunday School is ecouragye Week of Prayer For AdVentists "M eu«ADIM a ONTABM THURSDAT, NOV. Igth, 1959 PAM MM J m î Mir. aud Mns. Jas. Bogs ad1