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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1959, p. 11

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TNUESMAT, NOV. Igth, 1959 T! AAINSAEMIBWAVLE NAI Walter E Dent Former Clarke A utho r Pulls N-o Punches in Book "Reason for Living" Arena Commit tee Ready To Start Manufacturing Ice- Ir 41% fE% i air Fwl ln Llean Kenovatec .NEWCASTLE - The New- have been painted and are shin- eWale Mémorial Arena Ccmmit- 1 ing clean. The office, refresh- tee under the leadership of ment booth, dressing-rooms and' ebairman Fred Couch have been entrance look like a new build- busy for the pasi month getting ing with their shining painted e»Verytbung in readiness for the walls o! light, green trimrned conung ice skating and hockey with grey. season, and a visit ta the arena1 On Tuesday evening durin.g last Tuesday evening convinced aur brie! visit. several volun-; this reporter that a very fine teers were busy with nakes,' job hs being donc clcaning up shovels, etc., levelling up the ançI re-decorating the inside o! !loor in readiness for ice mak- thec building. i ng, and as a caretaker bas been Repaira bave been made ta hired alrcady and the refreshi- dccv: tc., wicb ha beco e m ts booth concession advcr- the worse for wcar and h ie the arena should be ready boards surrounding the ice area, for use as soon as the weathcr the. spectator seats and waUls turns cald. An the main part o! the arena1 On the outside a new street Ilewcastle Social and e£ersonal Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bernard and Terry accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Bernard and Eric visited in Concord on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and Neil. Mms J. D. Cunningham of Bowmanville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mitchell and famlly and Mr. Jack How- Iey of Newmarket were week- end guests with Mr. and lfrs. C. G. Gould and family. Mr. and Mrfs. Clifford Murray of Foxboro, accompanied by Ifts. George Smith spent Wed- nesday in Toronto where they attended the Ice Capades. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Walton of Buttonville spent the weekcnd visiting with Mrs. Lydia Grahi- arn. Accompanying Lions District Deputy Governor Brenton Rick- ard on his official visit last week to the Madawaska Valley Lions Club meeting ai the PIesn Point Lodgc near Barny's Bay were five members o! the local club, Lions Harry Jose, Chas. Gilkes, Howard Toms, Fred Bridson and Perey Hane. The District Deputy Govennor will be rnaking bis official visit ta the Bowmanville Lions Club nexi Monday, November 23rd. Mr'. and Mrs. J. H. Josè and Douglas and Mn. and Mrs. Francis Jose attended the Roy- al Winter Fair i Taronto on Monday. New Books Purchased For Memorial Library NEWCASTLE,-The following Newcastle Mernorial Library: Io a lisi of the new books wbicb This Canada o! Ours-Wallace have recently been added ta the Cochrane, Fly Tying Trout- ____________________Erie Taverner, The Double Hook--Sbeila Watson, Amenican Labour Leader-Maxweil Rad- Stie dock, Ordeal by Innocence- NewcaAgatha Christie, And a Right Good Crew-Emily Kembougb, Sand & Gravel Resont Hosess-Joan Sargent, _______Soviet Russia i China-Chiang Kai Shek, Fairy Tales-Ander- Pit Run or Crushed son, Lassie Corne Home-Eric GRAVEL - STONE Knight, God's Country and the Woman, The Hucksters-Fred LOAM Wakeman, Lighting Ideas in Photography-Wrn. Herrschat, PhGne Thunder Oui o! China-Jacoby White, Arundel-Kenneihi Ro- N ewcastle 3136 berts, Joan o! Arc--Sackviile 1 West, Novels o! Dosioevsky- Li Thos. Mann, The Weatherhouse Freel1 Free!1 BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor 011 SERVICE STATION Under New Management - Don Guitard, Prop. Assisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowmanville "W. Specialize in Personal Service" CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAI> AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 3-2631 Double Slamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and Se. Our Dlsplay of Gi! ts - Complet. Lubrication at a Reasonable Price ASIC ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 'PI. Lionettes Plan Their Annual Yule Party INEWCASTLE - The regulai aiIIaa',flè1 rn0nthly dinner meeting of thi 1 Huilding Newcastle Lionettes Club wai held in the Lions roorn on Mon. Ilght bas been installed near the day evening with 16 niember% arenato hep theoutii attendance Following a de. area t bep te otsde light- licious dinner served by six ing situation and Mr'. Couch bas members o! the club, the Presi- other plans for brightening up dent, Lionette Dora Ke]sey the outside o! the building. presided for the business meet. Figure Skating mng. Another sign o! the nearness In discussing the proposed o! the skating season is the an- 1trip to Toronto, the members nouncement by the recreation ýdecided to leave it aver until committee that Registration for after the Christmas season. It those wishing to take figure was decided this trip should be skating lessons is ta take place further discussed at the next in the commrunity hall on Sat- negular meeting which will be urday atternoon front 1.30 to beld on January 18th 1960. Af- 3:00 o'clock to find the number' ter considerable discussion the wishing ta partîcipate so that inembers decided to purchase a instructors may be hired and set of dishes for their meetings ice tirne arranged. with 24 place sett ings. The members discussed at -Nan Shepherd, The Depot sômle length the club's annual Master -Jos. Lincoin, Lord Christmas5 party ta which the Beaverbrook-Tomn D n i b e r g, husbands o! the Lionettes are Grinning Gorilla-Earl Gardner, invited and it was decided te Murder o! the Whistler's Broth- again accept the invitation of er-David Alexander, The Des- Lionette Charlotte Riekard te perate H-ours-Hayes, Lady a! hold this event ai ber home. the Nile-Egbert, The Timber Names were drawn for the ex- Pirate-Jenkins, In Times Like change o! gifts ai this party This-Nellie McClung, Ragged which will be beld Monday. De- Water-Jos. Lincoln, Skin for cemnbei' l2th.. Skin-Winnifred Burke, Wild The piano in the Lions roomn West Stories-Lester Gregory, came in for considerable dis- Search for Amelia-D. K. Find- cussion and it was !înally decid- lay, Girl o! the His-Jackson- ed ta get estimates o! the cost Thames, Fair With Rain-Ann o! repairing the instrument be- Head, Complete and Fre-Eric fore making any decision on its Williamxs, Victoria and Albet- repair or replacement. Evelyn Anthony, The Price o!f________ Courage-Curt Andrers, The White Witch-Elizabeth Goudge, The Bright Prison-Penelope Mortimer, The Caption Rider-1 Anne Downcs, 1 Married a Hunter-Marjonie Michael, New- !oundland H oli da y- Harry Smith, Ships in the Sky-John Toiand, The Taîl Captain-Bari Spicer, Beware the Curves-A. A. Fair, The Glass Alibi- Leonard Gnibbie, The Rancho o! Little Lives-Roberi Naihamn, The Hiding Place-Lane John- stone, Freckles-Porter Stratton, Twixt Twclve and Twenty- Pai Boane, The Darkness and the Dawn-Thos. B. Costain, Pharohi-Elvis Janvis MeGraw, Clotilde--Cecil Saint Laurent, True Escape Stories--Sanders, The Disobedieni Son-Francois Clement, White Man Returns- Keith Agnew, The Flood-Scott Anne Downes, Lincoln Reader- Paul Angle, Mexican Village- Josephine Nlggle, Geo. Wash- ington--Sparks, Sputnik mIat Space-Vassiliew, Mani Made Satellites-Lcy, Space Stations -Ley, Red Belis-Pendixter,1 My Heart Has 17 Rooms-Bar- tholomew, The Sound Wagon- Stribling, Ast.ride a Tiger- Robert Wilder, Doctor Zbwago -Bonis Pasternak, The Innocent -Madison Joncs, Come With Me to Macedonia-Leonard Drohan, Afnican Man Hunt-Munroe Scott, The Sudden Guesi--Le Farge. Evening W.A. Nominations f Oln Nov. 9StJ j NEWCASTLE-A sewing ani business meeting o! the Ever ing Branci o! St. George': Wc man's Auxiliary was beld i the Parish bail on Wednesday November Ilth. The minute Iwere read after the openini Iprayers and reports were givei by the treasurer, Dorcas secre tary and the Litile Helpers Convenor. A report was ali given by thc committce respon. sibie for catering te the reguý lai' dinner meeting o! the Lion Club, and a number of out .ýanding accounts were orderc paid. A separate meeting was heli by the cornnittee who ant working on the joint bazaar be. ing held witb the Atternoor Branch on November 27th. It was announced the nexi meeting, a very important ane, would h. beld on Novembez 25th wben the nomination oi afficers for the coming year wiL take place and the fees for the year wil'l be col]ected. Each member is asked to brlng au article worth 5 or 10 cents tc tbis meeting for the Fish Pond ai the Bazaar.. This will take the place o! the annuai ta3 sbcwer conducted by the Branci. At the close o! the-meeting re!rcshrnents were scrved and the members enjoyed a social time together. id Unite.d Church W.A. Holds Nov. Meeting NEWCASTLE - The gencral Meeting o! the Womanns Asso- ciation. o!fUteNewcastle Unit- ed- Chuncb was held in the Sun- day School hall on Th.ursday afiernoon lasi with group 4 in charge o! the devotionai ser- vice. Nfrs. Howard Allun opened the meeting with pi nyci and following the singing o! a hynn rend a message on the thenie, "Praise thc Lard and give thanks". The senipture lesson was rend by Mra. A. Turner and Mns. I. Colwill nead ýa message on "Fraise". A lavely vocal duet sung by Mns. Holmnes and Mrs. Aldnead followcd by a bymn brought the devotional service to a close. The presideni, Mns. Clarence Allin took charge o! the busi- ness part a! the meeting which. included reports by Mrs. Gar- net Rickand and Mns. Dickin- son on the message given ta the Oshawa Presbytery meet- ing, beld in Bowmanville, by Mns. Paul on October 22nd. Mrs. M C. Fisher gave a repart on a Stcwardship gnoup she ha-1 aiiended and Mra. Jase gave a report on Christian Education. Mnxs. Allun announced te the ladies that the treasurer a! the local Association, Mirs. R. Dick- inson had been elected treasun- er of Uic Oshawa Presbytery Association. Mns. Jase, Mirs. Oowan and Mrs. Allun wcre ap- pointed as a nominnating com- initice to bring in a sînte o! officens ai the nexi meeting. U.- . £ . Dju-ison Mr P ýnr<U anr in Mrs. L. Stephenson were ap- W SL Y IL jpointed a conumitice ta look E L Y I E V' Iafter the Christmas Zhecr for es the group. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lazier and tg A questionnairet e ans- Stanley Stiver attended the n wered and sent ta the General Royal Winter Fair on Thursday SCouncil by Decemibcn Isi. was o! last week. Mr. Lazier recciv- read by Mrs. Fisher and dis- cd second prize in a commercial ;0 cussed by the memnbers, and it class of eleven hanses for bis 1-was aunounced the nexi gen- cntry. Congratulations. Ieral meeting would be beld i.n Truman Austin was supenin- ls thec Sunday School hall i De- tendent oni Sunday morning ai - cember. School withb aIl the re- ýd The meeting was broughita gular teachers present. The irn- a close with the serving o! ne- partance o! Christian service d1 fresbments by the members o! was enspbasizcd in Mi'. Hard- ,e Group 4 and a social timie was ing's morning sermon, using as -Ienjoyed. his text thc parable o! the tal- n ~ents. No tin-ely service is too small ta have an important KENDALplace in Christian living. e Joce nd arlad ad oher Visitons with E. Barrow- h edlrelatives. clough's on Saturday werc Mn. i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyd, and Mra. E. Karvonen o! Scar- * Toronto, visÈted R. Mercer and borough and Mi'. and Mrs. John, 1 Mi's. Thompson and Arthur', Boxer and son Mornel o! Toron-! e Wedncsday. Mn. Bert Holliand tO. ireiurned ta Toronto with ther The Novemben meeting o! the eta spcnd the winîcr. Wornan's Association was hcld 1Mrs. B. Youngxnan and !am- at the home of Mxs. K. Ashby on Wednesday a! lernoon with .9Jl wcnc dinner guesis Thurs-1 about 16 ladies present. The [ay evening with Mn. andi Mrs. business wa: conducted by pre- Joe Yendrick. sident Mrs. A. Austin. Mr. and Ma-s. Eddie Couroux, Plans were miade for the an-. Ray and Marde spent the week- nual Christmas gifi; ibis ycar end with Ray Moones in Toi'- te be in the fonm o! a special onto. collection for thc Fred Viciai' Kenials folks wakened Fri. Mission. Report was beard from day morniQg ta sec about thnce those packing a bale for the injches of sno-w on thc ground Sa've the Children fund the pre- and were agreeably surpnîsedvious week. (excepi for thc children) ta Mrs. Ken Ashby and ber findi it ail gone Saturday morn- group wene ti charge o! the ing. It was gond that it turned programme fon the day and warm andi Saturday's stormn those sharing in the, devotions was nain înstead o! more snaw. were Mesdames Asbby, Reeve Mrs. Jack Neal, Neisha an and Danke. A poem hin bonour Kenny spent Wedncsday witho! those who dicd în the wang Mns. K. Neal in Onono. was part o! ibis service. Guesi speaker for Uic mter- Welcomneborne ta aur bride noon was Miss Stella Bennett and groom, Ma-r. and Mrs. Allen o! Port Hope eho gave an ex- Irwin, who are prcpering ta cellent accoui o! a trip toei move Into Turansky's house Canadian National Institute frI apartmen't recently vacated by the Bli4 She described their j Mi'. anxd Mrs. Fred Cox. ,building where crafis and cour-1 Mrs. Ted Coatham and fam- ses arc takecn by the blind and ily, Orono, spent Sunday with where every possible help is ber mother, Mrs. W. Mercen. provided for thase who nmustr Mr. and Mrs. John English;walk in Uic shadows. There ia upent Wedme.clay ovenang wiith 1 a resdeace near by. Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phono 3621 I 1Mm A. Lew and MT&. D. Low. Mr. and Mrs. Aylwardi Little and! family, Merkharn and Alec Little, Toronto, visited their mother, Mirs. Neva Littie, Sun- dky. Mr&. M- E. Fostet, bas ve- turned homne to Roy Foster'a after visiting her'daug!xter, Mrs. Geor@e Russo t Buff alo. Mr. and Mrs. Senden of Del- hi spent some days bat week with their daughter, Mrs. Roy Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Bil l amrsey from near Port Hope were Sun- day guests with Mfr. and Mrs. H. FosteT. George Biddle and Dick Ga- tes were guests of Martin Man- ders Fniday night and Satur- r day morning left with Martin le and Larry for their deer lnznt- as ing camp near Bancroft. 1_ Reg Elliott, Ross and Neill rs left the Saturday previous for c- Powassan ta hunt in t>he Nipis- <x sing area., Roy Little and Clar- i- ence Therteil joined them oni ,' Wednesday for a few days t- hunting. Art Low went with, the Orono gang for a few days' jd hunting near Apsley. Jack Neal -- is also trying out Ms luck. il On Sunday the Rev. R. C. [tWhite continued his series of ~, services on the 'Christian Hope' ct and, spoke on the final return e0f our Lord. The choir sang "Wonderful 'words cf Life"I ýewith Mrs. Swarbrick at the or- a gan.. ýs The W.A. meeting wvas held Wednesday night, Nov. il at ýthe borne of Mrs. Reg Elliott. LThe meeting opened by sinig- eing "Stand up for Jesus" with eMrs. Chias. Thompson accom- opanying pn the piano. Th'e Scripture resding was o taken iby Mrs. A. Low. Mrs. G. Ca'thcart gave a timely talk on Remmbrnie Dy- stressing ythe ideas that we do flot want a self ish kind a! peace and that we. as Christijans, must ex- tend the hand cf fellowship. In ie business session it was decided ta hold the Bazaar, bake sale, and tea in December. Articles for the ibazaar and sbake sale would be gratefully accepted tram, ladies of the community. Mrs. L. Greenwood read a poem and Joyce Ellioti faveur- ed with instrumentais. Mrs. El- liott then showed slides of Ross' trip last summer which rough- ly included. North Bay, Kapus- kasing, Fort William, Chicago and Detroit. The colourful sides gave us a fine idea o! tihe beautiful sce- 1nes visited wid the nature of the country, as well as showing wbot a fine trne be and h;is friend, Terry Price, had camp- ing. Our idea of Northern On- tarioalal being rougb and, nocky were dispeiled by views o! the Trans-Canada highway where 1the road could be seen stretch- ing straight ahead for miles andt liand on the sides se level. nhe( slides were very interestingè anid instructive.E A delicious lunch was ser- ved iby Misses Joyce EUiott and Lindba Greenwood, .assisted by I Mrs. Low and Mra. Elliott. A special vote o! thanks was ex- tended lfrs. Elldoti for the pic-t tures andi ber hospitality. Mr'. and Mrs. Blake Alex- ander celebrated tiheir 63rd wediding anniversary, Wed!nes-V day, Nov. llth, wlth a fine tur-t key dînner. Blake, by the used o! Bobby's chair, was able to enjoy bis meal ai the table witth their guests, Mr'. and !Mis. Len Fails, June and Bobby, Mm:. Carley and, Mrs. Vilda Mc- Taggart o! Toronto, and Mfr. and Mrs. Bob Thomas a! Or- eno. They were the reciplenis of a lovely bouquet o! flowers and many beaut'iful carda con- taining good wishes. Kend-al friends w'lsh to add their con- gratulations anid gond wishes on this hiappy and unusual oc-' casion. Sixty-three years of wedided life is very seldomn at- tained. their followers frorn the basic Threugh the 1930's bis atone: truths of lite. The wrlter con- cludes that freedomn. of tbought, of living and of choauting, can orly be tound in a truly God- believing democracy. His critics say he pulls ne punches. MT'. Dent, In' 1927 wrote World War i novel te be placed, by invitation, ,.inithe f&itish, Frenh and- German War Mu- seurns. A minis teraithe ie, Mr'. Dent left the mlnlstry be. fore the publishing o! ibis con- troveriai book showing theJ aiorrors and fuiility of war, se that be would not einbarass the1 Churcb. Following bts resigna- tien be took Up writing as a ca- reer. Federation Directors HoId Meeting in Cavan On Thursday evening, Nov. from any directar ai $ 1.50 per 5, Durham Caunty F. o! A. di. plate. nectars met at the home o! Mi'. Delegates Clarence Afin, 'and Mrs. Les Pritchard o! Ca- secretany and ficidman, Bruce van. Tiaylor and Ron Brooks report- Foiiowing thec appi'ovai o! cd on a recent Zone meeting ai- minutes correspondence was tended ai Stirling. It was feli deali with. This includcd ac- that the Federation was !alling knowiedgemcnt o! a letier sent down in the publicliy field and te local, provincial and federal recommendations ta improve health authorities on behaif of ibis field were sent te bead a local niember wvho had losi office. a heifer duc ta a beant aitack In regard te this reconén- when being bload-tested and dation, Robent Smallfieid Pub- secking compensation on ame. licity Director c! O.F.A. an- The stand taken by the dirc- nounccd ihat a Seminary would tors was Unit since the farmer be held on an expenimentai had compiied with regulations basis for Zone 5 (our zone) and co-operated in fuill e was and Zone 6. eniitled te the same compensa- An increase of 1 percent te tion as a reactor wouid get, the bring it Up te 5 percent is ta fatal henni attack 'having been h. paid ta Clerk trensurers o! caused by the nccessnry close the townships for collection and confinement in onder te take a clerical work involved in the blond sample. .1 Fedenation levy.. (Conti'nry ta Lawrence Siaples, President the Municipal Ar bu* te keep o! Durham County Crcam Pro- cverybody happy). ducers, rcported on a necent Messrs. David Cnowne, C.I.F. Annual Meeting o! that body. Fieldman, and Maurice Mullen- Due ta exti'ceiey poor attend. burg (Superviser o! C.I.A. Life ance ithis group decidcd tea a- mnsui'ance) spoke at length on filiate themselves compîeîeîy the debut of Uic C.I.A. iat the with the Durham County Feder- Life Insurance field and wbat atian. The thirce delegates nam- policies it ofcred working in ed te attend the Provincial conjunction with C.I.A. Casual- Eream Producers Meeting were tY. Albert Arnold, Hcward Quan- Crop Insurance wn: discussed trill and Lawrence Siaples. over a delîclous lunci sei'vcd Eflen!ield Cole o! Bcwdley, the by thc hostess and friends witli Iireciar o! ibis Zone, had spak- no definite necammendations en ta the meeting. coming forth. Meeting adjourn- Committees i charge o! plan- d nîing the annual meeting o! the organization reiporied as foi- L N 11! lows: Annual meeting te take LONG S UI.I t.he form o! a Turkey Banquet (midday) te h. hcld in Cavan Mr'. and Mn:. Rass Hill, Township Hall, te be caiered ta Harvey and Harry, West Hill; by the Cavan W. I. members Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hill, Toron- lvith Rcv. Zufeli a! Omcemee t~M..Jh icel cr te be the gucat speaker witht;Mr.Jh Micel a- doar prizes ta be donated by borough; Mr'. and Mns. S. Gable oral Ca-Opa. Tickets available 'and family, Harvey Fariner, Nick Peconi - Peterborougb~ I I Mr. Walter R. Dent, a resi- dent of Clarke Township a number of years ago, bas this year had bis latest work as an author published. "Reason for Living" is the titie of bis latest Iwork. Mxr. Dent is a brother of Mr. Ernest Dent of Orono, and Mrs. L. C. blason, Bowm.anville. The author in his book con- tends that mnan today is facing his greatest struggle ta main- tain his individual identityi. He aiso dlaims that faith is not blind confidence or submission to others and that -one of the miost evil things in this mod- ern world is the attemipt by leaders o! some groups in reli- gion and philosophy to shield F 19 PollIng Place No. 1-Orange Hall Newionville No. 2-School Hous. i S.S. No. 5 No. 3-Sehool Renom la S.S. No. 9 No. 4--Orange Bal Kendal No. 5--Townshlp Hall Orono No. "-chool Bouse In S.S. No. 15 No. .7--Scbool Bouse lu 8.8. No. 18 No. 8-Sehool Bouse la S.S. No. le No. 9-Councll Cliambera Orono EIection-,, Clarke Reeve. Deputr Returnlng Officer No. i-Jack Kimbali No. 2--Welllngton Farrow Ne. 3--Ceeil Malley No. 4-Artliur Thompson No. 5-George Morion' No. 8--Nermn a B'stow No. 7-Lawrenoe Barris No. 8-Orme Fallu No. $-RL. E. O. Coatham Poil Clerk No. 1-Miss Olive Johaston No. 2-Rom: Adanis No. 3-Mrs. Charles FIsk Ne. 4-Mlton Robinson No. 5-Mis. Olive Mlieu Ne. $-Robert Chater No. 7-Fred C. Grahea No. O-Mns. John Stark No. $-Mrs. Ion* Porreater GOD SAVE THE QUEEN were publMsed by Adventure, Popular, Maclean':, The Toron- to Star Weekly, Cama', Love- story, Aflktory and many othef' Publications. Foliowing the se- cond War in wbich h. aerved in the RCAF hblecarne a fea- ture writer for the Vancouver Sun. Tt"lawus foilowed as edi- tor of the British Columbia Fi- nanclal Timnes. in 1953 h. created the Canadian Homo ]Builder': Magazine and jao etarted the Conservative Clar- !on for the Progressive ConSr- vative Party. He aise at Urnes is î heard on radio on a -progr&" called *'Town Meeting o!f1 Air." Mfr. Dent': latest book I: In the Orono Library.Tn Harvey Jr. and Jimmie, Tyr were Sunday visitors of Mr. Mrs. Fred Partner. Mfr. and Mrs. Wilson Susan, Toronto; Mr'. and Robt. Wilson and family, were Sunday visitors of M Mrs. J. Johnston. Mrs. Penwarden retu home on Saturday a!ter sp ing two weeks with. Mr'. Mrs. Morley Kelletti, Janet Mr'. and Mrs. Wm. Cari, Brenda were Sunday eve visitors of Mr.' and Mrs. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. M Adams, Bowmanville, and and Mrs. Robt. Cameron at ed the Royal Winter Fa' Saturday. Mr'. anid Mrs. Les Coc and boys, Union, were Satura,, evening visitors o! Mr'. and Mr~ Wm. Car,. Mr. and Mn. Van Beek and tamlly, Pontypool, and Mfr. and Mtrs. Hugh Brennan and famlly, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors of! Mrs. A. J. McLaggan. Mr,. Norman Davis, Taunton, w-as Sunday supper guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson and Sandra. A college sophomore sought the help of his faculty advisor. "I'm tremendously, worried,0 said he, "about finding my sta. tion in life." "Son," admonished the. aid prof, "I can assure you th needn't worry. Some~ee j ( sometime along IdUe',athway,1 someone will tell you where tg get off.", FAIM qSERVICE DEAD. OILD and CRIPPLE» FARM STOCK Removed Free of Charge Immediate 24-Hr. service ASK TOUR OPERATOR FOR ZEnith 66550 No Toil Charge' Municipal Township of Public Notice i: hereby given that a meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Township of Clarke will b. held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO on 'RIDAY, NOVEMBER Z.7th, 19-59 at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon for the nomination cf candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and three Councillor: for the Corporation of the Township of Clarke for the ensuing year, in conformity with the provisions of the municipal laws of the Province of Ontario, alsf q nomination of three Trustees for Clarke Township School Area by rate- -- payers in School Sections 1, 4, 8, 9, 13, 17 and 21. If mnore than th ' nccessary number of candidate: are nominated, and a pollis1 required, th:~ proceedings will b.e djourned until IONDAY, DECEMBER 7th,àj 1959 when a Poli will b. open et 10 o'clock in the mornig anid continue until 7 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day and no lfflger in each Polling Sub-Division of the said Township. Polling Places for Election of Municipal Council and School Trustees * r And that et sald Eection, H. E. Milîsen, Clerk, shaHl be Rteturnlng Offier. JAMES T. BROWN, H. E. MILLSON, r- I~ v- TM CANADIM STATESUM. IBOWMANVML& ONTAPM Clork. PACM Mnu qu

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